2012 ILGOP Platform
2012 ILGOP Platform
2012 ILGOP Platform
Report of Committee Including a Platform, Two Resolutions, and One Minority Report Adopted June 9, 2012 at the Illinois Republican State Convention in Tinley Park, Illinois
The Convention Committee on Platform and Resolutions, having met pursuant to the Rules, has voted in the majority to recommend the following 2012 Platform. In order to realize our philosophy and to promote uniform, cohesive efforts to accomplish the same, we hereafter set forth our partys Platform.
Respectfully Submitted, Michael Bigger, Chairman Senator David Syverson, Co-Chairman Platform and Resolution Committee Craig S. Burkhardt, Convention Parliamentarian
A. We, the Illinois Republican Party, since the election of 1860, have had a special calling to advance the founding principles of freedom, opportunity, and limited government and the dignity and worth of every individual. Illinois Republicans have provided critical leadership, to this Country and those causes, from Abraham Lincoln to Ronald Reagan, from Everett M. Dirksen to Henry J. Hyde. These principles form the foundation of both an agenda for America and this Platform for our Party. They point us toward reforms in government, a restoration of timeless values, and a renewal of our national purpose. B. We commit ourselves to the values that strengthen our culture and sustain our nation: family, faith, personal responsibility, and a belief in the dignity of every human life. We offer not only an agenda but also a vision of a welcoming society in which all who yearn for freedom and human dignity have a place. To all lawabiding Americans, particularly immigrants and minorities, we send a clear message: this is the party of freedom and progress, and it is your home. C. We are the party of the open door to those who share our principles, determined to strengthen the social, cultural, and political ties that bind us together and make our country the greatest force for good in the world. Steadfast in our commitment to our ideals, we recognize, as did Ronald Reagan, that members of our party can have deeply held and sometimes differing views. This diversity is a source of strength, not a sign of weakness, and so we welcome into our ranks all who may hold differing positions on issues but who will not compromise on our shared bedrock principles. We commit to resolve our differences with civility, trust, and mutual respect. D. We seek to be faithful to the best traditions of our party. We are the party that ended slavery, protected life, granted homesteads, built land grant colleges, and moved control out of Washington, back into the hands of the people. We believe in service to the common good and that good is not common until it is shared. E. Our vision is one of clear direction, new ideas, civility in public life, and leadership with honor and distinction. F. To the citizens of Illinois, we commit ourselves to the following:
To conduct ourselves in such a way as to rebuild the public trust in the Republican Party and in government as institutions of public service and not personal gain; To do all in our power to strengthen the families of Illinois; To protect the fundamental right to life and dignity of every human life; To provide a foundation for job creation and business expansion across the State and reduce regulations and taxes that smother the free market; To enlist Illinois in defending Americas borders;
To endorse necessary resources and appropriate strategies to combat terrorist attacks and to fight and win the war on terror; To make our communities safer through reducing crime and drug use; To safeguard our way of life through adoption of sensible energy resource policies; To promote Illinois advantage as a transportation hub for the nation; To create an environment in which our public schools will become the best in the nation; To reduce the size of government and the number of citizens dependent upon government; To ensure that high quality health care is available, through the private sector, throughout our State in both rural and urban areas; To restore fairness and balance to a legal system that has become unfair and unbalanced; To protect the voting rights of all citizens of the State of Illinois; To safeguard Illinois fundamental crop our agricultural sector; and To maintain our stewardship of our natural resources through scientifically sound and economically balanced initiatives. OUR PARTYs PHILOSOPHY
A. The cornerstone of our democracy and of the Republican Party is found in the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be selfevident: That all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. From these principles flow our commitment to Equality, Freedom, and The Right to Life, Opportunity, Less Government, Low Taxes and Strong National Security. The Republican Party is unwavering in its commitment to these principles. We honor the Constitution and believe that neither the Executive, Legislative nor Judicial branches of government should detract from the rights enumerated therein. III. PLATFORM OF THE ILLINOIS REPUBLICAN PARTY
A. In order to realize our philosophy and to promote uniform, cohesive efforts to accomplish the same, we hereafter set forth our partys platform. IV. A CALL TO ETHICS & REFORM OF GOVERNMENT
A. Trust, pride and respect: we pledge to restore these qualities to the way Illinoisans view their government and their leaders. B. The Republican Party recognizes that without integrity, promises and solutions have no value. Therefore, our Party will not stand for the slightest compromise in the ethics of our political leaders, regardless of party affiliation. We recognize that a compromise in the ethics of our Party officials can and will cause damage to the overall Party and to the citizens of Illinois. Ours will be a Party of ethics and integrity, regardless of the cost. C. At the same time, we condemn the culture of corruption which the Democrats have established at all levels of government in Illinois. We sense the concern and growing outrage of
the people of Illinois in having their trust so egregiously violated, and we join them and call on them to join us in seeking reform of Illinois government. We advocate requiring voters to display valid photo identification before registering to vote and before voting in the polling place, and a purge of deceased and otherwise ineligible voters from the registration rolls prior to each election cycle. The integrity of the vote counted and tabulation must be guaranteed, and any electronic voting system must have a verifiable paper trail. The Constitution of the United States establishes a separation of powers among the three branches of government in order to preserve our republican form of government and ensure that no branch takes government from the hands of the people themselves. We call on Gov. Quinn to cease his practice of usurping the authority of the legislature in both spending and program decisions. And we call on the judiciary of the United States to cease their usurpation of the authority of the elected representatives of the people at all levels and their abridgment of the rights of the people themselves. The Republican Party of Illinois calls on the Governor and the General Assembly to meet the contractual obligations of our state by properly funding the various state pension systems and ending the practice of diverting pension fund contributions to other purposes. Illinois Republican Party supports prohibiting our government payroll system from collecting union dues from public employees. We call on the Governor and the General Assembly to cease diversion of dedicated funds such as the road fund to other purposes. We call on the Governor and the General Assembly to balance the state budget and provide for a responsible capital development program without resorting to the expansion of gambling, which harms Illinois families and our states business climate and presents costly challenges for both law enforcement and social service agencies. In the critical task of restoring ethics to our political and governmental systems, we call on all political and public officials of all parties to adhere to the following principles: o Party officials must act in such a way as to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. o Party officials must place public service ahead of personal gain. o Government contracts and licenses must be awarded based entirely upon merit pursuant to an open process. o Neither political leaders nor their emissaries may encourage, direct or even tolerate government employees engaging in political work on government time or using government resources for campaign purposes. o Neither political leaders nor their emissaries may solicit campaign contributions from government employees or contractors, nor may government officials award contracts based on past contributions. o The Governor and the General Assembly should bar former government officials from lobbying the government agencies they have left within two years of separation. D. We call upon the Obama Administration to replace retiring U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald with a person of equal moral character, and one who will prosecute public corruption with the same zeal and aggression.
A. The family is societys central building block. Thus, efforts to strengthen family life are efforts to improve life for everyone. B. Our children need secure and nurturing environments, which are best found within the traditional family. No law should be enacted nor policy implemented without fully contemplating the effect it would have on children and their families. C. not universally achievable, the ideal, best environment for children is within a twoparent family based on the principle of marriage between one man and one woman. The Republican Party endorses a constitutional amendment protecting our Defense of Marriage Act and enshrining in constitutional law marriage as it is defined in our DOMA. D. Our laws should strongly support and celebrate the loving commitment a man and a woman make to each other in marriage. Our laws should strongly support and celebrate a loving, married couple bringing new life into the world and rearing their children in a secure and nurturing environment from conception to adulthood. No law should undermine the importance of that union, divide that union nor unduly burden the efforts of parents to rear a family in a safe and nurturing environment. E. Those persons in our society best equipped and motivated to protect and nurture children are their parents, not government bureaucrats, teachers, counselors or social workers. The Republican Party endorses legislation to reestablish the right of parents to consent to health care involving their minor children, regardless of whether such care entails diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted disease, alcoholism, drug abuse or mental illness, and particularly in the consequential arena of abortion and contraception. VI. EMBRACING THE FIRST FREEDOM: THE RIGHT TO LIFE
A. that the rights and needs of children begin at conception, the Republican Party of Illinois embraces the Right to Life of innocent unborn children and supports reform proposals protecting that right and limiting the practice of abortion in Illinois. B. We believe that all innocent human life must be respected and safeguarded from conception to natural death: therefore, C. The unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life, which cannot be infringed. The Party affirms its support for a human life amendment to the U.S. Constitution and we endorse making clear that the Fourteenth Amendments protection applies to unborn children. D. We urge the reversal of Roe v. Wade.
E. We affirm our support for the appointment or election of judges at all levels of the judiciary who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of human life. F. The Illinois Republican Party opposes the fostering of utilitarian experiments which sacrifice human embryos in what appears to be a futile search for medical cures. Such experimentation undermines the right to life of every human being and offends the moral conscience of many taxpayers. We embrace the more fruitful and completely ethical avenues of research using cord blood, bone marrow and other adult stem cells, and we note the success of adult stem cell research in treating or curing more than 70 diseases, conditions and injuries. G. In particular, we call on the Governor and General Assembly to:
End the taxpayer subsidy for abortion; Require a doctor to involve a minors parents before aborting her unborn child; Outlaw the barbaric practice of partialbirth abortion; and Enact the Illinois BornAlive infant Protection Act guaranteeing medical assessment and appropriate medical care for babies whose birth is incidental to abortion VII. A CALL TO RESTORE THE ILLINOIS ECONOMY
The Party believes it is essential to maintain and enhance American exceptionalism. Prime among the principles needed for that effort is optimism for the future. Americans accomplish great things when government does not interfere with their creativity and work ethic. We believe in opportunity for all and in the importance of each individual. We believe that individual freedom and opportunity are maximized when the size and intervention of government is limited. Jobs. Jobs. Jobs. The critical issue facing the nation and the State at this time is the recovery of the economy. Republicans have long supported the idea that the best way to help the majority of the people is by having a robust, growing economy that provides jobs and the opportunity to start new companies. A rising tide lifts all boats. It is best for individuals self-respect and for societys costs to keep the number of people on public assistance as low as practical. People truly in need of assistance should get it, but the public dole should not be viewed as an alternate way of earning a living. Therefore, we support all Republican national and State efforts to create full-employment and well-paying jobs. We want our representatives to pursue a pro-growth agenda for all sectors of the Illinois economy. Specifically, A. The Republican Party deplores the budgetary gridlock with which the Governor and the General Assemblys majority Democrats have brought disrepute on Illinois government and instituted uncertainty as the watchword for our state. Businesses take note of such wrangling and indecision and, despite our states natural advantages in location and infrastructure, turn to other states for expansion and office or plant siting.
B. We advocate a progrowth orientation for our states economic policies, subjecting proposed legislation or regulation to analysis as to its impact on economic growth for Illinois and rejecting any proposals which would impose a negative impact. C. The Republican Party stood united against Governor Quinns 66% income tax increase, and continues to stand against tax increases on the people and businesses of Illinois. D. We call on the Republican delegations in both the Illinois House and the Illinois Senate to present alternative budget solutions that reflect our principles of smaller government and personal responsibility. E. Illinois Republicans understand that taxing businesses translates into fewer jobs, less investment and higher consumer prices. Therefore Republicans not only oppose higher general taxes but will consistently fight the multitude of tax and fee increases which are bleeding Illinois employers and destroying jobs. F. Illinois Republicans share the alarm of our fellow citizens over the escalating prices of gasoline and note the contribution of federal, state and local taxes including state and local sales taxes to our states disastrously high ranking in atthepump prices for gasoline. We call on the General Assembly and the Governor to abate these taxes on gasoline and to appeal to the federal Environmental Protection Agency for sensible changes in the EPAs gasoline formulary rules in order to alleviate the cost of refining gasoline for the greater Chicago market. VIII. INSTITUTING A FRONT DOOR POLICY ON IMMIGRATION A. We are a nation of immigrants, and the Republican Party welcomes those who respect our laws and seek freedom and opportunity in our great country. We believe it is only right to expect that our new residents come in through the front door and join us in society as fellow Americans. Further, we advocate retaining the right to adopt and enforce prudent policies relating to the numbers of immigrants America welcomes each year and their individual contributions to our nations needs. B. We call on the Federal Government to streamline the task of citizenship for legal immigrants to assimilate and complete the process of becoming Americans. C. We call for the granting of full citizenship rights to be granted to any immigrant upon the completion of service to the armed forces of the United States. D. Those who have been deported for violating our laws by their conduct as residents of the United States should not be granted a second opportunity to take their place among us; this is a matter both of selfprotection and of upholding the public trust.
E. Illinois government should assist our federal government in the mission of protecting our homeland. Illinois Republicans therefore urge reversal of sanctuary city policies, which bar our law enforcement officers from aiding Immigration & Customs Enforcement agents. The lack of adequate security at our ports and on our nations borders fosters an atmosphere conducive to smuggling of terrorists and their weapons into our country. We are duty bound to support the efforts of the US Dept. of Homeland Security and to insist on even greater efforts to protect our homeland. F. We further call on the Governor and the General Assembly to abandon incentives for illegal aliens to settle in Illinois. IX. A CALL TO REMAIN SERIOUS ABOUT NATIONAL SECURITY
A. The first responsibility of our government is to defend American citizens. Nothing is more important than the defense of our borders, our cities and our rural areas. The world remains a dangerous place particularly while America is at war following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on our shores and our governments top priority must be national security. X. ENHANCING PUBLIC SAFETY FOR OUR CITIZENS
A. While the threat of terrorism is certainly a significant aspect of safety for Illinois citizens, daytoday safety and security of our local communities is also critical. A majority of the crime committed in Illinois is by repeat offenders. We need to ensure that crime is aggressively prosecuted and prison sentences are carried out. B. Even with more faithful execution of our laws by law enforcement from the street to the judicial bench, citizens will remain at risk to criminal acts in their homes, their neighborhoods, their businesses and in going about their everyday lives. Illinois Republicans note with shock and dismay the growing climate of violence in Illinois largest city and call upon Gov. Quinn and the General Assembly to enact such policies as may permit lawabiding citizens to protect themselves, their families, their property and their businesses. Specifically, we endorse: The use of criminal and mental background checks by licensed firearms dealers; State preemption of local ordinances which impede the right of lawabiding citizens to keep and bear arms (see the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution); Opposition to any effort to make public any personal information of Firearm Owners Identification Card holders We support statutory repeal of the Firearm Owners Identification Card; We strongly endorse and support the 2nd Amendment to the Bill of Rights to the U. S. Constitution. We believe every citizen (American) has the right to keep and bear arms. No state city or local law should be allowed to infringe upon this right; Enactment of Concealed Carry legislation offering permits to properly trained, lawabiding citizens to bear concealed weapons for personal protection; and We call upon the legislature to develop a comprehensive strategic plan for Illinois Prison closure/construction policy. The plan should be a five year, ten year and twenty year plan for prison usage, closure and openings. We call upon the state to assist effected communities with an
economic development strategy that will introduce alternative employment opportunities in those communities; XI. A CALL TO MEET ENERGY NEEDS
A. `We believe the best answer for our current and future energy needs is to continue our investment in the technology necessary to discover new sources as well as ways to better use the sources we now have. From promoting wind energy, the use of clean coal technology to fostering exploration for natural gas and oil in Illinois, our states own natural resources offer a contribution toward our countrys energy independence and our economys future strength. We embrace more robust initiatives to develop Illinois energy resources and embrace environmentally responsible efforts to expand domestic production of oil both here in Illinois and nationally. We publically support energy resource development within the borders of our 50 states, including environmentally responsible private sector initiatives to tap the vast reserves under the Alaska National Wildlife Refuge. We further support the expansion of our U.S. refinery capacity. B. The end result of expanding production will be the creation of tens of thousands of high paying jobs, the lowering of cost of fuel to the end user and the lessening of dependence on foreign countries. C. Illinois Republicans call on the Governor and General Assembly to take all steps necessary to add to Illinois nuclear power capacity. XII. A CALL TO PROTECT OUR TRANSPORTATION ADVANTAGE
A. One of the critical advantages Illinois enjoys is our heartland location, making our transportation facilities especially vital to our economy as well as to the daily lives of our citizens. B. We oppose the sale of transportation infrastructure to foreign interest.
C. We support full utilization of our air, water, rail and road infrastructure for the benefit of our state citizens and to promote commerce and recreation. D. Illinois Republicans deplore the actions of the Governor and majority Democrats in the General Assembly in diverting designated roadfund dollars to purposes other than the construction and maintenance of our critical network of roads and bridges. Illinois citizens accepted motorfuel taxes with the understanding that those funds would be used to maintain our roads and highways, dedicating a user fee to this purpose on the principle that those who benefit from the transportation network most directly were willing to pay their fair share. Republican governors and lawmakers have jealously guarded the road fund over many years to ensure that the payers of user fees would be respected and that the sums needed to protect our infrastructure would always be available. Illinois Democrats have trampled this longstanding Illinois policy, to the detriment of the citizens and of our investment in this critical asset.
XIII. ENHANCING EDUCATION A. Illinois must continuously strive to do better in educating our children. Illinois Republicans call on the education system of our state to deliver results for the vast sums of taxpayer dollars annually invested in the schools from the federal, state and local levels. All children in our educational system should have access to a quality education which puts the students interests first, and no child should be forced to attend schools that do not educate. Children should be immersed in English from the earliest days of their formal schooling, and remediation should be offered to those for whom English is not a native language. A basic foundation of our education system for more than a century has been that local officials are in the best position to make decisions regarding local school districts. Illinois Republicans embrace local control of our schools. We call on the Governor and the General Assembly to restore funding stripped from the 2008 budget to make abstinence education available to students in our public schools throughout Illinois. We strongly support the rights of parents to direct the education of their children, whether by charter schools, private schools, home education or by choosing public schools which will best further their childrens future prospects. We note with concern the increasing tendency of school officials to place children on medication to control their behavior. We should protect the fundamental right of parents to have the final say in what is best for their childs wellbeing. We believe parents should receive advance notice of any medicine or medical treatment their child may be offered or seek and that parents should have the right to consent or withhold consent for any such treatment. XIV. RESPECTING CITIZENS BY LIMITING GOVERNMENT
A. Illinois Republicans take note of the ringing declaration of the late President Ronald Reagan, speaking in 1988 to students at Moscow State University: Freedom is the recognition that no single person, no single authority of government has a monopoly on the truth, but that every individual life is infinitely precious. Taking note of the US Supreme Court ruling in Kelo v. New London, the Republican Party of Illinois calls upon the Governor and the General Assembly to reform Illinois eminent domain laws to protect the rights of Illinois property owners. The Republican Party of Illinois condemns the efforts of Illinois Democrats to graduate the state income tax. We call on the General Assembly and Governor to meet the constitutional obligation of a true balanced budget. Since the election of former Governor Blagojevich and Governor Quinn, the states annual operating deficits have resulted in a record backlog of unpaid bills. We call on the Illinois Congressional delegation to unite behind efforts to make permanent the Bush tax cuts. We call on the Congress to replace the federal income tax with a simpler, fairer, more affordable alternative. We call on the Congress to reform the Social Security system before its too late.
We call on the United States Senate to reject treaties which cede the powers and rights of the American people to the United Nations and other international agencies. Illinois Republicans take pride in our partys landmark initiatives to reform the public welfare system and call on the Governor and the General Assembly to press further reforms, not only for the sake of taxpayers but especially for the dignity of those whose lives are too dependent on government. Alarmed at growing predictions that Democrats in the General Assembly are planning to further hike state taxes on families most likely after the 2012 election Illinois Republicans stand united against any such increase. XV. ENHANCING HEALTH CARE FOR ILLINOIS CITIZENS
A. To prevent health care from being bogged down in the morass of government bureaucracy, free market solutions must be fostered for delivery of affordable, accessible, quality health care to Illinois citizens. Illinois Republicans reject the socialized medicine plan passed in Washington generally known as Obamacare. Health care policies should: Encourage competition among insurers and increase the availability of insurance coverage opportunities; Offer nationwide portability to breadwinners who need to change jobs or move; Foster accessibility by lowering costs and putting individuals and families in charge of their own healthcare decisions; Simplify and reduce the paperwork with which our healthcare providers are burdened; Encourage healthy lifestyles by offering tax credits to those who under utilize the healthcare system; Approve Congressman Paul Ryans Medicare reforms to save the system for future generations; Allow for Association Health Plans that can be created across state lines. Enhance accountability and consumer choice by requiring doctors to publish their fees; and Restore the public trust by vigorously investigating and prosecuting Medicare and Medicaid fraud. XVI. REFORMING OUR CIVIL JUSTICE SYSTEM A. Though modest steps have been taken toward reforming our civil courts, massive problems continue to permit the Trial Bar to reap huge rewards from an unbalanced system. Illinois Republicans support capping noneconomic damages in civil lawsuits, offering just compensation for real harms. Illinois Republicans vehemently oppose the Democrats 2008 proposal to reinstate the Structural Work Act, which would restore a system of double jeopardy for Illinois employers. The Workers Compensation system exists to ensure compensation for injured workers; reinstating the Structural Work Act not only is unnecessary but would send a signal to employers
across America that Illinois, under Democrat rule, is not ready to do business; such a move would actually cost jobs for Illinois workers. XVII. PROMOTING ILLINOIS AGRICULTURE A. Agriculture remains Illinois core industry. Agriculture built the state, and the states growth and success continue to depend upon farm families. Illinois Republicans know that Illinois farmers feed the nation, create thousands of jobs, provide vital raw material for the production of alternative fuels and drive hundreds of local economies. Republicans are appalled at the Quinn Administrations indifference to this key sector and his use of Illinois farms as a source for state revenue through increased fees. Illinois Republicans continue to back agbusiness in further development and promotion of biofuels as one resource for energy independence, noting Illinois farmers dominance in production of corn and soybeans grown for this purpose. Recognizing the unique burden the death tax imposes on the passing of family farms from one generation to the next, Illinois Republicans urge the Governor and General Assembly to repeal the reinstated state death tax and urge the President and Congress to make permanent the suspension of the federal estate tax. Illinois Republicans believe in free and fair trade. We support efforts to expand foreign markets for the goods produced by Illinois farmers as well as other Illinois businesses. Illinois Republicans support elimination of the capital gains tax, which penalizes the transfer of assets, discouraging investment by Illinois farmers and limiting the enjoyment of their retirement. XVIII. PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT A. As the party of Theodore Roosevelt, the Republican Party has a long tradition of respecting the environment, allowing for the responsible use of natural resources to benefit the present generation while preserving our natural resources and heritage for future generations. The best way to ensure a clean environment while respecting private property rights is to apply sound scientific evidence and a determined focus on balance when making environmental policy.
XIX. CALL TO ACTION A. Illinois Republicans call on all citizens of Illinois to join us in restoring to Illinois government the principles enunciated in this Platform, principles which have guided our Party and which motivate us to active involvement in the political arena. B. Above all, our Party is poised to replace the current corrupt leadership which the Democratic Party continues to offer this state. C. Our Platform offers real policies for change, policies which would actually solve and not just talk about serious problems facing our citizens. D. Join us for change. Together we can restore Illinois to our proud heritage of hard work, personal responsibility, entrepreneurship and respect for the inalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. E. The views expressed in this Platform, when accepted by the majority of the convention, should be the policy standard for candidates running as Republicans in Illinois. While we welcome Republicans that may not agree with specific planks, anyone elected as a Republican should strive to self-direct their activities and policy positions to uphold these principles as the unifying basis for the Illinois Republican Party. F. The Illinois Republican Party stands united in its support for a citizens initiative to amend Article IC, Section 3 of the Illinois State Constitution calling for an independent redistricting commission for the redistricting of congressional, state legislative, and representative districts and removing the legislature and Governor from the map drawing and approval process.
2012 Resolutions Recommended by The Platform and Resolutions Committee I. A Resolution Protesting Government intrusion Into Religious Freedom and Affirming Our Strong Belief In The Free Exercise Thereof. II. A Resolution Urging The Illinois Delegation To The United States Congress To Sponsor The Partental Rights Amendment To The States For Ratification. 2012 Resolution Not Recommended by The Platform and Resolutions Committee, but having received seven votes, is presented as a Minority Report I. A Resolution Concerning Direct Elections of State Central Committeemen and State Central Committeewomen.