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BR 30062/1 April, 1992


Withdrawn Document Uncontrolled When Printed Re-issued October, 1993 REGULATIONS FOR TRAIN SIGNALLING BY THE TRACK CIRCUIT BLOCK SYSTEM
List of Pages Page 1/2 3/4 5/6 7/8 9/10 11/12 1314 15/16 17/18 19/20 21/22 Latest Issue April, 1992 October, 1993 April, 1992 April, 1992 October, 1993 October, 1993 April, 1992 April, 1992 October, 1993 April, 1992 April, 1992 Amendments

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BR 30062/1 April, 1992

Track Circuit Block Regulations


1.1 SECTIONThe line between two stop signals (whether or not these are within the area of control of the same signal box). 1.2 OVERLAP The distance ahead of a stop signal up to which the line must be clear before the signal next in rear can clear.


2.1 Track Circuit Block signalling permits a signal to exhibit a Proceed aspect when all track circuits in the line ahead are clear up to and including the overlap beyond the next stop signal and all necessary points within that distance are detected in the correct position for the safe passage of the train. An overlap is not normally provided at signals on goods lines. 2.2 Where a restricted approach arrangement is permitted, a signal may exhibit a Proceed aspect when the line is clear only to the next signal ahead or to a specified point within the overlap of that signal. 2.3 Controlled signals (some of which may be set to work automatically) are operated directly by the Signalman and automatic signals are operated by the passage of trains. Automatic Route Setting is provided at some signal boxes. 2.4 Trains are described by Train Describer apparatus (manually or automatically), bell signals or telephone.



The Signalman must describe trains and operate controlled signals in sufficient time to avoid delay.

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April, 1992

3.2 Working of signals 3.2.1 Before operating the signal control to permit a train to proceed, the Signalman must ensure that:
(a) the Rules and Regulations have been c o m p l i e d with (b) no conflicting movement requiring preference is to be made (c) the route is set or free to be set by the interlocking (d) where necessary, a release has been obtained from any other Signalman involved

3.2.2 When a signal has been cleared, it must not be replaced to Danger, except in emergency, unless the Signalman is satisfied that the aspect of the signal next ahead of any approaching train will not be changed. 3.2.3 When the Signalman is required to place or maintain a signal at Danger, this also applies to an automatic signal for which an emergency replacement facility is provided in the signal box. 3.2.4 The Signalman must not allow the line within the overlap of a signal to be obstructed or to be occupied by an unsignalled movement until:
(a) any approaching train has been stopped at that signal or (b) the controlled signal next in rear has been placed to Danger to protect the obstruction or movement

3.2.5 Before permitting a movement which, by occupying a track circuit, would alter the aspects displayed at signals, the Signalman must place or maintain the necessary signals at Danger to protect the movement. 3.2.6 Where the signal concerned is controlled by another Signalman, he must be requested to place or maintain that signal at Danger.

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BR 30062/1 Re-issued October, 1993

3.3 Describing trains 3.3.1 Two or more light locomotives coupled together must be described as a light locomotive. A locomotive hauling one or more dead locomotives must be dealt with in accordance with the instructions in the Rule Book Appendix 2. In either case, if the movement is proceeding into the area controlled by another Signalman, the precise formation must be advised to him. 3.3.2 If a train which is required to stop in section is proceeding into the area controlled by another Signalman, the type of train and where it is required to stop must be advised to him. 3.3.3 The cancellation of a description must be done by train describer, telephone, or bell, as appropriate. If a train is incorrectly described, the necessary correction must be made. 3.4 Permissive Working 3.4.1 Permissive Working permits more than one train at the same time to be in a signal section (where authorised) or on any dead-end platform line. NOTE: These instructions do not apply to the admission of a shunting movement to an occupied section for the purpose of attaching or detaching or removing vehicles from the line. 3.4.2 There are three types of line on which Permissive Working can apply, as shown below. Only the following classes of train are permitted to be in, or enter, a section when Permissive Working is taking place:
Type of Line Classes of Train Goods 3 to 8, and 0 Passenger 3 to 8, and 0 (Other than a platform line) Platform (including any 1, 2, 3, 5 and 0 dead-end platform) A propelled train (other than an Officers' Special) must not be allowed to enter an occupied section.

3.4.3 Permissive Working is prohibited during fog or falling snow, except on a platform line (including any dead-end platform).

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Track Circuit Block Regulations 3.4.4 Before signalling a train into an occupied platform line, the Signalman must, if there is any doubt in this respect, ascertain from the person in charge that there is room for the train to be dealt with and, if a movement has already been authorised on that line, obtain an assurance that the movement is completed. A locomotive may closely follow a departing train as far as the platform starting signal. In the case of a through platform line, before signalling a train into an occupied platform line at a station where it is not booked to call, the Signalman must first verbally advise the Driver of the circumstances. 3.4.5 When a train is to enter an occupied section, the Signalman must bring the train nearly to a stand at the signal controlling the entrance to the section before that signal is cleared, unless the signal is controlled by the occupation of a berth track circuit.


Signalling by bell or telephone When necessary in connection with Regulations 11 or 12, trains must be signalled by bell or telephone as shown below:
The Standard Code of Bell Signals must be used.


3.5.2 All bell signals must be acknowledged by repetition and no signal must be considered as understood until it has been correctly repeated to the point from which it was received. If the Is line clear signal is not acknowledged, it must be sent again at short intervals. 3.5.3 The mode of signalling ("A" and "B" representing two Signalmen) must be as follows. Before the despatch of a train from "A" that Signalman must, provided it has been established that the previous train has passed clear of the line concerned, call the attention of Signalman "B" and give the proper Is line clear signal. Signalman "B" may accept the train by acknowledging the signal provided no conflicting movement has been authorised and: (a) During a failure of signals and/or track circuits the line on which the train will run is clear to the end of the overlap of the first stop signal at "B". (b) During Single Line Workingthe line is clear as shown in Regulation 12, clause 12.1.

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BR 30062/1 April, 1992

Track Circuit Block Regulations

Signalman "A" may then, if the line is clear, authorise the train to proceed. When the train leaves "A", he must send the Train entering section signal to Signalman "B".

3.5.4 When the train, complete with tail lamp, has passed the clearance point defined in clause 3.5.3, Signalman "B" must send the Train out of section signal.
3.5.5 After permission has been given for a train to approach in accordance with clause 3.5.3, no obstruction of the line on which such train is required to run must be allowed within the defined clearance point, until the train has been brought to a stand at the first stop signal, or has passed the clearance point, or the Cancelling signal has been received from Signalman "A".

3.5.6 If the line is not clear, or if for any reason Signalman "B" is not in a position to give permission for the train to approach when Signalman "A" forwards the Is line clear signal, that signal must not be acknowledged. 3.5.7 In the absence of bells, the Signalmen must send the necessary bell signals as messages on the telephone, e.g.:
Description of the line to be given; for exampleup or down, main, fast, slow or goods * Description of train to be given

Is ..... line clear for * *

..... * ..... train entering section ..... train out of section ..... * ..... line is clear for

3.5.8 When signalling by bell or telephone is in force, the train describers must be used if possible. 3.5.9 When normal working can be resumed, the Signalman at each end must first come to a clear understanding.

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4.1 Trains to be stopped 4.1.1 If it is necessary to stop trains because of an obstruction of the line or other emergency, the Signalman must place or maintain the necessary signals at danger to protect the line affected. 4.1.2 Where the obstruction is within the overlap of the protecting signal, the signal next in rear which can be controlled to Danger must also be placed and maintained at Danger unless facing points can be set for a route which is clear of the affected section. 4.1.3 The Signalman must also place or maintain a release/ acceptance switch (where provided) in the normal position. 4.1.4 The Driver of any train detained at a signal in rear of the affected section must be instructed to remain at the signal and not to proceed until permission is given by the Signalman even if the signal clears. 4.1.5 A train must not be allowed to proceed into the affected section until the line is again clear and safe the for the passage of trains unless it is necessary to: (a) examine the line in accordance with regulation 9 or (b) allow a train to proceed in accordance with Regulation 10 or (c) work to and from the point of obstruction or (d) serve an intermediate station or siding where this can be done safely or (e) allow a train to pass through a diverging junction before reaching the obstruction 4.2 Where another Signalman involved 4.2.1 If the signal which will protect the affected section is controlled by another Signalman, he must be immediately advised of the circumstances. Where this Signalman is in another box, the Emergency alarm signal must first be sent.

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Track Circuit Block Regulations 4.2.2 The Signalmen receiving must immediately act in accordance the Signalman from whom advice has stopped a train which was affected section.
advice of the emergency with clause 4.1 and advise was received whether he proceeding towards the

4.2.3 Where more than one Signalman is involved, a clear understanding must be reached between them before comply-ing with clause 4.1.5. Signalman unable to stop train If the Signalman is unable to stop a train proceeding into an affected section, he must comply with Regulation 6. 4.4 Animals and minor obstacles 4.4.1 If the Signalman becomes aware that animals likely to cause an obstruction, or minor obstacles are on the line, or that a cow, bull or other large animal is within the boundary fence, he must arrange for the line to be cleared. 4.4.2 The Signalman need not comply with clause 4.1 but, until the line is cleared, he must stop each train required to proceed over the affected portion of line, inform the Driver of the circumstances and instruct him to proceed cautiously. If there is a tunnel which may be affected the Driver must be instructed that although his train may proceed it must not enter the tunnel until it has been ascertained that the tunnel is clear. 4.4.3 If any signal controlling the entrance to the section concerned is controlled by another Signalman, he must be informed of the circumstances and he must carry out the provisions of clause 4.4.2. 4.3


5.1 If the Signalman becomes aware of anything unusual affecting a train such as signals of alarm, an insecure load, a vehicle on fire, a hot axle box, a door open or other mishap (except a train divided, train or vehicle running away, or tail lamp out or missing, for which see Regulations 6 or 8) he must: (a) stop the train and have it examined and dealt with as necessary.

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(b) stop trains on any adjacent line from proceeding past the train concerned (c) stop trains proceeding on the same or any other line over the affected portion of route

5.2 If the Signalman is unable to stop the train concerned before it enters the area controlled by another Signalman, the latter must be immediately advised of the circumstances. Where the Signalman is in another box, the Emergency alarm signal must first be sent. 5.3 If the train concerned has stopped and it is confirmed that no other line is obstructed, the Signalman may allow normal working to be resumed on such line but the Driver of any train stopped must be told of the circumstances. If, however, nothing can be found wrong with the train the Driver of the first train to travel over the affected portion of route on any line must be informed of the circumstances, instructed to proceed cautiously and report at a signal ahead.
If the train concerned has stopped but it is not 5.4 possible to deal with it, it must then proceed to a point where it can be dealt with, provided this can be done safely. The train must not be allowed to pass, or be passed by a train on an adjacent line unless it has been established that this can be done with safety.

5.5 If this Regulation is applied because of an open door on a passenger train, trains running on the same or adjacent line over the affected portion of route need not be detained to await evidence that the line is not obstructed but the first train on each line must be stopped, the Driver informed of the circum-stances and instructed to proceed cautiously keeping a good lookout over the affected portion of route. If definite infor-mation is received that a passenger has fallen from a train, the Signalman must act in accordance with Regulation 9. 5.6 Where more than one Signalman is involved a clear understanding must be reached between them as to the action to be taken.

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Track Circuit Block Regulations


6.1 If the Signalman becomes aware or suspects that a train is running in two or more portions, or that a train or vehicle is running away or proceeding without authority he must: (a) place or maintain at Danger the signals for any line which may be affected in order to stop any other train which may be endangered (b) place or maintain the signals at Danger against the divided train or runaway train or vehicle except as shown below (c) take all practicable steps to avoid a collision, such as allowing the front portion to proceed on a line which is clear, or divert either portion of a divided train or a runaway train or vehicle to a siding or another line which is clear 6.2 If the rear portion of a divided train or a runaway train or vehicle has come to a stand intact, and it is established that no other line is affected, normal working may be resumed on the other lines but the first train to pass over any adjacent line must be stopped, the Driver informed of the circumstances and instructed to proceed cautiously over the affected portion of route. If confirmation cannot be obtained that the adjacent line is clear, the section must be examined in accordance with Regulation 9. 6.3 If it is necessary to remove from a running line the rear portion of a divided train, or a train or vehicle which has run away, this must be done in accordance with Regulation 10. 6.4 The first train to follow a portion of a divided train, or a train or vehicle which has run away, must not be allowed to proceed until the Signalman is satisfied that the line on which the train is required to run is clear. The train must be stopped, the Driver informed of the circumstances and instructed to proceed cautiously over the affected portion of line. 6.5 If a portion of a divided train, or a train or vehicle which has run away, or a train proceeding without authority will enter a section controlled by another Signalman he must be immedi-

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Track Circuit Block Regulations ately advised. Where the Signalman is in another box, the Emergency alarm signal must first be sent.


7.1 If an unusual time elapses between a train passing one stop signal and reaching the next stop signal, the Signalman must try to ascertain the cause. If necessary he must stop the first train proceeding on any other line in the same or opposite direction, inform the Driver of the circumstances and instruct him to proceed cautiously over the portion of route concerned. 7.2 During fog or falling snow or if there is a tunnel in the section, the Signalman must stop any train from proceeding, except as provided for in Regulation 9, until it has been ascertained that the line is clear. 7.3 If any signal controlling the entrance to the section concerned is controlled by another Signalman, he must be informed of the circumstances and he must carry out these provisions.


8.1 Where practicable, the Signalman must observe each train and ensure that it is comple with tail lamp. 8.2 If the Signalman becomes aware that the tail lamp is missing or unlit, he must establish whether the train is complete. If the train enters the area controlled by another Signal-man before this can be established, he must advise that Signalman.


9.1 Conditions 9.1.1 If it is necessary in accordance with Regulations 4, 5, 6, 7 or 11 to ascertain whether a line or lines are clear, the Signalman may allow a train to travel on any line in the right

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Track Circuit Block Regulations direction (either direction on a single or bi-directional line) for this purpose subject to the following conditions: (a) where two Signalman are involved, they must reach a clear understanding as to what is required (b) the Signalman must be satisfied that the last train signalled has passed clear of the overlap of the signal beyond the affected portion of line and that, on a single or a bi-directional line, no movement has been authorised in the opposite direction (c) during fog or falling snow a train conveying pas-sengers must not be used (d) where there is a tunnel in the affected section, a train conveying passengers must not be allowed to enter the tunnel unless the tunnel is not affected or it has been established that the tunnel is clear, if necessary by a member of the traincrew walking through (e) the Driver must be accompanied by the Guard or other employee during darkness, fog or falling snow or when in a tunnel unless it is illuminated

9.1.2 A train must not be allowed to pass over a portion of line affected by a subsidence or suspected damage to a structure above or beneath the railway unless the Signalman has obtained an assurance from a competent Engineering Department employee that the line appears safe for the pas-sage of trains even if only at reduced speed. 9.1.3 If, however, a bridge strike has occurred, the instructions in the Rule Book Appendix 1 must be observed. 9.2 Method of working 9.2.1 The Driver must be informed of the circumstances, instructed to proceed cautiously over the affected portion of line, prepared to stop short of any obstruction and to report at the next signal ahead or as otherwise advised. If there is a possibility of a derailment at catch points, the Driver must be instructed to stop short of the location of the catch points and not to proceed until satisfied that the line in the vicinity is not obstructed.

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Track Circuit Block Regulations

9.2.2 After the examining train has entered the affected section, no other train must be allowed to proceed on the same or any adjacent line until a report has been received stating which lines are safe for the passage of trains. 9.3 Procedure for track circuit failures 9.3.1 If a track circuit fails to clear after the passage of a train, o r o t h e r w i s e s h o w s o c c u p i e d , t h e S i g n a l m a n m u s t ensure that the previous train has passed clear of it. Unless it has been established that the line is clear, the Signalman must arrange for the line to be examined in accordance with clauses 9.1 and 9.2 except that: (a) in all weathers any class of train may be used except as shown in clause (e) (b) the Driver need not be accompanied (c) the Driver must be instructed to pass the signal held at Danger (d) when a train will pass over an adjacent line before one passes over the affected line, the train must be signalled normally. The Signalman must stop the train, advise the Driver of the circumstances and instruct him that he must proceed cautiously and report the state of the affected line (e) where any portion of the track circuit is within a tunnel, any class of train may be allowed to enter the tunnel on the unaffected line, in accordance with clause (d), provided the Signalman is satisfied that the previous train on that line has passed clear of the tunnel. If the Driver of this train reports that the affected portion of line appears to be clear, the first train required to proceed over the affected line may be allowed to enter the tunnel. If, however, the first train required to proceed over the affected line is not waiting to enter the tunnel, normal working may be resumed on the unaffected line until that train is ready to proceed. The Driver of the first train over the affected line must be instructed to pass the signal held at Danger, proceed with extreme caution at not more than 10 m.p.h. over the affected portion of line, and to report the state of the line to the Signalman. If, however, a train has to pass over the affected line before the section can be examined by a train

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Track Circuit Block Regulations

on the unaffected line, a passenger train must not be used unless it can be established that the tunnel is clear, if necessary by a member of the traincrew walking through.

9.3.2 If it is established that the line is clear, the track circuit concerned must be considered as having failed and the pro-visions of Regulation 11, clause 11.4 or 11.5, as appropriate, must be applied for following trains. Suspected track defect If, following examination of a line due to a suspected track defect, it is reported that the line appears safe for the passage of trains, normal working may be resumed on the unaffected line. If the examination is carried out by a train on the unaffected line, the Driver of the first train over the affected line must be instructed to proceed cautiously over the affected portion of line, and to report the state of the line to the Signalman. After the examining train has entered the affected section, no other train must be allowed to proceed on the same or any adjacent line until this report has been received. Until the affected portion of line has been examined and confirmed to be safe by a competent employee of the Civil Engineering Depart-ment, all subsequent trains on that line must be stopped, the Drivers informed of the circumstances and instructed to pro-ceed cautiously over the affected portion of line. 9.4



10.1 Before a train enters the obstructed section 10.1.1 Before the Signalman allows a train to enter an obstructed section for the purpose of proceeding to an obstruc-tion or to assist a disable train, he must have a clear under-standing of the location of the obstruction or disabled train. 10.1.2 The provisions of the Rule Book, Section M, clause 3.2 must be observed. 10.1.3 If there is a tunnel in the section, any train proceeding on an adjoining line must, if practicable, be stopped and the Driver instructed to travel cautiously through the tunnel unless it is know that the tunnel is clear.

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10.1.4 If he can obtain an assurance that the disabled train will not be moved, the Signalman may allow the overlap of the stop signal immediately in advance of the disabled train to be occupied or fouled until the assisting train is ready to pass the signal protecting the obstructed section. When line is again clear When the line is again clear, the Driver of the next train to pass over the line concerned must be informed of the circumstances and instructed to proceed cautiously over the affected portion of line. Advice to any other Signalman If another Signalman is involved, he must be advised of the circumstances and a clear understanding must be reached on the action to be taken. If an assisted train is to continue into a section controlled by another Signalman, he must be advised that the train is being assisted and by what means. 10.3 10.2



General During a failure or disconnection of signalling equipment , as shown in this Regulation, the following arrangements must be observed. 11.2 Failure of train describer and bells 11.2.1 If the train describer equipment fails, the Signalman must endeavour to maintain a record of the identity of the trains with in his area. 11.2.2 If a train enters the area controlled by another Signal-man, he must be advised of the identity of the train. Where this Signalman is in another box, the train must be described by telephone or bell. 11.2.3 If it is not possible to pass forward a train description, trains may be allowed to proceed and the signals must be operated in the normal manner, provided the signalling equipment is in order. Where the Signalmen at adjoining boxes on a

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single line are unable to communicate directly but the signalling equipment is working normally, the Signalmen must use any other means available to establish the order in which trains will proceed over the single line.

11.2.4 If the Signalman becomes aware of a train within his control area for which a description has not been received, he must, if necessary, stop the train to ascertain its identity. 11.3 Failure of signals If the Signalman is unable to clear a signal because of failure and all track circuits in respect of the signal concerned are indicating correctly, he may authorise the Driver of a train to pass the signal concerned at Danger provided: (a) the last train authorised to proceed into the section has passed clear of it (b) no conflicting movement has been authorised (c) the provisions of the Rule Book, Section E, clause 3.1 have been complied with (d) the Driver has been advised of the circumstances, informed that all track circuits are functioning normally and instructed to proceed in accordance with the Rule Book, Section D to the next stop signal (e) where two Signalmen are involved, a clear understanding is reached between them as to what is to be done additionally, in the case of a single line: (f) any acceptance or directional switch is operated in accordance with Regulation 3, clause 3.2 as if the signal is working normally (g) where the single line is controlled from one box, a record is maintained of the time each train is authorised to pass the signal at Danger (h) where the single line is controlled from two boxes, trains are signalled in accordance with Regulation 3, clause 3.5 and all bell signals or telephone messages are recorded

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11.4 Failure of track circuits double lines 11.4.1 If a track circuit fails to clear after the passage of a train or otherwise shows occupied, the provisions of Regulation 9, clause 9.3 must be observed. 11.4.2 If it is reported that the affected line is clear, the Driver of each train requiring to pass over the affected line during the failure may be authorised to pass the signal concerned at Danger, provided one of the following arrangements has been introduced: (a) the Signalman is able to ascertain that the portion of line concerned is clear after the passage of each train or a competent person has been appointed to report the state of the line in accordance with the Rule Book, Section E, clause 332 (b) the Driver of the train has been stopped, advised of the circumstances and instructed to proceed in accordance with the Rule Book, Section D. The Signalman must, before authorising each Driver to proceed, observe that the previous train has occu-pied and cleared the track circuit ahead of the signal beyond the affected portion of track (c) working has been instituted in accordance with Regulation 3, clause 3.5 11.5 Failure of track circuits

ASingle lines 11.5.1 If a track circuit fails to clear after the passage of a train or other wise shows occupied, the provisions of Regulation 9, clause 9.3 must be observed and Working by Pilotman must be introduced except where otherwise specially authorised by the designated Operations Officer. 11.5.2 If the Signalman is unable to establish that a train leaving the affected portion of line is complete with tail lamp, the Pilotman must be informed and he will accompany every train. 11.5.3 Where two signal boxes are involved trains must be signalled in accordance with Regulation 3, clause 3.5. If, however, there is not communication available between the two

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boxes, the Pilotman must be informed and he will accompany every train.

BBi-directional lines 11.5.4 If a track circuit fails to clear after the passage of a train or otherwise shows occupied, the provisions of clause 11.4 of this Regulation 11 must be observed and trains must work in one direction only. If it is necessary to make a movement in the other direction, Working by Pilotman must be introduced. 11.6 Failure of indications 11.6.1 If it can be established that an apparent failure of signalling equipment is a failure of signal, point or track circuit indications only and, when cleared (or in the case of an automatic signal, when the line ahead is clear), the signal(s) exhibit the correct proceed aspect and indication of route (where appropriate), trains may be allowed to proceed normally provided there is no indication of a failure of an electronic link unless advised by the Technician that the fault only exists in the fault indication circuit and that the operating indications can be relied upon. 11.6.2 If, however, a track circuit fails to clear after the passage of a train or otherwise shows occupied, the Signalman must, before assuming that only the indications have failed, ensure that: (a) the last train through the section has passed clear complete with tail lamp (b) the Driver of the next train is instructed to proceed cautiously, when the signal is cleared, and report the aspect exhibited at each signal concerned (c) it is then confirmed that each signal has exhibited the correct aspect (including the appropriate indi-cation of route) 11.6.3 Where there is more than one route, the above procedures must be applied in respect of each route affected. 11.7 Extensive failure or disconnection of signalling equipment 11.7.1 If there is an extensive failure of disconnection of signalling equipment and it is necessary to authorise the Driver of a train to pass two or more consecutive stop signals (normally capable of exhibiting a main aspect) at a time on a

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double line, Temporary Block Working must be introduced. A Temporary Block Working ticket must be issued to the Driver of each train concerned.

11.7.2 When Temporary Block Working is necessary, this must be authorised by the Area Manager. He will appoint a competent person (not below Supervisory grade) to take charge of the arrangements. Temporary Block Working must not continue for more than 24 hours unless specially authorised by the designated Operations Officer. 11.7.3 Temporary Block Working must apply between a signal which must be maintained at Danger in rear of the section concerned and a signal which can be placed to Danger ahead of that section. The line over which Temporary Block Working is to apply may be divided into two or more sections and such working must be introduced over each section between signals at strategic locations dividing the sections. 11.7.4 A Handsignalman must be positioned at the signal controlling entrance to thesection and communication must be available between him and the Signalman. The Handsignalman must be instructed to complete a Temporary Block Working ticket and, after giving him the necessary instructions, hand this to the Driver of each train which is required to proceed through the section. Where there is more than one locomotive, the Handsignalman is required to show the ticket to each Driver and give it to the Driver of the leading locomotive. When the arrangements have not been published, the Handsignalman must also give details of the Temporary Block Working to the Guard (where provided).
11.7.5 Before instructing the Handsignalman to issue a ticket authorising the Driver to proceed, the Signalman must be satisfied that: (a) the line is clear and the ticket conveyed by the Driver of the previous train

through the section during Temporary Block Working has been received by the person at the end of the section (as shown in clause 11.7.6). (b) all points have been secured in accordance with the provisions of Rule

Book, Section D, clause 3.2. During Temporary Block Working points may be secured in accordance with the provisions of Rule Book Appendix 15.

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(c) the provisions of Regulation 3, clause 3.5 have been observed where working between more than one signal box.

11.7.6 A Handsignalman must be provided at the signal at the end of the section and communication must be available between him and the Signalman. The Handsignalman must be instructed to: (a) exhibit a hand Danger signal to the Driver of each approaching train until the train has stopped and maintain one detonator on the line to which the signal applies (b) collect the Temporary Block Working ticket from the Driver of each train to arrive at this signal and advise the Signalman when this has been done, giving him the details of the Train Reporting Num-ber shown on the ticket (c) remove the detonator from the rail and instruct the Driver to obey the signal when cleared (d) advise the Signalman when the train concerned has passed complete with tail lamp 200 yards (or 200 metres) beyond this signal NOTE: If it is necessary for this signal to be maintained at Danger and for a Handsignalman to be appointed there (for example, when Temporary Block Working also applies in the section ahead of that signal), the Handsig-nalman must be instructed to undertake these duties except that in clause (c) the signal will not be cleared. 11.7.7 The Signalman must arrange to maintain at Danger the signal at the entrance to the section in which Temporary Block Working applies. Where necessary, he must obtain an assur-ance from the Handsignalman that this signal has been placed to Danger by a signal post replacement switch and will be so maintained until Temporary Block Working is withdrawn. The signal at the end of the section must not be cleared for a train to proceed until the Signalman has been advised by the Handsignalman that signal that he has recovered from the Driver the Temporary Block Working ticket for the train concerned. 11.7.8 A Temporary Block Working ticket must not be issued if a movement is required to enter the section to assist a disabled train or to clear a portion of a divided train, but a clear

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understanding must be reached with the Driver as to its position and what is required.

11.7.9 If there is an extensive failure or disconnection of signalling equipment affecting a single line, Working by Pilot-man in accordance with clause 11.5 must be introduced except where otherwise specially authorised by the designated Oper-ations Officer. 11.7.10 The Signalman must record the time that the Handsig-nalman is authorised to issue a ticket for the train to enter the section and the time confirmation is received from the Handsignalman at the end of the section, complete with tail lamp, has passed clear of the section. Failure of an electronic link During a failure of an electronic link between the signal box and an interlocking, reliance must not be placed on the indications in the signal box for the equipment in the area concerned. 11.9 Override controls 11.9.1 Before operating the switch to an override position, the Signalman must ensure that:
(a) any train not proceeding on the pre-determined route has passed clear of the area or has been brought to a stand, if necessary by placing the switch to SIGNALS ON (b) any release button/switch released at the time of failure has been restored (c) all individual point switches are in the central position


11.9.2 If it is necessary for a train to proceed on a route for which override facilities are not provided, the Signalman must arrange for a competent person to operate th e p o i n ts manually in accordance with the provisions of the Rule Book, Section D. Before authorising the points to be moved, he must place the switch to SIGNALS ON and wait 4 minutes unless he can establish that any train within the pre-determined route is at a stand or has passed clear of the route concerned. The switch must be m a i n t a i n e d a t SIGNALS ON until the movement

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has been completed and the points restored for the predetermined route.

11.9.3 Where override switches are provided at remote loca-tions the Signalman must arrange for a responsible person to operate the switch under his instructions.



12.1 Mode of signalling 12.1.1 The Pilotman must be present where the train is to enter the single line. 12.1.2 Trains in the right direction may be signalled normally over the single line. Before the Signalman clears the signal controlling the entrance to the single line, he must ensure that the Pilotman has given the necessary instructions to the Driver. 12.1.3 Trains in the wrong direction may enter the single line provided the line is clear to and including 200 yards (or 200 metres) beyond the Handsignalman opposite the signal protect-ing the crossover at the other end of the single line. 12.1.4 Trains in the wrong direction may pass the Handsignal-man at the end of the single line provided the crossover is secured in the correct position and: (a) if it is a trailing crossover , the line is clear to and including the overlap of the next signal beyond the crossover (b) if it is a facing crossover, the Driver is instructed to draw forward and then set back through the cross-over and the necessary signals have been placed to Danger to protect the movement. The Hand-signalman must be reminded to ensure that the Driver clearly understands what is required before authority is given to draw forward. 12.1.5 Where authorised by the designated Operations Offi-cer, the single line section may be divided into two sections for controlling movements in the wrong direction; an intermediate Handsignalman must be appointed as shown in the Signal-man's Special Instructions.

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Trains in the wrong direction may then enter the single line provided the line is clear to and including 200 yards (or 200 metres) beyond the Intermediate Handsignalman; they may be allowed to pass that Handsignalman provided the line is clear to and including 200 yards (or 200 metres) beyond the Handsignalman at the end of the single line.

Crossovers worked from a ground frame Unless the signals protecting the crossover are individ-ually and directly controlled from the signal box, the Signalman must instruct the person operating the ground frame to main-tain the release in the "released" position during Single Line Working. Movements in each direction must be authorised to pass the signals at Danger. 12.3 Crossovers worked from different signal boxes 12.3.1 Where the crossovers at the ends of the single line section are worked from different signal boxes, trains in the right direction must be described by the normal method where possible. Otherwise, telephone or bell must be used. 12.3.2 Trains in the wrong direction must be signalled in accordance with Regulation 3, clause 3.5. 12.4 Recording in Train Register


The Signalman must record the times that trains enter and leave the single line (or each part of the single line when split as shown in clause 12.1.5) whether or not booking is normally done.



Opening The Signalman must ascertain whether the adjacent boxes are open and advise the Signalmen that his box is open.

Closing When all train movements have ceased and all controlled signals are at Danger in the area supervised by his box, the Signalman must advise the Signalmen in the adjacent boxes that his box is closed.


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BR 30062/1 April, 1992

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