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PUBLICATIONS: Rudolph Bauer,Ph.D A.B.P.P. Haimes, P. & Bauer, R.

- The Devereux Behavior Modification Treatment Project, Monograph, The Devereux Foundation, 1968, 33 pages Gillies, J. & Bauer, R. - Cognitive style and perception of success and failure, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1971, 33, 839-842 Bauer, R. & Gillies, J. - Measure of affective dimensions of future time perspective, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1972, 34, 181-182 Bauer, R. & Gillies, J. Cognitive style and the influence of success and failure of success and failure on future time perspective, Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1972, 34, 79-82 Bauer, R. & Snyder, R. Ego identity and motivation; an empirical study of achievement and affiliation in Eriksons theory, Psychological Reports, 1972, 30, 951-955 Bauer, R. A review of research methodology on E. Ericksons theory of ego identity, Psychologica Belgica, vol. XII, I. January, 1972 Bauer, R. & Kenny, T. An Ego Disturbance Model of Minimal Brain Dysfunction, Journal of ChildPsychiatry and Human Development, summer, 1974 Bauer, R., Harper, R. & Kenny, T. A Treatment Strategy for Uncontrolled Juvenile Diabetics, Pediatric Psychology, June 1974 Bauer, R. & Kenny, T. Psychological Treatment of Uncontrolled Juvenile Diabetics, Pediatric Annuals, spring, 1974 Bauer, R. Therapeutic Strategies in Psychosomatic Disorders, Pediatric Psychology, fall, 1975 Barrilleaux, S. & Bauer, R. The Effects of Gestalt Awareness Exercises on Experiencing Levels, International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, November, 1976 Harper, R., Bauer, R. & Kannarkat, J. Learning Theory and Gestalt Therapy, American Journal of Psychotherapy, January, 1976 Kenny, T. & Bauer, R. A Pediatric Psychology Internship Training Program, Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, Fall 1976

Bauer, R. and Modarressi, T. An ego Disturbance Model of MBD: Experiential Implications, Journal of Clinical Child Psychology, winter, 1976 Bauer, R. & Lucco, A. Implications of the Gestalt Approach in Counseling the Addicted Client, chapter in book, Counseling the Addicted Client, ed. Gesrald Waldorf, University of Maryland Press, 1977 Bauer, R. & Modarressi, T. Strategies of Therapeutic Contact: Working with Children with Severe Object Relationship Disturbance, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 31, 605-617, 1977 Bauer, R. A Gestalt Approach to Internal Objects, Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, March 1976, 13:232-235 Bauer, R. Child Psychotherapy: A Developmental Existential Approach, chapter in Psychiatric Clinical Skills in Medical Practice, ed. by Gbalis, Wurmser, McDaniel, Vol. 5 of Psychiatric Foundations of Medicine, Butterworth Publishers, Boston 1978 Bauer, R. Book review of The Handbook of Gestalt Therapy, in American Journal of Psychotherapy, July 1979 Bauer, R. Gestalt Approach to Family Therapy, The American Journal of Family Therapy, fall, 1979 Vol. 7, 13, 41-46 Bauer, R. Tape on The Use of Hypnosis with Borderline and Psychotic Patients, published by American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, 1978 Bauer, R. The Use of Trance with the Borderline Personality, Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, Vol. 16, No. 4, winter 1979 Bauer, R. Gestalt Therapy Strategies to Reduce Projection in Families, chapter in Questions and Answers in the Practice of Family Therapy, ed. by Alan Gurman, Brunner/Mazel, 1981 Bauer, R. Dream Symbolization in Light of Analytic and Experiential Thinking, Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy, Vol. 15, No. 1, spring/summer 1985 pp.20-28 Bauer, R., Latner, J., Mintz, E., Polster, E. & Tobin, S. Object Relations, Self and Gestalt Therapy: A Case Presentation, The Gestalt Journal, Vol. III, No. 2, pp. 27-48, 1985 Harman, R., Perls, L., Bauer, R. & Aylward, J. Contact Boundaries: A Case Presentation, The Gestalt Journal, Vol. IX, No. 2, 1986

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