Plan de Lectie - Limba Engleza - Model
Plan de Lectie - Limba Engleza - Model
Plan de Lectie - Limba Engleza - Model
Stages Timin Interaction Objectives Activities Obs.
g Teacher Students
1. Lead-in 8’ T-ss O1 Asks students what they Say what they want to
ss-ss would like to become when become when they
(pair work) they grow up, then writes the grow up, then work in
word “Jobs” on the blackboard pairs to find as many
and gives students 3’ to put jobs as they can in 3’
down as many jobs as they
students. necessary.
4. Production 10’ ss-ss O4 Tells students to write 3 Do the task and then
(group sentences in the past about read the sentences to the
work) themselves, choosing from a other colleagues in their
list of verbs, then, in groups of group.
4, share their sentences with
their colleagues.
5. 5’ ss-T O3, O4 Offers feedback on the Share some of their
Consolidation sentences. sentences with the
/feedback whole class.
6. Homework 2’ T-ss O3, O4 Assigns students’ homework
and gives the necessary