STSC Reengineering Technology Report: October 1995

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STSC Reengineering Technology Report

Volume 1 October 1995

Document No: TRF-RE-9510-000.04

This report was prepared by: Michael R. Olsem Software Technology Support Center Ogden ALC/TISE 7278 4th Street Hill AFB, UT 84056-5205

Representations : The ideas and findings in this report should not be construed as an official Air Force position. It is published in the interest of scientific and technical information exchange. References : The STSC makes every attempt to acknowledge the sources of information used, including copyrighted material. If, for any reason, a reference has been misquoted or a source used inappropriately, we would like it brought to our attention for correction. Trademarks and Designations: Many of the designations and product titles used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. The STSC has made every attempt to supply trademark information about manufacturers and their products mentioned in this report. The trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

This document is available through the STSC. To obtain a copy, please contact the STSC Customer Service Office directly at: Software Technology Support Center Attn: Customer Service Ogden ALC/TISE 7278 4th Street Hill AFB, UT 84056-5205 Voice: 801-775-5555, ext. 3024, DSN 775-5555, ext. 3024 FAX: 801-777-8069, DSN 777-8069

The purpose of this report is to increase contact, awareness, and understanding of software reengineering tools. Use of this report should be the first step in transferring effective software reengineering processes, methods, and tools into practical use. The targets of this report are organizations responsible for the development and maintenance of computer software. This report defines the ideas of software reengineering and identifies their value in improving software quality for embedded, MCCR, and MIS applications. It explains how the features of current reengineering tools can improve software development and maintenance. It includes information about specific products in the marketplace. The information is aimed at those who must make the decisions about acquiring advanced technology and prepare their organizations to use it effectively. Also, this report attempts to identify the future directions of the field to help in planning long-range strategies. Because a reengineering effort involves large amounts of code and a significant percentage of a system (if not the entire system), it may be necessary to move to Ada. The official Air Force policy states Ada is required when more than one-third of the existing code is altered (excluding COTS) at any one time. Under one-third waiver not required. System managers are encouraged to move to Ada with any software or hardware upgrade . [Programming Languages Policy 5.c, 7 Aug 90] The STSC supports this policy and believes that converting to Ada during the reengineering process is the opportune time to comply with the Ada mandate. Comments on this document are welcome and encouraged. comments to: Michael R. Olsem Software Technology Support Center Ogden ALC/TISE 7278 4th Street Hill AFB, UT 84056-5205 Phone: 801-775-5555, ext. 3057; DSN 775-5555, ext. 3057 FAX: 801-777-8069; DSN 777-8069 Email: Please address suggested changes and

1. The Domain of Software Reengineering .......................................................1 1.1 What is Reengineering and How Can It Help Me?..............................1 1.2 The Growing Problems of Maintaining Software.................................2 1.3 Redevelopment vs. Reengineering......................................................3 1.4 Continuous Improvement vs. Reengineering.......................................3 1.5 Business Process Reengineering (BPR)..............................................3 1.6 A Taxonomy of Reengineering Terms, Tool Types, and Strategies....4 1.7 Tools vs. Services...............................................................................6 1.8 Repositories 7 2. Reengineering Tools Database and Appendices ........................................9 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Appendix A: Reengineering Tools List.................................................9 2.3 Appendix B: Product Sheets................................................................10 2.4 Appendix C: Product Critiques.............................................................10 2.5 Appendix D: Available Training and Conferences...............................10 2.6 Appendix E: Bibliography and Recommended Readings....................10 2.7 Appendix F: Glossary..........................................................................10 2.8 Appendix G: Software Technology Support Center Overview.............10 3. Introduction to the Software Reengineering Assessment Handbook........11 3.1 Scope 11 3.2 Applicability 11 3.3 Motivation 12 3.4 Software Reengineering Assessment (SRA) Process.........................13 3.5 Content 14 4. A Reengineering Process Model ...................................................................15 4.1 Introduction 15 4.2 Step 1: Define Organizational and Software Goals/Directions............16 4.3 Step 2: Form an Integrated Reengineering Team...............................16 4.4 Step 3: Define a CMM-Driven Development/Maint. Environment.......17 4.5 Step 4: Select a Standard Set of Software Metrics..............................17 4.6 Step 5: Analyze the Legacy Software..................................................18 4.7 Step 6: Define a Reengineering Implementation Process...................19 4.8 Step 7: Develop/Update a Standard Testbed or Validation Suite........21 4.9 Step 8: Reengineering Tools Analysis.................................................22 4.10 Step 9: Train, Train, Train...................................................................22 4.11 Other DoD Sources for Reengineering Process Work.........................23 4.12 Summary 23 5. Pitfalls 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 5.11 5.12 of Reengineering 25 The Politics of Reengineering..............................................................25 Technical Problems of Reengineering.................................................25 Inherent Limits to Automated Reengineering......................................26 Legal Problems of Reengineering.......................................................26 Design Repository Problems...............................................................27 Your Organizations Resources...........................................................27 The Problems of Restructuring............................................................28 Line-for-Line Source Code Translators................................................28 Reengineering Problems within the DoD.............................................29 Reengineering Embedded or MCCR Software....................................30 Execution Time vs. Maintainability......................................................30 Summary 31

6. Reengineering Projects and Services at the STSC......................................33 6.1 Introduction 33 6.2 SRAH 33 6.3 Reengineering Projects Survey...........................................................34 6.4 IEEEs Reverse Engineering Newsletter..............................................35 6.5 The STSC Reengineering Technology Report.....................................35 6.6 STCs Reengineering Track.................................................................35 6.7 Reengineering and BPR Tools Data Base...........................................35 6.8 9-Step Reengineering Preparation Workshop.....................................35 6.9 Introductory Reengineering Tutorial....................................................35 6.10 COBOL Reengineering (COBRE)........................................................36 6.12 Summary 36 7. Future 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 Appendix A.1 A.2 A.3 Directions 37 Introduction 37 Repository Technology........................................................................37 Procedure-Oriented to Object-Oriented Translations..........................37 Single-Thread to Parallel Translations.................................................39 Artificial Intelligence.............................................................................40 Business Rules Extraction...................................................................40 Summary 41 A: Reengineering Products List.........................................................A-1 Reengineering Products List by Type..................................................A-1 Reengineering Products List by Name ( see Volume 2).....................A-8 Reengineering Products List by Vendor (see Volume 2).....................A-8

Appendix B: Reengineering Products Sheets (see Volume 2).........................B-1 Appendix C: Reengineering Products Critiques ( see Volume 2).....................C-1 Appendix D: Available Training and Conferences.............................................D-1 Appendix E: References and Recommended Readings...................................E-1 Appendix F: Glossary F-1

Appendix G: Software Technology Support Center Overview.........................G-1







Reengineering is the bridge used by legacy software to migrate to an organizations new maintenance environment.

Traditionally, software engineering techniques have attempted to improve the process of new software development. These efforts have produced structured analysis/design, object-oriented analysis/design, Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE), etc. But what does an organization do with its legacy (i.e., existing) software created prior to the adoption of these wonderful new methodologies? Legacy software still needs to be maintained even though its quality, performance, reliability, and maintainability is deteriorating. Reengineering tools can capture design information from otherwise indecipherable software (i.e. spaghetti code). These tools can supplement your legacy documentation to comply with DoD-STD-2167A, MILSTD-498, or whatever documentation standard your organization uses. Unstructured software can be structured. And software/data can be ported to new languages, configurations, or platforms. Software reengineering cannot exist in a vacuum. Reengineering must bridge to a defined target maintenance environment. This idea will be explored further in Section 4, but its important to note that any reengineering project must fit within the framework of an organizations strategic/tactical plan. Other reasons to reengineer include: Allow legacy software to quickly adapt to changing requirements Comply to new organizational standards (e.g., migrate legacy software to Ada) Upgrade to newer technologies/platforms/paradigms (e.g., object-oriented) Extend the softwares life expectancy Identify candidates for reuse Improve software maintainability Increase productivity per maintenance programmer Reduce reliance on programmers who have specialized in a given software system Reduce maintenance errors and costs

Volume 1 of this technology report discusses the current state of reengineeringits strategies, terminology, and future. Volume 2 lists all the reengineering tools and services that exist on the STSC data base at time of publication. We welcome your comments on this report and stand ready to assist any DoD organization looking into this technology. The contact information for the author (Michael R. Olsem) is listed in the Preface.





Software maintenance (as defined by ANSI/IEEE-STD-729-1983) is the modification of a software product after delivery to correct errors, improve performance (or other attributes), or adapt to new requirements. Lets look at some statistics: Software errors can be very expensive. In a recent study, the top 10 most expensive software errors were maintenance errors. In fact, the top 3 most expensive software errors involved a single line of source code and cost their respective organizations $1.6 billion, $900 million, and $245 million [McClure 90]. Software maintenance is very costly. A few statistics easily bears this out:

Maintenance costs (including personnel and hardware/software usage fees) run as high as 50-80% of the software life cycle resources or $30 billion a year in the United States alone [Moad 90]. Approximately 50% of maintenance costs is spent on just understanding what the software does. A 1991 Gartner Group study estimates that 90% of all software resources will be required by maintenance activities by 1995. The DoD spends approximately $24 billion on software each year. Maintenance accounts for about 70% of this budget. To cite one recent example, the software development costs for the F-16 jet fighter were $85 million. The projected software maintenance costs are $250 million [Suydam 87]. It is estimated that it will cost $75 billion to fix the year 2000 problem in the USA alone [ComputerWorld, Sept. 1994].

Maintenance personnel are getting scarce. According to USAF estimates, 25% of this countrys entire 18-to-25-year-old population will be required to maintain all our software systems by the year 2000 [Bush 88]. By the end of 1993, the DoD employed approximately 369,500 software personnel. By the year 2002, this force structure (and its budget) is to be reduced by 25% [Browning 93]. In addition, software maintenance typically face the following problems: Frequent failure rates Complex design (e.g. unstructured code, tightly coupled to hardware or other software, low cohesion, unknown development process, etc.) Unpredictable ripple effects Unreliable or missing documentation Obsolete hardware platforms Loss of experienced maintenance programmers or original developers Growing backlogs

All of the preceding problems are magnified when considered within an environment of shrinking budgets. But it is more economically feasible to address your organizations maintenance problems than it is to improve software development. Assume software maintenance accounts for 80% of a software systems lifecycle costs while new development accounts for 20%. If you double the efficiency of the development process (using CASE tools, etc.) then youve freed up 10% of your organizations software resources (half of the 20% formerly used for new development). But if you double the maintenance productivity, you free up 40% of your organizations software resources (half of the 80% formerly used for maintenance). Considering the DoD spends approximately $16.8 Billion a year on maintenance (roughly 70% of its entire software budget of $24 Billion) then were talking about a $6.7 Billion savings in the DoD alone (40% of $16.8 Billion).



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If the preceding problems become severe enough (and the legacy software is important enough) then redevelopment is the traditional solution. But this is not always a good idea for the following reasons: Critical corporate knowledge is contained within the legacy software Legacy software represents an enterprise model of your organization. If the software has been in use for a long time, then it has most likely survived by providing a critical service. In fact, some software engineers believe that most organizations have already built the majority of their useful software systems. The original users and developers may no longer be available to explain all the reasons behind the creation of, and subsequent modifications to, the software. Legacy software is a valuable asset

According to some estimates, software development runs about $8-20 per LOC. Since the 1950s, over 100 billion LOC have been written80% of which is COBOL. This represents an investment in COBOL code alone of between $640 billion and $1.6 trillion. This asset is second only to oil reserves or the global marketplace. Reusable, reengineered software costs much less than redeveloped code Estimates of reusing reengineered software is about $2-$5 per LOC. As seen previously, newly developed code costs $8-20 per LOC. Of course, redevelopment cannot be ruled out. Valid reasons exist for completely replacing legacy software. But for the preceding reasons, software reengineering should be considered a viable alternative.



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Some organizations have decided that software reengineering and a new maintenance environment is too radical a step to try. Instead, these organizations gradually improve their maintenance environment using better tools, processes, or people. In the world of quality improvement, this is termed continuous improvement. But recent studies indicate the return-on-investment (ROI) for software reengineering far outweighs the benefits accrued through continuous improvement. A well-run continuous improvement plan can expect no more than 15% savings of resources (personnel time and money). Most of the Baldridge Quality Award winners report only 5-12% savings due to continuous improvement. But software reengineering surveys are showing savings on the order of 150-200% (ref. STSC reengineering projects survey). Again, this is not to say a continuous improvement plan should not be considered. The organizations goals should be carefully considered before embarking on either a reengineering project or a continuous improvement plan. If savings of 15% will satisfy management goals over the long term, then the less risky strategy is continuous improvement. But if your organization anticipates budget reductions (or personnel losses) in excess of the best that continuous mprovement can achieve, then software reengineering should be considered a viable alternative.



A new business strategy now challenges software organizations. It is called business process reengineering (BPR). The reader should never confuse business process reengineering with software reengineering. But we have included this sub-section because software reengineering is often driven by the requirements of BPR.
(Business Process) Reengineering is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed. Michael Hammer and James Champy

Traditionally, organizations are structured vertically. Business units may include manufacturing, marketing, administration, etc. But vertical structuring is often a barrier to quick adaptation to the demands of a rapidly changing world. When confronted with a new objective, client, strategy, etc., every business unit must be mobilized from the top down. Thus, administration gears up, marketing gears up, manufacturing gears up, etc. Business process reengineering says this is wasteful of time and resources. The organization should be cross-functional so that integrated work teams focus on critical processes. This re-organization reaches into management so that instead of a vice-president in charge of marketing or R&D, there may be a vice-president in charge of the manufacturing and delivery of product XYZ or service ABC. So what is the role of software reengineering? Legacy software was developed to support business functions within the traditionally vertical organization structure. Thus, organizations have software to support marketing, manufacturing, etc. Software reengineering can capture the software design information. Using new tools and techniques, this design information can be broken up into functionally cohesive chunks. These chunks are then analyzed

and regrouped around the newly identified key business process. aggregation.

This regrouping is termed re-

Notice that in many ways, this sounds a lot like the process of translating process-oriented software to object-oriented software (ref. Section 7 of this report). Software should reflect a meta-model of the realworld. In the past, organizations attempted to force their software to conform to a structure that did not match the real-world as understood by the eventual users of the software. This often caused communications problems between software designers and users. Now, with object-oriented analysis and BPR, organizations are re-aligning their software (and organizational structure) so that they correspond to real-world objects (and processes).






The debate over domain definitions within reengineering is far from being resolved. During 1992, several reengineering conferences brought up the issue of a standard reengineering taxonomy. This makes sense when you have listened to far too many presentations that begin with the presenters definitions so that the audience will have a common frame of reference. In September of 1992, the Joint Logistics Commanders (JLC) workshop on software reengineering set forth definitions that the STSC has subsequently adopted [JLC, 1992]. These definitions are largely based on ideas gleaned from STSCs 1992 Reengineering Tools Report, the Chikofsky and Cross article to IEEE [Chikofsky, 1990], the 3rd Annual Systems Reengineering Technology Workshop held at the Naval Surface Warfare Center in Maryland [NSWC, 1992], and the 3rd Reverse Engineering Forum held at Northeastern University [Chikofsky, 1992].

Systems Engineering: The top level process of engineering a system to meet overall requirements. Software Reengineering: The examination and alteration of an existing subject system to reconstitute it in a new form. This process encompasses a combination of sub-processes such as reverse engineering, restructuring, redocumentation, forward engineering, and retargeting. Aside: The new form of the subject system could be structured code - from spaghetti code; design information in graphical form - from input code; or the translation of the source code from one language to another while preserving the systems functionality. Reverse Engineering1: The engineering process of understanding, analyzing, and abstracting the system to a new form at a higher abstraction level. Aside: This higher abstraction level is understood within the context of the software systems lifecycle. The classic waterfall development lifecycle calls for requirements/specifications followed by design, code, test, implement, and maintain. Thus, if we start with the code, reverse engineering will extract design information which is at a higher abstraction level in the lifecycle. Forward Engineering1: Forward engineering is the set of engineering activities that consume the products and artifacts derived from legacy software and new requirements to produce a new target system. Aside: Notice the difference between software engineering and forward engineering. A hot topic within software reengineering circles is whether we even need the term forward engineering since this implies the normal development lifecycle sequence of events. If this was the extent of forward engineering, then forward engineering and software engineering can be considered identical terms. But we define forward engineering as using the output of reengineering. This implies that some reengineering must have occurred prior to the forward engineering activity.

For example, the most common forward engineering activity involves the generation of source code from design information which was captured by a previous reverse engineering activity. Data Reengineering 1: Tools that perform all the reengineering functions associated with source code (reverse engineering, forward engineering, translation, redocumentation, restructuring/normalization, and retargeting) but act upon data files. Aside: As in source code reengineering, data reengineering must have a goal or target configuration. We call this a target meta model. For example, relational data bases (RDBs) are a desirable target meta model (currently, less than 5% of all data files are RDBs). Data reengineering tools help to translate flat files and hierarchical files to RDBs. Each reengineering activity for source code has a corresponding activity in data reengineering. Reverse engineering of data captures the design information of data files. Restructuring data could normalize that data. Data translation can move data files from a flat file configuration to a relational data base. And retargeting data files assists the migration of data to new platforms. Data name rationalization (DNR) is a special case of data reengineering. DNR tools enforce uniform naming conventions across all software systems. DoD studies predict a 100 to 1 reduction in data names if such names were standardized and controlled across all services [Connall 92]. As Lt. General Peter Kind remarked at STC 94 standard data is as important as standard equipment. Redocumentation1: The process of analyzing the system to produce support documentation in various forms including users manuals and reformatting the systems source code listings. Aside: Sometimes, the output of reverse engineering is thought to be the same as redocumentation. After all, when reverse engineering captures the design information from the legacy source code, the resulting information usually includes data flow diagrams, control flow charts, etc. The difference between redocumentation and reverse engineering is that the redocumentation usually generates system documentation according to a standard. For example, there are redocumentation tools that create documentation for DoD-STD-2167A - a DoD software documentation standard. A special case of redocumentation tools are reformatting tools. Otherwise known as pretty printers, reformatters make source code indentation, bolding, capitalization, etc. consistent thus making the source code more readable.

Restructuring1: The engineering process of transforming the system from one representation form to another at the same relative abstraction level, while preserving the subject systems external functional behavior. Aside: Recall that reverse engineering can extract design information from source code. Design is a higher level of abstraction than code (ref. most lifecycle charts). Restructuring code leaves the system at the same abstraction level (i.e. the coding level) but radically rearranges the source code to fit a new paradigm such as structured code or object-oriented code. Retargeting1: The engineering process of transforming and hosting or porting the existing system in a new configuration. Aside: The new configuration could be a new hardware platform, a new operating system, or a CASE platform. A good rule of thumb is that if more than 20-30% of the software must be

changed during a retargeting project, then redeveloping the software specifically for the new platform might be a better strategy. Source Code Translation1: Transformation of source code from one language to another or from one version of a language to another version of the same language (e.g., going from COBOL-74 to COBOL-85). Business Process Reengineering 1: The fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical, contemporary measures of performance, such as cost, quality, service, and speed. Hammer and Champy Aside: Tools that support BPR include process modelers (and simulators) that allow organizations to run what-if scenarios on their key business processes. Other BPR tools enable an organization to set goals and gather information about current or projected processes.



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This report lists both tools and services. When is it appropriate to use a reengineering service instead of COTS tools? There are basically two scenarios that may make the service more practical: There are no COTS tools that fit If your organizations primary source code language is not mainstream, or your reengineering needs are in some way unique (such as a proprietary data base configuration), then turning to a service may be your only reengineering option. Several tool vendors also provide reengineering services and may be able to modify their tools to handle your unique requirements. Sometimes its more economical to use a service Reengineering tools are rarely cheap. If the software needing reengineering is not large, then the cost tradeoff of using a service vs. buying a tool (which you may never use again after your software has been reengineered) might easily favor using a service. If you choose a service, do not expect your reengineering responsibilities to be over. The core process (as outlined in the Reengineering Process Model of Section 4) must still be performed by your organization. More importantly, you must work closely with any service to ensure correct reengineering. War stories abound where a service returns reengineered software that is no where near what was expected. As a software organization, you probably recall users that ordered new software and then complained that the resulting system is not what they requested. Thats why prototyping was developed. In the role of customer to the reengineering service, dont make the same mistake.



Identified as a key component in the DoDs Software Technology Strategy [DoD 91], a repository should be central to your organizations reengineering efforts (see Figure 1-1). Reverse engineering tools require a place to store extracted design parameters. But the repository is much more: Requirements-based maintenance The repository will change the very nature of maintenance and development by focusing on the change requirements, not on the technical problems of change and implementation. This allows accountants, engineers, scientists, etc. to directly modify a system without an intervening layer of software specialists (application programmers and analysts). Changes can be made and tested at the requirements level. When ready to execute, a code generator creates the source code in the language deemed most efficient for the given application and platform. This frees an organization from reliance on a given languages quirks and highly-trained/highly-paid personnel. Center for reusable software components

Traditional reuse repositories are based on code fragments that have been encapsulated and thoroughly validated. But programmers seem reluctant to use these repositories due to 3 basic reasons: Distrust of the reusable code fragment (the not invented here syndrome) The time required to understand what the reusable code fragment does The reusable code fragment includes a lot more functionality than is needed

But reusable design repositories dont have these problems. Since the reusable design fragment is graphically represented, the programmer can immediately determine its functionality and easily identify/remove any excess functionality. Once the new software is fully developed from reusable design fragments, a code generator (i.e., forward engineering tool) can then create the executable source code.
J o bC o n t r o l L a n g u a g e

D o c u m e n t a t io n

S o u r c eC o d e

T o o ls

O n lin e S c r e e n s

O ld D o c u m e n t s

D e s ig n R e p o s it o r y

T o o ls

D e s ig n I n f o r m a t io n


T o o ls
F o r w a r d E n g in e e r e d S o u r c eC o d e

R e q u ir e m e n t s

Figure 1-1. Repository-Based Reengineering/Maintenance Central development/maintenance site for the entire organization Allows different developers to coordinate their work on the same software Enables an architectural approach to software development/maintenance. (Contains the goals, requirements, specifications, validation suite, report designs, screen designs, data models, process models, business rules, data structures, strategies, hardware components, data dictionary, data flow diagrams, program structures, and the organizations meta-models for BPR.) Integrates tools for validation, data base management, configuration management, etc. by providing a common interface for different languages, DBMSs, I/O interfaces, and methodologies from a variety of vendors. Thus, it must embrace an open architecture. Provides for a methodology-guided exploration and maintenance [Sayani 91]. Given a formal maintenance environment, each change or fix would follow a step by step process (i.e. methodology). For example, from a given trouble report: root causes are hypothesized, errors localized, potential ripple effects studied, solution efforts estimated, and corrections validated.

It should be pointed out that not all the functionality described above is available from all repositories. The I-CASE initiative is attempting to address many of these benefits.




Due to the current size of the tools list, we have included the entire tools list (Appendix A), product sheets (Appendix B), and some product critiques (Appendix C) in Volume 2 of this report. Most readers are not interested in searching through the entire printed list to find those tools that match their reengineering requirements. The STSC will create a customized tools list based on your reengineering requirements for free. Just call us with your requirements and we will search our entire data base for tools that fit your reengineering needs. Thus, Volume 2 is available upon request only . If you are a vendor, please request Volume 2 and validate your tool information. Contact us immediately if you disagree with any of the data, if your tool is missing, or the tools functionality has expanded beyond our current description. We welcome any and all suggestions regarding these appendices. If you have information that should be included in this report (e.g., a reengineering conference), let us know. Your input will continue to shape and improve this report.



The alphabetized lists of reengineering tools can be found in Volume 2 of this report. Appendix A contains all reengineering tools known at time of publication. The tools list is sorted (and printed) by three different criteria: Appendix A.1: Lists the tools by reengineering type (i.e., sub-domain) Appendix A.2: Lists the tools in alphabetical order by tool name Appendix A.3: Lists the tools in alphabetical order by vendor name

Each line within the tool lists contains the following tool information: The tools name Compatible hardware platforms and associated operating systems Vendor name and phone number Computer languages and data bases supported by the tool The tools reengineering sub-domain types. definitions): Currently, these include (see Section 1 for

- Reverse Engineering - Forward Engineering - Source Code Translator - Redocumentation - Restructure - Retargeting - Data Reengineering - Business Process Reengineering The reader will note that additional sub-domains are listed next to some tools in Appendix A. These subdomains are used and discussed in other Technology Reports published by the STSCprimarily the Software Test Technologies Report . The Software Test Technologies Report also includes a discussion and full list of the STSC data base on software analysis tools.



We attempt to contact every vendor for more detailed tool information using the STSC product sheet. These product sheets are listed in Volume 2 of this report and are available upon request. The additional information provided by the product sheets include:

Cost, discounts, site licenses A more detailed description Development/maintenance methodologies supported by the tool Frequency of new releases How tool documentation is updated by the vendor Minimal required hardware Minimal required software Misc. services such as a vendor BBS, hotline, newsletter, training, tool customization, GUI support, Windows support, etc.

We try to uncover any hidden hardware/software requirements for each tool. For example, if a tool requires an upgrade to the hardware platform, such as a math co-processor, then this would be included in the product sheet for that tool.



Every vendor normally maintains a list of satisfied customers as character references. In addition, the STSC actively solicits experienced users opinions of these reengineering tools. We are interested in perceived strengths and weaknesses of the tool and advice/warnings for potential tool buyers. To be fair, we have included a space for vendor comment/rebuttal of the users remarks. Some sample product critiques appear in Volume 2 of this report and are available upon request. At the request of potential tool buyers, we will send a more detailed questionnaire to the experienced users who filled out product critiques. All such questionnaires will be held in confidence at the request of the tool user.





Appendix D is a list of conferences and training workshops in the field of software reengineering or directly relating to this field.





Appendix E contains a list of articles and books regarding the software reengineering field. These represent some of the key readings which the STSC used when shaping our approach to this domain.

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Terms and acronyms used throughout this paper have been collected in Appendix F for easy reference.

Appendix G provides an introduction to the Software Technology Support Center, including its mission, strategy, products, and services.




The Software Reengineering Assessment Handbook (SRAH) provides information and guidance to individuals responsible for DoD software, specifically in maintaining existing software, implementing software reuse, and incorporating Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS)/ Non-Developmental Items (NDI) into new or existing systems. It focuses on providing practical assistance to the analyst and/or engineer responsible for performing the analysis of existing software for potential reengineering. However, the results of the process described in the SRAH will be used by DoD decision makers as a basis for making informed decisions about whether to maintain, reengineer, or retire existing software. Portions of this process may not be fully applicable to every type of system and are tailorable to each user organizations needs.



The SRAH applies to the analysis and planning of reengineering efforts for all DoD software. Use of this handbook should be consistent with the provisions of applicable directives. This handbook also applies to other Government and commercial/industry software, that is, the same principles and processes apply. It provides a defined Software Reengineering Assessment (SRA) process for conducting an effective technical, economic, and management assessment of existing software to determine whether to maintain, reengineer, or retire that software. The technical and economic assessment sub-processes are intended for execution by individuals having a thorough understanding of the existing system, software engineering/reengineering, and software economics, or access to someone who has this knowledge. The management decision sub-process is intended for execution by a decision maker familiar with these areas, but not necessarily expert in any of them. The overall SRA process can be performed at the system level, the Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI) level for embedded/tactical systems, or the computer program level for Automated Information Systems (AIS). Its applicability ranges from small to very large systems from a single maintainer to DoD executives responsible for software. The SRA process can be applied at the maintenance organization level, the program office level, or at the systems command level. The SRA process is applicable to various types of project life cycle approaches including waterfall, incremental, periodic, and spiral. It will be applied more frequently for incremental, periodic, and spiral reengineering, than for waterfall, but on a smaller scale. The SRA process is designed to be tailored to meet the needs of certain types/classes of systems. For example, when tactical (hard real-time, embedded, or weapon-related systems versus AIS) systems are considered, the reengineering decision maker (e.g., Program Manager) may not be choosing between several systems for the best to reengineer. Rather, he/she is faced with a go/no-go choice on reengineering, or is reengineering for other than pure economic reasons and only needs to choose the best available strategy. Thus, some of the handbook processes are not applicable. Furthermore, systems engineering trade-off analysis may precede the SRA to address open technical issues. Each user should tailor the SRA process to fit their organizations needs.



Existing software is a valuable DoD asset which must be used to the greatest degree possible. Consequently, there is an immediate need for DoD guidance for conducting technical, economic, and management assessment of reengineering techniques to determine when they are cost beneficial. The Software Reengineering Executive Strategy and Master Plan produced at the JLC-JPCG-CRM Santa Barbara I Reengineering Workshop states:
The state of DoD software systems is approaching a national crisis. Currently 30% of the software budget is being spent on development, while the other 70% is spent on maintenance. Woefully,

50% of the maintenance resources are expended on understanding system requirements and the design and specifications of existing systems. This catastrophe has drastically affected our warfighting capability and drained our resources. Resources currently devoted to continued maintenance could be better utilized on reengineering or new development with greater return on investment. This alarming trend will be exacerbated unless there is a devoted effort to change the entire process of the system acquisition from cradle to grave. Utilizing systems software reengineering and reuse as a paradigm for capitalizing on our investment in existing and future systems shows great potential for resolving a major portion of the problem ... The vision of this Master Plan is to preserve, extend, and leverage DoDs past and present investments in systems through reengineering for the future. Bold leadership is required to achieve the following goals for the year 2000: For existing systems Reengineer based on return on investment assessment. For new systems Develop with reengineering and/or reuse structures. For technology Enable working at high levels of aggregation (e.g., configurations) and abstraction (e.g., requirements and specifications). For infrastructure Foster consistent policies, standards, procedures, education, tools, incentives, and business practices that integrate reengineering into the systems engineering process.

Technical reasons to reengineer existing systems include mission requirements, major enhancements, modifications for new applications, rehosting to a new computer, translation to a new language, etc., which eventually comes down to an economics decision. This Handbook provides the required DoD guidance for conducting technical, economic, and management assessments to determine when software reengineering techniques are cost effective.



The factors leading to the decision to reengineer are complex. The goal of the SRAH is to present those factors in a straightforward manner. Decisions regarding reengineering are critical since they involve the allocation of an organizations resources: money, time, and personnel . Figure 3-1 presents an overview of the SRA Process. Subsequent SRAH chapters discuss the individual parts of the process in greater detail. There are multiple entry and exit points in the process. Candidate software (e.g., computer programs) enters the process based on a number of factors listed in SRAH (Section 4.2 on page 4-3) including those candidates perceived as being a problem. Candidates specifically directed to be reengineered will not need to be screened. Similarly, candidates that were previously identified through some other process for reengineering can enter the SRA process at the beginning of the economic processthe technical process is optional. However, the user may want to subject such candidates to the entire process to determine if a different strategy is more appropriate and/or to validate the process itself. As previously described, the SRA process consists of three distinct components: technical , economic , and management . A. Reengineering Technical Assessment (RTA) Process 1. 2. 3. 4. Assess the organizations level of preparation to reengineer (SRAH Section 4.2). Identify candidate software (computer programs A, B, C, D, and E, for example) (SRAH Section 4.3). Screen the list of candidates to determine their viability for reengineering (programs A, C, and E, for example) (SRAH Section 4.4). Complete the RTA Questions, Table 4-1, Page 4-14, for each candidate. Identify the reengineering strategies (A-1, A-2, A-3, C-1, C-2, C-3, E-1, E-2, and E-3, for example) based on the scores from the questionnaire (SRAH Section 4.5). Consider other strategies (SRAH Section 4.6). If evaluating multiple candidates, enter the RTA Questionnaire results into the Detailed Assessment Results (DAR) worksheet in appendix C, and answer the Maintenance Environment Question Set (SRAH Section 4.14, Page 4-28).

5. 6.


Document the technical assessment results.

B. Reengineering Economic Assessment (REA) Process 8. 9. Estimate the cost of each strategy identified by the RTA Process. Strategy 1 Status Quo) is always considered (SRAH Sections 5-3 through 5-6). Calculate the economic indicators for each strategy (SRAH Sections 5-7 and 5-8).

10. Rank order the strategies using appropriate economic indicators (optional) (SRAH Section 5.9). 11. Document the economic assessment results (SRAH Section 5.10). C. Reengineering Management Decision (RMD) Process 12. Prepare the Management Report according to SRAH section 6.2 (no form or worksheet is included). Select the recommended strategy for each candidate being evaluated. Review and confirm that the strategy meets all technical, economic, mission, user, customer, and organizational objectives. Select a different strategy if necessary. Using an appropriate economic and/or technical indicator, rank order the candidates being evaluated with their corresponding recommended strategies. Identify other considerations related to each candidate and/or groups of candidates that may influence the relative priorities. This may include organizational requirements and capabilities, user or customer requirements and funding, staff and time constraints. 13. Select the reengineering projects, and establish project priorities (SRAH Section 6.3). 14. Implement and document the management decision results. Include the basis for the priority assigned to each candidate. Integrate this documentation with the documentation from the RTA and REA (SRAH Section 6.4).

Start Recommended Strategy

Assess Reengineering Preparation

Selected Strategies (Candidate A - Strategy 1, etc.) All Potential Candidates Start

Preferred Strategy

A-1 A-2 A-3

End Estimate Costs Calculate Economic Indicators Rank Order Strategies (Optional)

A-1 A-2 A-3

Select Strategy



Preferred Strategy Screen Reengineering Candidates Viable Candidates

Other Issues

C-1 C-2 C-3

Estimate Costs Calculate Economic Indicators Rank Order Strategies (Optional)

C-2 C-1 C-3

Select Strategy

C-2 C-3

Set Priorities

Preferred Strategy


Select Reengineering Candidates

Estimate Costs Calculate Economic Indicators Rank Order Strategies (Optional)

Priorit y 1 Select Strategy

E-2 E-3

E-2 E-1

2 3

C-2 E-3 A-1




Recommended Candidates and their Strategies


Figure 3-1. Software Reengineering Assessment (SRA) Process Overview



Volume I contains the technical, economic, and management decision sections and related Appendices A through D. Volume II, Appendices E through K, contains information, guidance, and examples for using specific models to estimate reengineering efforts. The examples were based on a case study which left much room for individual interpretation. Consequently, each model developer assumed slightly different attributes of the case study, which reengineering strategies were more beneficial/economical, and which approach should be taken for a particular strategy. The results of the various models should not be compared with each other because the assumptions differed and the models are based on different project databases. The purpose of providing these appendices is to show that the models do support estimating reengineering efforts. In some cases, the model developers provided significant insight and innovation based on their experiences with actual reengineering projects to date. This information adds significant credibility to the proposition that software reengineering can be very economical.




Many of the USAF organizations we advise are far too eager to rush out immediately and buy a reengineering tool. This, we believe, is analogous to shopping for groceries without a list of projected meals. Not only do you rarely return with all you need, but you usually end up purchasing items you dont need at all. Based on studies of software reengineering projects, the STSC has defined a 9-Step Reengineering Process Model (see Figure 4-1). These 9 steps should be used for planning any software reengineering project. These steps should be accomplished in the order they are listed but can overlap: Step 1: Define Organizational and Software Goals/Directions Step 2: Form an Integrated Reengineering Team Step 3: Define a CMM-Driven Development/Maintenance Environment Step 4: Select a Standard Set of Software Metrics Step 5: Analyze the Legacy Software Step 6: Define a Reengineering Implementation Process Step 7: Develop/Update a Standard Testbed or Validation Suite Step 8: Reengineering Tools Analysis Step 9: Train, Train, Train...

Step 1
Define Organizational and Software Goals/Direction

Step 2
Form an Integrated Reengineering Team

Step 3
Define a CMM-Driven Development/Maint. Environment

Step 6
Define a Reengineering Implementation Process

Step 5
Analyze the Legacy Software

Step 4
Select a Standard Set of Software Metrics

Step 7
Develop/Update a Standard Testbed or Validation Suite

Step 8
Reengineering Tools Analysis

Step 9
Train, Train, Train...

Figure 4-1. Reengineering Process Model





Your organizations strategic/tactical plans should drive any reengineering projects so that your reengineering goals agree with your organizational goals. Anything less and your reengineering project (tools and software) will probably become shelfware or at most, an interesting footnote. For example, translating source code to Ada should not be undertaken due to an external mandate. Translation to Ada should be undertaken due to well-defined goals such as easier maintainability, reuse, enhanced user communications, testability, etc. The legacy software (to be reengineered) should also fit within your organizations long term goals. Reengineering is not inexpensive. Resources (tools, time, and money) spent to reengineer software can only be recaptured if the software is expected to have a strategic role for at least 5 years. One method to define organizational goals is to have an SEI Capability Maturity Model (CMM) analysis performed. Such an analysis helps to identify process problems that should be addressed by modifications to your current development/maintenance environment. Tailor your reengineering project to migrate your legacy software into this new environment.





Create a reengineering team composed of those programmers, users, and managers that are knowledgeable and open-minded enough to evaluate whether technical change can solve their maintenance problems. Choose carefully. Team members should be technically competent, credible, patient, possess good social skills, and know the organizations culture well enough to function successfully. Be sure the user community is well-represented. Besides their expertise, you need their support and buyin. In addition, users help in the validation of the post-reengineered software. The tasks of the reengineering team include [Seymour 92]: Begin/maintain documentation of the reengineering project/process and lessons learned (reference page 53 of MIL-STD-498 for documentation standards as applied to software reengineering projects) Understand the current environment and business needs Establish goals, strategies, and action plans Provide cost justification Test new tools Purchase tools Provide internal marketing, consulting, and service Train others Continue to research and evolve technology Provide vendor liaison - partnerships to advance technology Improve their own processes using client satisfaction surveys From the lessons learned during one or more pilot projects, develop a transition plan to institutionalize your reengineering process and apply it to larger software applications throughout the organization

This last point is important. Too often following a successful pilot project, no thought has been given regarding scaling issues (i.e., application of the reengineering tools and techniques to much larger software applications) or how to move the remaining legacy software to the new maintenance environment.



Input to this creation process should come from users, programmers, and managers. Consult the programmers working on the current development/maintenance process. Even if the current maintenance process is informal, it should have some merit. Change always has a better chance at success when it fits within the organizations cultural norms. But the users may want faster modification turn-around. And the managers are frustrated with their inability to make the software change as quickly as the environment demands. The creation of a development/maintenance process is clearly beyond the scope of this report. It is much better covered by SEIs CMM. But be aware that this step is time-consuming and must be done prior to reengineering. If your organization already has a well-defined, well-regulated development/maintenance process, then clearly this step is satisfied.






When you can measure what you are speaking about and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meager and unsatisfactory kind: it may be the beginning of knowledge, but you have scarcely, in your thoughts, advanced to the stage of science. Lord Kelvin. And everything else that we have talked about, whether it be technology, whether it be new tools such as I-CASE, or whether it be process improvement, whatever it might be in the final analysis, they mean nothing if we cant measure and document the level of improvement, and in fact you will not be able to sell to management those benefits unless you can demonstrate those savings. Lloyd K. Mosemann (closing address to STC 93)

You must know where you are in order to use a map to get to where you want to go. You must be able to show management what they got in return for their money and support. Metrics prove to the skeptics that reengineering was worth all the pain you caused them. Because change is painful and the extent of change caused by reengineering can be extensive. But beyond the political concerns, metrics can help you find out what is wrong and how to fix it. Think of software as you would a doctors patient. A doctor gathers as much data about the state of the patients health as he/she can to try to determine the root cause of a patients problem prior to prescribing treatment. Similary for software, data helps one determine and correct the root cause of a problem, not just correct the symptoms. Metrics and software analysis tools can gather this information for you. And just as your family doctor keeps a record of your health over the years, you should maintain an historical metrics record on your software for its entire lifecycle. You (and your doctor) need a baseline to determine when something is wrong in order to react as quickly as possible. There are some basic metrics which have become defacto standards for measuring the health of software. The most common are McCabes cyclomatic and essential complexity metrics. Cyclomatic complexity is the number of paths through the software, and thus, a measure of the modularity of the software. Obviously, the smaller the cyclomatic complexity, the easier the code is to maintain. Essential complexity is the number of deviations from good structured design contained within the software. Obviously, the closer to zero for essential complexity, the more structured the code. These metrics can be used to determine which software should be reengineering first. But they can also be used on an ongoing basis to determine the effect of maintenance on your software. Metrics should be non-threatening to the people collecting them. Metrics should only be used for process improvement and the continued health of your software. Dont use metrics for personnel appraisals. Otherwise, your personnel will start reporting what they think you want to hear. Quality improvement requires honest, accurate, and consistent data from the people gathering the data. Also, make sure the people see that the data is being used, or they will stop providing it. The metrics you choose for your organization should directly reflect your organizations goals as defined in Step 1 of this preparation process. Thus, metrics are used to define success. If your goal was cheaper maintenance or faster maintenance, then metrics will measure your progress to that goal. But metrics will also help you to understand some of the trade-offs you may face to reach those goals. For example, easier

maintenance may come at the expense of slower execution time. Your reengineering planning needs to include thresholds which the users or programmers or management consider as minimal requirements. Such thresholds could include response time, the number of maintenance personnel required, the turnaround time for a modification request, the quality of the software (as measured in failure rate or mean time between fixes - MTBF), etc. Dont choose metrics that cannot be directly related to organizational or project goals. Collecting arbitrary metrics is a waste of everyones time. A good way to determine appropriate metrics for your organization is to use Victor Basilis Goal, Question, Metric Paradigm [Basili 89]. 1. 2. 3. Identify your goals (organizational and project) Determine what questions need to be answered to achieve those goals Determine what metrics you can collect to answer those questions

CrossTalk (Special Edition, 1993) contains a good article on software metrics by Capt. Mark Kanko (USAF) entitled Of Gas Gauges and Software Metrics. In this article Capt. Kanko discusses the qualities of a good metric. These include simplicity, validity, robustness, prescriptiveness, and analyzability. The STSC is teaching and consulting on the official USAF metrics policy (as put forth by Darlene Druyen - Deputy Secretary of the Air Force). For more information contact the STSC.





Each candidate software may have different goals and correspondingly different reengineering strategies. Some software may have sufficient documentation but your maintenance process requires capturing the design information to a repository. Other software may have missing or inaccurate documentation requiring redocumentation and reverse engineering to a repository. Thus, its important to inventory your legacy software and determine appropriate reengineering strategies (if any). Determine what software is critical to your organization and its customers. Perform a risk analysis for the candidate software. What would be the impact on your organization if a given piece of software were to fail? Maybe nobody would care. If youre feeling brave (or reckless), stop executing the software and see whether anybody notices. This is a sure-fire way to determine whether the software is being used and by whom. The first section of JLCs SRAH (ref. Section 3) helps an organization to inventory their legacy software and match software candidates to appropriate reengineering strategies. The next section of the SRAH then calculates the cost to reengineer each candidate software. The final section of the SRAH suggests ways to use the resulting information (matched strategies and costs) to prioritize the reengineering projects. Catalogue any unique aspects for eventual reengineering. For example, is the software comprised of several programs linked by Job Control Language (JCL)? Does it use any embedded DBMS or Assembler macro calls? Are other languages embedded or called? What about online screens? Are there any implied dynamic (i.e., execution time) requirements such as response time constraints, available memory, etc.? Moreover, this information should be captured within the design repository. When picking your repository or reengineering tools, ask the vendor whether their tool(s) can handle all your critical design information. Gather whatever requirements information you can find. Currently, reengineering tools cannot derive requirements information from source code. But you need requirements data to effectively maintain your software systems. Talk to the original developers (if available), maintainers, users, management, and anyone else whos worked with the software from the time it was developed. Ask the vendor whether their repository can store requirements information. There are numerous tools to help you gather analysis data on your legacy software. These tools analyze the complexity of your software, check the degree of structuredness, evaluate the impact of a given modification, and identify standards violations (e.g., non-initialized variables, dead code, etc.). This data will help during the validation phase (Step 7) and supply objective data to support your selection of the most appropriate reengineering strategy (Step 6) applicable to the candidate software. Program analysis tools do not modify source code. Running program analysis tools before and after

reengineering provides a means of measuring the effectiveness of the reengineering. These tools are described in much more detail in the STSCs Software Test Technologies Report [Test 94].




Based on the preceding steps, you must now plan how to implement your reengineering process. Step by step, decide what needs to be done, taking into account the legacy software characteristics (starting point), your new maintenance process (finish point), and all intervening steps such as validation, metrics, tool integration, training, etc. Set up a viable schedule with milestones to report back to management. One cautionary note: it is very tempting to include requirements modifications during the reengineering process. DONT!!! Software requirement modifications will create enormous problems with functional validation and greatly complicate the whole project. Wait until the reengineering project is complete and stable (i.e., functionally validated) before implementing modifications. However, we realize that a large reengineering project may go on for months or even years. How does an organization maintain (i.e., allow modifications) a critical software system that is being reengineered. There are two basic strategies: Using good configuration management techniques, collect all change requirements and implement all of them once the reengineered software has been fully validated. Using an incremental approach, reengineer a portion of the software, validate it, modify it per the new requirements, then repeat this process until the entire system is reengineered.

There are three fundamental strategies for reengineering which can be summed up as evolutionary vs. revolutionary: 1. Systems Reengineering (Revolutionary) An entire system is reengineered (Figure 4-2). Systems reengineering can be used for one-time reengineering projects where you need to solve an immediate problem for a particular application. The advantage to this strategy is that the system is brought into the newly defined maintenance environment all at once. A disadvantage is the high amount of risk associated with systems reengineering. Following reengineering, the entire system must now operate flawlessly. But can you guarantee that? Is the functionality intact? Were any bugs introduced during the reengineering (remember, there is a good deal of human intervention with any reengineering project). If youre confident you can control these potential problems, and the system is sufficiently small enough, then systems reengineering will allow you to quickly switch over from the old system to the reengineered system. Otherwise, perhaps one of the following strategies would be better.
L e g a cy S o ftw a re L e g a cy S oftw a re L e g acy S o ftw a re

R e en g ine e red S yste m

Figure 4-2. System Reengineering Process


Incremental Reengineering Parts of the software are reengineered then re-integrated with the overall system (Figure 4-3). This approach creates versions of the software that must be managed using configuration control techniques. When a software modification is required, begin by first reengineering only those parts of the software that will be affected by the modification. Overall risk is reduced since only clearly defined parts of the software are changed. Should a problem occur, its origin can be traced to those portions changed. The disadvantage lies in the number of interim versions of the software generated until all the software is eventually reengineered.

Legacy Program X a b e c d

Legacy Program Y f i g h

Legacy Program Z j

Reengineer component d

New version of Program X a b a c new d b

Reengineered component d recompiled with rest of program

new d

Figure 4-3. Incremental Reengineering Process


Partial Reengineering Functionally cohesive modules of the software are reengineered as needed but not reintegrated with the rest of the software. When a software modification is required, first reengineer only those parts of the software affected by the modification (e.g., sub-system or sub-routine). But unlike incremental reengineering, the reengineered software is now separately maintained within the new software maintenance environment (Figure 4-4). For example, the reengineered module may now reside on a new hardware platform, CASE tool, or repository. The advantage to this strategy is the inherent advantage of modular design: if a problem occurs after the implementation of the reengineered software, just re-implement the old module. The disadvantage lies in managing the interface between the reengineered module and the rest of the software and whether the interface introduces any response time degradation that is unacceptable (particularly for real time software).

If reengineering is viewed as the path to long-term software maintenance improvement for your organization, then we recommend incremental or partial reengineering. But if you need a short-term solution to an immediate problem for a particular application, then systems reengineering might be the better strategy. As with any new technology, reengineering should be inserted cautiously within an organization. Choose a software system (or module) that is relatively small and isolated (little or no impact on other software

components and data files). Pilot projects enable an organization to test newly acquired tools and newly defined reengineering strategies. Lessons learned from pilot projects should then be applied to larger, more complex software reengineering projects. Thus, plan how to transition the tools, strategies, and lessons learned from the pilot project to all the organizations legacy software requiring reengineering.
Legacy Program a b e c d f Legacy Program i g h j Legacy Program

Reengineer component d

Possibly on a CASE platform? c Interface to new component d new d

Figure 4-4. Partial Reengineering Process





This absolutely critical step of the reengineering process is often overlooked. How else do you prove the reengineered software is functionally equivalent to the legacy software? Whether you reformatted, restructured, translated, or generated code from captured design data, you need to validate the functionality of the resulting software. Critical software, in particular, need to demonstrate unchanged functionality after reengineering. This is a key reason why it is extremely unwise to propose any functional changes until after the reengineered software is validated. So check your current validation suite for the candidate software. Discover whether its current and complete. If not, take the time to create/update a complete testbed for the candidate software. Remember, the validation suite is also the minimum acceptance criteria for your users. We recommend that if your reengineering project uses multiple reengineering strategies (e.g., translate source code then restructure) that the software be validated after each strategy is completed. As mentioned in the previous step, we strongly recommend against introducing any functional changes during a reengineering project. But if circumstances force such changes, then we recommend an incremental, spiral approach to reengineering projects which include functional enhancements. This is the reason why this step follows Step 6, so that the validation plan can match the chosen strategy for reengineering implementation. Essentially the incremental, spiral approach involves: Reengineer a modular piece of the software Validate the software that was reengineered Implement the functional enhancement(s) Supplement the validation test suite to allow for the enhancements Validate the enhancements Move on to the next modular piece of software to be reengineered (i.e., return to the top of this list)

Traceability is also important. Design functionality must be clearly associated with its corresponding source code. This is your only link between the new, repository-based design representation and the old source code. When looking at reengineering tools, ask the vendors about traceability. For a more in-depth discussion of testing strategies, we strongly recommend you read the STSC report: Software Test Technologies Report [Test 94].



All the preceding steps should be accomplished prior to selecting any reengineering tool(s). Buying software tools the way most software development organizations do is like going to the grocery store without a listwhen you get home, not only do you not have everything you need, you have a lot of stuff you dont need [Meredith 91]. Find the reengineering tools that will accomplish your maintenance and reengineering goals. They should also fit the needs of your candidate software as defined previously (Step 6). Be aware that there may not be a COTS reengineering tool that satisfies all of your requirements. Your source code language may not have a sufficiently large user base to warrant any vendor creating a reengineering tool. Or there may exist reengineering tools for your candidate source code language but they wont capture design information associated with JCL, online screen formats, DBMS calls, macros, etc. You may then need to decide whether the discrepancies between the tools functionality and the legacy softwares characteristics are sufficiently small to still make the tool usable. You may have to massage your legacy software so that your reengineering tools can process it. This may take several forms: Most reengineering tools run on workstations or PCs. Thus, if your software resides on the mainframe, there is the issue of downsizing or porting your legacy software from your mainframe. If the tool will only process COBOL 85 and your legacy software was written in COBOL 74 and COBOL 68, use a translator to upgrade to COBOL 85 code first. Another strategy would be to translate the code into a standard language first. For example, translate a platform-dependent assembler into Fortran before additional reengineering. If your legacy software includes embedded macros, DBMS calls, other language calls, etc., and your reengineering tool cannot process anything outside the primary source code language, then stub out that code.

A possible alternative to modifying your legacy source code to fit the reengineering tool, is to alter the reengineering tool to fit your legacy source code. Several vendors have accessible grammars that allow tool customization. Tool integration is also an important consideration. As discussed above, no single reengineering tool will match all your requirements. But where one tool falls short, another may pick up the slack. So check whether the reengineering tool can pass data to other reengineering tools, your chosen repository, the hardware platform/OS, and the target maintenance process/tools. And finally, the issue of scalability must be considered. A reengineering tool that works well for a small pilot project, may have serious problems when applied to larger software components. These problems include significantly slower execution time, insufficient hardware memory, inability to graphically represent overly complex designs, etc. Ask the vendor for a demonstration of their tool(s) on software components that correspond in size to the software you wish to reengineer. The STSC maintains a database of all known commercial and government-owned reengineering tools and services (see Appendix A of this report). If you call the STSC, we will provide you a customized list of tools that meet as many of your requirements as possible. In addition, the STSC maintains a database of tool critiques about these tools written by objective users of these tools (see Appendix C of this report).

4.10 S TEP 9: T RAIN , T RAIN , T RAIN ...

Training seems to always be the last item budgeted. Rarely is an organizations skills regularly updated. Training must be considered an ongoing task. Training is key to the success of any reengineering project and is important during each of the preceding 8 steps. Government organizations cannot assume contractors will supply fully trained personnel and thus not budget for any additional training. Technology and processes are far too dynamic and require update training with an accompanying budget. Government organizations should expect contractors to supply constantly trained personnel, not fully trained personnel. However, if the government is going to expect the contractor to continually (or regularly) have their people trained on the latest technology, then this needs to be spelled out in the contract. Otherwise, you will probably have to settle for the skills and knowledge that was present at the beginning of the contract, and no more. Your reengineering team must be trained to understand several key concepts: How to manage technological change (see Section 5.1) The basics of reengineering How to use the selected reengineering tools How to use the target development/maintenance process

Because of the training and time investments in your reengineering team, you should seriously consider making the team permanent. Reengineering is an ongoing process. Any moderate to large software organization will have more than enough legacy software to keep such a team busy for the next several years at least. Which brings us to the last issue of training. By training the reengineering team, they will be able to train other key personnel involved in the reengineering project.




In broad strokes, we have outlined a core process for planning a reengineering project. There are other reengineering planning processes currently available. The STSC reengineering data base includes several commercial planning processes. In addition, the government offers the following reengineering planning processes: DFAS is working on a reengineering process for each of the reengineering strategies. For example, if you decide to redocument, DFAS has a step by step process to redocument and fulfill any and all DoD requirements. There is also a process for software analysis, reverse engineering, forward engineering, and data name rationalization. The Army published a paper on reengineering process and decision strategy in 1991 entitled Software Redesign Decision Making [Army 1991]. Their basic premise is that three areas need to be consulted before deciding to reengineer: business, users, and technical considerations. In addition, they ask their readers to consider three basic questions to be answered by each group: When should software be reengineered? What software should be reengineered? How should the software be reengineered?

The Software Engineering Institute (SEI at Carnegie-Mellon University) plans to publish a Best Practices handbook for software reengineering. The STSC can help you contact the appropriate personnel within the SEI. The National Security Agency (NSA) has published the Software Reengineering Guidebook . The STSC can help you contact the appropriate personnel within the NSA.

The STSC also recommends Carma McClures book The Three Rs of Software Automation: Reengineering Repositories Reusability [McClure 90] and Patricia L. Seymours tutorial on Reengineering in the Real World [Seymour 92]. Besides various reengineering strategies, Ms. Seymour discusses reengineering objectives, problems, plans, people, benefits, issues, and timing.


Successful software reengineering requires careful planning. This level of planning also helps justify to management the amount of resources required. Smaller pilot projects are a good way of proving reengineering concepts and their cost savings. But whatever political strategy you employ, dont attempt reengineering without each of the steps outlined above, in the appropriate order.




Change is always difficult and usually resisted. As agents of change, you walk a tightrope between the status quo and the future of software engineering. You must be sensitive to the politics and culture of your organization. Studies show that change stands a much better chance of success if it is phrased within the context of the organizations culture and values. This culture will probably not be written down anywhere so you must decipher it yourself or bring in people familiar with it into your reengineering team. We recommend two courses for people acting as reengineering change agents. The first of these is SEIs class on Managing Technological Change at Carnegie-Mellon University. SEI can be reached at (412) 268-7700. This course teaches all aspects of how to introduce new ideas, methods, and tools into your software organization. This course is also available to government organizations, through the STSC. The point of contact at the STSC for this course is Mike Sturgeon at (801) 775-5555 extension 3069. The second course comes from Technology Innovations and is called Re-engineering in the Real World . This course is much more reengineering-oriented and is taught by people who have managed reengineering projects. They can be reached at (510) 820-9448. As part of the course, a series of surveys help determine your reengineering needs, your consulting skills, level of client satisfaction, etc. Both of these courses emphasize the need for infrastructure support to support a major change. Infrastructure support includes change agents, powerful sponsors, the reengineering team, and middle management. Without careful preparation and cultivation of these people, you will probably fail. Your career and reputation is on the line so do your homework.





Most reengineering tools work only on workstation and PC platforms. This may be due to the trend of client-server, distributed systems processing or it may be due to the versatility and power of mid-sized workstations. Whatever the cause, mainframe-based organizations interested in reengineering face downsizing/downloading of their software to run on these platforms. Thus, an interface issue is introduced both for input to the tool and returning its output to the production platform. Reengineering tools still have a serious problem handling software written in multiple languages or with embedded macros, DBMS calls, etc. A software system is more than just the dominant source code language. Lets look at a typical MIS application. The dominant language is usually COBOL and there are plenty of COBOL reengineering tools available. But what about all of your DBMS calls. Will the tool handle these or must they be stubbed out? Do you have any embedded calls to Fortran or Assembler routines? Is the system online and if so, will the tool handle your I/O screen calls? What about the design logic contained in the JCL? This, too, must be captured and represented. If youre a DoD organization, will you have to generate Ada code to conform to DoD standards? Usually a platform that allows an integration of tools is the best choice to handle this variety of input. This means the tools can exchange software meta-data. Remember, the reengineering tools will need to interact with metrics tools, validation tools, a repository, documentation tools, etc. As was mentioned in step 8 of the STSC reengineering planning process, the DoD has created the I-CASE (Integrated Computer-Assisted Software Engineering) project to allow suites of tools to exchange software meta-data. I-CASE was defined to allow an open architecture that encompasses development tools, maintenance tools, and reengineering tools. The STSC strongly recommends your organization look into I-CASE when planning your reengineering project. The technology and tools that fit your needs may simply not exist. If your legacy software is not written in a source code language with a sufficient user base, no vendor will deem it economically feasible to create a tool for that language. The same can be said regarding your proprietary DBMS or data file system. So you are left with one of three choices: Manually reengineer or redevelop your systems

Develop your own proprietary tools Contract with a software reengineering service to reengineer your legacy software for you

A cautionary note regarding this last option. Never turn your software systems over to a service company and assume the reengineering will be done to your complete satisfaction unless you stay intimately involved. Stay involved every step of the way and keep the applications users involved as well. And finally, beware the problem of scalability. A small pilot project may successfully reengineer an organizations software but when applied to larger software applications (on the order of a million lines of code or more), some reengineering tools (or repository) start having problems. These problems include significantly slower tool response times (on the order of hours or days), insufficient memory, downloading congestion, and difficulty in re-integrating different software modules. Even the graphics will have problems displaying excessive design information. Our advice is to have the vendor(s) demonstrate their tool(s) using software of a magnitude similar to the software you need to reengineer.





Currently we cant reverse engineer from source code to requirements. Capturing business rules is not the same as capturing requirements (see Section 7.6). Yet, the ideal maintenance process is based on requirements. There are some implied requirements that cant be recovered from source code. For instance, if the system is embedded/real time, what response time constraints are required? Will your newly restructured, translated, or code-generated system run fast enough to meet user expectations and system demands. An F-16 pilot takes small comfort in knowing his arsenal is controlled by more maintainable software which is slower in responding to external threats. Another set of implied requirements is that of the platform/operating system interface to your legacy software. Programmers take for granted the power and limitations of the platform/OS that run their systems. Thus, they add software routines to fill the gaps due to limitations of the platform/OS. Programmers also take for granted the strengths of their platform/OS and omit tests, routines, etc. that may be required by the target source code or new platform/OS. For example, different platform/OSs have different byte lengths, word lengths, precision, registers, etc. Memory requirements will differ. So make sure these requirements are accounted for.





If your legacy software uses COTS or third-party (i.e., contracted) software either by calling routines or as an integral part of the system, then be careful of some potential legal issues when reengineering. Perhaps you want to enhance the COTS tool. One judge has ruled that such modification is possible if the change is necessary for the system to be executed. Another judge has ruled that such modification is legal if it makes the software more usable for the purposes for which it was acquired [Samuelson 90]. Perhaps you want to capture a COTS tool design into your repository because it is integral to your legacy systems. This may fall in the category of developing similar software at the design level representation. This is probably legal as long as you dont develop a competing software product. Be aware that reverse engineering any source code that does not belong to you can carry some stiff penalties. Copyright law has become the main battleground of the legal debate over whether reengineering technology can be used to reverse-engineer other firms programs [Samuelson 90]. Taking apart a competitors product to see how it ticks has long been used as a strategy by many manufacturing firms. But, is this strategy legal in the case of software? The basic legal point is whether you made a copy of the software in the course of analyzing it. If so, then you may have infringed on the developers copyright. Recent court rulings have been mixed on this point. The current trend seems to be that disassembly is legal as long as any resulting products are not too similar in design or look-and-feel. Other reengineering court cases you may want to consult include: Stac v. Microsoft Vault v. Quaid

Sega v. Accolade MAI v. Peak Nintendo v. Galoob Computer Associates v. Altai

These and other court cases are defining the scope of permissible reverse engineering. If theres any question regarding your reengineering project, consult a lawyer, give them the above references, and avoid actions that may give rise to lawsuits.



Design repositories are key to reengineering. They are the midpoint between reverse engineering and forward engineering. They should be key to any maintenance process that utilizes requirements-based modifications. Unfortunately, there arent that many independent design repositories commercially available. Although many CASE tools have built-in repositories, they tend to be built around a predefined development/maintenance methodology. If this methodology matches your organizations target maintenance environment then you have a ready-made repository. If not, then you must find a design/requirements repository that suits your methodology or is at least neutral to any given methodology (such as the I-CASE environment). CASE environments usually focus on software development from scratch. Software reengineering focuses on legacy software. Thus, CASE environments may have many auxiliary tools that are not applicable to the maintenance or reengineering of software. If you are strictly a maintenance organization, these auxiliary tools and processes may not only be unnecessary, but may actually get in the way as the CASE environment attempts to force its internal software engineering development process on you. Many reengineering tools do not populate a repository. Restructuring tools simply restructure source code with the code as the output. The same can be said of redocumenters, reformatters, etc. Even reverse engineering tools (i.e., tools that capture design logic) do not necessarily send the design logic to a design repository. They may, instead, create graphical data flow diagrams, structure charts, control flow diagrams, etc. These graphical representations can be displayed on a screen or on paper, but not necessarily from a repository. I-CASE attempts to provide a common interface between development, maintenance, and reengineering tools. If you decide to put together a non-I-CASE suite of software tools, then you need to look at the interface format used by each tool. These include PCTE, IGES, CDIF, etc. Make sure your tools can exchange meta-data with the repository using one of these common interface formats.



Reengineering is not a cure-all for all the critical problems of maintaining legacy software. If nothing else, we hope you come away from this report with this idea: Reengineering is the bridge used by legacy software to migrate to an organizations new maintenance environment. There is no silver bullet. Only careful planning, resource commitment, and follow-through will save your software organization from the out-of-control expenses of future maintenance. You must ask yourself this question: Does your organization have the patience and short term resources to support a reengineering effort? Remember the steps outlined in Section 4 for planning a reengineering project. They included: evaluating business needs, forming a reengineering team, creating a development/maintenance process, defining metrics, creating a testbed, analyzing the legacy software, creating a tailored reengineering process, selecting the tools, and training. This is a considerable investment in time, budget, and personnel. Does your organization have the resources to initiate and support this level of effort?





There are several problems inherent in restructuring source code. Chief among these is the maintenance of the output. Your software maintenance shop probably has one or more programmers whose job is to maintain the software you want to restructure. The original system may be difficult to maintain but at

least you have that in-house expertise with their sometimes-intuitive understanding of the system. These are normally your organizations heroes who work long hours when a maintenance change causes bizarre side-effects (i.e., bugs) because the system is unstructured and poorly documented. But after you restructure this source code, the resulting software will quite likely be incomprehensible to your software maintenance experts. The act of restructuring duplicates routines, moves routines, and alters routineswhatever it takes to make the source code conform to the restructuring tools internal model of structured software design. The restructured source code may be more maintainable in the long run, but your in-house expertise will probably understand the new code about as well as a new maintenance programmer. In fact, several restructuring projects immediately reassigned responsibility for maintenance of the resulting software to programmers unfamiliar with the original system. That is not to say restructuring is bad. In many cases, restructuring may be required as an interim step prior to reverse engineering. If the original source code is in really bad shape (i.e., totally incomprehensible) then restructuring, followed by the graphical display of the design information (i.e. reverse engineering), will produce a much more understandable design than attempting to analyze thegraphical design representation of unstructured code (what with control flow and data flow process arrows going every which way).



Line-for-line source code translators create source code in a different language (than that used by the legacy system) by creating a new line of code for each line of legacy code. This process completely bypasses any design repository. The problem with line-for-line translation is that it does not take advantage of the semantic constructs inherent in the new language. For example, when going from COBOL to Ada, line-for-line translation will not take advantage of Adas object-oriented constructs. Some have derisively called such translations Adabol. Assuming the technology and tools exist (for both your legacy softwares language and the new language), a better approach for source code translation would be to: 1. 2. Capture the design information (via reverse engineering) to a design repository Manually alter the captured design to take advantage of the new languages semantic constructs. This should be done by a programmer familiar with the new language and the intended design paradigm (e.g., OOA, SSA, etc.). Forward engineer the design to executable source code for the new language using the repositorys source code generator There is no loss of understanding by the current systems maintenance staff: Extensive loss of comprehension by your systems maintenance staff (as described in the previous section on restructuring pitfalls) does not occur with line-for-line translators. The control flow and data flow of the resulting system should match that of the original system. An aid to understanding the new language: Since the target language is usually new to the organization, most of the current programming staff will be unfamiliar with it. Line-for-line translators give the programmers a point of reference for understanding the new language by comparing the old language modules with the corresponding, translated modules in the new language. Consolidating multiple systems to a standard language: Some DoD systems are functionally identical but were written in different languages or dialects. Line-for-line source code translators can operate on each individual language to create a single language which can be compiled by a single compiler. This consolidation could then be followed by other reengineering strategies such as restructuring, design capture, etc. So depending on your circumstances, line-for-line source code translators may fit your short-term reengineering needs. But if you have the resources, the better approach is the three step process outlined


On the other hand, line-for-line translators do enjoy some support. The advantages claimed include:

previouslyreverse engineer to a repository, manually redesign, and generate executable source code from the new design.





There are several problems encountered by software reengineering projects that appear quite often within the Department of Defense. Although not actually unique to the DoD, these problems seem to be aggravated by conditions within the DoD. The first of these is the penchant for changing military management of software programs. Every few years, the officer in charge of one or more software programs is transferred to another location or project. This creates a discontinuity of key personnel in the midst of a long term reengineering project. Similarly, a high ranking officer or manager may finally be convinced that the commitment of resources (money and personnel) is worth the goals of reengineering when that person is replaced. Thus, the justification process must begin all over again. If you find your organization is prone to replace software project managers periodically, we suggest planning a reengineering project that can be accomplished with the existing personnel (perhaps using the incremental reengineering strategy). Carefully document the reengineering process used and the return on investment (indicating a need for defining and collecting metrics!) to justify the next reengineering project to the new manager. The next problem prevalent within DoD software organizations is the physical separation between development and maintenance organizations. This tends to encourage what is called the over the wall syndrome. That is, the development organization throws a new software application over the wall to the maintenance organization with little regard for the maintainability of that application. To complicate this scenario further, the applications users are often physically separated from either development or maintenance organizations. If the maintenance organization reverse engineers their legacy software into a design repository but still receive new applications in the same old format from the development organization, design the return on investment is greatly decreased. The development organization is not using the capabilities of the repository for reuse of software components, tools integration (testing, metrics, graphical display of design, etc.), and other repository features. And we doubt most maintenance organizations will want to continually reengineer all new software applications to fit their new maintenance environment. Some form of business process reengineering (BPR) needs to occur within the DoD to facilitate communications between maintenance and development organizations. Software applications should be written with future maintainability built in. But for this to occur, the two organizations need to better understand each others needs and requirements. Thus, the practice of physically separating development and maintenance organizations must end. The last problem that must be overcome within the DoD environment is that of budget control. Typically, the software users control the maintenance budget for their applications. Since software reengineering is primarily a benefit to the maintenance organization, a case must be built to fund a reengineering project using the users money but without giving the users additional functionality. This can be difficult. The only reason a user organization would fund a reengineering project, without additional functionality, is when the software application has deteriorated to such an extent that the application is unreliable and/or user-requested modifications take a very long time to implement and, when implemented, cause more problems than they solve. One solution to this is the incremental approach to reengineering. Incremental reengineering allows the introduction of new functionality once the software has been validated following reengineering.




There are some problems when reengineering embedded or MCCR (Mission Critical Computer Resources) software. This is software that is usually hard coded onto a customized platform. Embedded software can be found in missile guidance systems, weapon systems, radar systems, avionics, etc. Response time is of paramount importance. But so is software dependability. Many of these systems are aging to the point where they need to be replaced or at least upgraded. Most of these systems use a software language that is unique to a given DoD service. Within the USAF, that language is JOVIAL. As might be expected from the preceding discussion, reengineering such systems can present some serious problems. Since the language used does not have a large user base, COTS reengineering tools are not

plentiful. Generally, since the language does not have a universal standard definition set, each compiler is different. Thus, the few reengineering tools available must be customized for each compiler. The target language and execution platform must allow for strict response time constraints. Response time constraints mean a dependence on the hardware platforms properties. Thus, you find a lot of assembler language used within embedded systems. Assembler is a common language but, like JOVIAL, the instruction set varies widely between platforms. So reengineering tools have to be customized. Often, embedded systems execute on multiple hardware platforms. So even if customized reengineering tools exist for one version of the system, other versions exist that probably include language features different from each other. There is a significant increase in risk when reengineering embedded systems. The failure of such systems may cause loss of life or severely impact logistical processes. Organizations that reengineer embedded software require a longer schedule due to quality control checks, detailed validation (including redesign of testing platforms), simulations, redesign of the hardware platform, sensor interface considerations, etc. This creates a longer transition period during which two parallel systems must be supportedthe legacy system now being used and the newly reengineered system. Methods to implement modifications during the reengineering project become more critical.


VS .


There may occur a trade-off between the speed of execution and maintainability. Here again, metrics are important when assessing the response time of a given software application. Whether true or not, users may complain about slow response time following the reengineering of their favorite application. Only metrics before and after the reengineering project will be able to decide whether slower response time is due to the reengineering or whether slower response has occurred at all. Changes in logic structure, language, or platform can all impact the execution time of the reengineered software. This is a critical issue for embedded applications (weapon systems, navigational systems, radar, etc.). So be careful when reengineering applications where execution speed is of primary importance. MIS application users will only tolerate so much response time degradation for their online, real time applications. Easier maintenance does not necessarily mean slower response time. But if the reengineered software does run slower, then you must decide whether significantly easier maintenance is worth the slower response time.

The purpose of this section was not to dissuade you from reengineering. The purpose was to strip away any false hopes that reengineering will quickly and painlessly solve all your organizations maintenance problems. We dont want reengineering to follow the difficult path taken by AI and CASE. Our goal, as change agents, is to manage expectations. Go into reengineering with your eyes wide open.




There are several major software reengineering projects in which the STSC is participating. These include: SRAH: The Joint Logistics Commanders (JLC) Software Reengineering Assessment Handbook (SRAH) helps to inventory legacy software, select appropriate reengineering strategies, derive costs to reengineer, and aid management in their reengineering decisions. Reengineering Projects Survey: A major survey of software reengineering projects. IEEEs Reverse Engineering Newsletter : This quarterly newsletter is published by IEEEs Technical Council on Software Engineering. STSC solicits articles and acts as editor. STSC Reengineering Technology Report : This bi-annual report represents a synthesis of all the information gleaned from conferences, journals, vendors, and contacts from within the domain of software reengineering STCs Reengineering Track: Each April the STSC hosts the Software Technology Conference (STC) in Salt Lake City, Utah. The largest annual DoD software conference, STC includes a track on software reengineering. STC 95 also included two tracks on business process reengineering (BPR). Reengineering and BPR Tools Data Base: This collection of over 400 COTS and GOTS software reengineering tools is supplemented by an additional collection of over 400 software analysis tools. Recently, weve also been collecting information on BPR tools. These tools are categorized (ref. Section 2) and freely available to anybody within the USA. 9-Step Reengineering Preparation Workshop: The STSC has been applying the 9-step preparation process (ref. Section 4) and the SRAH to aid USAF organizations in planning software reengineering projects. This week long workshop helps focus a software organization on what is required for a software reengineering project to succeed. Introductory Reengineering Tutorial: This half day tutorial introduces the audience to the basics of software engineering including the STSC 9-Step Reengineering Preparation Process, taxonomy, pitfalls, and future directions. JOVIAL Reengineering Tool Set (JRETS): The development of a JOVIAL Reverse Engineering Tool Set (JRETS) was undertaken by the STSC due to a lack of COTS reengineering tools for the JOVIAL language. Developed under USAF funding, JRETS is now available to anybody requesting it (within the USA). COBOL Reengineering (COBRE): Based on a comprehensive survey of COBOL usage within the Air Force, the COBRE report includes a list and evaluation of the top COBOL reengineering tools.



STSCs efforts in reengineering strategy selection and cost analysis began with our matrix model appearing in the 1992 Reengineering Tools Report and later in the March 1992 Crosstalk article Time to Reengineer?. Thanks to the efforts of the JLC workshop on reengineering (otherwise known as Santa Barbara-1), and input from numerous reviewers, the model has undergone significant changes and has evolved into JLC-HDBK-SRAH or just SRAH (Software Reengineering Assessment Handbook) [SRAH 95]. Throughout 1993, a small sub-group of Santa Barbara-1s panel three continued to meet and refine what was then called the REH (Reengineering Economics Handbook). Aided by two contractors hired by the USAF Cost Agency to coordinate the modifications, a draft version was completed in March of 1994. This draft handbook was called the Software Reengineering Assessment Handbook (JLC-HDBK-SRAH)

draft version 1.0. Reviewers suggested modifications for most of the rest of 1994. Based on these suggestions, a final version (version 2.0), was finished by early 1995. The SRAH consists of three sections: 1) a reengineering strategy selection process, 2) a cost model, and 3) a management decision process. For the strategy selection process, the matrix model (as proposed by the 1992 Reengineering Tools Report) was discarded in favor of a more precise decision model wherein each reengineering strategy has an associated series of multiple-choice questions. Each question has three possible answers. If the average of the summation of all answered questions surpasses a certain threshold, then that reengineering strategy is recommended. Volume 2 of SRAH contains the reengineering cost models as adapted by their respective agencies. These currently include: SEER-SEM PRICE-S SLIM SOFTCOST-OO CHECKPOINT COCOMO/REVIC2

Once the reengineering strategies have been identified (for the chosen legacy software) and a rough cost estimate established for each, then the findings are presented to management for prioritization and decision. Thus, each of the three major sections of SRAH is intended for a different audience. The strategy selection section is intended for use by the maintenance support staff. The cost model is to be used by the organizations cost projection personnel. Management uses the output of the previous two sections (strategy selection and cost) to make a decision as to which reengineering strategies, and their associated legacy software system, should be implemented first.



To justify the methodology used by the SRAH, an effort was begun at the STSC to collect reengineering project data. Two surveys were developed. The Pre-Reengineering Survey is intended for those organizations planning or pursuing a software reengineering project. The Post-Reengineering Survey is intended for those organizations that have already completed a software reengineering project. Each survey is accompanied by a set of instructions that explain each question asked. The data from both surveys will be used to validate, and suggest modifications to, the SRAH. Most of the resulting information will be available to the public. There is a strong need within the DoD for case studies of software reengineering projects. DoD software managers need justification for reengineering projects. Case studies not only demonstrate the advantages of reengineering but also help to identify potential pitfallsno need to repeat their mistakes. The survey data is online at the STSC using a Paradox data base on the DEC local area network. There is some discussion of making the information available on the STSC bulletin board system (BBS). If this occurs, DoD-sensitive information will be deleted along with the names and personal information of those participants that do not wish this information made public.



In spring of 1994, the STSC was asked to take over production of IEEEs Reverse Engineering Newsletter, a quarterly publication published by IEEEs Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE). The STSC solicits articles and formats the resulting newsletter for publication by IEEE. To submit an article, send a copy to Michael R. Olsem, editor, at OO-ALC/TISEC, 7278 Fourth Street, Hill AFB, Utah, 84056-5205 or email a copy to To join the distribution list, send an email message to with your name, address, and email address.



Volume 1 contains a review of the reengineering domain while Volume 2 contains complete lists of software reengineering tools from the STSC reengineering tools data base. This report is updated every other year so the next report will be published in 1997.



For the past four years, a track devoted to software reengineering has been included in DoDs Software Technology Conferences (STC). Speakers are chosen who focus on lessons learned from actual software reengineering projects within the DoD. Held every April in Salt Lake City, STC is the largest annual DoD software conference. Over 3,000 attendees and vendors are expected for STC 96.





The STSC is constantly updating a large database (over 400) of reengineering tools and their vendors. In addition, we also maintain a data base of over 400 software analysis tools. If you have a reengineering project coming up, give us a call and we can give you a free list of software tools that will fit your reengineering project needs. In addition, the STSC can request vendors to test their tools against any sample software you provide. If you have a reengineering project and youve narrowed the list of tools that can help to the top three or four, we will contact those vendors and have them provide sample output based on your sample code. Recently, the STSC has begun to collect information on tools that support Business Process Reengineering (BPR). While not nearly as large as the reengineering and analysis tools data base, this effort is growing rapidly.



Based upon the 9-step reengineering preparation process (ref. Section 4) and the SRAH, the STSC conducts an onsite, week-long workshop on planning a reengineering project. By the end of the week, a detailed assessment of the organizations reengineering readiness and a set of reengineering strategies are derived for the legacy software to be reengineered. The subsequent report can be used as the template for the organizations reengineering goals, strategies, and costs.



Many organizations and conferences are unfamiliar with software reengineering concepts, goals, and strategies. This half-day STSC tutorial teaches the taxonomy, issues, preparation, pitfalls, and future of software reengineering.


The COBRE project includes a survey of major USAF COBOL installations. This survey identifies the most common hardware platforms, DBMSs, COBOL dialects, etc. within the USAF. The report includes a list and evaluations of the top commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) COBOL reengineering tools, and lays out a COBOL reengineering environment we feel is optimal given the current state of technology. The survey and its analysis was completed February 1993. The proposed COBOL reengineering environment is based largely upon existing COTS software. The environment has two possible goals: Restructuring the target COBOL system and eliminating dead code, uninitialized variables, etc. Translating to executable Ada source code.

The goal of restructuring and conformance to good COBOL coding standards could be implemented for those systems whose remaining support life is relatively short with a high degree of maintenance (i.e., many changes). If the target COBOL system will be around longer, then reengineering radical changes to its source code (i.e., changes greater than 30% of the legacy code) requires translation to Ada according to current DoD regulations.

The STSC and the DoD are convinced that reengineering tools and techniques are key to improving the level of maintenance and quality of DoD software. Many services offered by the STSC are largely free. Whatever your reengineering project may need, the STSC can help.



Most people in the software industry now recognize we are on the brink of a software crisis. The problems of maintenance outlined in Section 1 threaten to overwhelm most data processing organizations. A major justification for the existence of the STSC is to look for solutions to this crisis. But it is dangerous to assume that any new technology, or any combination of technologies, will solve all the problems of maintenance and software quality. Too often in the past, software organizations have jumped on each new technology or methodology as a panacea for all their ills. This quick-fix attitude occurred with CASE, 4GLs, artificial intelligence, and object-oriented design, just to name a few. By itself, reengineering is not a total solution to the problems of software maintenance, but can be viewed as a bridge to that solution. The solution to the software maintenance crisis is defining and enforcing strict maintenance processes. Reengineering can port your legacy software into this new maintenance environment. But reengineering requires careful planning and careful matching of legacy software to platforms, tools, process, and business goals. Software maintenance has been described as attempting to change the tires of a moving vehicle. Organizations with large libraries of existing code must simultaneously maintain and continue to run systems critical to their survival. Even for relatively error-free code, organizations still need to modify existing software to use new hardware and to adapt to a rapidly changing, competitive world. Those software vendors that can provide tools or services to ease the pain of maintenance and deliver high quality software stand to do well in the 1990s. This section describes some of the hot new areas of software reengineering. We feel these future directions hold great promise for software reengineering. Some of these areas have COTS tools already while others do not.



Repositories have a long way to go before meeting all the functionality described in Section 1. Repositories will be central to your organizations survival as they begin to incorporate not only software information but enterprise models and business strategies. Business reengineering will create process models of your organizations goods and services. These enterprise models will need to be supported by the organizations software systems. Both enterprise models and software systems will reside and be maintained in the organizations repository.





Some vendors are exploring ways to convert procedure-oriented (i.e., declarative) design into objectoriented design. The obvious problem with such a strategy is the identification and definition of potential objects within the procedural source code. The process includes (see Figure 7-1): 1. Code-slicing This process locates within the source code everywhere that a given data item is used. If you look at your legacy code, it probably contains high level data fields that are sub-divided into smaller data fields. These high level data fields make a good place to start when deciding what would make good objects. Slicing tools can then display all the processes that use each of the high level data fields. These processes can become methods to the data field. We call the resulting data field and associated processes a proto-object. 2. 3. Externalize tables Internal tables need to be externalized and turned into objects. Reconcile logic redundancy

Some code logic may be shared between proto-objects. Slicing will display this. The logic may remain redundant within multiple proto-objects or you may want to decide whether both protoobjects should exist or whether one should be defined beneath the other. 4. Add other object-oriented characteristics The above 3 steps will help you define proto-objects but there are still some extensive manual steps that must be taken to fully define objects. These include strictly defining the relationships between objects, inheritance, etc. Boeing is using AI principles to translate procedural design to object-oriented design. Their approach uses a series of libraries (application, domain model, and reuse) and rules to extract reusable components. Data records and procedures are separated and analyzed then fed into a state machine containing objects, slots, instances, models, and transition tables. The outputs include the methods and slots of an objectstate model. Wrappering is another approach to transforming procedural code into object-oriented code. This involves wrapping an object around a functionally cohesive procedure. Thus, the procedure becomes a method within the object.

b a c e

externalize tables

slicing on x

all instances of data item x a.1.3 function a.1.7 function c.2 function f.3.1 function f.3.2 function reaggregation

design repository X Y

proto-object X
data item x function function function function function a.1.3 a.1.7 c.2 f.3.1 f.3.2

Z W proto-objects

Figure 7-1. Process-oriented to Object-oriented At Offutt AFB, COBOL source code was converted into object-oriented Ada code. The following steps are courtesy of Capt. Charles J. Locascio who managed this reengineering project: 1. Reverse engineer to yield data flow diagrams and written information sufficient to explain them. The documentation should include (of course) descriptions of the data sources, sinks, and flows, and of the processes performed upon the data. From these diagrams and documentation, derive a list of functions performed by the system. Draw on the processes identified in your reverse-engineering step for this list of functions. These can be translated into action-oriented requirements. Set this preliminary list of requirements aside. At this point, you must change your mindset. Stop thinking in terms of functional decomposition and switch your perspective to object-orientation. Perform an analysis of the domain in which the functions are performed. The product of this analysis will be a concept mapa conceptual, graphical depiction of the real-world entities which make up the domain,



and the relationships between them. This analysis should be done without too much regard for which of the entities were represented in the old system. 4 5. Identify the real-world entities which are pertinent to your automated system by examining the list of requirements developed in step 2. This step will yield a preliminary list of objects. Associate each of the requirements in the list developed in step 2 with one of the objects identified in step 4. Remember, an object can be identified as the data which is used to represent an entity plus the operations performed upon that data. Let this brief definition guide you in assigning requirements (which will become operations) to the objects. It is likely you will have requirements which do not seem to fit any of the real-world objects. Consider whether it is appropriate to identify new objects (usually related to interfaces with external systems) which would provide these operations either to the other objects or to the main driver procedure. 6. Analyze your preliminary list of objects and their operations to re-evaluate and refine your list of requirements, and review the requirements carefully with your customers (end-users). Proceed with the other steps of object-oriented analysis as you would in any normal forward engineering development. For the most part, youre finished with the products of your reverse engineering, except as references and as aids to maintaining the old system while you forward engineer the new one.





With connections now using fiber optics, we have reached the theoretical maximum execution speedthe speed of lighton computers using single thread technology. The only way to increase the hardware aspects of CPU performance is by putting circuit elements closer together, finding new materials (such as gallium arsenide circuits), or eliminating any bottlenecks still remaining (e.g., slow gates, multi-step clocks, etc.). An alternative strategy is to alter the order of software execution by programming for parallel processing. Manufacturers already know how to create computers with millions of chip-size computers - all residing and cooperating within a single processing unit. But our legacy software is almost exclusively singlethread. That is, each process step must wait for all preceding steps to finish before executing. There is a growing need for reengineering tools that can automate the process of identifying and splitting sequentially executing software into components that can run in parallel (i.e., concurrently). Only when such tools are available, will parallel computer manufacturers be able to branch out into the business world the same way they now dominate the scientific world of data processing. Another aspect to this is reengineering software from mainframe platforms to client-server architecture. Several vendors and the I-CASE project are looking at tools and methods to facilitate this transition. Some of the issues involved include disposition of the data base (centralized versus distributed) and the logical distribution of the executable code modules. For a detailed discussion on using the IEF tool set (Texas Instruments, Inc.) to migrate host applications to client-server, I refer the reader to an article in CASE Trends by C.T. Brown entitled Early Reengineering Tool Sets Focus on Taming Mainframe Beasts [Brown 93].



The technology of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is now being used by many software domains. Subtly, AI is acting as an enabling technology for more and more software tools. The domain of reengineering is no exception. If a central repository is the key to future software development and maintenance AI may become the key to the central repository. Recognizing that the main purpose of a repository is the storage and retrieval of design specifications, business rules, strategies, and the like, several researchers have suggested such repositories are very close to the functionality of a knowledge base. The repository is a place for the storage of meta-data regarding programs, systems, and data base representations. Maintenance programmers will become knowledge workers as an organizations decision-makers come closer to full control of the products and processes of software evolution [Ulrich 91].

As vendors strive to develop reverse engineering tools that are more powerful, more flexible, and more user-friendly, embedded AI routines are being used as a major competitive advantage. InterCASE from Interport (Fairfax, VA) is an example of an AI-based code reversal tool with its own proprietary, objectoriented repository. Using a knowledge base of rules about programming languages and translation algorithms, InterCASE can generate unique parsers based on a set of grammar rules, semantic actions, and generation routines. By recognizing/storing syntactic and semantic constructs within the source code, they can migrate applications between different hardware/OS platforms [Davis 91]. Researchers at Arthur Andersens Center for Technology Research are developing a knowledge-based Software Re-engineering Environment (SRE). The design knowledge extracted is stored within a Global Knowledge Base [Davis-3 91]. Computer-Aided Reengineering Software (CARES) depends on knowledge bases for both reverse and forward engineering. Easily customized parsers for different languages can be used interchangeably in a CARES toolset within a CASE environment [Davis-2 91]. One area that has not been addressed by vendors is that of translating rule-based systems into other languages. One of the serious drawbacks to rule-based software is that of execution speed. Due to the nature of the inference engine, and its method of iteratively passing through the entire rule base searching for all possible matching goals, most mid-sized and large rule-based systems are very slow. Special hardware/OS systems are sometimes needed just to execute such AI systems. Alternatively, many expert system developers will model their systems using rules, then manually translate them to a faster language such as C. What is needed are reengineering tools to automate this translation.



Usually, reverse engineering starts from source code and extracts design information. But some tools and techniques are emerging that are beginning to extract business rules from source code and data configurations. It has long been acknowledged that an organizations software systems are valuable, in part, because they represent knowledge (both current and historical) about the organization, its clients, mission, strategy, and implied constraints. How can a software tool infer an organizations way of conducting business based solely on the existing source code or data record? If you think about how software is coded, you realize that subtle clues are left behind regarding intent. For example, if a salesmans data record includes room for only three districts, then one might infer that a salesman can only service, at most, three sales districts. When the system was originally developed one can assume the software designer took the time to enquire how many sales districts the company allows per salesman. Even if company policy has changed (or the software developer did not properly execute the user requirements phase), just knowing the software system uses this premise is important for any future maintenance. Some day, the organization may want to codify the rules by which they conduct business. This may take the form of business reengineering process definition or expert system rules. Perhaps, one day, all software design will be business rule-based to reflect the business environment. Low level constructs could be combined into high level rules. Reverse engineering tools that help to automate this will aid the organizations management in better understanding the explicit and implicit rules under which the organizations key software systems were written. Software reengineering should aid the process of business reengineering by extracting components of the legacy software to correspond to business areas. These components could then be re-aggregated to represent a new system that is oriented to support the business processes as defined by business reengineering.


Change is the only constant for technology, business needs, and requirements Elimination of duplication/redundancy of systems

Software organizations are clearly challenged by several major trends:

Conform to standards Business reengineering Quality assurance Declining budgets Declining trained personnel requires increasing efficiency Open systems Concurrent processing Reuse Ada (for the DoD) and object-oriented design CASE Software process improvement (SEIs CMM) and information engineering The need for software integration of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS), government-off-the-shelf (GOTS), and in-house development

While reengineering is not the solution to the above, it is a major enabling technology. A maintenance organizations short-term goal is to clear the growing backlog of maintenance demands. The long-term goal is to support change at the requirements level. As organizations begin to think in global terms, their primary challenge will be to use this technology under diverse social and political cultures. The key to success in the 1990s is to position your organization for maximum flexibility to allow for rapid incorporation of new tools, strategies, and methodologies [Ulrich 91]. The basis for this flexibility will be the central repository. And the bridge from existing software systems to repository-based software maintenance is reengineering.


ANDRULIS/BPRe+ ANSWER:Architect Applications Manager (AM) Arena ART*Enterprise ASURE BPSimulator BPwin CLEAR Process Client/Server Step By Step DBStar DECmodel for Windows Design/IDEF Designer/2000 Developer/2000 Developer/2000 for Windows Flowmark Key for Workgroup KEY:Insight MAXIM Object Management Workbench (OMW) ParaSET PenAnalysis PenAnalysis Modeling Tools PRIDE Information Factory (PRIDE) ProSim PROSLCSE ProVision Workbench Ptech ServiceModel SIMPROCESS SmartER StP/Booch Method (StP/Booch) System Architect (SA) Transtar Repository WizdomWorks!

WorkFlow Analyzer (WFA)

$NAME ADW/Load (ADW Load) ARRAE ART*Enterprise Assembly Design Extractor (ADE) BACHMAN Database Design BACHMAN/ANALYST BACHMAN/Analyst Capture BACHMAN/CONVERTER BACHMAN/DBA CaseConnection/ADW CLEAR Plus COBOL Analyst

CQS-Data Engineer (CQS) Current Systems Analysis (CSA) Current Systems Modification (CSM) Data Dictionary Tree DATACOM to SQL Conversion Aid DATATEC DB Data Analyzer DB Designer dbLOADER DBStar DCD III DDS-Link Deft CASE System Design Review-Scope Designer Designer/2000 EasyCASE Environment for Code Re-Engineering (ENCORE) ExpressC/Ada EXTRACT Foundation Translator IE: Advantage Information Systems Engineering Env. (ISEE) Integrity Programming Environment InterCycle Interleaf 6 M.A.T.I.S.S.E. MacDesigner Mesa/Postscript Support for CASE (Mesa/PS) Mesa/Teamwork Model Bridge (Mesa/TMB) Open TRANSL8 OpenODB Panorama C++ PM/SS Reverse Engineering Tool SQLASSIST SuperNOVA System Architect (SA) Teamwork/IM Transition Engineering Facility (TEF) TRANSLATION / MIGRATION SERVICE TranZform UniKix URMA VAX SCAN (SCAN) VIA/ALLIANCE VIA/Renaissance VISION:NorthStar Vitro Automated Structured Testing Tool (VASTT) X-ANALYSIS


Activation Framework Ada Development Environment Ada Software Development Toolset Ada/ADADL Requirements Interface System (ARIS) AdaFlow Adagen Ada_Z ANSWER:Architect Applications Manager (AM) ARIS

Autocode BattlePlan BPwin C Development Environments C++ Development Environment CA-MetaCOBOL+ CA-TELON CA-TELON PWS CASE Designer case/ap COBOL Program Generator (CPG) Code Generator Composer Cradle SEE Current Systems Analysis (CSA) Current Systems Modification (CSM) DAISys Data Dictionary Tree DATATEC DBStar DDS-Link Design Recovery Series EasyCASE EiffelCase Ensemble Ensemble Viewer EPOS ERwin Excelerator for Design Recovery FORCE FORTRANgen Foundation Vista10 FreeFlow Huron IE: Advantage Information Engineering Workbench (IEW) Information Systems Engineering Env. (ISEE) IntegrAda LANSA LBMS SYSTEMS ENGINEER LOOK & FEEL METAgen Micro Focus Cobol/2 Workbench MicroSTEP Migration Workbench Model NETRON/CAP Object-Oriented Structured Design/C++ ObjectMaker OMTool (OMT) ONTOS VIA/OIS Open Interface OpenODB Panorama C++ Panorama C++/OO-Browser ParaSET PARITY PC DICTIONARY PowerDesigner PowerTools Predict PRIDE Information Factory (PRIDE) PRODOC re/NuSys Workbench Rational Rose (Rose)

Recycle-SF/Repair ReEngineer REENgineering Environment & Workbench (REENEW) Reverse Engineering Tool SmartChart SMARTsystem SNiFF+ Software Reengineering Environment (SRE) Software Refinery STARK superCASE (SCI) SUPRe/DAISys Teamwork/Ada Source Builder Teamwork/C Source Builder Teamwork/OOD Technical Systems Engineering Environment (TSEE) TeleUSE The Migrator Work Bench (Migrator) Translator Tree4(C, Fortran, Pascal) UNISET ViewCenter VIEWS-SF Vitro Automated Structured Testing Tool (VASTT) WorkFlow Analyzer (WFA) X-ANALYSIS XAda Xinotech Program Composer


ABSTRACT/PROBE+ Ada Design and Documentation Language (ADADL) Ada Development Environment Ada Software Development Toolset Ada-ASSURED AdaFormat ADAPRETY AdaReformat Automated Documentation System (ADS) Blue Four C Design and Documentation Language (CDADL) C Development Environments C-DOC C-LIST C-Vision for C CA-MetaCOBOL+ COBOL Analyst COBOL spII COBOL Structuring Aid (CSA) CONFIGURE DATATEC-DS DCD III DEC FUSE DOCBUILDER DocEXPRESS DOCGEN/C Document Generator (DocGen) Documentation-Aid, MVS (Doc-Aid) Documentor DOSSIER BROWSE DOSSIER PROVE Eagle

EPOS EPOS 2000 (EPOS 90) ESW Documentation Excelerator for Design Recovery F-SCAN FORTRANgen FOR_STRUCT FOR_STUDY Foundation Vista10 HP Ada/300 Development System Information Systems Engineering Env. (ISEE) IntegrAda MacDesigner Maintenance Workbench Military Standard Document Conversion (MSDC) Navigator OBJECT IE Object-Oriented Structured Design/C++ Panorama C++ Panorama C++/OO-Analyzer Panorama C++/OO-Browser Panorama C++/OO-Diagrammer PC DICTIONARY plusFORT PM/SS PRIDE Information Factory (PRIDE) PRODOC re/NuSys Workbench Q/Artisan Q/ARTISAN PC QualityFirst C RE-DOC RE-SPEC ReEngineer REengineering APplications (REAP) REENgineering Environment & Workbench (REENEW) Refine/Ada Refine/C Refine/Cobol Refine/Fortran SCAN/COBOL SMARTsystem Software Document Automation (SoDA) Software Refinery Source/RE STATEMATE Structure & Logic Analysis Module SUPERSTRUCTURE / RETOOL Teamwork/DocGen Teamwork/IM TeleUSE Translator Tree4(C, Fortran, Pascal) VAX SCAN (SCAN) VIA/ALLIANCE VIA/SmartDoc Visible Analyst Workbench (VAW) VISION:Legacy

Xinotech Program Composer RESTRUCTURER

AdaSplit ADW/Recoder BACHMAN Database Design

Blue Four C-DOC C-LIST COBOL Structuring Aid (CSA) COBOL Structuring Facility (COBOL/SF) COBOL/METRICS CodeBreaker CQS-Data Engineer (CQS) DEC FUSE Environment for Code Re-Engineering (ENCORE) Fortran Development Tools FOR_STRUCT Logiscope Maintainers Assistant Mozart Object Oriented Tool (OOT) Panorama C++/OO-Browser plusFORT PM/SS PRODOC re/NuSys Workbench Q/Artisan Q/ARTISAN PC QA C QA C++ Reformat Requirements Driven Development (RDD) Retrofit RevAda/StP Reverse Engineering Tool SILVERRUN-ERX SmartStar Software Reengineering Environment (SRE) Software Refinery SPAG The Data Design Facility (DDF) TRANSLATION / MIGRATION SERVICE VAXset/Program Design Facility (VAXset/PDF) Visible Analyst Workbench (VAW) VISION:Legacy Vitro Automated Structured Testing Tool (VASTT)


ANSWER:Zim Assembly Design Extractor (ADE) BACHMAN/Analyst Link Computer Tester Analyzer Controller (C-TAC) CONVERSION ENGINE Current Systems Analysis (CSA) Current Systems Modification (CSM) DBStar DCL8 Excell 930 EXTRACT Foundation SQL Foundation Translator Integrated Design Automation System (IDAS) InterCASE KnowledgeWare Gateway (IKG) JOVIAL Reverse Engineering Toolset (JRETS) Mesa/CASE Tool Interface (Mesa/CTI) Open ACCLIM8 Open BASIC Open TRANSL8

Q/Artisan Q/ARTISAN PC Refine/Ada Refine/C Software One Exchange Software Reengineering Environment (SRE) SYNTran TRANSLATION / MIGRATION SERVICE TranZform UniKix VADScross VADSmp VADSself VADSWorks


Ada Design & Documentation Language (ADADL) Ada Development Environment Adagen AdaMagic AdaQuest ADW/Load (ADW Load) ADW/Pinpoint Aide-De-Camp (ADC) allCLEAR Application Browser ARC SADCA Architecture Design & Assessment System (Adas) AS/SET ASA 20/20 AsmFlow Professional Assembly Design Extractor (ADE) AutoAnalyzer AutoDiagrammer AutoFlow AutoStructureChart BACHMAN/ANALYST BACHMAN/Analyst Capture Battlemap Analysis Tool (BAT) BattlePlan BPwin C Design and Documentation Language (CDADL) C Development Environments C++ Development Environment C-CALL C-LIST C-SCAPE CASE Designer Chen Workbench CLEAR Plus CMS-2 Design Analyzer (DESAN) CMS-2 Reverse Enginerring Technology COBOL Analyst COBOL Magic COBOL-lint CodeBreaker CodeCheck Computer Tester Analyzer Controller (C-TAC) CONVERSION ENGINE Cradle SEE

DataModeler DBStar DCD III DEC FUSE DecisionVision 1 (DV1) Design Recovery Series Design/IDEF DOSSIER PROVE EAGLESCAN EasyCASE EasyCODE EiffelCase Ensemble Ensemble Viewer EPOS ER-Designer ERwin Excelerator for Design Recovery EXDIFF Existing Systems Workbench (ESW) Expert Debugging Software Assistant (EDSA) ExpressC/Ada FORCE FORTRAN Reverse Eng & Document System (FREDoc) FORTRAN-lint FORTRANgen FORWARN Foundation SQL Foundation Translator Foundation Vista10 FreeFlow GILES GPSA GrafBrowse Hindsight Huron Information Engineering Workbench (IEW) Information Systems Engineering Env. (ISEE) InterCASE KnowledgeWare Gateway (IKG) InterCycle J73 Automated Verification System (J73AVS) JCL/Convert JOVIAL Analysis and Conversion Kit (JACK) JOVIAL Reverse Engineering Technology (JRET) JOVIAL Reverse Engineering Toolset (JRETS) KEY:Insight LabVIEW LANSA Logiscope Logiscope Graphical Editor LOV/OMT LYDDIA Maintainers Assistant METAgen Model Navigator OBJECT IE Object Management Object Management Workbench (OMW) Object-Oriented Structured Design/C++ Objectivity/DB ObjectMaker OLGA ONTOS VIA/OIS

Open Interface Pacbase with Pacreverse PACREVERSE Panorama C++ Panorama C++/OO-Analyzer Panorama C++/OO-Browser Panorama C++/OO-Diagrammer Panorama C++/OO-SQA Paradigm Plus ParaSET PATHVU PC DICTIONARY Persistence PLASMA PM/SS POET PowerDesigner PowerPDL Predict PRODOC re/NuSys Workbench Ptech QA C QA C++ QA FORTRAN QualityFirst C Rational Rose (Rose) RE-DOC Re-engineering MENTOR Re-Engineering Product Set RE-SPEC RE/Cycle RE/CYCLE Re/Toolkit Recycle-SF Recycle-SF/Recover Recycle-SF/Repair Reeng. Doc./Migrator - Source to CASE (RDMSCC) ReEngineer REENgineering Environment & Workbench (REENEW) Refine/Ada Refine/C Refine/Cobol Refine/Fortran Requirements & Traceability Management (RTM) Requirements Driven Development (RDD) RevAda/StP Reveng Revengg Reverse Engineering Tool ROCHADE ROS/ADA SCAN/COBOL SchemaGen See-Ada SEER SILVERRUN-ERX SIMPROCESS SmartChart SmartER SMARTgraph SMARTsystem SNiFF+ Software Reengineering Environment (SRE) Software Refinery

Software through Pictures (StP) Source Code Analyzer (SCA) Source/RE SPAG StP/Booch Method (StP/Booch) superCASE (SCI) System Engineer Teamwork/Ada Teamwork/ASG Builder Teamwork/C Rev Teamwork/FORTRAN Rev The Data Design Facility (DDF) The Migrator Work Bench (Migrator) Toolbus Transition Engineering Facility (TEF) Translator Tree4(C, Fortran, Pascal) Universal Network Architecture Services (UNAS) URMA VAXset/Program Design Facility (VAXset/PDF) VIA/Insight VIA/Renaissance VIEWS-SF VISION: NorthStar Visual Interactive FORtran (VIFOR) Vitro Automated Structured Testing Tool (VASTT) WinScope WorkFlow Analyzer (WFA) X-ANALYSIS XperCASE XRAY Source Explorer


ACE*Tester Ada9X Transition Aid AdaMagic ARC SADCA Auto-G Case Toolset (Auto-G) Automated Source Code Conv. Sys. for Ada (ASCCSA) AXI CA-MIGRATE/COBOL CMS-2 Translate to Ada (TRADA) Codewright Computer-Aided Software Translator (CAST*) CONVERSION ENGINE DACS Ada 95 DACS DARTS (DARTS) DECset Environment for Code Re-Engineering (ENCORE) Evaluator FORCE FORGE Explorer/Browser FORTRAN 77 Programmers Assistant III Fortran Development Tools FOR_C FOR_C++ Fx Debugger Hypersoft Application Browser (HAB) JOVIAL Analysis and Conversion Kit (JACK) JOVIAL/ADA TRANSLATOR MACYACC Metamorphosis Model

MPS/400 ObjectCenter OmniMark Open BASIC Pastran PR:QA C (PR:QA C) PR:QA C++ PRODOC re/NuSys Workbench PROMULA.FORTRAN Re-Engine Documentor/Migrator RE-SPEC REENgineering Environment & Workbench (REENEW) Software Refinery STARK SuperNOVA T-Windows The Migrator Work Bench (Migrator) Translate-CGM Translation Services TRANSSLATION/ MIGRATION SERVICE Translator Turbo-to-C Tools UIL/Trans Xinotech Language Translator (XLT)

Xinotech Program Composer


See Volume 2.


See Volume 2.


See Volume 2.


See Volume 2.


Title: Software Technology Conference Sponsored By: HQ USAF and The STSC Phone: (801) 777-7411 Title: Annual Oregon Workshop on Software Metrics Sponsored By: Oregon Center for Advanced Technology Education, Portland State University Phone: (503) 725-3108 Title: Carma McClure: Reuse Engineering Sponsored By: Extended Intelligence, Inc. Phone: (312) 346-7090 Title: Reengineering Cobol Applications Sponsored By: SEEC, Inc. Phone: (412) 682-4991 Title: Reverse Engineering Forum Sponsored By: Progress Software Educational Sources Phone: (617) 280-4560 Title: Software Re-engineering: Methods, Technologies and Tools Sponsored By: Digital Consulting Inc. Phone: (508) 470-3880 Title: Reverse Engineering and Structuring Maintenance Sponsored By: McCabe & Associates Phone: (301)596-3080 or (800) 638-6316 Title: Systems Re-engineering Workshop Sponsored By: Naval Surface Warfare Center Phone: (301) 394-5099 Title: The National Software Re-engineering & Maintenance Conference Sponsored By: DCI, CASE Trends, Keane, Texas Instruments, Oracle, Ernst & Young Phone: (508) 470-3880 Title: SEI Conference on Software Engineering Education Sponsored By: SEI, ACM, IEEE Phone: (412) 268-3007 or 5800 Title: Conference on Software Maintenance Sponsored By: IEEE and IEEE Computer Society Phone: (202) 371-1013 Title: Software Reengineeringand Software Repository and Bridge Technology and Impact Analysis Sponsored By: Software Evolution Technology (SEVTEC) Phone: (703) 450-6791 Title: Adventures in Reengineering and Reengineering in the Real World Sponsored By: Technology Innovations Phone: (510) 820-9448

Title: TSRM: The Systems Redevelopment Methodology Sponsored By: James Martin Company Phone: (703) 620-9504

Title: Business Process Reengineering Sponsored By: Learning Tree International Phone: (800) 843-8733


[Army 91] Army, Department of the, U.S. Army Information Systems Engineering Command, Corporate Integration Division, Systems Integration Directorate, Software Redesign Decision Making, Contract DAEA18-89-D-0015, Delivery Order 0098, HQ USAISC, Fort Huachuca, AZ, December 9, 1991. Arnold, Robert S., Software Reengineering , IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 1993. Basili, Victor R., and John D. Musa, The Future Engineering of Software: A Management Perspective, IEEE Computer, September, 1991, p. 95. Basili, Victor R., Software Development: A Paradigm for the Future, IEEE Computer, 1989. Brewin, Bob, quoting Paul Strassmann, Corporate Information Management White Paper, Federal Computer Week , September 1991, p. 10. Brown, C.T., Early Reengineering Tool Sets Focus on Taming Mainframe Beasts, CASE Trends, November 1993. Bush, Eric, A CASE for Existing Systems, Language Technology White Paper, Salem, MA, 1988. Chikofsky, Elliot J. & James H. Cross II, Reverse Engineering & Design Recovery: a Taxonomy, IEEE Software, pp. 13-17. Chikofsky, Elliot J., Third Reverse Engineering Forum, Northeastern University, Burlington, MA, September 1992. Connall, Duncan G., An Automated Methodology for Identifying and Naming Data Objects, Global Software, Inc. September 1992., (Presentation to the Third Reverse Engineering Forum, Northeastern University, Burlington, MA). Conner, Daryl R., and Robert W. Patterson, Building Commitment to Organizational Change, Training and Development Journal , Vol 36, Number 4, April, 1982, pp. 1830. Davis, Jack M., A Managers Guide to Software Maintenance & Re-engineering Tools , version 1.0, Software Productivity Group, Inc. Shrewsbury, MA, May 1991. Davis, Jack M., Technologies of Re-engineering Tools, Technical Support , June 1991, pp. 30-35. Davis, Jack M., Software Re-engineering: Capture Tools, CASE Trends, Fall 1991, pp. 30-34. Boehm, Barry, Draft Department of Defense Software Technology Strategy , September 1991. Prepared for the Director of Defense Research and Engineering (DDR&E) in Partial Fulfillment of the DDR&E Software Action Plan. Fowler, Pricilla, and Stan Przybylinski, Transferring Software Engineering Tool Technology , IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington D.C., 1988. Hammer, Michael, The Last World, Computerworld Premier 100 , September, 1991, p. 80. Hammer, Michael and J. Champy, Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution , Harper Business, New York, 1993 Hampton, John, Gregory T. Daich, and Debbie Dyer, Development of a Prototype JOVIAL Re-engineering Toolset , SAIC white paper report to the USAF, San Diego, CA, 18 September 1991.

[Arnold 93] [Basili 91] [Basili 89] [Brewin 91] [Brown 93] [Bush 88] [Chikofsky 90] [Chikofsky 92] [Connall 92]

[Conner 82]

[Davis 91] [Davis-2 91] [Davis-3 91] [DoD 91]

[Fowler 88] [Hammer 91] [Hammer 93] [Hampton 91]

[Harrison 90]

Harrison, Warren, and Curtis Cook, Insights on Improving the Maintenance Process Through Software Measurement, Proceedings of the Conference on Software Maintenance 1990, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 26-29 November 1990. Hammer, M. and J. Champy, Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution, Harper Business, New York, 1993. Jacobsen, Ivar and Fredrik Lindstrom, OOPSLA 1991 Proceedings, pp. 340-350. Joint Logistics Commanders Joint Policy Coordinating Group on Computer Resources Management, First Software Reengineering Workshop, Back to the Future Through Reengineering, Santa Barbara, CA, September 1992.

[Hammer 93] [Jacobsen 91] [JLC 92]

[McCabe & Butler 89] McCabe, Thomas J., and Charles W. Butler, Design Complexity Measurement and Testing, Communications of the ACM , Volume 32, No. 12, December 1989. [McClure 90] [Meredith 91] McClure, Carma L., The Three Rs of Software Automation: Re-engineering, Repositories, Reusability , Extended Intelligence, Inc., Chicago, IL, 1990. Meredith, Denis, Software Re-engineering Alternatives, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference and Exposition on Software Maintenance & Re-engineering , Washington, DC, USPDI, Silver Spring, MD, 5-9 August 1991. Moad, Jeff, Maintaining the Competitive Edge, Datamation, 15 February 1990, pp. 61-66.

[Moad 90]

[Mosemann 92] Mosemann, Lloyd K., Ada: Vital to the Industrial Base, Address at the Adas Success in MIS: A Formula for Progress Symposium , George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, January, 14, 1992. [NSWC 92] [Osborne 90] Naval Surface Warfare Center, Systems Reengineering Technology Workshop, Silver Spring, MD, August 1992. Osborne, Wilma M., and Elliot J. Chikofsky, Fitting Pieces to the Maintenance Puzzle, IEEE Software, January 1990, pp. 11-12.

[Programming Languages Policy 5.c, 7 Aug 90] Mosemann, Lloyd K., Air Force Policy on Programming Languages - Action Memorandum. Memorandum for the Vice Chief of Staff; Major Command, Separate Operating Agency, and Direct Reporting Unit Commanders; and Air Force Program Executive Officers. [Samuelson 90] Samuelson, Pamela, Reverse-Engineering Someone Elses Software: Is It Legal?, IEEE Software, January 1990, pp. 90-96. [Sayani 91] Sayani, Hasan, Payoff of Reverse Engineering into an Open Repository, September 1992., (Presentation to the Third Reverse Engineering Forum, Northeastern University, Burlington, MA). Seymour, Patricia L., Re-engineering in the Real World, Technology Innovations, (Tutorial at the Conference and Exposition on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, Washington DC, June 1992). Sittenauer, Chris and Michael R. Olsem, Back to the Future Through Reengineering: The Santa Barbara I Reengineering Workshop, CrossTalk, November 1992, pp. 14-16. Critiques of Reengineering Handbook

[Seymour 92]

[Sittenauer 92]

[Sittenauer-2 92] Sittenauer, Chris and Michael R. Olsem, Sought, CrossTalk, December 1992. [Suydam 87] [Ulrich 91]

Suydam, William, CASE Makes Strides Towards Automated Software Development, Computer Design, 1 January 1987, pp. 49-70. Ulrich, William M., The Re-development Framework: The Transformation Stage, CASE Trends, Summer 1991, pp. 24-30.

STSC Technology Reports: [CM 94] [PT 94] [PME 95] [RE 95] [RED 95] [SEE 94] [TEST 94] Software Technology Support Center, Configuration Management Report , 1994. Software Technology Support Center, Process Technology Report , (Volume I, 1994, Volume II, 1995). Software Technology Support Center, Project Management/Estimation Report , 1995. Software Technology Support Center, Reengineering Technology Report , Volumes I and II, 1995. Software Technology Support Center, Requirements Engineering and Design Report , 1995. Software Technology Support Center, Software Engineering Environments Report , 1994. Software Technology Support Center, Software Test Technologies Report , 1994.

Ada AI The software language mandated for all new U.S. Department of Defense software projects (ANSI/ISO/IEC-8652:1995). Artificial Intelligence is an umbrella term that covers the fields of expert systems, neural nets, robotics, computer vision, computer speech recognition, and other technologies. Computer-Aided Reengineering Software represents the class of tools that aid and automate the process of software reengineering. Computer-Aided (or -Assisted) Software Engineering is a set of tools used to implement the discipline of software engineering throughout the development life cycle. The CASE Data Interchange Format is a common data exchange format between CASE tool sets. A computer language generally used in MIS applications. The COnstructive COst MOdel is a widely accepted methodology for measuring the potential cost of a proposed software project. Commercial off the shelf. Capability Maturity Model developed by the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. This model has 5 tiers that represent where a software organization is assessed regarding their software development/maintenance environment. (Technical Report CMU/SEI-87-TR23, ESD-TR-87-186). The maximum number of linearly independent paths through a module of code (see Design Complexity Measurement and Testing by McCabe and Butler, Communications of the ACM , December 1989). a r m e a t i o n a l i z a t i o n Uniform naming of the same logical data item across all software products. The examination and alteration of an existing data file or data system to reconstitute it in a new form. The process encompasses a combination of subprocesses (as applied to data) such as reverse engineering, restructuring, redocumentation, translation, forward engineering, and retargeting. Data Base Management System. Defense Information Technology Services Organization. An Entity-Relationship Diagram is a means of graphically displaying the relationships and attributes of data objects for the object-oriented analysis methodology. A measurement of the degree to which a module contains unstructured constructs (see Structured Real-Time Analysis and Design by McCabe et. al., IEEE COMPSAC-85, October 1985). The set of engineering activities that consume the products and artifacts derived from legacy software and new requirements to produce a new target system.



Cyclomatic Complexity

data reengineering


Essential Complexity

forward engineering


Government off the shelf. Used to denote available government software tools such as JRETS. Integrated CASE tool environment. A DoD standard for development, maintenance, and reengineering tools that can pass data between tools. Job control language. This is the command language that instructs IBM computers on the control flow between programs within the same software system. Joint Logistic Commanders. A software language for real time systems developed for the U.S. Air Force (Mil-Std-1589A), now largely superseded by the Ada language standard. JOVIAL ReEngineering ToolSet developed by the STSC. Existing production software. The modification of a software product, after delivery, to correct faults, to improve performance or other attributes, or to adapt the product to a changed environment. A higher level of abstraction that generally produces a logical model meant to represent a real-world construct. For example, a program is a meta representation of a real-world process such as accounting. Meta-data of design information is the rules that represent the program design information. Management Information Systems. Generally all non-real time systems. These would include applications such as payroll, inventory, personnel, accounting, etc. Object-oriented analysis and object-oriented design. A paradigm for software development based on data constructs with associated processes (i.e. methods). A product sheet was solicited from every vendor whose tool appears on our list. The information from those that responded can be found in Appendix B. Relation data base. A table driven DBMS. The process of analyzing the system to produce support documentation in various forms including users manual and reformatting the systems source code listings. The examination and alteration of an existing subject system to reconstitute it in a new form. The process encompasses a combination of subprocesses such as reverse engineering, translation, restructuring, redocumentation, forward engineering, and retargeting. Pretty printing to make source code indentation, bolding, capitalization, etc., consistent. Considered a sub-domain of redocumentation. A storage site for software systems design information. A software tool that makes source code more understandable by implementing modern programming constructs. The engineering process of transforming the system from one representation form to another at the same relative abstraction level, while preserving the subject systems external functional behavior. The engineering process of transforming and hosting or porting the existing system in a new configuration.

JLC JOVIAL JRETS legacy software maintenance




product sheet RDB redocumentation


reformatting repository restructurer restructuring


reverse engineering ROI SDSA SEI SLOC spaghetti code SRAH

The engineering process of understanding, analyzing, and abstracting the system in another form or higher level of abstraction. Return on investment. Software development support activity. Software Engineering Institute located in Pittsburgh, PA on the CarnegieMellon University campus. Source lines of code. Source code designed and written without benefit of a design methodology such as structured or object-oriented design. Software Reengineering Assessment Handbook. A JLC document that helps select appropriate reengineering strategies, estimate cost, and prioritize legacy software to be reengineered. Structured Systems Analysis/Structured Systems Design. USAF Standard System Center. Software Technology Conference. Held every April in Salt Lake City (Utah), this software conference is sponsored by the Army, USAF, Navy, and Marine Corps. The Software Technology Support Center is a branch of the US Air Force located at Hill AFB, Utah. One of its goals is to classify and evaluate software tools and methodologies for the purpose of consultation to all US Air Force software development and support activities. The process of using dummy call routines, or comments, to replace source code, DBMS calls, etc. that are incompatible with your reengineering tools. Transformation of source code from one language to another or from one version of a language to another version of the same language (e.g. going from COBOL-74 to COBOL-85). The top level process of engineering a system to meet overall requirements. Technical Council on Software Engineering



stubbing out source code translators

systems engineering TCSE





The mission of the Software Technology Support Center (STSC) is to transition technologies and exchange information to help DoD Software Development and Support Activities (SDSA) continuously improve their software quality and life-cycle productivity. A planned approach is necessary for successful transition. In general, transitioning effective practices, processes, and technologies consists of a series of activities or events that occur between the time a person encounters a new idea and the daily use of that idea. Conner and Pattersons Adoption Curve [Conner 82], shown in Figure 1-1, illustrates these activities. After encountering a new process or technology, potential customers of that technology increase their awareness of its usage, maturity, and application. If the process or technology is promising, customers then try to better understand its strengths, weaknesses, costs, and applications. These first activities in the Adoption Curve require a significant amount of time. Next, the customer evaluates and compares the processes and technologies that show the most promise. To reduce the risk, customers usually try new processes or technologies on a limited scale through beta tests, case studies, or pilot projects. A customer then adopts processes or technologies that prove effective. Finally, refined processes and technologies become essential parts of an organizations daily process (institutionalization).



Trial Use

Evaluation Understanding Awareness Contact


Figure 1-1. Adoption Curve Word processors are essential in most organizations daily operations. Yet, 30 years ago they did not exist. The institutionalization of word processors in many organizations followed a series of events similar to those identified in the Adoption Curve. The STSC is researching and collecting information about technologies that will reduce the time and resources it takes to become aware, understand, evaluate, test, try, and adopt effective practices, processes, and technologies. The STSC has developed the following objectives to accomplish its mission:

Technology Evaluation Identify, validate, classify, and evaluate effective processes and technologies. Information Exchange Facilitate the exchange of better software business practices, processes, and technologies within the DoD. Insertion Projects Analyze and improve processes, adopt new methodologies as needed, evaluate and select effective tools, receive appropriate levels of training, and perform pilot projects to try out and confirm the technology insertion efforts. STSC Associates Develop STSC associates who can infuse effective process and technology improvements through the use of STSC products, services, and processes.



This section describes the STSCs approach to the objectives identified in the previous section.


The first technology transition objective involves identifying, validating, and classifying processes, methods, and technologies that can potentially improve the quality or productivity of software development and maintenance. Many organizations focus on deadlines and customer needs and therefore lack the resources and time to thoroughly investigate options for improvement, leaving them vulnerable to marketing hype. The STSC has developed the infrastructure to provide information on all types of applicable technologies. Product critiques, which are essentially brief evaluations from experienced technology users, are collected. Quantitative evaluations, which are detailed, comparable, and objective, are performed on the most promising tools, methods, or processes.


This technology transition objective exposes potential customers to available technologies and, conversely, customer requirements to technology developers. Referring to the adoption curve, this objective focuses on contact, awareness, and understanding. STSC products that accomplish this objective include CrossTalk, The Journal for Defense Software Engineering , the annual Software Technology Conference, specific technology reports, and electronic customer services. CrossTalk Over 16,000 software professionals receive CrossTalk monthly. This publication provides a forum to exchange ideas. Articles cover leading edge, state-of-the-art, and state-of-thepractice processes and technologies in software engineering. Software Technology Conference The annual Software Technology Conference is held each April in Salt Lake City, Utah. This conference brings together over 2,500 software professionals from government, industry, and academia to share technology solutions and exchange ideas and information. Technology Reports STSC technology reports provide detailed information on specific software engineering technologies; this report is an example. The current list of reports includes: Software Test Technologies , Documentation , Project Management and Software Cost Estimation, Requirements Analysis and Design , Reengineering , Process Technologies, Software Engineering Environments , and Software Configuration Management . These reports provide awareness and understanding of each topic in preparation for evaluation and selection of corresponding technologies. Over 55,000 of these reports have been distributed. In addition to the technology reports, the following products are available: Guidelines for Successful Acquisition and Management of Software Intensive Systems , Metrics Starter Kit and Guidelines, and Cleanroom Pamphlet . On-Line Services The STSC provides electronic access for the software engineering community to information via its On-Line Services. These services include: Bulletin Board System, World Wide Web Home Page, Lynx Browser, Gopher Client/Server, and Anonymous FTP site. If there are questions or comments on these services, or if a company or individual wishes to share information with the software engineering community, please contact the STSC at: OO-ALC/TISEB, attn: George A. Klipper, Information Manager/BBS, 7278 4th Street, Hill

AFB, UT 84056, Phone: (801) 777-9712, DSN 777-9712, Fax: (801) 777-8069, Email: Telnet Connection: Individuals with Internet capability can connect to the STSC On-Line Services Bulletin Board System (BBS) with the command: telnet When connected, follow the instructions provided to bring up the Main Menu. Dial-in Connection: Individuals lacking Internet capability can connect to the STSC OnLine Services Bulletin Board via modem. Dial 801-774-6509 or DSN 775-3602. Set your device to VT emulation. Set your modem to between 2400 and 9600 bits per second, 8-bit word, no parity, and 1 stop bit. When connected, follow the instructions provided to bring up the Main Menu. World Wide Web Home Page: The STSC Web Home Page utilizes the most recent methods for locating information on the Internet. Initially, our Web site was experimental in nature, but is now maturing into a productive and useful site. The number of software engineeering options are expanding, as are the hot links and menus featuring other Web Servers. Lynx Browser: The BBS Main Menu now features a Lynx Browser option. It is tailored for users desiring to access and explore the vast information resources of the World Wide Web, but who lack full Web and graphics capability. It was developed by the University of Kansas as a text only Web browser. Lynx brings the Web to an individual's personal computer in ASCII text only, but is a tested and proven, simple to use Web navigational tool. To access the STSCs Lynx Browser, Telnet to or dial into the BBS as explained above. Select Option [14] - Lynx Browser to WWW Server, on then STSC On-Line Services Main Menu.


STSC technology insertion projects are customer-oriented projects that evaluate, select, and pilot the use of new processes, methods, and technologies for a specific customer. These projects can include process definition, process improvement, methodology insertion, tool insertion, and development of a technology road map. Referring to the Adoption Curve (Figure 1-1), an insertion project helps cement understanding of a process or technology, tailors an evaluation of the process or technology for the customer, and pilots the use of that process or technology with appropriate levels of training. Customers move closer to adoption of the process or technology through hands-on experience. It is important to try out technology improvements in a pilot project to confirm that the technology is appropriate for the organization and that the organization is ready and able to adopt the new technology.


Fowler and Przybylinski [Fowler 88] propose that transitioning new technologies from a developer to a consumer requires an advocate to push the technology and a receptor to pull the technology into an organization. This concept is illustrated in Figure 1-2. Effective change comes from within the organization. The STSC Associates objective is to develop technology receptors within individual Air Force SDSAs. These receptors, STSC Associates, are trained in the use of the STSCs information, products, and services to enhance their organizations ability to incorporate advanced practices, processes, and technologies. Referring to the adoption curve in Figure 1-1, STSC Associates complete the trek to institutionalization. Associates who come from within the organization should be politically astute and aware of internal organizational requirements. They have the highest probability of influencing the adoption and daily use of effective business practices, processes, and technologies.



Technology Developer

Advocate (STSC)

Receptor (Associates)

Technology Customer

Figure 1-2. Transitioning Technology



The STSC operates from the Ogden Air Logistics Center at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, under the direction and guidance of the ESIP Program Office. An Air Force program, the ESIP has the goals to reduce the software backlog and increasing software quality and productivity. Its mission is to provide an infrastructure to assist in the transitioning of technology to support all categories of embedded computer systems throughout the acquisition cycle and improve the readiness of Air Force weapon systems. ESIP is divided into four tasks: Readiness, the Software Technology Support center (STSC), Extendible Integration Support Environment (EISE), and Advanced R&D. ESIP is directed by an Air Force program management directive (PMD3118) and is led by Col. Charles Fuller. An ESIP working group has been established as a forum to share lessons learned and establish requirements for ESIP funded technology transition projects. Working group members are from the major commands, ESIP task managers, and the ESIP program office staff

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