SPortal Project Synopsis

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Project Synopsis
Version 1.0

Project Work Phase-1

(Synopsis, LiteratureSurvey & Presentation) (ECS799)


Mr.Mahendra Singh Sagar Paras Rastogi(TCA1409048)
Kinshuk Rastogi(TCA1409032)
Swapnil Jain(TCA1409072)



TMU-CCSIT Version 1.1 T001-Project Synopsis

Table of Contents

1 Project Title.........................................................................................................................................3
2 Domain................................................................................................................................................3
3 Problem Statement..............................................................................................................................3
4 Project Description..............................................................................................................................3
4.1 Scope of the Work.......................................................................................................................3
4.2 Project Modules...........................................................................................................................3
5 Implementation Methodology.............................................................................................................4
6 Technologies to be used......................................................................................................................4
6.1Software Platform...............................................................................................................................4
a. Front-end: ......................................................................................................................................4
b. Back-end:.........................................................................................................................................4
6.2Hardware Platform.............................................................................................................................4
7 Advantages of this Project...................................................................................................................6
8 Future Scope and further enhancement of the Project.......................................................................6
9 Team Details........................................................................................................................................7

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TMU-CCSIT Version 1.1 T001-Project Synopsis

1 Project Title
<Guidelines: Title should reflect the objectives of the study. It must be written after the whole
synopsis has been written so that it is a true representative of the plan>
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2 Domain
<Guidelines: Mention domain, like: Database System, Networking, Mobile App, Retail
Application, Banking, Travel etc.>
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Registration Application,Database.

3 Problem Statement
Currently, do not have any platform able to manage sports club performance in campus. Do
not have any proof to identify the financial report. Do not have a complete system which
combines all the subsystem into an integrated system. Students missed a good time of the
event because of others announcements flood on the notice board.
<uidelines: This section should contain brief background of the selected topic, why this topic is
selected. What problem this will solve etc.>
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4 Project Description
There are 2 users i.e., the admin and the student. Admin provides username and password to
the student. Admin also has the right to add or modify the given username and password of
the students. Using this username and password, a student can login to the system. The first
procedure is the student registration. Here the students fill all the details including the sport
they like to participate. All these information will be stored in the database. Next is the entry
of the tournaments. Here depending on the sport, the tournament date and the venue is
saved in the database for further confirmation. There are 14 different sports. A list of players
will be displayed and also the upcoming tournaments will be shown according to the
particular sport.
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TMU-CCSIT Version 1.1 T001-Project Synopsis

4.1 Scope of the Work

Combine all the existing systems to become an integrated system.
Allow student to submit their registration.
Admin is allowed to manage event record.
Provide a platform as a channel to improve the communication between
organizer and student.

4.2 Project Modules

SPORTAL consists of the following working modules:

Enter-Exit Module.
Admin Login Module.
Menu Module.
Registration Module.
Balance Detail Module.
Search /Update Module.
Game Fixture Module.

5 Implementation Methodology
<Guidelines: The process of the whole software system proposed, to be developed, should be
mentioned in brief. This may be supported by DFD's / ER Diagram / Class Diagram / Data
Models/ Use Case Diagrams/ Flowcharts etc. to explain the flow of the information. Mention
how testing of the project will be done and maintenance of the Defect Log>

Participants Game Fixture

RegistrationData for Participants.

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TMU-CCSIT Version 1.1 T001-Project Synopsis

6 Technologies to be used
6.1 Software Platform



6.3 Back-end:MySQL

6.4 Hardware Platform


PROCESSOR: 800 MHz Intel Pentium III or equivalent.
RAM: 512 MB
Hard Disk: 800 MB of Free Disk Space.
OS: Microsoft Windows XP/7/8/10.
Browser: Opera (Recommended), Chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc.


PROCESSOR: 2.6 GHz Intel Pentium IV or equivalent.
Hard Disk: 850 MB of Free Disk Space.
OS: Microsoft Windows XP SP3/7/8/8.1/10, Ubuntu 11.04, Macintosh OS X 10.6 Intel.
Browser: Opera (Recommended), Chrome, Mozilla Firefox etc.

6.5 Tools
The tools that are used in Sportal are as follows:
1. Tool Name:NetBeans IDE
Vendor Name:Oracle

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TMU-CCSIT Version 1.1 T001-Project Synopsis

Version Number:8.1
Netbeansis authorized IDE for Java 8.1.IDE provide editor,code analyzers, and converters,
by which we and swiftly and without difficultiesrevamp our applications to utilize new Java
8 dialect develops. Bunch analyzers and converters are provided to seek through numerous
applications in the meantime,coordinating examples for transformation to new Java 8
dialect develops.
As its periodically upgradation and Java Supervising, numerous rich elements and a broad
scope of instruments, formats and tests, NetBeans IDE sets the standard for creating with
bleeding part innovations out of the crate.

2. Tool Name: MySql Essential

Vendor Name:Oracle
Version Number: 5.1.33
The MySQL software delivers a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user, and robust SQL
(Structured Query Language) database server. MySQL Server is intended for mission-
critical, heavy-load production systems as well as for embedding into mass-deployed
software. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.
MySQL is a trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates, and shall not be used by
Customer without Oracle's express written authorization. Other names may be trademarks
of their respective owners. The MySQL software is Dual Licensed. Users can choose to use
the MySQL software as an Open Source product under the terms of the GNU General Public

3. Tool Name:MySql Workbench

Vendor Name:Oracle
Version Number: 5.1.33

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TMU-CCSIT Version 1.1 T001-Project Synopsis

MySQL Workbench is a introduced together visible gadget for database planners, engineers, and
DBAs. MySQL Workbench gives knowledge demonstrating, SQL advancement, and far attaining
organization gadgets for server design, consumer organization, reinforcement, and a best deal
extra. MySQL Workbench is out there on windows, Linux and Macintosh OS X. MySQL
Workbench gives designers an entire arrangement of visual apparatuses to make, alter, and
oversee SQL questions, database associations and articles. MySQL Workbench gives a visible aid
to without difficulty oversee MySQL instances and increase higher perceivability into databases.
Engineers and DBAs can utilize the visual apparatuses for designing servers, directing
purchasers, performing reinforcement and restoration, investigating review information, and
survey database wellbeing.

7 Advantages of this Project

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1.) Student can register into their respective games from any place.
2.) Fast Processing
3.) Paperless work

8 Future Scope and further enhancement of the Project

<Guidelines: Explain how this project can be enhanced in terms of functions, usage etc.>
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Expansion of workability to other clubs such as cultural club,techno club etc.
Expanding the field of operation to university level.
Enriching the functionality by availing premium services of the webhosting.
Increasing portability by building android app.

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TMU-CCSIT Version 1.1 T001-Project Synopsis

9 Team Details
<Guidelines: Team should not exceed 5 members >
Possible Roles are: Developer, Tester, and Designer
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Group# Course Student ID Student Role Signature

Name Name
B.Tech(CSE) TCA1409032 Kinshuk Developer,
Rastogi Testing,
TCA1409048 Paras Developer,
Rastogi Testing,Designer.
TCA1409072 Swapnil Jain Developer,

10 Conclusion
<Guidelines: The write-up must end with the concluding remarks-briefly describing innovations
in the approach for implementing the Project, main achievements and also any other important
feature that makes the system stands out from the rest. >
With SPortal, we aim at fulfilling the gap in communication and availability of information by
automating all the crucial processes.
Sportal provides an integrated system for achieving effective management and communication
between different entities hassle-free.

11 References
<Guidelines: Give references. Example: Books referred, website URL, any other>

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TMU-CCSIT Version 1.1 T001-Project Synopsis

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