Peo2 001

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Performing Engineering Operations Level: 2 PEO2/001 Working safely in an engineering environment

Candidate Name:

EAL Assessment Route Summary

This EAL assessment route identifies a broad range of basic competences you need to work safely in an engineering environment. You will be required to observe all relevant statutory and organisation regulations and to comply with codes of good practice and safe working procedures at all times. You will be required to identify hazardous situations, equipment, materials or conditions and know how to take appropriate action to eliminate/minimise the risks to life, property and the environment within your immediate work surroundings. Whilst working in the engineering environment you will be required to note and report any changes in the work area or process that may affect your own safety or the safety of others affected by your activity. Your responsibilities will require you to comply with organisational policy and procedures for the activities undertaken, and to take account of any potential difficulties or problems that may arise with the activities and seek appropriate help and advice in determining and implementing a suitable solution. You will work under a high level of supervision whilst taking responsibility for your own actions and the quality and accuracy of the work that you carry out. Your underpinning knowledge will provide a good understanding of your work, and will provide an informed approach to statutory regulations and organisational safety requirements and procedures, and their application, to provide a sound basis for carrying out the activities safely and correctly.

2006 EMTA Awards Limited

Working safely in an engineering environment

Performance to be assessed and evidenced:
1. Comply with your Safety at Work Act 1974

duties and obligations as defined in the Health and

Assess all by work performed: apply in principle your duties and responsibilities as an individual under the Health and Safety at Work Act and other relevant current legislation identify within your working environment, appropriate sources of information and guidance on health and safety issues, to include: eye protection and personal protective equipment COSHH regulations risk assessments identify the warning signs and labels of the main groups of hazardous or dangerous substances comply at all times with the appropriate statutory regulations and specific regulations relevant to your work 2. Apply

safe working practices and procedures at all times

Assess all by work performed: present yourself in the workplace suitably dressed/prepared for the activities to be undertaken observe personal protection and hygiene procedures at all times act in a responsible manner at all times within the working environment maintain a tidy workplace with exits and gangways free from obstructions use tools and equipment safely and only for the purpose intended carry out your work activities in accordance with legal requirements and the organisations safety policies take measures to protect others from harm resulting from any work you are carrying out 3. Follow organisational accident and emergency procedures Assess all by work performed: identify the appropriate qualified first aiders or appointed person and the location of first aid facilities identify the procedures to be followed in the event of injury to yourself or others follow organisational procedures in the event of fire/fire drills and for the evacuation of premises/work area identify the procedures to be followed in the event of dangerous occurrences or hazardous malfunctions of equipment, processes or machinery

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PEO2-001 Issue 1

Complete assessment plan and evidence record

Working safely in an engineering environment

Performance to be assessed and evidenced:
4. Recognise and control

hazards in the workplace to minimise risks

Assess all by work performed: your working environment (such as working at height, in confined spaces, hot work) the tools and equipment that you use (such as machines, power tools, cutting tools) materials and substances that you use (such as cutting fluids/oils, hydraulic fluids, fluxes) use working practices that do not follow laid-down procedures 5. Use correct

manual/mechanical lifting and carrying techniques

Assess by work performed: lifting alone

Assess one more by work performed: with assistance of others with mechanical assistance

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PEO2-001 Issue 1

Complete assessment plan and evidence record

Working safely in an engineering environment

Knowledge to be assessed and evidenced:
1. What are the roles and responsibilities of yourself and others under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and other current legislation? Such as: The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, Workplace Health and Safety and Welfare Regulations, Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations, Manual Handling Operations Regulations, Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, Display Screen at Work Regulations, Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations.
Complete assessment plan and evidence record

Duties of employees: All employees have a duty to take care of themselves and others (fellow workers or members of the public) who may be affected by their work. Employees must cooperate with their employer on all matters of health and safety, and the proper use of anything that is provided in the interests of health and safety. The law gives the right to recognised trade unions to appoint safety representatives for their members of the workforce.


What are the specific regulations and safe working practices and procedures that apply to your work activities? Such as: The Electricity at Work Regulations, Woodworking Regulations.

These regulations cover the safe use of a range of equipment used in places such as workshops and factories. They now include equipment such as power presses and abrasive wheels, which were previously covered by specific regulations (Power Press Regulations 1965 and 1972, and Abrasive Wheels Regulations 1970).


What are the warning signs for the main groups of hazardous substances defined by the Classification, Packaging and Labelling of Dangerous Substances Regulations?

warning, prohibition, mandotory and self condition


How do you locate the relevant health and safety information for your tasks?

on the computer or on posters in the class


What are the sources of expert assistance when help is needed?

go to the supervisor or tutor


What constitutes a hazard in the workplace? Such as: moving parts of machinery, electricity, slippery and uneven surfaces, dust and fumes, handling and transporting, contaminants and irritants, material ejection, fire, working at height, environment, pressure/stored energy systems, volatile or toxic materials, unshielded processes.

signs and to aware us of the risk &uneven surfaces, also dust which is a major hazard in our work place which we wear ventilation masks to prevent


What are your responsibilities for dealing with hazards and reducing risks in the workplace? Such as: hazard spotting and safety inspections, the use of hazard check lists, carrying out risk assessments, COSHH assessments and safe systems of working.

inspect the area of work so it is safe to work in make sure you


What are the risks associated with your working environment? Page 4 of 7

PEO2-001 Issue 1

Such as: the tools, materials and equipment that you use, spillages of oil and chemicals, not reporting accidental breakages of tools or equipment and not following laid-down working practices and procedures.
flying objects, hazardous fumes and always wear PPE

Complete assessment plan and evidence record

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PEO2-001 Issue 1

Working safely in an engineering environment

Knowledge to be assessed and evidenced:
9. What sources of information should you use to check safety requirements and procedures? Such as: local work procedures, codes of practice or guidance, the severity of the accident or injury that the hazard may cause.
Complete assessment plan and evidence record

cosh and health and safety regulations

10. What are the control measures that can be used to eliminate/reduce the hazard? Such as: lock off and permit to work procedures, provision of safe access and egress, use of guards and fume extraction equipment, use of personal protective equipment.
ensure area of work is suitable, wear ppe and follow instructions

11. What are the first aid facilities that exist within your work area and within the organisation in general?
there are first aiders and a fist aid box, also there are the 3 types of fire extinguishers and a fire blanket

12. What procedures must be followed in the case of accidents involving injury?
inform someone immediately in serious cases ring 999

13. What constitute dangerous occurrences and hazardous malfunctions?

a risk of accident and a hazardous malfnction is for example if a guard fails

14. Why must dangerous occurrences and hazardous malfunctions be reported even when no-one was injured?
in case the nextime someone comes across it they get injured

15. What are the procedures for sounding the emergency alarms, the evacuation procedures and escape routes to be used?
exit out of the nearest emergency exit as soon as possible then go straight to the assembly point

16. Why is it important to report your presence at the appropriate assembly point?
incase your tutor or the person who is registering you thinks you are still inside the building

17. What is your organisational policy with regard to fire fighting procedures?
in case of a small fire that you are capable of putting out yourself then do so, in othercases evacuate the buliding

18. What are the common causes of fire and what can you do to help prevent them?
electrical contractors left on, always turn them off

19. What personal protective equipment (PPE) and protective clothing is available for your areas of activity?
overalls,boots,goggles.gloves in some circumstances


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PEO2-001 Issue 1

Working safely in an engineering environment

Knowledge to be assessed and evidenced:
20. Why must you observe personal protection and hygiene procedures at all times? Such as: skin care (barrier creams, gloves), eye protection (safety glasses, goggles, full face masks), hearing protection (ear plugs, ear defenders), respiratory protection (fume extraction, face masks, breathing apparatus), head protection (caps with hair restraints, protective helmets), foot protection (safety footwear), dangers of ingestion and the need for washing hands.
because any obstruction to these procedures can end up with injury

21. How do you act responsibly within the working environment? Such as: observing restricted area notices, complying with warning signs, walking not running, using equipment only for its intended purpose, not interfering with equipment or process that are not within your job role, following approved safety procedures at all times.
obey the rules comply all hazardous signs

22. What are the correct methods of manually handling and moving loads? Such as: pushing, pulling, levering.
pulling pushing and levering

23. How do you manually lift and carry loads safely and correctly? Such as: from ground level, waist high, overhead, reaching over.
you shouldkeep your back straight and knees bent &you should keep your arms bent

24. What manual and mechanical lifting and moving aids are available?
a pump truck also you could use a round bar

25. How should you maintain good housekeeping arrangements? Such as: maintaining cleanliness of your work area, removal of waste materials, storage of materials, tools and equipment and products.
tidy up your area before and after use

26. How do you maintain access and egress (exits)? Such as: clear walkways, emergency exits.
ensure workplace is tidy e.g loose wires loose objects

27. When should you act on your own initiative and when should you seek help and advice from others?
in serious circumstances always help for advice but if you feel 100% confident on your job

28. Who should you report to in the event of problems that you cannot resolve?
tutor or advisor

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PEO2-001 Issue 1

Complete assessment plan and evidence record

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