Walking-Beam Conveyors Allow Multiple Processes: by Murali Shivamuthulingam

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Jan/Feb 2009

Walking-beam conveyors allow multiple processes

By Murali Shivamuthulingam Almac Industrial Systems, the Ontario-based manufacturer of material handling equipment, adds new product to the company's portfolio; a Walking Beam. Offered as an automated transfer and storage bank with mechanically actuated transfer unit, the Walking Beam is packed with unique features, including the exoskeleton frame, "walking beam" suspension, and a drive train and track system. When engineers think about synchronous automated assembly systems, they most often picture rotary indexing dials or carousels. But, there is another synchronous automation platform that should not be overlooked: the walking beam. A walking beam moves product sequentially in straight-line steps. To advance the product, the beam usually engages them from below, moving up, forward, down and back. In some cases, the beam contacts the products from the side. The equipment shown is fitted with facilities for vibration at fill points for compacting.

Fig 1: 6-Station Walking Beam including 2-Vibration stations

For speed and accuracy, the motion of the beam is most often generated by a rotating camshaft powered by an electric motor or a roller movement in a profile powered by hydraulic cylinder, explains Robert Austin, senior designer at Almac Industrial Systems, (Aurora, ON). The beam's motion replicates an arm that rises and falls like a seesaw. These machines are based on high performance servo technology and provide a stable & fast transfer system for rigid containers where alternative in-line transfer systems such as rope or chain conveyors are unsuitable. Filling options include high accuracy program forward weight controlled filling, with facilities for vibration at fill points to compact difficult products. The weighing is accomplished by load cells mounted on a fixed structure within the path of the movable carriage of the walking beam conveyor or the load cells are built into the carriage itself.

A walking-beam conveyor for the stepped conveyance of drums or similar conveyed stock typically has at least one walking beam that is raised and lowered by lifters between lateral support rails and is movable by at least one longitudinally effective actuator in the longitudinal transport direction. Almac products use Allen Bradley micro logics 1000 compact processor with fixed I/O for controls but can also be customized to incorporate other type of control systems. Preferably, such a walking-beam conveyor has a plurality of walking beams arranged successively in the workpiece-travel direction that are moved step-wise downstream and upstream jointly. At the same time, the walking beams are jointly raised while moving downstream and lowered while moving back such that the drums or the like resting on the lateral support rails can be conveyed in steps in the workpiece-travel direction. A walking-beam conveyor of this type can be easily integrated as conveying equipment in Mineral processing plants.

Fig 2&3:Specially designed conveyor using both rollers and chain transfer at the exit section of the waking beam shown above.

http://www.almac.com/ Murali Shivamuthulingam is a senior design engineer for Almac Industrial Systems. Volume 37 (Jan-Feb 2009).

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