D&D Items and Costs
D&D Items and Costs
D&D Items and Costs
Alarm Armor Astral Spell Atonement Augury Bless Commune Continual Light Control Weather Cure Blindness Cure Disease Cure Light Wounds Cure Serious Wounds Cure Critical Wounds Detect Evil/Good Detect Magic Dispel Evil/Good Dispel Magic Divination Earthquake Exorcise Find the Path Gate Glyph of Warding Heal Identify Invisibility Knock Know Alignment Leomund's Trap Locate Object Magic Mouth Mending Neutralize Poison Part Water Plane Shift Prayer
150 gp/loc 100 gp/loc 5,000 gp/person 500 gp/lot 300 gp 5 gp/loc 5,000 gp 500 gp 10,000 gp 1,000 gp 1,000 gp 100 gp 350 gp 600 gp 100 gp 150 gp 1,000 gp 100 gp/loc 1,000 gp 100,000 gp 1,000 gp/hour 500 gp/loc 500,000 gp 100 gp/loc 200 gp/hit point 250 gp 300 gp 1,000 gp 1,000 gp/loc 500 gp 500 gp 800 gp/word 50 gp 1,000 gp 1,000 gp/loc 40,000 gp 50 gp/loc
Preserve Protection From evil Purify Food & Drink Raise Dead Raise Dead Fully Regenerate Remove Curse Resist Cold Resist Fire Restoration Silence Slow Poison Speak With Dead Strength Tongues True Seeing Wizard Lock Write
100 gp 50 gp/loc 100 gp 750 gp/loc 7,500 gp/loc 15,000 gp 500 gp/loc 50 gp/loc 100 gp/loc 20,000 gp 100 gp/loc 200 gp/loc 100 gp/loc 1,000 gp/loc 500 gp/loc 400 gp/loc 100 gp/loc 300 gp
2 sp 10 5 cp 4 sp 2 sp 1 cp 5 sp 5 sp 2 sp 3 sp 5 sp 1 sp 20 gp 6 sp 12 gp 58 gp 2 gp 8 sp 29 gp 5 sp 2 gp 5 cp 1 gp 5 cp 5 cp 3 gp 9 gp 2 sp 4 gp
Miscellaneous Equipment
Miscellaneous Equipment Air bladder Backpack Backpack, Leather Bag, Leather Barrel, Wooden 50 gal Barrel, Metal 50 gal Basket, large basket, small Bedroll Bell Belt pouch, large Belt pouch, small Bird cage Blanket Block and tackle Bolt case Book, Blank, 100 pages, papyrus Book, (as above), Parchment Book, (as above), Vellum Bottle or flask Box, Iron, Large Box, Iron, Small Bracers, Leather Bracers, Metal Bucket Candle, Tallow Candle, Wax Candle snuffer Cane, Walking Canvas, per sq. yrd. Case, Bone, Map or scroll Case, Leather, Map or Scroll Cask Chain, Iron, 1', Fine, Small Chain, Iron, 1', Heavy Chain, Iron, 1', Light Chain, Iron, 1', Medium Chalk, Powder Chalk, Stick of Charcoal, 10 lb bag of Chest, Wooden, Large Chest, Wooden, Small Chisel Coal, 10 lb bag of Cologne/perfume, 1 oz Comb Cord, 10' Crampons Crowbar Dice/knucklebones, 1 pair Dice/knucklebones, 1 pair of,loaded Drill, Iron Earspoon Fire-starting bow Fishhook Fishing net Flint and steel Glass Glass bottle Glue, 2 oz pot of Grapnel Grappling hook Miscellaneous Equipment Grindstone Cost 15 gp 2 gp 2 gp 8 cp 1 gp 3 gp 3 sp 5 cp 10 sp 1-4 gp+ 1 gp 7 sp 2-5 gp 5-8 cp 5 gp 1 gp 160 gp 220 gp 400 gp 3 sp 15 gp 8 gp 8 sp 1 gp 3 sp 1 bp 1 cp 6 cp 2-5 gp 4 sp 5 gp 15 sp 5 cp 2 gp 1 gp 5 sp 8 sp 1 bp/oz 1 bp 2 gp 16 sp 8 sp 1 gp 10 gp 1 gp+ 1 sp 1 sp 4 gp 6 sp 2 sp 2-8 gp 5 gp 2 cp 8 sp 1 cp 1 gp/sf 1 sp 5 gp/sf 10 gp 5 cp 7 gp 8 sp Cost 5 cp Weight Notes 2 3 2 0.5 20 50 al/150 lb 50 50 gal/150 lb 1 0.1 8 (1-10) 1 0.5 (5-10) 3 5 1 20 20 20 2 75 35 1.5 3 4 0.5 0.5 1.5 6 1 5 2.5 10 0.5 10 5 8 0.2/oz 0.2/stick 10 50 25 3 10 1 0.5 0.2 3 6 0.5 0.5 5 1 0.5 * 1/sf 0.3 2/sf 0.1 1 7.5 4 Weight Notes (1-4) Hacksaw Hairbrush Hammock Hourglass Ink, 2 oz pot of Iron pot Jar, Glass Jug, Clay Keg, Wooden 5 gal Ladder, 12' Lamp, Oil Lantern, Beacon Lantern, Bullseye Lantern, Hooded Lantern, Waterproof Lard, Pint of Lock, Good Lock, poor Magnifying glass Manacles, Pair of, & key Map of the known world Map or scroll case Merchant's scale Metal file Mirror, Large, Metal Mirror, Small, Metal Mirror, Small, Silver Nails, Iron, 100 Oar Oil, per flask, Greek fire Oil, per flask, Lamp Paddle Padlock & key Padlock with poison reservoir & key Pail Paint, 1 gallon of Paint brush, Fine Paint brush, Large Paint brush, Medium Paper (per sheet) Papyrus, (per sheet) Parchment, (per sheet ) Perfume, per vial Pen, Fine, Wooden Pen, Quill Pick axe, Mining Pick Tooth, 5 score of Piton Pen, Fine, Metal Pipe, Smoking Pipeweed/tobacco, 8 oz pouch of Pliers Pole, 10' Pot, Iron cooking Pouch, Belt, Large Pouch, Belt, Small Pulley Purse Quilt Quiver, 1 dozen arrows cap Quiver, 1 score arrows cap Miscellaneous Equipment Quiver, 1 score bolts cap Quiver,2 score bolts cap Razor 2 gp 7 cp 2 gp 25 gp+ 1 gp 5 sp 5 gp 15 bp 15 cp 5 cp 2 gp 150 gp 12 gp 7 gp 50 gp 5 bp 100 gp+ 20 gp 100 gp+ 5 gp 1 gp+ 8 sp 2 gp+ 2 gp 10 gp 2 gp 20 gp 1 sp 5 sp 10 gp 6 cp 3 sp 5 gp 12 gp 7 cp 2 gp+ 1 gp 7 sp 5 sp 2 gp 8 sp 1 gp 5 gp 5 cp 8 bp 6 gp 1 cp 3 cp 1 sp 1 cp+ 1 gp+ 1 gp 3 bp 3 cp 1 gp 8 sp 25 gp 1 cp 2 sp 8 cp 12 cp Cost 1 sp 2 sp 1 gp 2 0.5 2 (0.5-3) 1 2 4 5 25 20 1 50 3 2 3 2 1 1 (0.5-2) (2-10) 1 0.5 (1-12) 1 10 0.1 2 1 5 2 1 3.5 (2-8) (2-8) 1 10 1 4 2 * * * 0.1 0.3 0.2 5 0.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.5 10 5 1 0.5 0.5 0.2 10 3 4 Weight Notes 3.5 6 0.5
Rocket, Signal Rope, 50' hemp Rope, 50' superior Rope, 50' silk Sack, Large Sack, Small Saw, One man Saw, Two man Scabbard, Sword, Bastard Scabbard, Sword, Broad Scabbard, Sword, Katana Scabbard, Sword, Long Scabbard, Sword, Ninja-to Scabbard, Sword, Rapier Scabbard, Sword, Scimitar Scabbard, Sword, Short Scabbard, Sword, 2-handed Sealing Wax (per lb) Sewing needle Sheath, Dagger or knife Signal whistle Signet ring or personal seal Skin, Water/wine Soap,5 oz bar of Soap (per lb) Spade/shovel Spike, Iron, Large Spyglass String,50' Sundial Tent, Adequate:large Medium Small Tent, Good:Large Medium Small Tent, Poor:Large Medium Small Tent, Superior:Large Medium Small Thieves' picks & tools Tinder Box with flint & steel Torch, Normal Torch, Small Vellum, 1 sheet Vial, Ceramic Vial, Crystal Vial, Metal Wallet Water Clock Wax, Candle, lb Wax, Sealing, lb Whetstone Whistle Wig Wineskin Winter Blanket Writing ink, vial
3 7.5 10 5 2 0.5 3 20 1.5 1 1.5 1 0.5 1 1 0.5 2 1 * 0.5 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.3 1 6 1 2 1 50 75 60 50 100 80 60 60 45 35 150 100 75 1 1.5 2.5 1 0.1 2.5 3 4 0.5 200 1 1 (0.5-2) 0.5 0.5 1 3 0.1
80 lsp 80 lsp 80 lsp 120 lsp 120 lsp 120 lsp 40 lsp 40 lsp 40 lsp 180 lsp 180 lsp 180 lsp
6 turns 1 turns
Services, Daily cost of inn Armor repair Bath Clerk (per letter) Doctor, Leech or bleeding Guide, City Horse grooming Lantern - or Torchbearer (night) Laundry (load) Messenger Messenger, in city Minstrel (per performance) Mourner (per funeral) Night guard Stable Storage closet Teamster w/wagon (per mile) Weapon repair Cost 12 gp 3 cp 2 sp 3 gp 5 sp 3 sp 1 sp 1 cp 2 gp 1 sp 3 gp 2 sp 15 gp 2 gp 1 gp 1 sp 9 gp
Livestock Ape Boar Bull Calf Camel Capon Cat Chicken Cow Dog,guard Dog,hunting Dog,lap Dog,sled Dog,war Donkey Dove Elephant,labor Elephant,war Falcon,trained Goat Goose Guinea hen Hawk,large Hawk,small Horse,draft Horse,heavy war Horse,light war Horse,medium war Horse,riding Hunting cat Lama Mule Ox Partridge
Cost 150 gp 10 gp 20 gp 5 gp 10-15 gp 3 cp 5 sp 3 cp 10 gp 20-100 gp 20-50 gp 5-20 gp 10-40 gp 30-120 gp 8 gp 3 sp 200-300 gp 300-1200 gp 600-1200 gp 1 gp 5 cp 2 cp 130-180 gp 15-40 gp 200-300 gp 300-500 gp 120-240 gp 180-360 gp 45-80 gp 10,000 gp 30 gp 20 gp 15 gp 5 cp
Livestock Peacock Pigeon Pigeon, homing Piglet Pig Pony,riding Pony,war ram Sheep Songbird Swan Yak
Livestock, Special Livestock,special Cost Dragonnel 45,000 gp Eel,giant 4,500 gp Giant strider 7,500 gp Griffon 35,000 gp Hippocampus 20,000 gp Hippogriff 32,000 gp Pegasus 40,000 gp Roc 30,000 gp Sea horse 15,000 gp Unicorn 500,000 gp Wyvern 25,000 gp
Weight 10,000 8,000 1,100 8,000 4,000 2,000 1,000 25,000 1,500 800 6,000
Tack & Harness Barding, Half brigandine Barding, Chain Barding, Leather Barding, Padded, Full Barding, Padded, Half Barding, Plate, Full Barding, Plate, Half Barding, Scale Barding, Full Scale Barding, Half scale Barding, Splint Bit & Bridle Halter Harness Harness, Cart Horseshoes (installed) Saddle, Pack Sabble, Riding Saddle Bags,large Saddle Bags,small Saddle Blanket Yoke, Horse Yoke, Ox
Cost 500 gp 500 gp 200 gp 150 gp 100 gp 2000 gp 800 gp 200 gp 1000 gp 500 gp 400 gp 15 sp 5 cp 12 cp 2 gp 1 gp 5 gp 10 gp 4 gp 3 gp 3 sp 5 gp 3 gp
Weight 100 300 70 60 40 500 250 200 300 200 400 2 0.1 10 10 10 15 35 8 5 4 15 20
Clothing Apron Belt Boots, High, Hard Boots, High, Soft Boots, Low, Hard Boots, Low, Soft Boots, Riding 3 gp Breeches Brooch, Plain 10 gp Cap Cape, Cloth Cape, Fur Cloak, Cloth Cloak, Cloth, Good Cloak, Fur Cloth, Canvas Cloth, Cotton Cloth, Linen Cloth, Satin Cloth, Silk Cloth, Velvet Cloth, Wool Dress Fur trimming Girdle, Broad Girdle, Normal Gloves, Cloth Gloves, Leather Gown, Common Hat, Cloth Hat, Fur Hat, Straw Hose/Leggings Jacket, Silk Jerkin Knife Sheath Loincloth Mittens Needle, Sewing Pin Cost 1 cp 3 Sp 2 gp 1 gp 1 gp 8 sp 6 2 gp 0.2 1 sp 3 cp 100 gp+ 2 sp 8 sp 200 gp+ 1 gp/sy 1 cp/sy 5 bp/sy 4 gp/sy 10 gp/sy 4 gp/sy 8 bp/sy 9 cp+ 10 gp+ 3 gp 2 gp 1-2 cp 5-10 gp 12 sp 10 cp 40 gp+ 7 bp 2 gp 80 gp 1 gp 3 cp 1 cp 3 sp 1-2 sp 1 gp Weight 1 0.3 7 5 5 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 2/sy 1/sy 1/sy 1/sy 0.5/sy 1/sy 2/sy 4 1 0.5 0.5 1 2 1 1 0.5 0.5 1 7.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.1 0.1
Clothing Robe, Poor Robe, Common Robe, Embroidered Sandals Sash Scissors Shirt/blouse Shoes Surcoat Sword Scabbard, Hanger, Balderic Tabard Thread,1 spool Toga, coarse Trouser/skirt Tunic Vest, Cloth Vest, Fur
Provisions Ale,pint of Ale,dark,pint of Beer,heavy,pint of Beer,light,pint of Brandy,pint of Bread,loaf of Butter per lb. Cider,pint of Cider, Tun (250 ga) Dry Rations (7 days) Eggs (100) Eggs (24) Figs (lb) Firewood (day) Fish, Herring, Salted (100) Fish, Pickled, Barrel Flour,10 lb bag of Food, Merchant's meal Food, Rich meal Grain, Horse meal, 1 day Grog, Pint of Herbs (Common, lb) Juice, Apple, Pint of Juice, Grape, Pint of Juice, Orange, Pint of Juice, Tomato, Pint of Mead, Pint of Milk, Cow, Pint of Milk, Goat, Pint of Cost 1 cp 3 cp 1 sp 4 cp 1 sp+ 7 bp 2 sp 8 cp 8 10 8 sp 2 sp 3 sp 1 cp 1 3 6 sp 1 sp 1 gp 1 cp 3 cp 5 cp 8 bp 8 bp 9 bp 7 bp 5 cp 2 cp 1 cp Weight
2.5 1 2050 Provisions Nuts (lb) Raisins (lb) Rations, Iron, 1 week Rations, Standard, 1 week Rice (lb) Rum, Pint of Salt (lb) Spice, Exotic (Saffron, Clove) Spice, Rare (pepper, ginger) Spice, Uncommon (cinnamon) Sugar, Coarse (lb) Tea,pint of Water, Spring, Pint of Wine, Good, Pint of Wine, Good, Tun (250 Gal) Wine, Watered, Pint of Cost 1 2 sp 5 gp 3 gp 2 sp 5 cp+ 1 sp 15 gp 2 gp 1 gp 1 7 bp 5 bp 1 sp+ 20 gp 6 cp Weight 1 1 7.5 20 1 1 1 1 1 1
5 1
Transport Barge Barge (or Raft), Small Boat, Collapsible Boat, Small Boat, Long Canoe, Small Canoe, Large Canoe, War Caravel Cart Carriage, Common Carriage, (coach) Ornamental Chariot, Riding Chariot, War Coach, Royal Coaster Cog Curragh Dog-sled Drakkar Dromond Galleon Galley, Large Galley, Small Galley, War Kayak Knarr Longship Oar, Common Oar, Galey Raft or small keelboat Sail Sedan Chair Transport
Cost 500 gp 1 gp/sy 500 gp 75 gp 150 gp 30 gp 50 gp 100 gp 10,000 gp 50 gp 150 gp 7000 gp 200 gp 500 gp 200 gp+ 5000 gp 10,000 gp 500 gp 30 gp 25,000 gp 15,000 gp 50,000 gp 25,000 gp 10,000 gp 40,000 gp 250 gp 3000 gp 10000 gp 2 gp 10 gp 100 gp 20 gp 100 gp Cost
Weight Ship, Merchant, Large Ship, Merchant, Small Ship, War 10/sy Wagon, Closed 60 Wagon, Open 90 25,000 Wagon, Wheel 80 120 160 80
Furnishings Armchair, Padded Armchair, Wooden Bed, Double Bed,Single Bench, Padded Bench, Wooden Bookcase, Metal, 4'x 1'x 5' Bookcase, Wooden, 4'x 1'x 5 Bowl, Pewter Bowl, Pottery Bowl, Silver Buffet Cabinet Carpet Chair, Padded Chair, Wooden Chandelier Chest of drawers Cup, Pewter Cup, Pottery Cup, Silver Curtains/drapes Cushion Cutlery, Copper Cutlery, Pewter Cutlery, Silver Decanter, Crystal Decanter, Pottery Decanter, Silver Desk Goblet, Crystal Goblet, Pewter Goblet, Silver Hamper Kettle, Iron, Various sizes Loom Mat Mattress, Feather, Double Mattress, Feather, Single Mattress, Straw, Double Mattress, Straw, Single Mirror Pillow, Feather Plate, Pewter Plate, Pottery Plate, Silver Rug, Small Rug, Large Sconce, Wall Sofa/couch Stool Table Tub Wardrobe, Plain Wardrobe, With mirror(s) Cost 3 gp 1 gp 8 gp 5 gp 4 gp 2 gp 15 gp 5 gp 2 sp 5 cp 9 gp 7 gp 3-8 gp 1-10 cp/sy 2 gp 1 gp 20 gp+ 5-7 gp 2 sp 4 cp 2 ep 1-4 sp/sy 1 sp 1 sp/piece 2 sp/piece 5 gp/piece 10 gp 3 cp 5 gp 15 gp 4 gp 4 sp 2 ep 7-15 cp 2-12 gp 3-7 gp 15 cp 4 gp 2 gp 3 gp 1 gp 10-15 gp/sf 1-2 sp 8 sp 8 cp 2 gp 1 sp+ 3 sp+ 5 cp 30 gp 3 gp 2 sp/sf 2-5 gp 15 gp 25 gp+ Weight 40 30 150 90 20 15 250 100 1.5 1.5 1.5 5 80 2/sy 25 18 30 70 0.5 0.4 0.5 1/sy 1 0.5/piece 0.5/piece 0.5/piece 6 5.5 6 35 1 1 1 4 (1-6) 200 5 30 20 25 15 2/sf 1.5 0.7 0.6 0.7 5 50 5 75 8 5/sf 10 50 85
Musical Instruments
Musical Instruments Bandore Chime Drum Fife Flute Gong Harp Horn Lute Lyre Mandolin Pipes Rebec & bow Cost 15 gp 2 gp+ 4 gp 5 gp 16 gp 5 gp 50 gp+ 6 gp 25 gp 27 gp 28 gp 2 gp 30 gp Weight 10 (1-20) 20 10 5 (.5-10) 25 7.5 15 10 15 5 15
Religious Items
Religious Items Beads, Prayer Incense, Stick Symbol, Holy, Iron Symbol, Holy, Silver Symbol, Holy, Wooden Water, Holy, Vial Wheel, Prayer Cost 1 gp 1 gp+ 2 gp 50 gp 7 cp 25 gp 3 gp Weight 0.5 0.1 3 2 1 3.5 10
Torture Devices
Torture device Branding iron Cage Chair with straps Clamp Iron boots Iron maiden Stocks Thumb screw U-rack Vice Cost 2 gp 20 gp 7 gp 3 gp 5 gp 70 gp 5 gp 1 gp 25 gp 9 gp Weight 3 500 80 5 50 750 300 1 500 10
Thief Equipment
Thief Equipment Acid, Metal-eating, 1 Vial ** Aniseed, vial Arm Sling Armor, Silenced Arrow, Major grapple Arrow, Minor grapple Arrow, Stone biter Arrow, Stone biter, Adamantite Arrow, Wood biter Blinding Powder Boots, Blade Boots, Footpad's Boots, Hollow Bow, Folding Caltrops (10) Cards, Marked, Deck ** Catstink, (vial) ** Charcoal, Bundle Chisels, lock, set of 3 Crowbar Dagger, Climbing Darksuit Dice, Biased, Bone (box of 4) Dice, Biased, Ivory (box of 4) Dog Pepper, Packet Funnel, Small Glass Cutter, Handled Gloves, Clawed ** Grappling Iron Hacksaw Hacksaw Blade Cost 50 gp 2 sp 2 cp 750 gp + 10 gp 6 gp 1 gp 7 gp 8 sp Var 15 gp 8 gp 15 gp 45 gp 3 gp 5 gp 40 gp 2 cp 2 gp 6 sp 5 gp 30 gp 5 gp 20 gp 1 sp 3 cp 120 gp 20 gp 3 gp 3 gp 6 sp Weight 0.2 * * 50 1 0.6 * * * * 3 3 3 2 1 0.2 * * 1 4 1 5 * * * 0.1 1 1 2 1 *
Legality Thief Equipment
Housebreaker's Harness ** Keymaking Set Knife, Death ** Lamp, Hand (with silvered mirror) Lamp, Hand Warming Leather Straps (pair) Limewood Strips (10) Listening Cone (Brass) Marbles, bag (30) Metal File Mini Blade Overshoes, Clawed Ring, Pin, Iron Ring, Pin, Silver Ring, Razor, Iron Ring, Razor, Silver Scabbard, False ** Sharkskin Sheath, Wrist Shoes, Water, Pair Skeleton Key Spikes, Climbing, Iron (10) Sword Stick ** Theives Picks Wax (block) Weaponblack (vial) Wire Cutters Woodland Suit
Armor Armor Padding Augmented Mail Banded Mail Bar Mail Brigandine, Metal Brigandine, Wood or Horn Bronze Plate Chain Mail Cuir-bouilli Double Mail Gauntlets,leather Gauntlets,chain mail Gauntlets,plate mail Gauntlets,plate,full Helm, Cap Helm, Coif Helmet, Basinet Helmet, Great Helmet, Open Faced Hide Leather Lamellar, Metal Lamellar, Wood or Horn Padded Plate, Mail Plate, Field Plate, Full Ring Mail Scale Mail, Metal Scale Mail, Wood or Horn Shield, Body Shield, Buckler Shield, Large Shield, Medium Shield, Small Shield, Small wooden Splint Mail Studded Leather Cost Weight 3 gp 5 175 gp 44 200 gp 35 200 gp 40 120 gp 35 80 gp 26 400 gp 45 75 gp 40 20 gp 15 160 gp 45 2 gp 2 5 gp 2.5 7 gp 3.5 15 gp 2.5 3 gp 1 8 gp 2 10 gp 5 30 gp 10 10 gp 4 15 gp 30 5 gp 10 210 gp 36 120 gp 20 4 gp 10 600 gp 50 2000 gp 60 4k - 10k gp 70 100 gp 30 120 gp 40 80 gp 20 15 gp 15 5 gp 3 13 gp 13 10 gp 10 7 gp 5 1 gp 3 80 gp 40 20 gp 25 AC 9 4 4 4 6 7 4 5 7 4 1* 2* 2* 3* 2* 6 8 4 5 8 3 2 1 7 6 7 1# 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 4 7
* : AC for head and neck only, and the +1 % : is just the shield bonus to base armor class # : is just the shield bonus to base armor class, this is 2 against missle weapons
Arms Arrow, Barbed, Single Arrow, Broad-head, Single Arrow, Blunt-head, Single Arrow, Daikyu Arrow, Corded, Single, (120'cord) Arrow, Flaming, Single Arrow, Flight, Single Arrow, Flight, Dozen Arrow, Frog crotch Arrow, Grappling, Single, (120'cord) Arrow, Humming bulb Arrow, Normal, Single Arrow, Normal, Dozen Arrow, Sheaf, Single Arrow, Sheaf, Dozen Arrow, Silver, Single Arrow, Spiral, Single Arrow, Stone, Single Arrow, Stone, Dozen Arrow, Wooden, Single Blowgun Needle,barbed Blowgun Needle,normal Quarrel (or Bolt), Hand, Single Quarrel (or Bolt), Hand, Score Quarrel (or Bolt), Heavy, Single Quarrel (or Bolt), Heavy, Score Quarrel (or Bolt), Light, Single Quarrel (or Bolt), Light, Score Arms
Cost 1 sp 1 sp 1 cp 5 bp 6 gp 5 gp 25 bp 3 sp 1 sp 10 gp 2 sp 1 cp 1 sp 5 cp 6 sp 1 gp 1 gp 2 bp 3 cp 5 bp 1 sp 2 cp 1 gp 20 gp 1 sp 2 gp 1 sp 2 gp Cost
Weight 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 2.5 0.4 0.1 1.2 0.2 3 0.2 0.2 2.4 0.1 1.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 1.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 2 0.1 2 0.1 2 Weight
Damage 1-6/1-6 2-7/1-6 1-3/1-3 1-8/1-6 1-3/1-2 2-7/2-8 1-6/1-6 1-6/1-3 1-4/1-3 1-2/1-2 1-6/1-6 1-8/1-8 1-6/1-6 2-7/2-7 1-4/1-4 1-5/1-3 1-2/1-2 1-1/1-1 1-6/1-6 1-12/1-12 1-8/1-8 Damage
Quarrel (or Bolt), Medium, Single Quarrel (or Bolt), Medium, Score Sling Bullet, Single Sling Bullet, Score Sling Stone, Single Sling Stone, Score Staff Sling Stinkpot Arms Bladed Weapons Dagger or Dirk Dagger, Bone Dagger, Parrying Dagger, Stone Knife Knife, Bone Knife, Stone Main-Gauche ** Stiletto Sword, Bastard 2-Handed Sword, Broad Sword, Claymore Sword, Cutlass Sword, Drusus Sword, Falchion Sword, Katana 2 Handed Sword, Kopesh Sword, Long Sword, Rapier Sword, Saber Sword, Scimitar Sword, Short Sword, 2-handed Sword, Wakizashi Sword, Wooden, Boku-toh Arms Hafted Weapons Axe, Battle, 2-Handed Axe, Battle Axe, Hand Club Flail, Footman's Flail, Horseman's Hammer, Maul Hammer, War Mace,footman's Mace,horseman's Morning Star Pick, Military, Footman's Pick, Military, Horseman's
0.1 2 0.2 4 0.2 4 2 Weight 1 1 1 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 2 0.5 10 10 8.5 10 4 3 8 6 6 7 4 3.5 5 4 3 15 3 3 Weight 17 7 5 3 15 5 10 5 10 6 12 6 4
1-10/1-10 2-5/2-5 1-4/1-4 1-3/1-3 Damage 1-4/1-3 1-2/1-2 1-3/1-3 1-3/1-2 1-3/1-2 1-2/1-2 1-2/1-2 1-4/1-3 1-3/1-2 1-8/1-12 2-8/2-16 2-8/2-7 1-10/3-18 1-6/1-8 2-7/2-9 2-7/2-8 1-10/1-12 2-12/2-12 2-8/1-6 1-8/1-12 2-7/2-9 2-7/2-9 1-8/1-8 1-6/1-8 1-10/3-18 1-8/1-8 1-4/1-2 Damage 1-10/1-12 1-8/1-8 1-6/1-4 1-6/1-3 2-7/2-8 2-5/2-5 1-6/1-8 2-5/1-4 2-7/1-6 1-6/1-4 2-8/2-7 2-7/2-8 2-5/1-4
Sickle Arms Misc Weapons Aklys Atlatl Blackjack Belaying Pin Bolas Caltrop Caviler Cestus Chain Fang Gaff/Hook, Attached Gaff/Hook, Held Garrot Jo Stick Lasso Net Ninja-to & scabbard Nunchaku Sai Sap Scourge Spiked Buckler Three-piece rod Tui-fa Whip,metal Whip,rawhide Missle Weapons Arquebus Axe, Throwing Blowgun Blunderbus Bow, Composite, Long, Flight Sheaf Bow, Composite, Short Bow, Daiku Bow, Long, Flight Sheaf Bow, Short Crossbow, Hand Crossbow, Heavy Crossbow, Light Crossbow, Light, Repeating 10 bolts Crossbow, Medium Dart,throwing Arms Harpoon 2 Handed
3 Weight 3.5 1 5 2 2 0.4 11 2 3 3 2 2 0.1 4 2 10 5.5 3 2 1 2 3.5 5 1.5 7.5 2 10 5 2 12 3 2 3 3 2 3 14 7 8.5 8.5 0.5 Weight 5 5
1-6/1-4 Damage 1-6/1-3 1-4/1-2 1-3/1-3 1-3/1-2 1-1/1-2 1-8/1-8 1-4/1-3 2-5/1-4 1-6/1-4 1-4/1-3 1-4/1-3 1-4/1-6 1-6/1-4 1-8/1-6 1-6/1-6 1-4/1-2 1-2/1-2 1-4/1-2 1-4/1-3 1-6/1-4 1-6/1-4 2-5/1-4 1-2/1-2 1-10/1-10 1-6/1-4 L 1-4/1-4 1-3/1-2 Damage 2-5/2-7 2-8/2-12
Javelin 2 Handed Javelin, Stone 2 Handed Musket Shuriken,spike,large Shuriken,spike,small Shuriken,star,large Shuriken,star,small Sling Staff Sling Starwheel Pistol Arms Pole Weapons Bo Stick Lance, Heavy @ Lance, Jousting @ Lance, Light @ Lance, Medium @ Mancatcher Polearm, Awl Pike # Polearm, Bardiche Polearm, Bec de corbin Polearm, Bill-Guisarme Polearm, Fauchard Polearm, Fauchard-Fork Polearm, Glaive * Polearm, Glaive-Guisarme * Polearm, Guisarme Polearm, Guisarme-Voulge Polearm, Halberd Polearm, Hook Fauchard Polearm, Lucern Hammer # Polearm, Military Fork * Polearm, Naginata # Polearm, Partisan # Polearm, Ranseur # Polearm, Spetum # Polearm, Tetsubo Polearm, Voulge # Quarterstaff Spear 2 Handed # Spear, Long 2 Handed # Spear, Stone 2 Handed Arms Trident 2 Handed
1-4/1-4 1-6/1-6 1-4/1-4 2-5/1-6 1-12/1-12 1-4/1-3 1-3/1-3 1-6/1-4 1-4/1-4 1-4/1-4 Damage 1-3/1-3 3-9/3-18 0-2/0-1 1-6/1-8 2-7/2-12 1-2/1-2 1-6/1-12 2-8/3-12 1-8/1-6 2-8/1-10 1-6/1-8 1-8/1-10 1-6/1-10 2-8/2-12 2-8/1-8 2-8/2-8 1-10/2-12 1-4/1-4 2-8/1-6 1-8/2-8 1-8/1-10 1-6/2-7 2-8/2-8 2-7/2-12 1-8/1-8 2-8/2-8 1-6/1-6 1-6/1-8 2-9/2-12 1-8/2-9 2-12/3-18 1-4/1-6 1-6/2-8 Damage 2-7/3-12 2-9/3-12
* This Weapon inflicts Double Damage against charging creatures of L or greater ** This Weapon can dismount a rider on a successful hit @ This Weapon inflicts double damage when used from the back of a charging mount # This Weapon inflicts double damage when firmly set to receive charge
Engine/Device of War Ballista, Heavy Ballista, Light Ballista, Medium Bombard Catapult, Heavy (Trebuchet) Catapult, Light Catapult, Medium Cauldron, Suspended Gallery, Covered Hoist Mangonel Mantlet, Movable Ram Ram catcher Ribald & Scorpion Siege tower Sow Tortoise Trebuchet
Cost 800 gp 400 gp 600 gp 20,000 gp 1000 gp 500 gp 700 gp 50 gp 350 gp 150 gp 75 gp 25 gp 500 gp 20 gp 1200 gp 75 gp 800 gp 500 gp 350 gp 500 gp
Crew 4 1 2 3 5 1 3
Thac0 17 12 14 17 16 14 15
Smoke Powder Siege Weapon Annedum Smoke Powder Siege Weapons Charge Bombard 10 Ribald & 6 Backfire BF Dmg 1 2d10 1 1d6 Ad 20 X
% (1/2) for each of 12 barrels & A Ribald consists of 12 barrels that can be fired in the same round. To attack, assign all bullets to creatures within range. Size S Max of 1 hit Size M Max of 3 hits Size L Max of 6 hits Size H+ Max of 12 hits
Hirelings, daily cost of Cost Alchemist 10 gp Animal Trainer 3 gp Armorer 5 gp Bearer/Porter 1 cp Blacksmith 3 gp Boatwright 1 sp Bowyer/Fletcher 1 gp Carpenter 3 cp Engineer-Architect 5 gp Engineer-Artillerist 7 gp Engineer-Sapper/Miner 7 gp Jeweler-Gemcutter 5 gp Leather Worker 2 cp Limner 1 gp Linkboy 1 cp Mason 4 cp Mercenary Soldier: Archer (longbow) 1 sp Archer (shortbow) 5 cp Artillerist 12 cp Captain 15 gp+ Crossbowman 5 cp Footman, Heavy 5 cp Footman, Light 3 cp Footman, Pikeman 8 cp Habilar, Heavy 8 cp Habilar, Light 5 cp Horseman, Archer 15 cp Horseman, Crossbowman 1 sp Horseman, Heavy 15 cp Horseman, Light 8 cp Horseman, Medium 1 sp Lieutenant 8 gp+ Sapper/Miner 1 sp Serjeant special Slinger 8 cp Pack Handler 2 cp Sage special Scribe 5 sp Ship crew: Marines 8 cp Mates 1 gp Oarsmen 12 cp Sailors 5 cp Ship Master 15 gp+ Spy special Steward/Castellan 30 gp+ Hirelings, daily cost of Cost Tailor Teamster Valet/Lackey Weapon Maker Weaver 2 cp 5 cp 3 cp 5 gp 2 cp
Construction Arrow slit Arrow slit, Crossletted Barbican Bartizan, 10'd, 20'h Batter, Plinth or splay Battlement,14'l Building, Stone Building, Wood Buttress, Stone,3'w, 5'd, 10'h Catwalk, Wooden, 10'l Ditch, 100'l, 10'd, 20'w Door, Iron, 4'w, 7'h Door, Secret, 2'w, 4'h Door, Trap, 2'w, 3'l Door, Wooden, 4'w, 7'h Door, Wooden, Reinforced,4'w, 7'h Drawbridge, 10'w, 15'l Embrasure shutters Gate Gatehouse, Stone Hoardings, Wooden, 10'l Machicolation, Stone, 10'l Merlon, 4'w, 3'd, 5'h Merlon, With arrow slit, 4'w, 3'd, 5'h Moat, 100'l, 10'd, 20'w Murder hole Palisade, Wooden,100'l, 10'h Parapet, Stone, 10'l Pilaster, 5'w, 3'd, 10'h Pit, 5'cube Portcullis, 10'w, 15'h Rampart, Earth, 100'l, 10'h Stairs, Stone, 10'rise, 3'w Stairs, Wooden, 10'rise, 3'w Tower, Round, 20'd, 30'h Tower, Round, 30'd, 30'h Tower, Round, 40'd, 30'h Tower, Square, 10'sq, 30'h Tower, Square, 20'sq, 30'h Tower, Square, 30'sq, 30'h Tunnel, Underground, 5'w, 8'h, 10'l Wall, Bastion,5'w, 20'h, 40'l Wall, Curtain,10'w, 20'h, 100'l Window, Shuttered, 2'w, 4'h Window, Shuttered &Barred, 2'w, 4'h Cost 3 gp 5 gp 4000 gp 500 gp 100 gp 50 gp 750 gp 250 gp 150 gp 20 gp 150 gp 100 gp 75 gp 50 gp 25 gp 75 gp 500 gp 5 gp 250 gp 2000 gp 25 gp 250 gp 10 gp 15 gp 350 gp 15 gp 150 gp 25 gp 50 gp 10 gp 500 gp 150 gp 50 gp 10 gp 1000 gp 2000 gp 3000 gp 750 gp 1500 gp 2500 gp 150 gp 750 gp 1500 gp 5 gp 10 gp Dp's
6-12 dp 20 dp 15 dp 12 dp 20 dp 5 dp 1-3 dp 40 dp 60 dp 80 dp 30 dp 40 dp 50 dp 5 dp 40 dp 20 dp 4 dp 12 dp