Spell Sheet Bard v3.5

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The document provides a list of spells for different levels of bards, including information like components, range, targets and effects for each spell.

Level 0 spells are listed on page 1, level 1 spells continue on page 1, and levels 2-6 are covered on pages 1 and 3.

Examples of enchantment spells listed include charm person, hypnotism, suggestion, and Otto's irresistible dance.

Bard Spells 3.



25 ft + 5 ft / 2 LVLS 100 ft + 10 ft / LVL 400 ft + 40 ft / LVL
LEVEL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6



Spell Description Schl Comp Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR PHB
£ Dancing Lights Figment torches or other lights Evoc V,S 1a Medium 10-ft radius 1 min (D) - - 216
£ Daze Humanoid loses next action Ench V,S,M 1a Close 1 humanoid to 4 HD 1 rnd Will negs Yes 217
£ Detect Magic Detects spells and magic items Div V,S 1a 60-ft Cone Conc, 1 min/lvl (D) - - 219
£ Flare Dazzles 1 creature (-1 attack) Evoc V 1a Close Burst of light Inst (1 min) Fort negs Yes 232
£ Ghost Sound Figment sounds Illus V,S,M 1a Close Noise of 4humans/lvl 1 rnd/lvl (D) Will dsblf - 235
£ Know Direction You discern North Div V,S 1a Self Caster Instantaneous - - 246
£ Light Item shines like a torch 20-ft glow Evoc V,M/DF 1a Touch One item 10 min/lvl (D) - - 248
£ Lullaby Become drowsy -5 listen and spot Ench V,S 1a Medium Living in 10-ft radius Conc +1 rnd/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 249
£ Mage Hand Telekinesis of 5-lb item Trans V,S 1a Close Nonmagical Item Concentrate - - 249
£ Mending Makes minor repairs of item Trans V,S 1a 10-ft Item, 1 lb Instantaneous Will negs Yes 253
£ Message Whispered conversation at distance Trans V,S,F 1a Medium One creature/lvl 10 min/lvl - - 253
£ Open/Close Opens/closes small or light things Trans V,S,F 1a Close Item to 30 lbs Instantaneous Will negs Yes 258
£ Prestidigitation Performs minor tricks Univ V,S 1a 10-ft 1 lb, 1 cu. Ft 1 hr - - 264
£ Read Magic Read scrolls and spellbooks Div V,S,F 1a Self 250 words/min 10 min/lvl - - 269
£ Resistance Target gains +1 on saves Abjur V,S,M/DF 1a Touch One creature 1 min Will negs Yes 272
£ Summon Instrument Calls a handheld instrument for you Conj V,S Round 0-ft One instrument 1 min/lvl (D) - - 285


Spell Description Schl Comp Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR PHB
£ Alarm Wards an area for 2 hr/lvl Abjur V,S,F/DF 1a Close 20-ft radius 2 hr/lvl (D) - - 197
£ Animate Rope Rope moves at your command Trans V,S 1a Medium 1 ropelike item 1 rnd/lvl - - 199
£ Cause Fear Creature frightened or shaken 1 rnd Necro V,S 1a Close One living creature 1d4 rnds Will part Yes 208
£ Charm Person Makes one person your friend Ench V,S 1a Close 1 person 1 hr/lvl Will negs Yes 209
£ Comprehend Languages Understands all languages Div V,S,M/DF 1a Self 250 words/min 10 min/lvl - - 212
£ Confusion, Lesser Target becomes confused, 1 rnd/lvl Ench V,S,DF 1a Close One living creature 1 round Will negs Yes 212
£ Cure Light Wounds Cures 1d8+1/lvl (+5) Conj V,S 1a Touch One creature Instantaneous Will half Yes 215
£ Detect Secret Doors Reveals hidden doors within 60-ft Div V,S 1a 60-ft Cone Conc, 1min/lvl (D) - - 220
£ Disguise Self Change appearance, +10 Disguise Illus V,S 1a Self Caster 10 min/lvl - - 222
£ Erase Mundane or magical writing vanishes Trans V,S 1a Close 1 scroll or 2 pages Instantaneous Special - 227
£ Expeditious Retreat Increase speed by 30-ft/rnd Trans V,S 1a Self Caster 1 min/lvl (D) - - 228
£ Feather Fall Items or creatures fall slowly Trans V Free Close Creature/lvl in 20-ft Land or 1 rnd/lvl Will negs Yes 229
£ Grease Makes 10-ft square or item slippery Conj V,S,M 1a Close Obj or 10ft x 10ft sq 1 rnd/lvl (D) Special - 237
£ Hypnotism Fascinates 2d4 HD of creatures in 30-ft Ench V,S Round Close Living creatures 2d4 rnds (D) Will negs Yes 242
£ Identify Determines all features of magic item Div V,S,M/DF 1 hr Touch One item Instantaneous - - 243
£ Magic Mouth Speaks once when triggered Illus V,S,M 1a Close Creature or item Till used Will negs Yes 251
£ Nystul's Magic Aura Grants false magical aura Illus V,S,F 1a Touch Item to 5 lb/lvl 1 day/lvl (D) - - 257
£ Obscure Object Masks item to scrying and divination Abjur V,S,M/DF 1a Touch Item to 100 lb/lvl 8 hours Will negs Yes 258
£ Remove Fear +4 on fear saves Abjur V,S 1a Close One creature +1/4lvls 10 min Will negs Yes 271
£ Silent Image Creates minor illusion of item Illus V,S,F 1a Long 4 10-ft cubes+1 10-ft Concentrate Will dsblf - 279
£ Sleep Puts 4 HD of creatures into slumber Ench V,S,M Round Medium Living in 10-ft radius 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 280
£ Summon Monster I Calls outsider to fight for you Conj V,S,F/DF Round Close One creature 1 rnd/lvl (D) - - 285
£ Tasha's Hideous Laughter Target loses actions and falls prone Ench V,S,M 1a Close One creature 1 rnd/lvl Will negs Yes 292
£ Undetectable Alignment Conceals alignment for 24 hours Abjur V,S, 1a Close One creat or item 24 hours Will negs Yes 297
£ Unseen Servant Str 2, 15-ft move Conj V,S,M 1a Close Invisible servant 1 hr/lvl - - 297
£ Ventriloquism Throw voice Illus V,F 1a Close Usually speech 1 min/lvl (D) Will dsblf - 298


Spell Description Schl Comp Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR PHB
£ Alter Self Changes appearance Trans V,S 1a Self Caster, +10 disguise 10 min/lvl (D) - - 197
£ Animal Messenger Send a tiny animal to specific place Ench V,S,M 1a Close One tiny animal 1 day/lvl - Yes 198
£ Animal Trance Fascinates 2d6 HD of animals Ench V,S 1a Close Animals, Int 1 or 2 Conc Will negs Yes 198
£ Blindness/Deafness Makes target blind or deaf Trans V,S 1a Medium One living creature Permanent (D) Fort negs Yes 206
£ Blur Attacks miss target 20% of time Illus V 1a Touch Concealment 1 min/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 206
£ Calm Emotions Calms 1d6/lvl targets Ench V,S,DF 1a Medium 20-ft radius Conc, 1 rnd/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 207
£ Cat's Grace +4 Dex Trans V,S,M 1a Touch One creature 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 208
£ Cure Moderate Wounds Cures 2d8+1/lvl (+10) Conj V,S 1a Touch One creature Instantaneous Will half Yes 216
£ Darkness Supernatural darkness Evoc V,M/DF 1a Touch Item 20-ft radius 10 min/lvl (D) - - 216
£ Daze Monster Creature loses next action Ench V,S,M 1a Medium One creature to 6 HD 1 rnd Will negs Yes 217
£ Delay Poison Stops poison from harming target Conj V,S,DF 1a Touch One creature 1 hr/lvl Fort negs Yes 217
£ Detect Thoughts Detect surface thoughts Div V,S,F/DF 1a 60-ft Cone Conc, 1 min/lvl (D) Will negs - 220
£ Eagle's Splendor +4 Cha Trans V,S,M/DF 1a Touch One creature 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 225
£ Enthrall Captivates all within medium range Ench V,S Round Medium Creatures in range Up to 1 hour Will negs Yes 227
£ Fox's Cunning +4 Int Trans V,S,M/DF 1a Touch One creature 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 233
£ Glitterdust Blinds creatures, outlines invisible Conj V,S,M 1a Medium Creatures in 10-ft 1 rnd/lvl Will negs - 236
£ Heroism +2 Attack, Save and skill checks Ench V,S 1a Touch One creature 10 min/lvl Will negs Yes 240
£ Hold Person Target becomes paralyzed Ench V,S,F/DF 1a Medium One humaniod 1 rnd/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 241
£ Hypnotic Pattern Fascinates 2d4+1 HD/lvl creatures Illus V or S,M 1 a Medium
10-ft radius Conc +2 rnds Will negs Yes 242
£ Invisibility Invisible until attacks Illus V,S,M/DF 1 a Prsl,touch
Touch 1 min/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 245
£ Locate Object Senses direction of item Div V,S,F/DF 1 a Long
400-ft+40-ft/lvl rad 1 min/lvl - - 248
£ Minor Image Minor illusion with some sound Illus V,S,F 1 a Long
4 10-ft cubes + 1/lvl Conc +2 rounds Will dsblf - 254
£ Mirror Image 1d4 + 1/3 lvls caster images (8) Illus V,S 1 a Self
Caster 1 min/lvl (D) - - 254
£ Misdirection Misdirect information from divinations Illus V,S 1 a Close
Item, 10-ft cube 1 hr/lvl Will negs - 254
£ Pyrotechnics Fire into blinding light or smoke Trans V,S,M 1 a Long
Up to 20-ft cube 1d4+1 rnds Special Sp 267
£ Rage +2 Str, Con, +1 Will, -2 AC Ench V,S 1 a Medium
One living Conc +1 rnd/lvl (D) - Yes 268
£ Scare Panics creatures up to 5 HD Necro V,S,M 1a Medium One living 1 rnd/lvl Will part Yes 274
creature/3lvls in 30-ft
£ Shatter Sonic vibration damages items Evoc V,S,M/DF 1 a Close 5-ft radius, 1 lb/lvl Instantaneous Special Yes 278
£ Silence All sound is stopped Illus V,S 1a Long 20-ft radius 1 min/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 279
£ Sound Burst 1d8 sonic damage, may stun 1 round Evoc V,S,F/DF 1 a Close 10-ft radius Instantaneous Fort part Yes 281
£ Suggestion Influences targets actions Ench V,M 1a Close One living creature 1 hr/lvl Will negs Yes 285
£ Summon Monster II Calls outsider to fight for you Conj V,S,F/DF Round Close 2:1 1:1d3 1 rnd/lvl (D) - - 286
£ Summon Swarm Swarm of small creatures Conj V,S,M/DF Round Close See MM for effect Conc + 2 rnds - - 289
£ Tongues Speak and understand any language Div V,M/DF 1a Touch One creature 10 min/lvl Will negs - 294
£ Whispering Wind Sends a spoken message Trans V,S 1a 1 mile/lvl 10-ft radius 1 hr/lvl or till used - - 301


Spell Description Schl Comp Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR PHB
£ Blink Randomly vanish and reappear Trans V,S 1a Self Caster 1 rnd/lvl (D) - - 206
£ Charm Monster Monster believes you are allied Ench V,S 1a Close One living creature 1 day/lvl Will negs Yes 209
£ Clairaudience / Hear or see at a distance, 1 min/lvl Div V,S,F/DF 10 min Long Magical sensor 1 min/lvl (D) - - 209
£ Confusion Targets become confused, 1 rnd/lvl Ench V,S,M/DF 1a Medium Creatures in 15-ft
1 rnd/lvl Will negs Yes 212
£ Crushing Despair -2 Att, save, abilities, skills, damage Ench V,S,M 1a 30-ft Cone 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 215
£ Cure Serious Wounds Cures 3d8+1/lvl (+15) Conj V,S 1a Touch One creature
Instantaneous Will half Yes 216
£ Daylight 60-ft radius of bright light Evoc V,S 1a Touch Item 60-ft radius
10 min/lvl (D) - - 216
£ Deep Slumber Put 10 HD of creatures into slumber Ench V,S,M Round Close 10-ft radius
1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 217
£ Dispel Magic Cancels magical effects (+10) Abjur V,S 1a Medium Special Instantaneous - - 223
£ Displacement Attacks miss target 50% of time Illus V,M 1a Touch One creature
1 rnd/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 223
£ Fear Targets panic for 1 rnd/lvl Necro V,S,M 1a 30-ft Cone 1 rnd/lvl Will part Yes 229
£ Gaseous Form Become insubstantial, 10 dmg reduct Trans S,M/DF 1a Touch Touch 2 min/lvl (D) - - 234
£ Geas, Lesser Command up to 7HD creature Ench V 1a Close One living creature
1 day/lvl or till used Will negs Yes 235
£ Glibness Fluent and believable +30 Bluff Trans S 1a Self Caster 10 min/lvl (D) - - 235
£ Good Hope Morale bonus, +2 save bonus Ench V,S 1a Medium One living creature/lvl 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 237
£ Haste Extra att, +1 AC, +1 ref save, +30-ft m Trans V,S,M 1a Close One creature/lvl 1 rnd/lvl Fort negs Yes 239
£ Illusory Script Only designated can decipher Illus V,S,M Special Touch Weight 10 lb 1 day/level (D) Will negs Yes 243
£ Invisibility Sphere Invisibility to all within 10-ft Illus V,S,M 1a Prsl,touch 10-ft radius 1 min/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 245
£ Leomund's Tiny Hut Creates shelter for 10 creatures Evoc V,S,M 1a 20-ft 20-ft radius 2 hr/lvl (D) - - 247
£ Major Image Illusion with sound, smell, heat Illus V,S,F 1a Long 4 10-ft cubes+1/lvl Concentrate +3 rnd Will dsblf - 252
£ Phantom Steed Horselike creature, AC18, HP 7+1/lvl Conj V,S 10 min 0-ft One creature 1 hr/lvl (D) - - 260
£ Remove Curse Frees item or person from curse Abjur V,S 1a Touch Creature or item Instantaneous Will negs Yes 270
£ Scrying Spies on target from a distance Div V,S,M/DF,F 1 hr Special Magical sensor 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 274
£ Sculpt Sound Creates new or masking sounds Trans V,S 1a Close One creat or obj/lvl 1 hr/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 275
£ Secret Page Changes page to hide real content Trans V,S,M 10 min Touch Up to 3 sq ft Permanent - - 275
£ See Invisibility See invisible creatures or items Div V,S,M 1a Self Caster 10 min/lvl (D) - - 275
£ Sepia Snake Sigil Immobilizes reader for 1d4+1day/lvl Conj V,S,M 10 min Touch Book or written work Till used Ref negs - 276
£ Slow Make only single move or standard Trans V,S,M 1a Close One creature/lvl in 1 rnd/lvl Will negs Yes 280
action 30-ft
£ Speak with Animals Communicate with animals Div V,S 1a Self Caster 1 min/lvl - - 281
£ Summon Monster III Calls outsider to fight for you Conj V,S,F/DF Round Close 3:1 2:1d3 1:1d4+1 1 rnd/lvl (D) - - 286


Spell Description Schl Comp Time Range Target, Effect, AreaDuration Save SR PHB
£ Break Enchantment Frees target from enchantments Abjur V,S 1 min Close Creature/lvl in 30-ft
Instantaneous Special - 207
£ Cure Critical Wounds Cures 4d8+1/lvl (+20) Conj V,S 1a Touch One creature Instantaneous Will half Yes 215
£ Detect Scrying Alerts of magical eavesdropping Div V,S,M 1a 40-ft 40-ft radius 24 hours - - 219
£ Dimension Door Teleports you and up to max load Conj V 1a Long Caster and touched Instantaneous Will negs Yes 221
£ Dominate Person Control humanoid telepathically Ench V,S Round Close One humanoid 1 day/lvl Will negs Yes 224
£ Freedom of Movement Target moves and attacks normally Abjur V,S,M,DF 1a Prsl,touch One creature 10 min/lvl Will negs Yes 233
£ Hallucinatory Terrain Changes natural terrain's appearance Illus V,S,M 10 min Long One 30-ft cube/lvl 2 hr/lvl (D) Will dsblf - 238
£ Hold Monster Target becomes paralyzed Ench V,S,M/DF 1a Medium One living creature 1 rnd/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 241
£ Invisibility, Greater Invisible (even if attacks) Illus V,S,M/DF 1a Prsl,touch One creature 1 min/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 245
£ Legend Lore Learn tales about person or place Div V,S,M,F Special Self Caster Special - - 246
£ Leomund's Secure Shelter Creates a sturdy cottage Conj V,S,M,F 10 min Close 20-ft sq structure 2 hr/lvl (D) - - 247
£ Locate Creature Senses direction of familiar creature Div V,S,M 1a Long 400-ft+40-ft/lvl rad10 min/lvl - - 248
£ Modify Memory Changes 5 minutes of memories Ench V,S Round Close One living creature Permanent Will negs Yes 255
£ Neutralize Poison Detoxifies venom in or on target Conj V,S,M/DF 1a Touch Creat / obj 1 cu ft/lvl
10 min/lvl Will negs Yes 257
£ Rainbow Pattern Prevent 24 HD creatures attacking Illus V or S,M,F 1a Medium 20-ft radius Conc +1 rnd/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 268
£ Repel Vermin Insects with HD<lvl/3 cannot enter Abjur V,S,DF 1a 10-ft 10-ft radius 10 min/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 271
£ Shadow Conjuration Mimics conjuring up to 3rd level Illus V,S 1a Special Special Special Special Yes 276
£ Shout 5d6 sonic dmg, deaf 2d6 rounds Evoc V 1a 30-ft Cone Instantaneous Fort part Yes 279
Ref negs
£ Speak with Plants Talk to plants and plant creatures Div V,S 1a Self Caster 1 min/lvl - - 282
£ Summon Monster IV Calls outsider to fight for you Conj V,S,F/DF Round Close 4:1 3:1d3 2-1:1d4+1 1 rnd/lvl (D) - - 286
£ Zone of Silence Silence isolates internal and external Illus V,S Round Self 5-ft radius 1 hr/lvl (D) - - 303

Spell Description Schl Comp Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR PHB
£ Cure Light Wounds, Mass Cures 1d8+1/lvl (+25) Conj V,S 1a Close Creature/lvl in 30-ft Instantaneous Will half Yes 216
£ Dispel Magic, Greater Cancels magical effects (+20) Abjur V,S 1a Medium Special Instantaneous - - 223
£ Dream Sends message to anyone sleeping Illus V,S 1 min Unlimited
One living creature Special - Yes 225
£ False Vision Fools scrying with an illusion Illus V,S,M 1a Touch 40-ft radius 1 hr/lvl (D) - - 229
£ Heroism, Greater +4 Attack, Save and skill checks Ench V,S 1a Touch One creature 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 240
£ Mind Fog Fog target's minds, –10 Wis/Will save Ench V,S 1a Medium 20-ft radius 30 min + 2d6 rnds Will negs Yes 253
£ Mirage Arcana Changes natural terrain's appearance Illus V,S 1a Long One 20-ft cube/lvl Conc +1 hr/lvl (D) Will dsblf - 254
£ Mislead Improved invisiblity and creates illusion Illus S 1a Close Caster / illusory 1 rnd/lvl (D), Conc Will dsblf - 255
double +3 rnds
£ Nightmare Restless sleep dealing 1d10 damage Illus V,S 10 min Unlimited One living creature Instantaneous Will negs Yes 257
£ Persistent Image Creates repeating illusionary scene Illus V,S,F 1a Long 4 10-ft cubes+1/lvl 1 min/lvl (D) Will dsblf - 260
£ Seeming Change appearance of creatures Illus V,S 1a Close One creature/2 lvls 12 hr Special Sp 275
£ Shadow Evocation Mimics evocation up to 4th level Illus V,S 1a Special Special Special Special Yes 277
£ Shadow Walk Step into shadow to travel rapidly Illus V,S 1a Touch One creature/level 1 hr/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 277
£ Song of Discord 50% chance of attacking nearest friend Ench V,S 1a Medium 20-ft radius 1 rnd/lvl Will negs Yes 281
£ Suggestion, Mass Influences targets actions Ench V,M 1a Medium One creature/lvl in 1 hr/lvl Will negs Yes 285
£ Summon Monster V Calls outsider to fight for you Conj V,S,F/DF Round Close 5:1 4:1d3 1-3:1d4+1 1 rnd/lvl (D) - - 286


Spell Description Schl Comp Time Range Target, Effect, Area Duration Save SR PHB
£ Analyze Dweomer Reveals magical aspects of target Div V,S,F 1a Close Item or creature/lvl 1 rnd/lvl (D) Will negs - 197
£ Animate Objects Items attack your foes Trans V,S 1a Medium One small item/lvl 1 rnd/lvl - - 199
£ Cat's Grace, Mass +4 Dex to 1 creature/lvl Trans V,S,M 1a Touch Creature/lvl in 30-ft 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 208
£ Cure Moderate Wounds, Cures 2d8+1/lvl (+30) Conj V,S 1a Close Creature/lvl in 30-ft Instantaneous Will half Yes 216
£ Eagle's Splendor, Mass +4 Cha to 1 creature/lvl Trans V,S,M/DF 1a Close Creature/lvl in 30-ft 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 225
£ Eyebite Charm, fear, sicken or sleep target Necro V,S 1a Close One living creature 1 rnd/3 lvls Fort negs Yes 228
£ Find the Path Shows most direct way to location Div V,S,F 3 rnds Touch One creature 10 min/lvl Will negs Yes 230
£ Fox's Cunning, Mass +4 Int to 1 creature/lvl Trans V,S,M/DF 1a Close Creature/lvl in 30-ft 1 min/lvl Will negs Yes 233
£ Geas / Quest Command any creature Ench V 10 min Close One living creature 1 day/lvl or till used - Yes 234
£ Heroes' Feast Food for 1 creat/lvl cures & blesses Conj V,S,DF 10 min Close One living creature/lvl 1 hr + 12 hr - - 240
£ Otto's Irresistible Dance Forces target to dance Ench V 1a Touch One living creature 1d4+1 rnds - Yes 259
£ Permanent Image Creates static illusionary scene Illus V,S,F 1a Long 20-ft cube+10-ft Permanent (D) Will dsblf - 260
£ Programmed Image Event triggered illusionary scene Illus V,S,F 1a Long 20-ft cube+1 10-ft Till used Will dsblf - 265
£ Project Image Illusory double can talk, cast spells Illus V,S,M 1a Medium Shadow duplicate 1 rnd/lvl (D) Will dsblf - 265
£ Scrying, Greater Spies on target from a distance Div V,S,M/DF,F 1a Special Magical sensor 1 hr/lvl Will negs Yes 275
£ Shout, Greater 10d6 sonic dmg, deaf 4d6 rounds, Evoc V,S,F 1a 60-ft Cone Instantaneous Fort part Yes 279
stunned 1 round Ref negs
£ Summon Monster VI Calls outsider to fight for you Conj V,S,F/DF Round Close 6:1 5:1d3 1-4:1d4+1 1 rnd/lvl (D) - - 286
£ Sympathetic Vibration 2d10/rnd dmg to freestanding structure Evoc V,S,F 10 min Touch Structure 1 rnd/lvl - Yes 291
£ Veil Change appearance of creatures Illus V,S 1a Long Creatures in 30-ft Conc +1 hr/lvl (D) Will negs Yes 298

http://www.militaryfocus.com/dnd/index.htm Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Bard Spells October 10, 2003

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