Non Destructive Testing
Non Destructive Testing
Non Destructive Testing
1. Introduction 2. Definition 3. History Of NDT 4. Methods Of NDT Most Commonly Used Methods 5. Visual Inspection Method 6. Liquid Penetration Method 7. Magnetic Particle Testing 8. Radiography (X-Ray Technique) Film Radiography 9. Ultrasonic Testing 10.Eddy Current Testing 11.Applications Of NDT 12.Conclusions 13.References
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing damage. The terms Nondestructive examination (NDE), Nondestructive inspection (NDI), and Nondestructive evaluation (NDE) are also commonly used to describe this technology. Because NDT does not permanently alter the article being inspected, it is a highly-valuable technique that can save both money and time in product evaluation, troubleshooting, and research. Non-destructive Testing is one part of the function of Quality Control and is Complementary to other long established methods. By definition non-destructive testing is the testing of materials, for surface or internal flaws or metallurgical condition, without interfering in any way with the integrity of the material or its suitability for service. The technique can be applied on a sampling basis for individual investigation or may be used for 100% checking of material in a production quality control system. Whilst being a high technology concept, evolution of the equipment has made it robust enough for application in any industrial environment at any stage of manufacture - from steelmaking to site inspection of components already in service. A certain degree of skill is required to apply the techniques properly in order to obtain the maximum amount of information concerning the product, with consequent feed back to the production facility. Non-destructive Testing is not just a method for rejecting substandard material; it is also an assurance that the supposedly good is good. The technique uses a variety of principles; there is no single method around which a black box may be built to satisfy all requirements in all circumstances.
The use of noninvasive techniques to determine the integrity of a material, component or structure or quantitatively measure some characteristic of an object. The following definitions apply: Testing: Testing or examination of a material or component in accordance with this Classification Note, or a standard, or a specification or a procedure in order to detect, locate, measure and evaluate flaws. Defect: One or more flaws whose aggregate size, shape, orientation, location or properties do not meet specified requirements and are rejectable. Discontinuity: A lack of continuity or cohesion; an intentional or unintentional interruption in the physical structure or configuration of a material or component Flaw: An imperfection or discontinuity that may be detectable by non-destructive testing and is not necessarily reject able. Indication: Evidence of a discontinuity that requires interpretation to determine its significance False indication: An indication that is interpreted to be caused by a discontinuity at a location where no discontinuity exists. Non relevant indication: An indication that is caused by a condition or type of discontinuity that is not reject able. False indications are non-relevant Imperfections: A departure of a quality characteristic from its intended condition. Internal imperfections: Imperfections that are not open to a surface or not directly accessible.
Quality level: Fixed limits of imperfections corresponding to the expected quality in a specific object. The Limits are determined with regard to type of imperfection, their amount and their actual dimensions. Acceptance level: Prescribed limits below which a component is accepted. Planar discontinuity: Discontinuity having two measurable dimensions Non-planar discontinuity: Discontinuity having three measurable dimensions.
After World War II the emerging modern industry needed more and more testing equipment for the production of flawless components. Therefore, instruments for NDT were developed, produced in quantities and continuously improved. The first NDT-method coming into industrial application was the X-Ray Technique. X-Ray Technique Already 1895 Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen discovered "An Unknown Kind of Radiation" which were named in all German speaking countries after him. In his first publication he described all effects including possible flaw detection. At that time industry did not yet need this invention but medicine did. So medical equipment was developed, used and produced in quantities. The only effect Rntgen could not foresee was that X-rays harm human health. Before radiation protection became introduced, many persons lost their life. Early technical X-ray applications in Germany were realized by Richard Seifert around 1930. He improved medical equipment, cooperated with welding-institutes and built up the small company founded by his father to a world-wide respected name: Richard Seifert Hamburg 13. He got competition by Siemens and C.H.F. Muller, part of the Philips-organization, who already worked in the medical field. Seifert died in 1969, but his company kept leadership in technical X-ray-application under the direction of his youngest daughter Elisabeth Samish. Radiation testing can also be carried out with radioactive isotopes. This was discovered by Mme. Curie. She, born as Maria Sklodowska in Warscaw received the Nobel-prize for physics in 1903 together with her husband Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel. This was the second award after Rontgens in 1901. Also radioactive isotopes were initially used for medical applications. In Germany Rudolf Berthold and Otto Vaupel applied them after 1933 to welded joints. After World War II Arturo Gilardoni in Italy, Drenk and Andreasen in Denmark developed X-ray-equipment, Kurt Sauerwein portable isotope-containers in Germany. Magnetic particle crack detection Magnetic particle crack detection was executed even earlier than X-ray testing. The Englishman S.M. Saxby already in 1868 and the American William Hoke in
1917 tried to find cracks in gun barrels by magnetic indications. Real industrial application was made by Victor de Forest and Foster Doane after 1929. They formed 1934 a company with the name Magnaflux in 1934, famous world-wide until today. The first European who built a magnetic particle crack detector was an Italian in 1932: Giraudi. His machine was named "Metalloscopio". In Germany Berthold and Vaupel applied MP-technique to welded constructions. Their equipment was produced by Ernst Heubach. Bruno Suschyzki sold this equipment. He invented swinging field MP-testing.In Berlin too E.A.W. Mller designed MPtesting machines for Siemens. In Prague the Seifert-representative Karasek began with similar production.After World War II Wilhelm Tiede, a former Seifertemployee, started his own company in Southern Germany. Through the Seifert-organisation he had connections to Karasek who emigrated to Brazil in 1948 after the communistic revolution in Cechoslovakia. There he continued production of MP-machines.Starting with dry-powder methods two more companies entered this market in the late Fifties: Karl Deutsch in Germany and CGM (Carlo Gianni Milano) in Italy.
Following Methods of NDT are in picture recently: Visual inspection Tap testing X-ray Ultrasonic Testing Acoustic Emission Flux Leakage Laser Interferometry Acoustic Microscopy Liquid Penetrant Replication Magnetic Particle testing Thermography Microwave Eddy current Magnetic Testing
Six most commonly used NDT Methods are : Visual Liquid Penetrant Magnetic Ultrasonic Eddy Current X-ray
Visual Inspection
Most basic and common inspection method. Tools include fiberscopes, bore scopes, magnifying glasses and mirrors Portable video inspection unit with zoom allows inspection of large tanks and vessels, railroad tank cars, sewer lines. Robotic crawlers permit observation in hazardous or tight areas, such as air ducts, reactors, pipelines.
The principle is to generate magnetic flux in the article to be examined, with the flux lines running along the surface at right angles to the suspected defect. Where the flux lines approach a discontinuity they will stay out in to the air at the mouth of the crack. The crack edge becomes magnetic attractive poles North and South. These have the power to attract finely divided particles of magnetic material such as iron fillings. Usually these particles are of an oxide of iron in the size range 20 to 30 microns, and are suspended in a liquid which provides mobility for the particles on the surface of the test piece, assisting their migration to the crack edges. However, in some instances they can be applied in a dry powder form. The particles can be red or black oxide, or they can be coated with a substance, which fluoresces brilliantly under ultra-violet illumination (black light). The object is to present as great a contrast as possible between the crack indication and the material background. The technique not only detects those defects which are not normally visible to the unaided eye, but also renders easily visible those defects which would otherwise require close scrutiny of the surface. There are many methods of generating magnetic flux in the test piece, the simplest one being the application of a permanent magnet to the surface, but this method cannot be controlled accurately because of indifferent surface contact and deterioration in magnetic strength.
Modern equipment generate the magnetic field electrically either directly or indirectly. Advantages of Magnetic Particle Crack Detection 1. Simplicity of operation and application. 2. Quantitative. 3. Can be automated, apart from viewing. (Though modern developments in automatic defect recognition can be used in parts of simple geometry e.g. billets and bars. In this case a special camera captures the defect indication image and processes it for further display and action) Disadvantages of Magnetic Particle Crack Detection 1. Restricted to ferromagnetic materials. 2. Restricted to surface or near surface flaws.
This technique is suitable for the detection of internal defects in ferrous and nonferrous metals and other materials. X-rays, generated electrically, and Gamma rays emitted from radio-active isotopes, are penetrating radiation which is differentially absorbed by the material through which it passes; the greater the thickness, the greater the absorption. Furthermore, the denser the material the greater the absorption. X and Gamma rays also have the property, like light, of partially converting silver halide crystals in a photographic film to metallic silver, in proportion to the intensity of the radiation reaching the film, and therefore forming a latent image. This can be developed and fixed in a similar way to normal photographic film. Material with internal voids is tested by placing the subject between the source of radiation and the film. The voids show as darkened areas, where more radiation has reached the film, on a clear background. The principles are the same for both X and Gamma radiography. In X-radiography the penetrating power is determined by the number of volts applied to the X-Ray tube - in steel approximately 1000 volts per inch thickness is necessary. In Gamma radiography the isotope governs the penetrating power and is unalterable in each isotope. Thus Iridium 192 is used for 1/2" to 1" steel and Caesium 134 is used for 3/4" to 21/2" steel. In X-radiography the intensity, and therefore the exposure time, is governed by the amperage of the cathode in the tube. Exposure time is usually expressed in terms of milliampere minutes. With Gamma rays the intensity of the radiation is set at the time of supply of the isotope. The intensity of radiation from isotopes is measured in Becquerels and reduces over a period of time. The time taken to decay to half the amount of curies is the half life and is characteristic of each isotope. For example, the half life of Iridium 192 is 74 days, and Caesium 134 is 2.1 years. The exposure factor is a product of the number of curies and time, usually expressed in curie hours. The time of exposure must be increased as the isotope decays - when the exposure period becomes uneconomical the isotope must be renewed. As the isotope is continuously emitting radiation it must be housed in a container of depleted uranium or similar dense shielding material, whilst not exposed to protect the environment and personnel.
To produce an X or Gamma radiograph, the film package (comprising film and intensifying screens - the latter being required to reduce the exposure time enclosed in a light tight cassette) is placed close to the surface of the subject. The source of radiation is positioned on the other side of the subject some distance away, so that the radiation passes through the subject and on to the film. After the exposure period the film is removed, processed, dried, and then viewed by transmitted light on a special viewer. Various radiographic and photographic accessories are necessary, including such items as radiation monitors, film markers, image quality indicators, darkroom equipment, etc. Where the last is concerned there are many degrees of sophistication, including fully automatic processing units. These accessories are the same for both X and Gamma radiography systems. Also required are such consumable items as radiographic film and processing chemicals.
The part is placed between the radiation source and a piece of film. The part will stop some of the radiation. Thicker and denser area will stop more of the radiation
Film Radiography The part is placed between the radiation source and a piece of film. The part will stop some of the radiation. Thicker and more dense area will stop more of the radiation. The film darkness (density) will vary with the amount of radiation reaching the film through the test object. Advantages of Radiography 1. Information is presented pictorially. 2. A permanent record is provided which may be viewed at a time and place 3. Distant from the test. 4. Useful for thin sections. 5. Sensitivity declared on each film. 6. Suitable for any material. Disadvantages of Radiography 1. Generally an inability to cope with thick sections. 2. Possible health hazard. 3. Need to direct the beam accurately for two-dimensional defects.
The magnitude of the eddy currents generated in the product is dependent on conductivity, permeability and the set up geometry. Any change in the material or geometry can be detected by the excitation coil as a change in the coil impedance The most simple coil comprises a ferrite rod with several turns of wire wound at one end and which is positioned close to the surface of the product to be tested. When a crack, for example, occurs in the product surface the eddy currents must travel farther around the crack and this is detected by the impedance change.
NDT is used in a variety of settings that covers a wide range of industrial activity. Automotive Engine parts Frame Aviation / Aerospace Airframes Space frames Power plants Propellers Reciprocating Engines Gas turbine engines Rocketry Construction Structures Bridges Maintenance, repair and operations Bridges Manufacturing Machine parts Castings and Forgings Industrial plants such as Nuclear, Petrochemical, Power, Refineries, Pulp and Paper, Fabrication shops, Mine processing and their Risk Based Inspection programs. Pressure vessels
Storage tanks Welds Boilers Heat exchangers Turbine bores In-plant Piping
Miscellaneous Pipelines In-line Inspection using "pigs" Pipeline integrity management Leak Detection Railways Rail Inspection Wheel Inspection Tubular NDT, for Tubing material Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) Amusement park rides Submarines and other Naval warships Medical imaging applications (see also Medical physics)
Looking towards the large importance and application of NDT is the great type of technology, which is going to increase worldwide and we are sure that there will not be a single manufacturing industry which will not use this technology. And also there are special education is present for NDT and its part of engineering curriculum now.
Referred websites: Referred Books: Non-destructive testing Baldevraj, T Jayakumar. Non-destructive testing RaviRaj. Cartz, Louis (1995). Nondestructive Testing. A S M Internationl. Blitz, Jack; G. Simpson (1991). Ultrasonic Methods of Non-Destructive Testing. Springer-Verlag New York, LLC.