Irrigation Potential in West Pokot

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Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms ....................................................................................... iv CHAPTER ONE: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................... 1-1
1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6


CHAPTER TWO: PROGRESS OF THE WORKS ............................................................... 2-1

2.1 2.2
2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 2.2.7 2.2.8 2.2.9

Project Background ........................................................................................................... 1-1 Contract Data .................................................................................................................... 1-1 Project Area ...................................................................................................................... 1-2 Project Data ...................................................................................................................... 1-2 Project Components.......................................................................................................... 1-2 Existing Irrigation Scheme ................................................................................................. 1-3

General ............................................................................................................................. 2-1 Bill One: Preliminaries and General .................................................................................. 2-1

CHAPTER THREE: SUPERVISION SERVICES ............................................................... 3-1

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6

2.3 Bill No.2: Intake Works ..................................................................................................... 2-2 2.4 Bill No.3: Sedimentation Tank........................................................................................... 2-2 2.5 Bill No.4: Roads and Plot Demarcation, and Supply of Sand and Aggregates for Road Drainage Works ............................................................................................................................. 2-2 2.6 Bill No.5: Combined Pipeline ............................................................................................. 2-3 2.7 Bill No.6: Main Pipeline A.................................................................................................. 2-3 2.8 Bill No.7: Main Pipeline B .................................................................................................. 2-3 2.9 Bill No.8: Ptokou Sub Mains & Bill No.9: Sangat Sub Mains .............................................. 2-3 2.10 Bill No.10: Field Hydrant and Sprinkler System for 0.5 Acre Irrigated Module .................. 2-3 2.11 Bill No.11: Field Hydrant and Sprinkler System for 0.25 Acre Irrigated Module ................ 2-3 2.12 Value of Work done .......................................................................................................... 2-4 2.13 Interim Payments .............................................................................................................. 2-5 2.14 Supervision Activities ........................................................................................................ 2-5 2.15 Contingency Works ........................................................................................................... 2-5 2.16 Constrains Encountered During the Period and Solutions ................................................. 2-5

Programme of works.................................................................................................................. 2-1 Project Vehicle ........................................................................................................................... 2-1 Offices and Houses..................................................................................................................... 2-1 Weather Station......................................................................................................................... 2-1 Surveying and Survey Equipment ............................................................................................... 2-1 Publicity Boards ......................................................................................................................... 2-1 Materials.................................................................................................................................... 2-1 Plant and Equipment.................................................................................................................. 2-2 Labour........................................................................................................................................ 2-2

Site Supervision Staff ........................................................................................................ 3-1

Consultants Head Office Support Staff: ............................................................................ 3-1 Contractors Staff .............................................................................................................. 3-1 Meetings ........................................................................................................................... 3-1 Visitors .............................................................................................................................. 3-1 Weather ............................................................................................................................ 3-1

Staff seconded by the Client....................................................................................................... 3-1

Norken (I) Ltd.

Progress Report-18 July 2013

Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project

APPENDICES Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: Appendix E: Appendix F: Correspondences Works Programme Weather Charts Site Instructions Minutes Progress Photos

Norken (I) Ltd.


Progress Report-18 July 2013

Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project

Scheme Layout

Norken (I) Ltd.


Progress Report-18 July 2013

Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

BOQ DC EIA ESP ET Bills of Quantities District Commissioner Environmental Impact Assessment Economic Stimulus Programme Evapo-transpiration rate

F/WUA Farmer/Water User Association GDP GI GIS GoK KES Gross Domestic Product Galvanized Iron Global Information System Government of Kenya Kenya Shillings

KVDA Kerio Valley Development Authority MD Managing Director

MOWI Ministry of Water and Irrigation NGO Non Governmental Organisation

NEMA National Environment Management Authority O&M PE RE PVC VIP WUAs Operation & Maintenance Project Engineer Resident Engineer Un-plasticed Polyvinyl Chloride Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine Water Users Associations

WRMA Water Resources Management Authority

Norken (I) Ltd.


Progress Report-18 July 2013

Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project



Project Background
The Government of Kenya through the implementing agency, Kerio Valley Development Authority (KVDA),-herein referred to as the Client has earmarked funds through the Economic Stimulus Programme for the Design, Supervision and Construction of Ptokou and Sangat Irrigation Scheme. In order to effectively implement the project, the Client procured a Consultant M/s Norken (I) Ltd of P.O Box 9882-00100 Nairobi to carry out both the Design and Construction Supervision. With the assistance of the Consultant, the Client after tendering procured the services from Contractor M/s Toddy Merchants Ltd of P.O Box 30382 -00100 Nairobi to carry out the Construction of the Project. The project commencement date was May 3rd 2011.


Contract Data
Project Contract Number Financier Implementing Agency Engineer Consultant Contractor Project Award date Commencement date Contract Period Report Date Expected completion Date of GoK Economic Stimulus Package Kerio Valley Development Authority (KVDA) Irrigation Engineer, KVDA Norken International Ltd Toddy Merchants Ltd 10th November 2010 May 3rd 2011 6 months 29th April 30th May 2013 4th November 2011 Construction of Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Projects

5th Extension of Time 3 months Given Revised Contract Period Revised Completion date Variations Time elapsed; % Contract sum Value of work done; % Payments to date 18 months 31st July 2013 Nil 548 days; 100% KES108, 657, 231.90 discounted to KES 100,914,472.80 Kshs 83,475,399 Advance payment + IPC1+ IPC 2 + IPC3 + IPC 4 +IPC 5 = KES 80,422,481.94 inc of 16% VAT

Norken (I) Ltd.


Progress Report July 2013

Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project


Project Area
The scheme is located about 510 km North West of Nairobi within the Kerio Valley near Sigor Trading Centre. Sigor Trading Centre is 7 km off the A1 Kitale- Lodwar Road. Kitale Town, which is 120 km from Sigor, is the nearest major town that has well developed supply facilities. The Ptokou and Sangat Irrigation Project area lies on the western escarpment of the Rift Valley. It is within four Sub Locations; Ptokou, Sangat, Korellach and Takar in Wei Wei Location, Sigor Division, Pokot Central District. The project lies within longitude 350 16 E 350 31 E, latitude 1028- 10 37 N. The project area is within 900 to 1200 meters above sea level. (m.a.s.l)


Project Data
Project Location Project Type Number of Beneficiaries Area To Be Irrigated Average Farm Size Average Plot Size to be Irrigated Water Sources Elevation of the Intake Project Design Capacity Irrigation System Drainage Area Minimum Flow Rate Type of Intake Structure Pokot Central Gravity Fed Irrigation System 957 800 acres 1.0 Acres 0.25 0.5acres Wei Wei River 1035m a.s.l 403.6 l/s = 0.40362 m3/s Sprinkler 2EE sub basin 2B28 1.0m3/s Concrete fixed weir


Project Components
The major works expected to be undertaken are as follows:
Construction of intake works and sedimentation basin; Laying of main lines A and B in Sangat and Ptokou respectively; Laying of sub-main lines (distribution systems); Road improvement; Two demonstration sprinkler irrigation modules of 0.25 and 0.50 Acres; Construction of houses, offices and camps for the staff to benefit farmers on completion of the project.

Norken (I) Ltd.


Progress Report July 2013

Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project

The works items are summarised as follows:Item Bill No. 1 Bill No. 2 Bill No. 3 Description Preliminaries and General Intake Works Sedimentation Tank Amount 22,940,700.00 3,261,500.00 3,053,700.00 5, 660, 000.00 9, 828,400.00 10,415,200.00 13,368,500.00 8,800,300.00 11,826,250.00 34, 500.00 20,500.00 89,209,550.00 Revised Amount

24,138,400.00 5,180,500.00 3,925,800.00 1,630,000.00 12,726,900.00 10,734,900.00 10,597,500.00 8,800,300.00 7,203,500.00 34,500.00 20,500.00 84,992,800.00 6,056,465.39 78,936,334.61 12,629,813.54 91,566,148.15
0 9,348,324.65

Bill No. 4 A Roads and Plot Demarcation, and Supply of Sand and Aggregates for Road Drainage Works Bill No. 5 Bill No 6 Bill No 7 Bill No. 8 Bill No. 9 Bill No. 10 Bill No. 11 Sub- total Discount of 7.125857% on above Revised Sub-total Add 16% V.A.T Total Add 5% Contingency Add for Extra Works (Bush Clearing, Furniture, Drifts and Installation of Solar Systems) and Contingency Fund Grand Total Rounding TOTAL TENDER SUM 1.6 Combined Pipeline Main Pipeline A Main Pipeline B Ptokou Sub Mains Sangat Sub Mains Field Hydrant and Sprinkler System for 0.5 Acre Irrigated Module Field Hydrant and Sprinkler System for 0.25 Acre Irrigated Module

82,852,605.04 13,256,416.81


100,914,472.94 - 0.14 100,914,472.80

100,914,472.65 + 0.15 100,914,472.80

Existing Irrigation Scheme

Around 150 acres are currently under irrigation. The operational condition of the existing irrigation facilities is rated to be in poor condition. This is attributed to the following factors:
Weak institutional set up; poor water allocation mechanisms; massive water losses in the canals; poor maintenance of the canals; structural failure of the canals;

Norken (I) Ltd.


Progress Report July 2013

Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project



The progress of works since the contract was renewed has been slow and hence the objective of the project has not been met. The 3 months time extension has already has already elapsed with substantial works still remaining. During the 10th Site meeting the contractor proposed to complete the remaining works during the defects liability period

2.2 2.2.1

Bill One: Preliminaries and General

Programme of works The Revised Bill of Quantities was approved by the Client and addresses all the pertinent issues that had been an obstacle to smooth delivery of the expected project outputs


Project Vehicle The Contractor has provided a Supervisory vehicle Reg. No. KBP 380K with a driver in conformity with the Contract specifications


Offices and Houses The offices and house for the Resident Engineer has been completed and is being use by the Supervision Team. As required the Contractor has complied with the Contract specifications in these provisions.


Weather Station Records of the following are currently being obtained from the site weather station,
Rainfall Evaporation Rates Temperatures Humidity


Surveying and Survey Equipment The Contractor has provided the following survey equipment:
1 No. level and stand; 1 No. stave; 4 No. ranging rods

A GPS set is being used by the Consultants staff.


Publicity Boards Four Publicity Boards have been erected at the following locations: Marich Junction; (No longer in existence) At the junction to Sangat; At the C.D.F Office Junction; At the Junction to Ptokou immediately after Sigor Bridge.


Materials The following were delivered in the month of July

Norken (I) Ltd.


Progress Report July 2013

Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project


Consignment of building materials (cement, sand and Ballast) Assortment of fittings for sedimentation basin, Combined Pipeline and Main Lines

Plant and Equipment The Contractor mobilized the following during the month of June
Toyota double cab pickup for the supervisory staff A Lorry I No. Vibrator 1 Excavator 2 No Mixers 2 No water Pumps


Labour The daily labour force as deployed during the month of July is as shown in the table below:Contractors Staff Site Agent (Ag) Support Staff Foremen Machine operators Plumber Labourers Others (Watchmen) Total No. 1 1 4 1 2 30 4


Bill No.2: Intake Works

Under this Bill, the following is ongoing Fixing of fittings to the intake chamber Increasing the height of the Intake chamber Construction of flood protection works which involve increasing the height of the wing wall to protect the intake chamber.


Bill No.3: Sedimentation Tank

The following works under this Bill has been completed; Laying of sediment Discharge pipe Concrete works for the sedimentation basin Backfilling of the excavated sections Off take pipe has been connected to the Combined pipeline The following works is still pending Construction of chamber for Meter and Sluice valve for the off take pipe Installation of the Sluice Valve and raw water meter for the offtake Pipe


Bill No.4: Roads and Plot Demarcation, and Supply of Sand and Aggregates for Road Drainage Works
In the BOQ review the contractor is expected to undertake the construction of drifts on Lagas passing through Farm access Roads. Construction of drifts is yet to commence

Norken (I) Ltd.


Progress Report July 2013

Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project


Bill No.5: Combined Pipeline

Trenching works, lying of pipes and subsequent backfilling has been completed. River crossings works under this section is ongoing The following pertaining these Bill has been done; Chambers for Air Valves and Washouts (2 No.) Installation of Air Valves and Washouts (1 No. each) The Y Junction for Main Line A & B has been done and subsequently 2 No. Sluice valves to serve Main Line A and B has been installed.


Bill No.6: Main Pipeline A

Trenching works and subsequent laying and backfilling of pipes has been completed. Pipe protection works involving encasing the pipe in reinforced concrete on laga crossing is also complete; 4 major Lagas with cumulative length of 50m has been done with a volume of 68.56m3 of Concrete use. The following pertaining this Bill is either pending Installation of fittings on sectional Chambers (Gate Valves, Air Valves and Washouts) Fixing of concrete covers on the Chambers


Bill No.7: Main Pipeline Bs

The following pertaining this Bill has been undertaken; Repair works on Laga crossing has been completed Works on the River Crossing is ongoing Anchor Blocks for 24m of GI on laga Crossing is complete Pipe Encasement on Minor Lagas has been completed on the whole stretch of the Main Line B. Chambers for Air Valves and Washout is complete Chambers for pipe junctions to the Sub Mains is complete though Installation of respective fittings was suspended due to vandalism


Bill No.8: Ptokou Sub Mains & Bill No.9: Sangat Sub Mains
The following has been done on this Bill 505 Pipes of 90mm and 75mm diameter have been laid and backfilled on Sangat Korrellach side. In total, about 7800m of Pipeline will be laid in Sangat/Korellach. 202 Pipes of 90mm and 75mm diameter have been laid and backfilled on Ptokou side. The Total Trench length excavated is 2750m and about 5500m of pipes will be laid in Ptokou. Laying of sub mains in Ptokou farm is ongoing


Bill No.10: Field Hydrant and Sprinkler System for 0.5 Acre Irrigated Module
Instruction for execution of this Bill has been given and works will start as soon as the Sub Mains is done


Bill No.11: Field Hydrant and Sprinkler System for 0.25 Acre Irrigated Module
Instruction for execution of this Bill has been given and works will start as soon as the Sub Mains is done

Norken (I) Ltd.


Progress Report July 2013

Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project


Extra work; Bush clearing and Laga restoration Under the revised Bill of quantities, the Contractor is expected Clear bushes on a section of the Ptokou Plots and also a bit of land reclamation. Instruction on the above works as been given and the following as been done 8.125ha of land under laga as been reclaimed Cut of drains excavated to divert water to a major laga outside the scheme. 4,000m2 of bush has been cleared 456 trees of girth between 1 -2m has been cleared by the use of the Excavator and subsequently disposed through charcoal burning by the locals The remaining trees is being cleared by the use of power saw Bush clearing is expected to commence as soon as land reclamation works has been completed


Value of Work done

The reporting period marks 100% of the revised project period with value of work done at 92.8%. The table below summarises the status of progress against the BOQ items.

Item Bill No. 1 Bill No. 2 Bill No. 3 Bill No. 4 A


Preliminaries and General Intake Works Sedimentation Tank Roads and Plot Demarcation, and Supply of Sand and Aggregates for Road Drainage Works Bill No. 5 Combined Pipeline Bill No 6 Main Pipeline A Bill No 7 Main Pipeline B Bill No. 8 Ptokou Sub Mains Bill No. 9 Sangat Sub Mains Bill No. 10 Field Hydrant and Sprinkler System for 0.5 Acre Irrigated Module Bill No. 11 Field Hydrant and Sprinkler System for 0.25 Acre Irrigated Module
Sub- total Discount of 7.125857% on above Revised Sub-total Add 16% V.A.T Total Add for Extra Works (Bush Clearing, Furniture, Drifts and Installation of Solar Systems) and Contingency Fund Grand Total TOTAL TENDER SUM

Revised Amount used Amount to Date 24,138,400.00 20,612,959.00 5,180,500.00 4,759,565.00 3,925,800.00 3,698,304.00 1,630,000.00 1,630,000.00

% of Value
85.39 91.87 94.21 100.00 98.52 97.96 97.44 84.05 59.48 0.00

12,726,900.00 12,538,135.00 10,734,900.00 10,515,660.00 10,597,500.00 13,428,650.00 8,800,300.00 7,396,625.00 7,203,500.00 4,284,560.00 34,500.00 -



84,992,800.00 78,864,458.00 6,077,842.96 6,056,465.39 79,214,957.04 72,807,993.00 12,674,393.13 12,629,813.54 91,889,350.17 85,437,806.00
9,348,324.65 100,914,472.65 100,914,472.65



Norken (I) Ltd.


Progress Report July 2013

Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project


Interim Payments

The advance payment and IPC No. 1 & 2 have been paid to the Contractor Certificate No. 1. 2. 3. 4 5 6

Name Advance Payment IPC 1 IPC2 IPC3 IPC4 IPC 5

Value(Gross) (KES)
10,091,448.00 12,074,640.50 20,903,570.00 21,511,665.00 17,463,153.00 6,221,249.00

Value (Net) (KES)

10,091,448.00 8,579,079.93 15,955,865.82 19,341,096.45

Status Approved & Paid Approved & paid Approved & Paid Approved & Paid Approved & Paid Approved & Paid


Supervision Activities
During the period the Consultants activities were as follows:Held consultative discussions with the project stakeholders; the contractor, Client and farmers representatives. Issued requisite and follow up instructions for construction implementation works Getting the cost implication of all activities being done vis-a-vis the overall project cost Assisted the client on contractual matters as required. Prepared the reports expected from the project and maintained daily records. Maintained close liaison with the Project Engineer who has been instrumental in matters that required Clients view and advice. Maintained close liaison with provincial administration, and farmers representatives


Contingency Works
Contingencies are expected to cater for acquisition of easement deeds where necessary, compensation for destruction of cash crops, damages to the existing furrow, erosion protection works, bush clearing on Ptokou farms etc and any other extra works from the billed items.


Constrains Encountered During the Period and Solutions

Mobilization by the Contractor: The contractor has been slow in executing given instruction, mobilization of staff, materials and Machinery. The slow mobilization of materials has greatly affected the pace of construction Solution: The contractor to urgently execute and mobilize all the necessary materials, personnel and machinery Break down of Machinery; The contractor has experienced frequent breakdowns of Water Pump and the Mixer, which has in turn slowed down construction of the sedimentation basin. Solution; The contractor to do regular servicing to avoid break downs and to look for alternative means in solving the given problem

Norken (I) Ltd.


Progress Report July 2013

Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project



Site Supervision Staff

Designation Name Elias Kiplangat Bowler Chesire John Chepchieng Rono

Resident Engineer
Inspectors 1. Inspector 2. 3.1.1

Staff seconded by the Client

Project Engineer Farm Manager Secretary Paul Serem (Irrigation Engineer, KVDA) John Kwetemoi Pamela Cherotich


Consultants Head Office Support Staff:

Designation Managing Director Project Manager Project Engineer Name Eng. John Ndemi Eng. Lawrence Kuria Eng. David Gitau Based in Nairobi Nairobi Nairobi


Contractors Staff
Designation Project Manager Acting Site Agent/Plumber Driver Name Eng. Kuria Wainaina Boniface Festus Limo Based in Nairobi Sigor Sigor


A site Meeting was held on 18th of July 2013 and was attended by the following; Client (KVDA) Contractor Consultant


The project Engineer KVDA and his team visited the site towards the end of the month


The area has experienced relatively cold and wet conditions from mid to late July, early month of July was characterised by low and temperatures and heavy showers.

Norken (I) Ltd.


Progress Report July 2013

Kerio Valley Development Authority

Ptokou & Sangat Irrigation Project

The average Weather records were as follows:Weather Condition Rainfall Wind Speed Evaporation rates Temperature Relative Humidity Previous Month (June) 0.8 19.7 53 This Month July 2013

The area has experienced heavy rains during the month of July these affected ongoing works on the River crossings and the remaining works at the Intake

Norken (I) Ltd.


Progress Report July 2013

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