August 14, 2013 Builder

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Dr. Jerry Pipes is the President of Jerry Pipes Productions.

He has traveled around the world preaching to millions of people in local churches and area wide Celebrations. Dr. Pipes is one of a handful of speakers recommended by the Billy Graham Training Center. Jerry served as part of the former Bush Administrations Presidents War on Drugs in the early 90s and has been speaking to groups of students and parents around the world for more than 30 years. Dr. Pipes is the author of several books related to the issue of personal growth and the family. He has authored Becoming Complete, Family to Family, and Building a Successful Family. Additionally, he has produced numerous booklets and training processes with more than 18 million copies in print. Dr. Pipes is the guest speaker for the Southwest Georgia Mens Conference to be held at the Decatur County Memorial Coliseum on Saturday, September 7. I want to encourage all of our men and boys to attend. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased in advance or at the door. Once again First Baptist has been asked to provide ushers for this event. I need ten or twelve men to help me with this assignment. Let me know if you can help. I still have SUNDAY SCHOOL on my heart and mind. Last week fifteen (15) classes exceeded attendance from the week before. Will we increase again this week? Have you set your goals for High Attendance Day on the 8th of September? SUNDAY SCHOOL is still the strongest outreach avenue of the Church. I will see you this Sunday. Paul There will be a Called Church Conference on 8-28 to receive Nominating Committee Report.

Sunday August 11, 2013 Budget Receipts $12,224.38 Budget Needs To Date $554,052.00 Budget Receipts YTD $520,999.22 Receipts Under Budget By $33,052.78 Bible Study 371 WEDNESDAY FAMILY NIGHT August 21 Lasagna Salad Rolls Dessert

Sunday, August 18 Early Worship 8:30 AM Bible Study 9:45 AM Morning Worship 11:00 AM Shockwave 5:15 PM Evening Worship 6:30 PM Monday, August 19 Saints Alive Choir 10:30 AM Finance Committee 5:30 PM Deacons 6:30 PM Women on the Go 6:30 PM Tuesday, August 20 Youth Prayer Breakfast 6:45 AM Mens Prayer Breakfast 7:00 AM Wednesday, August 21 Graded Choirs Rehearsal 5:45 PM Student Ministry 6:00 PM Family Supper 6:00 PM Mission Friends 7:00 PM GAs, RAs 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM Handbells 7:00 PM Chancel Choir 7:45 PM Thursday, August 22 BCM at College 7:00 PM

EXTENDED SESSION August 18 Threasa Hall, Cheryl Godwin, Maci Barber, Paula Brinson, Jason Long, Angela Shockley, Jake Goodson, Wendell & Carla Nix.

First Baptist
August 14, 2013


Sunday, September 8 Each SS Class - Set Your Goals!!

Pastor Rev. Paul Medley Minister of Music Rev. Art Bruce Director of Children Stacey Sweitzer


All teens are invited to be a part of another great year in SHOCKWAVE, our SUPER Youth Choir. Meet in the Choir Room at 5:15 this Sunday. See you there!

I am still seeking a teacher for the 3rd & 4th grade boys Sunday School and at least two Mission Friends (Preschool) teachers on Wednesday nights. These are the last areas available for service in our regular ministry schedule. Is God leading you to service in one of these areas? Please contact me using the information below or call the church office at 229-246-1563.



Another year of fun and learning began last Wednesday, August 14. I write this before the choirs are meeting, so Im convinced each of the children and leaders had a great time. Our kids will sing, play instruments and have fun learning about God while making beautiful music to praise Him! Even though the choirs begin at 5:45, Im asking parents to avoid dropping their children off any sooner that 5:40 PM. We want your kids to be safe while they are here on the campus and our leaders cannot supervise them when they arrive too soon for events.

Child Registration
I currently have only 5 completed forms. Keeping you informed about all that goes on in our ministry is important. Unfortunately, I am lacking current phone numbers and email address for the majority of parents whose children participate in FBC's ministry. Please take time to complete a form today. You can find the link to complete your child's registration on the FBC Bainbridge homepage located at

AWANA Training
Sunday, August 25 - Noon Calling all AWANA volunteers! If you are willing to serve in AWANA this year, you are invited to a special lunch to prepare for the new year. Come and see what's new and get excited to begin AWANA again on September 15. Your participation is important!


The choirs will unite their voices to share Sinner Saved by Grace in the 11 AM worship this Sunday. Meet in the Choir Room at 10:40 for our run-through. Our new year of fun, singing and ministry kicked off with 4 new members. Were excited that Duaine Hatcher, Janell & Randall Williams and Mickey Doss are part of the fun. You, too, can join us on Monday, August 19. Bring a friend, we can double our attendance.

Booster Seats
Just a few more needed so we can start mission projects with our 1st and 2nd graders! Thank you to all who have already brought in their donations! Stacey What's Happening: August 25 AWANA Training, Noon September 15 AWANA Begins

WHATS HAPPENING: August 18- Sunday School classes @ 9:45 AM August 18 Shockwave Rehearsal @ 5:15 PM August 20- Prayer Breakfast 6:45 AM @ Bettys August 21- Youth Supper & Bible Study @6:00 PM August 22 BCM at Bainbridge State College @7:00 PM

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