July 2016: Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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July 2016

709 Ninth Street SE, Decatur, Alabama 35601

Celebrate America
10:30 am
Spirit of America
God & Country 7 pm






Staff Meeting
9:30 am
Outreach 6 pm

No PM Church Activities



Lord's Supper
6 p.m.

Monday Mornings
at Southside
10-11:30 am
Deacons Meeting
7 pm

Staff Meeting
9:30 am
Outreach 6 pm




Monday Mornings
at Southside
10-11:30 am

Staff Mtg 9:30 am

Outreach 6 pm




Third Friday



Staff Meeting
9:30 am
Outreach 6 pm

Dr. Ben Hayes, Pastor

Wayne Baggett, Minister of Music/Seniors
Ben Tinley, Minister of Youth & Family Outreach
Tanya Spillman, Childrens Minister

Sunday Schedule

709 Ninth Street SE

Decatur, AL 35601







Church Council
6:30 pm

Southside Baptist Church

(USPS 863-520)
Published Monthly
Periodical Postage
PAID at the
Post Office in Decatur, AL

9:15 a.m. Sunday School

10:30 a.m. Morning Worship, Childrens Church
5:00 p.m. Discipleship Training , Student
Discipleship, Childrens BLAST
6:00 p.m. Evening Worship

Wednesday Service
5:15 p.m.
5:45 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.

Fellowship Supper
Youth Game Time
Children's Time
Prayer Meeting, Youth Group
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal

Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Closed for lunch

All veterans and active

military will be recognized


(256) 353-8814

From Your Pastor

As I type this, things are pretty busy around here with all the preparations for Celebrate America. By the time you receive this, Celebrate
America will be only a couple of days away, and it promises to be one of
the best ever. I am excited to have once again the opportunity to host this
powerful presentation of patriotic passion. My work begins in earnest in
the next few days as I struggle to memorize my part. As I get older, that
task becomes a little more difficult, but I think the effort is worth it.
I have shared with our church staff how important it is that we all remember that we are a team working together to make this special day a
great success. So its all hands on deck, everyone doing whatever it takes
to make it happen. But you, also, are part of this team, so what exactly are
you willing to do to help out with Celebrate America? I know many of
you will be singing and serving, but some of you will be blessed with the
opportunity of sitting in the audience and enjoying the program. If that is
true for you, there are three things I would love for you to do:
Tell everyone you know about Celebrate America at 10:30 a.m. on
July 3rd, but also tell them about the concert at the Spirit of America Festival at 7:00 p.m. that night.
Come with an expectant heart that God is going to use this program to touch someone with the gospel of Jesus Christ and the
hope of healing for our nation that can come only through God.
Make our guests feel welcome and special. How can you do this?
Leave the best parking spots for our guests. Dont save seats in the
sanctuary. And move to the center of the pew to allow people to
get in and out a little more easily.

2Andrea LaMar, Regina Morgan
3Grace Parker
4Joyce Smith, Janet Thompson
5Rebecca Hokett
7Suzanne Horsley, Diane Copeland
8Donna Smith
9Scott Williams
10Paul Humerick
11Edith Hodges
12Teresa Hairrell, Hattie Hayes
13Tim Gandy, Trevor Wheat
14Helen Roan
16Snooky Hairrell
17Martha Sharp
18Louise Hughes
21Jane Chance
23Grace Burleson, Judy Witt
24Kevin McGrew
26Peggie Hill, Glenn Williams, Teena Williams
30Nola Blevins

Deacons Meeting
Monday, July 11, 2016 @ 7 pm

Oh, and by the way, Happy Birthday, U.S.A!

In Christ alone,

Bro. Ben
Women on Mission will not meet in July - resumes in August
3rd Friday in Downtown DecaturJuly 15th
Thank you for your support of our outreach at 3rd Friday! We now have a great location
in front of Pineapples on 2nd Avenue! We need volunteers to work one hour shifts - if
you can help contact the church office. See you on the 15th!!

No Adult Fellowship Breakfast this month

We will not be meeting for Adult Fellowship Breakfast in July. Come join us at Doubletree by Hilton (next to the river) for breakfast on Saturday, August 6th at 8:30 a.m. Invite
a friend or Sunday School prospect and enjoy fellowship with usDutch Treat

My Cup Overflows Coffee/Tea Room

Christian Prayers & Sympathy to

The family of Faye Ward. Mrs.
Ward passed away June 16th.
Stephanie McGrew and family
on the passing of her grandmother, Mrs. Mary Ann Haney. She
passed away on June 13th.
The family of Virginia Ball. Mrs. Ball
passed away June 14th.
Ralph and Sharon Hurst on the passing
of their son, Mark Hurst. He
passed away on May 27th.

Join us Sunday mornings between 8:40 and 9:10 a.m. in Room 106. We have coffee,
tea, other beverages, and refreshments. July refreshments provided by Chuck LaMar's

Summit Training at Shocco August 5-6

Attention Sunday School teachers and workers! The church will cover the cost, but we
need you to sign up as soon as possible. Contact Bro. Ben or the church office!

39er's Luncheon News...

39er's will not meet July or August. We will resume on September 20th with our regular
luncheon at 11:45 in the fellowship hall.

We've had a busy beginning to our summer

in the Children's Department! Now that VBS
is behind us, we are getting ready to go to
CentriKid! We will be leaving on Friday,
July 8th and returning on Sunday, July 10th.
Since this is our first experience with camp,
we decided to do the weekend session instead
of trying to do an entire week. I cannot possibly thank you enough for the outpouring of donations that we received! I know that God is going to use this experience to bless
these precious children and change their lives as a result of your
generosity. You'll never realize how you have already touched
their lives through this process. For most of our children, the fee to
attend camp would have been an insurmountable obstacle. By
showing God's love and your love in this way you have blessed
them beyond belief before we ever even leave the building.
Following camp we will be continuing with our summer schedule for the month of July. The new school year kicks off the second week in August and we will go back to our normal routine at
that point. We are going to need some new workers in Awana as
well as some new workers for Children's Church. We are also in
need of nursery workers to work on a rotating basis. All positions
working with children require some routine paperwork. Our Child
Protection Policy requires that anyone working with our young
people pass a basic background check. If you're interested in serving in any of these areas, please let me or Pam know and we will
get you the necessary forms. Please don't let this scare you off! It's
not as complicated and intimidating as you may think. I promise
you that the blessing you will receive working with these children
will make it well worth your time.
Thank you again for your support for our Children's Ministry!
Your encouragement, prayers and kind words mean more than you
can imagine!


Celebrating Jesus the Greatest Gift ever Given!

Beginning Monday, June 13th and continuing
every Monday til July 18th!
10:00 to 11:30 am
A special time for children
K thru 5th grade to come
together each week for
Music ~ Bible Lessons
Arts & Crafts ~ Snacks

Come join the fun!

JULY 15th [5:00 PM 9:00 PM]
Sign up to serve for a 1 hour shift at the
Southside table.
JULY 16th [5:00 PM 8:00 PM]
As a fundraiser for the Youth Ministry we will
have a Bake Sale. Come on Saturday night to
help cook everything that will be sold the next
All funds will be going towards scholarships and
events for the Youth Ministry.
JULY 17th [5:00 PM 7:00 PM]
*2206 Galahad Dr SW, Decatur, AL 35603
5th [5:00 PM 8:00 PM]
Have one last fun night complete with games and
smores before school starts back.

**Please sign-up for all events at the INFORMATION

WALL outside the Youth Room.
Email: tinleyb@southsidebaptist.net
Cell: 256-572-7561
Social Media: @blt4au

July Fellowship
6th - Lasagna
13 - No Supper
20 - Pot Luck Supper
27 - Whitt's BBQ
(Regular suppers
resume August 31st)

$418.00 per person

$209 due at registration
Register in church office.

November 14-18, 2016

$418.00 per person

Register now in church office.
Deadline to register is June 29th!
$209 due at registration

Attention Church Members...

Brotherhood breakfast has been cancelled for
July due to Celebrate America. We will start
again in August. Brotherhood prayer group will
meet Tuesday, July 5th at 8:00 a.m. at Java
Jaay's Coffee Shop in the meeting room.
George Mills is the prayer group leader.

July 3 - 7:00 p.m.

Spirit of America Festival main stage

Featuring Southside Celebration Voices and concert by Wes Hampton

We are nominating and electing new deacons. Vernon

Chance, J.B. Dye and Dick Morgan are rotating off this
year. Presently serving are Geno Shirey, Verlon
Whaley, Mike Clemons, Gorman Grisham, John
Jones, Frank Smith and Bobby Joe Smith. Nomination
ballots are available in the sanctuary on the welcome
table. Ballots should be turned in by July 17th. Deacon
election will be scheduled in August.

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