Where There's A Will There's A Way: Between The Devil and The Deep Sea
Where There's A Will There's A Way: Between The Devil and The Deep Sea
Where There's A Will There's A Way: Between The Devil and The Deep Sea
To choose between two equally bad alternatives in a serious dilemma. When a person really wants to do something, he will find a way of doing it. A bad experience or a horrifying incident may scar one's attitude or thinking for a lifetime. The first in line will be attended to first. A friend who helps when one is in trouble is a real friend. If you say discretion is the better part of valor, you mean that avoiding a dangerous or unpleasant situation is sometimes the most sensible thing to do. A person who does not get what he wants or needs is a frustrated person and will be easily provoked to rage. Those people who have a little knowledge usually talk the most and make the greatest fuss. A person's age is immaterial - it is only when he thinks and feels that he is ageing that he actually becomes old. Those people who talk a lot and are always teaching others usually do not do much work. One who has nothing to do will be tempted to do many mischievous acts. It is better to be careful and discrete than to be clever.
First come, first served A friend in need is a friend indeed Discretion is the better part of valor
An idle brain is the devil's workshop An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit Faint heart never won fair lady A penny saved is a penny gained
To succeed in life one must have the courage to pursue what he wants. By being thrifty one will be able to save up.
A person who never settles in one place or who often changes his job will not succeed in life ; one who is always changing his mind will never get anything done. One will either enjoy or suffer the consequences of his earlier actions or inactions. Those who make loud threats seldom carry them out. To do something that is right, profitable, or good a little late is still better than not doing it at all. Something that one already has is better than going after something seemingly more worthwhile that one may not be able to get. People of the same sort of character or belief always go together. If you say that someone calls a spade a spade, you mean that they speak frankly and directly, often about embarrassing or unpleasant subjects; an informal expression. A person's first obligation should be to help the member of his own family before he can begin thinking of talking about helping others. ( often used as an argument for killing someone whose knowledge of a secret may cause one loss or get into serious trouble.) A smooth and persuasive talker may be a good liar. If you say that every cloud has a silver lining, you mean that every sad or unpleasant situation has a positive side to it. If you talk about silver lining you are talking about something positive that comes out of a sad or unpleasant situation. Do not be deceived by things or offers that appear to
be attractive. Eat to live, but do not live to eat Man was created for a divine purpose and he has a destiny with his Creator - he was not born just to enjoy food. One should not risk everything he has in a single venture. Everyone will get a period of success or satisfaction during his lifetime. It is easier to find fault in other people's actions or methods than to do it properly or correctly. When an event is not decided on or planned earlier it will never take place. A contract is fair as long as both the parties understand and agree to the conditions willingly; after a deal is closed neither side can turn around and say that he was unfairly treated. Fire, like any other manmade tool or device, will serve man well only when it is controlled and used wisely.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket Every dog has its day
Every one can find fault, few can do better Any time means no time
Children usually learn more from the examples set by their elders than from what they are told ; a person's character is judged by the thing she does and not by what he says; actions give evidence or proof of. Everyone gets at least one good opportunity in his lifetime; everyone has the opportunity to be successful in life. Be just and fair-minded , even to the one who does not deserve much or who is unfriendly or unfair; we should punish a person according to his wrongdoings.
God helps those who help themselves It's an ill wind that blows nobody any good Great minds think alike
God only helps those people who work hard and make an honest effort. A bad or evil occurrence.
Wise people will normally think and behave alike in certain situations. An act done repeatedly and often enough will sooner or later become a habit or second nature. A person who does his best is the one who will get the greatest satisfaction in the end. One should not do an incomplete or imperfect job certain tasks must not be left half done; they must be done away with immediately. If one does things hastily he will make a lot of mistakes - he will need to spend a lot of time correcting those mistakes later. It is never too late to correct one's mistakes or faults. It is pointless to feel remorseful over a thing lost that can never be found or a mistake done that can never be corrected or rectified. One who is usually silent and goes about his business quietly may be a very wise person. Is a person who can do almost anything, but he rarely excels in any of them. One should consider forgiving one's and forget all the bad deeds done by others. A person who has a fault should not point out the same fault in another; do not criticize another person as you may have the same weakness. One should preferably avoid discussing issues that
It's never too late to mend It's no use crying over spilt milk
are likely to create trouble. No news is good news When there is no news, it is likely that everything is all right. Avoid acting hastily, without considering the possible consequences. When a person is in great need of something, he will find a way of getting it. Being honest is believed to be the best route to take. No two persons are alike - every one has his own preferences, likes and dislikes. If a person has been tricked once he will more be careful and alert the next time. ( used to describe a child's behavior when he or she acts like the father or mother ) It is believed that if one practices a certain skill often, he will excel in it It is better to be careful beforehand than to try to solve a problem after it has arisen. Any great plan or big dream cannot be achieved overnight or easily. ( this is quoted when one takes another loan to pay off an earlier loan ) taking from one to give another. A child who is not punished and showed the error of his ways will become unruly. Talk may be beneficial, but sometimes acquiescence may be the best option to take. Both parties in a quarrel should share the blame or take responsibility for it; no one can start a quarrel all by himself.
Necessity is the mother of invention Honesty is the best policy One man's meat is another man's poison Once bitten twice shy
Like father, like son, like mother, like daughter Practice makes perfect
Spare the rod and spoil the child Speech is silver, silence is golden It takes two to make a quarrel
Strike while the iron is hot There's no smoke without fire Time and tide wait for no one
Seize a good opportunity as quickly as possible. Rumors do not spread unless there is some element of truth in them. Time is precious, once it is past no one can go back and claim it thus everyone should be mindful of how his time is spent. It is only normal for man to make mistakes and do wrong, but for one to forgive another for his wrong is indeed great and gracious act. In life there are some things once done or decisions once made cannot be changed; malicious words once uttered or harmful actions once done cannot be taken back. It is always better to get the view of another than to rely entirely on one's own judgment. When one is in a new place, country or situation he must adapt himself to the new manners and customs. When law enforcers are not present, certain public members will take the opportunity to break the law One usually desires another more when he or she is far away.
Two heads are better than one When in Rome do as the Romans do When the cat is away the mice will play Absence makes the heart grow fonder