Install Your Own OpenStack Cloud Essex Edition
Install Your Own OpenStack Cloud Essex Edition
Install Your Own OpenStack Cloud Essex Edition
Essex Edition
Eric Dodmont (dodeeric)
Install Your Own OpenStack Cloud Essex Edition by Eric Dodmont is licensed under a Creative Commons AttributionShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Electronic version: Audience: This document is for system administrators having experience in Linux and virtualization. Basic knowledge of cloud computing and OpenStack will help.
Table Of Content
Architecture Description Software Versions Hardware Requirements Network Configuration Naming Conventions Notation Conventions
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Reboot Floating IPs Reserve Associate Volumes Create Attach Detach Snapshot Instances with Two Network Interfaces (multinic) Reserve Boot Boot with specified IPs Customize an Image Appendix A: Description of some Nova package dependencies
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OpenStack is an open source IaaS cloud computing platform ( written in the Python programming language. In this document, I will describe in detail the installation, configuration and use of my OpenStack cloud. You can use it to install your own private or public cloud. I try to not use scripts for the installation and configuration to show clearly all the steps to follow. This is for clarity.
Architecture Description
We will install OpenStack on two physical servers (see topology n 1). We will also give some explanations on how to install OpenStack on more than two physical servers (see topology n 2). The node1 will be: The cloud controller node (running nova-api, nova-scheduler, nova-network, glance, horizon, MySQL, and RabbitMQ). A compute node (running nova-compute and KVM). A storage node (running nova-volume and iSCSI). The node2 will be: A compute node (running nova-compute and KVM). It means that an instance can either be created on the node1 or the node2 (the nova-scheduler decides where to create it). It means also that if you deactivate the node2, you can still provision new instances. The node1 can run in stand-alone mode. If you install nova-volume on the node2 as well, then nova-scheduler will decide where to create a new volume: on node1 or node2. We will install Horizon (the dashboard web interface) which allows managing almost everything, including: In the project panel: instances, volumes, floating IPs, security groups, images, instance and volume snapshots. In the admin panel: instances, services, flavors, images, projects, users, and quotas. In both panels, you also have status and usage information.
Software Versions
Operating System: Linux Ubuntu Server version 12.04 (Precise), 64 bits. Cloud Computing: OpenStack version 2012.1 (Essex) including Nova, Glance, Keystone, and Horizon. These are the different versions of OpenStack until now: Code name Version Remark Austin 2010.1 Bexar 2011.1 Cactus 2011.2 Diablo 2011.3.1 Essex 2012.1 Folsom 2012.2 In development
Hardware Requirements
Number of hard disks (HDDs) and network cards (NICs) for the two nodes: HDD NIC node1 2 (sda & sdb) 2 (eth0 & eth1) node2 1 (sda) 1 (eth1) This procedure can also be used to install OpenStack on only one physical server with only one NIC and only one HDD.
Network Configuration
Network type: VLAN (VlanNetworkManager) Eth0 (public/external network): Network 1: Eth1 (private/internal networks): Network 2: (OpenStack management and storage network) Network 3: (OpenStack service network) The management network is used for the communication between the OpenStack components, the MySQL DB server, and the RabbitMQ messaging server. The storage network (volume network) is used for the iSCSI volume traffic between the storage node (volume node) and the compute nodes. The service network is used for the instance fixed IPs and to create all the VLANs/subnets for the tenants. It is completely managed by OpenStack. For a true public cloud, the public network should be a network with internet IP addresses (e.g. and no NAT/PAT rules should be needed in the router (see topology n 2). We do not have a public internet IP address range, and that is why we use NAT/PAT rules in the router to give access from the internet.
Ideally the controller node should not be a compute node (see topology n 2). In our case, we run nova-compute on node1 only because we have only two physical servers. The node1 (nova-network) is the network node: the floating IPs and the private default gateways IPs (10.0.X.1) are configured on it. The node1 acts as a router to be able to access the instances on the node1 or the node2. Public and private IPs: Eth0 Eth1 node1 node2 client1 Topology n 1 (the one we will describe in detail in this document):
Public Switch eth0 (Publ i c network) Not i nternet & (Fl oa ti ng IPs )
Compute node
s db eth1 10.0.X.1 s da eth1 vol umes root-fs
s da root-fs
Private Switch
Topology n 1: Two nodes (both are compute node). The public network does not have internet IP addresses (NAT/PAT rules needed in the router).
client1 Router
Public Switch eth0
s db eth1 10.0.X.1 (Ma na gement & Stora ge network) s da vol umes root-fs
Private Switch eth1 eth1
Compute node
Compute node
s da root-fs
s da root-fs
Topology n 2: Three nodes (node1 is not a compute node). The public network has internet IP addresses (NAT/PAT rules not needed in the router).
Please note that a complete private or public cloud installation should look like this:
In this topology, the management network and storage network are separated. The controller node, the network node, and the storage node are on separated physical hosts. Such installation and configuration can be done via the StackOps distribution. Please visit or for more information.
Naming Conventions
Amazon EC2 and OpenStack naming conventions are sometime different. For example: Amazon EC2 OpenStack Elastic IP (EIP) Floating IP (FIP) Elastic Block Storage (EBS) Volume (VOL) I will try to use the OpenStack naming conventions as often as possible. The following terms are considered as synonyms in this document: Node / Host / Server Instance / Virtual Machine (VM) / Guest / Container (if LXC is used) External network / Public network Internal network / Private network Floating IP / Elastic IP Volume / Elastic Block Storage Project / Tenant Nova components / Nova services
Notation Conventions
Commands to be launched as a: Cloud end-user (customer) are written like this: Outside an instance (e.g. from client1 or client2):
pdupond@client1:~$ nova list
Inside an instance:
pdupond@i1:~$ sudo fdisk -l
Cloud administrator (admin) are written like this (e.g. from node1 or node2):
root@node1:~# nova-manage service list
In the following document, my passwords will be 123456; please chose your own one.
root@node1:~# aptitude install mysql-server
Change the configuration to make MySQL reachable from the other nodes:
root@node1:~# sed -i 's/' /etc/mysql/my.cnf root@node1:~# service mysql restart
Nova, Glance, and Keystone will use the same MySQL server, but not the same DBs. Install Nova (the compute service):
Storage node:
root@node1:~# aptitude install nova-volume
Compute node:
root@node1:~# aptitude install nova-compute
KVM/Qemu and libvirt are automatically installed when installing nova-compute (see the package dependencies below).
Here is the list of dependencies of all the Nova components as found in the packages metadata. These packages are installed automatically. nova-api: nova-common, python, upstart-job. nova-scheduler: nova-common, python, upstart-job. nova-network: netcat, vlan, bridge-utils, dnsmasq-base, iputils-arping, dnsmasq-utils, novacommon, python2.7, upstart-job. nova-compute: lsb-base, nova-common, qemu-utils, kpartx, curl, parted, vlan, ebtables, gawk, iptables, open-iscsi, nova-compute-kvm, python2.7, upstart-job. nova-compute-kvm: nova-compute, python-libvirt, libvirt-bin, kvm. nova-compute-lxc: nova-compute, python-libvirt, libvirt-bin. nova-volume: nova-common, lvm2, tgt, python2.7, upstart-job. python-nova: python2.7, openssh-client, openssl, python-boto, python-m2crypto, python-pycurl, python-daemon, python-carrot, python-kombu, python-lockfile, python-gflags, python-libxml2, python-ldap, python-sqlalchemy, python-eventlet, python-routes, python-webob, python-cheetah, python-netaddr, python-paste, python-pastedeploy, python-tempita, python-migrate, pythonglance, python-novaclient, python-simplejson, python-lxml, python-feedparser, python-xattr, python-suds, python-iso8601, sudo. nova-common: python-amqplib, python-nova, python, adduser.
See appendix A for a description of some of these packages. If you want to use LXC (still experimental in Essex release) in place of KVM do this on all compute nodes:
root@nodeX:~# aptitude remove nova-compute-kvm root@nodeX:~# aptitude install nova-compute-lxc
If you want to disable the compute node (nova-compute component) on the node1 (see topology n 2), do this:
root@node1:~# nova-manage service disable --host node1 --service nova-compute
The nova-compute will still run on node1, but the scheduler will no more try to boot instances on it. Install Glance (the image service):
your Cloud
If you have more than two nodes (see topology n 2), install the other compute nodes like node2. E.g. for node3:
root@node3:~# aptitude install nova-compute
root@nodeX:~# vi /etc/hosts
For node1:
root@node1:~# vi /etc/network/interfaces
your Cloud
No need to configure manually Ethernet bridges: these bridges are automatically configured on the network node and the compute nodes when it is needed (there are one or more bridges per tenant). The iptables rule tells node1 to change the source IPs to (-j SNAT --to for all eth0 outgoing packets (-o eth0) coming from network (-s This is to allow the router to route packets to internet if coming from the management/storage network (e.g. to install packages from the Ubuntu public repositories). If the public and management/storage networks would be the same (e.g., this iptables rule would not be needed. For node2:
root@node2:~# vi /etc/network/interfaces
The node1 ( is the default gateway for node2 ( On node1 only: To allow the node1 to act as a router:
root@node1:~# vi /etc/sysctl.conf
Reboot the server to take that change into account. Adapt the Nova, Glance, and Keystone configuration files:
your Cloud
cc_host=node1 ##### nova-network ##### public_interface=eth0 vlan_interface=eth1 network_host=node1 fixed_range= network_size=1024 dhcpbridge_flagfile=/etc/nova/nova.conf dhcpbridge=/usr/bin/nova-dhcpbridge force_dhcp_release=True fixed_ip_disassociate_timeout=30 my_ip= routing_source_ip= ##### nova-compute ##### connection_type=libvirt libvirt_type=kvm libvirt_use_virtio_for_bridges=True use_cow_images=True snapshot_image_format=qcow2 ##### nova-volume ##### iscsi_ip_prefix= num_targets=100 iscsi_helper=tgtadm ##### glance ##### image_service=nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService glance_api_servers=node1:9292 ##### Misc ##### logdir=/var/log/nova state_path=/var/lib/nova lock_path=/var/lock/nova root_helper=sudo nova-rootwrap
The my_ip parameter (IP of the host) has to be specified or else it will be (public IP) in place of (private IP), and node2 cannot communicate with node1 via the public network. The routing_source_ip (default SNAT on node1) has to be specified or else it will be (private IP) in place of (public IP), and the router will not be able to route packets coming from the service network ( If the public and management/storage networks would be the same (e.g., these two parameters (my_ip and routing_source_ip) would not be needed (they both would be Some parameters in the nova.conf file are the default ones and then do not need to be put in the configuration file. But for clarity, I prefer them to be present. Examples of some default parameters: Parameter: network_manager (type of networking used on the service network used by the instances) FlatManager: One flat network for all tenants (no DHCP server). FlatDHCPManager: One flat network for all tenants (with a DHCP server). VlanManager: Default The most sophisticated OpenStack network mode (at least one VLAN, one Ethernet bridge, one IP range subnet, and one DHCP server per tenant). Parameter: libvirt_type (type of virtualization used on the compute nodes) kvm: Default Linux Kernel-based Virtual Machine. CPU with hardware virtualization technology like Intel VT-x is required.
your Cloud
qemu: You can use it if you install OpenStack in a VM or on a physical server without CPU with hardware virtualization technology like Intel VT-x. It is quite slow but can emulate other architecture than x86; for example the ARM architecture. lxc: LinuX Container. Linux kernel-based container (uses control groups and name spaces). Virtualization of the OS, not of the HW. It is similar to OpenVZ and Parallels Virtuozzo; in Solaris Unix, this virtualization technology is called Solaris Zones; in BSD UNIX, this virtualization technology is called BSD Jail. Does not require CPU with hardware virtualization technology like Intel VT-x. Very efficient virtualization technology. Virtualization which are supported by OpenStack: KVM (via libvirt) Qemu (via libvirt) LXC (via libvirt) UML (via libvirt) XCP (Xen) XenServer (from Citrix) ESX (from VMware) Hyper-V (from Microsoft)
root@node1:~# vi /etc/glance/glance-registry.conf
root@node1:~# vi /etc/keystone/keystone.conf
We will use the API endpoints as defined in the catalog template file (default_catalog.templates); no need to configure them in the Keystone DB. To use the nova and glance CLIs from internet (e.g. client2), I have to adapt the default_catalog.templates file by replacing localhost (not accessible from internet) by (accessible from internet): On node1:
root@node1:~# sed -i 's/localhost/' /etc/keystone/default_catalog.templates root@node1:~# service keystone restart
your Cloud
Remark: Just replace localhost by the node1 public IP ( here) if access from internet is not required. Adapt the xxx-paste.ini files: Nova and Glance
root@node1:~# vi /etc/nova/api-paste.ini root@node1:~# vi /etc/glance/glance-api-paste.ini root@node1:~# vi /etc/glance/glance-registry-paste.ini
root@node1:~# nova-manage db sync root@node1:~# glance-manage version_control 0 ; glance-manage db_sync root@node1:~# keystone-manage db_sync
Then reboot both nodes to take into account all the configurations made:
root@nodeX:~# reboot
your Cloud
(1) Default gateway: automatically configured on the network node (node1 here). (2) Cloudpipe VPN instance: eventually used to access the network via VPN. (3) Instance fixed IPs: automatically distributed to the instances via DHCP. Launch these commands to create the networks:
root@node1:~# nova-manage network create --label vlan1 --fixed_range_v4 --num_networks 1 --network_size 256 --vlan 1 root@node1:~# nova-manage network create --label vlan2 --fixed_range_v4 --num_networks 1 --network_size 256 --vlan 2 root@node1:~# nova-manage network create --label vlan3 --fixed_range_v4 --num_networks 1 --network_size 256 --vlan 3 root@node1:~# nova-manage network create --label vlan4 --fixed_range_v4 --num_networks 1 --network_size 256 --vlan 4 root@node1:~# nova-manage network create --label vlan5 --fixed_range_v4 --num_networks 1 --network_size 256 --vlan 5 root@node1:~# nova-manage network create --label vlan6 --fixed_range_v4 --num_networks 1 --network_size 256 --vlan 6 root@node1:~# nova-manage network create --label vlan7 --fixed_range_v4 --num_networks 1 --network_size 256 --vlan 7 root@node1:~# nova-manage network create --label vlan8 --fixed_range_v4 --num_networks 1 --network_size 256 --vlan 8 root@node1:~# nova-manage network create --label vlan9 --fixed_range_v4 --num_networks 1 --network_size 256 --vlan 9 root@node1:~# nova-manage network create --label vlan10 --fixed_range_v4 --num_networks 1 --network_size 256 --vlan 10
In fact, for each tenant, a specific VLAN and subnet is attributed, but also a specific: Ethernet bridge is configured on the network node and the compute nodes hosting the tenants instances. DHCP server (dnsmasq) is launched on the network node to serve IPs to the tenants instances. The first time you launch an instance in the cloud, lets say an instance for tenant1, the VLAN1 will be chosen and attributed exclusively to tenant1. As from that moment, VLAN1 will always be used for instances for tenant1.
Install Your Own OpenStack Cloud Eric Dodmont | Install
your Cloud
If you launch an instance for another tenant, the first VLAN not yet attributed to a tenant will be chosen and attributed to that tenant. The ip addr (show IP addresses) and brctl show (show bridge interfaces) commands on the node1 will give a result like this (I made a lot of cleaning): Command:
root@node1:~# ip addr
1: lo inet inet (1) (1) Metadata service 2: eth0 (2) ether 00:24:1d:d3:a1:e6 inet (3) (2) First physical Ethernet interface (connected to the public network) (3) node1 public IP 3: eth1 (4) ether 00:10:18:34:c0:e5 inet (5) (4) Second physical Ethernet interface (connected to the private network) (5) node1 private IP 4: virbr0 (6) ether ae:4e:3d:1f:97:3b inet (6) Bridge configured by the libvirt API (not used here)
root@node1:~# brctl show
virbr0 (1) (1) Bridge configured by the libvirt API (not used here)
If you launch some instances for different tenants, and if you associate some floating IPs to them, you could have a result like this: Command:
root@node1:~# ip addr
1: lo inet inet (1) (1) Metadata service 2: eth0 (2) ether 00:24:1d:d3:a1:e6 inet (3) inet (4) inet (5)
your Cloud
(2) First physical Ethernet interface (connected to the public network) (3) node1 public IP (4) Floating IP n 1 (associated to an instance running on node1 or node2) (5) Floating IP n 2 (associated to an instance running on node1 or node2) 3: eth1 (6) ether 00:10:18:34:c0:e5 inet (7) (6) Second physical Ethernet interface (connected to the private network) (7) node1 private IP 4: virbr0 (8) ether ae:4e:3d:1f:97:3b inet (8) Bridge configured by the libvirt API (not used here). I will no more show it bellow. 5: vlan1@eth1 (9) ether 00:10:18:34:c0:e5 (9) eth1 interface tagged for VLAN1 (can also be written as eth1.1) 6: br1 (10) ether 00:10:18:34:c0:e5 inet (11) (10) Bridge connected on the vlan1@eth1 interface (11) Default gateway of the first VLAN network (e.g. for the 1st tenant) 7: vlan2@eth1 (12) ether 00:10:18:34:c0:e5 (12) eth1 interface tagged for VLAN2 (eth1.2) 8: br2 (13) ether 00:10:18:34:c0:e5 inet (14) (13) Bridge connected on the vlan2@eth1 interface (14) Default gateway of the second VLAN network (e.g. for the 2nd tenant) 9: vlan3@eth1 (15) ether 00:10:18:34:c0:e5 (15) eth1 interface tagged for VLAN1 (eth1.3) 10: br3 (16) ether 00:10:18:34:c0:e5 inet (17) (16) Bridge connected on the vlan3@eth1 interface (17) Default gateway of the third VLAN network (e.g. for the 3rd tenant) 11: vnet0 (18) ether fe:16:3e:2a:a3:f1 (18) Virtual interface for the first instance running on the node1 12: vnet1 (19) ether fe:16:3e:46:07:6b (19) Virtual interface for the second instance running on the node1 13: vnet2 (20) ether fe:16:3e:34:53:06 (20) Virtual interface for the third instance running on the node1
root@node1:~# brctl show
your Cloud
br1 vlan1 vnet0 (1) vnet1 (2) br2 vlan2 vnet2 (3) br3 vlan3 (1) Virtual interface for the 1st instance running on the node1 (VLAN1 / tenant1) (2) Virtual interface for the 2nd instance running on the node1 (VLAN1 / tenant1) (3) Virtual interface for the 3rd instance running on the node1 (VLAN2 / tenant2)
If you are using LXC, the virtual interfaces will be named veth0, veth1, etc. Bellow a picture which represents the VLAN networking mode:
KVM Host NIC eth1 vlan1@eth1 eth0
For example two pools: pool1: ( pool2: ( Launch these commands:
root@node1:~# nova-manage floating create --pool pool1 --ip_range root@node1:~# nova-manage floating create --pool pool2 --ip_range
iptables is used to configure the floating IPs on the network node (node1 here). iptables is also used to configure the firewall rules (security groups) on the compute nodes (node1 and node2 here). For the floating IPs, the nat table is used. You can see these NATing rules (SNAT and DNAT) on the node1 with this command:
root@node1:~# iptables -nL -t nat
your Cloud
For the firewall rules (security groups), the filter table is used. You can see them on the node1 or the node2 with this command:
root@nodeX:~# iptables -nL -t filter
Please note that in our configuration, the iSCSI traffic will pass on the storage network. This traffic flows between the nova-volume component (the host is the iSCSI target) and the nova-compute component (the host is the iSCSI initiator). The nova-compute component then exposes the volumes to the attached instances. You have the choice of the iSCSI target software you want to use: iet (iSCSI Enterprise Target / iscsitarget): default until Ubuntu Natty. tgt (Linux SCSI target framework): default as from Ubuntu Oneiric. The flag in the nova.conf file is:
If volumes have to be created on a file backend, and not on a dedicated hard disk partition, you can do this instead for a 50 GB backend file:
root@node1:~# truncate -s 50G /var/lib/nova/volume-backing-file root@node1:~# losetup -f --show /var/lib/nova/volume-backing-file root@node1:~# vgcreate nova-volumes /dev/loop0
Edit the upstart nova-volume script to losetup the file before starting nova-volume:
root@node1:~# vi /etc/init/nova-volume.conf
your Cloud
I can access the dashboard with my web browser at the following addresses: From my public network (e.g. client1): From the internet (e.g. client2): (see Internet and DNS below)
your Cloud
your Cloud
dashboard node1-ssh fip1-ssh fip2-ssh fip3-ssh fip4-ssh fip5-ssh fip6-ssh fip7-ssh fip8-ssh fip1-http fip2-http fip3-http fip4-http fip5-http fip6-http fip7-http fip8-http
8001 2201 22 2201 2202 2203 2204 2205 2206 2207 80 8041 8042 8043 8044 8045 8046 8047
80 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80
The generic rules are as follow: ssh: http: For example: to access the web server running in an instance associated to the floating IP, the following URL has to be used:
Configure Keystone
From node1: Create the services:
root@node1:~# keystone service-create --name nova --type compute --description 'OpenStack Compute Service' root@node1:~# keystone service-create --name nova-volume --type volume --description 'OpenStack Nova Volume Service' root@node1:~# keystone service-create --name glance --type image --description 'OpenStack Image Service' root@node1:~# keystone service-create --name keystone --type identity --description 'OpenStack Identity Service' root@node1:~# keystone service-create --name quantum --type network --description 'Openstack Network Service'
The volume service (nova-volume) is still included in the Nova code, but has already its own API. In the next OpenStack release (Folsom / 2012.2), it will be a separate project (code name: Cinder). In our configuration, we are still using the network service (nova-network) included in the Nova code. There is already a separate network project (code name: Quantum) which can be used and which has different network plugins like Linux bridge or Openvswitch (OVS). Create the roles (profiles):
keystone keystone keystone keystone role-create role-create role-create role-create --name --name --name --name KeystoneServiceAdmin Admin Member sysadmin
your Cloud
pdupond f6a1
jdoe 99c4
tenant1 1fc7
tenant2 12b6
Command format: keystone user-create --name <user-name> --tenant_id <primary-tenant-id> --pass <password> --email <email> --enabled true Use this command to find the tenant IDs:
root@node1:~# keystone tenant-list
+----------------------------------+---------+---------+ | id | name | enabled | +----------------------------------+---------+---------+ | 60bc84ca0ce9429587300cb30c56c71d | admin | True | | 1fc7082857bc412da7418c264eefa28c | tenant1 | True | | 12b67b1a806a492f8000f3cb82d912cf | tenant2 | True |
your Cloud
Add the Admin role to the admin user for each tenant:
Command format: keystone user-role-add --user <admin-user-id> --role <Admin-role-id> --tenant_id <tenant-id> Use these commands to find the user and role IDs:
root@node1:~# keystone user-list
+----------------------------------+---------+-------------------------+----------+ | id | enabled | email | name | +----------------------------------+---------+-------------------------+----------+ | 9a97f035897a40ba80cffb1ccec43d4b | True | | admin | | cadc85c18c6a4aee928c19653f48dd45 | True | | dodeeric | | f8c27de796914e56b5b4a2bc3f6a2432 | True | | pdupond | | 69fa91a0defb4cab967aa089d8209161 | True | | jdoe | +----------------------------------+---------+-------------------------+----------+
root@node1:~# keystone role-list
+----------------------------------+----------------------+ | id | name | +----------------------------------+----------------------+ | 4b3e61009ea74a0aab178d6a62c53bf2 | Admin | | 53efc9a762d24fe38ac3b8cdb5907120 | Member | | 65520c50f6b04b31a69901ba00b32324 | sysadmin | | 80a8f4a8fc24402c991fbdd283484638 | netadmin | | e67be62bb9144c6cba647c5a4ed5ecdd | KeystoneServiceAdmin | +----------------------------------+----------------------+
Add user dodeeric as a member of tenant tenant2 (in addition to its primary tenant):
your Cloud
Command format: keystone user-role-add --user <dodeeric-user-id> --role <Member-role-id> --tenant_id <tenant2-tenant-id> That gives this:
root@node1:~# keystone user-role-add --user cadc --role 53ef --tenant_id 12b6
The user dodeeric will be able to manage the tenants tenant1 and tenant2. In the dashboard he will see both projects (tenants) and will have to select on which one he will work. Create EC2 credentials (to use the euca commands) for user dodeeric and tenants tenant1 and tenant2:
Command format: keystone ec2-credentials-create --user <dodeeric-user-id> --tenant_id <tenant-id> That gives this:
root@node1:~# keystone ec2-credentials-create --user cadc --tenant_id 1fc7 root@node1:~# keystone ec2-credentials-create --user cadc --tenant_id 12b6
Before this, you can delete all the predefined flavors with the nova flavor-delete command.
root@node1:~# nova-manage instance_type create --name tiny --memory 512 --cpu 1 --root_gb 10 --ephemeral_gb 0 --swap 0 --flavor 1 root@node1:~# nova-manage instance_type create --name small --memory 1024 --cpu 1 --root_gb 10 --ephemeral_gb 10 --swap 1024 --flavor 2 root@node1:~# nova-manage instance_type create --name medium --memory 2048 --cpu 2 --root_gb 20 --ephemeral_gb 20 --swap 2048 --flavor 3 root@node1:~# nova-manage instance_type create --name large --memory 4096 --cpu 4 --root_gb 40 --ephemeral_gb 40 --swap 4096 --flavor 4
+----+--------+-----------+------+-----------+------+-------+-------------+ | ID | Name | Memory_MB | Disk | Ephemeral | Swap | VCPUs | RXTX_Factor | +----+--------+-----------+------+-----------+------+-------+-------------+ | 1 | tiny | 512 | 10 | 0 | | 1 | 1.0 | | 2 | small | 1024 | 10 | 10 | 1024 | 1 | 1.0 | | 3 | medium | 2048 | 20 | 20 | 2048 | 2 | 1.0 | | 4 | large | 4096 | 40 | 40 | 4096 | 4 | 1.0 | +----+--------+-----------+------+-----------+------+-------+-------------+
your Cloud
The python-novaclient package is installed automatically with the nova-common package which is needed by all Nova components. If you want to launch the nova commands from the node1 or the node2, then no need to install that package. Install Euca2ools (the Amazon EC2 CLI client):
Environment Variables
To be able to launch nova or glance commands, you need to export some environment variables to tell the API who you are and on which tenant you want to work on. For example, if the user dodeeric wants to work with tenant1, the following environment variables have to be exported:
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Port 5000 is the Keystone API. Keystone has a Service Catalog with the different services API endpoints (Nova, Nova-Volume, Glance, etc.) If you want to use the euca commands (EC2 API), export these environment variables:
root@node1: ~# keystone ec2-credentials-list
+---------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | tenant | access | secret | +---------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | tenant1 | d1b9b28db6894de8b441421e9dd695c2 | 5f0d614e45d04d66be12c3493f03282a | | tenant2 | 5655c7711e3a43688d328d9eaa147bee | 9c50faff1e0d420f8c8baf4ffac93ff3 | +---------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
For the rest of the document, we are user pdupond working for tenant pdupond unless something else is specified.
pdupond@client1:~$ nova secgroup-add-rule default icmp -1 -1 pdupond@client1:~$ nova secgroup-add-rule default tcp 22 22
The default security group is created automatically and cannot be deleted. Create the web-server security group to allow ping (icmp), ssh (tcp/22), and http (tcp/80) from everywhere (
nova nova nova nova secgroup-create web-server "Web server running on default port" secgroup-add-rule web-server icmp -1 -1 secgroup-add-rule web-server tcp 22 22 secgroup-add-rule web-server tcp 80 80
Key Pairs
Create a SSH key pair to be used to access your instances. You can store your private key on your personal computer. The public key is automatically stored in the controller node (MySQL DB) and injected in your instances disk at boot time.
pdupond@client1:~$ nova keypair-add pdupond > pdupond.pem pdupond@client1:~$ chmod 600 *.pem
The pdupond.pem file is your private key (do not share it). Key pairs are linked to users. Images, security groups, and floating IPs are linked to tenants.
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You can also get your personal RC files (with the needed environment variables exports) from the dashboard. To download the RC file, go to: Settings OpenStack Credentials Select a Project Download RC File. For EC2, go to EC2 Credentials. Then to export the environment variables, do this:
pdupond@client1:~$ source
pdupond@client1:~$ .
pdupond@client1:~$ ./
Add at least one image to Glance. Let's use the glance CLI for that. Download the latest Ubuntu server 12.04 (Precise) 64 bits cloud image:
Rename it:
pdupond@client1:~$ mv precise-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1.img preciseserver-cloudimg-amd64.img
image: precise-server-cloudimg-amd64.img file format: qcow2 virtual size: 2.0G (2147483648 bytes) disk size: 216M cluster_size: 65536
pdupond@client1:~$ file precise-server-cloudimg-amd64.img
precise-server-cloudimg-amd64.img: QEMU QCOW Image (v2), 2147483648 bytes
This file is only 216 MB big, but is seen as a disk image of 2 GB by the file system. Upload that image to Glance:
pdupond@client1:~$ glance add name="precise" is_public=True disk_format=qcow2 container_format=ovf architecture=x86_64 < precise-server-cloudimg-amd64.img
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Added new image with ID: b6dc7b99-3177-47a0-9010-8095afee902c
We gave the name precise to our image. Check the result with nova:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova image-list
+--------------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------+--------+ | ID | Name | Status | Server | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------+--------+ | b6dc7b99-3177-47a0-9010-8095afee902c | precise | ACTIVE | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------+--------+--------+
ID Name Disk Format Container Format Size ------------------------------------ ------ ------------- ------------------ ----------b6dc7b99-3177-47a0-9010-8095afee902c precise qcow2 ovf 226689024
URI: http://localhost:9292/v1/images/b6dc7b99-3177-47a0-9010-8095afee902c Id: b6dc7b99-3177-47a0-9010-8095afee902c Public: Yes Protected: No Name: precise Status: active Size: 226689024 Disk format: qcow2 Container format: ovf Minimum Ram Required (MB): 0 Minimum Disk Required (GB): 0 Owner: 60bc84ca0ce9429587300cb30c56c71d admin Property 'architecture': x86_64
I was working for the tenant admin (id: 60bc) when I uploaded that image. That is why the Owner of the image is the admin tenant. As this image is public, it can be used by all tenants. Images are stored in Glance in the /var/lib/glance/images directory.
Boot Lets start an instance with a medium flavor (vCPU: 2, RAM: 2 GB, HDD1: 20 GB, HDD2: 20 GB, swap: 2 GB):
pdupond@client1:~$ nova boot --flavor medium --image precise --key_name pdupond --security_groups default i1
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+--------------------------------------+------+--------+----------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Networks | +--------------------------------------+------+--------+----------------+ | 37125fa1-d89f-4c0f-816d-2855bc01a2c5 | i1 | BUILD | vlan5= | +--------------------------------------+------+--------+----------------+
+--------------------------------------+------+--------+----------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Networks | +--------------------------------------+------+--------+----------------+ | 37125fa1-d89f-4c0f-816d-2855bc01a2c5 | i1 | ACTIVE | vlan5= | +--------------------------------------+------+--------+----------------+
It will take much longer to boot if the image is used on the compute node for the first time because the image has to be copied (cached) on the host in directory /var/lib/nova/instances/_base. As you can see, this instance received via DHCP the first free IP ( of network on VLAN5. That is the network/VLAN which is reserved for the pdupond tenant. You can check on which compute node the instance has been launched (node1 or node2):
root@node1:~# nova-manage vm list
Instance i1 node node2 type medium state active launched 08:56:46 image a4c5 project f6a1 user f8c2 zone None
+------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +------------------------+------------------------------------------------+ | created | 2012-04-27T08:56:30Z | | flavor | medium | | id | 37125fa1-d89f-4c0f-816d-2855bc01a2c5 | | image | precise | | key_name | pdupond | | name | i1 | | status | ACTIVE | | tenant_id | f6a1c12cf10b43e68aa0952470f1bb56 | pdupond | user_id | f8c27de796914e56b5b4a2bc3f6a2432 | pdupond | vlan5 network | | +------------------------+------------------------------------------------+
Now you can login into your instance from a host connected to VLAN5 (e.g. from node1):
pdupond@node1:~$ ssh -i pdupond.pem ubuntu@
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Please note that the hostname is equal to the name given to the instance. Lets check the network (one NIC) inside the instance:
ubuntu@i1:~$ ifconfig
lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr fa:16:3e:45:97:11 inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
00:03.0 00:04.0 00:05.0 00:06.0 00:07.0 Ethernet controller: Red Ethernet controller: Red SCSI storage controller: SCSI storage controller: SCSI storage controller: Hat, Inc Hat, Inc Red Hat, Red Hat, Red Hat, Virtio network device Virtio network device Inc Virtio block device Inc Virtio block device Inc Virtio block device
You can see that the disk and network controllers are of type virtio. This is a generic paravirtulized type of controller very efficient to use with KVM. Lets check if the number of vCPU, the size of the RAM, and the number and sizes of the HDDs is correct. The HDDs:
ubuntu@i1:~$ df -h
Filesystem /dev/vda1 /dev/vdb Size 20G 20G Used Avail Use% Mounted on 670M 19G 4% / 173M 19G 1% /mnt
The second HDD is automatically mounted on the /mnt directory by cloud-init (cloud-init is installed automatically in ubuntu-cloudimg). Or:
ubuntu@i1:~$ sudo fdisk -l
Disk /dev/vda: 21.5 GB, 21474836480 bytes Disk /dev/vdb: 21.5 GB, 21474836480 bytes Disk /dev/vdc: 2147 MB, 2147483648 bytes root_gb ephemeral_gb swap
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Mem: Swap: total 2003 2047 used 249 0 free 1753 2047 shared 0 buffers 10 cached 170
The vCPU:
ubuntu@i1:~$ lscpu
Architecture: CPU op-mode(s): CPU(s): On-line CPU(s) list: Thread(s) per core: Core(s) per socket: Socket(s): Vendor ID: Virtualization: Hypervisor vendor: Virtualization type: x86_64 32-bit, 64-bit 2 0,1 1 1 2 GenuineIntel VT-x KVM full
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS \n \l
Linux i1 3.2.0-24-virtual #37-Ubuntu SMP Wed Apr 25 10:17:19 UTC 2012 x86_64 GNU/Linux
From node2 (as the instance has been launched on node2), you can check different parameters of the running instance. The home directory where the instances files are stored:
root@node2:~# cd /var/lib/nova/instances/instance-000000da
root@node2:/var/lib/nova/instances/instance-000000da# ls -lh
-rw-rw----rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-rw-r-1 1 1 1 1 libvirt-qemu libvirt-qemu libvirt-qemu libvirt-qemu nova kvm 22K Apr 27 10:57 kvm 722M Apr 27 11:10 kvm 12M Apr 27 10:57 kvm 6.1M Apr 27 10:56 nova 1.9K Apr 27 10:56 console.log disk disk.local disk.swap libvirt.xml
<domain type='kvm'> <uuid>37125fa1-d89f-4c0f-816d-2855bc01a2c5</uuid>
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<name>instance-000000da</name> <memory>2097152</memory> <os> <type>hvm</type> <boot dev="hd" /> </os> <features> <acpi/> </features> <vcpu>2</vcpu> <devices> <disk type='file' device='disk'> <driver type='qcow2' cache='none'/> <source file='/var/lib/nova/instances/instance-000000da/disk'/> <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/> </disk> <disk type='file'> <driver type='qcow2' cache='none'/> <source file='/var/lib/nova/instances/instance-000000da/disk.local'/> <target dev='vdb' bus='virtio'/> </disk> <disk type='file'> <driver type='qcow2' cache='none'/> <source file='/var/lib/nova/instances/instance-000000da/disk.swap'/> <target dev='vdc' bus='virtio'/> </disk> <interface type='bridge'> <source bridge='br5'/> <mac address='fa:16:3e:45:97:11'/> <model type='virtio'/> <filterref filter="nova-instance-instance-000000da-fa163e459711"> <parameter name="IP" value="" /> <parameter name="DHCPSERVER" value="" /> </filterref> </interface> <serial type='file'> <source path='/var/lib/nova/instances/instance-000000da/console.log'/> </serial> <serial type='pty'/> <input type='tablet' bus='usb'/> <graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes' keymap='en-us' listen=''/> </devices> </domain>
The root disk has the format qcow2 (virtual size: 20 GB; real size: 718 MB):
root@node2:/var/lib/nova/instances/instance-000000da# qemu-img info disk
image: disk file format: qcow2 virtual size: 20G (21474836480 bytes) disk size: 718M backing file: /var/lib/nova/instances/_base/4f74e7b6d2722bc74364949b9c71d9cffc192756_20
Summary of the instances disks: On the host File Device disk /dev/vda disk.local /dev/vdb disk.swap /dev/vdc Inside the instance Mountpoint Use / Root file system /mnt Second disk Memory swap
You can also check the instance directly by using the libvirt API:
root@node2:~# virsh
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Id Name State ---------------------------------5 instance-000000da running
Id: Name: UUID: OS Type: State: CPU(s): CPU time: Max memory: Used memory: Persistent: Autostart: Managed save: Security model: Security DOI: Security label: 5 instance-000000da 37125fa1-d89f-4c0f-816d-2855bc01a2c5 hvm running 2 25.2s 2097152 kB 2097152 kB yes disable no apparmor 0 libvirt-37125fa1-d89f-4c0f-816d-2855bc01a2c5 (enforcing)
110 6712 1 1 10:56 ? 00:00:25 /usr/bin/kvm -S -M pc-1.0 -enable-kvm -m 2048 -smp 2,sockets=2,cores=1,threads=1 -name instance-000000da -uuid 37125fa1-d89f-4c0f816d-2855bc01a2c5 -nodefconfig -nodefaults -chardev socket,id=charmonitor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/instance-000000da.monitor,server,nowait -mon chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=control -rtc base=utc -no-shutdown -drive file=/var/lib/nova/instances/instance-000000da/disk,if=none,id=drive-virtiodisk0,format=qcow2,cache=none -device virtio-blk-pci,bus=pci.0,addr=0x4,drive=drive-virtiodisk0,id=virtio-disk0,bootindex=1 -drive file=/var/lib/nova/instances/instance000000da/disk.local,if=none,id=drive-virtio-disk1,format=qcow2,cache=none -device virtioblk-pci,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5,drive=drive-virtio-disk1,id=virtio-disk1 -drive file=/var/lib/nova/instances/instance-000000da/disk.swap,if=none,id=drive-virtiodisk2,format=qcow2,cache=none -device virtio-blk-pci,bus=pci.0,addr=0x6,drive=drive-virtiodisk2,id=virtio-disk2 -netdev tap,fd=19,id=hostnet0 -device virtio-netpci,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=fa:16:3e:45:97:11,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3 -chardev file,id=charserial0,path=/var/lib/nova/instances/instance-000000da/console.log -device isaserial,chardev=charserial0,id=serial0 -chardev pty,id=charserial1 -device isaserial,chardev=charserial1,id=serial1 -usb -device usb-tablet,id=input0 -vnc -k en-us -vga cirrus -device virtio-balloon-pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x7
5: vnet0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master br5 link/ether fe:16:3e:45:97:11 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
root@node2:~# brctl show
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bridge name br5 bridge id 8000.fa163e5f9ba8 STP enabled no interfaces vlan5 vnet0 The instances network interface
On the host, the network interface is vnet0 (connected on brige br5 which is connected on interface vlan5 which is connected on physical interface eth1). In the guest, the network interface is eth0 (connected on vnet0). In case of problems, check the logs in /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log or /var/log/libvirt. Reboot If you want to reboot the instance:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova reboot i1
+--------------------------------------+------+--------+-------------------------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Networks | +--------------------------------------+------+--------+-------------------------------+ | 37125fa1-d89f-4c0f-816d-2855bc01a2c5 | i1 | REBOOT | vlan5= | +--------------------------------------+------+--------+-------------------------------+
Floating IPs
Reserve First we have to reserve some floating IPs for our tenant (pdupond here). Lets reserve (but not yet associate) 3 floating IPs: 2 from pool1, and 1 from pool2: First floating IP:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova floating-ip-create pool1
+---------------+-------------+----------+-------+ | Ip | Instance Id | Fixed Ip | Pool | +---------------+-------------+----------+-------+ | | None | None | pool1 | +---------------+-------------+----------+-------+
You will receive the first floating IP not yet reserved by a tenant ( in our case). have already been reserved by other tenants. Second floating IP:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova floating-ip-create pool1
+---------------+-------------+----------+-------+ | Ip | Instance Id | Fixed Ip | Pool | +---------------+-------------+----------+-------+ | | None | None | pool1 | +---------------+-------------+----------+-------+
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+--------------+-------------+----------+-------+ | Ip | Instance Id | Fixed Ip | Pool | +--------------+-------------+----------+-------+ | | None | None | pool2 | +--------------+-------------+----------+-------+
Lets list the floating IPs which now are reserved to the tenant pdupond:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova floating-ip-list
+---------------+-------------+----------+-------+ | Ip | Instance Id | Fixed Ip | Pool | +---------------+-------------+----------+-------+ | | None | None | pool1 | | | None | None | pool1 | | | None | None | pool2 | +---------------+-------------+----------+-------+
Associate Only now we can associate one (or more) floating IP to the instance. Lets associate to our instance:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova add-floating-ip i1
Lets check:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova list
+--------------------------------------+------+--------+-------------------------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Networks | +--------------------------------------+------+--------+-------------------------------+ | 37125fa1-d89f-4c0f-816d-2855bc01a2c5 | i1 | ACTIVE | vlan5=, | +--------------------------------------+------+--------+-------------------------------+
On the network node (node1 here), NAT rules (one SNAT, one DNAT) have been configured linking the floating IP ( and the fixed IP (
root@node1:~# iptables -nL -t nat
DNAT SNAT all all -- to: to:
Now you can login into the instance with the floating IP from any host connected on the public network:
pdupond@client1:~$ ssh -i pdupond.pem ubuntu@
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If the public network would have had internet IP addresses (see topology n 2), you could connect to the instance directly with the floating IP. Later, I can de-associate the floating IP from the instance and eventually associate it to another instance of tenant pdupond.
Create Lets create a volume of 2 GB for our tenant pdupond:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova volume-create --display_name v1 2
We gave the name v1 to our volume. After some seconds, the volume will be available:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova volume-list
+----+-----------+--------------+------+-------------+-------------+ | ID | Status | Display Name | Size | Volume Type | Attached to | +----+-----------+--------------+------+-------------+-------------+ | 7 | available | v1 | 2 | None | | +----+-----------+--------------+------+-------------+-------------+
On node1 (our volume node), you can now see the new volume as a LVM logical volume (LV) of 2 GB:
root@node1:~# lvdisplay
--- Logical volume --LV Name /dev/nova-volumes/volume-00000007 VG Name nova-volumes LV UUID 5Q9ev1-X70z-AP7c-gGgp-j0Wx-eQ19-112e5a LV Status available LV Size 2.00 GiB Block device 252:10
In case of problems, check the logs in /var/log/nova/nova-volume.log. Attach Lets attach the volume (id: 7) to our running instance (name: i1):
pdupond@client1:~$ nova volume-attach i1 7 /dev/vdd
We chose vdd as device because vda, vdb, and vdc are already in use. If you specify vde or above, it is still vdd which will be seen inside the instance. During some seconds, the volume is in status attaching:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova volume-list
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+----+-----------+--------------+------+-------------+-------------+ | ID | Status | Display Name | Size | Volume Type | Attached to | +----+-----------+--------------+------+-------------+-------------+ | 7 | attaching | v1 | 2 | None | | +----+-----------+--------------+------+-------------+-------------+
+----+--------+--------------+------+-------------+--------------------------------------+ | ID | Status | Display Name | Size | Volume Type | Attached to | +----+--------+--------------+------+-------------+--------------------------------------+ | 7 | in-use | v1 | 2 | None | 37125fa1-d89f-4c0f-816d-2855bc01a2c5 | +----+--------+--------------+------+-------------+--------------------------------------+
There is now an iSCSI session between the compute node (node2 here) and the storage node (node1 here). From node2:
root@node2:~# iscsiadm -m session
tcp: [2],1
Disk Disk Disk Disk /dev/vda: /dev/vdb: /dev/vdc: /dev/vdd: 21.5 21.5 2147 2147 GB, GB, MB, MB, 21474836480 bytes 21474836480 bytes 2147483648 bytes 2147483648 bytes The new disk
Disk /dev/vdd: 2147 MB, 2147483648 bytes Device Boot Start End /dev/vdd1 63 4194303 Blocks 2097120+ Id 83 System Linux
ubuntu@i1:~$ sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdd1
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Filesystem /dev/vda1 /dev/vdb /dev/vdd1 Size 20G 20G 2.0G Used Avail Use% Mounted on 670M 19G 4% / 173M 19G 1% /mnt 64M 1.9G 4% /ebs local storage (on the compute node) local storage (on the compute node) remote storage (on the volume node)
In case of problems, check the logs in /var/log/nova/nova-compute.log. Detach To detach the volume:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova volume-detach i1 7
The volume disk (on the volume node) will not be deleted, just detached from the instance. But the local disks of the instance (disk, disk.local, and disk.swap on the compute node) will be deleted. Volume disks are persistent; local disks are ephemeral. No need to detach a volume from an instance before deleting it. It will be made automatically. Snapshot To back up a volume, you can make a snapshot of it:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova volume-snapshot-create 7
Lets check:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova volume-snapshot-list
+----+-----------+-----------+--------------+------+ | ID | Volume ID | Status | Display Name | Size | +----+-----------+-----------+--------------+------+ | 1 | 7 | available | None | 2 | +----+-----------+-----------+--------------+------+
From that volume snapshot, you can create a new volume. The volume snapshot is also a LV on the storage node.
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Reserve Lets reserve a second network/VLAN to our tenant/project (name: pdupond, id: f6a1). Lets pick the first free network/VLAN: (VLAN6):
root@node1:~# nova-manage network modify --fixed_range --project f6a1 --host node1
Remark: Please have a look at bug 952176 (Cannot associate a second network/vlan to a tenant with "nova-manage network modify": Lets check all the networks:
root@node1:~# nova-manage network list
id 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 IPv4 IPv6 None None None None None None None None None None start address DNS1 None None None None None None None None None None DNS2 None None None None None None None None None None VlanID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 project 1fc7 12b6 eea2 c1ab f6a1 f6a1 None None None None uuid b0c2 0dfa 1810 a450 301d f62c f9c5 5308 689b d8ce In-use In-use In-use In-use pdupond pdupond Free Free Free Free
You can see that two IPs in two different networks/VLANs have been distributed to our instance:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova list
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+--------------------------------------+------+--------+--------------------------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Networks | +--------------------------------------+------+--------+--------------------------------+ | 9c2b77d5-59d5-45cb-8036-07e2b86f9997 | i2 | ACTIVE | vlan5=; vlan6= | +--------------------------------------+------+--------+--------------------------------+
The IP is the same than the one for instance i1 because we deleted i1 and its fixed IP became free again. If we check the interfaces on the host, we can see two vnet interfaces:
root@node2:~# ifconfig
vnet0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr fe:16:3e:3e:e0:e5 inet6 addr: fe80::fc16:3eff:fe3e:e0e5/64 Scope:Link Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr fe:16:3e:77:d9:85 inet6 addr: fe80::fc16:3eff:fe77:d985/64 Scope:Link
bridge name br5 br6 bridge id 8000.fa163e5f9ba8 8000.fa163e1badc0 STP enabled no no interfaces vlan5 vnet0 first interface for i2 vlan6 vnet1 second interface for i2
For each bridge, there is also a DHCP server (dnsmasq) running on the network node:
root@node1:~# ps ef
root root root root root root 2403 2566 2725 2876 3035 3197 2402 2565 2724 2875 3034 3196 0 0 0 0 0 0 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq /usr/sbin/dnsmasq /usr/sbin/dnsmasq /usr/sbin/dnsmasq /usr/sbin/dnsmasq /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --listen-address= --listen-address= --listen-address= --listen-address= --listen-address= --listen-address=
ubuntu@i2:~$ ifconfig
lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr fa:16:3e:3e:e0:e5 inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
Only one interface is configured (eth0), but two are present (eth0 and eth1):
ubuntu@i2:~$ ip address
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1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo 2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP qlen 1000 link/ether fa:16:3e:3e:e0:e5 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff inet brd scope global eth0 3: eth1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN qlen 1000 link/ether fa:16:3e:77:d9:85 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp auto eth1 iface eth1 inet dhcp First interface Second interface
lo Link encap:Local Loopback inet addr: Mask: Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr fa:16:3e:3e:e0:e5 inet addr: Bcast: Mask: Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr fa:16:3e:77:d9:85 inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
Boot with specified IPs You can also decide which IPs you want for your instance (if not yet distributed). Lets say you want to boot an instance with IP (VLAN5 / id: 301d) and IP (VLAN6 / id: f62c). This is the command to be launched if you have admin or netadmin rights:
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pdupond@client1:~$ nova boot --flavor medium --image precise --key_name pdupond --security_groups default --nic net-id=301d,v4-fixed-ip= --nic net-id=f62c,v4-fixed-ip= i3
By doing this, you tell the DHCP servers on the network node which IPs to distribute to the instance. This is of course valid for an instance with only one network interface.
Customize an Image
If you want your own private image customized with specific applications, the easiest is to launch an instance with a generic OS image, then to install your applications inside the instance, then to make a snapshot of the instance. Lets say we want a LAMP (Apache/PHP and MySQL) web server image (appliance). Step 1: Launch an instance with a generic OS image:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova boot --flavor medium --image precise --key_name pdupond --security_groups web-server i4
We launched it with the web-server security group (firewall rules) to be able to access the web server from the internet. Step 2: Customize the instance: Upgrade the OS to its latest version:
ubuntu@i4:~$ sudo aptitude update ubuntu@i4:~$ sudo aptitude safe-upgrade
And adapt the configuration for the public SSH key to be used with your account (pdupond) in place of the default account (ubuntu):
ubuntu@i4:~$ sudo vi /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
user: ubuntu
user: pdupond
Now, when you will launch an instance with your customized image, you will have to login with user pdupond.
Install Your Own OpenStack Cloud Eric Dodmont | Use your Cloud
Add pdupond in the sudoers file to be able to launch commands with root privileges. Step 3: Snapshot the instance: Lets create an image called pdupond-lamp-v1:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova image-create i4 pdupond-lamp-v1
During some seconds to some minutes, you will see the status as SAVING:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova image-list
+-------+-----------------------+-----------+-----------------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Server | +-------+-----------------------+-----------+-----------------------+ | 29da | pdupond-lamp-v1 | SAVING | fa59 | | 4365 | precise | ACTIVE | | +-------+-----------------------+-----------+-----------------------+
When the snapshot is finished, you will see the status has become ACTIVE:
+-------+-----------------------+-----------+-----------------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Server | +-------+-----------------------+-----------+-----------------------+ | 29da | pdupond-lamp-v1 | ACTIVE | fa59 | | 4365 | precise | ACTIVE | | +-------+-----------------------+-----------+-----------------------+
URI: http://localhost:9292/v1/images/29da730e-9598-4522-9f8b-b0fac8537110 Id: 29da730e-9598-4522-9f8b-b0fac8537110 Public: No Protected: No Name: pdupond-lamp-v1 Status: active Size: 1200357376 Disk format: qcow2 Container format: ovf Minimum Ram Required (MB): 0 Minimum Disk Required (GB): 0 Owner: f6a1c12cf10b43e68aa0952470f1bb56 Property 'instance_uuid': fa598439-7f98-4538-b9d0-0f1ed585315a Property 'image_location': snapshot Property 'image_state': available Property 'user_id': f8c27de796914e56b5b4a2bc3f6a2432 Property 'image_type': snapshot Property 'architecture': x86_64 Property 'owner_id': f6a1c12cf10b43e68aa0952470f1bb56
You can notice that the image belongs to tenant pdupond (Owner: f6a1), the same tenant as the instance. That image is automatically set as private (Public: No). It means it can be used only by tenant pdupond (the other tenants will even not see it). Lets try it:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova boot --flavor medium --image pdupond-lamp-v1 --key_name pdupond --security_groups web-server i5
Install Your Own OpenStack Cloud Eric Dodmont | Use your Cloud
+--------------------------------------+------+--------+--------------------------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Networks | +--------------------------------------+------+--------+--------------------------------+ | fa598439-7f98-4538-b9d0-0f1ed585315a | i4 | ACTIVE | vlan5=; vlan6= | | ce3b060c-9f28-4b24-a0e0-e2de2d3f88da | i5 | ACTIVE | vlan5=; vlan6= | +--------------------------------------+------+--------+--------------------------------+
Lets associate a public IP (floating IP) to access the web server from the internet:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova add-floating-ip i5
Lets check:
pdupond@client1:~$ nova list
+------+------+--------+-----------------------------------------------+ | ID | Name | Status | Networks | +------+------+--------+-----------------------------------------------+ | fa59 | i4 | ACTIVE | vlan5=; vlan6= | | ce3b | i5 | ACTIVE | vlan5=,; vlan6= | +------+------+--------+-----------------------------------------------+
And with a web browser, connect to (from the public network) or to (from the internet). See Internet and DNS (NAT/PAT rules): is mapped to
Install Your Own OpenStack Cloud Eric Dodmont | Use your Cloud
Install Your Own OpenStack Cloud Eric Dodmont | Use your Cloud
Cloud (EC2), SimpleDB, Simple Storage Service (S3), CloudFront, Simple Queue Service (SQS), Elastic MapReduce, Relational Database Service (RDS). python-carrot: AMQP messaging queue framework. AMQP is the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol, an open standard protocol for message orientation, queuing, routing, reliability and security. The aim of carrot is to make messaging in Python as easy as possible by providing a high-level interface for producing and consuming messages. At the same time it is a goal to re-use what is already available as much as possible. carrot has pluggable messaging back-ends, so it is possible to support several messaging systems. Currently, there is support for AMQP (py-amqplib) and STOMP (python-stomp). There is also a in-memory backend for testing purposes that uses the Python queue module. python-kombu: AMQP Messaging Framework for Python. The aim of Kombu is to make messaging in Python as easy as possible by providing an idiomatic high-level interface for the AMQP protocol. It is meant to replace the carrot library by providing a compatibility layer. Features: Allows application authors to support several message server solutions by using pluggable transports; Supports automatic encoding, serialization and compression of message payloads; The ability to ensure that an operation is performed by gracefully handling connection and channel errors. python-sqlalchemy: SQL toolkit and Object Relational Mapper for Python. SQLAlchemy is an SQL database abstraction library for Python. python-amqplib: Simple non-threaded Python AMQP client library. Python client for the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) 0-8, featuring basic messaging functionality and SSL support.
Install Your Own OpenStack Cloud Eric Dodmont | Use your Cloud