Countdown To The End of Time

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The Countdown Of
Events To The End Of

Compiled By
Elie Vallot

Dedicated To The Eternal Father

“Eternal thanks to the Ancient of Days, our merciful Father who
in the last generation before the end of the Age sent the Most
Pure Rose of Creation and Help of Mothers in Her last
apparition before the Lamb of Gods second coming. She gave
the Message From Heaven to a woman whose name was
Veronica of the Cross, the faithful witness in Mystical Babylon
where the Seat of Satan is. The woman testified concerning the
Message given by the Mother of Light to a world in darkness
and they received it not. But to as many called by the Father to
the Mission From Heaven who received in belief, “Jesus
extended to them in the Light of His infinite knowledge, the
power through the Light to understand the task that lies ahead
for all who wished to be saved “as Her children of Light, True
Soldiers Of Christ, Apostles of the Last Days.“ (Elie Vallot)
The end is not as far as you can see, Already there is Apostasy, Man
has cast his lot and gathered the coals, To stoke the fires that burn
the souls, The days are numbered in the few; So work and pray and
try to do, The work that is given in the light Until, that sad day when all
is night." (Our Lady, 10/6/75)


“Brothers and sisters, to me, the least of all the living is given this
honor to make known to you the secrets of Heaven and Earth that
have been revealed in our time. Thank you for your charity in reading
it. It is because my brothers and sisters oh, precious souls of God.
“The Spirit made thee and the Breath of the Almighty gave thee life.”
(Job. 33:4) What I have found is freely given to all who wish it and if
not, accept my prayers for you.
A question for you: Are we living in the End Times? “Countdown To
The End Of Time ” provides the answer to this question and Reveals
the Secrets of Heaven and Earth given by Jesus and His Blessed
Mother the Virgin Mary.
Find out the true meaning of 666. Who the Whore of Babylon is
and the location city called Babylon in Scripture. Find out about the
Great Warning From God, The Rapture, what they call global
warning really is, The Second Coming of Jesus, The End Of The
World. The Signs that will let you know when the major events are
going to take place. Included are numerous miraculous PICTURES to
let you know the Truth of what is recorded here.
The passages are taken from “Roses From Heaven” a book in the
public domain of the Messages given by the Blessed Virgin Mary at
Bayside, NY to the seer Veronica of the Cross from 1970-1995 along
with excerpts taken from Sacred Scripture and through the Eternal
Fathers mercy the explanation given at other major apparitions of the
Blessed Virgin Mary at LaSalette, Fatima, Garabandal, where the
biblical descriptions are explained through their revelation on the
pages of our time.
The literal translation of pertinent biblical passages are given and
combined with the compilation of the Blessed Virgin Mary’s messages
for better understanding. The warnings and prophecies of what is to
come is given for your protection (since it is) the time of trial and
testing. It's a separation of the sheep from the goats." These
messages are freely given to all who wish to receive them. Your
eternity may depend on it.
For more information on the miracles of cure and conversion and
prophecies from Heaven write to: St Michaels World Apostolate
P.O. Box 514 Bayside NY, 11361 (718-359-3908) 1-800-345-MARY
On Line Go To


One of the most outstanding miraculous photographs ever - taken a few

hours before the Vigil on Nov 25, 1978. The late Tom Bachor of Little
Neck, NY was taking a picture of John M. (foreground), approximately 70
yards from the site of the Vatican Pavilion in Flushing Meadows Park
Queens NY (situated at the bottom of Our Lady's Mantle). Miraculously,
the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God appears on the photo
dominating the sky above Her chosen Sacred Grounds. The fingers of
Our Lord (top left) are pointing toward Our Lady, as if to say, 'behold your
Mother!' Come and pray the Rosary at the Shrine Sacred Grounds for the
Vigils on the Eve of the Feast Days and Sunday morning Holy Hours as
Our Lady requested. This incredible photograph clearly shows Our Lady's
true presence on Her Shrine Grounds. Also note the light bulb to the left
of Her neck. Our Lady is the light of the world. Our Lady said, "My Rosary
will be the light of the world." July 1, 1970. Our Heavenly mother invites
all Her children on earth to come pray the Rosary at the Shrine - an 'oasis
of graces', for abundant graces of cures and conversions and blessings.
"A 'center of atonement' - 'Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers
Shrine." Oct 6, 1974.
Prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary given on February 11,1971

Jesus extend to us in the Light of Your infinite knowledge, the power

through the Light to understand the task that lies ahead for all of us
who wished to be saved!

1 The Apocalypse, Revelations of The End Days
2 Tribulation In The House of God, The War of The Spirits
3 Trial And Punishment In The United States, Mystical
Babylon Revealed
4 The Sixth Seal Opened, The Great Cataclysmic Warning
From God
5 The Miracle
6 The Great Day of The Lord
7 The Great Chastisement: Part 1 World War III
8 The Great chastisement Part II The Ball of Redemption
9 The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ
10 Satan Chained Ushering In The Great Peace
11 Satan Released To Tempt Man For The Last Time
12 The General Judgment Upon Mankind
Appendix A The True Meaning of 666
Appendix B Apocalypse XVII Babylon The Great Revealed
Appendix C Countdown To The End Of Time Recap Of Events

Chapter 1
The Apocalypse, Revelations Of The End Days
"You have followed my directions well, to read the writings of
good John, Saint John, as I wish him to be known upon earth.
The Father used him as an instrument to give you the
knowledge of the end days. I will explain the part my child that
puzzled you most. All are in symbolic form but if you pray to the
Spirit for the light, your mind will be opened to the truth. Know
that there will be two phases with the closing of the Book of the
Apocalypse placed on parchment by Saint John, the good John
on the island. There will be:
(Phase 1)
Great trial and punishment, tribulation in the House of God, the
Houses of God, throughout the world and in the lay life of the
human being. The fight will be a war of the spirits. The pages of
the apocalyptic times must turn. All who remain after this time of
great trial, will join My Son in setting up the Kingdom that I
promised you,
(Phase 2)
The time of great peace. It will only be with you, this great
peace promised, at the return, the Second Coming of My Son,
Jesus. After the great tribulation, the number saved will be
counted in the few. They will join with My Son and continue on
with a life of great joy and glory to the Father as planned in the
beginning. Satan will tempt none ever more until the time
allotted given to him before the great and final judgment. Satan
will be chained, my child, for a number of earth years. He will no
longer roam to tempt mankind. My Son shall be the Ruler upon
earth and then after this time, Satan will be loosed once again to
tempt man- kind as man will then evolve back into his human
nature and find himself offending the Father and sinning once
more. Then will come, the general judgment upon mankind. It
will be at this time that there will come to you a new Heaven and
a new Earth, the New Jerusalem promised from the beginning
of time by the Father. Your spirit will return to your bodies.
United will be the body and the soul, and as such you will be set
in judgment. That My child will give you a condensed knowledge
of what lies in the pages."(Our Lady, 9/13/74)


The Major Offenses Against God By An Unrepentant

Generation Turn The Apocalyptic Pages
"1 Blasphemy,2 Infamy,3 Immodesty,4 Worship of false idols,5
Disrespect of authority,6 Infidelity in the family,7 Sacredness in
the marriage state abandoned
8Abominations in the House of God;
(a) Disrespect of dress
(b) Rewriting of the words of the prophets
(c) Arrogance among the men of God
(d) Intellectual pride among the men of God
(e) Loss of true vocation
(f) Loss of life of prayer, and rigid discipline and self control!"
(St. Michael, 6/16/73 )

The Three Stages Of Punishment By The Eternal Father Upon An

Unrepentant Generation...
"This punishment will be given in stages:
1 “Internal, Man's own creation”, 2 “The second from the
elements”, 3 “The third from the constellations to fall back upon
you-to be planet struck- the Ball Of Redemption. Be ye warned
that houses will blow in the wind and skin will dry up and blow
off the bones as though it has never been hasten, harken, and
listen-you are being given one of final warnings to be given to
the world before the cataclysms come upon you!" (Jesus,

Chapter 2
Tribulation In The House Of God, The War Of The Spirits
"a great number of priests and members of religious orders will
break away from the true religion; among these people there
will even be bishops, several religious institutions will lose the
faith and will lose many souls."(Our Lady,9/19/1846)
Need Prayers
"Many priests, bishops, cardinals in My Son’s House need
prayers from the laity that they may be strong enough not to fall
into the plan of the third-worlders, who are also known, My child,
as the one-worlders. They seek to destroy My Son’s Church and
build one on the creation of man." (Our Lady, 10/6/1976)
Falsehood Charlatans
"Astrology, cards of fortune, psychic abilities—for what?
Falsehood! Gain to many, worldly gain of money. These vultures
and charlatans, preying on human nature and its faults,
becoming rich on the ignorance of many! They are charlatans
and agents of hell! "You who cast your lot with satan, you who
guide yourselves by stars and rocks and time and signs, you are
pagans in My sight, and you are pagans to your world! You are
unbelievers, and you are men without God! Astrology is for the
unbelievers. “I created you, in the Father and the Spirit, in the
image of the Father. The Father is not stone! The Father is not
only a light, the Father is emotion! What stone has
emotion?”(Jesus, May 18, 1977)
Defilement Of The Young
"My children, you will experience a time of great suffering. As
man becomes defiled in nature, he will lose all sense of charity
of heart, for he has no God within his heart. He will abuse his
neighbor in all manners of defilement; he will commit murders,
robberies, defilement of the young, abuses of the flesh! My
children, as time goes on,you will feel that insanity has gripped
your world."(Our Lady, 7/15/ 1977)

"The greatest sin now being committed in your country, the
United States, and many countries throughout the world are
sins of the flesh. They are sending many into hell! And these
sins of the flesh, sad to say, have reached into the consecrated
lives of My clergy." (Jesus, 7/15/1977)
This Prophecy And Many Others You Will Read Here Have
Come To Pass, Already Written On The Pages Of Our Time
"Murder, rapings, distortions of all manner of godly inclinations,
shall prevail upon your earth. Your children are the major victims
of their elders now. As parents you have now a special mission:
to protect your children against Satan and his agents." (Jesus,
You Neither Chastise Nor Condemn
"Your country and many countries throughout the world have
given themselves over to immorality and unnatural vices of
homosexuality and the perversion within childhood. Woe
unto the man or woman who has taken part in the scandalizing
of the young! Better that that being had died in his mother's
womb than to scandalize one of the young! Parents, teachers,
have you all become insane, selling the bodies of your
children?! "Red Hats, bishops, you go about earth oppressing
the children of God, but you neither chastise nor condemn
the evil ones in your House, the Church." (Our Lady,
Country Shall Be Destroyed
"Any country that allows the murders of the young and the
unborn shall be destroyed. Any country that allows
homosexuals to roam and to seduce the young shall be
destroyed. Any country that has defamed My Son in the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass will be destroyed." (Our Lady, 6/30/1984)
"Despoiled Our Garden"
"You have despoiled Our garden of souls, O pastors! You
have trampled the lilies! You have trodden upon your Faith and
truth. You have whittled away like rodents into My House, My
Church! O man of little faith, whatever shall become of you? I
repeat for your fair warning that the Red Hat has fallen and the
Purple Hat is being misled. Take the blindness from your hearts.
Seek the light, for you are in darkness, and a house in darkness
wears a band of death about it." (Jesus, 12/28/1976)
Immodesty A Sin
"You must cover yourselves with good example. Immodesty is a
sin, My child. All bodies that are exposed will burn. The great
flame of the Ball of Redemption will burn all exposed bodies.
Cover yourselves well, My children, and you will be covered with
the armor of God. Impurity of heart is promoted by lewd actions,
You not only sin, but you force others onto the road to
destruction by your actions. Mothers and daughters, women of
the world, you must be an example of purity and piety to your
children. It is only by your actions as parents that your children
will learn. Many parents will cry bitter tears of anguish when
they see their children lost to them forever."(Our Lady,
“The greatest danger for the United States and Canada comes
from infiltration into every manner of business and even the
Church of God.” (Our Lady, 6/18/84)

Miraculous photo taken with

SX-70 Polaroid camera by
Bernie Beyer of Great Neck,
N.Y. at the Vigil of March
25,1978, which shows a rat
about to be caught in a
noose. The message in
symbolism was a secret one
for Veronica alone. However,
Heaven usually uses the rat
as a symbol for those
members of the clergy who go about like rodents burrowing into the
God-given foundation of the Church, seeking to re-structure it
according to their own human ideas. Also, note that there is a "C" at
the mouth of the rat and a "P" over the body of the rat for Coughing
Rat Plague. It also causes an intestinal flu and diarrhea. The
intestines show up in the picture and the rat looks as if it is defecating.

Lucifer’s Tour De Force: The Third Secret Of Fatima...
"How I warned and warned that Satan would enter into the
highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My
Child is that Satan would enter into My Son's Church."(Our
Lady, 5/13/78)
Smoke of Satan
"We have the impression that, through some fissure the smoke
of Satan has entered into the temple of God. There is doubt,
uncertainty, challenging disquiet dissatisfaction and
confrontation, one no longer has trust in the Catholic Church."
(Pope Paul VI, 6/29/72) "You remember, My children, Pope Paul
VI, Our good Vicar, said to the world, ' I know that the smoke of
Satan has entered into the Church.' But who listens to him, and
who did listen to him? But they laid him low, and put another in
his place."(Our Lady,10/2/89) "I ask you as your God to cast
away your pride. Admit there has been an error. Listen to your
Vicar who stated that the smoke of Satan has entered My
Church."(Jesus, 9/28/78)
"There is a formation within my House that I give and label
as the evil men of the cross. They are imposters. They have
entered to destroy. They have reached and attained the highest
leadership in My House upon earth. They are re-crucifying Me
in My House. Your Vicar is a prisoner within My House."(Jesus
False Obedience
"Obedience has been distorted now to make them servants of
those who are not true rulers."(Our Lady, 6/18/79) "The Rock
has always withstood the test of time. But one will be entered
into the House of God, and woe to man when he places him
(the Antichrist pope) upon the Seat of Peter, for then the Great
Day of the Lord shall be at hand."(Pope St. Pius X, 3/18/74)

This is one of the most incredible miraculous photos ever taken
at Our Lady of the Roses Shrine. It was taken at the vigil of May
7, 1976 by Mrs. Ann
Ferguson. Using a
Polaroid camera, she
took a photograph of
Our Lady’s Shrine
statue. But very
mysteriously, the face of
Our Lady’s Shrine
statue disappears
completely in the
photograph. And just as
mysteriously another
statue, with almost real-
to-life features of Our
Blessed Mother,
appears on the opposite side of the picture. But now, looming
between the two statues of Our Lady appears a large reddish-
brown head of a bear. What does this bear represent? Russia,
communist Russia. Our Lady is calling to mind the messages of
Fatima in which she told us that if Her requests for prayer, for
penance, for amendment of life were not heeded, that Russia
would be the scourge of mankind.
Communist Plan
"The plan of...communism is to overthrow the rule in the Eternal
City, gain control in politics in a manner to control the world.
They seek to overthrow Rome, these agents of hell and
atheism, My child; they seek to overthrow Rome and gain
control of the power of the house of My Son throughout the
world. They seek to subvert from within." (Our Lady,10/6/76)
Despot # 1, And Despot # 2, The Antichrist.
"..I saw another beast come up; it had two horns like a lambs
horns, but it roared like a dragon. And it stood in the presence
of the former beast, to carry out all that it was empowered to
do, bidding the world and all it's inhabitants worship the former
beast, that beast whose deadly wound was healed. Such
wonders did it accomplish, that it brought down fire, before
men’s eyes, from heaven to earth; and by these wonders,
which it was enabled to do in its masters presence, it deluded
the inhabitants of the world, bidding those who dwell in it to set
up an image to that beast which was smitten with the sword,
and lived." (Rev. XIII: 11-14)
The White Bear Pope, Despot # 1
The Brown Bear of communism, of red orientation, will seek to
devour the Holy Father, your Vicar, the Pope, by assassination,
and place on the seat of Peter a communist puppet known as
the White Bear disaster lies ahead in Rome if this happens
(Jesus 6/18/91) “It would usher in despot number One upon the
Seat of Peter and the subsequent complete capitulation and
enslavement to despot number Two, likewise known as the
Antichrist."(Our Lady, 10/6/92)
The Antichrist, Despot # 2, The Man of Sin
"Let no one deceive you in any way, for the day of the Lord will
not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of sin is
revealed, the son of perdition." (2, Thess2: 3)
"Yes, many will receive the manifestation of seeing with their
human eyes these demonical creatures of hell. It is for the
edification of mankind. However, My child, all must be wary
because when he, the man of deception, is recognizable to
mankind—as he will set you with number upon the path of
deception—he, too, will be a figure of virtue. He will be covered
as a sheep with robes of purity, but look into his heart, My
child…"Now, My child, I will give you one secret unknown to
many, but you must make it known to mankind. This man of
deception shall try to follow My Son. He will convince many that
he is the Messiah. You must make it known now that the
Messiah will not come unless He comes down with the legions
of angels from the heavens, as He ascended.” (Our Lady,

Chapter 3
Trial And Punishment In The United States, Mystical
Babylon Revealed
The description of the great harlot and of the beast upon
which she sits.
“And there came one of the seven angels who had the seven
vials and spoke with me, saying: Come, I will shew thee the
condemnation of the great harlot, who sitteth upon many
waters: And on her forehead a name was written: A mystery:
Babylon the great, the mother of the fornications and the
abominations of the earth….And the angel said to me: Why dost
thou wonder? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman and of
the beast which carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and
ten horns. (APO.17:1,5,7)
New York City labeled Babylon
“You have allowed the evil to grow strong in your country.
You will remove from your country, you will remove from your
country the SEAT OF EVIL (UN) that grows strong in your
CITY BABYLON!!! Open your heart and eyes now to the truth,
before it is too late. You are being blindly led to your own
destruction. The brood of vipers within your city must be
removed at once! “The world is fast turning to the darkness.
“Man must learn to humble his spirit. His excessive luxuries are
destroying his spirit. The arrogance of man in his intellectual life
has made him build his nest in the sky, but I will fling the eagle
from his nest! (Our Lady, 2/1/72)
The Punishment of New York, Babylon The Great
"This is - Babylon the great will fall. Babylon, the master of
deceit, will fall. Many good must suffer as martyrs with the bad.
Babylon the great will fall! She has raised herself high above
her God, and she invokes the vengeance of a just punishment.
Ships will look upon her as she burns. Woefully they will shield
their eyes from the sight. Babylon the great, the harlot upon
nations, the harlot among nations, will fall. Babylon the great,
who has led many astray, will fall. (Our Lady, 7/15/73)

A Soulless Monster By Invitro-fertilization
“You seek to create as the Creator! You have reached the point
of the fallen angels. You will create in the jar a monster, for it will
be soulless! Your arrogance and superiority will be your own
destruction, you who seek to take the place of your Father! My
children, recognize the path you are falling on. (Our Lady,
The Communist Ruse, The Trap Of False Peace And
Security..." And one of it's heads was smitten, as it were, unto
death; And it's deadly wound was healed. And the earth
followed the beast in wonder." (APO.XIII:3)
“Do not be deceived. Their father is the father of all liars: Satan.
Their master plan is in motion. Pray for the light. Minds are
clouded. I repeat: (The Soviet collapse) it is a ruse. Wake up
America or you will suffer much." (Our Lady, 12/18/91)

photo (instant
taken on the
grounds by
Benevides of
Queens, N.Y.,
at the March
24, 2003
Rosary Vigil.
John, a
member of
the lay Order
of St.
snapped the
picture of Our
Lady’s statue and it resulted in a miracle-photo. A large red sickle
clearly appears. The next morning The New York Times reported that
Russia was “supplying Iraq with sophisticated military equipment for
use against the United States” and that the support is “ongoing”!

"For when they shall say, Peace and security, even then sudden
destruction will come upon them, as birth pangs upon her who
is with child, and they will not escape." (1Thess.V:3)
When communism comes again
Conchita, the seer said when everything would be set in motion:
"When communism comes again everything will happen."
What do you mean by comes again?" "Yes, when it newly
comes again," she replied." Does that mean that communism
will go away before that?" "I don't know," she said in reply, "the
Blessed Virgin simply said 'when communism comes again'.
(Garabandal 1965)
"The owl (one world leader?) has eyes fore and aft. He lives in
the darkness. He travels by night, ever watching the eagle.
When the world cries 'peace' then will it strike! Ponder this well
for I do not use my words idly."(Jesus, 11/21/70)
"There is a man who hides behind the mask ruling your country!
He will soon approach and reveal himself..."He has affiliated A-
L-L of the money powers of the world, joined them for unity of a
one-world government...Veronica - Oh, my goodness! Oh, my
goodness! The man behind the mask—Mr.Rockefeller (David),
the man behind the mask! Our Lady - "There sets in your
country masters of great magnitude. Recognize the Grand
Masters in control!" (9/13/ 1975)

The Monetary Crash

" A measure of wheat for a denarius, and three measures of
barley for a denarius, and do not harm the wine and the oil."
(APO. VI. 6) ".there will be a crash in the monetary doings of
your government--an absolute crash that will affect every man,
woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then
like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one
massive depression. Should you wish to buy will take a
whole suitcase of paper- paper money that no longer has a
value. You will soon be reduced to bartering for your food ...You
see, the enemy is very cagey. He has it all planned that man
shall capitulate to save his body, to save his material goods, to
save his money; as money has become the god for many.
Money and power – this .is what brings upon the wars, and the
killings, and the murders." (Our Lady, 9/7/85)

The Great Earthquake In California And The Area Of New

"I repeat again, the earthquakes will increase in volume.
California will be struck. New York shall be struck. As I told you
once before, there will be earthquakes in places that have never
known a quake. It will startle them and frighten them , but will
they come to their knees? Few will, My child, because I can tell
you this: they will not have the time to make amends; that is the
sad part." (Our Lady 10/5/85)
"There will be a great earthquake in the area of New York...
Another area that will be shaken will be California, "There
will be earthquakes in many places. The present ones have
been nothing compared to what will happen next. There will be
a great earthquake in the Los Angeles area and also New York."
(Our Lady, 6/17/89) My child; There is a great split in the earth
that is widening. This is not generally being given to you in your
news tabloids......There is only one thing you can do with an
errant child when they do not listen, and that is to shake them
up."(Our Lady, 10/18/89) "Earthquakes in your country, the
United States, extending up through Canada, earthquakes in
places never before known to exist, or the possibility of. And
they will know it comes from the hand of God. Famine,
starvation, your crops will rot. The heat will burn, the cattle will
starve. And why? Because, you refuse to turn back,
complacent in your arrogance." (Our Lady, 6/30/81)
"How well you listened to Us when We told you to place on your
shelves cans of food, jars of water, blankets.* You found it very
cold, My child, without heat and without light, and without any
form of recreation other than to pray. And that was God's way of
letting the world know that they will be on their knees; and one
of these days they will be praying, for many the first time in
many years. But why, My children, must We allow all these
disasters to happen to you, and have to bring you to your knees
in prayer? Can you not listen.”(Jesus, 10/5/1985)

The Invasion"...And it was given to him to make war with the

saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over
every tribe, and people, and tongue, and nation.(Rev.X111:6,7)
"Your country, the United States of America, is in great danger
for invasion. Already there is a plan in motion. I warn you
again. The United States of America is in great danger of
invasion. You are surrounded now by the enemy " (Our Lady,
"Your nation the United States, shall fall to the despot, and you
will be all enslaved by him" (Our Lady,10/6/92)" Complete
enslavement to despot number 2, likewise known as the
Antichrist. (Our Lady, 10/16/92)


“Your country and many countries of the world stand now in
judgment by the Eternal Father for the murders of the unborn.
No man shall destroy a creation of the Eternal Father. The spirit
of life is breathed at the moment of conception into the body of a
living child. At the moment of conception, the soul is placed by
the Eternal Father into that child, and no excuses for murder
shall be accepted by the Eternal Father.” – (Our Lady, June 5,
“The major incident that will come upon your country is
involvement in War. And …shortly thereon, there will be set
upon the world and your country the Ball of Redemption (a
comet). And many shall die in this great flame of the Ball of
Redemption.(Our Lady 3/16/77)


"Your country, the United States, My child, shall have great
trial-the winter and the wars. There shall be internal strife in
your government, and your streets will become running with

blood. It is not a sight, My child, not a pretty sight! Oh! Oh! "That
carnage, My child, that you view shall extend not only from the
cities into the country, but from coast to coast in all of North
America and the world." (Our Lady, 10/ 6/1980)
Race War Covers U.S.
“Now in the United States I see people running, but this is a
race war. I see a whole group - it looked like the whole continent
- running, but they're dark - skinned, they're black - skinned. And
they have all types of instruments. I think one is a machine gun
that shoots many bullets, and he's tat - tat - tat - tat - tat - tat - tat
- tat - tat - tat. Oh - h. (Veronica sighs heavily.) And they're lying
on the ground, dead. Ugh, oh, and it's terrible. (Veronica sighs
heavily again” (7/25/85.)

Chapter 4
The Sixth Seal Opened, The Great Cataclysmic
Warning From God...
" And I saw when he had opened the sixth seal and behold :
there was a great earthquake, and the sun became as dark as
sackcloth of hair : and the whole moon became as blood : And:
the stars from heaven fell upon the earth, as the fig-tree
casteth its green figs when it is shaken by a great wind. And
the heaven withdrew as a book rolled up together : And
every mountain, and the islands were moved out of their
places. And the kings of the earth, and the princes, and the
tribunes, and the rich men, and the strong men, and every
bound-man, and every free-man hid themselves in the dens,
and in the rocks of the mountains: And they say to the
mountains and to the rocks : Fall upon us, and hide us from
the face of him that sitteth upon the throne, and from the wrath
of the Lamb: For the great day of their wrath is come : and who
shall be able to stand ? "(APO. VI. 12-17)
What Causes The Warning
"(It ) is a thing that comes directly from God and will be visible
throughout the entire world.....(It) is something supernatural and
will not be explained by science...Is like a purification. And is
sort of a catastrophe.... Like two stars that collide. (Conchita,
Garabandal, (Sept. 1975)
"There will be a tremendous explosion, and the sky shall
roll back like a scroll. This force shall go within the very
core of the human. He will understand his offenses to his
God. (Our Lady 6/12/76) See (APO. VI. 12-17)
The Terrifying Secret
"There is a secret of Heaven and another one of earth, and the
latter is terrifying. It will seem as though it were already the end
of the world. And in this cataclysm everything will be
separated from the sky, which will turn white as snow.
(Jacinta, child-seer of Fatima, Portugal, on her deathbed to
Mother Godhino, 2/1920)


Probable cause: Veronica of the Cross saw a massive comet break

apart and a huge piece strike the sun (Dec. 24, 1973). We know
more about the effects than the cause because, clearly, Our Lady
wants the focus on the spiritual dimension, the soul preparation.
Nothing else is more important.
Jacinta Of Fatima
"..It is true that I gave a final message (to Mother Godhino), but
I, too, could not give the date - only to warn the world that a
great Warning would come to mankind. It would be a great
cataclysm Warning, and then there would be a great Miracle.
And after that, if nothing changes and man continues to offend
the Eternal Father, He would have to start this terrible, terrible
trial. For there will be a great War and there will be a great
terrible Chastisement." (Our Lady, Jacinta, (6/8/94 )
The Eternal Fathers Mercy
"The warning is a thing that comes directly from God and will be
visible throughout the entire world, in whatever place anyone
might be... (It ) will be like a revelation of our sins - and it will be
seen and experienced equally by believers and non- believers
and people of any religion whatsoever...It will make us think of
the dead, that is, we would prefer to be dead than to experience
the Warning... (It) is something supernatural and will not be
explained by science. It will be seen and felt... (It) will be a
correction of the conscience of the world... The most important
thing will be to recognize our own sins and the bad
consequences of them.(Conchita,Garabandal, (9/14/65)
"The warning is something that is first seen in the air
everywhere in the world and immediately is transmitted into the
interior of our soul. It will last for a very little time, but it will
seem a very long time because of its effect within us. Therefore,
one should prepare for that day, but not awaiting it with fear
because God doesn't send things for the sake of fear but rather
with justice and love and He does it for the good of all His
children that they might enjoy eternal happiness and not be lost.
(Jacinta, Garabandal, (8/17/75)
" It will look as if the world has come to a standstill, however,
no one will be aware of that as they will be totally absorbed in
their own experience." (Mari Loli, Garabandal, (9/29/78)

The Comet..." I see the huge ball and the sun; It's a ball of fire.
And this is another ball of fire. And a piece is now broken off,
and it's hitting into the sun. And there - Oh! Oh, It's and
explosion. Oh' I can’t look! Oh! Oh! Everything seems so still,
and I see people now holding onto the chairs in their houses.
Everything's rocking. Its like the very foundation is rocking in the
houses. And they're all frightened. And many are running into
the streets. It’s as though everything has exploded in the sky -
the flash! And it's very hot! It's very warm! Oh! Oh! It feels like
a burning. Oh! Now the colors - blues -purples - it's like a huge
explosion. Now this voice, the voice... And the voice, Our Lady
says, is a voice within you: (Veronica of the Cross 2/24/73)

Gods Last Act Of Mercy
."Your warning before Chastisement Flash, fire, and the
voice within you. The final Warning before chastisement!
"(Our Lady 4/21/73)
The Day You Will Know The Warning Is Near
" My child, you speculate much about the coming Warning. I
have asked you many times not to speculate on dates, but I give
you one indication that the time is ripe. When you see, when
you hear, when you feel the revolution in Rome, when you
see the Holy Father fleeing, seeking refuge in another land,
know that the time is ripe."(Jesus, 9/14/76)
All Saints Day
"You'll know the day the march is begun. It's the day they say all
saints is one. You'll know and fell it in the air. You'll know and
feel the despair."(Michelle Remembers, Satan’s feast of the
beast, 1955)
The event of the Warning begins with the letter "A
The Warning and the Miracle are within the same year...All I
know is that it will take place within a year after the warning
" (Conchita, Garabamdal (9/14/65)
"The end is not as far as you can see,
Already there is Apostasy,
Man has cast his lot and gathered the coals,
To stoke the fires that burn the souls,
The days are numbered in the few;
So work and pray and try to do,
The work that is given in the light
Until, that sad day when all is night."
(Our Lady, 10/6/75)

"Yes, it was an invasion (communist), Well something that

seemed to me like an invasion ; something that was a great evil
in which communism played a great part...These difficult events

will take place before the Warning."..(Jacinta, Garabandal,
" It would look like the communists have taken over the whole
world and it would be very hard to practice the religion for
priests to say Mass or for the people to open the doors of the
churches.. It would seem as though the church had
disappeared. But it looked like to me that the....Pope couldn't
be in Rome... He was being persecuted, too, your shades;
remain inside. Do not venture outside your door, or you will not
return. Pray! Prostrate yourselves upon your stomach and hide
like everybody else." (Mari Loli, Garabandal, 9/78)
What You Must Do When The Warning Occurs!
"As the day follows night, so shall this Warning follow soon.
Beware of the sunrise! Do not look up to the sky - the flash!
Close your windows…;! Pray with arms outstretched, and beg
for mercy of your God the Father... Keep blessed candles,
water, food within your homes. The candles of those who
have remained in the state of grace shall not be
extinguished, but the candles in the homes of those who
have given themselves to Satan shall not burn! (Our Lady,
1. How To Prepare For The Warning
Pray more do much penance say the Rosary every day, this will
lessen the effects of the warning for you and your loved ones.
Be in a State of Grace, Make sure you have repented
(confessed) and make atonement for all mortal sins in your
Wear the Armor of protection your sacramentals, a Crucifix,
Scapula, the Rosary and St. Benedict medal. Do not remove
from your body from now on.
Read the Bible, the book of life and love every day.
Keep blessed candles, water, food blankets within your homes.

2. When will the Warning occur?

Jesus gave us a big clue: “I give you one indication that the
time is ripe. When you see, when you hear, when you feel
the revolution in Rome, when you see the Holy Father
fleeing, seeking a refuge in another land, know that the time
is ripe” (Sept. 14, 1976). Our Lord also stated: “Only by
prayers and sacrifice shall it be held back, but the time is
long overdue” (Oct. 1, 1988).
The Warning was originally scheduled for 1997, but an
overwhelming response from throughout the world earned us a
delay, fulfilling Our Lady’s promise that all prophecy is
conditional (see also Jonas 3). However, it seems, the present
world conditions do not appear favorable for another reprieve,
especially with the Catholic Church in shambles and the
depraved state of society where homosexuals can marry, and
pornography and condoms are displayed next to the milk and
bread at the convenience store.
Even so, whether the Warning is next month or next year or
whenever, it doesn’t really matter. A true and permanent
conversion–which is what Our Lady and Our Lord are seeking–
is never based on a date or an event, but because it’s the right
thing to do.
3. How long will the Warning last?
It will be of short duration, but we have not been given specifics.
Our understanding is that the principal part of the Warning will
only last 5-15 minutes and that it will occur in the morning,
eastern time. But its aftermath (darkness, cold, turbulence,
utilities down, etc.) could last a week or two or more, hence the
need for provisions or any other measures that common sense
would dictate to help you and your family endure these adverse
4. If every man is going to hear the voice of God speaking
from within, how is it that anyone would even persist in
“Many shall still see and not believe” (Our Lady, March 15,
1978). Indeed, the days ahead will prove to us all just how deep
the evil is entrenched upon earth. Pride is a major force that is
presently holding mankind in its grip. Heaven has already
stated that scientists will try to explain away the Warning as well
as the Miracle.Editor’s Note: This “extremely great” Miracle will

take place within a year of the Warning in Garabandal, Spain,
where the Blessed Virgin appeared from 1961-65.
5. I am ready and prepared. What should I do now?
Reach out in charity to your brothers and sisters everywhere
with this powerful and soul-saving message on the Warning.
Our Lady reminds us of our responsibility as a disciple of the
latter days: “To those who have received much, much is
expected of them. They cannot sit back. . . . They must work in
the world and not retire from it, self-satisfied with their own
salvation. They must go out among the). nations” (Sept. 27,

The "Jacinta 72" photo that Robert F. took on September 14,1971.

Jacinta, the child-seer of Fatima (inset), appeared to Veronica at a
vigil, to confirm that she had written the message on the picture. She
wanted to draw attention to the prophecy that she had made before
her death concerning the year 1972. The date refers to the year of the
takeover of Pope Paul VI's reign by Satan and his agents through
faithless members of the Curia. Also, in the wording
"Jacinta" is found the hour, day, month and year of
the Chastisement to befall mankind. And other
messages as interpreted and noted below.


The Antichrist entered into

mitres (many cardinals and
bishops) in 1972...

ac = Antichrist
into = Into
the mitre
year = 1972


Chapter 5
The Miracle...
"And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven:
and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn." (Matt. XXIV: 30)
"The Warning is like a purification for the miracle... God was
going to perform a miracle and that there would be no doubt
about the fact that it was a miracle. It will come directly from
God without no human intervention.... It will be like smoke. You
can touch it but not feel it.... this sign will remain until the end of
time.(Conchita, Garabandal, 9/65)
"It would be a great cataclysm Warning, and then there would
be a great miracle. And after that, if nothing changes and man
continues to offend the Father, He would have to start this
terrible... trial. For there will be a great War and there will be a
great, terrible chastisement."(Jacinta, (6/8/74)

Believe It.. "The

hill on the
meadow is a holy
place." C " will be
there with the
holy light, a
flaming cross in
sword - like
formation." (Our
Lady, 3/24/72)
." Veronica - "I cant repeat it ? It's beautiful ! Oh! "My child many will
see and still not believe, so great is the darkness of the spirit. Believe
what you see at Garabandal ! No my child it will not be removed by
mankind. It has been four long years, but I promised you that you
would see this, My child. The forces, the evil forces, My child of 666
will lead a band of fools against Garabandal. The majesty of God will
be much evident at this time. Should this great Miracle be cast aside
and rationalized by atheistic, scientific man, I assure, My children the
Chastisement will come upon you with great force." (Our Lady,



The Blessed Mother appeared for over four years to four young
girls in a small village of 300 people in the Cantabrian
Mountains of Northwest Spain called Garabandal.Here are
some interesting facts known about the Miracle: It will take
place on or between the eighth and sixteenth of March,
April or May on a Thursday at 8:30 p.m.; it will be within a
year of the Warning, and Conchita, one of the seers, will be
able to announce the date eight days before it occurs; it will
take place on the feast day of a martyr of the Eucharist
(who is not a Spaniard, and bears a name that is rare to the
Spanish; it will coincide with a great event of the Church; "It
will be visible to all those who are in the village and surrounding
mountains; that the sick who are present will be cured and the
incredulous will believe. It will be the greatest miracle that Jesus
will have performed for the world. There won't be the slightest
doubt that it comes from God and that it is for the good of


Chapter 6
The Great Day Of The Lord...
Now while I was yet speaking, and praying, and confessing my
sins, and the sins of my people of Israel, and presenting my
supplications in the sight of my God, for the holy mountain of
my God: As I was yet speaking in prayer, behold the man,
Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, flying
swiftly, touched me at the time of the evening sacrifice. the man
Gabriel, And he instructed me, and spoke to me, and said: O
Daniel, I am now come forth to teach thee, and that thou
mightest understand .From the beginning of thy prayers the
word came forth: and I am come to shew it to thee, because
thou art a man of desires: therefore, do thou mark the word, and
understand the vision. Seventy weeks are shortened upon thy
people, and upon thy holy city, that transgression may be
finished, and sin may have an end, and iniquity may be
abolished; and everlasting justice may be brought; and vision
and prophecy may be fulfilled; and the Saint of saints may be
anointed. Know thou, therefore, and take notice: that from the
going forth of the word, to build up Jerusalem again, unto
Christ, the prince, there shall be seven weeks, and sixty-two
weeks: and the street shall be built again, and the walls, in
straitness of times. And after sixty-two weeks Christ shall be
slain: and the people that shall deny him shall not be his. And a
people, with their leader, that shall come, shall destroy the city,
and the sanctuary: and the end thereof shall be waste, and after
the end of the war the appointed desolation. And he shall
confirm the covenant with many, in one week: and in the half of
the week the victim and the sacrifice shall fail: and there shall
be in the temple the abomination of desolation: and the
desolation shall continue even to the consummation, and to the
end.( Daniel IX. 20-27)
When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation,
which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy
place: he that readeth let him understand. Then they that are in

Judea, let them flee to the mountains: And he that is on the
housetop, let him not come down to take any thing out of his
house: And he that is in the field, let him not go back to take his
coat. And woe to them that are with child and that give suck in
those days. But pray that your flight be not in the winter or on
the sabbath. For there shall be then great tribulation, such as
hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither
shall be. And unless those days had been shortened, no flesh
should be saved: but for the sake of the elect those days shall
be shortened. Then if any man shall say to you, Lo here is
Christ, or there: do not believe him.For there shall arise false
Christs and false prophets and shall shew great signs and
wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.
Behold I have told it to you, beforehand.(Matthew 24. 15-25 )
And when you shall see the abomination of desolation, standing
where it ought not (he that readeth let him understand): then let
them that are in Judea flee unto the mountains. And let him that
is on the housetop not go down into the house nor enter therein
to take any thing out of the house. And let him that shall be in
the field not turn back to take up his garment. And woe to them
that are with child and that give suck in those days. But pray ye
that these things happen not in winter. For in those days shall
be such tribulations as were not from the beginning of the
creation which God created until now: neither shall be. And
unless the Lord had shortened the days, no flesh should be
saved: but, for the sake of the elect which he hath chosen, he
hath shortened the days. And then if any man shall say to you:
Lo, here is Christ. Lo, he is here: do not believe. For there will
rise up false Christs and false prophets: and they shall shew
signs and wonders, to seduce (if it were possible) even the
elect.Take you heed therefore: behold, I have foretold you all
things.(Mark XIII.15-23)
The Day Of The Lord As Explained By The Holy Spirit
"The day is coming when godlessness and injustice will possess
the hearts of 99 percent of humanity. Godlessness, as well as
material and mental injustice, will have pervaded all the social

The abomination will have entered into Gods very House. This
is the abomination of desolation which the Prophet (Dan. IX:20-
27), and after him the Word (Matt. XXIV; 15-25; Mk. XIII: 14-23),
have spoken of. It has been said that the desolation will signify
the end is near, and that is true, but you have yet to give the
word 'desolation ' it's full meaning. When the day of godlessness
comes, God will no longer chastise you with paternal
Unfortunately, these save few people. Since in that day, the
greater part of mankind will already be serving Satan, GOD
act --until a flash of His will orders the Angels to:
(1) break the seven seals,
(2) blow the four trumpets,
(3) release the eagle of the three woes,
(4) the horrible fifth trumpet will be sounded, the Judas of the
end times will open the abyss of hell. (APO.VI,VIII:6-13; and
IX:1-12) to let loose what mankind will have desired more than it
desired God.
" When, when, ...are we entering it? You are afraid and wonder.
but you do not repent The time will not be revealed to you. It is
written in the hearts of today's Prophets. What the seven
thunderclaps said to these, however, is sealed and they will not
tell." (Lezioni sull Epistola di Paolo ai Romani, p 44-45)
Are You Ready?
“The Day Of The Lord is at hand. The Day of The Lord, and the
Second Coming of My Son, is not far off. Do you not recognize
the signs of the times? Have you not read the words of the
prophets of Old. (Our Lady, 7/25/1973)

Chapter 7
The Great Chastisement: Part 1 World War III

Holy Spirit Withdrawn

When charity is gone, when love becomes the major issue, love
of man for man, with- out the love of God due man, and I say
the time will come when the Holy Spirit shall be withdrawn from
man, and man shall go upon his own way, fast hurtling to his
own destruction by his own means, with his own hands." (Jesus,
World War III Promoted By The Sixth Demon From Hell
"From out of this land [Egypt] will come number 6, completing
the reign of the spirits. He will promote the great War. Many will
leave the earth by extermination of warfare. "(Our Lady,
Extremely Cold
." How many shall be prepared? Do you have your candles?
Do you have your water, your canned food, and your blankets?
It will become an extremely cold day with the start of the
tribulation, and you will welcome having these on hand, My
children. Do not take this lightly, but abide by Our direction and
you shall not be caught short of provisions." (Jesus,11/1/85)
One Individual
"And one individual, in darkness of spirit and insanity of sin,
shall set mankind into a major war that shall bring about the
destruction and annihilation of nations and shall burn and set
fires upon earth that shall consume the skin from the bodies of
mankind, and skin will dry up and blow off the bodies as if it had
never been! "(Our Lady, 5/28/77)
Nuclear War...
Vision Of Zachariah 5..." Then I turned, and lifted up mine
eyes, and looked, and behold a flying roll. And he said unto
me, 'What seest thou? And I answered, ' I see a flying; the
length thereof is twenty cubits, and the bredth thereof ten
cubits." (Zach.V: 1-2 )


Veronica of the Cross

Veronica of the
Veronica of the Cross -
The angel who is
showing the vision is
with him. The flying roll is approximately 35 to 40 feet long. The
width, half the length (a cubit is the distance from the elbow to
the fingertips ).The flying roll flies over the earth and kills people
on both sides. The flying roll is destroys their houses. The
houses are burnt and consumed. The size of the flying roll
would be about the size of the new multiple warhead ICBM's or
orbital bombs, the ones that will carry ten H-Bombs each.
A multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle, or MIRV is
a collection of nuclear weapons carried on a single
intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) or a submarine launched
ballistic missile (SLBM). Using a MIRV warhead, a single
launched missile can strike several targets, or fewer targets
redundantly. By contrast a unitary warhead is a single warhead
on a single missile.

" Then he said to me, ' this is the curse that goeth over the face
of the whole earth: for everyone that stealeth shall be cut off on
this side according to it: and everyone that sweareth shall be
cut off on that side according to it. I will bring forth, saith the
Lord of hosts, and it shall enter into the house of the thief, and
into the house of him that sweareth falsely by My name: and it
shall remain in the midst of his house and conmsume it with the
timber thereof and the stones thereof ." (Zach.V:3-4)
Graves..."My child, look and weep with me, for you are
witnessing the total destruction that will come upon mankind in
the great War. So many will die, My child, that there will not be
time to mark the graves. Mothers shall long to see and know
where their sons lie, but to no avail. This comfort shall not be
given to them, so great will be the loss of life." (Our Lady,
Billions Lost..." Wars shall increase and, and the great World
War, the greatest of all shall befall mankind, and shall make
extinct three quarters of the worlds population. Is this what you
want" (Our Lady, 6/18/82)
The Rapture..." Remember, without prayers of atonement, the
world will become devastated. The Third World War will leave
no earth upon the land. There will be no earth, there will be no
human beings; but a grouping would have been taken up into
Heaven, My child and My children, to await the terrible
devastation that falls upon mankind." (Jesus, 5/28/83)
The Start...Veronica- I can see Jerusalem, and Egypt, Arabia,
French Morocco, Africa. Oh, my goodness! There seems to be a
very dense darkness now settling upon those countries....The
start of the Third World War, My Child."(Our Lady3/29/75)

Chapter 8
The Great Chastisement: Part II: The Ball of Redemption
Prophecy of Joel: Blow ye the trumpet in Sion, Sound an alarm
in my holy mountain, let all the inhabitants of the land tremble:
because the day of the Lord cometh, because it is nigh at
hand. A day of darkness and of gloominess, a day of clouds
and world- winds: a numerous and strong people as the
morning spread upon the mountains: the like to it hath not been
from the beginning nor shall it be after it even to the years of
generation and generation. Before the face thereof a
devouring fire, and behind it a burning flame: the land is like a
garden of pleasure before it, and behind it a desolate
wilderness, neither is there any one that can escape it." (Joel, II:

Planet Struck
"I repeat, My child, your
country shall not escape the
destruction of the fires, as
your will be planet struck. As
in the days of Noe, My child,
many shall reject the Message
from Heaven." (Our

Cities Swallowed Up “I see a

great light, a flash! It's so hot, this flash! Oh, there's a large ball
of fire. Oh, it's very hot, and it's whirling through the sky, and it's
shooting off sparks behind it. The sparks---there large pieces of
rock, and they're falling down...Now the waters are very high.
There pounding against the ground. And now I see the
buildings---they're falling! Now the ground is cracking, and the
buildings are falling into the holes.(Veronica, 6/16/73)
Winters To Summer
" Know that at the time of the Chastisement, the brightness
of the coming celestial punishing agent from the Father will
light up the night as the day. The heat will turn your
winters into summer. Yes My Child the celestial body will
throw off a great amount of heat upon your earth.” (Our
Lady, 6/6/73) Note: This is what really causes what they call
Global Warming!!!
In The Atmosphere
".I repeat again, near the throne of the Eternal Father, He views
a ball so immense, so beyond all man's speculation, that it will
destroy over three-quarters of the earth. It is in your
atmosphere. It has been noticed by few, but the few seek not
to bring fear to the hearts of mankind. They do not know that it
is the Eternal Father Who now will guide that Guides this ball."
(Jesus, 6/18/91 )
A Second Sun
God, your Father, sends the sun to shine upon you. God, your
Father, can also send the sun to burn you. A second sun lies
out in your atmosphere, the Ball of Redemption. I repeat My
children it is not a myth, nor a story: it is a fact." (Our Lady,
Tail Hits
" Now I notice that there is a tremendous ball now setting out in
the sky by the sun. It's like two giant suns in the sky. But the
ball on the right has a tail, and it's starting to move now around
the sun. And as it goes it's bouncing crazily...And it's heading
now over towards the earth again. It's hit it once, and something
happened. And now it's heading for another part of the globe.
It's turned it's course completely around and is striking the
globe; I can see now the whole underside of the globe in
flames." (Veronica, 8/5/73)
New York Destroyed
." It looked like it was a city, but it's flat...." Look, My child, out
there the mariners are weeping." Veronica---Mariners weeping?
Now out on the water there are ships out on the sea. And I see
something very strange. I see the men there. They're all
holding their hands to their faces. And they look like they’re
actually crying. The men are crying. And when one man is
saying: "But that I could have the dust to throw over my head of
that once great city. Oh, Babylon the great, you have fallen!" ...

the land is just like it has been completely destroyed. (Our
Lady, 4/13/74)

Poem Message
" The heat of the sun will burn skin from the bones;
Then shed no light to brighten dark homes;
The moon will be covered in mourning haze;
Then give off a red cast in solid maze;
The seas will be empty, the ground found bare;
There will not be food for any to share;
Then many shall gnash their teeth in woe;
For now they have watched the seeds they did sow.”
(Saint Theresa, 8/14/81)


Chapter 9
The Second Coming Of Jesus Christ
" And I saw heaven standing open; and behold, a white horse,
and he who sat upon it is called Faithful and True, and with
justice he judges and wages war...And the armies of heaven,
clothed in fine linen, white and pure, were following him on
white horses."(APO. XIX. 11, 14)
Second Return..." For you will know when My Son arrives. He
will come down with the angels with a loud shout of triumph to
set your world
in order...If My
Son did not
return, My
child, there
would be no
flesh saved,
so great will be
the trial upon
earth..." (Our
Lady, 3/18/75)
"I repeat again:
When I return
to earth, I shall
return the way I
left. I ascended
, and I shall
them descend,
with the armies
of Heaven. You will see a banner raised at that time called
Faithful and True, and in that way you will know Me. My Mother
will also descend during the time of tribulation." (Jesus, 11/1/85)

"And the beast was seized, and with it the false prophet who
did signs before it wherewith he deceived those who accepted
the mark of the beast and who worshipped it's image. These
two were cast alive into the pool of fire that burns with

brimstone. And the rest were killed with the sword of him who
sits upon the horse, the sword that goes forth out of his mouth:
and all the birds were filled with their flesh. (APO. XIX: 20-21)
"All who remain after this time of great trial, will join My Son in
setting up the Kingdom I promised you." (Our Lady, 9/31/74)


Chapter 10
Satan Chained Ushering In The Great Peace...
"And I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key
of the abyss and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on
the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and
bound him for a thousand years. And he cast him into the
abyss, and closed and sealed it over him, that he should
deceive the nations no more, until the thousand years should be
finished. And after that he must be let loose for a little while.
(APO. XX: 1-3)
"My Son shall be Ruler upon earth.... Satan will be chained, My
child, for a number of earth years. He will no longer roam to
tempt mankind....Satan will tempt none ever more until the time
allotted given to him before the great and final judgment. " (Our
Lady, 9/13/74)

" The world as you know it shall be changed---not completely,
My child, annihilated as in the time of Noe, but changed. The
peace promised shall be given at this time."(Our Lady, 12/24/74)

Peace With The Coming Of My Son

"There will be peace, My children, but not before the world has
been cleansed. A heavy penance will be set upon mankind. But
there will be peace with the Coming of My Son. He will dry all
tears. He will take the torments from hearts, and man shall be
restored to his true nature.


Chapter 11
Satan Released To Tempt Man For The Last Time
" And when the thousand years are finished, Satan will be
released from his prison, and will go forth and deceive the
nations which are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and
Magog, and will gather them together for the battle: the
number of whom is as the sand of the sea. And they went up
over the breath of the earth and encompassed the camp of the
saints, and the beloved city. And fire form God came down out
of heaven and devoured them. And the devil who deceived
them was cast into the pool of fire and brimstone, with also the
beast and the false prophet: and they will be tormented day
and night forever and ever. (APO. XX: 7-10) "
“And then...Satan will be loosed once again to temp mankind as
man will them evolve back into his human nature and find
himself offending the Father and sinning once more." (Our
Lady, 9/13/74)


Chapter 12
The General Judgment Upon Mankind
"And I saw a great white throne and the one who sat upon it:
from his face the earth and heaven fled away, and there was
found no place for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the
small, standing before the throne, and scrolls were opened.
And another scroll was opened, which is the book of life: and
the dead we judged out of those things that written in the
scrolls, according to their works. And the sea gave up the dead
that were in it, and death and hell gave up the dead that were
in them: and they were judged each one , according to their
works. And hell and death were cast into the pool of fire. This
is the second death, the pool of fire. And if anyone was not
found written in the book of life, he was cast into the pool of fire.
(APO. XX: 11-15)

"Then will come, the general judgment upon mankind.....Your

spirit will be united to your bodies. United will be the body and
the soul, and as such you will be set in judgment... It will be at
this time that there will come to you a new Heaven and a new
Earth, the New Jerusalem promised from the beginning by the
Father. "(Our Lady, 9/13/74)
"In the general resurrection of all souls and bodies, My Son shall
take the bones and rise them up, knitting them and uniting
them, and placing upon incorruptible flesh, for death will be
conquered. Pain shall be no more. Sin shall be no more joy will
abound--goodness, mercy, kindness, and all the goodness
created by the Eternal Father." (Our Lady, 8/5/95)
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth, For the first heaven
and the first earth passed away, and the sea is no more. And I
saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven
form God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband.
And I heard a loud voice form the throne saying, Behold the
dwelling God with men, and they will be his people, and God
himself will be with them as their God. And God will wipe
away every tear from their eyes. And death shall be no
more: neither shall there be mourning nor crying no pain
any more, for the former things have passed away. (APO.
XXI: 1-4)

The True Meaning Of 666

"Here is wisdom. He who has understanding let him

calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a
man: and it's number is six hundred and sixty six. "
(APO.XIII; 18)

" the son of perdition. Who opposeth, and is filled up

above all that is called God, or that is worshipped, so that
he sittith in the temple of God, showing himself as if he
were God." (2 Thess.1: 3-4)

"My children, listen to Me now as I explain to you. Your men

-your theologians have lost one truth. It is not one man, as they
refer scripturally, ' the man of perdition ', a man whose number
will be known as 666. It is a general term, it refers to Lucifer in
the body of a man. And listen well, my children, as I repeat to
you this truth. Quoting from the scriptures, that, he will sit in the
temple of God and proclaim himself as God.' Antichrist will sit in
the temple of God and proclaim himself as God. Now, My
children, think and follow with Me as I explain to you this. When
you are baptized and become a member of the house of God
upon earth, My Son's church, and as a child of God, your body
is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Therefore this passage in the
Bible does not mean a structural, brick and stone and mortar
temple but the body of a man. You must keep your body free of
contamination, for it is the abode, the housing of the sacred
species of the Host, My Sons Body: and also for the reception
in purity of the Holy Ghost within you. Now you will understand,
My children, why man has lost through the ages the true
meaning of 666. It is not one man, as your world's theologians
go about watching for one man. It is Lucifer - Lucifer, the devil
incarnate, who is 666.” (Our Lady Of The Roses, Nov 20, 1978)


"The true meaning of Mr. 666, known to you as the Antichrist:

6 is for the six who are coming; The 6 major demons to destroy
the Church and man.
6 is for the 6 days of suffering mans punishment with World War
III and the all Ball of Redemption.
6 is for the 6 who will be punished and cast back into hell for

Man is wise but through the ages the true meaning is lost."
(Our Lady Of The Roses, 2/11/71)


Appendix B Apocalypse XVII Babylon The Great Revealed

The Holy Bible

The one who did this presents the Scripture quotations in bold
italics and the commentary in normal type with references from
The Most Holy Virgin Mother of God under the title of Our Lady
of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers given to Veronica of the
Cross and IL Poema dell Uomo Dio which was ordered
published one February 26,1948 by Pope Pius XII. Always
remember that the future is always present in the Mind of God.

Revelations (Apocalypse) Chapter 17, BABYLON THE


St. John The Evangelist

The inspired words of St. John, the apostle who Jesus loved
explain what is to happen in the end days before Christ’s return
as the Divine Warrior who conquers and establishes the rule of
the saints. He begins:


The Revelations of St. John, the Evanglist,Chap.17,

The Holy Author says

v1 “And there came one of the seven angels who had the seven
bowls; And he spoke with me saying, “come, I will show thee
the condemnation of the great harlot who sits upon many

The angel appearing to St. John is one of the seven who, “pour out
the seven bowels of wrath of God upon the earth,” (Rev.16). Which
are the wounds inflected in the Chastisement of the earth and man by
the angels with the seven trumpets (Rev.8).The (woman) harlot
symbolizes the great city (Rev..17:18) that the angelic guide states is
to be condemned. Since the city sits on many waters, it is surrounded
by water and thus a place made up of Island(s), and /or peninsula(s).

v2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed

fornication, “and the inhabitants of the earth were made
drunk with the wine of her immorality,

” Kings rule so it is figure of speech for the nations of the earth

who have joined the harlot city in evil acts. ”This makes the city
the source of “murder, evil, corruption, and godlessness” (Our
Lady, 7/25/73) causing the people of the earth to be under the
influence and control of these evil deeds. The inhabitants of the
earth have been made to suffer the results of that sinfulness
and have been “conditioned to be confused and no longer
recognize the truth.” (Our Lady, 8/11/70) Resulting in the loss of
the sense of sin.

vs 3 “And he took me away in spirit into a desert, ”This is

the figure of speech St. John uses to explain that he was in
ecstasy and reporting an apparition of the most spectacular
nature given to man until it would be revealed in the time of
times, which is now! “And I saw a woman sitting upon a
scarlet beast, full of the names of blasphemy, having seven

heads and ten horns,” The evangelist describes the symbol of
evil as a beast with seven heads and ten horns, full of the
names of blasphemy. Blasphemy is sin, so the “names of
blasphemy” means the beast is full of each and every kind of

vs 4 “And the woman was clothed in purple and scarlet:

Purple because the harlot city ruled the nations of the earth as
the queen of all cities and scarlet because of the blood of those
murdered through out the world. “Covered with gold and
precious stones and pearls, Which indicates the harlot city is
full of the gaudy material riches of the world. Having in her
hand a golden cup full of the abominations and the
uncleanness of her immorality.” Although, rich in power and
material goods the harlot city is full of evil emanating from her

vs 5 “And upon her forehead a name written a mystery-

Babylon, the great, the mother of the harlotries and the
abomination of the earth.” These words designate this harlot
city as a place which is a secret, until revealed, as the center
from which evil spreads out like the tentacles of an octopus over
the face of the earth.

vs 6 “And I saw a woman drunk with the blood of the saints

and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus, and I wondered
with a great wonder.” Evil men of this harlot city are
responsible for financing the establishment of the red horse of
communism in the early part of the 20th century, which has
scourged the world and caused the death of many people. This
harlot city is the source of abortion for it’s nation and the rest of
the world along with the slaying of the faithful witness Antipas
(Rev.2:18), St. John was amazed at what he saw.

vs 7 “And the angel said to me, “wherefore dost thou

wonder? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman and of the
beast that carries her which has the seven heads and the
ten horns. ”The angel guide tells the beloved apostle not to be
puzzled at the meaning of the symbols of the woman and the
beast. because he would explain the mystery.
vs 8 “The beast that thou sawest, was and is not, and is
about to come up from the abyss, and will go to
destruction.” Always remember that the future is always
present in the Mind of God. Use of the terms, was and is not,
means the angel speaks of the future and the present at the
same time because the beast in the vision did not exist at that at
that time, so it “is” not. However at some time in the future it
would come into existence from the abyss of hell and later be
destroyed. So the beast was and is not for St. Johns time as the
angel was speaking in that present time.

“And the inhabitants of the earth-whose names are not

written in the Book of Life from the foundation of the world
–will wonder when they see the beast that was and is not.”
Now those who are foreknown as damned and live in the time of
the beast will know of the beast but not recognize or understand
the truth of about the beast because they will be blinded by their
sinfulness since sin is the way of life in those days.

vs 9 “And here is the meaning for him who has wisdom;

‘Him who has wisdom’ “reads the word not with eyes but with
the spirit. Then the supernatural knowledge that inspired it is
illuminated with the light of truth.” The seven heads are seven
mountains upon which the woman sits; and they are
kings.” The“scarlet beast, full of the names of blasphemy”,(vs3)
blasphemy is SIN. So, it can be said that the mountains is a symbol of
the GREATEST SINS, for in these are the Kings of Sins in which are
contained all other sins, and they are the: SEVEN CARDINAL

1 Pride 2 Lust 3 Envy 4 Anger 5 Covetousness 6 Gluttony

7 Sloth.
vs 10 “Five of them are fallen and one is, Each Cardinal sin
has a “fallen” angel as it’s head. Five of them have fallen to the earth
and the one who is, makes a total of 6 fallen angels. And the other
has not yet come, and when he comes, he must remain a
short time. This is the seventh fallen angel. The full compliment of
evil has now arrived on earth and the beast is complete. By the
number seven completeness is typified

vs 11 “And the beast that was and is not is moreover
eighth, .”Remember, that the future is always present in the
Mind of God. Use of the terms was and is not, means the angel
speaks of the future and the present at the same time because
the beast in the vision did not exist at that at that time, so it “is”
not. However at some time in the future the fallen angels would
come into existence from the abyss of hell and later be
destroyed. So the beast was and is not for St. Johns time as the
angel was speaking in that present time. We thus speak of the
figure of evil, the beast as eighth. And is of the seven and on
the way to his destruction” The beast “is of the seven fallen
angels which is a symbol of the concentration of evil makeup of the
seven cardinal sins and on the way to destruction.

Count again, the five who have fallen plus the one who is, makes 6
next add the one who will be here but a short time makes a total of 7
and finally the Scarlet Beast is 8th.

And that is it, the seven fallen angels, head of the Seven Cardinal
Sins, in which are contained all sins shall come and makeup the
Scarlet Beast of sin who’s purpose is to destroy the Church of God,
the earth and all it’s inhabitants. The beast is a type of evil
incarnate or symbol of concentration of evil.

vs 12 “And the ten horns that thou sawest are ten kings
who have not received a kingdom as yet,” The ten kings are
of course the nations of the earth that did not exist at that time.
“But they will receive authority as kings for one hour with
the beast.” During the time of the Scarlet Beast they would
exist as nations for a short period of time, whose actual length is
in the will of man because the time of one hour is given in
Heavens time, where there is no time, “for a thousand years is
as a day” as said by St. Peter.

vs 13 “These have one purpose, and their power and

authority, they give to the beast.” Since the nations of the
earth have one purpose and give their power and authority to
the beast, you can say they have formed an organization of
nations, a uniting of nations like the UNITED NATIONS. And
that dear soul, is the answer to the great mystery, the Scarlet
Beast is the United Nations, a political organization of the
nations of the earth with one stated purpose, “to cast aside the
commandants of the Eternal Father and rule as little gods on
earth-cast aside all religious foundation and establish a rule
based on humanism and Satanism.” (Our Lady, 2/1/72) The
United Nations is controlled by the Communist nations of the
world truly labeling it, (the Scarlet Beast). (Our Lady, 2/1/72)

vs 14 “These will fight with the Lamb, and the Lamb will
overcome them for He is the Lord of Lords, and the King of
kings and they who are with Him, called and chosen and
faithful.” Nations of the world united under the banner of the
United Nations will fight Jesus by endeavoring to establish a
New World Order which is based on the rule of man, not God,
but will fail as Lucifer did and was cast out of Heaven.

vs 15 “And he said to me, the waters that thou sawest

where the harlot sits are peoples and nations and tongues”
“This seat of evil (UN) has labeled New York City, (USA)
Babylon,” “ the Great Harlot who sits upon many waters.”
(Our Lady, 2/1/72) (Rev.17:1) of numerous islands and
peninsulas surrounded by water and is in the United States of
America, the melting pot of the earth, peopled by the nations of
the world with their many races and languages.

vs 16 “And the ten horns that thou sawest, and the beast,
these will hate her an will make her desolate and naked and
will burn her up with fire.” The harlot New York City, USA,
“will set (itself) up as a god among the nations, the nations shall
rise in discard,” (Our Lady, 5/14/72) and destroy her with fire

vs 17 “For God has put it into their hearts to carry out His
purpose, to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words
of God are accomplished.” God will permit the nations of the
earth to form the United Nations to exercise their free will until
all His words as told here are accomplished.

vs 18 And the woman whom thou sawest is the great city
which has kingship over the kings of the earth.”The harlot
New York city has control of the nations of the earth through
money, trade, political power and the United Nations.


Countdown To The End Of Time

Recap of Events

With Scripture Citations

1 Tribulation In The House of God

Rev. 2:1-29, 3:1-22
2 The Great Warning From God.
Matt.24:29; Rev. 6:14,
3 The Rapture
4 World War III, & Ball of Redemption (comet)
Luke. 17:29-30; Peter Chapter 3; Rev.8:7-11 & 9:13-21
5 The Second Coming of Jesus
Matt. 13:26-27; Acts. 1:9-11; 1Thess.3:12-17; Rev.19:11-21
6 Kingdom Established, Era of Peace
Rev.11:14-18 & 20:4-6, Dan. 7:13-14
7 Satan Loosed For Last Time
8 Man Falls, Sins Again
9 The End Of The World
10 The General Judgment, Body and Soul Joined Together
John.5: 7-297 & 11:23-27; Job.19:25-27; Mech.Chap,7;

FOR THE REST OF THE STORY on the miracles of cure and
conversion and prophecies from Heaven write to: St
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