The Third Secret Regards Apostasy in The Church
The Third Secret Regards Apostasy in The Church
The Third Secret Regards Apostasy in The Church
proof of this. It has for its theme one of the enigmas that during this century
has most moved the collective religious imagination: the Third Secret of Fatima.
It is a matter which took on contemporary relevance again last month, following
the publication in 30 DAYS of a letter from Sister Lucia, one of the three
visionaries to whom the Mother of God appeared on May 13, 1917. Referring to
the upheavals in eastern Europe, the Portuguese nun wrote: "I believe it is an
action of God in the world from the danger of an atomic war that could destroy
it." Many have seen in these words the confirmation that the Third Secret has
something to do with the current developments in the USSR, as if the Virgin
Mary had prophesied and mysteriously guided Gorbachev's plan of perestroika.
This view has ended in attributing to these political events the miraculous
character of a spiritual and religious rebirth.
told, was given by the Holy Father during his visit to Germany. This attitude of
the Church reinforced in me a theory that I had had for a number of years...
CARDINAL ODDI: We know that the question has been put, in private, to John
Paul II. In one case, he limited himself to a smile; in the other he gave an
answer that does not permit one to draw a clear conclusion.