Higher Ed. Administrator Guide at A Glance
Higher Ed. Administrator Guide at A Glance
Higher Ed. Administrator Guide at A Glance
Administrator Guide
Higher Ed VoiceThread licenses include a virtual Organization that contains a number of Pro and Basic accounts. Faculty members will receive Pro accounts, and students will receive Basic accounts. There is one Administrator of the license initially, and more Administrators can be added at any time. Administrators set default rules for the members, create accounts for users, and manage those accounts. This guide is written specifically for accounts with Administrator status within a Higher Education Organization.
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Any current Administrator can make any other Pro user in the Organization an Administrator, as well. See Promoting a Pro user to Administrator for details.
Getting started
Where to find your new license
Your license is delivered to the VoiceThread account you were signed into when you purchased it. If the license was purchased with a purchase order, it was delivered to the email address specified on the purchase order. If you will be using manual account creation, visit http://voicethread.com/ and sign into the account to which your license was delivered. If you would like to use external authentication for account creation, please contact our Integration Team to learn more.
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In the Overview, youll see a list of the members of your Organization on the left. Basic accounts have an orange icon, while Pro accounts have a purple icon. On this page, youll be able to add more user credits (accounts), more export credits, or more phone-commenting minutes to your Organizations total using the Add credits buttons on the right.
Use the Search Users field at the top of the Overview list to search for a specific person or use the Filter by menu to narrow your view. For example, you can choose to view only Pro accounts or view only the members of a specific Group.
To search for users by label, go to the Filter by menu, select Search By Labels, and then type the search term in the Search Users field.
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If your Organization is using manual account creation, this is where youll add all users to your Organization. It is also where you will perform any bulk updates on their account information. Please see the Adding Users, Editing users information, and Removing users in bulk sections for details about these processes. You can also download a report listing all of the current members of your Organization from this page.
The Settings area is where you can change any Organization-level rules or permissions.
Organization Name Enter the name of your Organization here, and click Save Settings. Support Email Enter the email address of the person who is the main support contact for your Organization, and click Save Settings. Billing Email Enter the email address of the person whom VoiceThread should contact regarding any financial transactions for your Organization, and click Save Settings.
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Resource Allocation Automatically give users export credits and phone-commenting minutes so that you dont have to allocate these resources manually. See Using export credits and phone-commenting minutes for details. Organizational Restrictions Prevent members from sharing with the entire Organization: This option allows you to prevent all members from sharing their VoiceThreads with everyone in your Organization. This means that they will only be able to share with their individual contacts or with the members of their Groups (see Setting up Groups/Courses). Require all users to access VoiceThread through an encrypted connection: This option is only available if you have a Site License or have purchased the Advanced Security Controls upgrade. It allows you to require that all users send content and data over SSL. Users are able to set this option for their own accounts individually, but checking this box would enforce that setting for all members of your Organization. Sign users out when browser is closed: This option is only available if you have a Site License or have purchased the Advanced Security Controls upgrade. When this option is enabled, all members of your Organization will be signed out of their accounts when they close their web browsers. This is helpful if users often sign into their accounts in a lab or on public computers. Set the period of inactivity after which a user will be signed out automatically: This option is only available if you have a Site License or have purchased the Advanced Security Controls upgrade. It allows you to select a period of inactivity after which a user will be signed out of his or her account. This helps ensure account security because if a user accidentally forgets to sign out of his account on a shared computer, he will be automatically signed out after the specified time.
A custom homepage is included in the Site License. If your Organization has purchased a Single Instructor or Department License, youll need to upgrade to the Site License in order to use the homepage. This is a place to showcase some of the best VoiceThreads created by members of your Organization. You can also upload an image or logo and create messaging to be read by anyone who visits your page.
Learn more about how to customize and enable your organizations homepage.
Adding users
There are two methods of adding users to an Organization: external authentication and manual creation with a CSV file.
External authentication
External authentication is the option that requires the least administrative work for your Organization, and it will ensure that all user information is added accurately and securely. VoiceThread can authenticate through LDAP/Active Directory, Shibboleth, and a number of Learning Management Systems. Contact our Integration Team to find out if your information system can integrate with VoiceThread. External authentication is part of the VoiceThread Integration Package, which is included with the Site License. We strongly encourage all large Organizations to use this option. Department Licenses can add the VoiceThread Integration Package for an additional fee. Please contact us to find out more about the Integration Package. If you are using the Single Instructor License, you will need to create users accounts manually or upgrade your VoiceThread license.
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To create accounts manually, click on the Users section of the Manager, and then select Add Users from the menu.
Adding a single user Enter the users information into the fields on the left side of the screen. If you want to require this user to change his password the first time he signs into his account, check the box that says Require user to change password? Once youve entered all of the users information, click Add. Be sure to record the account information shown at the bottom of the confirmation page so that you have the users password. It will not be shown again. Adding users in bulk To create accounts in bulk, youll use a CSV file. Download the sample file from the right side of the screen to guide you. Fill the spreadsheet with your users information, and upload it using the upload field on the right side of the page. CREATING A CSV FILE The sample CSV file available in the Manager already has the column headings in place, along with some sample information.
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first_name Enter the users real first name. This information is only visible to Administrators in your Organization, so its important to enter the correct information. last_name Enter the users real last name. This information is only visible to Administrators in your Organization, so its important to enter the correct information. identity An Identity is the public name that appears next to the image that represents a user whenever he or she makes a comment. This name will be visible to anyone who can view a VoiceThread on which the user commented. email_username Enter the users full, valid email address. password The password needs to be at least 6 alphanumeric characters long. Passwords are case-sensitive. type Enter basic for all Basic (student) accounts and pro for all Pro (instructor) accounts. label (optional) We recommend entering a label for users. The label will be attached to the account and can be used with the search/filter functions in the Overview area to find all users who share a label. You can then perform bulk actions such as adding them to a Group, removing them, or allocating resources like export credits and phone minutes. If you do use the label field, make sure your labels are unique. The more information you include, the more useful labels will be. UPLOADING A CSV FILE 1. Go back to the Add Users area. 2. Click Browse or Choose File. This will allow you to select the file you wish to upload. 3. If you want to require your users to change their passwords to something new the first time they sign into their accounts, check the box that says Require users to change password? 4. Click Upload.
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A confirmation page with a list of information for these accounts will appear below the Add Users form. Please review this list and confirm that all of the account information is correct. If any information is incorrect, click Cancel Import. You can then correct your CSV file and re-upload it. If all information is correct, click Add users to [Organization title] at the top or bottom of the list. A confirmation of the account information will appear at the bottom of the page. Please print this information for your records. Passwords cannot be retrieved once you leave this page. Users who already have VoiceThread accounts If you add users who already have VoiceThread accounts under the email addresses you entered, then VoiceThread will need their permission before adding them to your Organization. Youll know which users already have accounts because in the confirmation list you see after you add them, the password area will say User has a password. Their names in your Overview list will be highlighted to indicate that their membership is pending, and you wont be able to manage their accounts until they agree to join your Organization.
These users will receive email invitations, and they can accept your invitation directly from that email. They will also receive an on-screen pop-up invitation to join your Organization the next time they visit the MyVoice page. This is how people who havent checked their email can accept your invitation.
After the user accepts your invitation, he will receive an on-screen confirmation message. His account will be added to your Organization and upgraded immediately.
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Please note: If your Organization is using external authentication, you should not edit users passwords in the Manager. These changes must be made in your Information Management System instead.
Bulk editing
Some information can be edited for more than one user at once. From the Overview To allocate export credits and phone-commenting minutes, assign users to Groups, or remove or delete users accounts in bulk, use the Overview section. Just check the boxes next to two (2) or more names and use the area on the right to make any changes.
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Using a CSV file If you need to update the first names, last names, Identities, passwords, or labels for many users at once, you can do so by creating and uploading a CSV file instead of changing each users information individually. To use this option, go to the Users section and select Modify/ Update Users from the menu.
From the modification page, you will be able to download a sample CSV file and instructions for filling it out and uploading it. Please be sure to print any confirmation pages so you have a record of your changes.
1. Go to your Manager Overview. 2. Click on the name of a Pro user. 3. Click Change next to the Management field. 4. Select Allow to manage organization. 5. Click the green Update button.
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Setting up Groups/Courses
Any Pro user can create Groups and invite users to join them. Only the person who created a Group will be able to add or remove members. For this reason, we suggest having instructors create their own Course Groups. Starting from the MyVoice page, follow the steps below to create a Group. 1. Click on your email address in the upper right hand corner of your MyVoice page, and select Groups and Contacts.
2. Click on New+ at the top of your Orgs & Groups list. Add a name and description for the Group, and then click Save.
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3. Click Copy the link, and then paste the link into an email, website, or learning management system. Anyone who clicks the link will automatically be added to the Group, gaining access to all the work shared with the Group.
Click here to download the Group Creation Guide. Once a Group has been created, the simplest way to share VoiceThreads with the members of that Group is the Drag-n-Drop sharing method. Any Group you are a member of appears on the left side of your MyVoice page. Just click and drag any of your own VoiceThreads or a VoiceThread that you can edit to the name of the Group on the left side of the page. The VoiceThread will instantly be shared with that Group, so all members will be able to view and comment on it.
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When these options are enabled, users will automatically be allotted credits or minutes in 5-unit bundles until theyve reached the maximum number you entered. Once users have reached the maximum, you can continue to allot them credits or minutes manually. These numbers can be changed at any time.
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These resources will be subtracted from your Organizations total and added to the specific users account. Please note: You cannot return credits from a users account to your Organizations total, so its best to only allot them when theyre needed.
Removing Users
When a user no longer needs access to your Organization, you can remove or delete his account. Removing a user will mean that he is no longer a member of your Organization, but he will still have access to his VoiceThread account and the content he created or had shared with him. His account will be downgraded to a Free account. Deleting a user means that his account, including all VoiceThreads and comments he has ever made, will be permanently deleted.
Check the boxes next to two (2) or more names in the Overview list and click the Bulk User Removal option. Select Removal or Deletion, enter the confirmation text, and click the green Update button.
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If you are removing or deleting a large number of accounts, it might be faster to do so using the CSV option. This will allow you to upload a CSV file containing the email addresses of all members you wish to remove or delete so that you dont need to check the boxes next to each of their names one by one. To use this option, go to the Users section and select Remove Users.
From the removal page, you will be able to download a sample CSV file and instructions for filling it out and uploading it. Please be sure to print any confirmation pages so you have a record of the removal or deletion of these accounts.
Additional support
If there is any information you did not find in this guide, please visit the VT Support Center to take advantage of the many resources available. You can also contact us with any specific questions.
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