Portfolio Formation Can Affect Asset Pricing Tests: Ingrid Lo
Portfolio Formation Can Affect Asset Pricing Tests: Ingrid Lo
Portfolio Formation Can Affect Asset Pricing Tests: Ingrid Lo
Ingrid Lo
received her PhD (economics) from the University of Western Ontario and is presently a senior lecturer in finance at the
University of Waikato. Her research interests are concentrated on asset pricing and market microstructure.
Department of Finance, Waikato Management School, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
E-mail: ingridlo@mngt.waikato.ac.nz
Abstract This paper investigates the issues of portfolio formation and asset pricing
tests. Since much empirical work in finance starts with grouping individual stocks into
portfolios based on a particular attribute of the stocks, this paper examines the effect of
this practice and whether using individual stocks solves the problem of grouping.
Canadian stock return data are used. Three asset pricing tests, the multivariate F test,
the average F test and a robust specification test by Hansen and Jagannathan (Journal
of Finance, 52(2), 557–90, 1997) are considered. It is found that (i) grouping of stocks
based on different attributes can give different asset pricing inference using the same
pool of stocks, (ii) using individual assets introduces survivorship problems and (iii) the
three asset pricing tests can give different inference on the same model specification.
Keywords: portfolio formation, asset pricing test, multivariate F test, average F test,
robust specification test
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empirical context, this paper studies tests are based on the regression
whether different attributes used in framework. The robust specification test
sorting the same pool of stocks would is based on the stochastic discount factor
lead to different asset pricing inference.1 framework. It is found that the three
This issue is important because, if tests can lead to different inferences
different attributes used in sorting leads owing to the different definition of
to different asset pricing inference, there pricing errors and the weighting of
is no way of judging whether a set of pricing errors in the three tests.
factors statistically prices a pool of stocks. Canadian stock return data are used to
Another issue examined concerns the create a modified version of the three
asset pricing test used. As the asset factors (excess market return, SMB and
pricing inference depends on the test HML) used in Fama and French (1996).
used, this paper also examines whether Canadian stock return data are used
different asset pricing tests would lead to because there is relatively little work
the same inference. examining Canadian stock return with
The paper examines empirically, using Fama and French factors. Elfakhani et al.
Canadian stock return data, the following (1998) examine the pricing of Canadian
three related questions: stocks using Fama and French’s three
factors. Their study, however, uses a
1. Does sorting stocks into portfolios two-stage cross-section regression
based on different attributes yield method, which is prone to
different asset pricing inference? error-in-variables problems. Griffin
2. If sorting stocks does have an effect on (2001) compares the performance of
inference, does using individual stocks country specific and the global version of
(if possible) solve the problems Fama and French’s three factor model,
associated with sorting? with Canada as one of the domestic
3. Do different asset pricing tests give the models examined.
same inference? The rest of the paper is organised as
follows: the next section presents the
Two attributes, size and estimated betas, model specification. The third section
are used in grouping stocks into examines the implementation of the
portfolios. It is found that portfolios multivariate F test, the average F test and
formed by stocks sorted by different the robust specification test. The fourth
attributes pick up different risks, and they section explains the construction of the
can give different asset pricing inference. variables and the data sources. The fifth
One special feature of this study is that section presents the empirical results and
the pricing of individual assets’ returns is the sixth section concludes.
examined through the average F test
proposed by Hwang and Satchell (1997).
It is found that, although using individual Models
stocks avoids issues associated with
sorting, it introduces survivorship bias Asset pricing frameworks
problems. Regarding the third question, This paper focuses on linear pricing
three asset pricing tests are considered. relationships and examines asset pricing
The three tests are the multivariate F in both the traditional regression
test, the average F test and a robust framework and the stochastic discount
specification test developed by Hansen factor framework using GMM. For asset
and Jagannathan (1997). The first two pricing posed in the traditional regression
204 Journal of Asset Management Vol. 5, 3, 203–216 䉷 Henry Stewart Publications 1470-8272 (2004)
Portfolio formation can affect asset pricing tests
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The multivariate F test developed by
T n
␣ˆ 2j
Gibbons et al. (1989) is given by S⫽
n j=1
ˆ 2j
T⫺n⫺k 1
W⫽ ␣ˆ ⬘兺̂–1␣ˆ
n (1 ⫹
ˆ ⬘k⍀̂k
ˆ k) where
where T
兺̂ ⫽
T 冘
(r ⫺ ␣ˆ ⫺ ˆ ft )(r te ⫺ ␣ˆ ⫺ ˆ f )⬘
ˆ 2j ⫽
(r ite ⫺ ␣ˆ ⫺ ˆ j ft)2/(T ⫺ k ⫺ 1)
ˆ k ⫽
T 冘T
The average F test is made up of a sum
of n components, each of which follows
an F distribution with 1 and (T ⫺ k ⫺ 1)
⍀̂k ⫽
1 T
T k=1 t冘
(f ⫺
ˆ k)( ft ⫺
ˆ k)⬘ degrees of freedom. It is a special case of
the multivariate F test in that the
206 Journal of Asset Management Vol. 5, 3, 203–216 䉷 Henry Stewart Publications 1470-8272 (2004)
Portfolio formation can affect asset pricing tests
Under this assumption, the average F test T
relaxes the degrees of freedom constraint giT ⫽ [(a ⫹ b1 f1t ⫹ b2 f2t ⫹ . . .
of the multivariate F test in that the t=1 ⫹ bk fkt)r ite ] i ⫽ 1, . . ., n (13)
number of assets is not constrained by
the number of time series observations in where a is normalised to 1. The n
implementing the test. As long as the pricing errors are weighted by a
number of time series observations is weighting matrix, W, which is the inner
greater than the number of factors, any product of the n excess return
desired number of assets can be put in T –1
冢 冣
the test. The practice of grouping assets W ⫽ r ter te⬘
into portfolios and the associated T t=1
potential problem can be avoided.
Conversely, the assumption that the There are two advantages of using W as
errors are uncorrelated cannot always the weighting matrix: First, it has good
hold exactly. This can occur if some intuition. The population moment of the
relevant factors are omitted so that their distance (g⬘TWT gT) –2, is the largest pricing
loadings run systematically into the error. Secondly, it is invariant across
non-diagonal elements of the models. All specifications use the same
variance–covariance matrix. In the weighting matrix, and thus the weighting
arbitrage pricing theory framework, of pricing errors is not affected by the
where the identity of factors is not noise of factors in the model. This
specified, there is a potential risk that the facilitates the comparison of model fit
diagonality assumption is violated, hence across specifications.
invalidating the application of the test. The test statistic is a function of the
Another shortcoming of the average F Hansen and Jagannathan distance (HJ), ␦,
test is that it induces survivorship bias and is given by
problems. The time span used in a
Dist(␦) ⫽ (g⬘TWT gT) –2
i 2(1) T → ⬁
The robust specification test proposed The is are the n ⫺ k positive eigenvalues
by Hansen and Jagannathan (1997) of the following matrix
utilises the GMM framework by
A ⫽ S–2 G–2(In ⫺ G– –2 ⬘D(D⬘G–1D]D⬘G– –2)
1 1 1 1
minimising pricing errors. In the
G– –2 ⬘S–2
1 1
stochastic discount framework, the
pricing errors are defined as
where S is the variance-covariance
1 matrix of the pricing errors, G–1 is the
giT ⫽ (m r ) i ⫽ 1, . . . n
t it (12) 1 1
T t=1 weighting matrix, WT, S–2 and G–2 are the
Cholesky decomposition of S and G. D
Given the assumption that is an N ⫻ k matrix of rank k.
䉷 Henry Stewart Publications 1470-8272 (2004) Vol. 5, 3, 203–216 Journal of Asset Management 207
A look at the pricing errors under factors on each individual asset. For gi,
different tests the second term is the sum of the cross
The paper now examines what pricing moment of excess return and factors,
errors the three tests are measuring. The weighted by b, which measures the
pricing errors of tests using the regression importance of each second moment. The
framework are given by interpretation of ␣ˆ i is ‘residuals not
explained by the k factors’, whereas that
␣ˆ ⫽ r te ⫺ 1⬘ f ˆ , i ⫽ 1,2, . . ., n (16) of gi is ‘residuals not explained by the
T T i covariances of excess return and the k
where In addition, the pricing errors of the
three tests are weighted very differently.
ˆ ⫽ [( f ⫺
ˆ ⬘k1T)⬘( f ⫺ ˆ ⬘k1T)]–1 For the stochastic discount factor
(f⫺ ˆ ⬘k1T)(r i ⫺ r i )
e e
approach, the pricing errors are weighted
by WT, which is invariant across
where r ie is the sample average of excess specifications. For the regression-based
return of asset i, f is a T ⫻ k matrix of approach, the pricing errors are weighted
factor returns and ˆ k is the k ⫻ 1 vector by a function of 兺̂, which is different
of sample means of the factor returns. across specifications. The pricing errors
The ␣ˆ s are the pricing errors that the of the multivariate F test are weighted
multivariate F test and the average F test by the inverse of 兺̂, while those of the
are measuring. The pricing error of asset average F test are weighted by the
i using the stochastic discount factor is inverse of diag(兺̂). Since 兺̂ is a function
given by of the factors included in a model, and
1 e all factors are only proxies of the
gi ⫽ r ie ⫺ r ⬘f b̂ underlying unknown state variables, there
T i
is a potential problem that a ‘noisy’
where factor downweights the pricing errors
and a researcher may falsely conclude
b̂ ⫽ [d⬘WTd] d⬘WT r
–1 e that the model with the ‘noisy’ factor
performs better.
1 e
d⫽ R ⬘f
Rie ⫽ r 1e Kr ne Variables construction and data
Notice that b̂, unlike ˆ i, is constant
across assets. Intuitively, b̂ measures the Data sources
overall marginal impact on the means of This study uses monthly data from
n excess returns given a unit change in January 1981 to December 2000. The
the covariance of excess return and factor 20-year sample is divided into four
return. subsamples, each consisting of five
The major difference between the consecutive years of monthly data. Two
pricing errors of the regression-based data sets are used: Toronto Stock
approach and the stochastic discount Exchange Database and Datastream. Asset
factor approach is in the second term of returns, the value-weighted market
the pricing error equations. For ␣ˆ i, the return, the equally weighted market
second term is the sum of the mean return, the 91-days T-bill rate, shares
factor return, weighted by the loading of outstanding and price of assets are
208 Journal of Asset Management Vol. 5, 3, 203–216 䉷 Henry Stewart Publications 1470-8272 (2004)
Portfolio formation can affect asset pricing tests
Sample mean
81–85 –0.483 –0.151 –2.053
86–90 –0.459 –0.242 –1.080
91–95 1.844 0.373 1.194 0.857
96–00 1.603 1.258 –1.086 1.777
Standard deviation
81–85 6.540 5.407 5.683
86–90 5.698 4.845 4.476
91–95 4.811 2.919 5.393 3.117
96–00 8.140 5.229 7.201 4.244
r em,e: equally weighted excess market return; r em,v: value weighted excess market return.
Book-to- Book-to-
r em,V Size market r em,e Size market
r em,V 1.000 0.307 r em,e 1.000 0.676
Size 0.307 1.000 Size 0.676 1.000
r em,V 1.000 0.165 r em,e 1.000 0.520
Size 0.165 1.000 Size 0.520 1.000
r em,V 1.000 0.136 0.021 r em,e 1.000 0.685 0.185
Size 0.136 1.000 0.336 Size 0.685 1.000 0.336
Book-to- 0.021 0.336 1.000 Book-to- 0.185 0.336 1.000
market market
r em,V 1.000 0.197 0.182 r em,e 1.000 0.488 0.283
Size 0.197 1.000 0.464 Size 0.488 1.000 0.404
Book-to- 0.182 0.464 1.000 Book-to- 0.283 0.404 1.000
market market
obtained from the Toronto Stock excess market returns in the 1980s are a
Exchange Database. The monthly return little lower than their value weighted
of the 91-day T-bill rate is used as the counterpart. The situation reverses in the
risk-free rate. Book-to-market ratio of 1990s, with the sample mean of equally
stocks are obtained from Datastream. weighted excess market returns higher
than those of the value-weighted excess
market returns. The equally weighted
Independent variables: Excess market series seems to be more volatile than the
return, size return factor and value-weighted one, as its standard
book-to-market return factor deviation is higher in all of the
Two types of excess market return, subsamples. In the last subsample, the
equally weighted and value-weighted, are monthly standard deviation of the equally
used. The two excess market monthly weighted return is nearly 3 per cent larger
returns summary statistics in the four than its value-weighted counterpart.
subsamples are given in Tables 1 and 2. In addition to excess market return,
The sample mean of equally weighted the size factor and the book-to-market
䉷 Henry Stewart Publications 1470-8272 (2004) Vol. 5, 3, 203–216 Journal of Asset Management 209
factor are used as empirical factors in this 1987 is less than 50. Summary statistics
study. The two factors are modified of book-to-market factor are given in
versions of SMB and HML in Fama and Tables 1 and 2. Like the size factor
French (1993). For the present data, the return, the book-to-market factor return
monthly return of the size factor in year is more correlated with the equally
t is based on asset returns sorted on the weighted excess market return than with
size of Canadian stocks in year t. Unlike the value-weighted excess market return.
Fama and French (1993), the sorted
assets are then divided into three groups,
each with one-third of the assets usable Dependent variables: Size-sorted
in year t. The three portfolios represent portfolios, beta-sorted portfolios and
the average monthly return of small, individual assets
medium and large firms. The size factor The dependent variables in each of the
is formed by subtracting the equally three models are the return associated
weighted return of the large firms’ with size-sorted portfolios, beta-sorted
portfolio from the equally weighted portfolios and individual assets. It has
return of the small firms’ portfolio.2 The long been recognised that sorting of
reason for dividing size-sorted assets into assets according to their characteristics
three instead of two equal groups as in can lead to bias in estimation. Lo and
Fama and French (1993) is so that the MacKinlay (1990) point out that sorting
empirical factor will have enough without regard to the data-generating
variation to be correlated with the process may lead to spurious correlation
unknown risk and yet the portfolio will between the characteristics and the
have sufficient assets so that assets’ estimated pricing errors. Berk (2000)
idiosyncratic risk is diversified away. shows that sorting assets into portfolios
Summary statistics of monthly size factor can lead to bias toward rejecting the
returns of Canada are given in Tables 1 model. The critique of Berk (2000),
and 2. Three out of four monthly however, is not exactly applicable in this
subsample means are negative. Another study for two reasons. First, his paper
notable feature of the size factor return is examines how sorting of assets affects
that it is more correlated with the pricing within the sorted portfolios.
equally weighted excess market return Secondly, none of the regression
than with the value-weighted excess framework tests in this study regresses
market return. The correlation between return on factor loading, and thus the
size factor return and equally weighted errors-in-variables problem is avoided.
excess market return is close to or above
0.5, while the correlation between size Size-sorted portfolios
factor return and value-weighted excess Monthly return of size-sorted portfolios
market return is lower than 0.2. at t are obtained by sorting asset returns
The book-to-market factor is created according to the size of individual assets
in a similar way to the size factor, using at t ⫺ 1. Size is defined as the market
one-third of the assets ranked top on the value of a stock. The reason for using
book-to-market ratio and one-third of size information in the previous time
the assets ranked bottom on the period is explained by Lo and MacKinlay
book-to-market ratio. The (1990). Under the assumption of time
book-to-market factor starts from the independence, characteristics in the last
1990s, as the number of assets with period are uncorrelated with the returns
book-to-market ratio information before in the next period. Using the
210 Journal of Asset Management Vol. 5, 3, 203–216 䉷 Henry Stewart Publications 1470-8272 (2004)
Portfolio formation can affect asset pricing tests
Table 3 Summary statistics of size-sorted portfolios returns: sample mean and standard deviation
characteristics in the last period decreases with r ms , the excess market return, as
spurious correlation between the independent variable. Assets are grouped
characteristics and the estimates of according to their estimated market beta,
pricing errors, ␣ˆ . Ten size portfolios are ˆ m,i. The portfolio with the highest beta
formed by dividing the set of assets at is the one that contains assets most
time t ⫺ 1 into ten equal groups correlated with the market in the
according to their size. Table 3 shows previous two years. For the beta-sorted
the monthly mean and standard deviation portfolios, only the last three subsamples
of size-sorted portfolios in each of five-year monthly returns are
subsample. For all subsamples, the examined. Table 4 shows the mean and
standard deviation of a portfolio decreases standard deviation of beta-sorted
as size of stocks in a portfolio increases portfolios in each subsample. Unlike
in general. The portfolio containing the size-sorted portfolios, there is no obvious
smallest firms has the highest standard relationship between beta-sorted
deviation, and the portfolio containing portfolios and their standard deviation. In
the largest firms is the least volatile in all general, volatility first decreases and then
subsamples. Another special feature of the increases. The portfolio which contains
data is that, through the 1980s, the the largest estimated betas is the most
difference between the return of the volatile.
three portfolios with the largest firms and
the return of the three portfolios with Individual assets
the smallest firms is positive, while this The final type of dependent variable
situation reverses in the 1990s. used in the study is excess return of
individual assets. An asset is included if
Beta-sorted portfolios it existed through any subsample
Assets are also sorted into portfolios period. In other words, only stocks
according to their estimated betas. The which have complete return
estimated beta of asset i is obtained by information for five consecutive years
running the following regression using are included. The sample means of
excess asset returns and excess market individual assets at each year from
return in the previous two years 1981 to 2000 are given in Table 5.
They are compared with the sample
r ise ⫽ ␣i ⫺ m,ir ms
⫹ is means of the beta-sorted portfolios and
s ⫽ t ⫺ 24,t ⫺ 23, . . ., t ⫺ 1 the size-sorted portfolios. The sample
䉷 Henry Stewart Publications 1470-8272 (2004) Vol. 5, 3, 203–216 Journal of Asset Management 211
Table 4 Summary statistics of beta-sorted portfolios returns: sample mean and standard deviation
Table 5 Mean of individual assets returns, size-sorted portfolios returns and beta-sorted portfolios
212 Journal of Asset Management Vol. 5, 3, 203–216 䉷 Henry Stewart Publications 1470-8272 (2004)
Portfolio formation can affect asset pricing tests
Test stat. p value Test stat. p value Test stat. p value Test stat. p value
Model 1
Size portfolio
81–85 1.38 21.50 2.91 0.00
86–90 2.00 5.00 1.54 14.00
Beta portfolio
86–90 1.48 17.00 2.51 0.50 1.05 41.00 1.67 10.00
Model 2
Size portfolio
86–90 2.30 2.50 3.02 0.00
91–95 1.33 23.50 5.03 0.00
96–00 4.07 0.00 5.45 0.00 4.03 0.00 5.13 0.00
Beta portfolio
86–90 1.25 28.00 2.60 0.50
91–95 2.28 2.50 4.44 0.00
96–00 1.67 11.50 1.53 14.50 1.93 6.00 1.49 16.00
Model 3
Size portfolio
96–00 3.42 0.00 3.60 0.00 3.39 0.00 3.53 0.00
Beta portfolio
96–00 0.81 62.00 0.58 83.50 0.98 47.00 0.65 78.00
using the WT created from the whole size-sorted portfolios is rejected at all
sample is that it is robust to changes in significance levels, but that of the
WT through subsamples and allows the beta-sorted portfolios has a p value of
performance in each model to be 11.5 per cent. Turning to the case with
compared across subsamples. equally weighted excess market return,
the size-sorted portfolios and beta-sorted
portfolios again show contradictory
Regression-based approach results: in the 1986–90 subsample, the
Table 6 depicts the cases in which size-sorted portfolios have a p value of
contradictory results occur in the 2.5 per cent, but the beta-sorted
regression-based tests of the three portfolios have a p value of 28 per cent
models. It shows that different ways of for both the first and the second model.
forming portfolios can give contradictory In the third model in the 1996–2000
results. The multivariate F test results are subsample, the p value of the beta-sorted
first examined. In the first model with portfolios is much higher than the
equally weighted excess market return, size-sorted portfolio: the beta-sorted
there is a large difference in the portfolios have a p value of 62 per cent,
multivariate F test’s p values of the but the size-sorted portfolios are rejected
size-sorted and beta-sorted portfolios in at all significance levels.
the 1986–90 subsample. The size-sorted The average F test result is given in
portfolios have a p value of 5 per cent, the second and the fourth column. In
while that of the beta-sorted portfolios the second model, the size-sorted and
reaches 41 per cent. In the second model beta-sorted portfolios show contradictory
with value-weighted excess market results, with both value-weighted excess
return, the last subsample of the market return and equally weighted
䉷 Henry Stewart Publications 1470-8272 (2004) Vol. 5, 3, 203–216 Journal of Asset Management 213
excess market return in the 1996–2000 model, all subsamples are not rejected at
subsample. The same situation occurs for conventional significance levels except
the third model. the last subsample for both size-sorted
When the results across the two portfolios and beta-sorted portfolios. This
regression-based tests are compared, there holds for both types of excess market
are many instances in which the two return and both ways of forming WT.
tests have contradictory results. For This consistency of results is in contrast
example, in model 1 with to the results in the multivariate F test:
value-weighted excess market return, the for the multivariate F test, the
two regression-based tests give beta-sorted portfolios have a p value of
contradictory results in the subsamples of 41 per cent, while the size-sorted
81–85 and 86–90. The multivariate F portfolios are marginally rejected at the 5
test is not rejected in both subsamples, per cent significance level with equally
but the average F test is rejected at all weighted excess market return in
conventional significance levels. Similar 1986–90. There are two possible
contradictory results occur in model 2. explanations for this discrepancy: first,
For equally weighted excess market the robust specification test is asymptotic
return, the multivariate F test and the and may not have as much power as the
average F test give contradictory multivariate F test. The second possible
inference in subsamples 86–90 and explanation is that, as mentioned before,
91–95. the two tests are measuring different
One interesting result not shown here definitions of pricing errors, and these
is that the average F test is not rejected pricing errors are weighted differently for
using individual assets in all specifications. the two tests. The discrepancy in p
The result due to the fit of individual values may reflect this fact.
assets are not good. It is especially so in In the second model, the beta-sorted
the last subsample. In the first model, portfolios and size-sorted portfolios again
half the assets with equally weighted have consistent results. Regardless of the
excess market return have adjusted R2 excess market return used, the
lower than 0.058. This suggests that beta-sorted portfolios in the last
idiosyncratic risks of the individual assets subsample are rejected at the 5 per cent
are quite large, and the high p value of significance level for both versions of
the average F test partly reflects the WT, in contrast to the respective results
domination of this noise. In the second of the multivariate F test and the average
model, the adjusted R2 improves a bit F test, which are not rejected in the last
over the first model, but nearly half the subsample. The second feature of the
individual assets still have adjusted R2 results is that the HJ distance of model 2
lower than 0.12. It seems that the is lower than the HJ distance of model 1
idiosyncratic risk of individual assets is in all subsamples, using both versions of
quite large, and thus the non-rejecting WT. It seems that the size factor helps in
average F test results are driven by poor shrinking the distance between the true
power of test. discount factor and the estimated factor.
The third feature is that the stochastic
discount factor-based results with the
Stochastic discount factor-based value-weighted excess market return and
approach those with the equally weighted excess
Table 7 shows the results of applying the market return are quite consistent with
stochastic discount method. In the first each other. The HJ distance of the two
214 Journal of Asset Management Vol. 5, 3, 203–216 䉷 Henry Stewart Publications 1470-8272 (2004)
Portfolio formation can affect asset pricing tests
Model 1
Size-sorted portfolios
81–85 0.47 37.43 0.52 17.03 0.45 46.98 0.50 34.55
85–90 0.48 30.40 0.38 35.11 0.47 35.90 0.35 69.52
91–95 0.36 63.38 0.34 53.01 0.29 73.23 0.29 72.77
96–00 0.61 5.09 0.78 1.49 0.62 3.31 0.79 0.23
Beta-sorted portfolios
85–90 0.37 40.94 0.34 46.30 0.37 42.69 0.34 56.11
91–95 0.39 33.47 0.33 43.58 0.34 41.70 0.27 70.43
96–00 0.51 4.48 0.57 3.58 0.52 4.57 0.58 1.99
Model 2
Size-sorted portfolios
81–85 0.34 45.97 0.40 23.07 0.33 46.31 0.39 29.17
85–90 0.45 13.76 0.30 39.41 0.45 14.03 0.30 58.37
91–95 0.27 71.14 0.27 56.72 0.27 68.12 0.27 66.71
96–00 0.60 1.58 0.78 0.01 0.59 1.76 0.78 0.04
Beta-sorted portfolios
85–90 0.35 41.18 0.33 36.62 0.35 39.95 0.33 47.28
91–95 0.23 90.28 0.20 91.78 0.24 88.76 0.21 95.20
96–00 0.48 3.00 0.53 3.68 0.49 2.61 0.53 1.49
Model 3
Size-sorted portfolios
91–95 0.27 59.12 0.27 43.11 0.27 56.72 0.27 52.75
96–00 0.48 1.57 0.56 1.24 0.48 1.39 0.56 0.68
Beta-sorted portfolios
91–95 0.23 84.20 0.20 86.69 0.24 82.09 0.21 90.12
96–00 0.15 95.55 0.16 98.25 0.15 95.37 0.16 96.38
䉷 Henry Stewart Publications 1470-8272 (2004) Vol. 5, 3, 203–216 Journal of Asset Management 215
power. The final issue examined is paper are in sample so as to show the
data-snooping bias in testing. This paper uses
whether different asset pricing tests give attributes which are obtained prior to the
the same inference. It is found that the sampling interval to avoid data-snooping issues.
multivariate F test, the average F test and 2. The size factor return in this study is constructed by
two equally weighted portfolios instead of two
the robust specification test can give value-weighted portfolios. This is because the
different inference for the same value-weighted portfolio of large firms is dominated
specification. This is because the by a couple of large firms throughout the sampling
definition of pricing errors and the period. For example, the weight of IBM in the
portfolio of large firms is near to or above 30 per
weighting matrix used are different for cent from 1981 to 1991. Since the idiosyncratic
the three tests. risks should be diversified away, an equally weighted
The findings in this paper suggest that size factor return is constructed.
care should be exercised when References
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and participants of CEA and NFA conference for Hwang, S. and Satchell, S. (1997) ‘Improved Testing for
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The two empirical studies in their paper are of Elfakhani, S., Lockwood, L. and Zaher, T. (1998)
different sampling intervals and different pools of ‘Small Firm and Value Effects in the Canadian Stock
stocks. Also, the two attributes used in their Market’, Journal of Financial Research, 21(3), 277–91.
216 Journal of Asset Management Vol. 5, 3, 203–216 䉷 Henry Stewart Publications 1470-8272 (2004)