Usarfigura L3starformation2
Usarfigura L3starformation2
Usarfigura L3starformation2
Lecture Universitt Heidelberg WS 11/12 Dr. Christoph Mordasini Based partially on script of Prof. W. Benz Mentor Prof. T. Henning
Lecture 3 overview
1. Jeans instability
1.1 from force balance 1.2 from intuitive arguments 1.3 from virial theorem 1.4 from perturbation theory 1.5 with rotation
2. Poisson equation and potential energy of a sphere 3. Collapse of a T=0 spherical gas cloud
3.1 Fragmentation 3.2 Opacity limit
1. Jeans instability
Jeans instability
We have seen in the last lectures that the galaxy contains Giant Molecular Clouds, consisting of cold gas. These clouds are usually stable, with pressure (due to a nite temperature) balancing self-gravity. We have also seen when studying perturbations in a self gravitating uid, that exponential growth is possible. Now we want to understand under which conditions small perturbations of a gas cloud grow exponentially, leading to the collapse of the cloud (and, in the end star formation). The so-called Jeans instability describes the gravitational instability of a self-gravitating gas cloud. There are several ways to derive such a criterion, with increasing complexity. M T, p r
The initially stable, static cloud can get initially compressed a bit (perturbed) by a shock wave due to a nearby supernova, passing spiral arms of the galaxy, ..
FP M, V T, p FG
The extra acceleration associated with the perturbation can therefore be estimated by
We see that the stronger we compress the cloud, the stronger the pressure pushes back. But also the gravity increases due to the increased density. The associated extra gravitational acceleration is The cloud will be unstable towards collapse if the excess gravitational acceleration exceeds the excess pressure acceleration. With the assumption that the cloud remains isothermal, if this condition is once satised it will remain satised.
This any perturbation with a wavelength exceeding the above length scale will be unstable towards gravitational collapse. This can also be looked at as a ration of timescales since sound traversal timescale: dynamical timescale: This latter timescale is the gravitational free fall timescale in the absence of pressure support: (we can use mean values like M/2, r/2, but they cancel out)
This is also the fundamental timescale with which stars oscillate around its equilibrium.
Information transport in the cloud occurs with a velocity equal c. In this picture, the criterion means that instability occurs if sound waves do not have the time to traverse the cloud over a dynamical timescale. This means that the pressure has not the time to react, and cannot increase in time to counterbalance the gravity, as e.g. the center of the cloud does not yet know what is going on at the surface. The comparison of relevant timescales is a very fundamental concept in astrophysics to understand (at least roughly) physical mechanisms.
where we have assumed an ideal gas with f degrees of freedom. The factor q in the gravitational potential energy depends on the density distribution. For a homogeneous density, it is 3/5, cf later. Assuming further f=3 (1 atomic gas) and
, so
This tells us that the pressure in the cloud must be higher in the presence of gravity. Or in other words, the necessary external pressure to conne the gas is lower. In its absence, the pressure in the cloud and the one outside are the same.
pext A
1) At point B, if we decrease R (compression), pext increases (and with it also the internal p). This is a stable equilibrium. 2) At point A, if we decrease R (compression), pext necessary to conne the cloud decreases too (and with it also the internal p). This is clearly an unstable equilibrium. We can nd the critical radius Rm which divides the two regimes by setting which yields
Using typical values we nd and The collapse thus begins with large masses.
This is more than the typical mass of a single star (less than 1 Msun). This indicates that during the collapse, only part of the gas ends up in stars, and that the cloud fragments during collapse. Thus many stars form out of one collapsing cloud, which means that young stars get born in clusters.
The initial velocity is then still zero. Let us assume that and that perturbations propagate only along the z axis. We then get the perturbation equations 1) 2)
Note: the centrifugal term cancels the gradient of the potential of the equilibrium solution: no Jeans swindle
where cos is the angle between the direction of propagation of the perturbation and the rotation axis . Using Vietas relation, we can get the following two equations for the solving the equation:
Two cases must be distinguished: For 90, from the second line we note that the sign of depends only on the instability criterion without rotation, as the other terms are always >0. This means that if the Jeans instability criterion without rotation is satised, namely if then also in the case with rotation, collapse occurs. For this geometry, rotation cannot prevent a cloud from collapsing.
(fast rot.)
(slow rot.)
Clearly, the additional rotation term acts stabilizing. For sufciently large rotation, in the direction perpendicular to the rotation axis, rotation can stabilize the largest scales from gravitational collapse. This is nothing else than the fact that angular momentum is an enemy of star formation, and that instead of collapsing into a point, the cloud must now collapse into a disk.
small wavelength (large k): stabilized by pressure large wavelength (small k): stabilized by rotation
90 =90
Poisson equation
We have used already several times the Poisson equation which gives the gravitational potential. From Newton we know the universal law of gravity: The ux through an arbitrary surface is then: as In spherical coordinates the ux is therefore
Poisson equation II
With the Satz von Gauss we can write the equation for the ux also like this:
Therefore we nd
This equation must be true for all volumina. Therefore, the integrands themselves must be identical:
Gravity is a conservative force i.e. the rotation vanishes: Therefore, a potential must exist which satises
So, in our derivation for the Jeans mass out of the virial theorem, q=3/5.
So we can radiate away the total energy: At the current luminosity of the sun, we can therefore estimate the time on which the sun would cool:
We know that the actual energy source of the sun is fusion, not contraction. But before the discovery that nuclear fusion powers stars (~1920), this short timescale was a very puzzling result.
Integration by separation of the variables with the initial conditions v(0)=0 and r(0)=r0 yields the velocity as a function of r
Next we look for v(t) and r(t). With the ansatz r=ro cos2() we eventually nd the non algebraic equation for (t)
which depends only on the cloud density, but not on the total cloud mass. The higher the density, the smaller tff. For interstellar densities 0~10-22 g/cm3, we get tff~7 Myrs. This result ignores both angular momentum (rotation) and magnetic elds, which will counteract collapse, and therefore lengthen the true collapse time. The free-fall collapse time given above is a lower limit to a more realistic collapse time calculation. As the total mass of the collapsing cloud does not change, we nd for the density
The velocity is
which means that e.g. the center does not become proportionally denser than the outer parts.
Initially, r and change only slowly, then very rapidly. For example, only when
3.1 Fragmentation
Fragmentation I
During the collapse, increases. As long as the density still remains adequately low for the cloud to be transparent, the released thermal energy is radiated into the universe and the temperature remains approximately constant. As
suggests, this leads to a decrease of the Jeans mass. In particular, sub-sections of the cloud suddenly surpass their own Jeans limit and start collapsing on their own. As also tff is smaller for higher densities, these sub-collapses proceed faster. This clearly leads to fragmentation. Here we calculate the collapse of an density perturbation in the otherwise homogenous cloud
Such places might be the origin of later individual star formation, as they decouple.
Fragmentation II
Using the free fall velocity, we can re-write the master equation
The collapse occurs at =/2. To compute the difference in collapse between the background cloud and the perturbation, we dene as the parameter characterizing the cloud, and the parameter characterizing the perturbation. Because most of the action happens shortly before the complete collapse, it is convenient to introduce small angles measuring the difference to the full collapse (where we can use that for small angles e.g. sin()) : for the background cloud for the perturbation Both angles are <<1, and complete collapse occurs when they vanish. Inserting this into the master equation, we nd after some algebra:
Fragmentation III
This means that at moment when the perturbation has fully collapsed (=0), we have in the background cloud:
For example, an initial density perturbation of 1% ( )will fragment out of the gas cloud when the mean density of the latter has increased by a factor 7000. Keeping in mind that the full density increase form a GMC to a star is ~20 orders of magnitude, this is a small increase only. In other words, small initial density uctuations lead to a much faster collapse.
Opacity limit
We have neglected up to now the effect of pressure, or equivalently assumed a low, constant temperature. As the density becomes higher and higher, the gas increasingly becomes opaque to its own radiation. Therefore, the temperature must start to rise at some point. This eventually leads to a minimum fragment size into which the cloud can break up. This is know as the opacity limit. We have seen that
In the limit that the gas becomes completely radiatively inefcient, i.e. adiabatic at high opacities, we have for a monoatomic ideal gas i.e. With the EOS this means so nally,
which says that in the adiabatic case, the Jeans mass increases with density. The combination of the decrease of MJ with density in the isothermal regime, and the increase of MJ with it in the adiabatic regime must lead to a critical mass when the two regimes meet.
Opacity limit II
We can estimate the critical mass by some simple energy considerations. 1)Heating The gravitational binding energy of a collapsing gas ball is q=3/5 for cst. density The collapse happens on a typical timescale tff
The liberated binding energy per second which heats the gas is therefore
2) Cooling In the same time cools the gas by radiating as a blackbody at the surface of the gas blob. f: correction factor i.e radiation efciency<1
In the same time, the mass must be bigger than the Jeans mass for collapse to proceed, so
Opacity limit IV
Using our earlier result for the Jeans mass and combining the equations above, we nally nd for the minimal fragment mass
We see that the result only depends weakly on the temperature. Numerically we get T= 10 K, f=1 => T= 100 K, f=0.01 => From this very simple estimate we thus see that cloud fragmentation leads to objects going from the upper planetary mass domain to low mass stars (M dwarfs, the most frequent type of stars in the galaxy).
Further reading
R. Kippenhahn & A. Weigert Stellar structure and evolution, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 3rd Ed. 1994 S. Stahler, F. Palla The formation of stars, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2004