The Dynamics of The Gravitational Collapse of A Gas Cloud
The Dynamics of The Gravitational Collapse of A Gas Cloud
The Dynamics of The Gravitational Collapse of A Gas Cloud
Thayer Watkins
Silicon Valley & Tornado Alley USA
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18-08-2013 06:10
In this case everything is spherically symmetric. Let p(r,t), (r,t), v(r,t) and T(r,at) be the radial proles of pressure, mass density, radial velocity and temperature, respectively, at time t. These prole run from 0 to R(0). At time zero the variables are all uniform. The radial velocity, in particular, at time zero is uniformly zero. The gas is presumed to be hydrogen obeying the ideal gas law. The other key variable of the analysis is the cumulative mass, M(r). This is the mass enclosed within a radius r; i.e.,
M(r) = 0 (4s)(s)ds
The gravitation attraction at a distance r from the center of a spherical distribution of mass is equal to that of the mass M(r) concentrated at the center. The attraction of the mass beyond r simply cancels to zero.
(R)(dv(R)/t) = p(R) - GM(R)(R)/R or, equivalently dv(R)/t = (1/(R))p(R)/ - GM(R)/R and dR/t = v(R).
/t = (v).
In spherical coordinates for this spherically symmetric case the continuity equation reduces to:
/t = (2v/r + (v)/r)
The center of the gas cloud is a special case. For a sphere of radius r the mass ow through its surface is 4(r)(v). The mass contained in this sphere is (4/3)(r). The velocity at r=0 must be zero so the mass ow at r is, to the rst approximation, ((v)/r)(r). Therefore the rate of increase of mass within the sphere is
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p = RgT
where Rg is the gas constant. For adiabatic processes the Poisson relation
p = C
holds, where and C are constants. The parameter is equal to 1.4 for an ideal gas. The value of the constant C is whatever value p/ has for the initial conditions. For such processes the temperature T is also a function of ; i.e.,
T = p/(Rg) = (C-1/Rg)
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The dynamic equations for the interior of the cloud are therefore
(I) v/t = vv/r + (C/)-2(/r) GM(r)/r (II) /t = [2v/r + (v)/r] (III) M/t = (4r)v
This is a system of three nonlinear partial dierential equations in three dependent variables (, v and M) and two independent variables, r and t.
Initial Conditions
This is an attempt to get realistic values as the initial conditions of a gas cloud. Consider the mass of the solar system distributed over a sphere of radius twice that of Pluto now. The mass of all the planets is 449 times the mass of the Earth; the Sun has a mass 332,800 times that of Earth. The mass of all the asteroids, planetary satellites and comets amounts to an insignicant gure compared to the sun. Take 210
The radius of Pluto's orbit is roughly 6 billion km. A sphere of 10 billion km or 1.01010 km has a volume of
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4.21030 km. The mass of the solar system spread over this sphere would give a density of 0.48 kg/km. Rounding that would be 0.5 kg/km or 510-10 kg/m. This will be the initial density of the gas cloud. The initial temperature of the gas cloud will be taken to be about the boiling point of liquid hydrogen; i.e., 20 K. The gravitational constant is 6.6730010-11 m3 kg-1 s-2 The gravitational acceleration GM/r is, under conditions of uniform density, just proportional to distance; i.e.,
to reach the center. This gure gives the order of the time scale of the collapse of the cloud.
v = (t)r
The rate of change of density is then
radii. This is signicant in that it means that the matter moves toward the center uniformly without some parts overtaking or lagging behind other parts. At the center however the matter must build up creating a gradient in density that interferes with the further internal ow near the center. The cumulative mass M(r) increases in an exponential manner when the density is uniform and the velocity gradient is constant; i.e.,
Numerical Simulation
(To be continued.)
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