Questionnaire Management Survey
Questionnaire Management Survey
Questionnaire Management Survey
INSTRUCTIONS: The following questions are asked to obtain information on the health policies of the company, and the programs and services it provides employees. This questionnaire will also assess your perception of the companys role in keeping its employees healthy. A. Assessment/Evaluation A1. Does the company keep/gather information on employee health habits and needs? No, go to B1. Yes, go to the next question. A2. What data gathering methods does the company use and how often? Monthly Quarterly Bi-annually Periodic survey Employee Interview Outsource study Others A3. Is the data gathered used in developing the following? Check all that apply. Health policies Yes Health programs/services Yes Annually Others
No No
(Note: Policy refers to a plan or course of action intended to influence and determine business decisions, actions, and other matters on health-related concerns; program refers to actual services, opportunities, or projects offered or made possible by the company and are designed to meet employees health needs.) A4. [Optional] Based on data gathered, what is the most pressing health concern within the organization? Please rank the following health domains, one being the most pressing, 7 being the least pressing: Food and Nutrition Physical Activity Tobacco, drugs, and alcohol Breastfeeding STI and HIV Tuberculosis Stress and psychosocial well being ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________
A5. Are there any other health domains which your company is concerned about? Yes, please specify _________________________________________________ None A6. [Optional] Do employees participate in developing communication and awareness-raising strategies, messages and materials promoting healthy lifestyle in the workplace? Yes, please specify output/s: __________________________ No B. General Health Policies and Programs B1. Does the company have a general policy on health and fitness? Yes (check both if joint project) Company Initiated by Funded by Implemented by None
(Note: DOLE - Department of Labor and Employment; ILO - International Labour Organization)
Pre-employment medical exam Yes, Free of Charge Yes, Subsidized No Annual physical exam Yes, Free of Charge Yes, Subsidized No Training of Personnel in Safety and Health Yes No How many employees are trained in safety and health? ___________ Does the company have a safety committee? Yes No Does the company employ a full-time safety man? Yes No Who develops and carries out its safety and health activities? Safety and health committee Contracted qualified consulting organization Health insurance Does the company provide health insurance to employees? No Only to regular employees Yes, to all employees The health insurance program is: Paid for by the company Subsidized by the company Fully deducted from employees salary B3. Who are the frontliners for implementing health-related policies and programs? Check all that apply. HR Safety/Health Committee Department Heads Team Leaders Others (please specify) ______________________________________________________ B4. What promotional tools does the company use to engage employees to avail themselves of healthrelated programs and services? Flyers Posters Newsletter Bulletin board Website E-mail Social networking sites Symposium Seminar Peer counseling Professional counseling Company events Others (please specify) ______________________________________________________
No No
B6. What challenges has the company encountered in implementing its health-related policies and programs? Check all that apply. Lack of funding Low employee engagement Lack of resources (i.e. resource persons, literature, information) Lack of qualified implementing personnel Company has other priorities Others (please specify) ______________________________________________________ C. Food and Nutrition (Note: For questions C1 to C8, policy refers to a plan or course of action intended to influence and determine business decisions, actions, and other matters on health-related concerns; program refers to actual services, opportunities, or projects offered or made possible by the company and are designed to meet employees health needs.) C1. Does the company have specific policies on proper nutrition among employees? Yes, please specify: _______________________________________________________ None (please go to C5) C2. Does the company have a formal feedback mechanism to assess the effectiveness of the company policy on food and nutrition? None Yes C3. Based on the feedback (formal or informal), how would you evaluate the policy on food and nutrition? Very effective Moderately effective Feedback is neutral Ineffective Other comments: ___________________________________________________________ C4. Based on feedback (formal or informal), what are the opportunities for improvement of company policy on food and nutrition? ____________________________________________________________________________________ C5. Does the company have specific programs to on promote nutrition among employees? Yes, please specify: _______________________________________________________ None, please go to C10. C6. Does the company have a formal feedback mechanism to assess the effectiveness of food and nutrition-related programs? None Yes C7. Based nutrition? on the feedback (formal or informal), how would you evaluate the programs on food and Very effective Moderately effective Feedback is neutral Ineffective Other comments: ___________________________________________________________
C8. Based on feedback (formal or informal), what are the opportunities for improvement of company programs on food and nutrition?
E10. If you answered any No to E1 or E5, please check the reasons that apply. Lack of funding No directive from management No perceived need/demand from employees Initiatives on tobacco, drugs and alcohol use not an HR priority Previous initiatives were unsuccessful/unpopular Lack of resource persons or materials Others (please specify) ______________________________________________________ E11. Which apply. of the following services to address tobacco use does the company provide? Check all that
Designation of smoking areas within the company premises Prohibition against smoking inside company premises Prohibition against selling cigarettes and other tobacco products inside the company premises. Availability of trained personnel as resource/counselor for tobacco control Availability of support group for employees who want to quit smoking Others (please specify) ______________________________________________________
E12. How does the company provide information on the dangers of tobacco use to employees? Check all that apply Flyers Posters Newsletters Bulletin board Website Email advisory Social networking sites Trained professional Others (please specify) ______________________________________________________ E13. Which apply. of the following services to address alcohol use does the company provide? Check all that
Prohibition against drinking at work Prohibition against reporting for work intoxicated Availability of trained personnel as resource/counselor to provide counseling against alcohol use Availability of support group for employees who want to quit drinking alcohol Others (please specify) ______________________________________________________
E14. How does the company provide information on the dangers of alcohol consumption to employees? Check all that apply Flyers Posters Newsletters Bulletin board Website Email advisory Social networking sites Trained professional Others (please specify)_______________________________________________________
E16. How does the company provide information on the dangers of drug use to employees? Check all that apply Flyers Posters Newsletters Bulletin board Website Email advisory Social networking sites Trained professional Others (please specify) ______________________________________________________ E17. Has the company ever partnered with/solicited sponsorships from: Yes No Tobacco company Liquor company E18. Are you aware of: RA No. 9211 (Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003)? Yes No RA No. 9165 (Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002)? Yes No DOLE Department Order No. 53-03 (Guidelines for the Implementation of a Drug-Free Workplace Policies and Programs for the Private Sector? Yes No F. Breastfeeding (Note: For questions F1 to F8, policy refers to a plan or course of action intended to influence and determine business decisions, actions, and other matters on health-related concerns; program refers to actual services, opportunities, or projects offered or made possible by the company and are designed to meet employees health needs.) F1. Does the company have a specific policy on breastfeeding? Yes, please specify: _________________________________________________________ None, go to C5. F2. Does the company have a formal feedback mechanism to assess the effectiveness of the company policy on breastfeeding? Yes None F3. How would you evaluate the breastfeeding policys effectiveness based on the feedback (formal or informal)? Very effective Moderately effective Feedback is neutral Ineffective Other comments: ___________________________________________________________
If you answered None to both, please go to G5. G2. Does the company have a formal feedback mechanism to assess the effectiveness of its policy on STIs and HIV? No Yes G3. How would you evaluate the effectiveness of the policy related to STIs and HIV based on the feedback (formal or informal)? Very effective Moderately effective Feedback is neutral Ineffective Other comments: ___________________________________________________________ G4. Based on feedback (formal or informal), what are the opportunities for improvement of the companys policy related to STIs and HIV? ____________________________________________________________________________________ G5. Does the company have specific programs to help address STIs or HIV? Yes, please specify None HIV ______________________________________________________________ STIs ______________________________________________________________ If you answered None to both, please go to G10.
G10. If you answered None to G1 and G5, please check the reasons that apply. Lack of funding No directive from management No perceived need/demand from employees STIs/HIV not an HR priority Previous initiatives were unsuccessful/unpopular Lack of resource persons or materials Others (please specify) _____________________________________________________ G11. Which of the following services to promote/support safe sexual behavior does the company provide? Check all that apply. Education program on responsible sexual behavior Education program on confidentiality and non-discrimination of persons with STIs or HIV Education program on risk factors, diagnosis and treatment of STIs and HIV Training of employee advocates on STIs/HIV Establishment of support or peer groups Distribution of condoms by HR/safety committee/in-house medical professional Access to condoms via distribution points (e.g. vendo machines) within the company premises Free STI diagnosis and treatment within in-house medical facilities Free STI diagnosis and treatment through HMO Free HIV diagnosis and treatment within in-house medical facilities Free HIV diagnosis and treatment through HMO Privacy and confidentiality policies to protect persons with STIs or HIV HIV/STI screening as part of pre-employment medical exam HIV/STI screening as part of required annual medical exam
H. Tuberculosis (Note: For questions H1 to H8, policy refers to a plan or course of action intended to influence and determine business decisions, actions, and other matters on health-related concerns; program refers to actual services, opportunities, or projects offered or made possible by the company and are designed to meet employees health needs.) H1. Does the company have specific policies to address the spread of tuberculosis? Yes, please specify: _________________________________________________________ None, go to H5. H2. Does the company have a formal feedback mechanism to assess the effectiveness of its policy on tuberculosis? No Yes
H10. If you answered No to H1 or H5, please check the reasons that apply. Lack of funding No directive from management No perceived need/demand from employees Tuberculosis not an HR priority Previous initiatives were unsuccessful/unpopular Lack of resource persons or materials Others (please specify) ______________________________________________________
H12. How does the company provide information on tuberculosis risk factors, diagnosis and treatment to employees? Check all that apply Flyers Posters Newsletters Bulletin board Website Email advisory Social networking sites Trained professional Others (please specify) ______________________________________________________ H13. Are you aware of DOLE Department Order No. 73-05 (Guidelines for the Implementation of Policy and Program on Tuberculosis Prevention and Control in the Workplace)? No Yes Thank you for completing this questionnaire.