Mekelle University College of Business and Economics Department of Cooperative Study
Mekelle University College of Business and Economics Department of Cooperative Study
Mekelle University College of Business and Economics Department of Cooperative Study
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The study will be conducted on employee job satisfaction. The general objective is
to assess employee’s job satisfaction in Ayder Referral Hospital. To achieve the
objective, necessary source of data will be used. Primary and secondary source of
data will be collected in order for the study to be effective. The source of data
includes both primary and secondary data. The primary data will be collected
from interviewing the manager and distributing questionnaires to the employees
of Ayder Referral Hospital. Secondary source will be collected from records,
written documents and manuals written about the organization. Finally the
collected data will be processed, analyzed and interpret by using different table,
percentage and recommendation and conclusion will be forwarded in identified
Chapter- One
1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….1
2. Literature review…………………………………………………………………………….....4
2.3.5. salary/pay..................................................8
.Financial rewards……………………………………………….............9
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1. Introduction
Any type of work becomes very productive, when workers are satisfied. If they set
what they need they perform their duties in an efficiently and effectively without
complaints of being not satisfied, the job that they perform will not go perfectly
this makes clear the facts job satisfaction is the results of fulfillment of workers
Satisfied and motivated employees are happy about their job and highly
productive. They try to develop new systems of doing their job so as to improve
their productivity.
The good attitude and feeling towards their organization is not limited only when
they are within their organization agreement but also they do the good things
about the organizations when they are outside the organization. As a result
people develop good image about the organization. So administrators of
organization must do the necessary skill on how to handle their employees.
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Organizations should certainly strive to satisfy their employees with good pay,
good supervision and good stimulating work to make them initiate (casciow,
(2005) in HRM).
Human resource will be one of the main factors of production for an organization
and human resource department must give due attention to hold the key
employees in their hand because, the retention of productive employees in one
organization is fundamental for the existence of the organization in the
competitive business environment. However human resource department may
face difficulty in keeping all employees satisfied on their duties, because every
employee may have different perception towards their job. According to
Herzberg, the factors leading to job dissatisfaction are “separate and distinct”.
Therefore, if u set about eliminating dissatisfying job factors, you may create
peace but not necessarily enhance performance. This affects your workforce
instead of actually motivating them to improve performance.
The characteristics associated with job dissatisfaction are called hygiene factors.
When these have been adequately addressed, people will not be dissatisfied nor
will they be satisfied. If you want to motivate your team, you then have to focus
on satisfaction factors like achievement, recognition and responsibility.
According to the two factors theory there are seven factors that leads to
employee’s dissatisfaction. Such as, company policies, supervision, relationship
with the supervisors and peers, work conditions, salary, status and security.
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Among the dissatisfaction factors mentioned above, salary is one of the most
dissatisfying factor in Ayder referral hospital. Employees are not paid enough in
accordance with their job. Because there are overloaded works, employees are
not satisfied by the salary. Therefore, before any actions are taken, the extent of
the problem should be studied.
This study, therefore will attempts to investigate the situation by asking the
following questions based on the assumption that employees are not performing
what is expected of them due to lack of job satisfaction.
The general objective of this study will be to assess employee’s job satisfaction in
Ayder Referral Hospital.
This study will be significant for various people, and the researchers to get
knowledge about job satisfaction and improve their research skill. This also will
give a mental satisfaction to the workers of the hospital. This study will help
Ayder Referral Hospital to know the problems that is made on employee’s job
satisfaction. It will help to rearrange the disorder activates of the hospital. It will
create harmonious relationship between the management and employees on job
The scope of the study will be limited to assess employees’ job satisfaction only
on doctors and supporting nurse. The researchers will focus particularly in Ayder
referral hospital, which is found in Mekelle city in Tigria.
Geographic coverage
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The study will be conducted in Ayder Referral Hospital which is found at the town
Mekelle Tigria region of northern Ethiopia. Mekelle town is found at distance of
763km from the capital Addis Ababa.
The researchers will face many problems during conducting this research like:-
2. Literature Review
Job satisfaction is a general attitude towards one’s job, the difference between
the amount of reward workers receive and the amount they believe they should
receive. Employee is a back bone of every organization, without employee no
work can be done. So employee’s satisfaction is very important. Employees will be
more satisfied if they get what they expected, job satisfaction relates to inner
feelings of workers. Job satisfaction is the most widely investigated job attitude,
as well as one of the most extensively researched subjects in
industrial/organizational psychology. Many work motivation theories have
represented the implied role of job satisfaction (Maslow’s (1943) Hierarchy of
needs. The term employee job satisfaction refers to an individual general guide to
be his job. A person with high level of job satisfaction hold positive attitude about
the job while a person who is dissatisfied with his/her job hold negative attitude
about the job. Manager was concerned that job satisfaction for two reasons. First,
they often believe that job satisfaction has influenced such employee’s behavior
as attend once and length service. It is commonly assumed the positive
satisfaction leads to positive behavior. Second (Herzberg) set out to collect data
attitude from which assumption about human behavior could be made in
intensive interview as asked about what of job on their job made unhappy or
dissatisfied. Job satisfaction is the positive or negative attitude held by individuals
towards their job (Robert A. Baron (2003) further he says, “Job satisfaction is
defined as individual cognitive, affective and evaluative reaction towards their
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attitude rather than a behavior; organizational behavior researchers typically
consider it an important dependent variable (Stephen Robbins 2003).
Naturally, it is the satisfied worker who shows the maximum effectiveness and
efficiency in his work. Most people generalize that workers are concerned more
about pay rather that other factors which also affects their level of satisfaction,
such as facilities, bonus, working condition etc. These conditions are less
significant when compared to payment.
Job satisfaction or employee satisfaction is one of the most widely used variables
in organization behavior. It is an employee’s attitudinal response to his/her
organization. The following section summarizes the cognitive components of job
satisfaction, their relationship to organizational inducement system and their
impact on performance and member ship (Marsland, 1999).
Task inducement system: The extent to which ones’ assigned task and
responsibility is meet role expectation is the measure determinants of an
individual’s cognitive assessment of his/her job. Work design that include
variables such as, autonomy, responsibility, and task identity tend to high levels of
satisfaction with work. Because they allow for challenge which met, lead to
validation of important skills and competencies.
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retirement pay and vacation pay. While non-financial incentives state the form of
earning higher status, greater responsibility and satisfaction in decision making
(Robert Dobbins).
Because of employees spend so much time in their work environment each week;
it’s important for companies to optimize working condition. Such things as
providing spacious work areas rather than cramped ones, adequate lighting and
comfortable work station contribute to favorable working condition. Providing
productivity tools such as up graded information technology to help employees
accomplish tasks more efficiently contributes to job satisfaction as well.
Employees will be more satisfied with their current job if they see a path available
to move up the ranks in the company and be given more responsibility and a long
with it higher compensation. Many companies encourage are employees to
acquire more advanced skills that will lead to the chance of promotion.
Companies often pay the cost of tuition for employees taking university courses,
for example, during an employee’s annual performance review, a supervisor
should manage out and what new skill he/she needs to develop in order to be on
a track to advancement within the organization.
When employees are not happy with their job, they are much more likely to
experience and report stress on the job. Causes for stress is low availability of
manpower, the nature of the job, and the organization working procedure. The
job workers who are satisfied or happy at work are much less likely to report
feeling stressed out by their job. This is basic human nature if you are not doing
something you enjoy, chances you are going to feel dissatisfied and even little
things will make you feel stressed out and un happy (Kate McFarlin).
2.3.5. Salary/Payment
This is one of the most important factors to be considered before taking up a new
job or leaving your current job. The pay they you are getting and the growth
pattern of the pay will largely influence the level of your job satisfaction. If you
are happy with your pay, it will show in your performance and productivity.
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Not only a job design added to enriching complexity but employees themselves.
Sometimes take measure to make their work interesting. Some employees bring
personnel stress head set to work. So, they can listen to music or radios shows
while they working many supervisors disapprove working that the head set will
interest with the employees ability to provide good customer and service
(Gomer,MEJAJUS R 1995)
Reward can be influence both job satisfaction and employees motivation. The
regular system affects job satisfaction by making the employees more or less
comfortable as the result of the reward received. The reward system influenced
motivation primarily through the perceived value of the reward and other
contingency on performance.
There have been many studies performed to determine factors that affect job
satisfaction. Organizational involvement, locus of control, age, identification with
role, due career families and commitment to organization are some of them.
Another important factor is job quality as measured by autonomy, meaning
fullness, opportunities for learning, advancement and job securities. By contrasts
actual pay and access to benefit were found to have relatively insignificant effect
on employee’s satisfaction. The total impact of this factor causes employees to be
either generally satisfied or dissatisfied with their job. Employees who are
dissatisfied with their job to behave in ways that can determine to the
organization, this employees are likely to experience high rate of turnover,
absenteeism, tardiness and more accident strikes and grievance(personnel
management) 1980).
Job satisfaction is significance because a person attitude and belief may affects his
/her behavior. Attitude and beliefs may cause a person to work harder to work
harder or the opposite may occurs and he/she may workless. Job satisfaction also
affects a person a general wellbeing for the reasons that people spend a good
part of a day at work. Consequently, if a person is dissatisfied with their work, this
could lead to disaffection in other area of their life. Job satisfaction has been
linked to many variables including performance, absenteeism and turnover (P.
Robbins (2003).
Employee turnover has been defined as the rate of change in working staff of a
concern during a definite period. In other word, it signifies the shifting of the work
in to and out of an organization. It is a measure of the extent which an old
employee’s leave and new employees enter in to a service in a given period.
Employee turnover is the resignation dismissal. Resignation may be due to such as
dissatisfaction with working condition and dissatisfaction the wage they get. (C.B
Memoriam (1980)
Evidence also indicates that an important moderator the satisfaction- turn over
relationship is the employee level of performance, and satisfaction is negatively
related with turnover but co-relation is stronger than what we found for
absenteeism. Yet again other factors such as labor market condition, expectation
about alternative job opportunity, and the strength of tenure with the
organization are important constraint on the actual decision to leave ones current
job (Stephenson R.) (2003).
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and work organization, supervision and styles of leadership, management
systems, working conditions.
Environmental factors- in clued economic, social, technical and
governmental influence.
There is also a wide range of specific factors which influence job
satisfaction including Herzberg’s by hygiene and motivation factors. These
different factors all affect the job satisfaction of certain individual in a given
set of circumstances but not necessarily in others. The various studies of
job satisfaction all have some validity (laurieL.Mullins (1999).
The majorities of job satisfaction measures are reports and based on multi item.
Several measures have been developed over the years, although they vary
interims of how carefully distinctly they are conceptualized with respect to
effective job satisfaction.
Chapter three
Research methodology
As part of the research strategy both qualitative and quantitative data will be
generated both from primary and secondary source of data to be used as an input
for the finding of this research.
Primary data will be obtained through questionnaire from doctors and nurses.
This questionnaire is prepared to be administered, because there is no direct way
to find out what cause people satisfaction/dissatisfaction with their job than
asking them through this way.
The cross sectional survey design will be employed for the purpose of this study
.the data will be collected at one point in time from doctors and nurses. The
sample is determined based on the experience taken from previous studies
conducted on the area of the present study.
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Stratified random sampling techniques will be used to select 99 sample doctors
and nurses from the total of 144 currently on the job in the hospital. The
technique is preferred based on the assumption that job satisfaction of health
workers can vary according to their job position. For instance the salary which is
one of the determinant factors of job satisfaction of health workers depends on
the position one holds in the hospital.
The procedure of sampling design is elaborated as follows. First, the sample frame
(list of health workers) will be obtained from the human resource department of
the hospital. Second, the total population of the health workers will be stratified
in to --- strata. The stratification will be based on their job positions and the three
strata involve doctor and nurses. Then, the determination of number of sample
health workers will be made proportional to the total number of health workers
in each stratum. Accordingly, -- out of – and -- out of – will be selected from
doctors and nurses. Finally sample health workers will be selected from each
stratum based on simple random sampling technique of lottery method.
All the necessary data for this study will be collected from the respondents
through self-administered questionnaire. Because it is the questioner relevant to
the lives, attitude and beliefs of the respondents to get appropriate information,
rather than other methods such as, interview in which most of the respondents
are not voluntary to give appropriate information for the sake of personal security
about their salaries, age, satisfaction or dissatisfaction and etc.
Therefore, the researcher developed this questionnaire in closed and open ended
Under the closed ended questionnaire, the respondent can only answer from a
given alternative which limit them from further explanation of their feeling
regarding to the title of the study, even if it is easier and quicker for the research
analysis it.
This is why the researcher also develops this questionnaire in open ended form
which gives the respondents freedom to express their opinion or attitude towards
their job satisfaction or dissatisfaction freely without any limitation. This has
tremendous importance for the researcher to extract important issues which
were not included under the closed ended questionnaire.
After the questionnaire will be designed in the above form the researcher tries to
convince the respondents, as their responses are only for academic purpose and
its confidentiality. Then the questionnaire will be distributed to the selected
respondents at their office. The distributed questioner will be collected and
returned back within two weeks by the researcher himself from the respondents.
Data for assessment job satisfaction among health workers of Ayder referral
hospital will be collected using questioners design and open and closed ended
form. Once data will be collected using the above methods of data collection
,data processing will be made by editing and coding this data which helps as to
correct errors in the questioner before data are transferred to a computer or
readied or tabulation. Then relevant and simple statistical tools such as
descriptive statistics i.e., tabulation and percentage will be used to analysis and
interpret the result.
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3 Proposal submission →
4 Data collection →
5 Data analysis or data →
6 First draft writing →
7 Final draft and →
8 Paper submission and →
2. Pen 5 5 25
C.B. Mamoria (1980), “personnel management” 1st.ed published in Himalaya house, in India.
N. Kumar. R.Mital (2001), “Organizational behavior” 1 st.ed, published in mehra offset press, in
New Delhi.
Laurie J. Mullins (1999), “management and organizational behavior” 5th edition published in
Great Britain.
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