Funciones y Operaciones Del Cálculo de La Nómina
Funciones y Operaciones Del Cálculo de La Nómina
Funciones y Operaciones Del Cálculo de La Nómina
Transaction Code: PE01 Menu Path: Human Resources --> Payroll --> Europe --> Great Britain --> Tools --> Maintenance Tools --> Schemas Double-clicking on a sub-schema will take you to the maintenance screen for that schema. Double-clicking on any of the rules (PCR's) will take you to the rule editor. You can tell the difference between sub-schemas a rules by looking at the parameters. The name of the sub-schema can be found in the Par 1 column. The main schema generally calls all the different sub-schemas. The sub-schemas will then call the payroll rules. In most cases, when a rule is called, there will be parameters in the Par 2 or Par 3 columns. In the main, most sub-schemas are called by the "copy" command. Schemas, rules and features in SAP use the following line editor commands. This allows you to move, delete, copy and insert lines. All the commands are entered in the area used for the line numbers. Overwrite any of the numbers with the commands shown below. For the commands using 1 letter - hit the return key once you have entered the letter. For the commands using 2 letters - hit the return key after the first 2 letters have been entered or after both sets have been entered. The most commonly used commands are: Line Command D I M C DD DD CC CC MM MM Deletes a line Inserts a line Moves a line Copies a line Indicates the start of a block to be deleted Indicates the end of a block to be deleted Indicates the start of a block to be copied Indicates the end of a block to be copied Indicates the start of a block to be moved Indicates the end of a block to be moved Description
Once you have chosen the block to move or copy, you need to show where to move or copy it to in the schema. The following commands indicate where you can copy or move the lines to. Line Command A B Description Places the block after the chosen line Places the block before the chosen line
Remember when calling the PCR from the schema: GEN means that the wagetype is **** i.e. you haven't specified one and NOAB means that it will look at any EE Sub-Grouping. If you want the rule to use specific wage types or groupings, then leave either blank. Use the print option and VAR (PAR 2) in the schema to output the variable table during processing. Position is very important for schemas. Look to see where a similar piece of processing has taken place. If in doubt, place the rule after the similar data has been read and processed. Commonly used Functions Function PIT PRT COPY BLOCK Process Input Table Process Results Table Calls a schema placed in PAR1. Defines the start and end of a nested node Description
IF/ELSE/ENDIF The schema is processed if the condition is fulfilled Pxxx ACTIO Processes the information held in infotype xxxx. Actio calls a PCR. It is processed, irrespective of whether the wage type exists or not.
Commonly used Parameters Parameter GEN 9000 NOAB 1 Payroll PCR's Transaction Code: PE02 Menu Path: Human Resources --> Payroll --> Europe --> Great Britain --> Tools --> Maintenance Tools --> Rules Commonly used operations in payroll configuration Operation * Description This covers all the remaining entries not already specified. If you leave the line blank for the operation then the WT is dropped. Remember you always have to have an option for * in your PCR. Cumulates the wage type into the relevant cumulation (/101...) and valuation(/201...) wage types From the IT, Number and Amt are cumulated into the OT. Blank is OT whilst E refers to the RT. Current Num and Amt are added in to wage type 4067. Process any wage type Processes only wage type 9000 Process for any EE sub-group groupings Processes the rule only for EE sub-group grouping of 1 Description
This operation is very similar to ADDWT. The only difference is that it writes the value to table V0 as well Store the current wage type in the IT. Store wage type in IT/OT All the current values for amt, num and rte are added to the values that are currently held in wt 1103 Adds the current wage type to the variable table as T - which can be used at a later stage The values in the wage type are copied to the previous employer table VAG - called in the rules XDPI, XDPR & XDPT The values in the current wage type are added into the CRT The values in the current wage type are added into the CRT for the technical wage type /101 The values in the current wage type are added into the Difference table DT The values in the current wage type are added into the difference table DT for the technical wage type /551 Add the current wage type to the difference table (DT) Store amount in Results Table (RT) - difference with line below Add the current wage type to the results table RT Add the current wage type to the results table as /101 Add the current wage type to the old results table (ORT) as wage type /201 Add the current wage type to the input table IT The values in the current wage type are added into the input table IT for the technical wage type /101 Add the current wage type to the results table last payroll (LRT) Used in XLON (Loans - XLON) Add the current wage type to the wage maintenance table Subtract amount field from wage type 9023 from Table IT (if wage type 9023 is available.) Multiply the amount by 33.33% Multiply the amount by the value SAPRO held in table T511k Amount minus the value held in variable T Amount multiplied by negative 1 Multiply amount by 12 Multiply the amount by the constant GENAU held in table T511k. GENAU is used to factor up by 4 or 5 factors of 10 to avoid the issue of errors caused by rounding. Subtract 0.4 from the amount field Divide the amount by 2
Divide the amount by the factor GENAU held in the constants table T511k Amount divided by the constant PKWRP held in table T511K Amount is divided by constant ZF001 from table T511K Compare the value held in the amount field for all wage types Compare the value held in the amount field for wage type /GPY Compare the value held in the amount field against the constant ZAPR Compare the value held in the amount field against 0 Compare the amount against the value of the amount held in the results table RT for wage type /167 Compare the current amount against the limit held for the bank transfer Add the amount from wage type /564 from the IT Add amount field from wage type 0001 from Table IT (if wage type 0001 is available.) Add amount field from wage type 9013 from Table IT (if wage type 9013 is available.) Add the value held in the variable ZSAP to the amount for the current wage type being processed Add the current amount to the RT and place in wage type 910B Add Amt from wage type /ZPO into VORT (Summarised ORT) Checks whether the currently held amount is less that that held in the wage type /562 This sets the amount = zero for the wage type in question Store the value in the amount field of wage type /111 in the amount field of wage type 2110 Store the value in the amount field of wage type 1000 in the amount field of wage type 2110 Let the amount equal the value held in the BETRG (amount) field for the wage type in question Reset the amount on wage type xxxx to that held in the value for KWWR held in T511K Sets the amount = position number Set the amt = amt held on technical WT /426 Reset the amount on wage type xxxx to that held in the temporary wage type TASA Let the amount equal zero The amount is set to the value held in the table VAG - previous employee data Lets the Amt = the Amt held for the current wage type in the RT Lets the Amt = the Amt held for technical wage type /167 in the RT Set the amount = the value SAPLR held in table T511k Lets the Amt = the Amt held for the current wage type in the LRT - last result table Lets the Amt = the Amt held for the wage type /561 in the LRT - last result table Add the amount value in technical loan wage type /LBB (loan balance) to specific loan
balance wage type AMT=N /LOP AMT=N /LRP AMT=Q /GPY AMT=ZERO AMT>* AMT-1 AMT50 AMT-E /167 AMT-K43301 AMT-O /167 AMT-R 9019 AMTS /564 AMTS* AMTS* 9013 AMTSE 9043 Add the amount value in technical loan wage type /LOP (loan payment) to specific loan payment wage type Add the amount value in technical loan wage type /LRP (loan repayment) to specific loan repayment wage type Lets the Amt = the Amt held for the wage type /561 in the OCRT - old cumulative result table Reduce the value in the amount field to zero "Maximum formation: The greater value of * and the current value of the AMT field is determined and written to the current AMT field." Multiply the amount by -1 - I think this should be subtract 1 from the amt If the amount field value is smaller than 50, it is retained. Otherwise it is set at 50 (forming a minimum amount). Subtract the Amt value held in the RT for /167 from the currently stored amount Take the value held against payroll constant 43301 from the annual salary Subtract the Amt value held in the ORT for /167 from the currently stored amount Amt for the current wage type less the value held in the RT for 9019 (Results wage types using exact splits) Subtraction to zero - the value cannot be less than zero. Subtraction to 0 (not negative) for the current wage type Subtraction to 0 (not negative). Current wage type less 9013 Subtraction to 0 (not negative). Current wage type less Amt held in the RT for wage type 9043 "Sets the recipient data for bank transfers. Can only be run after bank transfer data has been read from BTREC /558 an infotype. Data on wage type and amount are transferred from the current fields (OT) and retained in the transfer table together with data on the recipient of the record last read." Compares the current amount with that held for period 10 in year 05. Expect a decision in this line The amount field value is compared with 0, and the result ('>', '=' or '<') is placed in the variable key. Make a decision on processing class 01 Divide the amount by the number and store the result in the rate field Divide the value in amount field by the value in the rate field and put the result in the amount field Divide the amount by the rate and store the answer in the rate for the wagetype Divide the number by the rate and store the answer in the number field Eliminate all splits
Eliminate splits - work center period (WPBP) Eliminate splits - cost accounting Eliminate the splits for cost accounting, alternative payments and variable assignment Eliminate splits - employee sub-group grouping for PCRs Eliminate splits - alternative payments (ALP) Eliminate splits - bank transfer (BT) Eliminate splits - variable assignment Eliminate splits - absence assignment Eliminate splits - time unit Processing terminates for the current employee Restore the original values for the amount - i.e. The values that were held for the amount field in the WT before any processing in this rule Restore the original values for the number - i.e. The values that were held for the number field in the WT before any processing in this rule Restore the original values for the number, rate and amount - i.e. The values that were held for the number, rate and amount fields in the WT before any processing in this rule Restore the original values for the rate - i.e. The values that were held in the WT before any processing in this rule "GB specific processing of AWE operation
GB specific operation to overwrite the average RATE of wage type /MAE in table RT in case of a retro calculation." Call PCR ZUM2 Calls PCR XALQ for all wage types - sets wage type to **** Elimination of WPBP split in the RT New Changes Across End of Year solution active for GBSXP phase 2 Check on Implementation Date of AVERA for SxP AWE. Called in GG70 and ensures that the old and new technical wage types for averages don't both exist. Evaluates the status of the LRT table. Processing is only continued if the previous month falls in the current year. Calculation of averages for 01 (from table T511A) Calcualation of averages for 03 (from table T511A) - not sure what the G implies Can use a 5 character message. Comes up whether the log is turned on or off. Can be used as a customised error message. Sets the modifier for Wage type generation (T510S) to 02 as the employee grouping Sets the modifier for Constant valuations (T510J) to 01 as the employee grouping Sets the modifier for the absence valuation rule (T544C) to 01 Multiply the amount by the number and store as the number field for the wage type Multiply the value in number field by the value in the rate field and put the result in the
amount field NEXTR Process the next line. Placing an * in the last column in the operation column has the same effect as "nextr". Remember to put a letter or number in the next line under the NL column. Continuation line. A...Z followed by 0...9 Don't forget to put in the letter following the NEXTR in the continuation line of the next line. Continuation line. A...Z followed by 0...9 Don't forget to put in the letter following the NEXTR in the continuation line of the next line. Multiply the value in the number field by the value held against the capacity utilization level on infotype 0008 Multiply the value in the number field by 1.5 Divide the value in the number field by 100 Test the value in the number field against 0 Add the value in the number field of wage type 3710 to the number field in the WT being processed Adds the number held in the temporary variable ZNIL to the currently held value for the number Add a value of 39 to the number field Add to the NUM value from wage type 3000 held in the CRT table - to the NUM value of the WT being processed Adds the number held in technical wage type /852 to the currently held value for the number Adds the number from the partial period parameter for the paid absence measured in working hours for xx is the sum of all paid absences (totalled over all classes) Set the current NUM to the value held in wage type 3000 Transfers the value of the ANZHL field to the number field. Sets the number equal to the valuation basis per hour NUM = Capacity utilization level from P0007 (called record layout fields in SAP Help) Sets the number equal to the position number of the employee Sets the number equal to the number of hours taken from IT 0007 Sets the number equal to the number held in the temporary variable ZSHF Set the number field to zero Store 39 in the number field Sets the number equal to the position number of the employee Sets the number equal to the daily hours worked by the employee Sets the number equal to the weekly hours worked by the employee Set the NUM = the value of /SSP held in the results table Sets the number equal to the working hours for the employee for the entire payroll period Set the number = planned working time measured in working hours taken from the
work schedule rule NUM=TSAU** NUM=TSAX** NUM=TSDIVI NUM=WOSTD NUM=YCURPP NUM-51 NUM-E /845 NUM-TSDIVP OPIND OUTWPABART OUTWPCTYMO OUTWPPAYSB OUTWPPERSB OUTWPPERSG OUTWPPLANT OUTWPPLTSC OUTWPSHIFT OUTWPTRFAR See part period parameter help (function PARTT) See part period parameter help (function PARTT) See part period parameter help (function PARTT) See part period parameter help (function PARTT) Set the NUM = current payroll period (?) Reduce the hours held in the number field by 51 Take away the number for technical wage type /845 held in the RT from the currently held number Current value in the number field less the total working time measured in working hours taken from the total working time in payroll accounting period Evaluates operation indicator - used immediately after a database record has been read. Multiplies by -1. Load Work Center and Basic Pay Data - payroll area Load Work Center and Basic Pay Data - country modifier Decide which payroll accounting area the employee is in Load Work Center and Basic Pay Data - employee sub-group Load Work Center and Basic Pay Data - employee group Load Work Center and Basic Pay Data - personnel area Load Work Center and Basic Pay Data - personnel sub-area Load Work Center and Basic Pay Data - shift indicator Load Work Center and Basic Pay Data - pay scale type
OUTWPWWEEK Load Work Center and Basic Pay Data - working week from IT 0007 PCY X05D* PCY X93B PPPAR A PPPAR B PPPAR E PPPAR F PPPAR P PPPAR R PPPAR S PPPAR U PRINT PRINT& WTG Runs PCR X05D for all employee subgroup groupings Runs PCR X93B Reads part period parameters: leavers during payroll period Reads part period parameters: paid absences during payroll period Reads part period parameters: new joiners during payroll period Reads part period parameters: leavers on the first day of the next payroll period Reads part period parameters: if the time unit for the payroll area is different to the time unit for the pay scale type and area Reads part period parameters: is the employee is in an active work centre? Reads part period parameters: basic pay changes during payroll period Reads part period parameters: for unpaid absences in the period Prints the IT Prints WTG from the variable table
Prints the contents of the CRT Prints the contents of the RT Prints out the contents of the old results table (LRT) Prints the summarised ORT (VORT) Employee work centre is inactive, therefore do nothing You want to know if there is an entry in table T51P1 with indicator 10 for the current IT wage type. If an entry is found, processing should be continued. You want to read the entry in table T51P1 with indicator 01 for the current IT wage type, and store it in the OT table. If an entry is found it should be rejected "Operation R51P6 reads an entry from table T51P6. This table determines the characteristics of the deduction wage types.
The value of the arrears characteristic should be placed in the variable key."
Read Pay Scale Table - group and level Sets the splits back up again - has the opposite effect to the ELIMI * operation. Resets the first national split (/SI) Resets the amount and the rate - is the opposite of ELIMI. Reset * - resets all the split indicators. Give the meaning of all the other variables elsewhere in the document. Resets the cost accounting and employee subgroup grouping values Resets R - is the opposite of ELIMI - resets the employee subgroup groupings for the employee Checks if the payroll run is a retroactive accounting run Rounds off the AMT field - see SAP help for specifics Rounds the AMT field up so that it is divisible by 005 Rounds the AMT field to the next available number Rounds off the NUM field - see SAP help for specifics Rounds off the RTE field - see SAP help for specifics Rounds off the AMT field - see SAP help for specifics Multiply the value held in the rate by 33.33% - so effectively multiply by .3333 Subtract the value held in the constant HALF from the rate Multiply the value held in the rate by the capacity utilization level field on infotype 0008 Multiply the rate by negative 1 - effectively switch the sign for the value Multiply percentage held in rate field by 100 Multiply the rate by the constant GENAU held in table T511k Multiply the value in the rate field by the payroll constant GENAU (10,000). Rate divide by 100
RTE/ total working time in calendar days RTE/ total working time in working days RTE/ planned working time measured in work days RTE/ Total working time measured in calendar days Divide the value in the rate field by the worked hours for pay period being processed. RTE/ total working time measured in working hours Check to see how the current rate compares against the value held in the temporary variable VLBS Check to see how the current rate compares against a value of zero Adds the rate held in wage type 1001 to the currently held rate Adds the rate held in the variable MM to the currently held rate Adds the current rate to the IT Adds a value of 100 to the currently held rate Add the amount from table to the currently held rate Add the unpaid absences measured in calendar days for counting class 10 from table T554C Set the rate equal to the value held in the rate field for wage type 1001 Set the rate equal to the amount Set the rate equal to the capacity utilization level held on infotype 0008 Sets the rate equal to the valuation basis per hour Sets the rate equal to the value held in the temporary variable AB Set the rate field to zero Store 10000 in the rate field of wage type xxxx Set the rate equal to the amount pulled from the table Sets the RTE equal to the weekly hours worked by the employee Set the rate as the planned calendar days Store the value held against payroll constant 30551 in table T511 in the rate field of wage type xxxx RTE set to the value of GENAU from table T511K (default set at 10 000) RTE = Total working time measured in working days RTE = planned working time measured in work days RTE = Total working time measured in calendar days Store the planned calendar days in the rate field of the wage type being processed RTE = unpaid absence measured in working hours for counting class 07 RTE = total working time measured in working hours RTE = planned working time measured in working hours
Reduce the value in the amount field to zero Rate subtract the part period unpaid absences in calendar days for all unpaid absences (totalled over all absence counting classes) Rate subtract the part period unpaid absences in working days for all unpaid absences (totalled over all absence counting classes) Take away any unpaid absence, in calendar days, from the current rate (totalled over all absence counting classes) Take away any unpaid absence, in calendar days, from the current rate (for absence counting class 20) Take away any unpaid absence, in worked hours, from the currently held rate (totalled over all absence counting classes) The condition for function IF is false Set condition for Function LPBEG when the condition is true The condition for function IF is true The condition for function IF is true Set the work center - basic pay split for the wage type as 01 Set the ESG for PCR as 1 You want to set X with number 01 as a variable split; the number of the split is to be increased by 1 by every call. Status field 2 which is valid at the start of the in-period is entered in the variable key. The return code set in the second example must be evaluated. The internal return code is set to the value 0 Subtracts the current wage type - effectively changing the sign of the NRA. Subtracts the current wage type (signs change) and stores it as 1025. Subtracts the current wage type and stores it as a temporary variable ZREG. Subtracts the current wage type (sign change) of the NRA in the difference table (DT) Subtracts the current wage type and stores it in the difference table (DT) as a temporary variable ZREG. Flicks the sign for NRA of the currently processed wage type and stores it in the RT Subtracts the current wage type (sign change) of the NRA and stores in the results table (RT) Flicks the sign for NRA of the currently processed wage type and stores it in the RT as technical wage type /121 Flicks the sign for NRA of the currently processed wage type and stores it in the input table (IT) Flicks the sign for NRA of the currently processed wage type and stores it in the input table (IT) as technical wage type /101 Table query on employee groupings / areas Table query on shifts / time groups Table query on premium table
Table query on valuation of wage types Table query on positions table in PA Table query on the Alternative Payments table Table query on data held in infotype 0014 - recurring payments and deductions Table query on data held in infotype 0015 - additional payments Place in the variable key - Y/N alternative payment Place in the variable key - extra pay indicator for overtime Place in the variable key - variable keys are held in a certain table Place in the variable key - type of bank details P0009 Store in the variable key the wage type Place in the variable key - loan type Place in the variable key - loan type P0045 Place in the variable key - loan type P0045 Place in the variable key - payroll type Place in the variable key - premium indicator time ITs Place in the variable key - variable key is filled out based on the values in the TRFGR and TRFST fields from the current PZ record Place in the variable key - clearing key for overtime Place in the variable key - time unit Place in the variable key - payment key for bank transfers The system checks to see whether a valuation base exists The system checks if a valuation basis is for the current wage type in table T512W. (That the "0" line of view V_T512_B is read). The current wage type is evaluated with the valuation basis that is entered for the current wage type itself. (That is, the "0" line of view V_512W_B). The system multiplies an entry that already exists in the RTE field for the current wage type with the percentage rate from a line 0 of view V_512W and then replaces the wage type names of the current wage type with the name of the wage type from the same line in V_512W. Same as VALBS0 * with the exception that the data from infotype 2010 is used. Replaces the current wage type with the statement wage type that is entered in table T512W for the second wage type derived from the current wage type, and then you want to valuate this using the corresponding valuation basis. Sets the length of the variable key to 2 Sets the length of the variable key to 3 Variable offset - set here to 2. The system with then ignores the first 2 digits. Place the table field "indicator for indirect valuation" in the variable key Place the table field "premium number" in the variable key
Place the table field "ES grouping for collective agreement provision" in the variable key Interrogate processing class 64 Usually part of a decision - where the wage type is queried Passes through the wage type as unchanged Decide if employee has had a pay change in pay period & if the one being processed is the last Operation WPBPC distributes the amount of the current wage type to the active WPBP periods in the payroll period. This operation splits the amounts but does not distribute them to the different periods Expect to call another PCR in this line Sets the AMT and NUM to zero Set the values for the rate, number and amount equal to zero Initialises the variable ABCD Sets the NUM RTE and AMT to zero
Wishing to retrieve previous payroll period results to be used in a PCR? You can do so by using the operation IMPRE with parameter NN (NN periods before current payroll period). Also have a look at the documentation of IMPRE. An example in using this operation is as follows (reading the period 6 months ago): D ZERO = NRA IMPRE 6 SUBRC?IMP * 0 AMT = O 1001SETIN A=01SETIN R=3 ZERO= NR ADDWTI1001
9LDIV Divisor 30 9LDMP Dismissal protection function 9LRET Perform Retroactive Accounting ABZU0 Company assignment - Austria ACTIO Rule-controlled performance of an action ADDCU Update cumulations ANAB Processing absences, country-specific features (A) ANZAL Employee counting for statements of paid SI contributions AONWR AOPNR APFIT Process garnishment/cession of wages - import, repayment, export ARADV Automatic discount of advance payments from salary. ARART Activation of Soc. Insurance partition for ART absence wage types ARASF Family allowance calculation ARCPV Initial data loading for Leave Provision ARDIV Wage type adjustment for use of divisor 30 ARGUD Grossing-up - Detection of gross amount differences in retro. acctg.
Grossing-up - Importation of gross amount differences previous period Income Tax calculation IBD calculation for ART Calculation of averages and valuation bases Vacation provision calculation Calculation of Annual Extra Payment (SAC) Comparison IT<->ORT Social Insurance partition assignment Calculation of Social Insurance contributions Family Allowances - Loading of previous data Termination in Installments Identification of averages to calculate in ARTER Calculation of Severance pay Argentina The function ASREI cumulates all the travel expenses for an Calculate social insurance (A)
Superannuation contribution calculation HR AU PS:Generate Leave Loading Higher duty allowance - Read adjustment amounts Higher duty salary Import Last original payroll result - Australia HR-AU-PS : Leave provision Identify Mid Period Transfer HR AU PS:Paying out of leave loading Generate High Duty Allowances Superable salary Calculation HR AU PS:Append adjustment into the IT HR AUS PS:Leave Payment Calculation HR AUS PS:Lump Sum Components Calculation HR AU PS:Function to delimit internal tables during simulation HR AUS PS:Termination Payment Calculation Calculation of averages Extract absence type of a payroll period Company car . Belgium Calculation of activation allowances Creation of daydetails in table DAYDET for payroll outsourcing Processing of Educational Leave (B) Benefits: Cumulation of earnings and hours Correction to ER contribution, if EE contribution has been reduced
BENPR BENPR BENSA For copying Social Security wage types /403, /703 into /B43, /B73. BENTB BENTB BENTR Transfer FSA wage type from RT to BENTAB BENUS Pre US benefits processing BENWT Process US 403b technical WT BFEVL Generate cluster table SVEVL BFIRE Split dismissal allowance Belgium BFREM Generate cluster table SVREM (BFREM) BFSER Generate cluster table SVSER BHOPY HR-BE: Holiday Pay Calculation BLIT Importing wage types from ZL to IT (Belgium) BLOCK Log structure BNAB Import and process cluster PC (B) in payroll accounting BNKTR Transfer of bank transfers for repeat payroll runs BPF00 Calculation of garnishment (B) BPFBT Belgium, additional information handling into BT table BPRT0 Print payroll results BR13O Christmas allowance calculation BR13R Put thirteenth salary BR398 Creation of splits in WPBP for health risk BR57 Union dues BRABF Calculation of number of days for leave allowance BRADV Advance wage payment calculation BRCDT Determine working days for denominator BRCGC Tax code and construction site reading BRCON Contract elements scope reading BRCOS Social contribution BRCUM Read table BRCUM BRDIV Complete leave valuation in the case of calendar months BREAK Setting a break point BREDU Education allowance BREMP Infotype 437 reading - multiple employment BRFGT Length of Service Guarantee Fund - FGTS BRFRA Store amount paid for advance leave allowance BRGAR Alimony BRGRP Self-employed basis for GCSW BRHRF Calculation of public holiday hours in admission month BRHRN Working hours calculation for hourly wage earners BRINI Initialization of Brazilian payroll switches BRINS Calculation of Social Insurance contribution discount BRIR Calculation of witholding tax discount - WTD
BRISS Function SIB BRMVE Move wage types to destination table with check T7BR03 BRNAB Absence periods split BRNAT Maternity pay BROFE Find leave differences or leave results BROFF Import leave and compensation wage types of former periods BRPED Valuates leave days compensation: proportional, expired or doubled BRPPR Create/Process year partial factors table for PRS BRPRV Reserve BRPV1 Leave Reserves BRPV2 Calculation of leave reserves BRRES Termination BRRET Retroactive Accounting - rearrange bases BRREX Calculation of labor debits BRRSK Hazard bonus and health risk premium BRSAL Contract wage calculation BRSDR Contract wage amount paid in advance BRSFM Child allowance BRSV0 Retroactive Accounting of old FERI off-cycles: set V0 for conversion BRTRN PLR Data upload BRTS Run Christmas allowance BRVCR Handling of leave wage types - creation BRVRN Rounding of leave wage types BRVTR Transportation ticket BRXLK BRXLK BRZLT Handling of time events occurred during planned period BST00 Calculate tax (B) BSV00 Calculate SI employer/employee (B) BTFIL Read bank transfers from last payroll run BXABP Extract absence types from a payroll accounting period C0372 HR-MX: Reading of Integrated Daily Wage Infotype (0372) - CE C0756 CBA Check bank details and address (CH) CDFT Cumulation of tables DFT(ODFT) in CDFT(OCDF) CHDR Calculation year-end bonus Switzerland CHECK Check before/after selecting employees CHINI Initialization payroll Switzerland CHKPC Personal absence calendar generated? CHPK Calculation Pension fund - Switzerland CHSV Calculation Social Insurance Switzerland (new) CHZUL HR-CH: Calculate family-related bonuses CMJCP Concurrent Employment: Copy SI and Tax Tables (Switzerland)
CNAB Absence valuation (CH) CNGRO Re-convert taxable foreign currency wage type CNGRS Gross up for salary and bonus. CNPHF Calculation China PHF CNSI Calculate 5 Social Insurances premium CNSOT China Stock Options Income Tax Calculation CNTAX Calculate income tax COM Comment lines in a schema CONZL Summarize table ZL COPRT Copy table RT to table GRT COPY Copies front-end subschema CPYOT Copy old tables tables to current period CSTCP Append table from previous period (Switzerland) CSTPR Tax loop through tax table (CH) D2002 Processing request for attendances D2010 Processing request for employee remuneration information DAB Absence processing according to German regulations (Part 2) DATES Providing Date Specifications in Payroll DATZ Processing semiretirement DAVMG DAYPR Day processing of time data DBAU Construction industry (D) DBG Workerscompensation association: determine assignment for BG DBUEZ DDC Processing Steps for Salary Conversion DDV Processing request for company insurance DEHDC DELZL Deleting wage types from table ZL DFLEX Constr.ind. flexible working hours policy DFLST Fictitious Run Control Processing DKNAP Calculation of special features for miners' insurance - DEUEV DKUG Reduced hours compensation calculation DNAB Absence processing according to German regulations (Part 1) DODPS Calculate non-monetary remuneration DOED Civil service Germany, active (BAT/BMTG) DOFIN Initialize fictitious calculation (Public Sector Germany) DOKG Import child allowance amount from infotype 0119 DOKGZ DOKIG Calculation of Child Allowance (Public Sector Germany) DOLGU Determine unreduced wage types (indirect valuation) DOSEZ DOSOZ Special payments in Public Sector
DOUKA Leave and sickness premium (Public Sector Germany) DOV14 Recurring payments / deductions & additional payments for holder DOVAD DOVAI DOVER Imputation to pension payment DOWP Read work center data for civil service (PSG) DOZMG Maternity pay supplement (Public Sector Germany) DOZV Supplementary pension (civil service, Germany) DOZVB Staggered payment (civil service, Germany) DPFBT Process garnishment/cession of wages around garnishable amount DPFIT Process garnishment/cession of wages - import, repayment, export DPKW Car rule (D) DRSMU Write the Message Table to the Database DST Tax calculation (D) DSV Social insurance (D) DSVU Calculate SI contribution DVB Processing request for capital formation savings EADEV Determine seniority payment time periods EAUT0 Generation of personnel shifts plan (PSP) EBABB Valuate Banks agreement 'Banks absence' EBPI0 Calculation of bases and benefits for TI ECATT ECATT ECPD Cumulation of Social Insurance allowances D.P. ECRDI Reduction of benefits by period days D.P. EDSS0 Number of days in the Social Insurance calculation EERE0 Employment regulation file EGARN Garnishments (Spain) EHEXT Check annual limit for catastrophe overtime EIGA0 Estimate of annual taxable income EIGA1 Estimate of the annual taxable income of variable variables ELRD Transfer IT relevant wage types from LRT to IT, D.P. ELSE Conditional execution of functions ENAB Absence processing ENAME Read name ENDIF End function of a condition EOS Processing at end of selection EPEU1 Multiplication of the amount of a wage type by its number EPRO0 Prorrata calculation for Social Insurance contribution bases EPRO1 /34B prorata for Social Insurance bases, infotype 0015 update ERPD ERPD EST00 Calculation of employment tax (IRPF) deductions and payments ESV00 Contribution bases calculation and Social Insurance contributions
ESVB0 ESVB0 ESVC0 ESVC0 EXABP Extract absences for a payroll period EXCEP HR-XX: Exception Reporting EXPRT Exporting interim or final results to databases FCCO Calculation of employees' and employers' charges (HR-FR) FCRE Social security and tax returns FCTR Calculate Minimum Pay and Contributions for Special Contracts (HR_FR) FIGAR Garnishment calculation Finland FIGOC Garnishment processing for Off-Cycle Correction Runs (Finland) FIGRO Take over old values for table GAR FIJSS IJSS wage type generation FIPAY Read posting date from table 549S . FIREV Reversal of Accruals / Employer Social Costs FISIC Social insurance calculation Finland FISIE ER Social Insurance Exception calculation from /112 FITAX Tax calculation Finland FKTBR Set switch for fictitious calculation for sick pay/military service FNAB Abscence calculation (HR-F) FNABE Absence split according to the NCALE table FNABS FU FNABS generation of PC cluster NCALE table FOSAR transfer of claims calculations to the original payroll (HR-FR) FPCOB FPSAR Calculation of the contribution amounts for garnishment FPSUP FPWP FQ0P SAP/ADP interface with process model - authorisation check FQABL HR-FR: ADP/GSI Interface FQCKW Check matchcode W and granularity of the retro-activity FQDIF HR-FR: ADP/GSI Interface FQDRT HR-FR: ADP/GSI Interface FQGM1 SAP/ADP Interface : M-1 processing of absence wage types FQICR HRMS-FR : Update of table CRT FQOLD HR-FR: ADP/GSI Interface FQPOG SAP/ADP Interface: Reminder wage type processing FQSAC ADP Interface: check all SA wage types returned by ADP FQSV0 SAP/ADP Interface: adjustment of V0 split (V0ZNR) FQUBT HR-FR: ADP/GSI Interface FQZL HR-FR: ADP/GSI Interface FRPIT Process IT in iterations ( France ) FSIS Isolated amounts: 'contribution bases' wage type generation FSPLT Split control in a LPBEG/LPEND loop
FWPE Employment contract: Suppl. info GAHPS GAHPS GAWTY Get /A wage types from payroll history GBIT8 Summarize all basic pay wagetypes in /250 GBLGP Local Government Pension Scheme GBMPT Mid Period Transfers GBNIA National Insurance Great Britain User Adjustments GBNIC National Insurance Calculation Great Britain GBPSC Multiple Employment processes GBSXP GB Statutory Absence Payment (SAP, SMP, SPP & SSP) GCAR Great Britain: Company Car Taxable Benefit and Class 1A NICs GCCV Childcare Vouchers GCRTO Great Britain- Court Orders Processing. GDTCU Great Britain: Data Take On: Pensions/Court orders cumulatives GEN/8 Form technical wage types /801 - /8nn GENPS Generating personal work schedule GEXCP Great Britain: Reconciliations cumulatives. GFBNW Generate wage type for flexible benefit GFMSA Great Britain: Filling Table MSA (Maternity and Sickness Absences) GGRUP Build up the FOT difference GLVPT GRET Collect tax retro differences in last active period GNAB Great Britain: Processing SSP and SMP Absences GON Check data is complete GPENS Great Britain- Pension Fund Calculation. GPNAB Simple Call To International FUXNAB. GRBEG Start of gross part GREND End of gross part GRETC Great Britain: Check validity of processing employee with GNT9 GRSUC GRSUP Project (Gross up) guaranteed net amount GSRAB Save & Restore GB specific AB entries GTAX Great Britain: Tax Calculation. GTMSV Great Britain: Time and Service Processing HKBNS HKBNS Change the split indicator to bonus split indicator HKCNS Split MPF contribution wage types based on calendar days HKCON Calculate the EE and ER MPF/ORSO contributions HKDLY Calculate the daily payments via time calculation result for LSP/SP HKENT Calculate and factor the employee s entitlement HKEOY EOY Payment calculation HKGEN Generating technical wage types /8ca - /8cb HKGRD HK:generate retro difference wage type when payroll run cross tax year HKIMP Importing last complete normal payroll period results
Eligibility and calculation of LSP/SP Process table DT Remove /561 from table ORT Generate tax amounts Generate non-prorated tax amounts -IR56E IACCA HR IT: family allowance calculation Active-passive deferred month HR IT: arrears calculation - previous years Post-balancing core Initialization of the cumulated difference table IRPEF settlement HR IT: deductions settlement Social security contribution settlement Severance indemnity calculation Deduction calculation HR IT: calculation of received and due deductions HR IT: calculation of tax deductions Grossup adjustment Insurance calculation Indonesia Absence processing Indonesia PTKP calculation Indonesia Calculation of govt subsidy and the tax after subsidy Indonesia Tax calculation Indonesia Function IEADF Holiday Pay Tax Processing of severance indemnity calculation bases HR-IE : Customized Payroll Exceptions Function IEDIF IEDWT IEHP1 IEHP3 IEHPS Simple Call To International FUXNAB. IENDD Function IEPNS IEPNT Function IEPRS Function IERSI Retro Tax Difference Calculation HR-IE : Standard Payroll Exceptions IESIR
IETAX Function IETAX IEUDT Function IEUDT IEVHI IEVHI IF Conditional execution of functions IITFR Personal Income Tax calculation with reference to severance indemnity ILRAT Generation of accrual settlement WT ILTFR Generation of severance pay items IMPRT Importing intermediate or final results INAB INAB : Absence processing, country-specific features (IT) INBTD HR-IN: Income Tax Deduction at Source for OffCycle Bonus Payment. INBTX HR-IN : Bank Transfer for Tax Wage type INCCO Car & Conveyance - India INCEA Children Education Allowance exemption INCTX General Payroll function for Allowance/Reimbursement Treatment INDSD One day salary deduction INEPF Calculate Provident Fund Contributions INESI Employees' State Insurance Contributions INGRY Calculation of Gratuity contribution INGTX HR-IN: Gratuity contribution taxation INHFS Calculate Hard Furnishing Perk Value INHRA Housing(HRA / CLA / COA) Details ININI INIOS Details of Income from Other Sources INLEA HR-IN: Leave Encashment Taxation INLKS Function to pro-rate the basis /1xx WT and create /3xx WT INLON Interest Rate Tax Advantage on Company Loans as Perk (India) INLTA To calculate LTA exemption amount INLWF Labour Welfare Fund for India INMED Medical reimbursement INPET Previous Employment Tax Details INPTB HR-IN: Professional tax basis computation INPTX Professional tax for India INROR Rounding off & recovery of rounded amt INS24 Deduction under Section-24 INS80 Section 80 Deductions for India INS88 Section-88 Rebate INSAN Calculate Superannuation contributions INSZL Inserting wage types from ZH into ZL INTAX HR-IN: India Income Tax computations INTER Transfer wage types from table 558A INTPD Third Party Deductions INUCD Other Statutory and Non-Statutory Deductions
INVRS Voluntary Retirement Service Taxation IPAMD Passive-active deferred month IPARR HR IT: net pay rounding IPREV HR IT: Contribution accounting IRPEF Personal Income Tax calculation IRTFR Severance indemnity revaluation ITASD HR IT: personal income tax calculation for separate taxation ITASS Absences processing ITCAF ITCAF ITCDE ITCDE ITCHK Absences check before splitting ITCPM Sev.ind.average % calculation transf. to integration fund ITCTM District taxes settlement ITCTP Provincial taxes settlement ITCTR HR IT: regional surcharge settlement ITDEC ITDEC ITFRS Choice SI : accrued SI 01.01.07 up to Choice Compilation ITISP Social Security Funds enrollment fee payment ITLFB HR IT: relevant rate calculation ITMEC Extra monthly pay for EEF ITMUN District taxes ITPCR HR IT: Processing the Italian Last Result table ITPRO Provincial taxes - Italy only ITQGF Severance indemnity amount to be transferred to Suppl. Fund ITR01 Reading /D01 from infotype 0305 ITRAT ITREG HR IT: regional surcharge calculation ITRET HR IT: difference calculation for retroactive accouting ITRIN Initialization of Retrocalculation process - Italy only ITRPD HR IT: Annual expected remumneration calculation for the deductions J0014 HR-JPN: Processing request for repeat payments and deductions JCMAL Calculate tax-free commuter allowances JIMPT HR-JPN: Cluster import Function for Japan. JKING HR-JPN: Kijun-gai kijun-nai WPBP splitter JPPSP HR-JPN: Processing personal shift plans JPSGT SANTEI/GEPPEN evaluation : Store SGT data temporarily JSGEP JSGEP JSGEV JSGEV JSGHI JSGHI JSTGP HR-JPN: Calculate Average Monthly Compensation and Grade for SI KACHK Verify Conversion of Infotype 0224 Records to Infotype 046* Records KACYT Perform Cross-Year Tax Calculation
KANAB Process Absences in Payroll Schema KANMC Move Wage Types from XTBLGART to IT KAPRC Distribute Employer Contributions (Canada) KAPRE Prepare Tax Processing (Canada) KAROE Record of Employment (Canada) KARTT Adjust Partial Period Parameters (Canada) KATAX Calculate Tax (Canada) KAVAC Process Vacation Pay Accrual and Payout (Canada) KFTAX Calculate Flat Taxes and Levies KGARN Garnishments KGRRN Bring Forward /G00 and /G01 Differences for Garnishments Processing KIFLX Calculate Influx / Outflux KRDPY Deferred payment Korea KRFAM Family allowance KRLON Loan for KR KRSEP Sepration payment KRSIP Process social insurance premium KRTAX Tax calculation Korea KSORT Sort Internal Table (Canada only) KTRAN Function KTRAN KTXDM Canadian Tax Infotypes Data Management KTXES Estimate Taxes on a When-Earned Basis KVADV Calculate Vacation Net Advance (Canada only) LEPF HR-Malaysia: Process EPF - Malaysian Employee Provident Fund LIMIT Limiting deductions LPBEG Beginning a Loop in the Payroll Schema LPEND Ending a Loop in the Payroll Schema LSOC HR-Malaysia: Process SOCSO - Malaysian social insurance LTAX HR-Malaysia: Process STD - Malaysian tax LTXDT Final Tax deductions for STD - Malaysia M0005 Retrieve Leave Entitlement MABS HR_DK: Create Table MABS (Form 27) MABSC Cumulate absences from MABS into MABSC MACC Import values from the previous period MACC to current MACC MADCU DK: Update Cumulations MBANK Valuate whether a bank entry exists in IT 9 (Denmark) MBKI Put receiver key information from T521B into table BT. MBOK Valuate whether posting run is allowed (Denmark) MCOMP Carry out of shift change compensation between ZL and AZL MCPBS Generate Information for Modifiable PBS Forms MCRXP Only consider the highest capital formation payment from company car MEDIS MEDIS
MEFAS DK: Calculate Working Percentage for FA Statistic MENTV Valuate Leave Entitlement MEV05 Valuation of Evaluation Class 5 (FA statistics) MEV07 Valuation of Evaluation Class 7 (FA Statistics) MFDRT Take into Account Value of One Leave Day in the VDT MFEE Generate wage type /LPF for every /LRP entry in the RT table MGOK Checks the validity of the gross payroll run MIMPT Import Payroll Results from Previous Period (Similar to IMPRT L) MJOBS Multiple payroll MLGWT Conversion between /L-WT: with V0-splits <-> without V0-splits MLON HR-DK: Create MLON internal table MNOK Checks the validity of the net payroll run MOD Determine modifiers MOGRT Process table OGRT MPBSE Import error file from PBS to T5M8H (Payroll DK) MPENS Pension preaccumulation according to PBS splits MPENS -> MPAC MPNGR Dummy function for importing infotypes 73 and 200 to import schema MPSEL Retrieve Selected Persons in 'HR_DK_PERNRTAB' MPVDT Difference sequence for leave amounts MPVEN Process all leave accumulation in table MVENT MRPKM Import kilometres travelled in private car for the company MSPLT Rescue split indicators for import MSTCU DK: Processing of Previous Cumulations MTRAN Import net results from T5M58 MVACP Payment of leave accumulations 1/2 % MWSET Set payroll status in T5MG8 MXBCU MXBCU MXGAR HR-MX: Calcul. of maintenance payts MXHRE Initialize and retreived overtime, days off and public holidays worked MXISC MXIST HR-MX: Maintenance of integrated daily wage MXLFA Function to delimit Savings Fund contributions MXLFC MXLVC MXLVD Function to delimit Food Voucher contributions MXNAB HR-MX: Separation of absences for different processing for IMSS MXNOC HR-MX-CE: Calculation of State Tax CE MXNOM HR-MX: Calculation of state tax MXPAS Payroll function that performs SAR cc-wage types adjustment MXPRV HR-MX: Calculation of provisions MXPSC HR-MX PS:Process ISSSTE Contribution - Concurrent Employment MXPST HR-MX PS:Process ISSSTE Contribution
MXRNC MXRND HR-MX: Rounding calculation MXSC HR-MX: Calculation of IMSS bases and contributions - CE MXSCC MXSI HR-MX: Calculation of IMSS bases and contributions MXSIC HR-MX: Finalize calculation of integrated daily wage MXTAX HR-MX: Calculation of tax MXTXC HR-MX: Tax calculation CE N30PV Distribute 30% tax-free allowance to original wage types NAK00 Premium Reduction Calculation (NL) NAK01 Set automatic premium reductions (NL) NEX2M Export varibales into SAP memory NINFD Read extra data for cluster (NL) NIPSP Enter required data from previous period into WBS NITF0 Read Infotypes 0001, 0002, 0006 and 0007 (NL) NKORE Calculation of tax child care (NL) NLCNB Determine adjustment procedure or payment in arrears NLCVZ Calc. of AWBZ contribution for pensioners abroad on behalf of the HCIB NLDPE NLFB0 Fixed Settlement Flexible Benefits NLFB1 Variable Flexible Benefits Settlement NLFBB Saving sources to infotype FBNL of infotype 0008 NLGRV Delete wage types for guaranteed net amounts during net/gross NLIMP Import Payroll Results NLKOP Calculation of Tax-Exempt Part of Childcare Allowance NLLA0 Store Deduction Data in Wage Return NLLXS PY NL: Check age for age-dependent additional SI schemes NLMLG Minimum Wage Guarantee (NL) NLNDG Determine number of theoretical/actual days worked (NL) NLPRT Print gross/net calculation (NL) NLSPR Savings Scheme Calculations NLTNB Enter arrears payment (NL) NLZKV Calculation of Health Insurance and Employer Contribution (NL) NNAB Valuation of absences (NL) NPS00 Calculation of Pension Contributions (NL) NPS01 Write part-time percentages to wage types (pens. NL) NPS02 Pension Calculation NL NRSTO Restore cluster tables - difference calculation (NL) NSALD Fiscal Offsetting of Commuter Allowance and Business Trips NST00 Calculation of Wage Tax (LH) (NL) NSV00 Social Insurance Contribution Calculation (NL) NSV01 Determine SI Days and Periods (NL)
NSV02 Calculation of SI Contributions (NL) NSVSP NSZFW NTBEG Beginning the net calculation of pay NTEND Ending the net calculation of pay NWV00 Calculation of commuter allowance and tax-free amounts NWVDF Adapt table NWV for Recalculation Difference f. Retroactive Jupersplit NZ416 Simulated Quota Compensation - NZ NZADV New Zealand Advance Payment Processing NZARR Tax Arrear Deduction NZB05 NZB05 NZCLO Create Leave Tables in Offcycle - NZ NZCRE NZCRE NZEEP Calculate fixed tax rate for every Extra Emolument Payment NZETC Calculate Employer Tax Credit NZG00 Sick Pay Calculation (NL) NZG01 Sick Pay Calculation (NL) NZKIW Update KIWCO cluster NZLLC Calculate Leave Liability NZLTK NZLTK NZLVA NZLVA NZLVP Leave Payments (Absence Quota Payments) - NZ NZLVR Calculate Average Rate Ordinary Pay Rate and Daily Pay Rate - NZ NZORE NZORE NZOVT No documentation NZPAQ Process Absence Quota - NZ NZQHA Absence Quota History Adjustments - NZ NZQLD Absence Quota Loading NZREP NZREP NZRET NZRET NZS83 NZS83 NZSFR NZSFR NZSMG NZSMG NZSMW NZSMW NZTCL NZTCL NZTX NZTX NZU05 NZU05 NZUHI Update Holiday Information - NZ OPT Options P0002 Read name P0004 Import challenge record P0005 Import leave data (CH) 5.0
P0006 P0009 P0011 P0012 P0013 P0014 P0015 P0016 P0020 P0021 P0026 P0036 P0037 P0038 P0039 P0042 P0043 P0044 P0045 P0046 P0049 P0051 P0052 P0055 P0057 P0059 P0060 P0061 P0062 P0064 P0065 P0069 P0070 P0071 P0072 P0073 P0074 P0075 P0076 P0079 P0083 P0087
Address provision Processing request for bank details Processing request for external transfers Read tax data Read social insurance data Processing request for repeat payments and deductions Processing request for additional payments HR IT: Read function of infotype 0016 Provision of DUEVO data Read family members Import retirement pension plan (currently only company insurance) HR-CH: Read social insurance data (Switzerland) Read remaining insurance data (CH) 5.0 Read tax data (CH) 5.0 Read additional data on org.assignment (CH) Read tax data - Austria Processing requirement for family allowance (A) Provison of social insurance data - Austria Provision of loan data Read company pension fund data (CH) 5.0 Read data for employees working reduced hours Import supplementary pension data Import data for standard wage maintenance Read previous employer data - Austria Processing Request for Membership Fees Read Social Insurance (NL) Import Wage Tax Data (NL) Read social insurance data - Spain Read tax (Spain) Read Social Insurance Data Great Britain: Read Tax Infotype Great Britain: Read National Insurance Data Great Britain: Read Court Orders Data Great Britain: Read Pension Fund Data Read fiscal data (DK) Read data on private pension fund (DK) Read data on vacation/SH (DK) Read data on ATP pension (DK) Workers Compensation Function Provision of data for supplementary SI Process leave compensation Great Britain: Calculate WFTC / DPTC
P0092 P0093 P0100 P0101 P0103 P0110 P0125 P0127 P0140 P0141 P0142 P0143 P0144 P0145 P0146 P0148 P0149 P0150 P0151 P0154 P0155 P0156 P0158 P0160 P0165 P0167 P0168 P0169 P0170 P0173 P0179 P0181 P0185 P0186 P0188 P0196 P0197 P0198 P0199 P0200 P0201 P0202
P0092 Read data on previous employers Check SI(RSZ) data (B) Read tax (BV) data (B) Processing savings bonds Pensions Read garnishment data (B) Read Commuter Traffic (NL) HR JP: Process infotype 0140, SI Basic Data HR JP: Process infotype 0141, SI Premium Data HR JP: Process infotype 0142, Residence Tax HR JP: Process infotype 0143, Life Insurance Deductions HR JP: Process infotype 0144, Property Accumulation Savings HR JP: Read infotype 0145, Income Tax HR JP: Process infotype 0146, Y.E.A. Data HR JP: Read infotype 0148, Family P0149 P0150 P0151 HR IT: reads the contribution-related data HR IT: read the additional administration data HR IT: reads the tax deduction-related data HR IT: reads the amounts paid by third parties HR IT: reads the family allowances-related data Obtaining data for limiting deductions Process Health Plans Infotype Process Insurance Plans Infotype Process Savings Plans Infotype Process Flexible Spending Accounts Infotype Read tax card information from infotype 0173. Read tax data P0181 : Read data for the additional funds P0185 : Read civil status P0186 : Read CPF, PR and FWL data Provide Australian Tax Data HR-Malaysia: Process EPF - Malaysian Employee Provident Fund HR-Malaysia: Process SOCSO - Malaysian social insurance HR-Malaysia: Process STD - Malaysian schedular tax deduction HR-Malaysia: Process Additional tax - Malaysia Import infotype 200 (Garnishments - Denmark) Import basic pension payments Contribution/income calculation CPS
P0204 P0205 P0206 P0207 P0214 P0220 P0221 P0222 P0224 P0228 P0232 P0236 P0241 P0242 P0261 P0262 P0263 P0265 P0267 P0272 P0273 P0274 P0275 P0276 P0277 P0303 P0305 P0310 P0311 P0312 P0313 P0317 P0319 P0322 P0326 P0331 P0332 P0333 P0334 P0343 P0345 P0346
Import Infotype 204 (DA/DS Statistics - Denmark) Transfer tax card information from infotype 205 to ST Transfer social insurance information from infotype 206 to SI HR-USA: Residential tax area test Calculate Superannuation Contributions Australia HR-USA: Non-authorized manual check Great Britain: Read Company Cars Data Transfer Canadian Tax Information - obsolete in SAP R/3 Enterprise Download garnishment information to GAR (P0228) Import Child Allowance (D) Process Credit Plans Infotype Read infotype 241 (Tax data Indonesia) Read infotype 242 (Jamsostek Indonesia) sk This function will load up all of the infotype 261 Read Retroactive Accounting Data Import Salary Conversion Read special regulations - PSG P0267 Reading garnishment data (HR-FR) P0273 P0274 P0275 P0276 P0277 Premium Reduction NL Read infotype 305 (Other employers) Process NZ Superannuation Data P0311 P0312 Provide New Zealand Tax Data Spec. Provisions (NL) Read infotype 319 (Insurances Indonesia) Import data to determine superannuation payments Imputation to pension payment HR-PT: Read employee's tax data HR-PT: Read employee's social security data HR-PT: Read employee's disability data HR-PT: Read employee's allowance grouping data Build the EOY payment cluster table BNS(bonus table) Build the tax and address cluster tables Build Retirement Plan Contribution Cluster Table
P0347 P0352 P0353 P0354 P0355 P0356 P0357 P0358 P0359 P0360 P0361 P0364 P0365 P0366 P0369 P0370 P0372 P0377 P0379 P0386 P0387 P0388 P0389 P0392 P0399 P0400 P0401 P0416 P0422 P0423 P0442 P0480 P0483 P0505 P0507 P0509 P050P P0511 P0521 P0525 P0527 P0530
Populate the MPF/ORSO Entitlement Plan Cluster Table ENT. P0352 : Processing NHI data for family members P0353 : Processing income tax for Taiwan Read LI data from I0354 P0355 : Processing NHI data P0356 : Processing request for employement stabilization fund (TW) P0357 : Processing request for saving plans (TW) P0358 : Processing request for employee welfare fund (TW) P0359 P0360 Function P0361 HR-Thailand: Read Tax Infotype HR-Thailand: Read Social Security Infotype HR-Thailand: Read Provident Fund Infotype HR-MX: Reading of IMSS data HR-MX: Reading of INFO/FONA data and calculation of credit discounts HR-MX: Reading of integrated daily wage infotype (0372) Process Miscellaneous Plans Infotype Process Stock Purchase Plans Infotypes Function P0386 - Read VHI Infotype Function P0387 - Read Starteru2019s Details Infotype IE P0388 : HR JP: Process infotype 0388, Unioin Due Deductions Reading of data from infotype Income Tax Social Insurance preparation (Argentina) HRMS-VE: Reading of infotype 0399 (Income Tax) HRMS-VE: Reading of infotype 0400 (Social Insurance) HRMS-VE: Reading of infotype 0401 (Severance Payments) Process Quota Compensation SSS Infotype Read HDMF Infotype Payroll Function for Company Car Read contracts processing (Spain) Read Infotype 0483 Holiday payment (last employer) Reading Superannuation infotypes Data read part of Higher duty allowance Reading data for extra legal pensions Cost-of-living allowance Switzerland Provision of semiretirement data Read child care (NL) Read Payment Upon Leaving A Read PHF data from IT0530 and relative tables
P0531 P0532 P0533 P0548 P0554 P0559 P0560 P0567 P0578 P0579 P0580 P0581 P0582 P0583 P0584 P0585 P0586 P0587 P0588 P0590 P0593 P0596 P0632 P0634 P0645 P0654 P0661 P0694 P0713 P0718 P0725 P0751 P0756 P0757 P0793 P0808 P0817 P0818 P0848 P0851 P0854 P0865
Read data about tax from IT0531 P0532: Processing SI data Read service fee from IT0533 and calculate service fee Reading function Infotype 548 ( Supplementary Social Security - IT) Processing request for different payment and cost assignment Commuter allowance calculation JP HR-JP: Process infotype 0560, Overseas pay HR AU PS:Payroll function to read in data container Download from Infotype 578 (Authorization of PBS Accumulators) Processing requirement for external salary elements Previous Employment Tax Details Housing (HRA / CLA / COA ) India To read infotype 0582 Car & Conveyance - India Income From Other Sources Section 80 Contribution Details Section 88 Investment Details Provident Fund contributions Employees' State Insurance Contribution -India Hard Furnishing Scheme - India Rehabilitants: Store interim and reimbursement wage type Read PhilHealth Infotype Read Philippines Previous Employer Infotype Compensation processing in case of termination. Venezuela Work termination processing Termination Brazil Read Infotype 649(Previous Employement Details) Termination: Get all severances Processing benefit point requests Foreign Incomes South Africa HR-MX PS: Process Loan Infotype HR-GB: Working Tax Credits (as of April 2003) GB Payment in Error Read Wage Return Data Read Income Tax Withholding Variation Infotype (0817) Data Read new pension data from I0818 Bursary Payments SA Shukko cost distribution JP Read savings scheme data Mobility
P0874 Predetermination TAX & NIC Adjustment P0879 Read adjustment calculation data P0897 Import Flexible Benefits P0958 Additional Contract Data (IT0016) - NPO P0961 Pension Fund - NPO P0962 Rental Subsidy - NPO P0965 PY-NPO: Education Grant P0980 (Further) Training Costs (Switzerland) P0R11 Create wagetypes for Remuneration code 11 P185I Read ID Details (Superannuation Gratuity) P186S P186S P2002 Processing request for attendances P2003 Processing request for substitution P2010 Processing request for employee remuneration information P9ZNC Zero net checks, check existence of IT9 PAB Absence valuation (international part) PAIT Processing the alternative input table AIT PALP Process alternative payments PARTT Loading the basics for partial period factors PCDFT Processing the cumulated difference table PCGA0 Calculating Social Security (CGA and Standard Contributions) PDT Process difference table PFD00 Payroll Integration With Pension Fund PFUND HR-Thailand: Compute Provident Fund Contribution PGM Identifying a schema by program type PGRT Processing results table at end of gross calculation of pay PHHIC PhilHealth Contributions Calculation PHPBE PHPBE HDMF Employee/Employer Premium Contribution calculations PHSSB SSS Benefits PHSSC SSS Contributions PHSST SSS Benefits PHT Process Higher duty table PIT Process input table PITAB Processing internal tables PLRT Processing the last results table PMACC Process all entries in MACC PMPEN PMPEN PNAB HR-PT: Split absences for SS advance payments PNAN HR-PT: Split absences for coverage rules PNT Process nominal adjustment salary of Higher duty allowance POGRT Process table OGRT POOT POOT: Process table OTWOT
PORI Transfer of data from previous period's retroactive payroll runs PORO Transfer of retroactive changes from previous payroll PORT Transfer of data from the previous payroll PORTS Process results table PP005 HR-PT: Determine leave entitlement from IT0005 PPSFA PPSP Processing personal shift plans PPT Processing parking table PRART Process Table OARRRS PRBEG Deductions: Preparation of V0, OV0, ORT etc. for Retroactive Accntg PRDNT Processing of table DDNTK (Deductions Not Taken) PREND Modify DDNTK table after last loop PRI Transfer of data from retroactive payroll runs PRINT Print the table or structure PRPRI Processing of the priorities tables PRT Processing the results table PSMUL PS-SG: Generate Daily Rate for Make Up Leave PSRT PSRT PSS00 PY-PT: Calculate Social Security contributions PSSD0 HR-PT: Calculate Social Security working days PST00 HR-PT: Process stamp tax PSV00 HR-PT: Processes Social Security contributions PT4GU CGA and ADSE Contributions for Four-Day-Week Work Schedules PTADU HR-PT ADSE Deduction (Public Sector) PTCRT Process TCRT PTECU Deductions for Special Mobility PTEDU Cease Payment of Social Security Contributions for Special Mobility PTMCA working days in special mobility phase compensation PTREU HR-PT: Function for Reimbursement (Public Sector) PTX00 HR-PT: Determine IRS deductions PVACA HR-PT: Adjustment of the vacation allowance already paid to the EE PVACE HR-PT: Determination of annual estimated amount for vacation allowance PVACG HR-PT: Get VA grouping and generate VA payment data PVACO HR-PT: Retrieve payment data in table VA from previous payroll period PVACR HR-PT: Building and storing the reference remuneration components PVACT HR-PT: Valuate vacation allowance for leave days on termination PVACV HR-PT: Determination of amounts for VA and taken leave days PW1 Processing individual incentive wages data PW2 Processing group incentive wages data PWMT Process wage maintenance table PZL Process table ZL PZLOV Copy internal table ZL to OV (overtime records)
QACZL Take only those records from ZL during which employee is active. QADVI QADVI QAVBS Determine the base gross amt and base tax amt for LSP and Bonus pym QCRET QCRET QCTSC QCTSC QCUGT Cumulate Gross and Tax from previous results of current period QCURD Delete currency from payroll tables QLBSP Create Lump Sum & Bonus pym for single Pay period QLOAD QLOAD QLVEM QLVEM QLVLD QLVLD QLVLL Aust. Leave Loading QLVPR Leave Provision QLVRE QLVRE QLVTY QLVTY QORET QORET QOSUP QOSUP QPASU QPASU QPDNR Processing the dnrct table QPFDT 1042-S fill differences QPNTP Nonresident tax and payroll preparation QPNTX 1042-S tax calculation QPTAB Move nonresident tables QPTAX NRA Tax and Payroll Process QPWCT QRADF Add differences in directors fees and allowances in /RLL to /A11 in DT QRDT1 Function to avoid tax processing for superannuation wagetypes (LSPA) QRETP QRETP QRETT QRETT R0057 Process membership infotype (SG) R3CML Calculation of Benefit Salary for 3rd Child Maternity Leave RAB Read absences RADDF Calculation of additional funds RCALC Calculation of Lump sum payment and lump sum for CPF RCHRT RCHRT REMIT Withholding remittances for third parties REMWR Storing the remittances to be withheld for third parties RFRSH Refresh internal tables RGPML Calculation of ECPF amount to be claimed by the employer towards GPML RGRTE Regular Rate of Pay (FLSA Overtime Valuation) RSCPF Calculation of CPF contribution for citizens, PR and FWL-days RSMRT Function for the dynamic semimonthly payroll
RU293 Previous Employment Data RUAID Alimony and Fines RUAVE Calculation of averages for Russia (prepare additional data) RUC1 Distribute WT by C1-splits for basic wage type from Time Generation. RUC45 Set calc. currency for p0045's records - Russia RUFUP Process Amounts of Future Periods RUGAB Calculating Days, Hours, and Absences by Normal Schedule RUNAB Refinement of Absences - Russia RUOAV Modify OAVERAGE, RUAVE. RUPRI Processing of the priorities and deduction groups tables RUPRT Importing intermediate or final results with special selection. RURAB Russian RAB with Extension for Off-Cycle Processing RUSI0 Calculation allowance for SI - Russia RUSPL Additional splitting of WPBP RUTAX Tax Calculation (Russia) SECN0 Employer contribution calculation Sweden SEJT Taxation in old period necessary due to JUPER change SETCU Process previous cumulations SETSW Setting switches on the basis of data from the PSP and CABC SGAR0 The function calls func. module HR_SE_DEDUCT_GARNISHMENT, from SGCPF SGCPF SGERA Extension Of Retirement Age.... SGPRA SG-PS: Pensions - Calculate the Pension Refund amount (Difference amt) SGPRF HR PS Singapore: CPF Refund Calculations SNAB SNAB SORT Sort internal tables SPA Process special payments SPAVG Calculate average monthly salary of previous year SPB Evaluation (automatic special payment) SPC Administration (automatic special payments) SPU00 Period and year for special payment transfer SRPKM Number of kilometers with Fuel-compensation for a benefit-car SRPTR Travel allowance STAX0 Function used in subschema STAX in the Swedish payrollschema S000. SUPER sk This function is called after reading in the SUURL SUURL SVACS Payroll transfer for capacity utilization level SXABP SXABP TAXCA Tax Calculations Function TAXWT Tax Wage Types. THIMP Import Last original payroll result - TH THREP THREP: HR-Thailand: Process wagetypes for Tax Reports.
THRNT Rounding function for Thailand payroll THSS THSS : HR-Thailand: Process Social Security data THTAX THTAX: HR-Thailand: Process Tax. THTRM THTRM: HR-Thailand: Process Termination Pay TRANS Transfer of wage types from T558A to IT TWESF Calculate Employee Stabilization Fund TWEWF Calculate Employee Welfare Fund TWNHI TWNHI : Calculate NHI premium TWNP Calculate new pension premium TWOT TWOT: Carry out cutoff date and overtime hours taxable limit TWSAV Calculate saving plan provision for employee and employer TWSI Calculate Labor Insurance premium TWTAX Taiwan Tax Calculation U0021 Read Dependency Allowance - NPO UACGF Calculate Month End Accruals UCPFI Conc. Employment Common Paymaster posting to FI UCQRC US Tax Reporter cross quarter retro monitor UCURR Set the payroll calculation currency - NPO UDTX0 Initialization for the BAL rebuild function UDTX1 Compare BAL/UNB tables UDTX2 Update new BAL/UNB UFRSH Refresh Internal Tables - US UGARN Garnishments UGTLI HR-US: Process US Group Term Life Insurance Plans UGUPD Gross up cost distribution UMALL Mobility Allowance - NPO UMOD Determining modifiers UN509 Data read part of Higher duty allowance UNAB US Absence Processing UNHAJ NPO: Higher duty allowance - Read adjustment amounts UNHDA NPO: Higher Duty Salary UNMEX New Mexico Workers' Compensation Tax UNPHT NPO: Process Higher duty table UNPNT NPO: Process nominal adjustment salary of Higher duty allowance UNRSP NPO: Generate High Duty Allowances UOTX0 PY-US-TX: Freeze existing taxes during cross-year retrocalculation UPAR1 Override tax method for current payments or retro differences (USA) UPD Performing database updates UPRTT Loading the basics for UN partial period factors - NPO URSA Cap tax withholdings for separate aggregate method USTAX Process BSI tax calculation (USA) UTIPS Tip processing
UTOUT US Tax table process for Outsourcing UTPRI Tax priority (USA) UTRST US Tax Reporter Employee index builder UTWE Payroll function for simulation of taxing when-earned UTXCE CE US Tax final calculation and prioritization UTXOR US Tax Authority Override via IT0221 UWPBP Import Duty Station data - NPO V0509 Read infotype 0509 + 0008 ( Norway MS ) VAAV0 Calculation of employer's contribution (NO) VCRET Clear internal payroll table RETT VEAB2 HRMS-VE: Generation of legal absences valuation bases. VEABC HRMS-VE: Calculation of seniority with reduction of absences VEABS HRMS-VE: Absence valuation VEADV HRMS-VE: Wage advance for monthly-paid employees VEAIN HRMS-VE: Calculation of interest on seniority VEEVS HRMS-VE: Generate switches related to employee personnel actions VEGAV HRMS-VE: Generate average wages VEINC HRMS-VE: INCE contribution calculation VEINT HRMS-VE: Calculation of interest on seniority VELPH HRMS-VE: Calculation of contributions for RPVH. VENAB HRMS-VE: Split between absences paid by the company and the IVSS VEPIN HRMS-VE: Tranfer of interest on seniority VEPPF HRMS-VE: Determine partial period factors. VEPS HRMS-VE: Profit share pro-rata calculation VEPS1 HRMS-VE: Profit share adjustment calculation VEPS2 HRMS-VE: Calculation of profit share advances VERBP HRMS-VE: Adjust basic wage due to rounding of valuation bases... VESBG HRMS-VE: Generate Calculation Bases Composed of Gross Pay. VESBT HRMS-VE: Generate Calculation Bases Composed of Planned Wages. VESEN HRMS-VE: Calculation of Annual and Monthly Length of Service Totals. VESPL Generate split to calculate prewarning basis in termination VESSO HRMS-VE: Calculation of Contributions to SSO and SPF. VESVB HRMS-VE: Wage Processing Valuation Basis. VETAB HRMS-VE: Prepare Internal Tables. VETAX HRMS-VE: Total Deduction Calculation for Income Tax (ISLR) VETER HRMS-VE: End of Work Contract. VETRA HRMS-VE: Processing of Transfer Bonus. VETRN HRMS-VE: Transfer of Data from Outside Systems. VFP01 Transfer of accumulators by year end VFP02 Payment of holiday allowance / settlement of days VFP03 Calcultion of holiday allowance / payment termination VFP04 Tax handling in connection with holiday pay
VFPU0 Calculation and outpaying of holiday allowance (NO) VMDSB Assign Cost accounting split to the wagetypes ( Norway MS ) VMS14 Correction CNTR3 assignement for Infotype 0014 VMS35 Assign C3 split to IT0014/IT0015 when position not entered (Norway MS) VMSP1 Pension Calculations (Norway MS) VNAB Norwegian absence processing VORET VORET VPKW Company car benefits (Norway) VPSH1 Creating wagetypes for work capacity (Norway PS) VPSH2 Comparing Holiday allowance with salary (Norway PS) VPSP1 Pension Calculations (Norway PS) VRETP VRETP VRETT Process RT / ORT adding to RETT VRMBS Reimbursement solution VRPKM Number of kilometers with Fuel-compensation for a benefit-car VTAX0 Processing calculation of tax for Norway VTOFD Fill payroll tables FDRT and FDRETP - results last time this period VTR57 Processing union dues and garnishment Norway W0011 W0011 W0014 W0014 W0015 W0015 WAUT Calaculate final company car fringe benefit. WDEEM Calculate Last Year's Deemed Remuneration WHOUS Calculate annual value for housing WPBP Import work center and basic pay data WPFAR Read Surplus Arrear Pension from Previous Tax Year WPRRT WPRRT : Process retro RT table (RRT) WRET Set closed tax year indicator WRSC Calculate RSC Levy WSDL Calculate skill development levy WTAX WTAX WTPAE Set MA and PF applicable earnings if total package WUPM WUPM XCAEV Divide schema into payroll and evaluation parts XCODI Distribution opf Liabilities XDEC Distribution of Employer's Costs XDECI Convert amounts to standard decimals XDIST Exchange Wage Types bet. Personnel Assignment and Person Levels XGP Payroll for Global Employees XIT Change table XIT XLIDI Cost Distribution of Liabilities XLTI Process Awards
XNAB Refinement of Absences XNET Calculation of Net Amount XPA Start and End of Processing per Personnel Assignment XPAY Determining Payments XRETR Retroactive accounting XSKIF Compare Results With Earlier Periods XSPLT Split Wage Type According to Date (BPO Payroll) XWPBP Compare WPBP Splits for Concurrent Employment ZLIT Importing wage types from ZL to IT
* 9LD30 Divisor30 adjustments to wage types AABSB Austria: Linear calculation of general deduction amount ABCLS ABCLS: Read absence valuation rule or ABEVL ABEVL : Carry out absence valuation ABMVA ABZAR ABZAV ABZAV - Assignment of results to BZU periods ACCMO ACCMO - Set month end accruals switch ADDAR ADDAR - Transfer wage type to table ARRRS ADDCU Collect in cumulative wage types ADDNA ADDNA: Collect number and amount in subsequent wage type ADDNT ADDNT - Transfer wage type to table DDNTK ADDPT ADDPT - Park wage type in table PT ADDRE ADDRE - Transfer wage type to a table (retroactive accounting) ADDWS ADDWS - Add wage type to subsequent wage type and fill out V0 and C1 ADDWT ADDWT - Add wage type to subsequent wage type ADXIT ADXIT - Place entry in table XIT AECAR AEEVL AEEVL: Absence evaluation relating to absence event AELIX Eliminate variable split for split type AFBTG AFBTG - Determining tax-free amounts/lump sums AKTUE Define HP/LC period ALLAB ALLAB - Child bonus for deductible amount for sole earners AM3 AMT operations with DIV30 corrected partial period parameters
AMT AMT: Calculations in the current amount field AOSVT APPL Set validity of a sub-application in variable key ARCOR Verify validity of an automatic correction AREGR Determination of if there is a leaving in the current period ARESX Set original variable split for each split type ARGNC Guaranteed net amounts - Indicates whether or not WT is Guar.Net Amnt ARGNE Control of wage type balance for Guaranteed Net Amount ARJPC AROSO Obtain Welfare fund (OS)code from infotype 0392 ASETA ASETA - Place in variable key during evaluations ASETM ASETM - Set third character of account key ASTAV ASTAV - Allocation of results to tax periods ASTES ASTTG ASTTG - Number of tax days ASTVA ASTVA - Calling up tax data ASVAB ASVAB - SI days / tax days in the monthly work schedule ASVAV ASVAV - Allocation results from SI periods ASVBE ASVBE - Entries for characteristics of contribution groups ASVML ASVML - Calculate supplementary premium factors for employee ASVVA ASVVA - Call up SI fields ATWOT ATWOT: Add wage type to table TWOT AUAPT HR-AU-PS:Calculate the average LSL payment for PT AUHCK Check Higher duty period for a continuous period of specified months AUHDC Counting Rule for Higher duty allowance AULDT EE choose leave loading to be taxed AUMPV Check MPT status for enabling MPT specific tax calculations AUSNM AUSNM AWPAV AWPAV - Assignment of results to WPBP periods BMODI Employee grouping (Belgium) BMUNT BMUNT : Split of a cash amount in coins and notes BOE Read data from cluster table SVEVL BOREM Read data from cluster table SVREM BOSER Read data from cluster table SVSER BRBPC Distribute wages types for WPBP leave periods BREAK BREAK : Setting a Break-Point BREGR Termination during the current payroll period BRGRT Get wage types from result table of current payroll results BRHRF Absences calculation with night hours BRISA Health risk premium BRKGN RTE x NUM calculation with division of AMT by KGENAU BRMVE Move wage types from original table to destination table
BRPER Hazard bonus option BRPFE Periods processing in payroll with leave BRPRC Apply percentages from table T7BRB2 BRRET Retroactive Accounting BRSAM Month contract wage BRSAT Returns IAI percentage BRVAB Leave wage types calculation BSABS BSABS : Insert of wage or salary-type Absence split BSPLT Split wage or salary types BSPLU Insert of wage or salary-type SI/TAX split BTCHK Check bank transfers when several payment runs are made BTNUM BTNUM: Query bank transfer assignment BTREC BTREC : Set recipient data for bank transfers CABEH CABEH - Payroll Unit Position Ready (Switzerland) CARRS Determine if the contribution should be placed into arrears. CBVPR CBVPR - Calculate company pension fund contributions (CH) CFZBE CFZBE - Calculate family-related bonus (CH) CHGZL Set/change ZL fields CHMUG HR-CH: Maternity Insurance Canton Geneva from 01.07.2001 CHSPL HR-CH: Set Split Indicator for Family-Related Bonuses (Switzerland) CHSTD CHSTD - Gross hourly wage - determine contributions (Switzerland) CHSV Calculation Social Insurance Switzerland (new) CKUAR CKUAR - Reduced hours (CH) CMJIT CMJIT - Concurrent Employment: Summarize Amounts (CH) CMJSP CMJSP - Concurrent Employment: Set Split Indicator (CH) CMPER CMPER: Compare payroll periods CNARE CNARE - Area code for Tax, PHF and SI CNMOD Set employee grouping (China only) CNSLV China: Sick leave deduction rate according to service year CNSP China: Calculate service year for severance payment CPAGE CPAGE : Compare employee's age with specified number CRETI Determine if the contri. in RETI come from the same contri. period CSTQS CSTQS - Calculate withholding tax (Switzerland) CSTSH CSTSH - Read tax key (Switzerland) CSTVP CSTVP - Read withholding tax values (CH) CSVSH CSVSH - Position SI key ready (Switzerland) CSVTG CSVTG - Prepares SI days (Switzerland) CUMWT CUMWT: Use current wage type value for cumulation string CVEPR CVEPR - Import insurance percentages (Switzerland) DATZ DATZ: Processing for semiretirement (D) DAV DAV: Assignment of gross results to SI and tax periods DAVM
DBAU Query on construction industry data in payroll accounting DBG Process workers compensation association DECCV Convert amounts to standard decimals DFLEX DFLEX: Flexible Working Hours Construction Industry - Retrieve Data DIVID DIVID: Divide DKUG DKUG : Process or call up for reduced hours DKUSW DKUSW - Query reduced hours compensation DOABZ DOABZ - Set/query entitlement to pay DOLG DOLG: Set field LGART in OT DOTVV DRSMW Write in the internal message table DST DST - Operation to calculate tax (D) DSTAV DSTAV: Assignment of gross results to tax periods DSTZR DSTZR : Evaluate tax assignment number (ST split) DSVAV DSVAV : Divide lump sum parts of wages between SI periods DSVDF DSVDF : Determining of difference amount of a wage type DSVF DSVGL DSVGL : Transfer SI wage types from preceding month DSVIT DSVIT: Store the difference amonut of a wage type in IT DSVM DSVM : Query/setting enhanced social insurance fields DSVS DSVS : Query/setting social insurance fields DSVTG DSVTG : Display SI days DSVWE DSVWE : Query change in social insurance proportion (D) DSVWU DSVWU : Display military service days DSVZR DSVZR : Evaluate SI assignment number (SI split) DSVZV DSVZV : Absence processing for supplementary insurance DVB DVB: Processing capital formation E512C Delimit wage types according to table T512C ECCHK check cash payment EFIVA Calculate remaining leave severance payments EGEAT Reading of previous fiscal years arrears / not arrears EKLAB Absence valuation rule for field ABZNR of absence ELIMI ELIMI: Eliminate period indicators EMEFI Calculate amount of severance payment for final payment ERROR ERROR: Warning in the event of incorrect entries ESVVA Place Social Insurance table fields in variable key EVLCL EVLCL: Use specification of evaluation class nn FACWP Weighting factor for calendar day split FCDAY FCDAY: Calculation of days of Social Security FIA Assignment of gross values to split intervals FICBT Provide manually calculated car benefit from infotype 0442 to IT FICPR count employer SI amount from T7FI1p Finland
FIDAP Finnish determination of average periods FIDTP Check for date (MMDD) in period FILLF FILLF: Fill the following fields FILLW FILLW : Write to subsequent time ticket FIQCC Provide coefficient value for Finnish Quota Compensation Adjustment FISCR Generate Employer Social Cost reserves from Accruals (Finalnd) FISSC Fetching social security info from SI table FITAX Operation to assist Finnish tax calculation FIVAC Read offcycle and/or regular payroll results for vacation evaluation FIVEP Provide value for Finnish Vacation Payment Adjustment FIVWD Provide relation between working days in period and absence days FMEAL Number of meals FPVAV FQFTT HRMS-FR: ITFTT FSVAV As split assignment to contribution base wage types FTANC HR-F : Calcul d'une dure FUSAR Update of garnishments (HR-FR) GBAVE HR-GB: Statutory Calculation of Average Weekly Earnings GBKIT KIT Day processing GBME0 HR-GB: Check that this is the primary contract of an ME GBMSA GBMSA: Calculation of OSP/OMP deduction GBPAB Read Absence Evaluation Structure COVER for minutes per absence GBVAB GBVAB: GB specific valuation of absences operation GBVRT GB specific processing of AWE operation GBZNH Set the Time Unit field (ZEINH) GCHLS GB specific processing for New Starter Retro GCY GCY: Continue processing with personnel calculation rule GET Not implemented at this time GETAL GETAL : Set Labor Utilization Rate GEWRT HR-GB: Elimination of WPBP split in RT GNACT GNACT: Check whether the payroll is a split gross/net payroll GSXP1 HR-GB: Check GBSXP Phase 1 is active GSXP2 HR-GB: Check new "Changes Across End of Year" solution is active GSXPD HR-GB: Check on Implementation Date of AVERA for SxP AWE HKMAS HKMAS - Event and reason code HKPER HKPER: Compare payroll periods (HongKong) HKTFP Total up 12-months' NUM & AMT for the specified wage type IDGUP IDGUP IDMOD GSet Indonesia specific global parameters IDPAR IDPAR: Read parameters of current assignment IDPTX Read Personal Tax Id IMPRE IMPRE : Import from database PCL2
IN80D Create Section 80 Deductions IN88R Create Section 88 Rebate INCDP To compare period in DT with current For period INCFP Determine carry forward PTax basis INCNX Customer Specific Actual and Nominal allowance(s) INDTL Modify DT with the latest available results in the 'for year' for S89 INESR Checks in retro for ESI Infotype creation or change INHRB Check Eligibility of offcycle Payment for HRA Basis INLBM HR-IN: Project Interest Subsidy for the Current financial year INLKS INLK: Split wage types according to India specific table INNEX Determine Tax Code of a wage type INNRW To find out the number of rows in an int table INPRG HR-IN: To get Regio for Ptax INREG Determines region in for period (Retro) INRGN To find region looping RT INSPB Modify retro flag during correction off cycle run retro INSPT Operation to set indicators (ZP2 to ZPT) INSTA Fetch the current state for PERNR INTDS Determine TDS % for arrears INTER INTER : Calculate proportion in an interval INTRF To determine whether bank transfer has happened INTXL HR IN: Finding tax limit from T7INT9 INTXR Determine if tax wagetypes needs to be imported from ORT? ITBAS ITBAS: HR IT: Calculation of valutation bases (addition) ITDCR HR IT: wage type deletion from CRT ITEST ITEST: HR IT: test operation ITFRV ITFRV: HR-IT: SI paid into Treasury Fund JITAX JITAX: Syoyo Income Tax Calculation JPCCF SANTEI/GEPPEN evaluation : Clear Geppen Candidate Flag JPCHE SANTEI/GEPPEN evaluation : Adjust SG evaluation results b/w HI and EP JPCN Set country-specific split 1-3 JPPER JPPER: Compare payroll payment date JPT Set the data of T511P/T511K on actual payment day to AMT/NUM/RTE. JPTAX JPTAX: Income Tax Calculation for Monthly Payroll JRSVD JRSVD Calculate service period in days JRSVY JRSVY JWPBK JWPBK: Return payment indicator JYEAC JYEAC: Read Y.E.A. table T5J40 KADDC KADDC KAPRT KAPRT: Prorate according tax splits ( CA only ) KATEX Get the exempt indicator for WC processing from table tax2 KAVAC KAVAC : Set percentage for vacation pay accrual ( CA only )
KMODI KMODI: Set employee grouping ( CA only ) KPRCL KPRCL : Query about specification of processing class ( CA only ) KRFRN KRFRN - Determine if the employee is a foreigner KRMOD KRMOD: Set employee grouping (Korea only) KRSNR Seniority allowance KSCED Workers' Compensation Schedule indicator KSETI KSETI : Set short identifier (Canada only) KST KST: Set String (Canada only) KVALO KVALO : Valuate with banked overtime wage type ( CA only ) LARRS To populate wage types for Arrears Basis LCHKD LCHKD : Malaysian operation to check the transfer date in the LEAVE LEAVE: Enter leave type in the variable key LEAYR LEAYR: Enter leave year in the variable key LEFLG LEFLG : Error process method for Personal rates LLIM LLIM : Set the lower limit for interval calculations LPDIF LPDIF: Determine the difference between the for-period & In-period LPER LPER : Determine the payroll period within the month LRTST LRTST: Evaluate the status of table LRT LSMOD LSMOD : Malaysian operation to set SOCSO category MADWT HR-DK: ADDWT also with wage types without amount or number MBTSW Set/reset BT switch MCOMP MCOMP - Specify processing status for shift change compensation MDWPL Distribute wage types to /801 MEANV MEANV: Calculation of averages MFMAC MFMAC MGRBT Store receiver information on garnishments from MGAR in BT MLAWP Last active WPBP split according to OT MLRMO HR-DK: Determine the month of last period(Endda) MMVDD Cumulation/reversal of the vacation basis - for deleted wage types MMVDT Accumulation/Cancelation of Leave Base MODIF MODIF: Set employee grouping MPNBT Store receiver information on pensions from MPENS in BT MULTI MULTI: Multiply MVENT Store field from curr.leave accumulation entry in MVENT in var.key MWGTP Replace wage type with indicator wage type, determine indicator WT MXAWP HR-MX: CE: Add Wtype to Person tables MXCJP HR-MX: Change of Juper within period MXELI HR-MX: Elimination of ZL table indicators MXHRE HR-MX: Cumulate overtime, days off and holidays worked weekly MXPCI HR-MX PS: Check contribution indicator MXPDR HR-MX PS: Get Minimum Daily Rate MXRSI HRMS-MX: Assignment of employer registration number
MXRTE HR-MX: Number of payroll periods in month MXSAR HR-MX: Change ABART from '*' to Work center/ Basic pay value MXSOL HR-MX: Correction of days in last period MXVSS Check whether you have any Social Insurance obligations (IT0369) N512C N512C: Classify wage types according to table T512C NDIFF Determine whether difference calculation is applicable NEXTR NEXTR: Process a continuation rule NLABS Query Special Situations NLBBZ Query Spec. Processing for Sickn. Within the Scope of Comm. Traffic NLCSL Check if Employee Saving Amount Is Allowed NLWWV Check on Long-term Illness in Conection with Commuting NO1OR Store period-part of amount based on calendar days - Norway NO2OR Distribute amount on WPBP-split - Norway NSSPL NSSPL: Delete wage types on the basis of WPBP assignment NSVDV Creation of SI Split Factors and Proportional Distribution NU3 NUM operations with DIV30 corrected partial period parameters NUM NUM: Calculations in the current number field NZANN Determines the Anniversary Date NZCMD Check Mutiple decimal places switch NZCUR Populate default currency (for New Zealand) NZFLR Fill leave rate to leave payment wagetype - NZ NZKEX SSCWT Exemption Amount NZLVC Termination Leave Payment - NZ NZPER NZPER NZPFR Determine pay frequency of pay area NZQTA Determines Quota Type Selection Group NZRDP New Zealand Daily Pay Rate NZSAL Operation to check if Salary Sacrifice amount is correct or not NZSPL NZSPL NZSSC Salary Sacrifice current wage type NZSWT NZSWT NZTAX NZTAX OFKOD OFKOD OPIND OPIND: Evaluate operation indicator OUTDP Read data from table DPS OUTWP OUTWP - Load workplace and basic pay data OUTZL Retrieve information from time wage types OVTCR Compensate overtime credit -> PDC P0304 P0304: Process reduction from IT0304 PAYTP PAYTP: Set employee subgroup grouping for pers.calc.rule PCPAR PCPAR: HR-PT: Read relevant configuration for CA processing PCY PCY: Run personnel calculation rule
PENST PENST PEVLA PEVLA: HR-PT: Evaluate lunch allowance PHNHP New NHIP Basis PLOOP PLOOP : A command sequence is carried out n times PLPAR Reads the parameters related to vacation allowance processing PNEWP PNEWP: HR-PT: Check for new workplace PPADJ PPADJ: Reduce OT entries according to time units PPENS HR-PT: Determines if EE is in a retiring situation PPPAR PPPAR: Read partial period parameters PRATE PRATE : Factor amount PRCE PRCE: Generate Wage Type for the calculation of EOY payment PRGTE Prorata value based on changing group tax employer PRINT PRINT - Print out the current work table entry PRSTC HR-PT: Reset wage type in cumulation tables SCRT and CRT PRTST PRTST: Evaluate status of table ORT. PSPCG PSPCG: Load/Change PSP characteristics PSPLT HR-PT: Manage payroll splits PSPRN Off-cycle payroll run PSVA Sets values in fields of cluster table VA (from values in wts) PT334 Reading nightwork and adaptability regime fields from IT0334 PTPAR HR-PT: Read partial parameters PUPLE Update winter holidays leave entitlement in inf. 0005 QAVEC QCASU Special Processing for Casual Employee QCHYR Check if the payment is within a year of the payment QCNTI Ignoring the cents from the amount provided QCURR Ppopulate default currency QCURX Default currency to the currency of /401 wagetype QDECI QDECI QLVLD QLVLD QLVLT Calculate leave loading when absence is taken QLVTH AU Leave loading threshold comparison QNGRF Tax refund to be created for the negative payments across fin yr. QPERI QPERI QPNCT Copy wage types from TCRT to NRCT QPYSU Determine Lump Sum Payments for payment summary reporting QRDT2 To Check if the wagetype in DT is within or across fin. year. QRNDW Round the current OT value to the decimals of the w/t passed to this. QSFLD Set or Clear Number or Rate field QSUPN Operation for checking the Super Functionality QTAXC QTAXC QTOTC Cumulate total overpayment reimbursement paid out for CE employee
QTVAR Determine taxable allowance amount for Income Tax Variations R51P1 R51P1: Read in table T51P1 R51P6 R51P6: Read in table T51P6 RAWSU HR-SG: AWS Union Subscription RDTAB Payroll table reader RDTP Payroll table reader post-processing RE510 RE510: Read pay scale table RESET RESET: Set original time period indicator RETRO RETRO : Retroactive accounting or recalculation RGPSP Find the relevant WPBP split for GPML RJCT RJCT: Rejection of employee RMOD Set modifier to determine setoff of OW and AW. RNDC Conditional Rounding - Time-Dependent Rounding of an Amount RORT Restore ORT table of cluster for post-settlement ROUND ROUND - Rounding off within current wage type ROVP ROVP - Extracting the amount for oversea posting RPPCB Elig.& generation for pre-prorated calc. base for retirement plan RSFWL Read FWL splits RSISG RSISG - Allocation of results to CPF periods RSSPF RSSPF - Assign the split to a wage type and proration a amount RT3 RTE operations with DIV30 corrected partial period parameters RTE RTE: Calculations in the current rate field RU506 Loan conditions (T506D) - Russia RUABL Absence periods and read t554c. RUADD Add to tables (russian's extension to ADDWT) RUBTG Preparation for BTREC operation in garnishment documents Russia RUCVR Loan - Currency Conversion - Russia RUDUA Calculation of quantity of the fulfilled calendar days RUDUE Union membership subscription (Singapore specific) RUOC1 Form entry in C1 for cumul WT from Old payroll results (OWPBP & OC1). RUPRE RUPRE : Import from database PCL2 RUSPL Split processing Russia RVOL RVOL - Distributing a amount over the tax periods SABZ2 Absence type for zl SABZL Check validity of zl according to ab valuation rule SCOND SCOND : Set validity of condition SEJUF SEJUF SEJUI SEJUI SEMMP Multiply Metall percentage SETET SETET - Set evaluation type SETIN Set split identifier SFILL SFILL
SGADF PY-SG-PS: Prorating amount of wage type for ADDF SGDDT SGDDT SHOLD Delete holiday pay from ZL? SKIP SKIP SPDFT Set period in header entry of Table DFT (B/N) SPLIT SPLIT : Split indicator query SSICK Sickness highly paid salaried employee SST Set tax split SSYSA Utilization factor for vacation - (ARB) SSYST Utilization factor for vacation - (TJM) STAB STAB - Read internal special payment tables STAFL STAFL: Query the STATUS field string (BAT/BMTG) STATU STATU : Enter status field in variable key SUBRC SUBRC : Set and query a return code SUBWT SUBWT - Subtract wage type to form subsequent wage type SUURL Get vacation year (VACS) T5A2E T5A2E - Annual tax according to employment tax - pay scale TABLE TABLE: Prepare access to table fields TABLO TABLO: Preparing access to table fields (BAT/BMTG) TRSSI TRSSI - Tax receipt ST split indicator TWPEQ TWPEQ - Test that work center data is the same TWPNP Prorate new pension contributions UBTPM UBTPM : Return payment methods UCNT1 UCNT1 - Set country split value UINDV Indirectly evaluate Wage Type - NPO ULIM ULIM : Set upper limit for interval calculations UMOD UMOD: Set US modifier UMODI UMODI: Set employee grouping ( US only ) UNHDC NPO: Counting Rule for Higher duty allowance URGST Prepare access to table RGST - NPO USETI USETI : Set short identifier (US Only) UST UST: Set String (US Only) USUIH Bring retroactive SUI hours forward and add to current period hours USUIT USUIT - Load basic payroll data for SUI tax reporter UTAXR UTAXR - Set Resident Tax Area / Tax Authority in var. Argument UTOTV Overtime valuation (tip processing) UTRAN Overtime valuation (tip processing) UUIMA UUIMA- Define UI and Worksite information as mandatory UWTIF UWTIF - Get wage type information VABWH VABWH: Process certain absences (civil service) VAKEY VAKEY - Place in variable key VALBS VALBS - Valuation bases
VALEN VALEN Set length of variable key VAOFF VAOFF Set offset for variable key VARGB VARGB : Place table field in variable key VKBAV Query variable CPS information VLI= VLI= : Set the interval shift VMS01 Distribute lump sum wage elements to WPBP & C3 split time periods VMS02 VMS02 - Valuation bases for Municipality Sector VMS31 Assign C3 split to required IT0014 and IT0015 entries (Norway MS) VMS32 Assign C3 split to IT2010 entries ( Norway MS ) VMS33 Assign C3 split to absences if no position entered ( Norway MS ) VMS38 Assign C3 split to CATS entries ( Norway MS ) VPSA1 Handling V0 splits for the additional positions (NO-PS) VPSH3 Settlement of Holiday allowance (NO-PS) due to spl. wage types. VWTCL VWTCL: Set processing class value WAMW Calculate period amounts WC Compares the current payroll period with a given date WCWP Get Current Calendar Month or Week WF Manipulation of the "Closed Tax Year" differences (Flux) WGTYP WGTYP - Set wage type WIRP3 Does Employee Have an IRP30 Certificate WPALL WPALL - Check/Set work center and basic pay split WPBPC WPBPC : Distribute lump sum wage elements to WPBP time periods WPEOY WPEOY: Decision operation to check whether the period of WPBP split WPR Determine number of accounting periods in tax year. WPRP Convert or Compare Date Type (from DATES) into Payroll Period WRFI Add Retirement Funding Income to RFI for SARS Codes WSTAV WSTAV - Distribute according to tax periods WSTZR WSTZR - Assign to appropriate tax period. WSVAV WSVAV - Distribute according to Social Insurance time periods. WSVZS Set Social insurance Splits WTTP Find Taxable Portin of Travel Allowance Wage Type WWPAV Distribute According to WPBP Splits XMES Output Messages in Payroll Log XV0 Create Entries in V0 Table ZERO= ZERO= Initializing the current working fields