Dr. Chandi C. Rath, Lecturer N Orth Orissa University, India

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Curriculum Vitae


Address : Present
Lecturer in Botany
North Orissa University
Takatpur , Baripada – 757003.
E. mail : chandi_rath@yahoo.co.in
Phone : 06792-255213 ®, 9338222098(M)
Jamedipurshasan , Narsinghpur,Cuttack, 754032,

Date of Birth : 14th July 1966

Marital Status : Married

Educational Qualification :

SL No. Degree Board/Univ Year Divn Sbjects %Scored Rank

1. HSC BSE, Orissa 1983 1st Oriya, Eng, Sci, Math, 60
Sci, Soc
2. ISc. Utkal Univ. 1985 2nd PCMB. 55
3. BSc. - do - 1987 1st-D Bot(Hon), 68.6(H) 8th
Chem, Zool
4. MSc. - do - 1989 1st Bot (Microbiology) 73.3 3rd
5. GATE 1991 Bio Science 96.33
6. M.Phill Utkal Univ. 1991 1st Bot (Microbiology) 69.75 3rd
7. Ph.D. - do - 1998
8. PGDCA OUAT 1996 Computer Appln. 64.33
Languae (COBOL,
Management systems

M . Phil. Thesis : “Studies on Evaluation of Antifungal Activities of Some Common

Hydrophytes of Bhubaneswar”.

Ph. D. Thesis : “Studies on Thermotolerant Microbes Isolated from Hot Springs of

Ph .D. Thesis ( Supervised) : Studies on Enzymes and Bioactive Substances
from the Bacterial Associates of Marine
(2004, Utkal University, Ind.)
List of Publications
A. Papers in Journals

1. In Vitro vibriocidal activity of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) and aniseed

(Pimpinella anisum L.) essential oils.
C. C. Rath, S. Singh, S. K. Dash & R. K. Mishra . Food(2007), 1(2) ; 216-
2. Prospects and challenges of essential oils as natural food preservatives - a
C. C. Rath, Food (2007), 1(2) : 172-180.
3. Effect of antibiotics and some essential oils on marine vibrios isolated from
the coastal waters of Bay of Bengal at Orissa coast.
S. K. Dash, C. C. Rath, P. Ray and S. P. Adhikary, (2007), J. Pure and
Applied Microbiology, 1(2): 247-250.

4. Antibacterial potential assessment of jasmine (Jasminum sambac L. )

essential oil against E. coli (MTCC-443).
C. C. Rath, S. Devi, S. K. Dash, & R. K. Mishra. Ind. J. Pharmaceutical
Sciences (2008), 70: 238-240.

5. Pigment production by a mangrove Penicillium

C. H. L. D. Karuna, M Bapuji, C. C. Rath & Y. L. N. Murthy. J. Microb.
World (2007), 9(1): 21-26.
6. Physicochemical mycological studies of selected soil samples from Similipal
Biosphere Reserve.
R. Bahuti, C. C. Rath , Mohapatra, U. Plat Sc. Res. (2006), 28(1&2): 1-7.

7. Microbial evaluation of wounds and their susceptibility to antibiotics and

essential oils.
S. Mohapatra. C. C. Rath, S. K. Dash & R. K. Mishra. J. Microb. World,
(2006), 8(1): 101-109.

8. Biodiversity and antimicrobial properties of cultivable microbial association

of marine sessiler organisms of Orissa coast (Bay of Bengal).
A. Vimla, C. C. Rath, A. sree & S. Pattnayak. Asian J. of Microbiol,
Biotech. Env. Sc., (2006), 8(1): 17-22.
9. Study of prevalence of pathogenic marine Vibrio sp. in the coastal waters of
bay of Bengal, at Puri, India.
S. Mishra, S.K. Dash, P. Ray & C. C. Rath. J. Microb. World, (2006), 8(2) :

10. Antistaphylococcal activity of Lime and Juniper essential oils against

C.C.Rath, S.Mishra, S.K. Dash, R.K. Mishra, Ind. Drugs, (2005), 42(12) :

11. Antifungal activity of rose scented Geranium (Pelargonium sp.) essential oil
and its constituents.
C.C.Rath and S.K. Dash, R.K Mshra, and B.R Rajesswaar Rao, J.
Essential Oil Bearing Plants, (2005), 8(2): 218-222.

12. Invitro antibacterial potential assessment of Carrot (Daucus carota) and

Celerey (Apium graveolens) seed essential oils against twenty one bacteria
R.Gupta, C.C. Rath, S.K. Dash and R.K. Mishra. J. Essential Oil Bearing
Plants, (2004), 7(1) : 79-86.

13. Isolation and characterization of Acinetobacter sp. from a Marine sponge

Axinella agariciformis.
A. Vimla, A-Sree, M. Bapuji and C.C. Rath . Asian J. of Microbiol.
Biotech. Env. Sc., (2004), 6(2) : 297-300.

14. Studies on Metal tolerance of bacterial associates of marine sedentary

S. Mohanty, M. Bapuji, R.K. Mishra, A. Sree, S.B. Mohapatra, P.Ray and
C.C. Rath. Asian J. of Microbiol, Biotech. Env. Sc., (2004), 6(2) : 291-

15 .Effect of ultrasound on antibacterial activity of pyrolysed sal (Shorea robusta

Gaerth) Resin.
D.J. Dash, C.C. Rath, S. Ganapathy et.al. Ind. Perfumer, (2003), 47(2):

16. Isolation, Characteristics Chemical composition and microbial activity of

turmeric (curcurma longa ) leaf oil.
O.S.Ramachandriaha, G.Azeemoddin, J.K.Charylu, C.C.Rath et.al, Ind,
Perfumer, (2002), 46(3) :211-216.

17. Antibacterial efficacy of six Indian essential oils individually and in

C.C.Rath and S.K. Dash and R.K.Mishra, J. Essential oils Bearing
Plants, (2002), 5(2) : 99 –107.
18. Antifungal activity of turmeric (C. longa) extracts against three
P. Ray, C.C.Rath ,K.Mishra and R.K.Mishra, J. Microbial World, (2002),
4(2) :123-126.

19. Bactericidal activity of some plant extracts against few pathogenic

S.Sahoo, S.B. Mahapatra, P.R. Mishara, R.K. Mishra and C.C. Rath,
Phytomedica, (2002), 3: 101 – 109.

20. Invitro antimicrobial susceptibility test of some newly synthesized organic

complex against common human pathogens.
D. Mishra, S.Pattanaik, C.C.Rath and S.K.Dash and R.K.Mishra, Ind, J.
Pharmaceutical Sciences, (2002) ;256-259.

21. Microbiological evaluation of street foods in Bhubaneswar.

A. Dash Mohapatra, C.C.Rath, S.K. Das and R.K. Mishra, .J. Food
Science and Technology, (2002), 39(1) : 59-61.

22. Antibacterial activity of Karanj (Pongamia pinnata) and Neem (Azadirachta

indica) seed oil: A preliminary report
M.Baswa, C.C. Rath and S.K. Dash R.K. Mishra, Microbios, (2001), 105 :

23. Invitro susceptiblity of Japanese mint leaf oil against five human fungal
C.C Rath and S.K Dash and R.K Mishra, Ind, Perfumer, (2001), 45(1): 57-

24. A comparative analysis of invitro antifungal activity of pure and fractionally-

distilled turmeric (Curcrurma longa) leaf essential oil.
C.C.Rath , S.K. Dash, R.K. Mishra, G.S.Ramachandriah, Ind Drugs,
(2001), 39(1): 18-22.

25. Anti E.coli activity of turmeric (Curcuma longa) essential oil.

C.C. Rath and S.K. Dash and R.K. Mishra and J.K Charyulu, Ind, Drugs
(2001) 38(3): 106-111.

26. Fungitoxicity of Curcuma longa L. extracts against rice sheath blight fungus :
Rhizoctonia solani.
C. Behera, P. Ray, C.C. Rath et. al. Oryza, (2001), 38(1-2) : 89-91.

27. Antimicrobial activity of Pyrolysed sal resin (Shorea robasta)

D.Dash, C.C Rath, S.Ganapati, M.Bapuji, Ind, Perfumer, (2000), 44(4) :
28. Antifungal activity of essential oils of Curcurma longa against five-rice
pathogens invitro.
C. Behera C.C. Rath, S.K. Dash, R.K. Mishra. And O.S. Ramachandriaha.
J. Essential Oil Bearing Plants, (2000), 3(2): 79-84.

29. A note on invitro antibacterial activity of bacterial associations of marine

sponges against common fish pathogens.
A. Vimla,S.Mishra, C.C.Rath et, al, J. of Aquaculture, (2000), 8 :61-65.

30. Isolation and characterization of a novel halolkalophilic strain of E.coli from

the Bay of Bengal at Puri, India.
S.K.Mishra , C.C.Rath, S.P.Adhikary and R.K. Mishra. J.Ecobiology,
(2000), 12(4) :301-305.

31. Extremphiles: a novel groups of microoranasims for 3rd millennium with a

special reference to thermophiles (Review article).
C. C. Rath and V. R. Subramanyam, J of Ecobiology, (2000), 12(3): 163-

32. A note on the characterization of susceptibility of turmeric (Curmuma Ionga)

leaf oil against Shigella sps.
C. C. Rath and S. K. Dash and R. K. Mishra, Ind. Drugs, (1999), 36(2):

33. A comparative note on antimycotic activity of turmeric leaf essential oil

against Candida albicans and Cyptococcus neoformans.
C.C. Rath and S.K Dash and R.K Mishra J. Essential Oil Bearing Plants,
(1999), 2(2): 106-111.

34. Invitro evaluation of antimycotic activity of turmeric (Curcuma longa L)

essential oil against Candia albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans.
C.C.Rath, S.K. Dash, R.K. Mishra and J.K. Charyulu. Ind. Perfumer,
(1999), 43(4) 172-178.

35. Metal tolerance capacity of bacteria isolated from the hot springs of Orissa.
C. C. Rath and V. R. Subramanyam, J. of Ecobiology, (1999), 11(3): 181-

36. Heat stable lipase activity of bacteria from hot springs of Orissa, India.
C.C. Rath, Cytobios, (1999), 99 : 105-111.

37. Vibriocidal activity of Pyocianin producing Pseudomenas aeruginosa.

C. C. Rath and S. K. Dash and R. K. Mishra, Geobios, (1998), 25: 285-287.

38. Isolation of thermophilic bacteria from hot springs of Orissa.

C.C. Rath and V.R. Subramanyam, Geobios, (1998), 25 : 133-119.
39. A note on thermotorant Cellulolytic fungi from a hot spring at Taptapani,
C.C. Rath and V.R. Subramanyam, Microbios, (1997), 89 : 157-161.

40. L-Glutaminase activity of bacteria isolated from a hot spring of Orissa.

C.C. Rath and V.R. Subramanyam, J. of Aquaculture, (1997), 5 : 43-46.

41. Effect of essential oil on the viability and morphology of E. coli (SP-11).
S. pattanaik, V. R. Subramanyam and C. C. Rath. Microbios, (1996), 84:

42. Evaluation of Invitro susceptibility and resistance to honey in V. cholarae, EI

Tor strains.
C. C. Rath. Ind. J of Med. Microbiology, (1996), 14(2): 93-94.

43. Fungicidal activity of leaf extracts of some hydrophytic weeds.

C. C. Rath and S. K. Dash and G. C. Satapathy, Bull Environmental
Science, (1996) : 18-19.

44. Thermotolerant enzyme activities of Bacillus sps. Isolated from the hot
springs of Orissa, India
C. C. Rath and V. R. Subramanyam, Microbios, (1996), 86:157-161.

45. Characterization of essential oils in a strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

S. Pattnaik C. C. Rath and V. R. Subramanyam. Microbios, (1995), 81:29-

46. A note on the growth and viability of Vibrio cholerae and other bacteria in
Ragi (Eleusine coracona), gruel.
V.R.Subramanyam, and C.C.Rath. Biomedical Letter , (1994), 50: 147-

47. Subcutaneous infections due to Curvularia species.

V, R. Subramanyam, C.C.Rath. M. Mishra and G.P. Chhotrai, Mycoses, (1993),
36: 449-450.

48. Antifungal activity of leaf extracts of some hydrophytes

C. C. Rath and G. C. Satapathy, Bull Environmental Science, (1993), XI:
B. Papers in Proceedings

1. Isolation and characterization of alkalophilic mercury tolerant Bacillus sp. from

solid waste of a chloro-alkali factory.
S.K. Das, C.C.Rath, D.Dash, B.B.Mishra and R.K. Mishra, Environmental
Risk Analysis and Management, (2002): 45-48.

2. Microbial PUFAs : from endo-biont of marine sedentary fauna

S.Pattanaik, A. Sree, M.Bapuji and C.C.Rath Utilization of Bio-resources,
(2002) : 282-288.

3. A brief study on distribution and the important of Marine microbes isolated

from sedentary fauna off the Orissa coast.
A. Vimal, S. Mishra, S. Patnayak, S. Mohanty, A. Sree, M.Bapuji, C.C. Rath
and P.M. Mishra, Utilization of Bioresource, (2002) : 404 –413.

4. Bioactive potential assessment of Bacillus subtilis against five common plant

S.K. Dash, C.C.Rath and R.K. Mishra Utilization of Bioresources, (2002) :

5. Antimicrobial properties of essential oil of Lantana camera leaves

B.Nanda, R.K.mishra,C.C Rath and Susmita Mallik, Proceeding of
Conservation and Utilization of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (2001) :

6. Thermophiles: A novel group of microorganisms for enzyme industries in 21 st

century (Review article).C. C. Rath, Proceedings of International conference
on Microbiology Trade and Public Policy (2000) Electronoic Pubication

7. Enzyme activity of bacteria from hot springs.

C.C. Rath and V.R. Subramanyam, Microbes for Better Living, (1994) :

C. Book Chapter
1. Essential Oils: Their role in antimicrobial activities and Aromatherapy an
overview. Recent Progresses in Medicinal Plants,(Ed). Singh VK and
Govil JN. Studium Press LLC, USA, 2008, pp 63:87.

2. Extracellular Deoxyribonuclease of bacteria isolated from marine sponges.

A. Vimla, C. C. Rath & A. Sree. Microbes in Our Lives,(Ed) Mohanty RC
and Chand PK , (2005): pp 111-121.
3. Thermostable amylase activity of fungi isolated from hot spring.
C.C. Rath and V.R. Subramanyam, Fungi in Biotechnology, (1998) ,Ed. A.
Prakash. CBS Publishers and Distributors, pp : 93.

4. Enhanced protease and B- lactamase activity by immobilization of a

thermophillic Bacillus sps. isolated from a local hot spring in Orissa,
C. C. Rath and V.R. Subramanyam, Recent Trends in Biotechnology

D. Popular science article

1. Essential oils and Aromatherapy.

C. C. Rath. (2006), Agrobios News Letter, Vol IV(11) : 37-40.

2. Biopesticides
C. C. Rath, (2006), Sabujima, Vol, 14 :

3. Bioterrorism
C. C. Rtah, (2008), Sabujima, Vol 16 :61-64.

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