Dr. Chandi C. Rath, Lecturer N Orth Orissa University, India
Dr. Chandi C. Rath, Lecturer N Orth Orissa University, India
Dr. Chandi C. Rath, Lecturer N Orth Orissa University, India
Address : Present
Lecturer in Botany
North Orissa University
Takatpur , Baripada – 757003.
E. mail : chandi_rath@yahoo.co.in
Phone : 06792-255213 ®, 9338222098(M)
Jamedipurshasan , Narsinghpur,Cuttack, 754032,
Educational Qualification :
11. Antifungal activity of rose scented Geranium (Pelargonium sp.) essential oil
and its constituents.
C.C.Rath and S.K. Dash, R.K Mshra, and B.R Rajesswaar Rao, J.
Essential Oil Bearing Plants, (2005), 8(2): 218-222.
23. Invitro susceptiblity of Japanese mint leaf oil against five human fungal
C.C Rath and S.K Dash and R.K Mishra, Ind, Perfumer, (2001), 45(1): 57-
26. Fungitoxicity of Curcuma longa L. extracts against rice sheath blight fungus :
Rhizoctonia solani.
C. Behera, P. Ray, C.C. Rath et. al. Oryza, (2001), 38(1-2) : 89-91.
35. Metal tolerance capacity of bacteria isolated from the hot springs of Orissa.
C. C. Rath and V. R. Subramanyam, J. of Ecobiology, (1999), 11(3): 181-
36. Heat stable lipase activity of bacteria from hot springs of Orissa, India.
C.C. Rath, Cytobios, (1999), 99 : 105-111.
41. Effect of essential oil on the viability and morphology of E. coli (SP-11).
S. pattanaik, V. R. Subramanyam and C. C. Rath. Microbios, (1996), 84:
44. Thermotolerant enzyme activities of Bacillus sps. Isolated from the hot
springs of Orissa, India
C. C. Rath and V. R. Subramanyam, Microbios, (1996), 86:157-161.
46. A note on the growth and viability of Vibrio cholerae and other bacteria in
Ragi (Eleusine coracona), gruel.
V.R.Subramanyam, and C.C.Rath. Biomedical Letter , (1994), 50: 147-
C. Book Chapter
1. Essential Oils: Their role in antimicrobial activities and Aromatherapy an
overview. Recent Progresses in Medicinal Plants,(Ed). Singh VK and
Govil JN. Studium Press LLC, USA, 2008, pp 63:87.
2. Biopesticides
C. C. Rath, (2006), Sabujima, Vol, 14 :
3. Bioterrorism
C. C. Rtah, (2008), Sabujima, Vol 16 :61-64.