HPLCDeterminationof Somefrequentlyused Parabensin Sunscreens
HPLCDeterminationof Somefrequentlyused Parabensin Sunscreens
HPLCDeterminationof Somefrequentlyused Parabensin Sunscreens
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Department for Quality Control, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Belma Imamović
Faculty of Pharmacy
Zmaja od Bosne bb
71000 Sarajevo
Cosmetic composition and stability are of particular
Bosnia and Herzegovina relevance in our daily life, since the average adult is
tel.+38733218680, fax.+ 38733666139 estimated to use at least seven different cosmetic products
e-mail:belma_i@yahoo.com a day. Therefore, antimicrobial chemicals that prevent
microorganisms from growing play a crucial role. We
Abstract should bear in mind that not only can a cosmetic product
be damaged by microorganisms but also by other external
Parabens are esters of p-hydroxybenzoic acid and belong agents, such as air and sunlight. Thus, using compounds
to group of effective preservatives commonly used in with antioxidant and light absorbent properties can help
cosmetic products, drugs and food. Their antimicrobial lengthen the life of cosmetic [1].
activity increases with increasing carbon number of the
ester group. A number of cosmetic products and skin- Parabens have been used as preservatives in food and
care products are preserved with parabens, as well in drugs about 70 years. They are class of chemicals widely
Europe as in the United States. Methyl, ethyl and propyl used as preservatives in the cosmetic and pharmaceuticals
paraben are preservatives commonly used in cosmetic industries. These compounds, and their salts, are used
products. Usage of parabens should be under great primarily for their bactericidal and fungicidal properties.
attention, because some studies mentioned that the They can be found in shampoo, commercial moisturizers,
increased concentration can cause skin irritation and shaving gels, personal lubricants, topical/parenteral
pharmaceuticals, spray tanning solution and toothpaste..
contact dermatitis.. This paper shows optimization of
The antimicrobial activity of the parabens increases with
HPLC method for determination of methyl, ethyl and
increasing carbon number of the ester group. The
propyl paraben in sunscreen products. The advantage of individual esters differentiate in their relative antimicrobial
this analytic method is that the same stationary phase activities and therefore optimal effectiveness is generally
with different mobile phases is used for determination obtained by combinations of parabens [2]. A lot of
UV filters and parabens as well in sunscreen products. cosmetics and skin care products are preserved with
Determination was performed using reversed stationary parabens, as well in Europe as in the United States [3].
phase C8 with wavelength 254 nm. Separation was
performed using mobile phase methanol: water (60:40 Usage of parabens should be under great attention, because
w/w). Analytic method was validated through specificity, some studies mentioned that the use of preservatives can
linearity, limit of detection (LOD) and limit of also produce other undesirable effects, which can appear
quantification (LOQ). Determined limit of detection and either after first application or after years of cosmetic use.
limit of quantification for methyl, ethyl and propyl These effects range from mild skin irritation to estrogenic
paraben are respectively: LOD-0.035 μg/ml LOQ-0.116 activity, and recently the possibility that they could
μg/ml; LOD-0.061 μg/ml LOQ-0.203 μg/ml and LOD- potentially induce human breast tumors has been discussed
0.009 μg/ml LOQ-0.031 μg/ml. Coefficient of [4]. The European Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery
Association, COLIPA emphasizes that parabens are
quantification for methyl, ethyl and propyl paraben are
2 2 2 hydrolysed in the skin and that none are entering the blood
respectively: R -0.9996; R -0.9988 and R -1. A content of
stream [2]. Given their application in a wide range of
parabens was examined on commercial samples available
consumables the use of parabens is regulated. Parabens are
on market in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Concentration of
International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices 2012, Vol.3, Issue 1, 219-224.
not included in Annex 1 of the dangerous substances list Chromatographing condition
(Council Directive 67/548/EC). The Council Directive Separation was performed using HPLC pump Shimadzu
76/768/EC of the European Community restricts the 10 Avp with autosampler and Shimadzu SPD-M10A DAD
preservation of cosmetic products with methyl, ethyl, detector (Shimadzu Europe GmbH, Dulsburg, Germany)
propyl and butyl parabens to a maximal allowed using column and mobile phases specified in Table II. Ten
concentration of 0.4% for one single ester or 0.8% for μL of each solution was injected. Separation was
esters mixture [5,6]. Thus, it is important to develop 0
performed on temperature 42 C with flow speed of 1 ml
analytic method for monitoring maximum allowed -1
min and with detection on wavelength maximal
concentrations of parabens in sunscreen products that
absorption at 245 nm. Record time was 30 min.
applies directly to skin.
Table II Column and mobile phases used in HPLC
The goal of this paper was to develop analytical method Column Mobile phase
for identification and determination of methyl, ethyl and Beckman C8 5µm 250 x (1) Acetonitrile:water-70:30
propyl paraben in sunscreen products, using the same 4.6 (2) Methanol:water-60:40
stationary phase with different mobile phase that have
been used for identification and determination UV filters Stock solution
from same preparations. [7]. This kind of analytic method
hastens and facilitates work of an analyst in quality Stock solutions parabens was prepared by accurate
control laboratory. weight of 50.0 mg methyl, 40.0 mg ethyl and 50.0 propyl
parabens into 100 ml volumetric flasks. Forty ml mixture
Developed method has been previously optimized. ethanol/water (90/10) was added in volumetric flasks and
Optimization was performed on C8 stationary phase and
the mixture was shaken approximately 2 minutes.
two different mobile phases. After optimization, analytical
Thereafter mixture ethanol/water was added in flasks up
method validation was performed according to
International Commission of Harmonization (ICH) [7] to the mark.
directives through specificity, linearity, repeatability, limit
of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ). Working standards
After that, concentration of methyl, ethyl and propyl
parabens were determined in treated sunscreen products. From stock solutions of methyl, ethyl and propyl
Samples were taken from manufacturers, most widely parabens, series of working standards were made with
present in Bosnia and Herzegovina. following concentrations: 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 μg ml .
International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices 2012, Vol.3, Issue 1, 219-224.
mixture of paraben standards (fig.1) that resolution
between peaks is weak. Quantitative analyses of methyl, ethyl and propyl paraben
in sunscreen products was performed using stationary
Table III Retention times with mobile phase 1 phase C8 and mobile phase methanol:water-60:40.
Methyl Ethyl Propyl Separation has been performed on wavelength with
paraben paraben paraben
Retention time maximum absorption 254 nm.
3.00 3.55 3.97
Analytical method validation
y = 59823x + 145221
12000000 R² = 0,9996
Linear (Series1)
0 50 100 150 200 250
Separation using mobile phase 2 gave much better 12000000 y = 55938x - 81289
R² = 0,9988
results. Retention times with mobile phase 2 are given in 10000000
Table IV. It can be seen from chromatogram of mixture 8000000
that all three parabens were successfully separated and
that resolution is acceptable (see Fig.2). Series1
4000000 Linear (Series1)
y = 51600x + 34691
10000000 R² = 1
0 50 100 150 200 250
Figure 2. Chromatogram of mixture ethyl, methyl and propyl paraben
with mobile phase 2
Figure 5. Calibration curve for propyl paraben
International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices 2012, Vol.3, Issue 1, 219-224.
maximum allowed concentration (0.4% for single ester
Calibrations curve were constructed based on five and 0.8% for ester mixture
concentrations in range of 10-200 μg ml (Fig. 3, 4 and
5). Linearity coefficient of determination (R ), LOD and
LOQ were calculated. From calibrations curves it could be
seen that linearity coefficient of determination (R ) were
0.9996 for methyl paraben, 0.9986 for ethyl paraben and
1 for propyl paraben (Fig. 3, 4 and 5). LOD and LOQ were
determined, according ICH [8] directives, from SD of
detector response and calibration curve slope.
RT(min) P1 P2 P3 AM SD CV%
10 4.46 870308 876301 873787 873465.33 3009.42 0.34
20 4.46. 1309327 1332360 1335005 1325564.00 14123.71 1.07
50 4.46. 2983602 3044067 3090036 3039235.00 53381.27 1.76
100 4.46 5924090 6116980 6124655 6055241.67 113645.46 1.88
200 4.46 11981060 12290514 12224606 12165393.33 163003.22 1.34
RT(min) P1 P2 P3 AM SD CV %
10 5.43 546213 546883 550578 547891.33 2350.71 0.43
20 5.43 1049980 1082285 1080597 1070954.00 18183.61 1.70
50 5.43 2703423 2792851 2799283 2765185.67 53584.63 1.94
100 5.43 5164217 5287161 5284556 5245311.33 70241.83 1.34
200 5.43 11004733 11306733 11350750 11220738.67 188356.60 1.68
Quantitative analysis
International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices 2012, Vol.3, Issue 1, 219-224.
Figure 9. Chromatogram of sample 4
[1] Amparo Salvador and Alberto Chisvert. Analysis of
Cosmetic Products, p.p.211-241, Elsevier B.V., Oxford UK
Table VIII Areas scanned from methyl paraben sample chromatogram
and calculate values: arithmetic mean (AM), SD and coefficient of
variation (CV).
Sample P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 AM SD Amount in sample %
1 801523 803169 808194 803162 807732 802453 804372.17 2849.841 0.35 0.110
2 2304379 2297934 2301134 2326180 2289734 2335661 2309170.33 17791.29 0.77 0.362
3 2194033 2174383 2169235 2170443 2163542 2180134 2175295 10712.22 0.49 0.339
4 2415409 2420109 2400422 2421254 2408581 2413273 2413174.67 7772.963 0.32 0.379
International Journal of Pharmacy Teaching & Practices 2012, Vol.3, Issue 1, 219-224.
[5] Bando H., Mohri S., Yamashita F., Takakura Y., Hashida
AM. Effects of skin metabolism on percutaneous
penetration of lipophilic drugs. J Pharm Sci. 86, 759-761
[6] www.colipa.com
Authors contributed equally to all aspects of the study.
Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed
The authors declare that they have no competing