Aloy Magazin
Aloy Magazin
Aloy Magazin
You are participating in a race. You overtake the second what position do you finish.
Ans.: Second
Make each day your masterpiece. - John Wooden
Once in a village
there was a man called
Raju. He was very
clever. One day, he
went out of his house,
and he saw two men
Ramu and Somu,
fighting for a goat.
Raju went there and
asked what the matter
is. Ramu said to Raju,
that the goat was his. Some said to
Ramu, that the goat was his.
Both of them were again
fighting. Raju said stop! And he said
"I will cut this goat into 2 pieces, and
I will give one piece to Somu and
another to Ramu. As soon as Somu
heard this, he said "Please don't cut my
goat. But Ramu said "let it be it will
be equal" Hearing what Ramu had said,
Raju gave the goat to Somu. Ramu said "how can
you prove that it is Somu's". Raju said when I said
that I will cut the goat into two pieces Somu felt
pity for the goat, but you said let it be" Hearing
that Somu thanked for Raju for saving the goat.
Water management is essential
not only for the development but for
the very existence of the people. It is
because of non-realisation of this, in
many developing countries floods
and draughts go side by side.
Basically dams are built to harness
the river water so that it can be
utilized for future use and partially
checking the flood.
Nature evaporates the water
from sources and supplies it to the
world through rains. But it may not supply
it at the same time, in the the same quantity
and at the location we need it in. It is here
that water management through big
reservoirs is necessary.
In developing countries like India 69%
is used for agriculture, 23% for industries and 8%
for domestic use. For improving the general quality
of life and food production, we require more energy.
Hydro power being the cheapest, we should have
dams to generate it. Some of the famous dams in
India are: Tehri Dam, Horacid Dam, Bhakra Nangal
Dam and Tungabhdra Dam. There is a notion that
big dam's create ecological hazards. In October
2000, the Supreme Court gives judgment that it
will not be correct to presume something that will
result in an ecological disaster.
- Joswin V Pinto, Vth
- Vaman Kamath, VII D
You always pass failure on the way to success. - Mickey Rooney
Earth is the home of man. Man lives and works in
it. But man being considered the most superior living
being has rapidly polluted mother earth. Among this
water pollution is one of the most discussed pollution.
Despite water not being alive, through our pollution
we are killing it.
The average human survives only for 3 days
without water. Inspite of this situation we continue to
pollute water, as if it is available in abundance to us.
Rivers are too polluted for fishing, swimming and
aquatic life. The large amount of decay, caused by the
death of massive algae has flourished as a result of
chemical fertilizers. This will use up a lot of oxygen in
the water. The acidification results in the lakes being
able to support a less varied amount of species, such
as fish, shrimp and clams. Also as a result of lack of
fish, loons and other water birds die.
Water pollution world wide is the loide leading
cause of deaths. There are three types of water
pollutions and they are:-
PHYSICAL: Visible types of garbage
BIOLOGICAL: Contamination by bacteria
CHEMICAL: Contamination of water by harmful
chemicals. Seventy three different kinds of patricides
have been found in ground water. Spilling oil in some
countries has resulted in burning and killing of aquatic
birds. In addition, the population of fish eating birds is
also on the decline. As all the chemicals are being
released into water bodies several species of fish with
tumors and lesions are suffering.
What can we do to save our
mother earth?
1. Make sure bottles and jars have a
top: so small animals can't get stuck
2. Be responsible with you garbage.
3. Help keep mother earth clean
4. Avoid pesticides into water
5. Use environment friendly
By using these basic steps we can
save our resourceful earth and its
species. Remember : Every drop counts.
- Benet C Braganza, V D
He :Tell me one joke
She :The government has decided
to arrest Veerappan alive or
his dead body.
He :I asked you to tell a joke. You
are reading the newspaper.
- Anson D'Souza, II B1
You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have.
aquatic animals and arboreal animals.
Our surrounding environment has different land
Rivers, lakes, mountains, forests are some of the
natural features.
Each land feature has specific plants and animals.
Forest is the wealth of our country.
Water is important to everyone. We need water.
The water we use for drinking and cooking should
be clean.
Use less water and save it.
Sea is a huge water body. But sea water is salty.
We cannot drink this water.
I have loved and enjoyed school
life in St Aloysius Primary School.
My heart now aches to think that,
very soon, I shall be out of the
threshold of this marvellous school.
I still can't believe how fast time
has flown. The memories of my past,
about six years ago, when I first
entered St Aloysius School as a six
year old is still fresh in my mind. I
hated coming to school then but as time passed, I
began to love this school.
I now realize that the time has come to bid
farewell to this school and my heart is filled with
memories of days filled with laughter, in this school,
of the teachers who guided me, of friends who
always stood by me, at all times and of the noisy
I would like to thank my school and my teachers
for the wholehearted support and encouragement
rendered to me. It has helped me to grow. I would
also like to thank my friends for being a part of my
school days and making them more cherish-able!
- Manash A, VII D
There are many things around us.
Some are living things and some are
non-living things. Living and non-
living things are present in our
environment. Depending upon their
living environment, the animals are
grouped as terrestrial animals,
- Rahul Jaison D'Souza, IIIrd B2
Many of lifes failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. - Thomas Edison
PREFACE : Water is the fundamental base for
the living beings of earth. Our earth is called as blue
planet because it looks blue in space. Three fourth of
earth is covered with water, due to this it looks blue
and unique from other planets.
POLLUTION : We human beings do not use
sea water. We use only river water. But now especially
in India our rivers are polluted. Most of the rivers have
dried. We are responsible for this pollution. Factory
wastage, drainage, washing, throwing ashes after
cremation and plastics are causes of pollution.
UNDER WATER : We have Under Water in
earth but due to the lack of wells, lake, ponds, fields,
cutting of trees our under water level has decreased.
In urban areas people drill bore-wells.
These are the causes for declining
under water level in India.
we use nature like this, one day we will
suffer scarcity of water.
We should conserve water by
giving awareness and knowledge to
public. We should take strict measure
to restrict pollution. Public should be
aware and fight against pollution. We
should encourage rain water
harvesting. Protecting forest is also
the students should learn to save water.
We should not waste the tap water in
the house or in school. We should learn
to use water carefully. We should save
water not only for this generation but
for the next generations too. If we save
water; it will save us.
- Nishan S V C
Environment means the surroundings around us
which include land, water, air, plants, animals, solid
wastes and other things. Environment is a basic
component of our life. Temperature, light, soil,
humidity have a major influence in creating an
environment for us to live in.
Now a days due to increase in industries our
environment gets polluted. Hence it is our duty to
protect the environment from getting polluted so that
we can live in a clean and a safe environment happily.
- Meaford A Pinto, VII D
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. - Theodore Roosevelt
Mom is such
A special word
The loveliest
I've ever heard.
A toast to you
Above all the rest
Mom you're so special
You are simply the best!
Two squirrels
Cheenu and meenu
were neighbours.
But Cheenu didn't
like Meenu. One
day Cheenu fell in the river accidently.
"Help, I am going to die", cried Cheenu loudly.
Meenu heard Cheenu's cry and ran to the spot
without wasting time, she put her bushy tail around
- Riyan, Ist B2
him and dragged him to the river
bank Cheenu who was very ashamed
said, "You helped me in my hour of
need you are a true friend indeed!"
- Vinish Machado, IIB2
A child is like a butter fly in the wind
Some can fly higher than others
But each one flies the best it can
Why compare one to another?
Each one is different
Each one is special
Each one is beautiful.
- Shawn Regan D'Souza, IB2
My dog guards my house and my cat catches
mice. My guinea fowls cry and follow me when I
go out. My father has made a small fish pond for
my fishes.
My hen has hatched three eggs. Now I have
three little chicks as new members of my family.
My pets love me a lot and I love them too. I
spend a lot of my time with them. I feel very happy
when they play with me.
Pets are a joy to the heart
I love birds, guinea fowls, dogs,
cats, fish, and hens etc. as pets. I take
care of my pets along with my
parents. Each of my pet is identified
by its name. They are a part of my
Believe and you will achieve. - Jasmine
"If there is magic on this planet" wrote
anthropologist Loren Easily; "It is contained in water".
The magic that water has worked on this planet is
all around us in countless forms; its magic is life! It was
in water that the planets first living thing was born
millions of years ago. It was water that played a key
role in nourishing the diversity of life that followed and
it is water that is vital for sustaining all life forms even
Water is often described as a gift of nature and for
valid reasons. It nourishes every plant, animal and hu-
man cell on the planet. Of all the resources required
for sustaining life on our planet, water is arguably the
most important. Not only do we need water to grow
our food, generate power and run our daily lives, the
chemical reactions in all plants and animals including
us. that support life takes place in a water medium.
History too, shows the importance of
water. Societies have traditionally
settled on the banks of rivers and hu-
man civilizations have blossomed or
withered depending on the availability
of reliable and clean freshwater.
Besides nourishing life on earth
and sustaining societies, water also
affects all natural processes on the
planet. It plays major roles in the
complex processes of earth's climate
which in turn influences earth's
ecosystems thus the well being of
Water, which covers about 70% of
our bodies also covers70% of the
planet's surface. The two facts illustrate
the critical linkages between water,
human beings and the planet.
Water in essence, represents life
and by saving water, we can save lives.
- Rohan G. Shetty, VII C
Minny was a greedy
cat. One day she saw a
jar full of jaggery. G
"Ooow" cried Minny. She ran
to her home. Thus, greedy
Minny learnt a lesson.
"Wow! Yummy!"
thought Minny. She put
her paw inside the jar.
The jaggery was full of
ants, and they bit Minny
all over her paw.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. - Joan W. Donaldson
50,000 come to the international level, 50 reach
Wimbledon, 4 reach the semi final, 2 to the final
and only one gets the cup. Last year when I got the
cup I never asked GOD 'Why me'?
Therefore, whenever we get any illness or
suffering we should not blame God. We should
always remember to thank God for all good things
he has done to us.
Our loving parents and caring teachers are great
blessings of God to us. Let us all thank god for
these gifts.
Many children in India do not get an
opportunity to go to school. But we are fortunate
to study in this great institution St Aloysius college
primary school is aiming at the integral formation
of every child studying here.
Let us all thank god for our Institution by
achieving success in every area of our life.
Arther Robert Ashe was a great
Tennis player from Virginea of the
United States of America. He was the
first African American to win the
Wimbledon Award.
In 1983 he had a heart attack and
underwent a heart surgery. During
this surgery the blood he received
was infected with a deadly virus.
Hence he fell sick and was about to
die. At that time one of his fans wrote
him a letter asking "Why god selected
you for this deadly disease?" Then
Arthur Ashe replied to the letter
saying. In the world there will be 50
million children who start playing
tennis, 5 million learn to play tennis,
only 5 lahk learn professional tennis,
- Rishon Nazareth, IB
If my life is dark, you are a spark
If I am the flower, you are its scent
You straighten my life which is bent.
If I am the garden, you are the fence
If I am the house, you are the base.
If I am the dress, you are the lace
If I am the sky, you are the sun
You are my mother in word's true sense.
Mother dear, do please hear
You are my friend in every sphere
You join me in joy and tear
- Rachith D'Souza, IB2
If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you dream it, you can become it. - william Arthur Ward
1. Where do fish keep their money?
2. What is round as a dishpan and no matter the size?
All the water in the ocean can't fill it up?
3. What's full of holes but still holds water?
4. What is a eating on ice?
5. What kind of fish chases a mouse?
6. A horse is tied to a 20 foot long rope. The horse
wants to get some water that is 30 feet away. The
horse gets the water easily. How is this?
7. What kind of rock is found in the bottom of the
Mississippi river?
8. What grows when it eats, but dies when it drinks?
- Ronan D'souza, VII D
9. What can be swallowed, but can also
swallow you?
10.What doesn't get any wetter, no
matter how much rain falls on it?
11.What lives in winter, dies in summer
and grows with its root upward?
12.What three letters mean "stiff
13.What kind of bank needs no money?
14.What runs and has no feet, roars but
has no mouth?
15.What runs but never gets tired?
A n s w e r s :
1 . I n a r i v e r b a n k , o f c o u r s e ! 2 . A s i e v e 3 . S p o n g e 4 . A c o o l c a t
5 . A c a t f i s h 6 . T h e o t h e r e n d o f t h e r o p e i s n o t t i e d t o a n y t h i n g
7 . W e t r o c k s 8 . F i r e 9 . W a t e r
1 0 . A n i c i c l e 1 1 . I c e 1 2 . A r i v e r b a n k
1 3 . T h e s e a 1 4 . W a t e r f r o m a t o p a r i v e r
-Abhishith B. Kunder, IVB
trees are required for oxygen and for
all the living creatures living on earth.
We must protect the trees. We must
plant more trees. So people can live
happy and healthy for the rest of their
Year age many animals were living in the forest.
Now animals are disappearing in the forest because
people are cutting trees.
Tree is required for many needs. Such as table,
chairs, bed etc. We must not cut the trees, because
Never regret. If its good, Its wonderful. If its bad, its experience. - Victoria Holt
There was a meat seller in a village. He used to
cheat everybody who came to his shop. Once a
poorman come to his shop. He wanted to buy some
sweet meat. The seller gave him meat weighing less
than the actual weight. When the poor man objected,
the meat seller retorted that the poor man would
have to carry less. The poor man also paid one rupee
less saying that the seller would have
less to count. Thus the poor man
taught a lesson to the meat seller.
The author who shakes the most - Shakespeare
The quickest author - Jonathan Swift
The most childish author - Leo Tolstoy
The richest author - Goldsmith
The longest author - Long Fellow
The author who is frozen - Robert Frost
- Ibrahim Nashaath, II B1
1. Story
A king had a wise minister, who had deep faith
in god. He often said, "It is all for the best". Once
the king gots a boil on his finger, the surgeon cuts
it. The Minister said, "It is all for the best". The
king gets angry and threw him in jail. After some
days the king goes to the forest for hunting. There
he was caught by tribals. They decided to sacrifice
him to their god. But the cut finger saves him. The
tribes leave him, as it was forbidden in their
community to sacrifice a handicapped person. The
king come back to his country happily. As he realized
his fault, he sets the minister free and begged him
to re-join the court as his minister. The Minister
forgave the king and accepts to be his minister.
2. Story
- Siddharth M.K., V C
The great Authors
Dont let what you cant do stop you from doing what you can do. - John Wooden
There was a salt merchant. He used to load his
donkey with salt and take him to the village
everyday. On the way both the merchant and the
donkey used to pass through a river. One day when
the donkey was passing through the river his foot
slipped and he fell down. Some of the salt was
dissolved in the river water. The donkey felt happy
due to lighter weight on his back.
The next day the donkey intentionally fell into
the river. He did so with the aim of dissolving some
of the salt in the river water. This time also his
-Skanda Mayya P., III B2
weight becomes lighter. The donkey
felt happy. It was very comfortable
for the donkey; but it was a great loss
to his master.
The merchant was a wise man.
He thought of a trick to teach his
donkey a lesson. On that day he
loaded his donkey with bags of
cotton. As usual he fell into the mid
river. Against his wish, the load
became heavier and he found it
difficult to carry it. The merchant
began to beat the donkey mercilessly.
From that day, the donkey did not
repeat his trick.
1. What did the Atlantic Ocean say to the Pacific Ocean
when they met?
2. Why is Christmas coming early this year?
3. How did the captain want the deck to look?
4. How deep is the Mariana Trench?
5. What kind soap keeps you afloat?
6. Why didn't the fish go to movies on Saturday?
7. Why couldn't the flounder join the chorus?
8. What was the ocean's favorite subject in school?
9. What did the ship say to the pier?
A N S . : 1 . N o t h i n g i t j u s t w a v e d 2 . B e c a u s e t h e c a t
w e n t t o t h e b e a c h a n d c a m e b a c k w i t h s a n d y c l a w s
3 . S h i p s h a p e 4 . N o w t h a t ' s a d e e p q u e s t i o n b e c a u s e
i t ' s a n a m a z i n g d e p t h o f 1 1 0 3 4 m 5 . L i f e b u o y 6 .
T h e y p r e f e r r e d t o s t a y i n s c h o o l 7 . B e c a u s e i t s a n g
f l a t 8 . C u r r e n t e v e n t s 9 . W h a t ' s u p d o e
- Reece D'souza, VII D
I never quit untill I get what I want. - Thomas Edison
A watch is a small timepiece, typically worn
either on the wrist or attached on a chain and
carried in a pocket. Wristwatches, however, are the
most common type of watch used today. Watches
evolved in the 17th century from spring powered
clocks, which appeared in 15th century. The first
watches were strictly mechanical. As technology
progressed, the mechanisms used to measure time
have, in some cases been replaced by use of quartz
vibrations or electro- magnetic pulses and are called
quartz movements. The first digital electronic watch
was developed in 1970.
1. Pebbles smoothed and heaped up the sea.
2. Hole cut through the cliff, then enlarged by the
action of water.
3. Dent in the coast made by ocean water attacking
easily eroded rock over time.
4. Flat area of rock fragments finally ground by
the sea.
5. Hole worn by waves attacking a weakness in
layers of roack.
6. Pile of rock rising above the waves that have
been cut off from the mainland.
7. Cliff of hard, resistant rock jumping into the sea.
- Reece D'souza, VII D
3. BAY
- Rohan G. Shetty, VII C
True friendship
Is like a seed
The more you
Care for
it grows,
You sow it in
Your life
And you water it with secrets
And provide sunshine like smiles,
as you see it grow
As each moment passes
You remember it.
And wish that this
Bond forever grows
- Dannon D'Souza
Shoot for the moon. Ever if you miss, youll land among the stars. - Les Brown
* Select any 3 digit num-
ber, without repeating
any digit.
* Write all the possible 2
digit numbers that can
be formed using the
three digits from step 1.
* Total all the 2 digit
* Divide the sum by the
sum of the original 3
digit number
24, 47, 72, 27, 42, 74
24+47+72+27+42+74 - 286
2+4+7 = 13
- Colin Aubrey Pinto, VI D
* The answer will always be 22.
1. What are strawberries when they are sad?
2. Where do you find a one - handed monster?
3. How do hens dance?
4. What do cats read every Sunday?
5. What's always behind time?
6. Why is `H' the most popular letter?
7. In what do the bees go to school?
1 . B l u e b e r r i e s ! 2 . I n a s e c o n d - h a n d s t o r e !
3 . C h i c k t o c h i c k 4 . T h e m e w s o f t h e w o r l d .
5 . T h e b a c k o f a c l o c k 6 . B e c a u s e i t i s t h e s t a r t
o f e v e r y h o l i d a y ! 7 . S c h o o l - b u z z
- Colin Aubrey Pinto, VI D
- Colin Aubrey Pinto, VI D
Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly. - St Francis de Sales
-Colin Aubrey Pinto, VI D
Its food is blood,
Yet it's not a ghost
It sings at night
Yet it's not a nightingale
It sings in the dark
Yet it's not a humming bee
Its birth is in water
Yet it's not a swimming frog.
-Colin Aubrey Pinto, VI D
Which states in India do these facts belong to?
1. The Todas, Tudas, Tudavans or Todar tribe live in the hills
in this state.
2. Chamoli, reputed for its shrines and temples is one of the
hill districts in India.
3. Badami Town, known for its cave temple is found in this
4. This state is known as the sugar bowl of India.
5. The famous Deogarh Mahal and temple are located in this
6. Lushai hills are in this state
7. Gidda dance is a famous cultural form in this state.
8. This state is popularly known as Blind Valley.
9. Loktak Lake, the largest freshwater lake in northeast India
is also called the only floating lake in the world. It is located
in this state.
Water Water
Water Water Water
Where there is water
There is life
No water no life.
A drop of water
A deity
Keep it
Serve it.
- Ricky D Sequeira, VII C
Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts. - Winston Churchill
My house is nice and neat. I like my house very
much. I can sleep, sit, stand and satisfy all my needs
in my house. I can also listen to music and watch
T.V. in my house. My father, mother, sister,
grandfather, grandmother and I live in my house. I
love my grandparents very much. There is a
beautiful garden in my house where I can play. I
love my house very much. My home is a sweet
- Aniketh Kumar Malli, IB1
Who teaches us
to love our parents
and to care
for our neighbours?
who teaches us
to share with the others.
and to help
our brothers and sisters?
It is none but god who cares;
so let us also be caring always.
My House
- Aniketh Kumar Malli, IB1
- Chirag Shriyan, II B1
If you sit and listen in a wood,
You can hear the trees whispering
If you sit and listen by a pond,
You can hear the fish singing
But if you talk back they will stop talking
And they will sit and listen.
Looking for food that's
On the ground,
Ruining my picnic
Crawling and scattering
All around
On every tree and stick
Creeping, crawling
Marching up my pants
Bites sting so much, I just
Can't bear
Those monsters known as ants
It is never too late to be what we might have been. - George Eliot
E-mails started in 1971. The first e-mail sent by Roy Tomlinson was written entirely
in Uppercase!
Galileo became totally blind shortly before his death probably from looking at the
sun too much.
About 800 movies are released annually in India, about twice the output of
The Tomato is the world's most popular fruit, selling more than bananas and oranges!
Dogs have 1700 taste buds, Humans have about 9000 and catfishes have 1,00,000!
For a catfish, taste really matters!
A female mackerel (a Fish) lays 5,00,000 eggs at one time!
- Mokshith S.M.
- Ritvik R.S., VII D
You'll never return
But my heart wasn't ready to learn
All I hope is that you'll come
Back, my friend
I'll be waiting for you
Till the end
You left me alone, with no
One to wipe my tears
Even after being best
Friends for eight years
Still, never did I blame
You nor complain
Though slowly and
Slowly your absence
Drives me insane
I tried to accept the fact that
- Nishan N. VIth
My mother
She's none like other
She loves
She is caring
Makes me read
Makes me play
I am lucky
To have her as my "Mummy"
- Pawan, IB2
The purpose of life is a life of purpose. - Robert Byre
Her loving, caring hand
On my aching head
When sick with fever
I'm stuck in bed
From heaven above
This angel come
Dad calls her darling
I call her mum
Into his strong shoulder
I do like to snuggle
After a long, tired day
When I need candle
Examination I say, is a great botheration
For students it means a lot of preparation
Goining in a lot of fact and fiction
In history there is administration
Then economic and social condition
Of many a by - gone civilization
Which leaves a jumble of confusion?
In geography there is vegetation
And a map to mark the location
Maths problems include solution
And in chemistry you get the wrong equation
Languages! Techers say you lack in expression
- Shiva Balaji K.
For his loving presence
I'm thankful and glad
Mum calls him sweetheart
I call him dad
They're blessings of love
God's very best presents
To each, two each he gives
We call them parents!
Then comes report distribution
For some it is detention
Resulting in tears and dejection
For those it is promotion
There is a lot of Jubilation
For teachers it means syllabus completion
Followed by classes of revision
Then comes question selection
If there is detention
It leads to unpleasant confrontation
The greatest problems is evaluation
For answers is all part of imagination
Then there is proper discussion
Followed by a bargain for marks
For a mark or two means higher division
Or even a distinction
You finish report distribution
No sooner do you have a relation
- Chris James D'Souza, IV B
U Ez P ZZ.
- To know the value of one year
- Ask the student who has failed an examination
- To know the value of one month
- Ask the mother who has delivered a premature baby
- To know the value of one hour
- Ask the lover who is waiting to meet his beloved.
- To know the value of one minute.
- Ask the person who missed the train
- To know the value of one second
- Ask the one who survived the accident.
- To know the value of one mili second
- Ask the athlete who has come second in Olympic
- Yes time is very precious
- Please don't waste it.
One day many
frogs were travelling
through the woods
Two frogs fell down
into a pit. Their
friends looked down
and croaked, we feel
for you but there is no way you can get out of it.
The pit is very deep. On hearing this, one frog tried
very hard and died in fear. The other frog tried very
hard and finally jumped out. As he came out, his
- Nishali, VIIAB
- Joel S Gomes, IIB1
friend said, Did you not hear us? He
explained that he is partially deaf and
thought they were encouraging him.
Thus he tried very hard.
Moral: Always ignore
Apple is crying
Banana : Why are you crying?
Apple : People cut and eat me
Banana : You are better than me they
remove my dress and eat me.
- Jashwin Rai
C0U tU Pr P.
- Keerthan P. VII D,
We must work to improve our own
character; teach good character to our
children and help those around us to
improve their character! Character
development is essential to the ongoing
success of our society. That is why
character education is so important.
Character truly is the key to success.
From Benjamin Franklin's plan we
learn the value of focusing our attention
on one character quality at a time.
During that time we should seek to
understand as much as possible about
the character quality - what it really is,
how it has been illustrated in positive
and negative ways in history, how it can
be applied to our own life situations.
National Animal - Tiger
National Tree - Banyan
First Person - President
National Language - Hindi
National Bird - Peacock
National Anthem - JanaGanaMana
Character can be defined as "The complex of
mental and ethical traits making a person. Or
character is said to be the stable and distinctive
qualities built into an individual's life which determine
his or her response regardless of circumstances.
It is those character qualities, those character traits
that determine a person's response in any given
situation. For example, a person with a strong character
quality of truthfulness is much more likely to accurately
report the facts in a given situation than a person who
is not a truthful person.
It has been said that character is the foundation
for all true success. A person may have money, position,
or power, but unless he has 'good' character he or she
is not considered to be truly successful.
Magic Johnson, one of basketball's all time great
players, developed his skills in part by practicing every
day as a youth. He demonstrated determination and
persistence, Abraham Lincoln became President after
repeatedly losing elections for lower officer. His
character was such that he could not give up.
Today's world faces many difficult problems.
Escalating crime, drug and alcohol abuse, workplace
violence, gang activity, vandalism, school dropouts,
deteriorating work ethics, domestic violence, juvenile
delinquency, racial tensions, broken families. The list
seems endless.
P Pgzg g.
I found the answer in my room
Roof said : Aim high
Fan Said : Be Cool
Clock Said : Every minute is precious
Mirror Said : Reflect before you act
Window Said : See the world
Calender Said : Be up to date
Door Said : Push hard to achieve goals
Joshal Leon D'Souza, IIB1
1. Which letter of the alphabet is wet and salty?
2. Which letter of the alphabet is a Nosey Parker?
3. Which letter of the alphabet is a little bird?
4. Which letter of the alphabet looks good on everybody?
5. Which letter of the alphabet has wings sings and stings?
6. Which letter of the alphabet keeps us waiting?
7. Which letter of the alphabet is a river?
8. Which letter of the alphabet is small and round?
9. Which letter of the alphabet speaks of possessions?
10. Which letter of the alphabet tastes good, hot and iced?
How can you "SM_LE"
Without "I"
How can you be "F_NE"
without "I"
How can you "W_SH"
Without "I"
How can you be "FR_END"
Without "I"
I is very Important!
But this "I" can never
Achieve "S_CCESS"
Without "U"
Ricky Darran Sequeira
Friendship is a network that needs :
No recharge
No roaming
No Validity
No Activation
No Signal Problem
Just don't switch off your heart.
irzu gAi.
Money can buy a house
But not a home
Money can buy a bed
But not sleep
Money can buy a clock
But not time
Money can buy a book
But not knowledge
Money can buy food
But not an appetite
Money can buy position
But not respect
Money can buy blood
But not life
Money can buy Insurance
But not safety
Money can buy Medicine
But not health
Money is not everything
- Lakshmish, IV B1
Money -
Isnt Everything
I am a student of St Aloysius
for me, my school is so precious;
My teachers teach me many things good,
which otherwise I wouldnt have understood;
Reading, writing, singing and drawing,
with my friends I love playing;
Lots of activities to showcase my talents,
I am very happy and so are my parents!
- Madhukar Prabhu, I B1
"Truth and Non - Violence are my God". - Mahatma Gandhi
"Jai Jawan Jai Kisan". - Lal Bahadur Shastri
Swaraj is my birth right - Balgangadhar Tilak
"Aram Haram Hai" - Jawarharlal Nehru
"Superstition is the religion of feeble minds" - Edmund Burka
"Brevity is the soul of wit" - William Shakespeare
A single step for a man is one giant leap for mankind" - Neil Armstrong
For fools rush in where angels fear to tread - Pope
"Necessity is the mother of invention" - Latin proverb
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction" - Isaac Newton
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever" - John Keats
"Just as I would not like to be a slave so I would not like to be a master." - Abraham Lincoln
- Meaford A Pinto, VII D
v Vq z.
My name is Chirag L.R. I study in
IIB1. My class teacher is Mr. Prakash Sir.
A wonderful teacher because
everything we learn is on the basis. 'To
see, feel and touch method'. Once
when Sir asked me a question, how
many legs does a spider have? I
answered four. Even though I have seen
spiders before I never had the habit of
Chirag L.R. IIB1.
z zg Uz Uz.
The names of seven different songbirds
are hidden in the box given below.
A n s . :
1 . S k y l a r k 2 . C a r d i n a l 3 . B u l b u l
4 . R o b i n 5 . T a n a g e r 6 . W r e n 7 . T h r u s h
- Mokshith S.M.
observing. When our sir caught a real
big spider and showed us and asked
us to count the legs we came to know
that a spider has 8 legs. He also said
spiders are very helpful to us as they
kill harmful insects in our house. After
that I began to observe everything
carefully. We also have seen and felt
different kinds of insects, snakes and
other animals, like rabbit on my lap and how useful
they are.
Our sir uses jokes, short stories and actions make
our lessons more interesting. We have learnt a lot
about insects, animals and plants by touching and
observing them. Our class is full of charts hanging on
the walls. It shows that we also must love animals and
take care of them.
He also celebrates our birthdays in a unique way
by clicking our photographs and displaying it in the
smart class singing a pre-recorded birthday song!
Our sir keeps us busy in many interesting activities
related to our subjects. We never feel bored in the class.
So we maintain silence and discipline.
He taught us how to write neatly how to read the
lessons without mistakes and how to form the words
and write dictation. My mother always says you have
become a smart boy now.
He is not only one the best teachers and favorite
teacher of all the students. We also call him a doctor
because he applies medicine for our wounds and
dresses the wounds neatly and takes special care.
He is very kind and helpful to all the students. I
will never forget my experiences in class 2B1. I will
never forget him.
May god bless and keep him in His loving care
1. Who is your paternal grandfathers mother in law?
2. What do the letter `H.B. on a pencil stand for?
3. Which sport is Pete Sampras associated with professionally?
4. What is the shape of a tennis court?
5. What is Kung Fu?
6. How many days are there in a leap year?
7. Which river flows through the capital of India?
8. When do we celebrate National Science day?
A N S W E R S :
1 . Y o u r M o t h e r
2 . H a r d b l a c k
3 . T e n n i s
4 . R e c t a n g u l a r
5 . A m a r t i a l a r t
6 . 3 6 6
7 . Y a m u n a
8 . F e b r u a r y . . . .
- Mokshith S.M.
- Mokshith S.M.
Our National Emblem is taken
from the Sarnath lion capital of
Ashoka. Capital means top part of a
pillar. In the original capital, four
lions stand back to back mounted on
an abacus there are 4 wheels the
abacus facing 4 direction. The wheel
on abacus is called Dharma chakra
(wheel of the law) The National
Emblem was adopted by the
government of India on 26th January
zsP zn Plg v t Qzg0v.
National Emblem
Help the chick to kind its owner.
The city I like best is Bangalore. I
was born in Bangalore. When I get
summer vacations. I go to Bangalore to
visit my Grandparents, my uncles, aunts
1. Garbage dumping:
We throw garbage here and
there without caring that
people might step on
it. It attracts flies and
mosquitoes which carry harmful germs with them.
When flies and mosquitoes sit on our foods they
spread diseases among those who eat such food.
2. Defecation: When we defecate in the open, we
again spoil the cleanliness of our surroundings. We
throw the animal and human excreta in the open.
3. Urination: Urination in the open again makes the
surroundings dirty and foul smelling.
4. Spitting: Spitting here and there also spoils the
5. Sanitary Latrine: Defecate in sanitary latrine. After
using the latrines flush enough water into it. People
can get together and build a common latrine of
French latrines and dry pit latrines. Latrines should
be kept neat and clean.
6. If there are no latrines, then the place far
defecations in the open must be selected for away
from human habitations. It should be away from
the source of drinking water. The stools should be
covered with sand or soil to prevent spreading of
7. After defecations, hands, fingers,
nai ls, feet and legs should be
washed with soap.
8. The dumping of garbage should not
be done in the open. They should be
dumped in the pits. These pits could
be regularly emptied. The pits
should be covered with soil. After a
few months, the garbage
decomposes add it can be used as
9. Keep drinking water and food items
covered. The whole locality must be
clean and tidy.
10.We must take care of personal hy-
giene and clean all parts of our body
11.The houses should be constructed in
such a way that there should be
enough air and sunlight.
- Manish Shon - IV B1
- Eluis F lobo, Ib1
& cousins. There are many beautiful parks,
amusement parks, where I can play. There are also
big malls. I also visit stadiums and flower gardens
along with my cousins.
JvU dg 0zg JU g Jzg0v.
As we are stepping out of our beloved school. We
are having mixed feelings of happiness as well as
sadness. Sad because, within a few days from now all
of us will be leaving the premises of this school which
was a home away from home, for the past 7 years. But
at the same time, happy because most of us will be
continuing our studies in our very own St Alousius High
When anybody sees a smart boy with good
mannerisms and fluency in English, they say Hey, he
must be from St Aloysius School. That is a hallmark of
a true Aloysian. It speaks volumes about our dear Alma
Mator St Aloysius School with its motto Lucet et Ardet
meaning shine to enkindle has really moulded us from
tiny little brats of standard 1 to responsible mature
students of standard 7.
The management of our school has provided all
the faciliites to help us to accomplish our goals.
Learning through smart class, computer and language
labs, reading room and library has really helped us to
develop our all- round personality. Morning prayer and
class assemblies have enabled us to develop a spiritual
bent of mind. Sumptuous mid-day meals helped us to
be lively throughout the day.
It is said that All work and no play makes Jack a
dull boy. Our school has enabled us to take part in a
wide range of co-curricular activities through various
clubs. If students like me, can come up and speak it is
because of the encouragement and
support provided.
We owe a lot to our dear teachers
who took great care to see that every
student in the class excells. It is they
who guided us through their selfless
service. They are our friend philosopher
and guide.
Guru goes a sanskrit verse.
Teachers are like gods and as far as St
Aloysius is concerned, it is not an
exaggeration. We cannot forget the
services of our office staff and the care
takers who always helped us. Our
almamator has shaped us into
responsible boys.
It is our duty to live up to the
expectations of our Patros Saint,
Management, Rector, Headmistress
and teachers. Let us pray for
everybodys prosperity and also bring
name and fame to our alma mator.
Three cheers to St Aloysius!!! hip hip
hurray (3)
- Krithik Kamath, 7c
My home, my home
My home is my palace
I am the king of my palace
My parents are my kingdom
I am very happy with
My kingdom
- Reon V Veigas, I B2
E, .
Silver - Shooting mens 25 m rapid fire pistol - Vijay Kumar
Bronze - Shooting mens 10 m air rifle - Gagan Narang
Bronze - Wrestling Mens 60 kg freestyle - Yogeshwar Dutt
Silver - Wrestling Mens 66 kg freestyle - Sushil Kumar
Silver - Boxing Womens' flyweight - Mary Kom
Bronze - Badminton women's singles - Saina Nehwal
Secondly: Select a proper atmosphere and a
comfortable and peaceful place.
Thirdly: Time to actually start studying.
Highlight the areas which were difficult. Make
small summaries and try to get maximum help from
teachers and your parents.
Fourthly: Sleep and eat well. If you are sleep -
deprived, you won't be able to remember any of
the information you learnt. A small tip - have a
glass of water before you go to bed, its essential to
keep our brain cells charged.
Fifthly: Stay calm, do not panic, remind
yourself that you are prepared and have to present
them in the answer sheet.
Sixthly: Never malpractice, keep in mind that
you are writing the exam for you to prove yourself,
so be faithful.
Seventh and last: Believe in God and believe
in you. Also think about your parents and how
much they care for you. The best gift you can give
them is your victory. All the best, go ahead with
confidence, life is definitely yours.
Thank You.
There is no short cut to success.
Yes dear friends the first thing we
should keep in mind as we prepare
ourselves for our forthcoming
exams. Exams or exam time can
often be stressful, but we can
definitely bad this stress to be
positive motivation by focusing on
what we can do to get ourselves
through at this demanding time.
Here are few useful tips which my
mom makes me follow.
First : Start early - get started at
least 2 weeks before the exam.
Outline a calendar with daily topics
and a good time table.
-Nihal L. Rego, VI D
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