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Test Android 4.1.2 Firmware for Galaxy Beam leaked, build I8530XXAMF1 [Guide]
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Test Android 4.1.2 Firmware for Samsung Galaxy Beam leaked, build I8530XXAMF1 [Guide]
June 26, 2013 1:48 pm Leave a Comment Abhijeet Like 3 Tw eet 1 6
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The Samsung Galaxy Beam was an experiment that never really translated into too many sales, but that doesnt mean the company will be leaving it to rot without software updates. Samsung has promised to update the Beam to Android 4.1 at some point (supposedly next month), and a test Android 4.1.2 firmware has now leaked for the device, courtesy of Sammobile .
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A firmware had leaked earlier as well, but the latest one build number I8530XXAMF1 comes with many improvements in performance and battery life. The Android 4.1.2 update brings features such as the TouchWiz interface from devices like the Galaxy S3, along with other cool things like a smoother interface, expandable and actionable notifications, Google Now, and more, and you can try out the pre-release firmware that has been made available. Of course, since this isnt the final update, some bugs and issues are expected to be present, so this isnt for those that want a properly working phone for daily use. But if you want to get a taste of Android 4.1.2 on your Galaxy Beam, you can download the firmware and flash it with the help of our step-by-step guide below. So, lets begin. D i s c l ai m e r: We hold no responsibility if you decide to follow the procedure given below. While the steps have been checked to make sure theyre correct, we wont be held liable if your phone stops working, blows up, or decides to start some abnormal behavior (though none of that will actually happen).
First, make sure you have the Galaxy Beam with model number GT-I8530. The model number can be checked in the Settings About phone menu. Download and install the drivers for the phone. Best way to get the drivers is to
Test Android 4.1.2 Firmware for Galaxy Beam leaked, build I8530XXAMF1 [Guide]
Android Telegraph
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install Kies, though you can also download the separate driver package from here. Take a backup of your installed apps and other data, such as SMS or Contacts. This is important as you might need to perform a factory reset in order to make the phone boot up. If youre rooted, you can use apps like Titanium Backup and MyBackup Root, and if not, use apps like Helium or Super Backup. Also backup your entire internal storage content, such as pictures and media.
Download the firmware from the link below. D ownl oad Li nk (I8530XXAMF1_I8530OXAAMF1_XEO.rar, 493MB) Extract the firmware file you downloaded above once, to get the following files inside: CODE_I8530XXAMF1_1053499_REV00_user_low_ship.tar CSC_OXA_I8530OXAAMF1_1053499_REV00_user_low_ship.tar GT-I8530_EUR_XX_8G Download Odin, which is the flashing tool that were going to use to flash the firmware on to the phone. Extract the file you download once to get around 4 files inside a folder named Odin_v3.07. D ownl oad Li nk (Odin_v3.07.zip)
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Installation Procedure
1. Once youve gone through the above steps and downloaded the necessary files, turn off your phone and disconnect it from your PC. 2. Press and hold down the Volume Down + Home + Power buttons until phone boots into download mode, also called Odin mode. In case you get a Warning! screen, press the Volume Up button to continue to download mode. 3. Open Odin by double-clicking the Odin3_v3.07 file. 4. Connect your phone to the computer (while it is in download mode.) Wait for the necessary drivers to finish installing. Once Odin detects the phone, the ID:COM box will turn yellow (or blue) and the words Added!! will show up in the white box at the bottom left of Odin. If youre using a desktop computer, try to use the USB ports on the back as theyre more stable than the ones at the front.
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5. Now, do the following in Odin: A. Click on the PDA button, then select the CODE_I8530XXAMF1_1053499_REV00_user_low_ship.tar file. B. Then select CSC_OXA_I8530OXAAMF1_1053499_REV00_user_low_ship.tar after clicking on CSC. C. Lastly, hit the PIT button (above PDA), and select the GT-I8530_EUR_XX_8G file. D. Then, enable the Re-Partition option on the left. This is important, so make sure RePartition option is checked. 6. Make sure you dont touch or change any other option in Odin. 7. Go through the above steps once again and make sure youve followed them to the letter, then click the Start button to start the upgrade procedure. Make sure you dont interrupt the phones connection to the PC, or youll end up with a bricked device and need to reflash the firmware and possibly lose data. NO TE : If Odin shows a FAIL message or doesnt seem to be progressing for more than 45 minutes, simply disconnect the phone, remove and re-insert its battery, close Odin, then repeat the procedure from the beginning. Also try using a different USB port if possible.
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Test Android 4.1.2 Firmware for Galaxy Beam leaked, build I8530XXAMF1 [Guide]
8. Once the installation is complete, the phone will automatically reboot, at which point you can disconnect it from the PC and close Odin. The first boot will take a bit longer than usual, after which your device will be running on the flashed firmware.
firmware, so dont expect everything to work properly, and dont forget to leave a comment if
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Test Android 4.1.2 Firmware for Galaxy Beam leaked, build I8530XXAMF1 [Guide]
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