Though Chemical Processes Are by Far The Most Important. A Brief Siim

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eathering involves chemical, physical, and biological processes, al

though chemical processes are by far the most important. A brief siimof weathering processes is presented here to illustrate how weathering acts to decompose and disintegrate exposecl rocks, producing particu late residues and dissolved constituents. These weathering products are the source materials of soils and sedimentary rocks; thus, weathering constitutes the first step in the chain of processes that produce sedimentary rocks. It is important to understand how weathering attacks exposed source rocks and what remains after weathering to form soils and be transported as sediment and dissolved constituents to depositional basins. The ultimate composition of soil and terrigenous sedimentary rock bears a relationship to the composition of their source rock; however, study of residual soil profiles shows that both the min eral composition and the bulk chemical composition of SOlls may dlffer greatly from those of the bedrock on which they form. Some minerals in the source rock are destroyed completely cluring weathering, whereas more chemically resistant or stable minerals are loosened from the fabric of the decomposing and disintegrating rock and accumulate as residues. During this process, new minerals such as iron oxides and clay minerals may form lit s/fit in the soils from chemical elements released during breakdown of the source rocks. Thus, soils are composed of survival assemblages of minerals and rock fragments derived from the parent rocks plus any new minerals formed at the weathering site. Soil composition is governed not only by the parentrock composition but also by the nature, intensity, and duration of weathering and soilforming processes. It follows from this premise that the composition of terrigenous sedimentary rocks such as sand stones, which are derived from soils arid other weathered materials, is also con trolled by parentrock composition and weathering processes. Most ancient soils were probably eroded and their constituents transported to furnish the materials of sedimentary rocks; however, some survived to become part of the geologic record. We call these ancient soils paleosols. Weathering and soilforming processes are significantly influenced by climatic conditions. Geolo gists are greatly interested in the study of past climates, called paleoclimatology, because of this relationship and because paleoclimates also influenced past sea lev els and sedimentation processes as well as the life forms on Earth at various times.

Chapter 1 / Weathering and Soils

In this chapter, we examine the principal processes of subaerial weathering and discuss the nature of the particulate residues and dissolved constituents that result from weathering. We also consider the less important but highly in teresting processes of submarine weathering. Submarine weathering includes both the interaction of seawater with hot oceanic rocks along mid-ocean ridges a process that leaches important amounts of chemical constituents from hot crustal rocksand low-temperature alteration of volcanic rocks and sedi- ments on the ocean floor. Finally, we take a brief look at soils and paleosols and discuss important soilforming processes and the factors, such as climate, that influence soil development.


Physical Weathering
Physical (mechanical) weathering is the process by which rocks are broken into smaller fragments through a variety of causes, but without significant change in chemical or mineralogical composition. Except in extremely cold or very dry climates, physical and chemical weathering act together, and it is difficult to separate their effects.

Disruption of rock fabrics owing to stresses generated by freezing and thawing of water in rock fractures is an important physical weathering process in climates where recurring, short-term changes from freezing to thawing temperatures take place. Water increases in volume by about 9 percent when it changes to ice, creating enough pressure in tortuous rock fractures to crack most types of rock. To be effective, water must be trapped (sealed by freezing) within the rock body, and repeated freezing and thawing are necessary to allow progressive disintegration of the rock, which occurs very slowly. Other processes, such as the movement of water into a freezing zone rather than conversion of water in place to ice, may also, or alternatively, cause freezethaw expansion of cracks (Bland and Rolls,
Freeze-thaw weathering commonly produces large, angular blocks of rock (Fig. 1.1) but may also cause granular disintegration of coarsetrained rocks such as granites. The presence of microfractures and other microstructures exerts an important control on the sizes and shapes of shattered blocks. Mechanically weak rocks such as shales and sandstones tend to disintegrate more readily than do hard, more strongly cemented rocks such as quartzites and igneous rocks.

Insolnfion VVeathering
Expansion of rock surfaces heated by the Sun (insolation) followed by contraction as the temperature falls can allegedly weaken bonds along grain boundaries and cause subsequent flaking off of rock fragments or dislodging of mineral grains. A thermal gradient is set up between the surface and interior of a rock that has been heated; the rock surface expands more than the interior, creating stresses. These stresses presumably lead to formation of small cracks and possibly granular disintegration (Ollior and Pain, 1996, p. 26). Once a small crack in a rocks surface ex pands with heating, silt or sand particles may sift into the crack and prevent it from closing when the rock cools. Repeated heating and cooling causes the crack to grow wider and wider, resulting in smallscale disruption of the rock surface. These kinds of physical changes are caused mainly by heating from sunshine but may also result from fires (e.g., Allison and Goudie, 1994). Although observations

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