Lesson Plan in Science 5

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DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE V I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able; a.

To know the different habitats of animals; b. To draw the different habitats of animals; c. To explain why animals live in a particular habitat; d. To act out the different habitat of animals; e. To protect and give importance to the animals and protect and care to their habitats. Subject Matter a. Topic: Animals and Their Habitat b. Reference: Science V: Health and Environment by Lilia R. Villanueva, pp. 116-117 c. Materials: diorama, cartolina and pictures of animals Learning Activities



A. Preparatory Activity Teachers Activity 1. Greetings -Good morning class. -Before you sit down, kindly pick up all the trash under your chair and put it on the trashcan. Pupils Activity -Good morning Mr. Prades -The pupils will pick up the trash and put it into the trashcan.

2. Health Inspection -Class, do you know what I am holding? Its my magic box. This magic box contains specific part of your body to be inspected today. -May I call in the class leader to pick one (Pretending that their finger nail is the part pieces and read aloud in front of the class. of their body to be inspected) Your row leader will inspect their respective row mates. -Alright, row leader, report in-front who (The row leader will report) among of your row mates has dirty fingers? 3. Weather Report -Who would like to tell in-front, what is our weather for today? Please report infront so that your classmate will hear what

(Pupil will report about the weather today)

weather is today. 4. Review -Before we start a new lesson today lets have first a review. -the teacher will ask the pupils if what their lesson yesterday. -the teacher will ask the pupils; What are the three classifications of animals according to the food they eat?

-Our lesson yesterday is all about the animals according to the food they eat. -the three classification of animals according to the food they eat are the herbivores, carnivores and omnivores

B. Motivation Teachers Activity Pupils Activity -The teacher will group the pupils into two. They will have a game answering the riddles. The teacher will give 5 riddles about animals but the riddle have a twist the first pupil on the line will be the sender of the riddle to his/her group mates until the last pupil will write the answer. Pass the Riddle (the pupil will write the answer on the drill 1. I'm very, very big. board.) I like to eat peanuts and hay. I have four legs and two big ears. My long nose is called a trunk. I am an... Answer: Elephant 2. I have a tail. I can fly. I'm covered in colorful feathers. I can whistle and I can talk. I am a... Answer: Parrot 3. I live in the ocean. I swim on my side. I love to hide in the sand. My eyes are both on the same side of my head. I am a... Answer: Flounder 4. I live in lakes and rivers. I eat fish and birds. I have four legs and a long tail. I have lots of pretty teeth. I am a... Answer: Crocodile

5. I live in the ocean. I have eight legs, two big claws and a tail. My body has a hard shell. I eat anything I can find. I am a... Answer: Lobster

C. Presentation Teachers Activity -The teacher will show a diorama to the pupils and he will ask the. Class what did you see on my dioramas? Pupils Activity -teacher we see a animals like, snake, frogs, tigers, lions, birds, crocodiles, turtle, monkey etc.

D. Discussion Teachers Activity After that, the teacher will go to his lesson. And the teacher will have an activity and this activity called 4 Picture 1 Word. First 4 Pictures 1 Word -the pupils will try to answer the 4 Picture 1 Word. Pupils Activity

-the answer is TERRESTRIAL

Second 4 Pictures 1 Word -the pupils will try to answer the 4 Picture 1 Word.

-the answer is AQUATIC Third 4 Pictures 1 Word

-the pupils will try to answer the 4 Picture 1 Word.

-the answer is AMPHIBIANS Fourth 4 Pictures 1 Word -the pupils will try to answer the 4 Picture 1 Word.

-the answer is AERIAL

After all the pictures and diorama are shown the teacher will discuss his lesson and he will give an example to each habitat. (the pupils will read the definition.) Terrestrial animals live in land. Aquatic animals live in water. Amphibian animals live both on land and water. Aerial animals live in the air. Habitat-is the palce where animals live. (the pupil will close their eyes and the teacher will play an instrumental song.) -we should show our concern to the animals -as a pupil of grade five, how do we show our and their habitat by giving importance of it concern on the animals and their habitat? and take care of it.

E. Generalization Teachers Activity -Children did you learned today? What have you learned? (very good) What is habitat? (very good) F. Application Teachers Activity The teacher will give an envelope in each group. Then the teacher will explain the instruction. But before they start the activity the teacher will ask them, Before you start you activity what are the things that you must keep in mind if you are doing an activity? 1. Activity Proper You may now open your envelope and start. First Group. Draw animals and their habitat and explain why these animals live on that habitat. Second Group. Pupils Activity -I learned today the different habitat of animals. -Habitat is the place where animals live.

Pupils Activity

-cooperate to your group mates -do it correctly

Using the pictures of animals inside the enveloped make a short play showing the different habitat.


Evaluation Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer. Animals that can live both on land and water are called ______. a. Amphibians b. Aerial c. Terrestrial d. Aquatic Animals that can live in forest, deserts and farts are called _____. a. Amphibians b. Aerial c. Terrestrial d. Aquatic Animals that can live under the water are called ______. a. Amphibians b. Aerial c. Terrestrial d. Aquatic Rattle snake and camel are the example of animals that live here. a. Forest b. Ocean c. Farm d. Desert Animals that live in the air are called ________ example of this are birds and insects. a. Amphibians b. Aerial c. Terrestrial d. Aquatic Assignment Cut some animals on any magazines and paste it on your notebook.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Prepared By: Jayral S. Prades BEED- Content Course 4A

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