Jeu D'instructions Des Microcontrôleurs PIC

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Jeu d’Instructions

9.0 INSTRUCTION SET SUMMARY The instruction set is highly orthogonal and is grouped
into three basic categories:
Each PIC16CXX instruction is a 14-bit word divided
into an OPCODE which specifies the instruction type • Byte-oriented operations
and one or more operands which further specify the • Bit-oriented operations
operation of the instruction. The PIC16CXX instruction • Literal and control operations
set summary in Table 9-2 lists byte-oriented, bit-ori-
All instructions are executed within one single instruc-
ented, and literal and control operations. Table 9-1
tion cycle, unless a conditional test is true or the pro-
shows the opcode field descriptions.
gram counter is changed as a result of an instruction.
For byte-oriented instructions, 'f' represents a file reg- In this case, the execution takes two instruction cycles
ister designator and 'd' represents a destination desig- with the second cycle executed as a NOP. One instruc-
nator. The file register designator specifies which file tion cycle consists of four oscillator periods. Thus, for
register is to be used by the instruction. an oscillator frequency of 4 MHz, the normal instruction
The destination designator specifies where the result of execution time is 1 µs. If a conditional test is true or the
the operation is to be placed. If 'd' is zero, the result is program counter is changed as a result of an instruc-
placed in the W register. If 'd' is one, the result is placed tion, the instruction execution time is 2 µs.
in the file register specified in the instruction. Table 9-2 lists the instructions recognized by the
For bit-oriented instructions, 'b' represents a bit field MPASM assembler.
designator which selects the number of the bit affected Figure 9-1 shows the general formats that the instruc-
by the operation, while 'f' represents the number of the tions can have.
file in which the bit is located.
Note: To maintain upward compatibility with
For literal and control operations, 'k' represents an future PIC16CXX products, do not use the
eight or eleven bit constant or literal value. OPTION and TRIS instructions.
TABLE 9-1 OPCODE FIELD All examples use the following format to represent a
DESCRIPTIONS hexadecimal number:

Field Description 0xhh

f Register file address (0x00 to 0x7F) where h signifies a hexadecimal digit.

W Working register (accumulator)
b Bit address within an 8-bit file register FIGURE 9-1: GENERAL FORMAT FOR
k Literal field, constant data or label INSTRUCTIONS
x Don't care location (= 0 or 1) Byte-oriented file register operations
The assembler will generate code with x = 0. It is the 13 8 7 6 0
recommended form of use for compatibility with all OPCODE d f (FILE #)
Microchip software tools.
d = 0 for destination W
d Destination select; d = 0: store result in W,
d = 1 for destination f
d = 1: store result in file register f. f = 7-bit file register address
Default is d = 1
label Label name
Bit-oriented file register operations
TOS Top of Stack 13 10 9 7 6 0
PC Program Counter OPCODE b (BIT #) f (FILE #)
PCLATH Program Counter High Latch
GIE Global Interrupt Enable bit b = 3-bit bit address
f = 7-bit file register address
WDT Watchdog Timer/Counter
TO Time-out bit
Literal and control operations
PD Power-down bit
dest Destination either the W register or the specified General
register file location
13 8 7 0
[ ] Options
OPCODE k (literal)
( ) Contents
→ Assigned to k = 8-bit immediate value
<> Register bit field
CALL and GOTO instructions only
∈ In the set of
13 11 10 0
italics User defined term (font is courier)
OPCODE k (literal)
k = 11-bit immediate value

 1998 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430C-page 53

Mnemonic, Description Cycles 14-Bit Opcode Status Notes
Operands MSb LSb Affected


ADDWF f, d Add W and f 1 00 0111 dfff ffff C,DC,Z 1,2
ANDWF f, d AND W with f 1 00 0101 dfff ffff Z 1,2
CLRF f Clear f 1 00 0001 lfff ffff Z 2
CLRW - Clear W 1 00 0001 0xxx xxxx Z
COMF f, d Complement f 1 00 1001 dfff ffff Z 1,2
DECF f, d Decrement f 1 00 0011 dfff ffff Z 1,2
DECFSZ f, d Decrement f, Skip if 0 1(2) 00 1011 dfff ffff 1,2,3
INCF f, d Increment f 1 00 1010 dfff ffff Z 1,2
INCFSZ f, d Increment f, Skip if 0 1(2) 00 1111 dfff ffff 1,2,3
IORWF f, d Inclusive OR W with f 1 00 0100 dfff ffff Z 1,2
MOVF f, d Move f 1 00 1000 dfff ffff Z 1,2
MOVWF f Move W to f 1 00 0000 lfff ffff
NOP - No Operation 1 00 0000 0xx0 0000
RLF f, d Rotate Left f through Carry 1 00 1101 dfff ffff C 1,2
RRF f, d Rotate Right f through Carry 1 00 1100 dfff ffff C 1,2
SUBWF f, d Subtract W from f 1 00 0010 dfff ffff C,DC,Z 1,2
SWAPF f, d Swap nibbles in f 1 00 1110 dfff ffff 1,2
XORWF f, d Exclusive OR W with f 1 00 0110 dfff ffff Z 1,2
BCF f, b Bit Clear f 1 01 00bb bfff ffff 1,2
BSF f, b Bit Set f 1 01 01bb bfff ffff 1,2
BTFSC f, b Bit Test f, Skip if Clear 1 (2) 01 10bb bfff ffff 3
BTFSS f, b Bit Test f, Skip if Set 1 (2) 01 11bb bfff ffff 3
ADDLW k Add literal and W 1 11 111x kkkk kkkk C,DC,Z
ANDLW k AND literal with W 1 11 1001 kkkk kkkk Z
CALL k Call subroutine 2 10 0kkk kkkk kkkk
CLRWDT - Clear Watchdog Timer 1 00 0000 0110 0100 TO,PD
GOTO k Go to address 2 10 1kkk kkkk kkkk
IORLW k Inclusive OR literal with W 1 11 1000 kkkk kkkk Z
MOVLW k Move literal to W 1 11 00xx kkkk kkkk
RETFIE - Return from interrupt 2 00 0000 0000 1001
RETLW k Return with literal in W 2 11 01xx kkkk kkkk
RETURN - Return from Subroutine 2 00 0000 0000 1000
SLEEP - Go into standby mode 1 00 0000 0110 0011 TO,PD
SUBLW k Subtract W from literal 1 11 110x kkkk kkkk C,DC,Z
XORLW k Exclusive OR literal with W 1 11 1010 kkkk kkkk Z
Note 1: When an I/O register is modified as a function of itself ( e.g., MOVF PORTB, 1), the value used will be that value present
on the pins themselves. For example, if the data latch is '1' for a pin configured as input and is driven low by an external
device, the data will be written back with a '0'.
2: If this instruction is executed on the TMR0 register (and, where applicable, d = 1), the prescaler will be cleared if assigned
to the Timer0 Module.
3: If Program Counter (PC) is modified or a conditional test is true, the instruction requires two cycles. The second cycle is
executed as a NOP.

DS30430C-page 54  1998 Microchip Technology Inc.

9.1 Instruction Descriptions

ADDLW Add Literal and W ANDLW AND Literal with W

Syntax: [label] ADDLW k Syntax: [label] ANDLW k
Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255 Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255
Operation: (W) + k → (W) Operation: (W) .AND. (k) → (W)
Status Affected: C, DC, Z Status Affected: Z
Encoding: 11 111x kkkk kkkk Encoding: 11 1001 kkkk kkkk

Description: The contents of the W register are Description: The contents of W register are
added to the eight bit literal 'k' and the AND’ed with the eight bit literal 'k'. The
result is placed in the W register. result is placed in the W register.
Words: 1 Words: 1
Cycles: 1 Cycles: 1
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read Process Write to Decode Read Process Write to
literal 'k' data W literal "k" data W

Example: ADDLW 0x15 Example ANDLW 0x5F

Before Instruction Before Instruction

W = 0x10 W = 0xA3
After Instruction After Instruction
W = 0x25 W = 0x03

ADDWF Add W and f ANDWF AND W with f

Syntax: [label] ADDWF f,d Syntax: [label] ANDWF f,d
Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127
d ∈ [0,1] d ∈ [0,1]
Operation: (W) + (f) → (destination) Operation: (W) .AND. (f) → (destination)
Status Affected: C, DC, Z Status Affected: Z
Encoding: 00 0111 dfff ffff Encoding: 00 0101 dfff ffff
Description: Add the contents of the W register with Description: AND the W register with register 'f'. If 'd'
register 'f'. If 'd' is 0 the result is stored is 0 the result is stored in the W regis-
in the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is ter. If 'd' is 1 the result is stored back in
stored back in register 'f'. register 'f'.
Words: 1 Words: 1
Cycles: 1 Cycles: 1
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read Process Write to Decode Read Process Write to
register data destination register data destination
'f' 'f'

Example ADDWF FSR, 0 Example ANDWF FSR, 1

Before Instruction Before Instruction
W = 0x17 W = 0x17
FSR = 0xC2 FSR = 0xC2
After Instruction After Instruction
W = 0xD9 W = 0x17
FSR = 0xC2 FSR = 0x02

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BCF Bit Clear f BTFSC Bit Test, Skip if Clear

Syntax: [label] BCF f,b Syntax: [label] BTFSC f,b
Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127
0≤b≤7 0≤b≤7
Operation: 0 → (f<b>) Operation: skip if (f<b>) = 0
Status Affected: None Status Affected: None
Encoding: 01 00bb bfff ffff Encoding: 01 10bb bfff ffff
Description: Bit 'b' in register 'f' is cleared. Description: If bit 'b' in register 'f' is '1' then the next
instruction is executed.
Words: 1 If bit 'b', in register 'f', is '0' then the next
Cycles: 1 instruction is discarded, and a NOP is
executed instead, making this a 2TCY
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read Process Write
register data register 'f' Words: 1
Cycles: 1(2)
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Example BCF FLAG_REG, 7
Decode Read Process No-Operat
Before Instruction register 'f' data ion
After Instruction If Skip: (2nd Cycle)
FLAG_REG = 0x47 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
No-Operati No-Opera No-Operat
No-Operat on tion ion



Before Instruction
PC = address HERE
After Instruction
BSF Bit Set f if FLAG<1> = 0,
PC = address TRUE
Syntax: [label] BSF f,b if FLAG<1>=1,
Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 PC = address FALSE
Operation: 1 → (f<b>)
Status Affected: None
Encoding: 01 01bb bfff ffff
Description: Bit 'b' in register 'f' is set.
Words: 1
Cycles: 1
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read Process Write
register data register 'f'

Example BSF FLAG_REG, 7

Before Instruction
After Instruction

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BTFSS Bit Test f, Skip if Set CALL Call Subroutine

Syntax: [label] BTFSS f,b Syntax: [ label ] CALL k
Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 2047
Operation: (PC)+ 1→ TOS,
Operation: skip if (f<b>) = 1 k → PC<10:0>,
Status Affected: None (PCLATH<4:3>) → PC<12:11>

Encoding: 01 11bb bfff ffff Status Affected: None

Description: If bit 'b' in register 'f' is '0' then the next Encoding: 10 0kkk kkkk kkkk
instruction is executed.
If bit 'b' is '1', then the next instruction is Description: Call Subroutine. First, return address
discarded and a NOP is executed (PC+1) is pushed onto the stack. The
instead, making this a 2TCY instruction. eleven bit immediate address is loaded
into PC bits <10:0>. The upper bits of
Words: 1 the PC are loaded from PCLATH. CALL
is a two cycle instruction.
Cycles: 1(2)
Words: 1
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Cycles: 2
Decode Read Process No-Operat
register 'f' data ion Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1st Cycle Decode Read Process Write to
If Skip: (2nd Cycle) literal 'k', data PC
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Push PC
to Stack
No-Operati No-Opera No-Operat
No-Operat on tion ion 2nd Cycle No-Opera No-Opera No-Operat
No-Opera tion tion ion


TRUE • Before Instruction
• PC = Address HERE
• After Instruction
Before Instruction PC = Address THERE
TOS = Address HERE+1
PC = address HERE
After Instruction
if FLAG<1> = 0,
PC = address FALSE
if FLAG<1> = 1,
PC = address TRUE

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CLRF Clear f CLRW Clear W

Syntax: [label] CLRF f Syntax: [ label ] CLRW
Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 Operands: None
Operation: 00h → (f) Operation: 00h → (W)
1→Z 1→Z
Status Affected: Z Status Affected: Z
Encoding: 00 0001 1fff ffff
Encoding: 00 0001 0xxx xxxx
Description: The contents of register 'f' are cleared
Description: W register is cleared. Zero bit (Z) is
and the Z bit is set. set.
Words: 1 Words: 1
Cycles: 1 Cycles: 1
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read Process Write
Decode No-Opera Process Write to
register data register 'f'
tion data W

Example CLRF FLAG_REG Example CLRW

Before Instruction Before Instruction

W = 0x5A
After Instruction After Instruction
FLAG_REG = 0x00 W = 0x00
Z = 1 Z = 1

CLRWDT Clear Watchdog Timer

Syntax: [ label ] CLRWDT
Operands: None
Operation: 00h → WDT
0 → WDT prescaler,
1 → TO
1 → PD
Status Affected: TO, PD
Encoding: 00 0000 0110 0100
Description: CLRWDT instruction resets the Watch-
dog Timer. It also resets the prescaler
of the WDT. Status bits TO and PD are
Words: 1
Cycles: 1
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode No-Opera Process Clear
tion data WDT

Example CLRWDT
Before Instruction
WDT counter = ?
After Instruction
WDT counter = 0x00
WDT prescaler= 0
TO = 1
PD = 1

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COMF Complement f DECFSZ Decrement f, Skip if 0

Syntax: [ label ] COMF f,d Syntax: [ label ] DECFSZ f,d
Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127
d ∈ [0,1] d ∈ [0,1]
Operation: (f) → (destination) Operation: (f) - 1 → (destination);
Status Affected: Z skip if result = 0
Encoding: 00 1001 dfff ffff Status Affected: None
Description: The contents of register 'f' are comple- Encoding: 00 1011 dfff ffff
mented. If 'd' is 0 the result is stored in
W. If 'd' is 1 the result is stored back in Description: The contents of register 'f' are decre-
register 'f'. mented. If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the
W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is placed
Words: 1 back in register 'f'.
If the result is 1, the next instruction, is
Cycles: 1 executed. If the result is 0, then a NOP is
executed instead making it a 2TCY instruc-
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 tion.
Decode Read Process Write to Words: 1
register data destination
'f' Cycles: 1(2)
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Example COMF REG1,0 Decode Read Process Write to
register 'f' data destination
Before Instruction
REG1 = 0x13
If Skip: (2nd Cycle)
After Instruction
REG1 = 0x13 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
W = 0xEC No-Opera No-Operat No-Operati
No-Operat tion ion on
DECF Decrement f
Syntax: [label] DECF f,d Example HERE DECFSZ CNT, 1
Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 GOTO LOOP
d ∈ [0,1] CONTINUE •

Operation: (f) - 1 → (destination) •

Status Affected: Z Before Instruction

PC = address HERE
Encoding: 00 0011 dfff ffff After Instruction
Description: Decrement register 'f'. If 'd' is 0 the CNT = CNT - 1
result is stored in the W register. If 'd' is if CNT = 0,
1 the result is stored back in register 'f'. PC = address CONTINUE
Words: 1 if CNT ≠ 0,
PC = address HERE+1
Cycles: 1
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read Process Write to
register data destination

Example DECF CNT, 1

Before Instruction
CNT = 0x01
Z = 0
After Instruction
CNT = 0x00
Z = 1

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GOTO Unconditional Branch INCF Increment f

Syntax: [ label ] GOTO k Syntax: [ label ] INCF f,d
Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 2047 Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127
d ∈ [0,1]
Operation: k → PC<10:0>
PCLATH<4:3> → PC<12:11> Operation: (f) + 1 → (destination)
Status Affected: None Status Affected: Z
Encoding: 10 1kkk kkkk kkkk Encoding: 00 1010 dfff ffff

Description: GOTO is an unconditional branch. The Description: The contents of register 'f' are incre-
eleven bit immediate value is loaded mented. If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in
into PC bits <10:0>. The upper bits of the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is
PC are loaded from PCLATH<4:3>.
GOTO is a two cycle instruction. placed back in register 'f'.

Words: 1 Words: 1

Cycles: 2 Cycles: 1

Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Decode Read Process Write to
1st Cycle Decode Read Process Write to
register data destination
literal 'k' data PC
2nd Cycle No-Operat No-Opera No-Operat
No-Operat ion tion ion
ion Example INCF CNT, 1
Before Instruction
Z = 0
After Instruction
PC = Address THERE
After Instruction
CNT = 0x00
Z = 1

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INCFSZ Increment f, Skip if 0 IORLW Inclusive OR Literal with W

Syntax: [ label ] INCFSZ f,d Syntax: [ label ] IORLW k
Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255
d ∈ [0,1] Operation: (W) .OR. k → (W)
Operation: (f) + 1 → (destination), Status Affected: Z
skip if result = 0
Encoding: 11 1000 kkkk kkkk
Status Affected: None
Description: The contents of the W register is
Encoding: 00 1111 dfff ffff OR’ed with the eight bit literal 'k'. The
Description: The contents of register 'f' are incre- result is placed in the W register.
mented. If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in
the W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is Words: 1
placed back in register 'f'.
If the result is 1, the next instruction is Cycles: 1
executed. If the result is 0, a NOP is exe-
cuted instead making it a 2TCY instruc- Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
tion. Decode Read Process Write to
Words: 1 literal 'k' data W

Cycles: 1(2)
Example IORLW 0x35
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Before Instruction
Decode Read Process Write to
W = 0x9A
register 'f' data destination
After Instruction
If Skip: (2nd Cycle) W = 0xBF
Z = 1
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
No-Opera No-Opera No-Operati
No-Operat tion tion on



Before Instruction
PC = address HERE
After Instruction
CNT = CNT + 1
if CNT= 0,
PC = address CONTINUE
if CNT≠ 0,
PC = address HERE +1

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IORWF Inclusive OR W with f MOVLW Move Literal to W

Syntax: [ label ] IORWF f,d Syntax: [ label ] MOVLW k
Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255
d ∈ [0,1]
Operation: k → (W)
Operation: (W) .OR. (f) → (destination)
Status Affected: None
Status Affected: Z
Encoding: 11 00xx kkkk kkkk
Encoding: 00 0100 dfff ffff
Description: The eight bit literal 'k' is loaded into W
Description: Inclusive OR the W register with regis- register. The don’t cares will assemble
ter 'f'. If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the
W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is placed as 0’s.
back in register 'f'. Words: 1
Words: 1 Cycles: 1
Cycles: 1 Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Decode Read Process Write to
literal 'k' data W
Decode Read Process Write to
register data destination
Example MOVLW 0x5A
After Instruction
W = 0x5A
Before Instruction
RESULT = 0x13
W = 0x91
After Instruction
RESULT = 0x13
W = 0x93
Z = 1

MOVWF Move W to f
MOVF Move f
Syntax: [ label ] MOVWF f
Syntax: [ label ] MOVF f,d
Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127
Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127
d ∈ [0,1] Operation: (W) → (f)
Operation: (f) → (destination) Status Affected: None
Status Affected: Z Encoding: 00 0000 1fff ffff

Encoding: 00 1000 dfff ffff Description: Move data from W register to register
Description: The contents of register f is moved to a
destination dependant upon the status Words: 1
of d. If d = 0, destination is W register. If
Cycles: 1
d = 1, the destination is file register f
itself. d = 1 is useful to test a file regis- Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
ter since status flag Z is affected. Decode Read Process Write
Words: 1 register data register 'f'
Cycles: 1
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Example MOVWF OPTION_REG
Decode Read Process Write to Before Instruction
register data destination
W = 0x4F
After Instruction
Example MOVF FSR, 0 OPTION = 0x4F
After Instruction W = 0x4F
W = value in FSR register
Z =1

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NOP No Operation RETFIE Return from Interrupt

Syntax: [ label ] NOP Syntax: [ label ] RETFIE
Operands: None Operands: None
Operation: No operation Operation: TOS → PC,
Status Affected: None 1 → GIE

Encoding: 00 0000 0xx0 0000 Status Affected: None

Description: No operation. Encoding: 00 0000 0000 1001

Words: 1 Description: Return from Interrupt. Stack is POPed

and Top of Stack (TOS) is loaded in the
Cycles: 1 PC. Interrupts are enabled by setting
Global Interrupt Enable bit, GIE
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
(INTCON<7>). This is a two cycle
Decode No-Opera No-Opera No-Operat instruction.
tion tion ion
Words: 1
Example NOP Cycles: 2
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1st Cycle Decode No-Opera Set the Pop from
tion GIE bit the Stack

2nd Cycle No-Opera No-Opera No-Operat

No-Operat tion tion ion

Example RETFIE
After Interrupt
GIE = 1
OPTION Load Option Register
Syntax: [ label ] OPTION
Operands: None
Operation: (W) → OPTION
Status Affected: None
Encoding: 00 0000 0110 0010
Description: The contents of the W register are
loaded in the OPTION register. This
instruction is supported for code com-
patibility with PIC16C5X products.
Since OPTION is a readable/writable
register, the user can directly address
Words: 1
Cycles: 1
To maintain upward compatibility
with future PIC16CXX products,
do not use this instruction.

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RETLW Return with Literal in W RETURN Return from Subroutine

Syntax: [ label ] RETLW k Syntax: [ label ] RETURN
Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255 Operands: None
Operation: k → (W); Operation: TOS → PC
TOS → PC Status Affected: None
Status Affected: None Encoding: 00 0000 0000 1000
Encoding: 11 01xx kkkk kkkk
Description: Return from subroutine. The stack is
Description: The W register is loaded with the eight POPed and the top of the stack (TOS)
bit literal 'k'. The program counter is is loaded into the program counter. This
loaded from the top of the stack (the is a two cycle instruction.
return address). This is a two cycle Words: 1
Cycles: 2
Words: 1
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Cycles: 2
1st Cycle Decode No-Opera No-Opera Pop from
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 tion tion the Stack

1st Cycle Decode Read No-Opera Write to W, 2nd Cycle No-Opera No-Opera No-Opera
literal 'k' tion Pop from No-Operat tion tion tion
the Stack ion

2nd Cycle No-Opera No-Opera No-Operat

No-Operat tion tion ion
Example RETURN
After Interrupt
Example CALL TABLE ;W contains table PC = TOS
;offset value
• ;W now has table value

TABLE ADDWF PC ;W = offset
RETLW k1 ;Begin table
RETLW k2 ;

RETLW kn ; End of table

Before Instruction
W = 0x07
After Instruction
W = value of k8

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RLF Rotate Left f through Carry RRF Rotate Right f through Carry
Syntax: [ label ] RLF f,d Syntax: [ label ] RRF f,d
Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127
d ∈ [0,1] d ∈ [0,1]
Operation: See description below Operation: See description below
Status Affected: C Status Affected: C
Encoding: 00 1101 dfff ffff Encoding: 00 1100 dfff ffff
Description: The contents of register 'f' are rotated Description: The contents of register 'f' are rotated
one bit to the left through the Carry one bit to the right through the Carry
Flag. If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the Flag. If 'd' is 0 the result is placed in the
W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is stored W register. If 'd' is 1 the result is placed
back in register 'f'. back in register 'f'.
C Register f C Register f

Words: 1 Words: 1
Cycles: 1 Cycles: 1
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read Process Write to Decode Read Process Write to
register data destination register data destination
'f' 'f'

Example RLF REG1,0 Example RRF REG1,0

Before Instruction Before Instruction
REG1 = 1110 0110 REG1 = 1110 0110
C = 0 C = 0
After Instruction After Instruction
REG1 = 1110 0110 REG1 = 1110 0110
W = 1100 1100 W = 0111 0011
C = 1 C = 0

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SLEEP SUBLW Subtract W from Literal

Syntax: [ label ] SLEEP Syntax: [ label ] SUBLW k
Operands: None Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255
Operation: 00h → WDT, Operation: k - (W) → (W)
0 → WDT prescaler, Status Affected: C, DC, Z
1 → TO,
Encoding: 11 110x kkkk kkkk
0 → PD
Description: The W register is subtracted (2’s comple-
Status Affected: TO, PD ment method) from the eight bit literal 'k'.
Encoding: 00 0000 0110 0011 The result is placed in the W register.
Description: The power-down status bit, PD is Words: 1
cleared. Time-out status bit, TO is
Cycles: 1
set. Watchdog Timer and its prescaler
are cleared. Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
The processor is put into SLEEP Decode Read Process Write to W
mode with the oscillator stopped. See literal 'k' data
Section 14.8 for more details.
Words: 1 Example 1: SUBLW 0x02
Cycles: 1 Before Instruction
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 W = 1
Decode No-Opera No-Opera Go to C = ?
tion tion Sleep Z = ?
After Instruction
Example: SLEEP W = 1
C = 1; result is positive
Z = 0
Example 2: Before Instruction
W = 2
C = ?
Z = ?
After Instruction
W = 0
C = 1; result is zero
Z = 1
Example 3: Before Instruction
W = 3
C = ?
Z = ?
After Instruction
W = 0xFF
C = 0; result is nega-
Z = 0

DS30430C-page 66  1998 Microchip Technology Inc.


SUBWF Subtract W from f SWAPF Swap Nibbles in f

Syntax: [ label ] SUBWF f,d Syntax: [ label ] SWAPF f,d
Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127 Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127
d ∈ [0,1] d ∈ [0,1]
Operation: (f) - (W) → (destination) Operation: (f<3:0>) → (destination<7:4>),
(f<7:4>) → (destination<3:0>)
Status Affected: C, DC, Z
Status Affected: None
Encoding: 00 0010 dfff ffff
Encoding: 00 1110 dfff ffff
Description: Subtract (2’s complement method) W reg-
ister from register 'f'. If 'd' is 0 the result is Description: The upper and lower nibbles of register
stored in the W register. If 'd' is 1 the 'f' are exchanged. If 'd' is 0 the result is
result is stored back in register 'f'. placed in W register. If 'd' is 1 the result
is placed in register 'f'.
Words: 1
Words: 1
Cycles: 1
Cycles: 1
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read Process Write to
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
register 'f' data destination Decode Read Process Write to
register 'f' data destination

Example 1: SUBWF REG1,1

Example SWAPF REG, 0
Before Instruction
REG1 = 3
Before Instruction
W = 2 REG1 = 0xA5
C = ?
Z = ?
After Instruction
REG1 = 0xA5
After Instruction
W = 0x5A
REG1 = 1
W = 2
C = 1; result is positive
Z = 0
Example 2: Before Instruction TRIS Load TRIS Register
REG1 = 2 Syntax: [label] TRIS f
W = 2
Operands: 5≤f≤7
C = ?
Z = ? Operation: (W) → TRIS register f;
After Instruction Status Affected: None
REG1 = 0 Encoding: 00 0000 0110 0fff
W = 2 Description: The instruction is supported for code
C = 1; result is zero compatibility with the PIC16C5X prod-
Z = 1 ucts. Since TRIS registers are read-
Example 3: Before Instruction able and writable, the user can directly
address them.
REG1 = 1
W = 2
Words: 1
C = ? Cycles: 1
Z = ? Example
After Instruction To maintain upward compatibility
REG1 = 0xFF with future PIC16CXX products,
W = 2 do not use this instruction.
C = 0; result is negative
Z = 0

 1998 Microchip Technology Inc. DS30430C-page 67


XORLW Exclusive OR Literal with W XORWF Exclusive OR W with f

Syntax: [label] XORLW k Syntax: [label] XORWF f,d

Operands: 0 ≤ k ≤ 255 Operands: 0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]
Operation: (W) .XOR. k → (W)
Operation: (W) .XOR. (f) → (destination)
Status Affected: Z
Status Affected: Z
Encoding: 11 1010 kkkk kkkk
Encoding: 00 0110 dfff ffff
Description: The contents of the W register are
XOR’ed with the eight bit literal 'k'. Description: Exclusive OR the contents of the W
The result is placed in the W regis- register with register 'f'. If 'd' is 0 the
ter. result is stored in the W register. If 'd' is
1 the result is stored back in register 'f'.
Words: 1
Words: 1
Cycles: 1
Cycles: 1
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Q Cycle Activity: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Decode Read Process Write to
literal 'k' data W Decode Read Process Write to
register data destination
Example: XORLW 0xAF
Before Instruction Example XORWF REG 1
W = 0xB5 Before Instruction
After Instruction REG = 0xAF
W = 0xB5
W = 0x1A
After Instruction
REG = 0x1A
W = 0xB5

DS30430C-page 68  1998 Microchip Technology Inc.

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