Zion Lutheran Letter September 2013

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September 2013


1801 East Second Street Defiance, OH 43512 Rev. Timothy Reynolds, Pastor 419-782-8781 Fax: 419-782-6719
Church Office Email: zion111@embarqmail.com Visit our website at:


I love water lilies: the yellow ones, the blue ones, pink ones or red ones, they are all beautiful. Sitting on top of the water, they are an elegant ship on which dragonflies light. I also like to smell flowers, so recently I took off my shoes to get in a small pond in order to sniff the scent of a yellow water lily that had tinges of pink at the bottom of the flower, just where it sits on the water. I inched closer and closer until I could reach the beauty. All I smelled was mucky water it almost smelled like sewage! How could something so beautiful come out of water that smelled so bad? I questioned. The muddier, smellier the better for the water lilies! They love water that has trapped decaying material its their food; and yet, look at the beauty that comes out of such detritus! Sometimes I wonder if the Church takes too much time to focus on the death and dying in our lives instead of enjoying the beautiful life that is all around us. I know as Lutherans that we center our lives on the cross of Jesus Christ its there that we know that Jesus has conquered sin; but I wonder if we get stuck on the cross and forget about the third day Resurrection? Of course, we cannot have resurrection without death no Good Friday, no Resurrection Sunday. I wonder, however if the Church focuses too much of her efforts on putting up more crosses in order to make sure lives are transformed? We see it all the time: a Christian confronts someone else so as to make the person change to make the other person become the kind of Christian all people are supposed to be! The well-intentioned Christian really desires for the other person the same kind of life that all Christians have through Jesus. The question I have is this: Is it my job as a Christian to make a person suffer in order for him or her to understand Gods grace? The short answer is, of course not. The longer answer is something like this: As

Gods people, made free of sin by Gods grace, my challenge is always to temper my exuberance to tell everyone about Gods grace with the love that God has shown to all people through Jesus life, death and resurrection.
Thats a big challenge, isnt it? My experience has been that the best way for others to know that God cares about them is to show them. More often than not, words dont make the difference that a good deed or an action makes. Of course, you know that the ELCA is celebrating its 25th Anniversary on 8 September. Some of us from the congregation will be doing Gods work in Defiance after worship. Even if you did not order one of the yellow shirts and you would like to join us, please see the office for details. In the meantime, concentrate on the beauty of life Gods grace. It is just like the water lily! We all know that there is yucky stuff in life that we go through, but as Gods people of grace, we know that God will resurrect the beauty from out of the smelly muck. As a follower of Jesus, I want to lead others to see the beauty of grace, and then help them to see the sinfulness that is our unfortunate reality a reality that Jesus has conquered with a love that blossoms and grows in us daily! Gods peace, Pr Tim
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ELCA 25th Anniversary September 8, 2013 Gods Work. Our Hands.

For 25 years, the ELCA has been a church deeply rooted in faith and in sharing its passion for making positive changes in the world. To celebrate our anniversary and our churchs commitment to sharing Gods love with our neighbors, our congregation is called to take part in a dedicated day of service on September 8, known as Gods work. Our hands. Sunday. You work every day to welcome your neighbors and make your community a better place. Now lets do it together as one body, using our hands to do Gods work in Jesus Christs name. Our church will be participating in a community service project on September 8, after the worship service. Please wear your t-shirt to worship service (if you ordered one), After worship we will eat lunch and then get to work on our projects for the day. Please bring gloves, rakes, shovels, and tools for cleaning and yard work.

The Innkeepers need volunteers to help make food for the Wednesday night meals this fall. Ingredients and recipes will be provided from the soup kitchen. All that is needed is a readymade 9 x 13 foil pan casserole or a salad or side dish delivered by 3 p.m. on Wednesdays. There are sign-up sheets in the Narthex. Help is also needed with placing orders from the Food Bank and unloading the deliveries. Please prayerfully consider donating a little bit of your time.

Many hands make the work light!


Breakfast Club
The high school youth will continue with the Sunday morning Breakfast Club that meets in the kitchen at 9:00 am. Their first session back will be Sunday, October 6th.

Youth Center Grand Opening

Sunday, October 6th will also be the grand opening of the Youth Center wing in the basement. Following morning worship service, all members are invited to check out the youth wing and stop by for a piece of cake.

GOD SQUAD Cook-Out and Bonfire OCTOBER 5th, at 5:00 p.m.

Children's Sunday School will take a new twist this fall. We are going to try out a new "God Squad" program for children at the Saturday evening services. The children will start out in the service and then be dismissed to a special, fun and exciting program just for them. We would like to have live music, a puppet show, Bible teaching, a snack and craft time during God Squad. God Squad is open to all children 3 years old5th grade. Older youth are invited to join us as helpers. The program will start on Saturday, October 5th at the 5:00 pm service with a special night planned. Following the service a cook-out and bonfire is planned, with hotdogs, chips, drinks, & smores provided. A letter will be sent to all parents regarding God Squad soon. We are looking for some musicians for God Squad...particularly anyone that can play the guitar, drums or keyboard to help with this fun, music oriented program. Please see Kelly Worline or Vicki Stephens if you would be interested in sharing your musical gifts in this way for our youth!

Acolyte and Crucifer Meeting and Training Class Wednesday, October 2nd at 6:30 p.m.
This meeting and training/refresher class is for all youth from 2nd grade through 12th grade and their parents. Please meet at the top of the steps. Pizza and drinks will be provided after the class. Please email Deb Shockey to RSVP your attendance. Her email address is djshome@defnet.com.
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Altar Guild
Anyone looking for a rewarding behind the scenes ministry, please join us in the Altar Guild. This involves about one hour on Saturdays and Sundays about once a quarter preparing the altar for the Lords Supper. The new year begins at Advent and we could use some extra hands. If you are interested in helping, please see Kate Frank or Cindy Wendell.

Attendance Secretary Needed

If you have a couple of hours a month to spare and enjoy using computers, please consider keeping the attendance and communion records for the church up to date. This job requires you to enter into the computer the names of those members who were in attendance and/or took communion during weekend worship services from the pew pad sheets. It is desirable, but not mandatory, for this person to attend Sunday worship service in order to include those who were in attendance, but neglected to sign the attendance sheets. Computer skills are required. You will have use of the church computer in the Treasurers Office. Shepherds Staff software is used to record this information and training will be provided. Please contact the church office if you would like to fill this need.

Pictures taken at the dedication of Zions Lutheran Church in May 1958.
If you have any pictures that you are willing to loan or to have digitally scanned, please contact the church office at 419-782-8781 or Karen Bowling at 419-980-1027. There are plans to create a display so that everyone can see all of the changes made to the building through the years.
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Always Being Made New 25 Years Together in Christ

The 2013 ELCA Church-wide Assembly was held August 12 through August 17, in Pittsburgh, PA, at the David L Lawrence Convention Center. There were approximately 1500 people in attendance, 65 Synods represented, 951 voting members of which 120 were youth under the age of 25. I am grateful for the opportunity to attend as an observer for Zions Lutheran Church. It was an awesome experience that I will never forget. The Holy Spirit was so evident throughout the whole assembly. There were approximately 20 individuals from our Northwest Ohio Synod present and we would meet with Bishop Lohrmann in the evening as a group for refreshments/snacks to discuss and reflect on our day, share our thoughts and observations, ending with prayer. Our days consisted of Praise and Singing, Plenary Session, 11:00 a.m. Worship and Holy Communion, Bible Studies, Plenary Session and Hearings. The highlight was electing a new Bishop. It was a bitter sweet moment as Bishop Mark Hanson after serving 12 years was replaced by newly elected Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, the first woman to be elected as the ELCA Bishop. We are very joyous to welcome Bishop Liz. Note: The first woman elected as a Synod Bishop was April Larsen in 1992. I also had the opportunity to meet the 1st elected ELCA Bishop Herbert W Chilstrom. He was elected in 1987 serving a 4 year term and was reelected for another 4 year term in 1991. I purchased an autographed copy of his autobiography which I presented to Pastor Tim. I also had the opportunity to purchase a 4 piece communion set that was used during the 25 th anniversary assembly during Holy Communion. Each piece is made of hand blown glass and hand painted with blue trim. This was presented to Zions Lutheran Church as a commemorative gift from church-wide. Words to describe my experience: Amazed at the high energy level as we were dancing and singing Gods praises. Humbled during Holy Communion to realize what a deeply rooted church we are. I was saddened by those individuals that chose to leave the ELCA. Astonished at the Banquet to see Martin Luther, (impersonator) and hear him speak. Expecting to be Surprised our fifth core value. The next ELCA assembly will be held in 2016 at New Orleans, LA Peace and Blessings to all, Mary Boals


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Dear Church Family, We would like to extend our deep appreciation for the expressions of love, cards, and prayers for our 60th anniversary. Special thanks to Pastor Tim for his kind letter, the quartet who sang special music during the service and to those who assisted with the Fellowship Hour. In Christian Love, Bill & Myrt Brownson

God doesnt call the qualified. He qualifies the called.


God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage. THE CHURCH OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 FOR LABOR DAY.

Zions Library
Have you been in the library lately? The materials, books, and videos are pretty outdated. Would you like to see more recently written books from Christian authors both fiction and non-fiction, spiritual growth, and self-help as well as items for teens and younger? Would you use the library if it contained more current literature? I would be interested in your thoughts about the use of our library. Sue McKibben


Included in the last few months Trumpets were articles about your deacons. If you were not aware of your deacon, do you now know her or him? We hope you have a sincere interest in getting to know your deacon as a present and future friend and confidant. Our Pastor is the best resource with whom to discuss questions and concerns, but your deacon can also serve you in a similar way. Deacons are not exempt from having a deacon of their own. At times we need someone willing to listen and we turn to our deacon. As mentioned the last several months, deacons meet bi-monthly to discuss a variety of topics, but more importantly we are available for you when your needs might require someone to talk with other than Pastor Tim occasionally. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve the members of Zions Lutheran Church and we encourage you to reach out to your deacon whenever the need arises. If you are unsure about your deacon, please call the church office for assistance. Dick Anderson
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August Church Council Highlights August 15, 2013

Zions 2nd Annual Family Fun Fest will be held on Saturday, October 5, following the 5:00 p.m. worship service. Acolyte & crucifer training / refresher class will be held on October 2nd, for youth in grades 2 and up. Sunday School for children age preschool - 5th grade will move to a new time during Saturday evening worship. Innkeepers are in need of assistance with making desserts and casseroles, using supplies from the pantry.

With over 1.9k people from 28 countries watching online, more than double the number of voting members at the assembly, Northeastern Ohio Synod Bishop Elizabeth Eaton was elected Presiding Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to a term commencing in October 2013 and concluding in October 2019. She replaces Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson who has served faithfully since 2001. Our Innkeeper guests are continually thankful for the food and supplies given by our members and others throughout the community. In order to continue to serve their needs, we ask that you consider giving the following items: first and foremost CANNED FRUIT & DRY CEREAL, but also important are chicken noodle soup, toothpaste, shaving gel, pudding, paper towels, toilet paper, detergent, boxed skillet meals, box potatoes, spaghetti and dry pasta noodles, bottled water, canned meat tuna, sausage, chicken, Ramen noodles beef, chicken & shrimp, spaghetti sauce, tomato sauce, bottled fruit juices, microwave popcorn, salad dressing and cooking oil. On behalf of Diana Groll and myself, we thank you for your on-going generosity. Dick Anderson


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Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:45 am

You may watch Zions Lutheran Worship services on Wednesdays @ 6:00 p.m. on DCTV 5 Defiance, OH.

Lutherans of Long Standing SEPTEMBER 3, 2013 2:00 p.m. in the Hofer Room

We pray for Gods comfort for the following families who recently lost a loved one:
Carole Zachrich on the loss of her mother, Eileen Schmidt, on July 29, 2013. Rhonda Casler on the loss of her grandmother, Edith Wyatt, on August 14, 2013. Dale & Pam Mumy and family on the loss of his mother, Elizabeth Mumy, on August 19, 2013.

Young at Heart
meets on WEDNESDAY, September 11, 2013 at 11:30 am, at Leftys Pizza Mens Fellowship meets every Tuesday at 9:00 a.m. in the Library

Sisters in Christ

The Book Group meets on Monday, Sept. 9th at 7:00 pm in the Shepfer Room.

Equal Exchange Coffee

On sale throughout the year!!!!

The next meeting will be September 15th after the Worship Service. Cards will be placed in the Narthex to be signed during Fellowship Hour on Sept. 22nd.


Breakfast Blend $ 8.00 Decaf Breakfast Blend $ 9.00 English Breakfast Tea $ 3.00

Worship and Music Committee
Meets on September 12 at 7:00 p.m.

Scrapbook Club
Meets Saturday, September 7th, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Hofer Room. Bring your own drink and a snack to share.

BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT Every Thursday at 9:00 a.m. (unless otherwise noted) October NEWSLETTER DEADLINE September 20, 2013


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September 2013 LESSONS

Proverbs 25:6-7 Psalm 112 Hebrews 13:1-8, 15-16 Luke 14:1, 7-14

Pictures needed
Please feel free to email your digital pictures of Zions events or Zions members (with their permission please) for our website and Facebook page. Please send pictures in either .jpeg or .tif format. Our email address is: zion111@embarqmail.com



Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Psalm 1 Philemon 1-21 Luke 14:25-33

Wednesday, September 4 at 7:00 p.m. NO PRACTICE on SEPTEMBER 11. Wednesday, Sept. 18 & 25 at 7:00 p.m.



Exodus 32:7-14 Psalm 51:1-10 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Luke 15:1-10



Amos 8:4-7 Psalm 113 1 Timothy 2:1-7 Luke 16:1-13



Wednesday, September 18 & 25 at 6:00 p.m. Questions? Please see Neal Deniston.

Amos 6:1a, 4-7 Psalm 146 1 Timothy 6:6-19 Luke 16:19-31


Zions Youth will be collecting clean, rinsed pop cans for recycling throughout the year. Each Sunday there will be a bin in the entryway for your cans to be placed in. If you need to have your cans picked up, please contact Deb Shockey.


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September 2013
9:45 a Worship
Shut In Communion

2 Labor Day offices closed



5 9:00 a Bulletin Announcements due 5:00 p TOPS


7:30 a Weight Watchers 8:00a Scrapbooking 5:00 p Worship

9:00 a Mens Fellowship 9:00 a Weight Watchers 2:00 p LLS 5:30p Lighten Up

7:00 a Women @ Cabin Fever 5:30 p Community Dinner 7:00 Chancel Choir

9:45 a Worship

9 Pastors Day Off

9:00 a Mens Fellowship 9:00 a Weight Watchers 5:30 p Lighten Up

7:00 a Women @ Cabin Fever 11:30 a Young at Heart at Leftys 4:00 p Food Pantry Sign Up 5:30 p Community Dinner 9:00 a Bulletin Announcements due 5:00 p TOPS 7:00 p Worship & Music Meeting


7:30 a Weight Watchers 5:00 p Worship

7:00 p Book Group

9:45 a Worship 11:00 a Sisters in Christ

16 Pastors Day Off

9:00 a Mens Fellowship 9:00 a Weight Watchers 5:30 p Lighten Up 7:00 p Deacons

7:00 a Women @ Cabin Fever 5:30 p Community Dinner 6:00 p Food Pantry Pick Up 6:00 p Handbells 7:00 p Choir

9:00 a Bulletin Announcements due 5:00 p TOPS 7:00 p COUNCIL MEETING

20 2:45 p.m.

7:30 a Weight Watchers 5:00 p Worship

9:45 a Worship 11:00 a Cards

23 Pastors Day Off

9:00 a Mens Fellowship 9:00 a Weight Watchers 5:30 p Lighten Up

7:00 a Women @ Cabin Fever 5:30 p Community Dinner 6:00 p Handbells 7:00 p Choir

9:00 a Bulletin Announcements due 5:00 p TOPS


7:30 a Weight Watchers 5:00 p Worship

9:45 a Worship

30 Pastors Day Off


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Faith Active in Love

SEPTEMBER 1 AVAILABLE 8 Linda Hardy 15 Gaylon & Elaine Davis 22 AVAILABLE 29 Susan McNeely

September 2013
HOSTS for Saturday 5:00 pm
SEPTEMBER 7 Donna Ripke & Bob Thomas 14 Sonia Bussing& Donna Ripke 21 Bob & Nancy Swingle 28 Gene & Barb Vogel


LECTOR & DEACON for Saturday 5:00 pm


7 14 21 28

AVAILABLE *Audrey Eis AVAILABLE AVAILABLE Randy Groll & Mary Boals Jim Eis & Bill Brownson Mary Boals & Cindy Wendell Marsha Leaders & Chuck Bailey Randy & Diana Groll Gene & Barb Vogel Donna Schindler Mike & Deb Shockey

SEPTEMBER 1 Cindy Wendell 8 Sue McKibben 15 Leona Bailey 22 Diana Groll 29 Kate Frank

OFFERING COLLECTORS for Sunday 9:45 am

1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday 1st Sunday 2nd Sunday 3rd Sunday 4th Sunday

USHERS for Sunday 9:45 am

LECTOR & DEACON for Sunday 9:45 am


SEPTEMBER 1 *Patty Vandemark, Tom Boals, Cindy Wendell 8 Annie Reynolds 15 *Craig McKibben, Dawn McKibben, Dick Anderson 22 Sue McKibben 29 Neal Deniston

Marv Widmer, Jim Eis, John Jacob, Chuck Bailey

Doug Eis, Dale Worline, Shaun Holley, Vicki Stephens, Stormy Gutman.

FELLOWSHIP HOUR for Sunday 9:45 aM

SEPTEMBER 1 Cindy & Bill Wendell 8 Leona & Chuck Bailey 15 Cyndi Ensign 22 Kate Frank 29 Donna Schindler

Fellowship Hour substitutes: Roxanne Maxson and Laurie Schey.


Get your copy in the church narthex!


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