Purchase Policy and Procedure by Puruhutjit Surjit

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Prepared by -Puruhujit Surjit,Surjitpj@gmail.com Purchase procedures: The system of internal control relating to purchases should be very carefully evaluated.

Proper buying procedures require that there is a clear-cut definition of functions and authority between; (a) (b) (c) (d) Requisition of supplies Approval of indent Placing of orders, Inspection and recording of goods when received,

Requisition of Supplies User department should raise an Indent with full description of the material and quantity required with the approval of Head of the Department in the case of medical supply and pharmacy only the storekeeper or other specified Officer should be authorized to issue requisitions with the approvals of the head of the department. Justification form with proper approval should be enclosed with Indent for capital goods and specific make / model of an item if any. In case of medical Equipment biomedical department should interact with user department to develop technical spec. Approval of Indent Indent should be forwarded to Purchase Department after duly approved by Chief Operating officer. In case of capital Goods, the above indent will be put for approval of Purchase committee. Placing of orders 1. The buying section of purchase department should then take steps to invite tenders or quotations. 2. Purchase Department should obtain the Quotations from 3 or more vendors and make a comparative analysis by keeping finance; OFA and the user department in loop in the case of both open and close tender/quotation.(note-Quotation of stockiest/dealer should be supported by the pricelist of the manufacturing company) 3. In case of medical equipment biomedical department should do a technical comparative study. 4. A comparative table of quotations received should be prepared and normally the lowest quotation should be approved. When lowest

Prepared by -Puruhujit Surjit,Surjitpj@gmail.com quotations or tenders are not accepted, reasons for the same should be recorded. 5. Purchase Department should call 3 or more vendors who are comparatively feasible, for negotiation and finalize a vendor by keeping finance and OFA in loop. 6. Where on account of small value of the purchase to be made, nonavailability of the goods in the open market or other reasons, regular quotations cannot be called for; proper enquiries as regards rates should have been made before placing an order. 7. All orders for purchases should be issued from the printed order book/file or it should be auto generated from the system, which should contain all the terms and conditions subject to which supplies are to be made. In particular, prices and terms of delivery and payment should have been specifically mentioned. 8. Purchase department will raise the purchase order in quadruplicate and duly signed by the authorized person 9. First copy of P.O to the Vendor, Original copy to finance dept. second copy to the user department and other copy to be maintained by Purchase Department for their reference 10.Vendor will supply the materials as per the terms and conditions agreed in the P.O. Inspection and recording of goods when received Goods when received should be immediately inspected as regards quantities, quality and condition etc by the receiving section and the purchase quality coordinator. Goods received should be entered into the Goods Inward Register. The storekeeper should also prepared a Goods receipts Note, copies of which should be sent to the purchase department and to the finance department. The goods receipts note should be issued from the printed goods receipt note book with pre-numbered folios or it should be auto generated from the system. Note: Purchase committee consists of Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating office, Medical Director, Chief finance officer, OFA with various levels for approval. The committee should be chaired by the Purchase Manager

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