Compiled Reports From 56th JCRC PDF
Compiled Reports From 56th JCRC PDF
Compiled Reports From 56th JCRC PDF
Recommendations for the future 1. Improve on the IIVEK System to get a better system, but need to find a person to do it. 2. KEIPS to be strictly implemented, especially since the JCRC/hall leaders have the full autonomy to decide on re-admission. 3. 57th JCRC is reminded to constantly relook and refine KEIPS. RAG This year, there were some changes to RAG: We wanted to have a RAG that is more focused in the performance element the RAG 13/14, insufficient overseeing during the RAG period. Recommendations: To improve on the communication between Raffles Hall and KEVII between the JCRC-in-charge and the respective halls RAG heads. Flag Flag was handed over to the Flag head. The RAG and Flag team managed to obtain Silver for their overall performance.
Prepared by: Miss Ruth Soh Hui Ling Vice President 56th Junior Common Room Committee
Ad-hoc portfolio 1) Part of the Master's List sub-committee within JCRC. In AY 2012/13 JCRC was divided into 3 sub-committees to handle 3 major tasks towards the end of Semester 2 - Room Draw, Master's List and KEIPS Review. 2) Financial Talk series 3) 56th JCRC name cards
Prepared by: Miss Lim Wei Jun Felicia Honorary General Secretary 56th Junior Common Room Committee
It is important for the incoming Financial Secretary to be appointed during the Presidential Elections (second semester of the earlier year) so that he or she is able to handle the finances of the vacation CCAs to prepare him or her for the upcoming Academic Year. I would strongly recommend incoming Hall Leaders and Treasurers to be clear on the financial procedures and to listen attentively to the financial briefing given by the next Financial Secretary. Admittedly, it has been a hassle to time and again brief Hall Leaders on the financial procedure that was all covered during the financial briefing.
I would like to thank the various Hall Leaders and Treasurers for complying with my requirements when submitting receipts and invoices, bearing with my inexperience towards the many activities in
Prepared by: Mr. Lim Jia Sheng Charlton Financial Secretary 56th Junior Common Room Committee
Annual Report from the Sports Secretary and Assistant Sports Secretary 2012/2013
In the AY of 2012/2013, the Sports Cluster is made up of all the Sports Captains which is headed by the Sports Secretary and the Sports Management Committee (SMC). The portfolio of the Sports Secretary is mainly to oversee all the Sports activities within the Hall, as well as becoming the Hall's ambassador to liaise with the other Halls on all Inter-Hall Games (IHG) related matters within the Sports Council and communicate this to the various Sports Captains as well as the relevant Hall Officials i.e. Junior Common Room Committee (JCRC) and Senior Common Room Committee (SCRC). This will include the planning of the IHG schedules and settling any disputes that arise during the period of the Games. The role of a Sports Secretary at the level of the Sports Council is not only to represent and defend the interests and rights of the Hall, but also to protect the integrity of the Games and maintain fairness throughout the duration. The role of the Assistant Sports Secretary is to assist the Sports Secretary who is tied down by most of the external matters when it came to the IHG. This included coordinating and communicating with the Sports Captains on schedules, rules and welfare, and executing the administrative work of IHG as well as other Sports related matters, like the collating of Attendance from the various Sports Captains. He/She is to be there for the Sports Secretary in the event of important decision-making and to deliberate the different outcomes. Main Projects/Achievements 1. Inter-Block Games (IBG)
As the 56th JCRC were only formed in September and the Sports Secretary post was only filled some time later, IBG for AY 12/13 was as an initiative executed by Sports Management Committee led by Zachary Low. IBG was held in Weeks 2, 3 and 4. The three-week long campaign was generally received positively despite the simple execution and minimal publicity. There was also the addition of Softball to the Games, which was not included in the IBG of previous years. Though most of the feedbacks received were positive, some felt that the duration of the IBG was too long. Others felt that stronger publicity could have been made to further boost the Games. The IBG T-shirts were sponsored by the SCRC this year and players only had to pay $5 for a shirt. The purchase of the shirt was not mandatory but many KEViians purchased and donned the shirts both to participate in the Games and to support their fellow block mates and friends. 2. IHG Attire
IHG Supporter T-Shirt The designing of the IHG Supporter T-Shirt was opened up to the Hall Residents and the JCRC received a number of designs. After which, the JCRC chose the most preferred design after obtaining various feedbacks from the Residents. It was a good initiative to involve the Residents in both the designing and the choosing of the design because it is ultimately a shirt that shows the unity of a Hall and it should be by the Residents, for the Residents. In the end, the intricate design, incREDible, by
The Sports Secretary and Assistant Sports Secretary took charge of the collation of attendance from each Sports Leader during both semesters and after the December Vacation Stay. The attendance was then a basis of the distribution of King Edward VII Internal Points System (KEIPS) points accordingly. On the administrative side, 56th JCRC split the work to supervise and ensured the integrity of attendance recording, which was the key in subsidy allocation. The Sports Secretary and Assistant Sports Secretary were the one documenting and tabulating the records in the Sports sector with help from 56th JCRC. The attendance record, which was seen as teams progress status, was validated by Resident Fellows. The Captains were asked to approach their respective RFs for their signatures on the attendance to facilitate the communication between the Captains and the RFs. This was intended to be a platform for communication between the two and to keep the RFs updated on the progress of the teams. However, many Captains simply left the attendance sheet with the office, in the letter trays of their RFs and did not meet their RFs personally before submission to the JCRC for verification. This defeated the purpose of attaining validation by the RFs. Perhaps the next batch of Captains could keep their respective RFs in the loop about their trainings and the teams performance from time to time, ensuring that the RFs have a better understanding of what the Sport(s) under their care is about and have the opportunity to get to know the team members personally. 4. Vice Convening Committee
KEVII was the Vice Convening Committee for this years Inter Hall Games. This meant that our Hall was in-charge of safety. The management of this aspect of the Games was done by Hon Qi and Liang Xun who both did a brilliant job. They worked tirelessly, taking on most of the shifts because there were not enough first aiders and drivers who volunteered. The responsibility of providing both first aiders and drivers should be shared amongst the 6 different Halls. However, many Halls did not send
As with the previous year, the use of Communal Hall and Multi-Purpose Courts were shared by the various CCAs in Hall. To prevent conflict between all the CCAs, a meeting was held to allocate the different CCAs different time slots throughout the entire semester. Another meeting was held early in Semester 2 to also accommodate to the various productions which need to use the Communal Hall for their rehearsals while not clashing with the trainings of the Sports that require use of the Communal Hall. Furthermore, the Sports Captains started a messaging system via Whatsapp which provided a platform for swapping of slots for usage of the Hall and Courts or ensuring that these venues were free for their own training to be conducted. Communication was smooth and the Captains were always amiable and ready to share their slots if need be. During the December holidays, full subsidy was given to sportspersons who clocked more than 80 hours of training. 75% subsidy was given to those who clocked between 60 and 80 hours while those who clocks between 40 and 60 hours were eligible for 50% subsidy. This incentive managed to boost participation in holiday sports activities and facilitated the running of trainings during the vacation period as more members are able to afford Vacation Stay. This eased the running of training programmes that would often take place at night as members did not need to worry about their trainings ending late as they had their rooms to go back to after their practice. The subsidy is also an indication to the residents that their hard work in Hall is appreciated and valued. 2. Coaching
The good portion of the budget increment for Sports went into the funding of coaches for Badminton, Floorball, Touch Rugby and Tennis. These were initiated by the Captains at the start of the Academic Year and though a lot of money was invested, the quality of the sportsmen in these sports definitely improved. The Tennis (Female) Team made it into the Semi-Finals while the Touch Rugby (Female) finished 4th. Both the Male and Female Teams for Badminton narrowly missed out on a spot in the semi-finals after losing to Temasek and Sheares Hall by a score-line of 3-2. The
Prepared by: Miss. Ang Them Way Jaystine Sports Secretary 56th Junior Common Room Committee
Miss Lim Peining Alyssa Assistant Sports Secretary 56th Junior Common Room Committee
Prepared by: Mr. Colin Peeris Culture Secretary 56th Junior Common Room Committee
The Event Management workshop was very useful according to the post-course survey. All participants indicated that they were satisfied with the workshop and would recommend this course to their friends. Moreover, knowledge taught by the experienced conductors about team management, event planning, financial management and effective communication was highly relevant to students and will guide them through future projects as well. As such, this workshop is effective and recommended. Safety boots maintenance and sign-in sign-out need to be monitored. A sign-out form is provided. An IC for the boots should be appointed in the production team to take care of the boots once they have been signed out. Once a production has ended, the boots may be passed on to the next production team provided both parties and the JCRC in-charge ensure that the number of pairs of shoes is correct and the shoes conditions are verified. Records should be kept.
Acknowledgements I would like to express my greatest gratitude to the following people: Hall Master and the SCRC, for their patience, support and inspiration. Hall office staff, for their assistance and encouragement. The 56th JCRC, for their understanding, support and friendship. Chinese Drama, Hallplay and XQRJ production teams, for their passion, devotion and of course for making my life easier by keeping to deadlines and proposals. My friends, who have always been there for me and kept me going.
Prepared By: Miss Lei Xiaoyu Productions Secretary 56th Junior Common Room Committee
Prepared By: Mr. Yuen Kai Jing Aloysius Social & Welfare Secretary 56th Junior Common Room Committee
Major Activities by Alumni Relations Committee Alumni Relations Committee(ARC) was headed by Miss Chan Kar Yan. They serve to build and maintain relations of our Halls Alumni and the Hall. The following events and activities were carried out to fulfill the aforementioned purposes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Updating of Database Extending Invitation to Alumni for Inter-cultural Night Organizing the Graduating and Alumni Appreciation Night Setting up a Facebook account to connect with Alumni via Social Media
New Initiatives With the help of the CCAs in this cluster, the Public Relations Secretary has attempted to better the hall experience through the following efforts: 1. E-Games Night The E-Games Night was actually a new initiative by KEVIIbes. The Public Relations Secretary saw great value in such an activity that it could help to involve residents who have interests outside of the activities the hall was already offering. To generate greater interest in residents, the Secretary gained support from the SCRC, who in turn generously sponsored prize money as well as supper. The event turned out to be a great success. 2. KExperience Camp KEVIIbes believed one of the ways to enhance the hall experience of KEVII was to attract suitable residents for the hall through a stay-in camp. The JCRC, enthused by the passion of KEVIIbes, gave their wholehearted support to their endeavors. The Public Relations Secretary, to help KEVIIbes in their planning, met up with JCRC members of other halls to get
Acknowledgements I would like to thank the following people, without whom my term as the Public Relations Secretary would not have been as enjoyable: Miss Dawn Tan, Chairperson of KEVIIbes for her whole-hearted commitment to a better branding of our hall, as well as Mr See Jun Zhe for having the courage to head a new project despite being a freshman. Miss Chan Kar Yan, Head of the Alumni Relations Committee for her hard work. Members of KEVIIbes and Alumni Relations Committee who have been faithfully serving our hall. The 56th JCRC members for their patience as well as support. The SCRC, especially Prof Ho Yew Kee, Dr Jenson Goh and Prof Seow Teck Keong for their invaluable advice and highest support for student initiatives. The alumni for their feedback and encouragements.
Prepared by: Miss Ong Si Ying Public Relations Secretary 56th Junior Common Room Committee
KE Media covered various events ranging from IBG, IHG, FHDs, DnD, productions, suppers, photoshoots for pageants, residents, CCAs, JCRC and SCRC, etc. All the Media CCAs kept proper paperworks to ensure transparency in the point system. I was the last addition to the JCRC team, joining in Semester 2 after Mr. Gerald Yeo JunZhi left for the NUS Overseas College. During my limited, one-semester-long tenure, I continued on the good foundation that Gerald (and the 55th Publications Secretary, Ms. Png Ning) had placed in the Media cluster. The major project that I handled was the production of yearbook, and ensuring that all the Media CCAs remain functional. Main projects /Achievements 1. KE Press
We have moved the blog to a new URL (, hosted by Wordpress. The cluster system, which saw a total of 9 clusters, seems to be quite effective in managing the work and reducing the stress on the heads and editors, even though there were some issues in scheduling and manpower during the IHG peak period. The new initiative of exclusive English/Chinese coverage to major English/Chinese hall productions brought more relevance to the articles. 2. KE Vision
Traditionally, KE Vision works closely with KE Press to provide photography coverage for hall-related events in the blog. In addition, Vision also publishes its photos on Facebook, using the Kay Ee Seven Hall account ( Vision also provides ad-hoc photo-booth services for hall events such as FHD, in addition to arranging photoshoots for residents, CCAs, SCRC, JCRC, etc for yearbook and other purposes as well as conduct photography outings and tutorials for members and residents. 3. KE Motion
Motion covered official hall events and some major events (IHG, DND, Chinese Drama, Hall Play, XQRJ, etc). Motion also provides promotional video-making service based on requests from various CCAs, as well as a corporate video for NUS Open House. There were also tutorials and mini-projects to train new members.
For yearbook, the theme for this year is Geometry. The production was completed within the budget of $15/exemplar, and was distributed at the end of the academic year (mid-May), which is a slight delay from the schedule. 5. KE Design (Web)
There is a severe lack of manpower in the web team, with concerns about competency and skills of the members. Workshops initiatives conducted by the team for the members to improve their skills seems to be insufficient. A complete rethinking of the vision and mission of the CCA is needed to keep itself relevant in the KEVIIan context.
Setbacks and Recommendations for the Future A Hall Media/Press Kit consisting of hall official doc headers as well as the hall logo compressed into a .zip file should be uploaded to the Hall website so it will be more convenient for hall leaders to acquire hall logo etc. There is a problem with uploading pictures on the new hall blog which started at the end of semester 2 due to a new security policy adopted by NUS Computer Centre. We are currently looking at new platforms to upload pictures (e.g. Flickr). At the time of writing, this situation seemed to have been resolved, but the futurePublications Secretary should follow up and ensure that it is not a temporary reprieve. A better vetting system for the yearbook is needed, since there are regrettably some mistakes in publications like the omission/misspelling of some names. This can be achieved by improving communications between Media heads to prevent misunderstandings, conflicts and mistakes, especially in a cross-CCA project like the yearbook. This will also prevent the delay in printing. There should be more consistent Media Heads Meetings, especially in Semester 2 to lay down ground rules. It will be more convenient if all the different CCAs under KE Media have only one resident fellow in charge. While paperwork and day-to-day activities are running smoothly, special situations arising with regards to KE Media as a whole which will be easier to manage if it is under one resident fellow. Develop a better request process for CCAs in need of help by KE Media. Possibly make a Google Drive Form / leverage on our hall intranet. This will make the process more effective as it is a one-stop platform. Further purchase of equipment is necessary, especially with the expansion of Vision/Motion. KE Motion can restart the procurement process for a new video camera.
Acknowledgements The 56th JCRC for the unwavering support through all kinds of times. The SCRC for their understanding, trust and support. Mr. Gerald Yeo, whose dedication and involvement transcends continental borders. The 55th Publications Secretary, Ms. Png Ning, whose guidance is extremely valuable.
Prepared by: Miss Annisa Dewi Utami Rakun, with the help of Mr. Gerald Yeo JunZhi Publications Secretaries 56th Junior Common Room Committee
1 2
Inclusive of Dance Camp Budget Proposal Higher amount than proposed as it includes their collected donations
Music Ensemble Sports and Fitness Cluster Sports Committee Athletics Badminton Badminton (Coaching) Basketball Handball Floorball Floorball (Coaching) Floorball (Conference) Frisbee Netball Road Relay Sepak Takraw Soccer Softball Squash Squash (Coaching) Swimming Table Tennis Tennis Tennis (Coaching) Touch Rugby Touch Rugby (Coaching) Volleyball Block Cluster Block Council Others JCRC
$1,445.74 $276.50 $194.74 $590.02 $4,930.00 $945.00 $477.00 $78.30 $335.55 $1,253.40 $133.00 $720.00 $344.70 $240.20 $494.26 $795.00 $470.00
$300.00 $855.72 $820.00 $1,680.00 $782.50 $487.50 $1,491.00 $6,000.00 $2,115.00 $240.00 $450.00 $530.00 $620.00 $1,834.00 $1045.50 $530.00 $727.00 $225.00 $2,240.00 $290.00 $3,600.00 $1,030.00
$300.00 $200.00 $820.00 $1,400.00 $612.50 $280.00 $1090.00 $4,800.00 $892.00 $240.00 $410.00 $70.00 $680.003 $920.00 $1030.00 $300.00 $700.00 $225.00 $1,600.00 $290.00 $2,900.00 $950.00
$308.16 $664.08 $370.00 $1,720.00 $514.43 $192.60 $913.00 $3,700.00 $1,030.00 $150.00 $391.71 $637.63 $552.00 $819.00 $100.00 $660.55 $215.00 $1,600.00 $82.75 $2,850.00 $933.55
Convening Committee Malaysia Night KEVIIans Day IBG 2012 / 2013 Welfare Bags 240 100-plus 1.5L (IHG)
$3,459.81 $1,222.87 -
$605.00 -
$652.80 -
HALL PLAY 2012/2013 FINANCIAL REPORT Income JCRC Donation Sales of Tickets Total Expenditure Venue Rental Production Cost Copyright Stage Crew Set Builder Set Dcor Costumes Publicity Ticketing Charity, Social, Logistics and Welfare Miscellaneous Total Profit / Loss $1,700.00 $783.94 $11,051.40 $13,535.34
$3,875.00 $3,320.90 $200.00 $149.00 $1,493.29 $825.04 $905.15 $1,080.17 $755.00 $436.10 $1,427.85 $14,467.50 -$932.16
15TH XIN QING RONG JI FINANCIAL REPORT Income JCRC Donation Sales of Tickets Total Expenditure Grand Final Production Grand Final Programme Prizes Publicity Logistics and Welfare Total Profit / Loss $1,700.00 $13,980.00 $7,546.95 $23,226.95
CHINESE DRAMA 2012/2013 FINANCIAL REPORT Income JCRC Sponsorship Masters Fund EMCC Production Grant Total Expenditure Administration Costumes Dcor Sets Publicity Welfare Total Profit / Loss $1,700.00 $2,502.00 $2,000.00 $400.00 $6,602.00
DINNER AND DANCE 2012/2013 FINANCIAL REPORT Income JCRC Fund Raising Ticket Sales Sponsorship Total Expenditure Fund Raising Programmes Meal Cost + Venue Publicity Programme Pageant Logistics Total Profit / Loss $1,000.00 $3572.84 $7,742.99 $950.00 $13,181.68
Annual Report from the Rag and Orientation Committee of King Edward VII Hall (ROCKE) 2012/2013
The Rag and Orientation Committee of King Edward VII Hall (ROCKE) serves as the body that oversees all holiday activities between May and June. Holiday Subsidy Members of OCIP, KEWOC, Rag and KE MediaX continues to enjoy up to full subsidies under the vacation subsidy scheme. This years holiday subsidy scheme follows closely the scheme of previous years scheme. King Edward VII Hall Welcoming and Orientation Committee (KEWOC) We faced some trouble looking for someone to head KEWOC this year. However, we were able to get Mr Goh Koon Tong to lead this years KEWOC after securing him through the Masters List. With the theme Rise of the Fallen, he led his team to a 5-Day Orientation Camp between 25th to 29th August which saw a participation of about 150 freshmen. KEWOC also organized Block Night on the 15th Aug in which the five blocks are pitted against one another in a game of Laser Tag. KEWOC also preserved the tradition of having our annual Night Cycling which was held successfully on 23rd Aug. Rag (previously more commonly known as Float) JCRC had trouble looking for someone to head Float the entire year. Changes by NUSSU in the past two years seemed to have discouraged last years seniors to head/participate in Float again. On top of that, as a step towards a more sustainable Rag, NUSSU has decided to introduce a cap of $3000 to all performing bodies for Rag Day this year. In the initial part, lack of expertise and interest in both our hall and Raffles Hall has also led to JCRC having trouble deciding whether to do away with Float altogether or combine with Kent Ridge Hall and Sheares Hall. As Sem 2 of AY 1213 draws to an end, JCRC intensified the publicity for Float. There was significant interest in performing (Dance and Cheer) for Float. However, JCRC was only able to attract people are interested but do not have any experience in the building department. A significant portion of these people were not from hall and expressed interest to build Float with hopes to get into hall through the Masters List. In the end, JCRC has decided to change the direction of Rag this year by focusing more on the Dance and Cheer aspect of Rag. Rag shall henceforth be known as Rag and not Float. Miss Zhang Danling from KE Dance was appointed as the Rag head along with Miss Sherene Tan to assist her as Vice Head. Miss Lim Zhiyi from KE Titans was also recruited to assist them in organizing Rag this year. This year we decided to combine efforts with Raffles Hall again for Rag, sharing the vision of focusing on the performance rather than props. RH contributed to a number of performers and also builders for the props. A number of misunderstandings due to miscommunication arose between our hall and Raffles Hall during the entire process which was in end able to be resolved albeit being a bit late. In the last few weeks towards Rag day, a number of our halls seniors came back to render help to the Rag team with their wealth of experience. As a result, our Rag performance clinched the silver banding after a respectable performance on the Utown Green on the 7th of August.
Prepared by: Muhammad Jamil bin Agus Rizal President 56th Junior Common Room Committee Ruth Soh Hui Ling Vice-President 56th Junior Common Room Committee Kong Xie Shern ROCKE Chairperson President , 57th Junior Common Room Committee
The objectives of the audit were to determine if: a) Inventory was adequately safeguarded b) Inventory was physically present and accurately reflected in the inventory lists submitted to the JCRC Financial Secretary c) Inventory purchase orders were properly approved and recorded accurately and timely.
The scope of this audit included all parts inventoried by the Hall Leaders 12/13, under the supervision of the 56th JCRC. The scope of the audit did not include items that are of high fluidity in nature. These items have been intentionally excluded so as to give more focus to more important equipment and to avoid diluting the report with less relevant information. Items that have been excluded are in the following non-exhaustive list: Food items (Block Committees, KEWOC), One-off, disposable game materials (Block Committees, KEWOC) e.g. Mahjong paper, marshmallow, bread, etc., Disposable utensils (Block Committees) e.g. paper plates, plastic cups, etc., Sponsored Stationeries (Productions), Hall Fixtures (All CCAs) e.g. Oven, air conditioner, microwaves, refrigerators, water dispenser, etc., and Any other obsolete/condemned items.
Physical check is conducted by the auditors on the CCAs who have submitted their inventory list to the JCRC Financial Secretary. Audit steps included: Obtaining the inventory list from the JCRC Financial Secretary Inspecting the CCAs to determine whether: o the arrangement of inventory is such that an accurate count is possible; o the inventory is in good condition with adequate storage space, and items are properly packed or binned in a convenient manner for counting; o Ensuring that obsolete or damaged goods are adequately identified and segregated; and o Ensuring that inventory is adequately safeguarded against access by unauthorized persons and protected against deterioration.
Attached are the overall inventory checklist of all CCAs in the AY12/13.
Prepared by: Mr. Foo Fang Hau and Miss Hon Qi Hall Auditors 2011/2012
Admin/Committees Committee
Alumni Committee Amplitude Organising Committee Culture Committee Dinner and Dance Elections Committee Hall Banners Office Table( white) Hall Marketing (KE HPB) Marketing Room Office Table(brown) JCRC Room Chairs Hall Flag Plastic containers Small basket Scissors roll of red ribbon roll of red ribbon jars hula hoops mahjong rafia string(large) AA batteries 9V batteries C batteries D batteries water pails packet of coloured balls water guns torch light chairs study table(white) study table (brown) hose big bucket(blue) Malaysian Night Committee Merits Award Board OCIP (Laos) Nil Nil Nil 1 11 1 1 3 8 1 5 rolls 1 3 1 roll 1 5 2 3 1 7 1 2 1 29 4 2 1 2 Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition 4 unused Good Condition 1 spoilt Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition A lot of stress ball inside Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Crumpled and Coiled Good Condition
Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
2 1
XQRJ Backdrop Audio in/out put wire XQ baby statue Wire head adapter Usb wire Clip-on Lamp Extension Cable Clip-on Board Plastic rope Music sign statue DSL wire Standing board Audio/video wire Banner
1 1 1 5 1 7 3 10 3 7 3 1 4
Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
Electric guitar (Epiphone Les Paul) Electric guitar(Ibanez Strat) Electric guitar(Cort Les Paul) Electric guitar(Ibanez) Bass guitar(Ibanez) Bass guitar(Unknown manufacturer) Bass guitar(Unknown manufacturer) Keyboard - 5 Octaves ProArranger Keyboard - 88 key Stage Piano Keyboard Stand (Verastand) Keyboard Stand (KORG)
1 1 1 1 1
Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
Band Room
Good Condition
Good Condition
1 1 1 1
Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
Good Condition Good Condition Missing Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Missing Good Condition Good Condition Condemned
Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Missing condemned Missing
1 1 2 12 1 2 1
Missing Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
Good Condition 1 1 Good Condition 11 1 2 1 1 3 Good Condition Good Condition Missing Good Condition Condemned Q101, 102(not found), 103, 104 gone Q151, 153. Q152 Missing on loan Good Condition Good Condition Missing X501. X502 not found Missing Good Condition Good Condition Missing Good Condition Good Condition
10 ft 1/4 inch cable 15 ft 1/4 inch cable 20 ft 1/4 inch cable 15 ft XLR Cable 25 ft XLR Cable 30 ft XLR Cable 35 ft XLR Cable 50 ft XLR Cable XLR to 1/4 inch adaptor XLR to 3.5 mm (female) adaptor 3.5 mm male to RCA adaptor Music Notes Stand K&M black Guitar Stand
3 1 1 4 4 2 2 1 1 1 2 2
1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
Missing Missing Good Condition Missing Good Condition Missing Good Condition Missing 1 soft, hard on placed in condemn area Condemned Good Condition Missing Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
Good condition Good condition Good condition Good condition Good condition
Ibanez Case - Guitar Rockbag Case Bass Case - Guitar (Hard) Case - Guitar (Hard) Meinl Case - Cajon Case-Guitar (Soft) Straps(Guitar/Bass) Sofa Foam Mats Medicine Balls Sports Room Cone shaped Loudhailer Pompoms Kept by cheerleading members Kept by cheerleading members Cheerleading shoes
1 1 1 1 1 2 1
40 4 1 4 7 pairs
Speaker Wig yellow rain coat Dao Shi costume with hat Magician costume (taksido)
1 set 12 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Good condition Good condition Good condition Good condition Good condition Good condition Good condition Good condition Good condition Good condition Good condition
Chinese Drama
black formal pants green blazer nurse costume(with hat) lab coat sleeveless sweater white pants(patient)
Keyboard Speakers
Xin Yao
With Head
KE Media Committee
KE Design KE Media X
Location with KE Design Head Item 1TB Hard Disk Nil Manfrotto Tripod Velbon Tracer-300 Tripod Vitacon 52mm 2.5X Conv Lens for HDC-TM300 Vitacon 52mm 0.45X Conv Lens for HDC-TM300 Kingston 32GB SDHC Class 4 SD Card for Camcorder INX 1GB SD Card (came with the Zoom H4N) Vitacon 43 UV Filter for HDCTM300 Audio Technica External Microphone ATR6550 Zoom H4N Handy Recorder + Windscreen (Black, Spongy) + Microphone Clip Adaptor + AC adaptor + USB cable + Protective Case + Zoom RC4 Remote Controller + WindTech Muff hairy wind cover Sennheiser ew100ENGG3 (Wireless Audio System) incl. Sennheiser SK100G3 Body Pack Transmitter incl. Sennheiser EK100G3 Portable Receiver 1 1 Quantity 1 Equipment from KE Motion & KE Vision Good Condition Missing Remarks
Good Condition
Good Condition
Good Condition
Good Condition
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
KE Motion
Media Room
Good Condition
Good Condition
Good Condition
Good Condition
2 2
Good Condition
Good Condition
Good Condition
Good Condition
Good Condition
Good Condition
Good Condition
Good Condition
1 1
1 1
1 1 1 2 2
Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
KE Press
Good Condition
1 4 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition with kok pun with kok pun with kok pun with ke motion Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
KE Vision
Media Room
12 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 1
Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
1 1 1 1 1 1
Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
1 1
1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Nil
Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
KE Web
Tongs Masher Steamboat Ladle Skewers Knives Barbeque Brush Can Opener Ice Cream Scoop Peelers Kitchen Scale Spaghetti Ladle Frying Spatula Butter Knife Fork
New No
9 pairs 1 set 4 10 5 2 3 1 4 1 1 3 1 3
Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
AB Block
AB Kitchenette
9 in use
Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
CD Block
CD Kitchenette
Discarded Missing
Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
CD Lounge
Who kope dining hall chair?! Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Obsolete Obsolete Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 3 2 6 1 2 4 2 1 1 1 12 1 1 1 4 1 6 1 5 10 2 1
E Kitchenette
E Block
E Lounge
F Block
F Kitchenette
F Lounge
GH Block
GH Kitchenette
GH Lounge
Sports Committee
Athletics (M&F) * Badminton (M&F) Basketball (F)
Sports Room Communal Hall With Captain With Captain
Relay Batons Stopwatches Badminton Pole Nets Whiteboard
0 0 4 2 1
Missing Missing Rusty, usable 1 old, 1 new Good Condition
Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition Good Condition
Basketball (M)
With Captain
Soccer (M&F)
With Captain
Sports Room Swimming (M) Table Tennis (M&F) Tennis (M&F) Touch Rugby (M&F) With Captain With Captain Communal Hall With Captain With Captain Sports Room Ball Cage at H block
Volleyball (M&F)
Common Hall Productions Air Filter Cutting Machine (matals) Glue Guns Roller brush Bamboo Stick Bicycle wheels Small wheels Big wheels Fire Extinguisher Spray paint Paint(big) Paint(small) Safety boots Extension 1 2 4 7 23 2 10 13 4 36 26 54 24 2
Float Rom