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Jahirul Islam


Department of Business Administration

European University of Bangladesh (EUB)

2/4 Gabtoli, Mirpur, Dhaka.

Dear Sir,

Here is the report entitled Human Resource Management practices of Jamuna Bank Limited that
you asked me to prepare during my internship.

This report discusses the Human Resource Management practices of Jamuna Bank Limited and
how employees gain competitive advantage in banking industry through the effectiveness of
HRM. Mainly secondary data were used to conduct this study. The findings and
recommendations of the study are presented through descriptive analysis for enhancing
organizational performance and areas of future research works.

Finally, I would like to thank you for giving me this opportunity to familiarize myself with this
concept of training & development and to develop my research skills that would be valuable in
my future endeavors.

I hope you find this report adequate in meeting the requirements of a BBA internship.

Sincerely yours,

Md. Newas Morshed

ID# 150 201 014

Department of Business Administration

European University of Bangladesh


The Internship Report entitled Human Resource Management of Jamuna Bank Limited has been
submitted to the Department of Business Administration, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor, Major in Human Resource Management, Department of
Business Administration on Spring, 2023 by Md. Newas Morshed, Id # 150 201 014.

The report has been accepted and may be presented to the Internship Defense Committee for

(Any opinions, suggestions made in this report are entirely that of the author of the report. The
University does not condone nor reject any of these opinions or suggestions).

______________________ ______________________

Recommended by Approved by

Jahirul Islam Board Chairperson


This report has been the result of a great result of work and research. I want to keep in mind the
name of the All-Powerful God, who created us and gave us the time, knowledge, and energy to
finish my internship program.

I would like to sincerely thank Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) management for their invaluable
assistance. I will do it with great pleasure.

I appreciate the academic supervisor's review of my internship report very much. My internship
report was reviewed by Mr. Jahirul Islam Sir. I sought the direction and counsel of Mr. Jahirul
Islam Sir, my internship supervisor, Lecturer of business administration, as I prepared this report.

I would also like to express my gratitude to Prof. Dr. Farzana Alam, Professor and Chairman of
the Department. Department of Business Administration, European University of Bangladesh.

I would also like to thanks, Md. Nazmus Sakib, First Executive Officer & In- Charge (Kachukhet
Sub Branch), Khandaker Mustafizur Rahman, assistant officer of JBL, Humayra Bushra, TAO of
JBL (Kachukhet Sub Branch), for helping me throughout my internship period by sharing their
valuable knowledge.

Newas Morshed

ID# 150 201 014

Department of Business Administration

European University of Bangladesh


The organizational function known as human resource management (HRM) concentrates on

hiring, managing, and giving direction to the employees of the company. The organizational
function known as human resource management is responsible for handling concerns including
pay, hiring, performance management, organization development, benefits, employee
motivation, communication, administration, and training.

The role of the bank in a nation's economic development is crucial for keeping the wheels of the
economy turning. Bangladesh's current economic situation necessitates the urgent growth of
financial institutions. The banking industry has a lot of room for improvement. Introducing
professionally produced programs with a focus on managerial efficiency is one of the steps taken
to remedy this situation.

I had to complete a three-month internship program as part of the BBA program, which was
approved by the Department of Business Studies at European University in Bangladesh. This
program is a practical orientation stage that will undoubtedly help aspiring managers establish
successful professional careers. I was given the assignment to produce a report on the "Human
Resource Practices of Jamuna Bank Ltd" after taking part in the internship program run by
Jamuna Bank Limited. The report greatly contributes to shaping public opinion of the bank's
daily operations. This study aims to outline the duties performed by a commercial bank branch
and offer some suggestions for enhancing their effectiveness.

"Your Partner for Development" is the company's motto. According to the principles of a
commercial bank, Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) started conducting business. JBL has a cutting-
edge human resources (HR) strategy. JBL employs roughly 2000 people throughout all of its
branches. The Managing Director is their highest position, just like other commercial banks.
They use a structured hiring procedure for hiring new employees. Like other businesses, they
provide their staff training in addition to competitive pay, vacation time, and perks.


LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL................................................................................................................2
LETTER OF ENDORSEMENT..............................................................................................................3
EXECUTIVE SUMMERY.......................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................8
Background of the study:......................................................................................................................8
Origin of the report:..............................................................................................................................8
Rational of the study:............................................................................................................................9
Objective of the study:..........................................................................................................................9
Methodology and the Sources of Data:..............................................................................................10
Limitation of the study:.......................................................................................................................10
Background of Jamuna Bank Limited:..............................................................................................11
Vision of JBL.......................................................................................................................................12
Mission of JBL.....................................................................................................................................12
Objective of JBL:.................................................................................................................................12
Business Ideology:............................................................................................................................13
Values of JBL:..................................................................................................................................13
Role of various Departments of JBL:.................................................................................................13
Human Resources Department of JBL:.............................................................................................14
Functions of the Human Resource Department:...............................................................................14
CHAPTER TWO.....................................................................................................................................15
HUMAN ESOURCES PRACTICES IN JAMUNA BANK LIMITED...............................................15
Human Resource Projecting Planning of JBL:.................................................................................15
Judgment Method of JBL:..................................................................................................................15
Implementation and Evaluation:........................................................................................................16
Job Analysis:........................................................................................................................................16
Recruitment Process of JBL:..............................................................................................................17
Prepare Job Description and Job Specification:...............................................................................17
Vacancy Announcement and Managing the Response:....................................................................17
Selection Procedure of JBL:...............................................................................................................18

Training and Development of JBL:....................................................................................................18
Problems Faced by JBL for In Imparting Training and Development:..........................................19
Performance Appraisal Process of JBL:............................................................................................19
Employee Benefit and Compensation of JBL:...................................................................................20
CHAPTER THREE.................................................................................................................................22
SWOT Analysis at Jamuna Bank:..........................................................................................................22
CHAPTER FOUR...................................................................................................................................24
LESSON LEARNED FROM THE INTERNSHIP REPORT..............................................................24
Problem Identifications:......................................................................................................................24
CHAPTER FIVE.....................................................................................................................................27
CONCLUDING STATEMENT..............................................................................................................27



Background of the study:

Practical knowledge is very different from scholarly knowledge. It is really difficult to use all of
your intellectual resources towards venality. Institutions can be quite useful at times for
managerial decisions as well as for carrying on with current global business. Leaning as opposed
to theoretical concepts that are taught at institutions. On the other hand, it is virtually impossible
to manage day-to-day transactions without the extending assistance of the banking sector, as the
world is becoming increasingly smaller with the passage of time due to alarming advances in
modern technology, and at the same time, people are becoming radically endangered for social
and business reasons.

A bank is crucial to the development of an economy and an industrialized nation. Essentially,

banks accept deposits from lending it to borrowers for a remission period after lending it to
customers against interest. In these conditions, banks all provide various interest rates and other
possibilities; the only differences between banks are in their client services and other amenities.
In our nation there are four different sorts of banks: central banks, nationalized banks, traditional
and Islamic private commercial banks, and foreign commercial banks (Islamic and traditional).

Origin of the report:

The report makes an effort to introduce readers to situations encountered in everyday life so they
can observe and assess how well-applied the theoretical ideas covered in the BBA program are. I
was sent to Jamuna Bank Ltd (JBL), Mirpur Branch, Dhaka, for the internship program to
observe how my theoretical knowledge was put into practice. The internship program supervisor
at the Department of Business Studies of European University, lecturer “Jahirul Islam" requires a
report with a thorough analysis and potential solutions for the organization.

Rational of the study:

Customers now have higher expectations than ever before due to greater competition, a growth
in the number of commercial banks, and a developing economy. Any field requires a person to
understand every facet of that subject in order to become expert in it. Because HRM is an
essential component of a business, I decided to adopt Jamuna Bank Limited's (JBL) HRM

An organization cannot successfully achieve its goal without HRM. And I make an effort to
pinpoint each and every area of HRM at JBL, including their policies and procedures, hiring and
selection practices, training and development initiatives, performance evaluations, and
remuneration and benefits for employees.

Objective of the study:

1. Primary objective:

The primary objectives to submit a report, for the success of my BBA program, and to discover
out the Human Resource Practiced by Jamuna Bank Limited.

2. Secondary objective:

The objectives of this Report given below:

 To obtain practical knowledge about the overall Human Resource Practice in Jamuna
Bank Limited.
 To study and understand the numerous services offered by this bank to its clients.
 To study how JBL has continued their roles and regulations and build a strong
relationship with its clients.
 To highlight the problems and essential recommendations to overcome the problem.
 To evaluate the activities and activities of the bank.
 Assessment of the present performance of the bank.

Methodology and the Sources of Data:

In the study, I tried to identify the policy scenario and recommendations Human Resource
Practice of JBL. Some current reports, working papers, websites are also surveyed. In order to
make the study expressive and presentable, both primary and secondary sources of data have
been used.

How I used those sources for collecting information are briefly discussed bellows:

The primary sources are as follows:

 Face-to-face Conversation with the individual officers, executives & also with the staff of
the Branch.
 Informal conversation with the clients.
 Practical work exposures form the different desks of the departments of the Branch
 Relevant file study as provided by the officers concerned at each desk of the departments
I have worked.

The “Secondary Sources” of the data & information are follows:

 Annual Report of the “Jamuna Bank Ltd”.

 The Published materials as such; various books, articles regarding “General Banking
Functions, “Foreign Exchange Operations, & also “Credit Policies”.
 Different “Procedure Manual” Published by JBL.
 Different Circular Sent by the Head office of JBL & Bangladesh Bank.

In order to gather the data I usually used informal questionnaires which were the mixture of both
open ended & close ended. Group discussion & personal interview also used as a means to
gather the data. From their website I also collected their updated financial statement and position.

Limitation of the study:

This Internship Report of Jamuna Bank is my first assignment outside of our course curriculum
in the practical life. I, the student of Department of Business studies, just have finished our
formal educational stage. After finishing the institutional experience, practical performance in
the formal stages becomes tough. So in performing this report our lack of proper knowledge
significantly influenced in this performance.

Background of Jamuna Bank Limited:

The authorized capital and paid-up capital of Jamuna Bank Ltd, a well-capitalized new
generation bank, are 4000.00 million and 1622.00 million Tk, respectively.

The Bank now has 167 branches. Throughout the upcoming year, more branches and service
centers will be opened in strategically key locations.

In Bangladesh, the private sector bank Jamuna Bank Limited is rapidly expanding. This private
commercial bank is a new generation. In terms of client care, it has opened up a brand-new vista
in Bangladesh's banking industry. Both in its core activities and retail banking, the bank has
increased and consolidated the size of its customer base.

All forms of banking transactions are carried out by the Bank to facilitate the growth of trade and
commerce in the country. Entrepreneurs can also use JBL's services to establish new businesses
and BMRE of industrial units.

It has established extensive correspondent banking relationships with local and foreign banks
covering significant trade and financial centers at home and abroad in order to offer customer
services in regard to international trade.

Jamuna Bank Limited runs branches that follow both Islamic Shariah Principle-based Banking
and conventional interest-based Banking. The Bank establishes an Islamic Banking Branch in
Nayabazar, Dhaka, to begin conducting banking according to Islamic Shariah. The activities of
Islamic banking are wholly distinct from those of mainstream banking.

The bank is open from Sunday through Thursday from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., with a
transection hour of 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. On Friday and Saturday, including government
holidays, the bank stays closed.

Vision of JBL

To become a leading banking institution and to play a significant role in the development of the

Mission of JBL

To satisfying diverse needs of its customers through an array of products at a competitive price
by using appropriate technology and providing timely service so that a sustainable growth,
reasonable return and contribution to the development of the country can be ensured with a
motivated and professional work-force.

Objective of JBL:

 To get and maintain CAMELS Rating Strong.

 To create relationship banking and improve service quality through development of
strategies marketing plans.
 To become one of the best banks in Bangladesh in terms of Profitability and resources
 To lead fully automated system through integration of Information Technology.
 To ensure an adequate rate of return on investment.
 To keep risk place at an acceptable range (including any of balance sheet risk)
 To maintain suitable liquidity to meet growing obligation and commitments
 To maintain a strong growth of business with desired image
 To maintain satisfactory control systems and transparency in procedure

 To develop and hold a quality work force through an effective Human Resources
Management System
 To ensure optimum utilization of all available resources
 To follow an effective system of management by ensuring compliance to clinical norms,
transparency and accountability

Business Ideology:

Along with providing best service to the clients, condescending and taking part in social
development activities as well as creating due contribution to growth of the national economy.

Values of JBL:

 Customer focus
 Integrity
 Teamwork
 Quality
 Responsible citizen
 Respect for others

Role of various Departments of JBL:

Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) is a third generation private commercial bank which a main aim is
to maintenance for country’s industrial growth. It highlighted long term lending to the viable
new projects having comparative advantage, export prospects, forward and backward connection
technology as well as raw material based projects.

JBL complete its activities through 11 departments. Out of them, we inspected 5 departments and
tried to find their details operations. These 5 departments are as follows:

 Investment Department (ID)

 Financial Administration Department (FAD)
 General Banking Department (GBD)
 Marketing Department (MD)
 Human Resource Department (HRD)

Human Resources Department of JBL:

HRD is the department where I studied most of the time as my topic is highly related with this
department. At the time of visiting this department I got them effective & efficient excepting in
some cases. I witnessed their functions very closely, which are given below:

Functions of the Human Resource Department:

 To regulate the administration of human resources of the bank

 To contact and collect compatible personnel who will be perfect for the bank
 To proceeds program and implement for developing human resources.
 To create appointment , promotion and appraising skill of officer and stuff
 To create service rules, correction, expansion administration rules sub rules, orders notice
etc. for collecting and stuff.
 To Conduct the Training & Development curriculums.
 To uphold relationship with government and other institution
 To access and grant retirement facilities at the time of retirement
 To provide general sip to the brilliant student of the university for employing and finding
skilled officer
 To communicate with union inspecting their demands
 To provide loan for house building , by cycle , motorcycle and ensure their proper
 Developing relationship with administration appropriate implementation of labor law
 To give medical facilities to the staff.
 To uphold relationship with retired or dead stuffs and their families to know their
 To uphold and grant leaves without regular leave
 To organize and evaluate the branch office
 To formulate and implementation policy about human resources and related activities



Human Resource Projecting Planning of JBL:

After gathering data from internal and external sources, HR planners anticipate the need for
labor. What kind and how many personnel will be required in the future to implement the
organization's plans? These projections are supported by knowledge of the past and present as
well as predictions for the future. Various labor demand forecasting techniques call for various
underlying assumptions. The productivity ratio is assumed to be constant (or to follow a known
pattern) when the number of units produced rises. Another more prevalent assumption is that the
organization's business strategies, sales forecasts, and other projections are fairly accurate
predictions of what will really occur.

Judgment Method of JBL:

In order to predict the future, judgmental approaches make use of informed individuals. This
method is incredibly easy to use. In this, the managers gather together to talk and determine a
figure. Which would be the demand for labor in the future. The method may employ a "bottom-
to-top" or "top-to-bottom" strategy.

Ratio analysis refers to methods for predicting future staffing requirements by employing ratio
between two different things. As in the amount of sales and the quantity of personnel required.

Supply forecasting is a different aspect of human resource evaluation. Given an examination of

the organization's existing and prospective human resource availability, it is concerned with
estimating the supply of labor. It makes an estimate of the potential future sources of HR that
could be found both inside and outside the company. While external sources include hiring new
applicants who are capable of functioning well in the firm, internal sources include promotions,
transfers, job expansions, and enrichment.
It is vital to predict the supply of labor that the organization will have on hand to meet the
demand once the demand for labor has been projected.

Implementation and Evaluation:

A person must be held responsible by the organization for attaining the objectives when
implementing the HR strategy. Additionally, that person must possess the power and resources
required to carry out those objectives. Reports on progress should be released often. In addition
to looking at the actual figures, the review of results should pinpoint which steps in the planning
process were crucial to success or failure.

JBL Bank Ltd complies with organizational practices. The company has a job description and
specification. Employee surplus and shortage have been observed in their various departments
and branches as a consequence of the accurate assessment of demand and supply in the case of
their human resource in different departments and branches. The branch manager or divisional
head would often advise the human resource department if there are any surplus personnel. If
there is a shortage of people, they have tried to determine the area and then seek for employees
from other regions and send them after giving them the required training.

Job Analysis:

For each person or department in this office, there are certain tasks and obligations. The Jamuna
Bank Limited (JBL) conducts job analyses in each department using a five-step process. Yet, this
study has talked about the tasks and obligations of HRD. The following is a discussion of the
Human Resource Department's (HRD) obligations and liabilities:

First, the HRD invites the applicants for interviews after choosing the CVs. Information on
which applicants are called for the interview, the questions that will be asked, and other details
are carefully kept confidential.

Second, the interview panel looks for responsibilities that a candidate can assume in order to
succeed in a certain area of the work. In addition to this, background checks are a crucial
component because they inform the board about a particular employee's past performance in

terms of punctuality, honesty, integrity, educational background, etc. This validation differs from
situation to situation.

Thirdly, the HRD attempts to create a robust manpower budget by evaluating the requirements of
each branch and employee.

Fourthly, the HRD works to put together a training program that is really effective in order to
advance the organization.

Last but not least, the HRD works to create a competitive compensation package that would
satisfy the bank's staff.

Recruitment Process of JBL:

When looking for the best and most qualified professionals, JAMUNA BANK LTD employs
stringent selection procedures. The testing procedures are well thought out in order to
appropriately assess the competence and skill needed for various vocations. The next phase is a
thorough assessment of the position and an inventory of the skills, talents, and experience
required to perform the job successfully after the recruiters are given permission to fill a

Prepare Job Description and Job Specification:

The general duties, functions, and responsibilities of a position are listed in a job description. It
frequently includes information like the person the position reports to, job requirements like the
qualifications or abilities required, or a salary range. The information, skills, education,
experience, and abilities you believe are necessary to carry out a certain job are described in a
job specification.

Vacancy Announcement and Managing the Response:

After selecting the right sources, the job opening is announced to candidates via the relevant
medium, such as television, radio, newspapers, the internet, direct mail, etc. The process of
sorting through resumes starts after there are enough responses from job seekers. This is a crucial

stage in the recruiting selection process since it is crucial to choose resumes that are appropriate
for the position.

Naturally, it must be carried out fairly efficiently by someone who is fully aware of all the duties
connected with the position. Thereafter, only those that possess the required skill set are picked
and contacted for an interview. Also, applications from candidates who don't fit the job's current
requirements but could still be considered in the future are filed separately and kept on file. The
selecting procedure immediately follows the hiring procedure.

Selection Procedure of JBL:

The method of conducting interviews, assessing applicants for a certain position, and choosing a
candidate for employment based on particular standards. Depending on the company recruiting
and the position, the process of choosing an employee can range from being very straightforward
to being quite involved. While choosing employees, certain employment laws, like anti-
discrimination statutes, must be followed. It's crucial for an organization to choose the correct
staff. Better work will be done for the organization by employees who possess the necessary
abilities and qualities. Without these talents, employees won't perform well, which will hurt the

Training and Development of JBL:

Jamuna Bank training institution was established in September 2001. Since then, institute has
been conducting various types of training programs on different banking affairs in order to
develop knowledge, skill, and attitude of the employees of bank.

The methods used to train staff members are called methods. Depending on the situation and the
goals of the training, Jamuna Bank Limited employs a variety of training techniques.
Nonetheless, there are basically two categories in which to group training techniques. On-the-job
training is typically provided by a senior employee or management at the Bank's workplace.
Under the trainer's supervision, the employee is authorized to undertake the task after being
demonstrated how to accomplish it. Off the job training is typically offered in the training center
of Jamuna Bank Ltd.

Problems Faced by JBL for In Imparting Training and Development:

An effective technical training system must be developed with a clear goal, strategic planning,
objectives, and implementation. The system is continually going through changes brought on by
the need to address issues in society and the banking sector. Keeping Jamuna Banks' training
system current and responsive to the shifting need for skilled labor in the banking industry is the
system's biggest issue. The system must be broad, flexible, and interconnected in order to meet
both the economy's current and future needs. The executives who enroll in the training programs
typically come from varied backgrounds and frequently lack a foundational understanding of
banking. Because they are stretched thin and have no "relief" workers ready to take over the
responsibilities of those who have "gone to training," Executives frequently cannot afford to take
staff away from customers and other job activities. At Jamuna Bank Ltd., the evaluation of
training programs is not very thorough. The evaluation is often done by the supervisors.

Performance Appraisal Process of JBL:

Individual employees and those who are concerned about their performance, usually line
managers, engage in performance appraisal (or performance review) discussions to discuss their
performance and development as well as the support they require in their roles. It is employed to
evaluate recent performance as well as to concentrate on upcoming goals, chances, and resource
requirements. Since line managers, as opposed to HR experts, are typically responsible for
conducting performance appraisals, it is crucial that they comprehend their position in
performance management and how appraisals support the broader objectives of performance

According to CIPD study, having a good working relationship with line managers is crucial. The
performance review, when conducted delicately, is a crucial tool in creating and preserving this
connection. The Board shall establish a mechanism for yearly reporting on employees' work
performance and conduct, and this report shall be known as the Annual Confidential Report

(ACR). Also, as and when deemed essential, the responsible authority may request a Special
Confidential Report on any employee. An employee is not permitted access to his or her annual
confidential report(s), but he or she is required to be informed in writing of any negative
comments, if any, in order to be made aware of these flaws and to give him or her the chance to
defend their position or improve/correct/rectify themselves.

The system for evaluating employee performance, which Jamuna Bank introduced with effect
from September 2005, is a component of the overall system for human resource development.
The Jamuna Bank assessment system has two elements. Periodic Performance Review (PPR) and
Annual Performance Assessment are these (APA).

Frequent performance reviews are used to evaluate skills and determine where people need to
grow professionally. Once a year, this evaluation is performed. The Jamuna Bank's yearly
performance evaluation forms are made in accordance with a straightforward management
theory that holds that employees at lower levels need more technical skills while those advancing
up the corporate ladder increasingly need more conceptual and interpersonal abilities.

The Annual Confidential Report (ACR), which details an employee's marking by the reporting
officer, is then given to the manager or supervisor to be signed. The Human Resource
Department receives the report after that (HRD). The HRD then ascertains an employee's overall
performance. If an employee performs exceptionally, the HRD will provide those bonuses,
raises, and other rewards. If an employee violates any JBL rules and regulations, the HRD has
the power to discipline that employee.

The following topics Employee Benefit & Compensation and Discipline & Punishment—discuss
the rewards and penalties that JBL's HRD imposes.

Employee Benefit and Compensation of JBL:

The Jamuna Bank is committed to maintaining a flexible, fair, and competitive compensation
policy. The Board, which has the last say on whether or not to approve this policy, will
periodically change and review it on the advice of the Managing Director and Management
Committee. All employees who work for the bank on a permanent basis are covered by the
compensation policy of the bank.

Salary information is kept private between the involved employees and the management. The
pay scales for these job grades are periodically reviewed. There is no assigned job grade for HR
temporary and outsourced employees. The contracts get a single monthly payment, and the only
other benefits are commissions based on job requirements.



Since January, 2023 I have been filling in as an intern at JBL Bank Limited's Mirpur branch. The
entry level position program has provided me with a lot of opportunities and degrees to learn and
gain the skills of practical money management that will assistance me in developing my future
career. I learned traditional work and additional work experience through the temporary job
program that I would not have been able to learn in a classroom. In addition, outside of the usual
office work, I have learned how to deal with the challenges of the money-keeping sector, had the
chance to put knowledge learned from the academic experience to use, and looked into a variety
of extensions to watch different aspects. I was able to increase my "real" involvement in the field
of saving money thanks to my employment in the saving money sector and all of my learnings.

I've had the chance to handle a ton of tasks and responsibilities ever since my first day. Over the
course of my entry-level position program up to now, I have primarily worked in the saving
money area, branch HR, credit and advances, and foreign settlement.

SWOT Analysis at Jamuna Bank:

Strength: During my time of intern period I tried to find out some strength of Jamuna Bank

 JBL have computer based banking system

 JBL have Efficiency and Effectiveness of the employees
 JBL have trustworthy customers
 JBL provides formal training program for fresh employees
 JBL provides Formal and Informal training program for current employees
 JBL conducting On-line Banking through a smooth software like FLORA.

Weakness: Though JBL is providing excellent services to their customer they also have some
lacking in branch banking. If they could overcome them they will do well.

 JBL have insufficient presence of modern communication tools.

 JBL have lack of development program for current employee.

 JBL have lack of fair businessperson class.
 JBL Branch office is not well decorated like Head office.

Opportunities: JBL also have some sort of opportunities in banking industry, if they

Can work on them they will flourish in their industry.

 JBL has software like FLORA. So they can provide more quality service to the clients
 By growing the number of branches in the rural area JBL can provide more service to the
rural people as well as the urban people
 Corporate Social Responsibility of Jamuna Bank Limited like, scholarship package for
poor students will creates goodwill for the bank.
 Customer responsiveness of JBL is very good
 JBL up-to-date training program makes the employee more effective.
 Due of on-line banking it can provide the quicker service to the clients.
 Banking sector is an utmost raising institution in this economical world.

Threats: during my internship period I find out that JBL also have some threats by external and
internal environment. If they work on them they can deal with them.

 JBL Need to increase the number of competent employees

 JBL had to increase promotional activities for the clients so they
 JBL had to do a lot of marketing activities cause JBL is not very well known in the rural
area as well as the urban area
 Banking sector of BD is much more challenging rather than other sectors
 To race with the other commercial bank of BD, JBL need to improve their service quality
 Unavoidable competitors in banking sectors
 Threats of new competitors




The goal of JBL Bank's HR strategy is "right people, right place, right time," and most workers
concur with this statement. JBL Bank use both internal and external sources for hiring. JBL Bank
additionally hires through a hiring agency as a third-party resource. Yet, the bank used a
conventional approach to hiring.

JBL Bank prioritizes experience while choosing candidates. Throughout the selection process,
realistic job previews are created. There is a lot of tanning. JBL Bank runs tanning programs
with vendors or other trainers. From a training perspective, it can be claimed that their course is
good but not very practical. Performance prizes are offered by JBL bank. The JBL Bank's
performance review process is somewhat out of date. JBL Bank offers a variety of benefits
packages. Nonetheless, the pay for its employees is extremely cheap in comparison.

For hiring new staff, JBL uses tests of cognitive and physical aptitude, simulations, personality
and interest assessments, and work samples. The organization's selection challenges include a
huge number of applicants, a lack of specialized skills, political pressure, union pressure,
nepotism, etc. The performance appraisal system in Jamuna Bank is a good tool to control
employees, according to about four out of five executives.

They believed it should go on. At JBL Bank, there is a system in place for organizing orientation
sessions where all new hires are informed about the bank and its internal procedures.

Problem Identifications:

The following issues were discovered when gathering information and data from JBL for this
report: There are far fewer employees overall than are required. The bank's day-to-day operations
are being hampered by this.

There are very few plans in place for training lower-level personnel. Numbers of branches are
not enough to serve the people of all places of the Country. The wage structure of the bank is not

impartial. Between the officers and the staffs, there is a significant separation. That explains why
the switching rate is so high. The turnover rate is below the JBL target.


It is imperative that a sizable number of staff members and officers be appointed quickly to
ensure the regular flow of work.

More educated, trained, and skilled staff are necessary for the effective application of credit
policy and recovery rate. The bank should hire and train people who fit this description for its
credit wings. For the complete economic development of Bangladesh, people from all regions
want contemporary banking services and credit facilities. JBL should therefore establish
additional branches after giving this issue a realistic thought. The organization will benefit
greatly if they can secure full-time instructors for their training programs.

If they had full-time teachers, they could offer engaging training sessions and the staff would be
able to pick up their jobs fast and correctly. All employees should be supportive of granting
bonuses on multiple occasions. The person in charge of staff training should be intelligent and
capable of providing timely, engaging instruction. Character, capital, capability, collateral, and
condition must all be taken into account while choosing the five Cs.

To make employees more specialized on specific occupations, outside training facilities are
made available for recruiting and selecting people. Every year, JB should offer promotions based
on higher efficiency. This will encourage employees to be more assertive, pay attention, and
work harder to earn promotions.

Like other banks, it ought to trade annual confidential reports (ACR) in exchange for
employment analyses, job descriptions, and job specifications. To reduce employee work
neglect, JB should prepare a job analysis every six months. Greater pay scales and efficient
personnel should be used to lower absenteeism. If any employees break the company's banking
rules and regulations, disciplinary action should be taken.

A company's recruitment efforts are crucial. JBL Bank's hiring procedure is conventional. In this
situation, they can hire many well-equipped institutions to assist them in hiring people by
conducting campus recruitment. This approach is current.

JBL Bank should utilize contemporary performance evaluation methods, such as 360-degree
evaluation, management by objectives, etc. Employees are frequently seen to be incorrectly
posted in the improper places. This is detrimental to the company. The staff should therefore be
properly posted after training. That is really crucial.




Through its many activities over the past 16 years, Jamuna Bank Ltd, the nation's rapidly
expanding private bank, has engendered a sense of mass engagement. The number of customers
returning for more service and supports has grown quickly. Due to its varied financial services, it
has received extensive media attention and helped to distinguish the nation's banking industry.

Aiming at the Human Resource Practice is the report. Jamuna Bank Limited (JBL) can increase
the distribution network by strengthening their IT platform, increasing efficiency, and boosting
their ability to give unique value to their clients. This will allow them to provide information and
customer care more quickly. JBL kept being a client-focused, need-based, and solution-driven

Their IT infrastructure and online banking capabilities, which are continuously upgraded and
expanded, provide excellent support for their products and services. Customers of JBL can
access banking services from any branch at any time, 365 days a year.

Finally, JBL's customer care performance is incredibly commendable, exceptional, and top-
notch. If they can continue to provide these services to their clients, I have high hopes that they
will soon rank among the top banks in Bangladesh.


1. Company website (https://jamunabankbd.com/)

2. www.wekepedia.com
3. Annual Report of JBL
4. Quarterly Review of JBL
5. Basudevan, S.V., 2000. Theories of Commercial Banking, Reading Materials on Theory
& Practices of Banking, Bangladesh Institute of Banking Management.
6. Chowdhury L.R., 2000. A Textbook on Foreign Exchange, Fair Corporation, Dhaka
7. Absar, M.M.N., Azim, M.T., Balasundaram, N. and Akhter, S., 2010. Impact of human
resources practices on job satisfaction: Evidence from manufacturing firms in
Bangladesh. Economic Sciences Series, 62(2), pp.31-42.
8. Branches of Janata Bank Limited, (2016). Available online:
9. Guidelines Manual of 2013, Jamuna Bank Ltd, Dhaka, Bangladesh.



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