Ssadvancement Handbook PDF
Ssadvancement Handbook PDF
Ssadvancement Handbook PDF
Eagle Scout
*Specialist Rating: e.g. ARTIST, CRAFTSMAN, JOURNALIST or RADIOMAN (refer to the Advancement Manual)
1. Make an inspection of his home using a safety checklist by his Troop Leader/Outfit Advisor and Counselor. Tell what hazard he found, why they are hazards how they can be removed. 2. As a result of the inspection, list down ten (10) safety rules to be observed in his home. 3. Do one of the following: a. Take active part in the safety work in school over a period of at least 10 weeks, at all times doing his best by example and attitude, to interest his schoolmates in safety activities, OR
b. Build a cabinet for the safe and proper storage of medicines and poisons or a suitable play pen for a baby OR recommend a safety device for home or Troop/Outfit and with the approval of the Counselor, make such a device. Show or tell: a. How he would make himself visible while walking on the road at night; on which side of the road he should walk, day or night, and why. b. A good knowledge of local traffic regulations and basic rules of the road. c. The correct way to carry a full-sized bolo. d. How to handle, carry and store safely various kinds of farm tools in the home or shop. e. His familiarity with and ability to operate common types of fire extinguishers. Submit and comment on newspaper accounts which he has gathered within the past three months, describing at least three kind of accidents due to any one of the following causes: a. Getting on and off moving vehicles. b. Crossing streets or highways. c. Reckless driving. d. Failure to observe traffic laws. Explain in discussion with his Counsellor or dramatize with members of his Patrol, what he considers as the main hazards involved in: a. Modern transportation b. Recreation c. Industry d. Home Tell how to deal safely with the following: a. Wire dangling from an electric line b. Safe storage and use of gasoline c. Running engine in a closed garage d. Three ways of turning on a fire alarm, citing the best local method and giving the exact location of the fire alarm nearest to his home, school and Troop meeting room and danger of firecrackers. Explain in discussion with his Counselor how he can contribute to the safety of his own self, his family and his community, as proof of his understanding and appreciation of SAFETY.
3. 4. 5.
b. Know and tell how to do at least seven of the following: i. Report a fire ii. Report a vehicular accident iii. Call a physician or ambulance iv. Report damage to electric power, gas or water supply system v. Report damage to or need of repairs on streets, roads, bridges, or sewer system vi. Report a mad dog scare vii. Report a contagious disease viii. Call a veterinarian ix. Obtain a building permit x. Obtain help from a representative of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources xi. Report to authorities the commission of a crime such as a robbery, theft, rape, burglary, illegal cockfighting, gambling, etc. xii. Report a traffic violation xiii. report an election violation c. Visit one department of his local government and report on what services it offers for the community; OR, attend a court session or a public meeting of a government body and report what takes place. d. Know how much it costs to run his local government for one year, how this money is obtained, and for what it is chiefly spent. Tell what kind of taxes his family pays in meeting this cost. 6. Discuss with his family or counselor in what way Scouting helps to train him for citizenship, and give examples of democracy at work in his troop. 7. Take an active part and vote regularly in elections of officers and matters of business in his troop, school and other groups to which he belongs. 8. List and briefly describe the work of several civic organizations other than the Boy Scouts of the Philippines, through which people of his community work together for the general welfare by way of serving youth, safeguarding public health or safety, disaster relief, care of orphans, aid to the poor, providing recreational facilities, promoting good business or better farming, improving labor conditions, or general civic improvement. 9. Do one of the following: a. Identify the principal political parties or factions of parties in his community or province and explain briefly their points of view on one public issue of which they disagree. b. Describe at least one vocational opportunity offered by his community in some form of public service. Tell what personal qualifications are needed for the job. 10. List and explain at least five privileges and forms of protection he enjoys as a citizen in his community, and describe his obligations to the community. 11. With the advice of his Troop Leader/Outfit Advisor and counselor, plan his own program of community service and give at least 10 hours of his time in carrying it out; OR, give 10 hours of community service in a project carried out by his troop.
a. Make a health and safety check-up of his home, and help his family correct as many hazards as possible. b. Prepare with his family a plan of escape in case of fire in his home. c. Tell how to get help in case of accident, illness, fire and other emergencies in his home. d. Do at least one major Good Turn for his home outside of regular duties. e. Make a budget and keep a record of his income and or allowances and expenses for two month. Explain why it is wise to live within ones means. f. Submit a report on a family group activity which he helped to plan, prepare for, and carry out.
Filipino Heritage
1. Write a biography of at least five Filipino heroes or great men. Explain to his Troop what outstanding work they did for our country that made them great. Describe any of their personal virtues or qualities that are worth emulating by the youth. 2. Cite at least five (5) literary works written by Filipino heroes or great men. Explain to his Troop the significance of each of these literary works. Select at least three (3) points from each which he thinks are still relevant today. 3. Compile and relate to his Troop ten (10) Filipino traditions that are worth emulating. Give reasons why they should be emulated and preserved. 4. Compile and recite to his Troop twenty (20) Filipino proverbs; explain at least half of them. 5. Recite a poem written by his favorite Filipino hero or great man in a Troop meeting and explain the meaning of the lines or phrase of the poem. 6. Take part in a Patrol of Troop activity or any project honoring the memory of Filipino heroes or great men. 7. Visit any historical place or shrine connected with Filipino heroes or great men. Make a written report of the visit to his Troop Leader.
First Aid
1. Show the correct way to: a. Transport a person with compound fracture of the forearm; head injury; spinal column injury. b. Make and apply splints for a broken thigh bone. c. Explain the dangers involved in the transportation of an injured person before the extent of the injury is known. 2. Show how to: a. Stop bleeding from a ruptured varicose vein in the leg. b. Control arterial and/or venous bleeding on the wrist and calf of leg and other parts of the body. 3. Tell and show what to do in the following cases: a. A person in contact with an electric wire. b. A person in a state of shock due to starvation, injuries and certain diseases. c. A person who choked from drowning if from water or food lodged in his windpipe while eating. d. A person who dove into shallow water struck his head against a submerged object and fell unconscious. 4. Tell what disease germ is likely to be carried into a wound from a gunshot, stab wound, rusty nail, pitchfork or garden rake, or from a powder burn; explain why the patient in such cases must be taken to a physician for further treatment. 5. Show how to: a. Sterilize a small piece of cloth or part of his shirt if he has to use it as an improvised bandage or dressing. b. Treat extreme shock, using cover, correct position and heating devices. c. Give a patient pulmonary resuscitation.
Explain the meaning of the following: ecology, biosphere, ecosystem, plant succession, limiting factor. Give an example of the last two. 2. With the help of his counselor, pick an area of three (3) hectares* for study. 3. Visit the area four times for two (2) hours each time. Do this at different times on one day a week for a month, or if at camp, on four different days of the week at different times of the day. a. Record the temperature, rain, and wind. b. List the animals you saw. Tell what they were doing. 1.
c. List the plants you saw. d. Name the kinds of rocks and soil. 4. Write about his study in 500 words or more showing: a. How the climate, topography, and geology have influenced the number and kinds of plants and animals. b. How the living and non-living elements are interrelated. c. Why is it important that people understand this. 5. With his counselor, plan and carry out a project on one (1) of the following: a. The effect of water-holding capacity of soil on plant life. The relations of plant cover to run-off. How both are related to the water and oxygen cycles. b. The influence of land plant life on temperature, light intensity, wind velocity, and humidity. The influence of water plant life on water environment. How both land and water plants affect animal life. 6. Make a report, in the form of a short talk to a Scout group, on what he did in requirement number five (5). 7. Show he understands the following: a. The causes of water pollution. Tell what it does to rivers and lakes. b. The causes of land pollution. Tell what it does to the environment. c. The causes of air pollution. Tell what it does to the environment. d. How some chemicals get into the tissues of animals miles from where there were used. 8. Describe what he and others can do to help solve a local problem of air pollution, water pollution, or litter. 9. Describe the duties of three positions in environment science. Note: *City Scouts may pick an area in a large park, if a better place is not available.
Physical Fitness
1. Submit evidence of having had a general medical examination within the year. State what has been or will be done to correct bodily conditions needing remedial measures. 2. Do the following: a. Have himself examined by his dentist. Tell how to care for his teeth. b. Tell about his daily health habits and the care of his skin, hands, fingernails, toenails, eyes, ears and nose. 3. Explain how to ventilate a sleeping room properly. Give the number of hours of sleep needed by a person of his age. Explain why a person should sleep by himself and what distance should separate his bed from others. Explain and show proper breathing and how it affects health. 4. Explain the following: a. How disease is spread by drinking water, common drinking cups, dirty dishes, dirty dish towels, soiled bath towels, unpasteurized milk and personal contacts. b. The essential foods for the daily diet of a person of his age and why he should observe good eating habits. c. Diseases against which he may be immunized or protected. d. How the use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs can be harmful to him. e. The value of clean moral habits to general health. 5. Do the following: a. Record his best scores in the following tests: push-ups, jump-reach, runwalks and sit-ups. b. Set goals to reach during the next 30 days. c. Do daily exercise and keep a record for 30 days or until his goals are met. 6. With his Troop Leader and Counsellor, accomplish the following physical fitness tests. (Earn a minimum of not less than 200 points which must come from not more than five events): PFT No. 1. SWIMMING (50 points maximum)
a. 15 meters speed swim - 5 points for each second faster than 25 seconds. b. Distance Swim - 50 points for swimming 500 meters, 25 points for swimming 250 meters. PFT No. II. ARM STRENGTH (50 points maximum) a. Pull-ups - 10 points for each pull-up b. Push-ups - 2 points for each push-up c. Archery - 5 points for every bulls-eye PFT No. III. ABDOMINAL POWER (50 points maximum) Bent-knee sit-ups - 1 points for each sit-up PFT No. IV. SPEED RUNNING (50 points maximum) a. 50 yard dash - 2 points for each 1/10 of a second faster than 11 seconds b. 40-yard shuttle run - 2 points for each 1/10 of a second faster than 15 seconds PFT No. V. ENDURANCE RUNNING OR WALKING (50 pts. Max.) a. 500 meters run-walk -1 point for each second faster than 4 minutes b. One-kilometer walk - 10 points for each minute faster than 20 minutes PFT No. VI. JUMPING (50 points maximum) a. Standing Long Jump - 5 points for each inch over 4 feet b. Vertical Jump and Reach - 5 points for each inch over 7 inches PFT No. VII. BODY COORDINATION (50 points maximum) a. Basketball Throw - 2 points for each foot over 30 feet b. Softball Throw - 1 point for each foot over 70 feet. c. Archery - 5 points for every bulls-eye 7. Explain in a discussion with his Counsellor, how a Scout can serve others by being physically fit.
e. What is a watershed? How removal of vegetation will affect the way water runs off a watershed. f. At least five (5) ways of conserving water.
(These tests must be performed before a Counsellor who is a recognized swimming Instructor of the Boy Scouts of the Philippines Aquatic School). 1. Swim 100 meters in good form using the following strokes for at least the distance specified: a. Side-stroke - 20 meters b. Elementary back stroke - 20 meters c. Breast-stroke - 60 meters 2. Surface dive in two meters in water and recover an object from the bottom. 3. In water, two (2) or more meters deep, while fully dressed, remove trousers, tie an overhand knot on the bottom of each leg, inflate trousers and float motionless for one (1) minute using the inflated trousers as buoys; or while dressed as above, tread water, inflate shirt and float motionless for one (1) minute. 4. Rest motionless in the water, or as nearly so as possible, at any angle, for one minute. 5. Enter water without sound, swim silently without splash for fifteen (15) meters (with breast stroke or dog paddle), and leave water without sound. 6. While swimming, submerge quickly (using both surface dive jack-knife and duck dive and feet first method), swim three strokes forward under water, return to the surface and at signal, repeat three (3) times. 7. In deep water, remove street clothes* and swim forty (40) meters.
NOTE: *Include socks, shoes, trousers, shirts, sweater or sweatshirt.
1. 2. 3. Show that he knows the composition of the air, referring to both constant and variable elements of the air, and what functions each performs. Tell how the following are formed: moisture, fog, hail, rain and snow. Explain the electrical and optical phenomena in the air, such as rainbows, mirages, looming, halos, lightning and thunder. Describe as many of the above as he has seen. Describe the use and how to read a barometer, thermometer, anemometer, hygrometer and rain gauge. Make a simple weather vane. Be conversant with storm/weather signals. Do one the following: a. Write a simple statement on the climate of the Philippines.
b. Tell the value of weather prediction. Write a brief account of the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA), stating what daily, weekly or monthly publications are prepared and distributed by it. Be able to interpret the chart and graphs contained in these publications. c. Keep a daily record for a month of the following: dew or fog in the morning; at an specific hour each day, the direction and force of the wind; the temperature and the kinds of clouds (if any) in the sky. 6. Name some places where, during severe thunderstorms, the danger from lightning is great, some places, where the danger is small. 7. Show knowledge of the causes-and usual origins and trajectories or paths of typhoon in the Philippines.
1. Show his Counselor and Troop Leader/Outfit the following: a. Preparing for camp: clothing and equipment and how to pack them. b. Camp shelter and sanitation, including tent pitching. c. Precautions to be taken on a Patrol/Crew or Troop/Outfit camp. Make a camp lay-out and prepare a plan for a weekend camp including a schedule of activities; submit these to his counselor. With the members of his Patrol/Crew or Troop/Outfit, discuss the camp plan in the presence of the Troop Leader/Outfit Advisor and the counselor. Carry out the camp plan. While in camp, do the following: a. Make a comfortable ground bed and sleep on it. Use ground cloth and padding of clothing, grass, leaves or straw. b. Make a camp table, a tripod for suspending camp supplies, clothesline or other camp conveniences using proper lashing techniques. Show and explain the proper method of storing and protecting his food and equipment against small animals, insects, and wet weather. Tell how he would protect himself against wet weather and cold while in camp. Camp a total of at least twenty (20) days and twenty (20) nights in the out-of-doors, submitting evidence to his Troop Leader Outfit Advisor and Counselor that these camps were made within standards. (You may use week-end camps and/or a week of summer camp as part of the 20 days and 20 nights.) Submit reports to his Troop Leader and Counselor of his participation in the twenty (20) days and twenty (20) nights of camping, which should include the following: a. Sketches of the campsites b. Schedule and details of activities in camp c. What he did or learned in camp, and d. Experience in the camp which developed his character, his health, his self-reliance and his harmonious relationship with other Scouts.
4. 5. 6.
Emergency Preparedness
1. Earn the First Aid Merit Badge. 2. Tell what he would do to prevent injury and possible loss of life to himself and others in each of the following situations: Fire or explosion at home or in a public building, car stalled in a secluded place, motor vehicle accident, mountain accident, food poisoning, boating accident, search for lost persons, gas leak, earthquake, flood, typhoon, lightning, nuclear fallout, avalanche (rock) and landslide. 3. Demonstrate and explain how he could safely save a person from the following situations: a. Touching a live electric wire. b. In a room filled with carbon monoxide or other fumes or smoke. c. Clothes on fire. d. Drowning using non-swimming rescues (including river, sea or beach accidents). 4. Tell the things a group of Scouts should be prepared to do, the training needed and the safety precautions to be taken for the following emergency service: a. Crowd and traffic control b. Messenger service and communication c. Collection and distribution services d. Group feeding, shelter and sanitation. 5. Demonstrate the following: a. Three ways of attracting and communicating with rescue planes or helicopters. b. The proper use of ropes and lines for rescue work by doing the following: 1. Tie knots for joining lines, shortening or adjusting lines and lashings. 2. Lower a person from a height sufficient to show how. 3. Coil and accurately throw light and heavy 50-foot heaving lines. 6. Prepare a written plan for mobilizing your troop for emergency service. Prepare an emergency kit for use by your Patrol or your family. 7. Participate in one emergency service.
(These tests must be performed before a Counselor who is a Certified Water Safety Instructor of the Philippine National Red Cross or who holds an Aquatic School Certificate of the Boy Scouts of the Philippine for Life Saving.) 1. Earn the SWIMMING merit badge. 2. a. Spend at least six hours in preparing and practicing lifesaving skills. b. Surface dive into open water, 2 to 3 meters deep, recovering various objects three times and a S-kilo weight once. 3. Show the following: a. For two times, remove his street clothes in 30 seconds or less. (Street clothes means sacks, shoes, trousers, barong / shirt / sweatshirt). b. The correct approach to a drowning person who is in the following positions: 1. Back to Scout - Back approach 2. Face to Scout with head above water - Underwater approach. 4. With the help of a buddy and a subject, show (reel-in rescue) the following rope rescue both as line tender and as rescuer: a. As rescuer-carrying the looped end of a rope 20 meters long, l/2centimeter in diameter across his shoulder and chest, make a running or leaping entry into the water, swim 20 meters to struggling subject, and tow him ashore with the rope. b. As line tender - chain knot rescue line. Tie and place loop around rescuer's shoulder, pay out rope and pull rescuer and subject ashore. 5. Keeping in sight a struggling person, enter the water feet first and a. Swim 10 meters, make correct approach, and tow victim 10 meters to shore with cross-chest carry. b. Swim 10 meters, make correct approach, and tow victim 10 meters to shore with hair carry. c. Swim 10 meters, make correct approach, and tow victim 10 meters to shore with collar or wrist carry. d. Swim 10 meters, make correct approach to a tired swimmer, using swimmer's carry and push him 10 meters to shore. 6. Do the following: a. In water at least two meters deep, show how to block effectively and avoid the attempts of a struggling person to grasp him around the neck with right arm and with both arms. In each case, show how to tow him ashore. b. In water at least two meters deep, show how to disengage himself from any of the following grasps: 1. Wrist 2. Front head hold 3) Rear head hold 4) Arms around the body, at the front, below the armpit S) Arms around the body from back. c. Demonstrate resuscitation for two minutes using the mouth-to-mouth method with external cardiac massage.
World Brotherhood
Have an elementary knowledge of the geography, history, custom and characteristic of people of at least three countries. 2. Correspond regularly for a period of not less than six months (write at least three letters and receive at least two replies) with a Scout of another country. (This project may be done individually or as part of a Troop "link-up". Request for contacts with overseas Scouts may be made with Boy Scouts of the Philippines, National Office, Manila.) 3. Give an informative talk of at least 3 minutes duration to the members of his Patrol or Troop on the interests and knowledge gained by corresponding with or visiting a Scout from another country. 1.
4. Do the following: a. Tell in his own words how the Scouting Movement began. Point out on a world map the five Scouting regions and identify at least thirty countries which have Scouting. b. Describe and demonstrate at least three ways by which Scouts from various countries can recognize one another (by similarity in uniforms, insignias, badges, oath and law, motto, sign, handshake, etc.) c. Explain the organization and operation of the World Scout Movement (Conference, Committee and Bureau). 5. Do any three of the following: a. Identify the flag of the United Nations and those of at least twelve member-countries. b. Read the preamble of the Charter of the United Nations; outline in his own words the purpose of the United Nations organization as set forth in Chapter I of its charter. c. Describe the work of the specialized agencies of the United Nations. d. Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and list at least five rights directly related to himself and his family. 6. Do any three of the following: a. Take part in some practical activity of an international character such as the collection or distribution of relief supplies, the reception and entertainment of visitors from overseas or assist in a project of a non-partisan organization to promote world brotherhood. b. Camp at least five days with Scouts of another country either in his own or in a foreign country. Keep log books covering the event and note down his impressions. Show that he has a fair understanding of the culture, customs and characteristics of the Scouts he had camped with. c. Carry on a conversation with another person in a foreign language for at least five minutes; translate at least 100 words of that language given by the Counselor. d. Keep an album or scrapbook for at least one year depicting activities of another country. e. Relate briefly to the members of his Patrol/Crew or Troop/Outfit the history of Scouting of three member-countries of World Scouting. Draw their Scout Emblems.
The Scout prepares himself on the requirements with the encouragement and help of his Patrol Leader. His passing of the various requirements should be the natural outcome of his participation in regular Scouting activities. Advancement takes place in the patrol. Hence, Patrol Leaders need the continuing training the Troop Leader can give them at informal meetings and outdoor activities of the Troop Leader's Council. The preparation phase of advancement is the teaming aspect. Some seaming can be done on his own by referring to the handbook for Boys and other Scouting materials. Some of his teaming will come also from others in his Patrol and Troop. A good Troop program is a real help to the Scout. His Patrol activities will be directed towards the skills needed in the requirements. This means that one of the Troop's continuing efforts will be to create learning experiences.
The examination of the Scout on the advancement requirements may be made by the Scout's own Patrol Leader- provided this leader has the badge the Scout is aiming for. Otherwise, some other Troop Leaders should do the examination. Passing the test is really a checking-off process rather than a formal examination. It should be an actual demonstration of the Scout's involvement and conformity with the interpretation of various given requirements. When the Scout has finished all the requirements, his record is reviewed by the Troop
Leader's Council. This group makes the recommendations to the Troop Leader based on their personal knowledge of the effort the candidate has made in passing the requirements. Next is the conference with the Troop Leader - a step so important that the Troop Leader should handle it himself unless limitations of time make it impossible. This conference should be informal. Its objectives are to determine the Scout's understanding of the ideals of Scouting and how well he lives up to them in his daily living and to counsel him for the next advancement badge. When the Troop Leader is satisfied that the Scout is making satisfactory progress in Scouting, he signs the Scouts advancement scorecard indicating that he is ready to appear before the Board of Review.
A Board of Review is composed of at least three male friends in Scouting, preferably members of the Troop or District/Municipal Scouting Committee. The review should be a friendly affair between the Scout and members of the Board who are interested in the welfare of the Scout. The Scout should be put at ease and encouraged to talk. The review should develop the Scout's confidence and ability to talk with adults through the Scooters or friends of Scouting who are helping the Troop. The Board reviews by asking questions on what the Scout has done towards the earning of the particular badge. The object of the Board of Review is not to test the Scout nor to embarrass him, but to make sure that what should have beers done was actually done by the Scout. The members of the Board of Review will ask enough questions to assure that the Scout deserves the badge he is applying far. When the members of the Board of Review are satisfied that the Scout has already qualified for the requirements of the badge he is applying for, his application form is approved by the members. The Troop Leader then sends the accomplished report to the Local Council Office. After processing, the corresponding certificate for the badge is sent back to the Troop.
When the Scout passes the Board of Review, its report and application for advancement is filed with the Local Council. After approval by the Council and as soon as the certificates arrive, an Advancement Ceremony or a Court of Honor is arranged by the Troop Leader wear the corresponding badge and the certificate are formally presented to the Scout. Parents and friends of the Scout are invited during this ceremony. A Court of Honor should be impressive and meaningful to the Scout for this is in recognition of his achievement in Scouting. Some Troops, in order to enhance the recognition of the Scout's advancement hold the ceremony with other events such as open houses, parents' nights, etc. In some instances, the badge and certificates are presented at Troop Meetings. It is recommended however, that they be presented at formal Courts of Honor of the Unit / Institution / District or Council. The Eagle Scout Award is the highest award that can be given by the Boy Scouts of the Philippines to a Scout. It recognizes a Scout who has earned the highest advancement badge that can be earned by a boy. If is awarded ONLY BY THE NATIONAL PRESIDENT OR HIS DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE in a National Court of Honor held by the institution, district/municipality, council / region or National Office. Generally, the four advancement steps are done in this manner: the preparation process is done in the Scout's own Patrol; he is examined in the Troop by qualified Troop Leaders; he undergoes a review before a Board of Review; and recognition comes as an award bestowed upon him by a Court of Honor.
3. 4.
7. 8. 9.
NOTE:*Required for all boys entering Senior Scouting, whether or not they have been Boy Scouts.
For a period of at least three (3) months as a holder of the First Class Scout Rank, do the following: Senior Scout Ideals 1. Satisfy your parents and Scout Leaders, that you are doing your best to live by the Scout Oath and Law and the Senior Scout Code. 2. Give evidence that you are attending religious instructions and services. 3. Demonstrate the proper handling and display of the Philippine Flag and respect due it. Social Activities 4. Explain and demonstrate the proper method of introduction of two or more persons and of sending and answering formal and informal invitations. Attend one formal affair with a girl or a member of your crew, demonstrating proper etiquette. Vocational Activities 6. Earn and keep in a savings account the equivalent of a minimum daily wage of a worker. Service Activities 7. Participate in an Outfit, school, or community program on the prevention of Drug Abuse. Explain to a group of teen-agers the dangers posed by drug abuse and the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco to the body. Outdoor/Indoor Activities 7. On a hike, demonstrate First Aid for the following: fever, bleeding, sunstroke, heatstroke, animal bites, snake bite, fainting, foreign object in the eye, asphyxiation and emergency transportation of the injured. 8. Demonstrate the proper uses of the following knots in indoor or outdoor activities: rolling hitch, timber hitch, rover noose, French and Spanish bowlines, man harness knot, highwayman's hitch, scaffold hitch, fisherman's knot, marlinespike hitch, sheep shank and dog shank. Splice two ropes of the same and of different diameters. 9. Send and receive accurately by International Morse Code (using light, or flag) a message of at least 30 words to and from another person stationed over a distance of 100 meters or more. 10. On a cross-country hike, fold and identify ten (10) different trees or shrubs. Tell their medicinal or other uses. If poisonous, explain the treatment needed when exposed to them. 11. Identify the sixteen (16) principal points of a compass. Using a topographic or sketch map, follow a course at least two (2) kilometers cross-country or in unfamiliar urban areas using a compass and reading conventional map symbols and contour lines. Demonstrate how to estimate heights, widths, and distances using personal measurements. 12. Follow the tracks of a person or animal on soft ground for half a kilometer reading the meaning of the tracks; OR follow the trail of another person made with trail signs for one kilometer. At the end of the trail, stalk the person without being seen for 30 minutes and record his/ its activities. 13. Demonstrate proper sharpening, use, and care of knife, bolo, saw, and axe. Using a knife, bolo or an axe and without matches, prepare and build a cooking fire. Cook rice and viand on it. 14. Plan to go on a 14-kilometer adventure hike and cook-out with at least one companion observing proper road and property courtesies. Present a sketch map of your hike route using compass bearings and map symbols. Earn the SAFETY and the CITIZENSHIP IN THE HOME Merit Badges.
**The Explorer Rank is required of a former Boy Scout who has not earned the Second Class Rank while in Boy Scouting. A Second Class Scout will automatically earn the Explorer Rank after passing only the Social and Vocational Activities requirements.
For a period of at least five (5) months as a holder of the Pathfinder Rank, do the following: Senior Scout Ideas 1. Satisfy your parents and Scout Leaders, that you are doing your best to live by the Scout Oath and Law and the Senior Scout Code. 2. Produce satisfactory evidence from your spiritual adviser that you have been continually faithful to your religious obligations. Social Activities 3. Demonstrate the general rules of conduct in using the telephone, calling at another's home, respect due to elders and women; and proper behaviour during meals, dances, and other social occasions. Vocational Activities 4. a. Earn, through your own livelihood, project, and keep in a savings account the equivalent of at least three day's minimum daily wage of a worker. b. Discuss with your Outfit Advisor your 3-year plan for a vocational career path you will pursue after earning the Pathfinder Rank. Service Activities 5. Plan and conduct a safety and accident prevention inspection in your school or community. Identify safety hazards and remove them in coordination with your school or community officials. Outdoor/Indoor Activities 6. In camp, demonstrate First Aid for poisoning, fractures (simple and compound) and heart attack. Demonstrate the procedures for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and standard transportation of the injured. 7. In camp, make improvised camp equipment, emergency bridges, rafts, or other needed camp infrastructure using the various kinds of lashings. 8. Send and receive accurately by International Morse Code (using a sound device) a message of at least fifty (SO) words over a distance of at least 500 meters. 9. On a hike or in camp, find and identify ten (10) different edible fruits and roots or six different kinds of wildlife explaining their habits and habitat and how to take care of them so that they will not become extinct; OR demonstrate your concern for animal life in the town by building and caring for birdhouses, dog/cat houses, chicken coops, etc. 10. In camp, point out the four main types of clouds and tell how they help in weather predictions. 11. With the use of a compass, lay out an orienteering course of at least one (1) kilometer using compass azimuths and distances and which requires measuring distances, heights, and widths (rivers, trees, etc.) Point to the North during day and at night time without using a compass. 12. Demonstrate your ability to swim at least fifty (50) meters using any of the following stroke: Breast Stroke, Crawl Stroke, Side Stroke and Elementary Back Stroke. Float as motionless as possible in deep water for at least one minute. Explain the 8-point Safe Swim Defense Plan. Demonstrate three (3) non-swimming methods of rescuing a drowning person. 13. Demonstrate your ability to cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for one Crew in camp, observing the proper methods of preparing cooking fires, serving the Crew, and cleaning up mess.
Plan and go on a hike and week-end camp, presenting yourself for camping suitably clothed and provisioned for the weather and place of camp. While in camp, demonstrate correct method of caring for food, drinking water, proper tentage, and waste disposal. Break camp in such a way that nobody will know you ever stayed there. Earn the CITIZENSHIP IN THE COMMUNITY, FILIPINO HERITAGE, FIRST AID, and ECOLOGY or TREE PARENTING Merit Badges. **The Pathfinder Rank is required of a former Boy Scout who has not earned the First Class Scout Rank while in Boy Scouting. A First Class Scout will automatically earn the Pathfinder Rank after passing the Social and Vocational requirements of the Explorer and Pathfinder Ranks.
For a period of at least five (5) months as a holder of the Pathfinder Rank, do the following: Senior Scout Ideas 1. Satisfy your parents and Scout Leaders, that you are doing your best to live by the Scout Oath and Law and the Senior Scout Code. 2. Attend regularly to the religious services of your faith. Bring a friend of the same faith with you. 3. Convince your Crew members that you have developed the personal values of courtesy, respect, industry, and cooperation through your behavior and interactions with them. Social Activities 4. Demonstrate proper conduct in boarding and alighting from a conveyance with a lady and/or an elderly person and proper decorum when you meet someone you know on the street. Vocational Activities 5. Using your 3-year vocational plan developed in the Pathfinder Rank, explore and report on at least five (5) occupations in your chosen field, indicating the job opportunities, preparations, and training involved, and advancement within each occupation. Service Activities 6. With your Crew, plan and participate in a special community service project such as reforestation, garbage disposal, soil/water conservation, healthful environment information campaign, etc. Outdoor/Indoor Activities 7. On a 3-day hike or camping expedition, draw a road map of at least three (3) kilometers, showing important features within 20 meters on both sides, using compass bearings and distances, and indicating conventional signs and familiar landmarks; OR with your Scout Examiner, bring a visitor on a tour of your town or province, pointing out the significant tourist spots and landmarks and explaining their history or significance. 8. Earn the CITIZENSHIP IN THE NATION, PHYSICAL FITNESS, SWIMMING, SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION, and WEATHER Merit Badges in addition to those previously earned.
Make a survey of values, beliefs, and practices in your community. Examine their importance to the life of the people in the community. Analyze these values and beliefs in relation to the Scout Oath and Law and determine which values/beliefs that need to be changed, improved, or modified to make a better community. Present this to your Crew for their approval. Social Activities 4. As a member of the Social Committee of your Crew or Outfit, participate in planning ping and conducting an indoor or outdoor social activity involving members of the opposite sex. Vocational Activities 5. Individually or with a companion who is also interested in your chosen vocational field, study and earn one (1) SPECIALIST RATING (involving three merit badges). Service/Outdoor Activities 6. Be a member of the Emergency Service Corps in your community/ school and participate in at least one rescue or other emergency situations and/or On a 3day survival expedition in an approved Scout camping site, staying in an improvised shelter, making improvised utensils and camp gadgets, and cooking your food without cooking utensils. Afterwards, clean up camp such that there are no signs or marks of your having stayed there. 7. In addition to the Merit Badges earned in the previous ranks, earn the CAMPING and EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Merit Badges.
For a period of at least six (6) months as a holder of the Venturer Rank, do the following: Senior Scout Ideals I. Satisfy your parents and Scout Leaders, that you are doing your best live by the Scout Oath and Law and the Senior Scout Code. 2. Show evidence that you are faithful in observing your religious obligations. 3. Participate or lead in an Institutional or District activity involving the development of your people's attitude and values. Social Activities 4. Lead in planning and conduct an Outfit or Crew social activity, either indoors or outdoors, involving young people or mixed groups. Vocational Activities 5. Within your chosen area of vocational/avocational study, and earn a second SPECIALIST RATING (involving three additional merit badges) Make an individual vocational training/development plan to pursue your chosen occupation and secure the approval of your Outfit Advisor. Service Activities 6. As a leader, plan and carry out two (2) community service project designed to improve the physical environment in your community. Outdoor/Indoor Activities 7. With a companion, go on a 4-day survival expedition during rainy season to an approved Scout camping area, bringing with you only compass and map, raincoat, knife, and waterproof matches and living off the land. After the expedition, present yourself to your Troop Leader to show you are still healthy, and narrate your experiences. 8. Earn the WORLD BROTHERHOOD and LIFESAVING Merit Badge in addition to those previously earned (Inc! including those for the Specialist Rating).
THE MERIT BADGE SCHEME (Rationale) Merit Badges supplement the basic skills in things Scouts tike to do in Scouting. They give the Scout a chance to try out new activities so he can find things that appeal and interest him. The Merit Badges Scheme is a vital compliment to the advancement of the Scout. It enables a Scout to develop different badges and gives him a chance to meet with his Merit Badge Counsellors. Lord Baden Powell, in his book Aids to Scoutmastership said, "Merit Badges are established with a view to developing in each Scout the taste for hobbies or handicrafts, one of which may ultimately give him a career and not leave him hopeless and helpless in going out into the world." "The badges are merely intended as an encouragement to a boy to take up a hobby or occupation and to make some sort of progress in it; they are a sign to an outsider that he has done so; they are not intended to signify that he is master in the craft he is tested in. "Our standard for badge earning is not the attainment of a certain level of quality of knowledge or skill, but the AMOUNT OF EFFORT THE BOY HAS PUT INTO ACQUIRING SUCH KNOWLEDGE OR SKILL." Merit Badges are a form of recognition given to a Scout for a job well done. Merit Badge subjects cover a wide area of worthwhile interests and hobbies. They offer an outlet for a Scouts natural curiosity and enthusiasm for what goes in the world about him. They can develop traits which he can follow to discover his particular life-time interests and abilities. They help the Scout to acquire added knowledge and skills; challenge him to team by his own efforts; and help him to develop physical fitness, self-reliance, and ability to help other people at ail times. The Purposes of the Merit Badge are: - To encourage Scouts to pursue worthwhile fields of interest such as Scoutcrafts, hobbies, vocational fields, opportunities for personal growth, citizenship participation and preparation for later life. - To help Scouts find the activities they like best and for which they are best suited, physically and mentally. - To give Scouts training beyond the basic requirements in Scouting fundamentals that help develop a high code of honor, physical fitness, knowledge, self-reliance, teamwork and ability to help other people at all times. The Method of Merit Badge Program The Scouts choose the subjects and in most cases, work at them on their own with guidance from the Merit Badge Counsellor. There is no prescribed time for fulfilling requirements -- a Scout progresses at his own rate of speed. The Counsellor is the Scout's coach. The Number of Merit Badges a Scout May Earn in One Month It is within the capability of the Scout to earn only two (2) Merit Badges per month. The rationale behind this limitation is to provide a guaranty on standards that the Scout has to follow in earning a Merit Badge. With the help of an understanding Counsellor, a Scout is given full encouragement and opportunity to make him more skillful in all the things he likes and wants to do. Likewise, he is given a chance to experience new activities under the Merit Badge scheme so that he may be aware of new fields of interest as he grows to be a man. Experience has shown that when a Scout takes more than two (2) Merit Badges within a month, there is a liability to sacrifice standards and the quality of training of these Scouts suffer as a result.
Scouts working for more Merit Badges as they could, eventually relegate to the background the equally important requirements for the next advancement badge. The idea is not to produce Scouts who will be "Merit Badge Seekers" instead of "Merit Badge Earners." STEPS IN EARNING A MERIT BADGE The key word is EARN - Scouts do not just pass a Merit Badge test - they earn it through the following simple steps: 1. Scout selects the Merit Badge. 2. Troop Leader advises/guides the Scout in filling up Merit Badge Application Form No. 17. He signs the form. 3. Troop Leader contacts the Merit Badge Counsellor on the subject that the Scout selects. He introduces the Scout to the Merit Badge Counsellor. 4. 1st Meeting between Merit Badge Counselor and Scout. This is called a counseling meeting. a. Acquaintance Merit Badge Counselor and Scout get to know each other. The counselor tries to gain the Scouts confidence. b. Merit Badge Counselor briefs the Scout on the importance of the subject. Tells the Scout what he needs to prepare himself to meet the requirements. He suggests reference materials to be read and projects to be accomplished. 5. Scout does his Homework Scout studies by himself and prepares the project required. This is done at home. When Scout is confident and ready for the examination, he contacts and arranges for an appointment with his Merit Badge Counsellor - requesting a date, time and place for the examination. It is expected that the Scout will be punctual for this appointment. 6. 2nd Meeting - Merit Badge Counsellor and Scout Examination. a. The Scout brings all required materials and the accomplished project for demonstration to the Merit Badge Counsellor. b. Merit Badge Counsellor checks and examines the Scout. If he is satisfied with the Scout's performance, the Merit Badge Counsellor signs the application form certifying that the Scout has passed the requirements. If the Scout did not satisfactorily meet the requirements, he is advised to prepare himself better especially on the requirements where he is weak and to return for a reexamination when ready. 7. The Troop Leader presents the certified Merit Badge Application Form to a Board of Review for proper confirmation. (There is no review for individual Merit Badges. However, a Scout may be questioned about what he did to earn a Merit Badge at the same time of the Board of Review for Tenderfoot, 2nd Class, 1st Class, Outdoorsman, Venturer and Eagle Ranks.) 8. Corresponding report of the Board of Review (BSP Form No. 194) will be filed immediately with the Local Council. 9. Local Council Office processes the application form. If reports are in order, corresponding Merit Badge certificate is sent to the Troop Leader. 10. At a special advancement ceremony, the Scout will receive his Merit Badge Certificate together with the embroidered badge. After this ceremony, the Scout is entitled to wear the Merit Badge on his uniform. OUR OPPORTUNITY AS A MERIT BADGE COUNSELOR A Merit Badge is a recognition given to a Boy/ Senior Scout for a Job well done. Merit Badges cover a wide area of worthwhile boy interests and hobbies -- outdoor life, sports and personal improvement, citizenship, public service, arts, crafts, and vocational subjects (see specialist ratings list of merit badges). They offer an outlet for a boy's natural curiosity and enthusiasm for what goes on in the world about him. They are trails that he can follow to discover his particular lifetime interests and abilities. They help him to acquire knowledge and skills, to develop physical fitness, self - reliance and ability to help other people at all times.
But in the process of earning a Merit Badge, the boy needs advice, helpful pointers, and encouragement. He needs the counsel of a man who knows the subject. You have been asked to serve as a Merit Badge Counsellor because you are such a man - Because the subject is related to your life work or is one of your chief hobbies, one in which you are recognized as an expert. You have been asked, because you are the type of man who is best qualified to counsel Boys -A man of strong character, recognized as a leader in your field. Presumably, you enjoy helping boys along the difficult road to manhood, and you are willing to give a small portion of your time to his work. As a Counsellor, you have an opportunity to spread interest in your activity among boys. You may offer to speak to groups in Troops/ Outfits leading them on with interesting exhibits or demonstrations, winning "customers' for your particular Merit Badge Subject. RECOMMENDING MEN AS MERIT BADGE COUNSELLORS His Qualifications: 1. Like all Scouters, HE SHOULD BE A MAN OF FINE CHARACTER - since character 'is caught as well as taught" it is essential that Merit Badge Counselors be persons of fine character and personal qualities. Is the Candidate known to be the sort of man to whom they can invite other men to send their boys for help and guidance? 2. HE SHOULD BE ABLE TO WIN THE FRIENDSHIP AND CONFIDENCE OF BOYS - What evidence is there that the candidate has a liking for boys and is willing to help them with their work, problems and ambitions. 3. PARENTS MUST HAVE CONFIDENCE IN HIM - Real cooperation should exist between the Counsellor on one hand and parents and the community leader on the other. To what extent do you believe the candidate can establish this relationship? 4. HE SHOULD HAVE A KNOWLEDGE OF SCOUTING - Gained preferably through actual experience in other position. He should be more than an expert in a given vocational field; he should be familiar with Scouting Ideals and Principles. What does this candidate know of Scouting and in what position is he serving or has he served? 5. Naturally, HE MUST UNDERSTAND THE PHILOSOPHY UNDERLYING THE MERIT BADGE PROGRAM AND WORK WITH SCOUTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THIS PHILOSOPHY - He should secure through the Local Council Advancement Committee a copy of the Advancement and Merit Badge Handbook and read it. Does the candidate understand that he will be expected to read the pamphlet and follow its suggestions? 6. HE SHOULD BE WILLING TO MEET OCCASIONALLY WITH OTHER COUNSELLORS AND PARTICIPATE IN TRAINING ACTIVITIES SUCH AS CONFERENCES, DISCUSSIONS OR FORMAL ONE - NIGHT TRAINING SESSION - Keeping in touch with the need of young men requires the exchange of ideas and methods for best results. Will the candidate be willing to cooperate in such activities? 7. HE MUST HAVE HAD A MEASURE OF SUCCESS IN THE SUBJECT IN WHICH HE IS COUNSELLOR, EITHER VOCATIONALLY OR AVOCATIONALLY - In what way is this candidate related to the field in which he is to be a Counsellor. 8. HE MUST KNOW HOW TO PUT OVER HIS SUBJECT WITH BOYS - What evidence is there that this candidate has the ability to stimulate a boy's curiosity possibly though visits and appealing presentations of his specialties to Troops/Outfit units, and cause him to want to go further in the subject. 9. HE SHOULD BE SOCIALLY MINDED, PARTICIPATING IN RELIGIOUS AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES - He should be interested in developing boys into leaders for our society. Combine with these qualities should be a belief in a desire to preserve the Fundamental Principles of Democracy and a keen appreciation of what is meant by "religious freedom. This requires an active religious life. Has this man demonstrated a belief in our ideals of tolerance and liberty, and an interest in developing boys for positions of leadership in a society dedicated to these ideals?
THE REWARD You will not receive a trophy or a medal for your services. Perhaps a few individual boys will not even remember to thank you for the help you give them. But you will have the everlasting thanks of the Boys Scout of the Philippines the boys, their leaders, their parents and the community as a whole. More than that, you will have the feeling of satisfaction that comes from helping a boy to find a richer, fuller life. This feeling is multiplied as more and more Scouts come to you for counsel. As you add to their - equipment for meeting life problems, as you sense their enthusiasm for your hobby or vocation, you will find that not only their lives enriched but your own as well. HOW THE MERIT BADGE PLAN WORKS The boy's choice of a merit badge subject may be dictated by some previous interest and experience in a subject, or his desire may be to earn a particular badge required for the higher ranks in Scouting - Outdoorsman, Venturer or Eagle Scout. Or his choice may be pretty much a random one simply a desire to earn another Merit Badge. Some Educators may frown upon the last motivating force, but others recognize that it is just such a drive that often loads Scouts to discover worthwhile interests that they might otherwise pass by. The seed of a lifetime hobby, or even a life work opportunity, may be found there waiting for the warmth of a boy's enthusiasm to germinate it. Suppose a Scout has chosen your subject. He has obtained a Merit Badge Application Form from his Unit Leader, and he has found out that you are the Counsellor. Let us see what you do, step-by-step. COUNSELLING GROUPS OF SCOUTS Merit Badge Counseling is primarily an individual boy-and - man relationship. However there are circumstances in which group work has definite advantages. You may offer your services or be asked to talk briefly to a Scout Troop/ Outfit about your Merit Badge Subject. It would be a mistake to try to persuade every listener to work for your merit badge and equally a mistake to attempt to conduct a Merit Badge "class". But you can get across a few ideas that will be of interest and helpful to you're entire audience, and perhaps put the notion of earning the Merit Badge in the minds of at least a few scouts. The Preliminary Interview with a Scout who applies for the merit badge should ordinarily be private, unless a group of Scouts from one Patrol/Crew or Troop/Outfit decide to work on the same subject together. In such a case, a group of boys can profit through the sharing responsibilities and exchanging ideas. However, each Scout must expect to have to meet the full requirements himself, and somewhere in the process he should have individual consoling suited to his particular desires and needs. A Merit Badge Counsellor ordinarily cannot give as much time as he would like to in helping each individual applicant who comes along. But there may be opportunities to get together most of the Scouts working on a particular Badge for, say, a field trip, an industrial tour, a special demonstration or exhibit, an educational film or some similar activity from which the boys can get a great deal which they would otherwise miss. Words of caution, however, do not think of counseling in terms of formal classroom instruction. Do not do the counseling in group unless there are real advantages in doing so, and even then, be sure to give each boy individual attention.
VOCATIONAL ASPECTS OF MERIT BADGE COUNSELLING Many Merit Badge subjects serve to acquaint young men with vocational opportunities. If your subject has this aspect, you are giving direct vocational guidance as you work. It is important that you do not tell the Scout to follow through and choose a particular vocation. You advise; you provide him with valuable information on vocational possibilities, if the is interested. The final choice - the selection of what he is going to do in life - is up to him. Always, as you work with the boys, use of every means you have to show him the relationship of his Merit Badge work to Scouting and to life - to his life as he goes to school, into business or a trade, and into adult life. AFTERWARDS Now that you have done your job, what happens to the boy? Ceremonial presentation of the Badge to the Boy is an important occasion. The presentation is made at a Court of Honor, usually a public function in which the boy and his Troop Leader/Outfit Advisor, his fellow Scouts, his parents, - and you, his Counsellor, if you like - take part. YOU SHOULD BE PREPARED You have on hand the most valuable attribute of all: KNOWLEDGE. But you will also need to have a copy of the merit badge requirements on your subject, so that you can be familiar with that the Scout is required to know before he can earn his Badge. Through reading of the requirements will set your course and give you a good picture of how to start helping the boy dig out the information he is going to need. Acquaintance with the aims of Scouting, its method, and its organization will, of course, be a valuable asset to you. If you do not already have a background of experience as a Scout Leader, you will probably appreciate an opportunity to attend a one - weekend training session on the Basic Training Course for Unit Leaders conducted by the Council Training Team members. Invite other men who would make good Merit Badge Counselors - men and women who know their subjects and have a knack with Boys. QUALIFICATIONS AND JOBS OF THE COUNSELLOR 1. Posses enough knowledge and expertise in the subject he counsels. Subject maybe his vocation, hobby or profession. 2. Must personally subscribe to the Scouting principles as all other Scouts do. 3. Must preferably be registered. 4. Earn the confidence of parents. 5. Understand and accepts the philosophy of the Merit Badge program in working with Scouts. 6. Secure, read and understand the requirement of the Merit Badge subjects he applied to counsel and assigned to him. 7. Participate in training activities. 8. Use appealing method of presentation to Scouts to arouse interest in his subject. 9. Be socially-minded and eager to help prepare Scouts for leadership in society. STEPS IN MERIT BADGE COUNSELLING 1. Scout applies to work on a Merit Badge subject he is interested in. He fills an Application Form.
Troop Leader signs the form and suggests several names of credible (recognized/accredited/approved) Merit Badge Counsellor. Scout/Troop Leader contacts selected Counsellors and make a date. Scout visits Counselor on appointed date. Scout and Counselor discuss requirements. Scout works on the requirements until he gains enough knowledge and/or skill to qualify or satisfy the requirements. Scout returns to the Counsellor for examination or for more advice. If Counselor is satisfied with the Scouts report or performance, he signs his application. Scout returns signed application to his Troop Leader. Troop Leader enters the name of the Scout and his Merit Badge subject in a Board of Review Form and submits to the Local Council for processing. A certificate is awarded to the Scout. The process is repeated over and over until such time that he has earned all the required subjects to qualify him for the next rank.
THINGS TO CONSIDER IN COUNSELLING 1. Arrange interviewers at a convenient time and keep the engagement. 2. Take time to get acquainted to set the Scout at ease, to get him off to a good start. 3. Let Scouts express there own ideas and see their wants through a boy's eye. 4. Counsel with Scouts on the actual scene of activity. 5. Stimulate interest, but avoid the responsibility of urging any one subject. 6. Use project method as much as possible avoid "know' and "describe" in favor of do and demonstrate. 7. Put merit in the Merit Badge Scheme by relating it to the Scout Oath and Law 8. Point out the value of knowledge and the dignity of labor. 9. Encourage a Scout having difficulty and commend him when he does well. 10. Review what the Scout has learned and done. 11. Describe the badge as a symbol of achievement, indicating self-reliance and ability. 12. Make sure that the Scout has received training that goes into his character.