DMM Quiz

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DrOta t+ftik ingr:U tttt

Time: 60 Minutes
Name NrSgANf S INHL Roll No.

MM: 10 Section



Read the instructionscarefully beforeattemptingthe quiz: . Write your Name, Roll Number and Section on the question paper and the them. sheetimmediatelyon receiYing ansrver . Calculalor is allowed. . No extra sheetwill be Providedfor rough work' lt must be done on the question paper onlJ. carry equalmarks' negativemarking is there.All questions " No
l. A(n) (a) .ibr (c) (d) objective mudel dnalysis afgorit]tm ol reaiit' or of a real-life siniaholr is an abstact represeDlation

quabtity that may vary, or is sr$ject to charge,and can be controlled,is koo1la 2. A measurablg as a(ni . (a) ,h) (c) (d) derisior variable. ?lgonthm. p3rameigr. solution / / JJ

is cailc'Ja(ni i. A set oflogical and malhemalica!ope.ationsPerfomlediE a spccific sequence (a) (b) . (c) (d) ao plete enumeratioP. diagnosticanaly's1s. J/ ./ algorithm. objectiae.

of mathematical aretrue regardingthe advaotages 4. Which ofthe following staJement(s) modeling: (a) Models accuBtely represeotreality. problems makersformulale {b) Modelscanhelpdecision (c) Models can savetimg and may be thg only way to solve somelarge and compLox

problems in a timelymanser. . (d) all ofthe above

:: a taa-:-ri.i::tta :ri:,..::i,


i: iii]l_aajlj

,U f"ul 1..

. (d) parar1ste1.
6 - T----..rurs.i anous

. .,..c . ..

", .

approaches and prckrngue

oDethat resultsil ihe btit decision is calied

7. Ail oiL\e follo$.ing tenns are interchalgeable except qoanrrlari\ j:] e ajratlsrs ,r:: operarioDsiesearch. ;llanagein.|n j:; scje ce. '
resLrrcl)nrJ"dgcm nt ,r// controJlable \anible rs alsc called"a .,1 pararnefer. ::l . decisrorr variabte l:] o "

t:l "".a.,*Jiili.a"r measurable q!ant;q,

" ;

:*T""ff1:fii'L*iiJ-,fr:';::|;ff.ff maxirnizarion riaear Fros.ammine p.obrem

;{:il*j...tlf comer poirr orthe reasibre resion tosee which one i i::r}

,,i: in apararlei rashion unrii ,,', rhe last fl.;;: iiiqlir:ilil:#:i|].]H1 j l;

1;;;s"'1;y"""n;;:.l:i;"ilTffi il:l*,,

l0_ The simultaneous equation method is (a) (b) (c) . (d) useful only when

#"xi,fr;*"1tt?giltT:ii::,,an .t,*. *K,onx,un

mo.e thanfwo produc! riablesexist itr a product mix problerD.

i i ionsrier ;ttefcliorrtn;: ilneai pro::iaariitjrc ti!ljieilj L4axiiaize 5)i - 6y Subjeci tol 4X=2Y<420 IX+ZY<12() ail va.iables >0


Y: I e

Whichofthefollowing points (X,y) is not a ibasible comer oiat? la) Jb) J.) lal (0,60) (105,0) (120,0) (100, t0)

L 16r, to. zto

I Lo, o )

,./ \-/r'/

I2. Two models of a producr- Regular (X) andDeluxe(y) . areproduced bv a *,tlu:y trnear prograrnning model isused to derermine ihe producriuo I scneoute. I belilrmulalion is asfoJlows: Maximizeproflt = 5OX+ 60y Subjecr to: ttoo,o) Lo,"D) 8X + loY < 80C (laborhours) x + Y < l2o (totalunitsdemanded)Llzo .o ) Co,l2-o) = t* (raw materials). tl ,o ) (o ,5o)



TheoVtt ut

is X:100, y=0. Whichofthese "otution

"(b) (c) (d)

th first consfaid the second constraint the thi.d constraint all ofthe above

13.Adding a constraint to a linear programming (maximizarion) problem mayresult in l"l o\o! !:f (d) a decrease in thevalue ofthe objective funcrion. anIncrease in thewlue oftheobjecdve funcrion no chaoge to rheobjective functron. (c)or (a)depending ertlter uponrheconstraint.

for a Inearprogramming p.oblem lllriln--order to have a unique solution, thesolution muslexist

r (aj



at the intersection ofthe non-negativiry consrraints. al we lntersection ofa Don_negalivily constrajnr anda ,esource constraint. at theintersection ofthe objeciivefunctionanda constraint. at me rntersection oftwo or moreconstrainls.


!" bj1-l^_:

- _ r--,:,.'ing !s !,-li i,rii; aiile

stea! !t: t,: .",:l:ii:t:


,,.-'..r ,,,,.,*lo.' lta

,{a) (b) (c)



Graph ih .crctrainisi! deteimireihe feasibit:eg:c:: Definethe decision vaiiabies. Usethe decision variables to *.iite matheftiatical expiessions for the funcrion andtheccnslrainis ldenti! rheobjectir.e andile.cor,itraims


16. Consider the follow-ing constrainLs fioma linear proq.amming pi-obiem ' Y ! t r D ) Y ( 0 , z x < 2 0 0 t ( o o , o) \f X-2Y<200 tzdo'o) (0''r"D) &Y>0
Ifthese are the only constraints,which ofthe followir poiats {}_,y) cannotbe the optimalsoiution? (a) (0,0)


(cJ (d)

f0.100) (66.6-i,65.67'l

17.Mediaselection proble,ns aretypicailyapproached vdih Lp by either (a) (b) (c., (d) 18.Whati$ another narne ior blending problems?

JJ !9(cJ

/ / {a)

{iiel probiems ingedientproblems medieselectionproblems production mix pioblems

I 9. C:onsider-the foilowinggeneral form of a linearprogramming problem: Maximlzeprofit Subject to:Anlcunt ofresou.ce A used < 100units Amountof resouceB used< 240units Amounl ofresource C used < I50units Theshadow price for Sris 25,for S: is 0. andfor 53is 40.If theright_hand side of constralnt 3 werechanged ftom 150to l5l, whatwouldhappen tJmaximum possible proEr?


-.: -

(cl .{d)

i1 119'!ld der::ease b;; .ii It lvoul{iincrease by 25 It woulddecrease by 25 It 1r.ould increaseby 40

Table1 Maximize ' p.ofit Subject to:

+ 30& + 16& 20X1 8Xr+4ar364 4){r + l2X2 + 4Xj < 96 All variables >0 Solution Mix
ResourceA Resource B



30 x2

16 X3
0 t 16

0 St

o s2

8 t6 416

20 l6 Z1 '\3g4According (/(a)
(c) (d)

1 0

0.125 0 -0.125 0.25

0.5 4


to Tabtet, a ofthe resourcesare being used. Iftlp amountofresource A were changed fiom 64 ro 65, then the maximum possible total profit would be 415.5


4\6.5 none ofthe above

;ii5l,"l::'-H Tt
(a) (b) (c) "(d) 22. (a)

allow this wriable to remainin the basis? 30 16 20 noneofthe 6bove -fhe

:#::'g:1T::T-t:lf{{elllv_nrofitabre orX1 is$20

i;;;;;ffi;'#'il::ffi'rff; .w1rai

toproduce some units of xl and the

Cr- Zj row ofa simplextableau gives

, ., (b) )( (c)
. (d)

is eftered thegross profitor loss givenup by adding oneunitofa variable iototre soru..on. the.Det profit.or lossthatwill risuirfiom introduciog one unjrof(h" rndrcated in that column intothesolutiun. ";;;bl"' memaxrmal valuea variable cantakeon andstill haveall theconstraints satislied

jll ll.h.:{yiu ofeach basic variabte thatmust beremoved fromrhesolution lr a newvaxiable

"3 !hado",.tliie-c siih-e slar:k iaiiabiesin theC: Zi i!\:'i cf alr canbe ierlved irgin the coeil-1cier,15 tableau. optimalsimpiex i e p r e s e n i i h .rii,eofoneadditionalunitofare\ourc \b) to thedualt P (c) arefoundin ihesoluiion ^ abcve ,_($ all ofthe jg. \ A -* problem. the followinglinearprogramming dlonsider ,.,,. .t ,d* " \, (a)

- z|/;-Maximize './-'/to Subjec t:

oo I,. i9x'_160.)r Xr tX2+X3>90 12 Xri 8Xz' r0i1,=.j;0c t* ],^r=

X r , X z ,X : > 0

*,"1 *2+"

\zx,^o .I,


) y, _azo u_, x3 ! ru!

v oo .", : D -.

ifthe simpiex Hcw many slack, surpius,and artificial variablesvrould b necessary algorithm were usedto solvdthis problem?

t, Y,3.1
(a) ,(b) (c) (d) 3 slac\ 6 surpius,and6 aitificial and2 artificial 2 slaclgi surplus, I slaclq2 surplus,and 2 artificial 1 slaclg2 suipius,and I artificial

25. A solvedLP problemirdicated that the optimal solutior was Xl : 5, & = 10, is: Ar:40. Thefirst consfaintwas:4Xr+2>(2>80. Thissoiution 7'/ tal , (c) (d) indelerminant. infeasible. unbounded.

26. E ifl the optimaltableauofa linear programmingproblem,an artihcial vaiable is presentin the solution mix" this implies (a) .(b) (c) " (d)
'..'.-- -';'!

unoouncedness. degeneracy. alterrBteoptimai soluriont



Soi Mix
Q 6 X2 'Sz Zj c:-2,

5-:t,0 Xr
0_66'1 2.667 26.66'1 -0.667

1 0 40 0 Z= 800



2A 4A 800

0.083. 0 -.16'1 1 3.33 -3.3i 0 0

Final OptimaiSolution Variable Value

Shadow Pdce 6.667 3.333

Xr Xz2O0 sr Sr400

0 0

According to Table 2, wbich is the final simplex tableaufor a problemwith two vaJiables and two coNtraints, the 0.667in the Xt columnmeamthal

(a) (b) (c). (d) !!

to p.oduoe 1 unit ofxr, 0.667 units ofx2 must begiven up. to produce I unit of)42,0.667 unitsofxl mustbegivenup. if 1 unitof Xr is produced, profits on)iz wili decrease by 0.667. if 1 unitofxl is produced, profits onX2will iacrease by 0.667.

According to Table2, whichis thefinal simplextableau with two for a problem

variablesand two constraints,what canbe said aboutthe optimal solution and the constairts?

. Acc4rding to Tabie 2, which is the final simplex tableaufor a linear programming ploblem (maximization), what wguld happeoto profits ilthe Xl column.\r'ere selected asthe pivot oolumnand anotheriteration ofthe simplex algorithm we.e performed?

(a) (b) (c)

Totalprofitswould increase. Totalprofitswould decrease. Aa infeasible solutionwouldbe found.


: ii:t i?a .it:i::n,,1 i..::1.-.:iil, : i:ri, a:..r.;.:,.i

3al li scliitior, io lhe dDai i,i, E.clhiec) (a) can always be dei./eri by exarnirringthe Z.;fo$,-cf rhe piirdal,soptimal simpie:; tableau.

(b) (c) .(d)

is bette. than rhesoldionto theprimal: presents themarginai profits ofeachadditional unit ofa resource. all ofthe above

31.A p.imalliflear programming problern has fourvariables andtkee corstfaints. The dualofthis ra-ill have
(a) ft) (c) (d) iour.rariabies ard tkee cotstrainrs. threevariables ancj four ccnslraims. foirrrariables andseven conslraints sevenvariatrlesand four const.arnts.


)2 XYZ Inc. produces two t).pes ofpapeftowls,cailed.egulai andsuper-soaker. LuarKetlng hasimposed a constraint thattitetoiai monthiy production ofregular shouldbe no morethan twice the monthly p.oductiotrof supei_soakers. Letting Lr be the numberof urits of regular p.oducedper mcnth and {, ."presentth" number or uruts ot super-soaker producedper month,the appropriate conitraint/s will be

(a)xrS 2&
6) 2)ii1X,: (c) XrS 0.5)iz

r d lx r - 05 x .> 0

i3 XYZ.Inc produces two t)?es of paper towels,calied regularandsuper_soaker. Kegular uses2 unitsofrecycledpaper per unit ofp.odudion andsuper-soaker uses3 unusor recycled paper per unit ofproductiofi. Thetotal an]ount ofrecycleci paper available per monthis l0.0OO. Theyaisohavea bindingconFact to us; at least8000 unrrsor recycrdpaperper month with a iocal poliution coot|ol organizatioo. Letting |', ^ lbe thenumber af_unitsof regular paoduced f: per morth and represent the number ot unrts ot super-soaker producedper month,the appropdate constrair's will be (a) 2X1+31 > 39gg (b) 2X,r 31, a loOOo (c) (a) or (b) bur norborh (d) (a) and (b)

--1.,;. Gverr lhelbilcrrite iin{::r prrgifi.l:ts pitb:tIn;._,:ah i!r. ircn-cegaiiri ;aii:t:! ::, andX2and3 constrainis ali ofl";hicji are5 type,anda maximize obiective furctron y1,i=1,2,3asthe arrdassuming d:ralvariuOflJ urro"iut"i-r"itl, ,,, _a , respechvely, one of .the constraints in the ""rriri"r, dual probiem is ' \4axz-2508; + 569Y, S.t.

xi !320 2Nt + 5Ez <1100 q+1.2X2 < 4BA Variables areaonnegatrve o (a1aY, 2Y,+1\ 2 250 (byl\* 2Y,tr]:,250

1\ +24 +1>Bzo @)
( 0Y1. 2Y, r tfi ) 500

35. Dualofa linearprogramming problem_with maximize objective firncrion, all = constraintsand nol_negative

constraints and aon-n"*",r"" ;il':t*'"T;ililjmize

objedive tunctiorl all=

J1 , @)rrue

(b) False
36. Shadow priceofa resource corresponding to a bindingconstraint may be positive

(a) Lrue (b) False


*l.ct answeigivera system ofm simultaneous L1:-11? l!", tinear -a'in r:r unlQowns - '--- equations (m < n),
thenthe.ewill be

r b . 'nt*i"*tuir"i' c_ (n m) basicEriables d. ( n - m ) b a s c a b t s 38. Ami*nimization problem with four

n basicvariables

flf -:


docision-r.ariables, nvog.eater$aa lcr*o,r#* constraruts, a.rld odeequaLty constraint wi bave *.ffl*, and 3 !"riables ? ::I1". *Iyl*, I "*Ocial!.ariabtes, in thebasis. fiiEcrat rariabtes, aod a rariab[;;;; ;;t; ," :yl"r *',*pl*, ? j :Tl* v.ariables. and a rariabtes i,rdl; ;;;;. I z surplus Enables, "nificiat
Z anifcial variables,and 3 "ariabl"s i, tlr; ;;;.

,b. V^



:. ::ia,r:E:-1a r n ii:: aa]|iiia:: -::::. -1 r'.




-NI 5

-3-ioi |\i2ttli20 -0 5-M


solutio&. // a. feasible \//. b. unbounded solution. solution. ideasible c. 1 d. a.hemate soLrtion. 40. If Xo; yaluesaad elementsin key colurnn arc (5,7, 12, 10) and (0, -i, 4, 3) oftlie.ows u'ill be selected asthe key row? respectil'ely.Vy'hich

0a. b c. d. First S.cond Third Fouith




41. A constraintwith a positive slack value a. wili Lavea positive dual price. b. will havea negaiir dual price. c. \\'ill havea dualprice of zerc. .d. hasno restrictionsfor its dual price. 42. V'hich oftlF foliowing specialcasesdoesnot requi'-ereformulationofthe ptoblem itl order to ottaid a solution?

a b. r c. d.

altemale opdmali+ ir]feasibiliry Ulboundealness requires each case a reiolmrlation-

43- .{ negali?edual price foi a corst.aint in a minirnizationproblem means a. b. c. d. as the rigirt-handside increrses,the objectivefrrnctroolalue *ill iucrease. the objective \alue $jll increase. as rheright-hand sidedecreases. funcrjon as rlr right-handside hcreases.Lheobjecive frlnctioDvalue s,ill decrease. the objecti'. ff'"d ll decrease. s3:esLt-ha,l1g side decrga"les.

44. i! a Muiti<xiteria decisionproblem a. b. c. d. rt rsimpossiblg {o seleaa singledecision a.temative. the decisionmakerInusl qraluaie eachaltemativewith rspect to eachoriledotr. succgssive decisionsmust be tnadeover tirtre. is rrue. eaoh of tbeabove




oc]eclrla itilalllr







twes a. mlximizationof lnlestmeni

b . $inimization of cost
minimizaiioo of isk d. mardrnizationof numberof shares 46. The valuesinthe q - zj oroet evaluation,row indicate a. the ralue ofthe objective function ofthe objectivefunction that $'ill resultif onemit ofthe variable in a?Lue b. the alecrease inrot}e basis ofthe A matn\ is brought to thejth colurnn corresponding ifone unit ofthe rvillresult rc. the nei changi in the value ofthe objectivefunction tllat Eriable coresponding to thejth columJ}ofthe A matrix is brouglt into the basr' variables d lhelues ol'tle dcclsron 47. In phase-l we assign -1 to anificial variables and 0 to a1l decision variables in the till be applicable' if oblective function z of ttre maximizationL.P.P. Then phase-2 maxz'<0 maxz'=o maxz'>o ma,xz' not equal 0 Ifa decisionr,ariableis not positiYein the optimal solutiorLits reducedcost is wbat its objectivefi!rction value rYouldnedto be before it could becomepositive its objective function value$rould oeedto imprcve before it could become b . the anLouni positiv. c_ zefo. d its dual pnce. 49. Lt Pjj = the production of Producti ir] period j. To speciS that production of prod'rc' l rn penod 3 and in pedod 4 differs b-vno more than 100units, a. b. c. d. Pl3Pr3 Pl] PrrPra< 100; Pla< 100; Pra< 100; Pla> 100; < 100 Pr4-Pr3 P13-Pr4>100 - Pr3 P14 > loo P r 4 - P r r> 1 0 0


'1,/ a


50. Whioh is trot requiredfor a problemto bo in tablea! form? b. Each ofthe original decisionrariables must have a coeifrcientof 1 io oDeequationand 0
in every other equation. There is exadly one basic variable in oachconsh'ain1. d. The right-hand side of 6achconst aht must be normegative. Each constrairf must be sritln as alr equation.


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