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(i) All questions compulsory. are (ii) Thequestion paperconsists 29 eugstions oI divided into three sections , A B and c. sectionAcomprises r0 questions onemark each, of of sectionB eomprises 12questions four markseach Section compr{ses quesgons of of and C of Z of six markseach (iii) Au questions Section areto beanswered oneword one in A in sentence as , or per the exactrequirement the question. of (iv) Thereis no overallchoice. However internalchoice beenprovidedin 4 has questions four malks each and 2 questions six marpseach. you have of of to attemptonly oneof the alternatives all suchquestions. in (v) Useof calculators not permitted. is SECTION A 1 . L e t * b e a b i n a ry_ o p e ra ti oNogiven a * b=LCM ( a,b) v a n n by ,b eN. F i n d ( 1 6 t ' ,2 0 ) *4 0 2. Evaluate F cosv-I:
3. I f
| -ax I t.ilT o t
k ') ,
x=[ ;]
" ,
=[ :,]
4.rr? =et-f * 3t
" ooT
gtnoa rir
the'X- axis, Y-axis and ?-axis respectively 5. If a line makes | , F, y za + sin2p+sin2y -with tind the valueof sin 6. If
x-2 3x
-3 2x
T.Fin d l xl
if foraunitvector a
, (x
-a ).
--+ --+
(x +a)
8. Find the principal value of tan 't 1 tan 7fi I 6) + cot -l ( cot 7 tcI 6) 9. Evaluate: nl4
secx dx
lz tl
la \
-r I
3 | _J
: the 11.Prove following u(slt tan -r 1 ll4) + tan 'r (2tg7 = tA cos (or) Provethe following: tan-'l-
f {l+x'+{rT
I vi+x - {i:;r LJ
| --+
co s' r x2
12. Show that the relation R in the setof real numberc defined ts R = { (a, b ) : a < b2 is neither reflectlve nor symmetric nor transitive. 13. Prove that ,t 12+ab ab bc b2 p2 + b c a t * ra ac J
E 4a2b2cz
I f x = a ( co se + b g ta n
) an d y = a s in O f in d d y / d x a t 9 = n l4
Verify Roll's theoremfor tle f(x) - e'1sin x - cosx) on [r 15. Find the value of 'a' so t ( (r) = a sin (r /2 $+r) ) | .{ I ta nx-sinx
x <0 x >0
is continuous lt x = 0 16. Find the vector equation of the line parallel to the line z+l 3-y x- l = i -( and passingthroughthepoint 3r0r-4) -c-524
. Alsofind
is e q u a l
Solvethe following differentlal equatlon : ,7 2x"dyldx =$, 2xy + y'-
J (1 )= 2
19. Form the differential equation of the family of circleshaving the centre on the secondquadrant and touching the co-ordinatessxes' 20. .Evaluate: cos(x-a)cos(x -b ) (or)
r'1 \
Evaluate :
*2 *l
*2 - 5 x + 6
21. A coin is biasedso that the head ls 3 times rc likely to occur as tail. If the coin is tossedtwice find the probabtlity dietribution of number of talls. 22. Find the intervals in which of the function f glven by f( x) = s inx*cosx , 0S x 5 2 n is s t ric t ly in c rc a s in g o rs t ric t ly
sEcrIoN - c
23. Using matrices solvethe following systemof linear equations 2x- y* z=3 -X +2y-z=-4 r x -Y + . Z z = l
-l 0
4 2 7
24. Show that the seml vertical angleof the right circular cone of given total surface {( and maximum volumeis sin f I l) 25. Showthat the lines z-5 y-l xf3 =-and xfl y -2 are coplanar .
si n x * cosX
9 +1 6 sin2x (o r)