Computational Mechanics at The Mesoscale

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Acta mater.

48 (2000) 105±124


Brown University, Division of Engineering, Providence, RI 02912, USA

(Received 1 June 1999; accepted 15 July 1999)

AbstractÐConventional continuum mechanics models of inelastic deformation processes are size scale inde-
pendent. In contrast, there is considerable experimental evidence that plastic ¯ow in crystalline solids is
inherently size dependent over a size scale that ranges from a fraction of a micrometer to 100 mm or so. It
is over this mesoscale size range that key deformation and fracture processes in a variety of structural and
electronic materials take place. Computational studies play a central role in the development of a meso-
scale theoretical framework because size dependent phenomena come into play when there are gradients of
deformation and stress, so that numerical methods are usually needed to obtain solutions. Three mesoscale
continuum formulations are discussed, each involving a length scale and each having a di€erent character:
(i) discrete dislocation plasticity, (ii) nonlocal plasticity and (iii) the coupling of matter di€usion and defor-
mation. The main focus is on illustrating the capability of such frameworks to elucidate aspects of material
behavior that are not amenable either to a direct atomistic analysis or to a size independent continuum
analysis. Numerical implementation issues are also discussed. # 2000 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by
Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mechanical properties; Plastic ¯ow; Constitutive equations; Theory and modeling

1. INTRODUCTION length scale. Accounting for heat condition can

Over the last 25 years or so, computational solid introduce a length scale, e.g. Zhou et al. [7]. Strain
mechanics has become an integral part of theoreti- gradient constitutive theories explicitly introduce a
cal materials science. Computational studies of crys- material parameter with the dimensions of length,
tal plasticity, material instabilities such as shear e.g. Aifantis [8], Zbib and Aifantis [9], de Borst and
bands, and fracture mechanisms have made major MuÈhlhaus [10], Tomita and Fujimoto [11], and
contributions to the current understanding of the Wang et al. [12]. Perhaps surprisingly, material
mechanical behavior of materials. Some of these strain rate sensitivity can introduce a length scale
accomplishments are documented in Needleman [1], implicitly [14].
Tvergaard [2], Beaudoin et al. [3] and Ortiz [4]. In addition, there is an increasing body of exper-
Despite the substantial successes, a clear defect in imental evidence that plastic ¯ow processes in crys-
conventional continuum formulations is the lack of talline solids are inherently size dependent over a
a material length scale. For example, the prediction scale that ranges from a fraction of a micrometer to
of fracture toughness requires a material length 100 mm or so [15±18]. This mesoscale size range is
scale, if only from dimensional considerations. of importance for several reasons. Micromachines
Physically based continuum models of fracture pro- are in this size range and clearly will be of increas-
cesses that contain a length scale have been devel- ing technological signi®cance. Processes that control
oped, see, e.g. Needleman [5] and Onck and Van the mechanical integrity of microelectronic devices,
der Giessen [6]. Incorporation of a length scale is both during processing and in service, take place on
also needed to predict shear bandwidths. This is of this size scale. In addition, this is the size scale for
importance because the post-localization response is key deformation and fracture processes in structural
closely tied to the width of the localized region. metals.
Prediction of shear bandwidths has spawned a large In mesoscale continuum mechanics size matters.
literature on continuum theories that contain a Such formulations are intermediate between a direct
atomistic and an unstructured continuum descrip-
tion of deformation processes. Although important
The Millennium Special Issue Ð A Selection of Major fracture processes take place on the mesoscale,
Topics in Materials Science and Engineering: Current attention here is restricted to consideration of de-
status and future directions, edited by S. Suresh. formation behavior. A variety of theoretical frame-

1359-6454/00/$20.00 # 2000 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 3 5 9 - 6 4 5 4 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 2 9 0 - 6

works is emerging to describe inelastic deformation Therefore, for background, we begin with a brief
at the mesoscale and these pose numerical chal- description of conventional plasticity and its ®nite
lenges. element implementation. The development is
Three such frameworks are discussed, each invol- restricted to small strains and rotations. This simpli-
ving a length scale and each having a di€erent char- ®es the presentation, but also nearly all mesoscale
acter: (i) discrete dislocation plasticity, (ii) nonlocal analyses carried out to date have been restricted to
plasticity and (iii) the coupling of matter di€usion small deformations.
and deformation. In discrete dislocation plasticity,
the dislocations are treated as line singularities in
an elastic solid. A many body interaction problem
involving the discrete dislocations needs to be 2. CONVENTIONAL CONTINUUM PLASTICITY
solved together with a more or less conventional In order to establish notation and a basic frame-
solid mechanics boundary value problem. Plastic work, the governing equations for a conventional
¯ow processes on the mesoscale can also be ana- plasticity formulation are written down and issues
lyzed using a nonlocal plastic constitutive relation. associated with a ®nite element implementation are
Here, a material length scale is incorporated directly discussed. Attention is restricted to small strains
into the constitutive description and the structure of and small rotations and to circumstances where ma-
the boundary value problem that needs to be solved terial inertia plays a negligible role. Cartesian tensor
depends in detail on how that is done. Di€usion is notation is employed, with repeated lower case
a signi®cant mechanism of deformation at the tem- Latin subscripts implying a summation from 1 to 3.
peratures encountered in the manufacture of semi- No summation is implied for Greek or upper case
conductor devices. As an illustration of a coupled Latin indices.
®eld problem, the surface di€usion driven defor- The position of a material point in the reference
mation of thin ®lms leading to island formation, con®guration, relative to a ®xed Cartesian frame, is
which gives a possible means of producing quantum denoted by xi. In the current con®guration, this ma-
dots, is considered. terial point is at x i : The Cartesian components of
The main focus is on what computational sol- the displacement ®eld are
utions of mesoscale mechanics problems say about
material behavior. The computational issues ui …x j , t† ˆ x i …x j , t† ÿ x i : …1†
involved in obtaining solutions are also discussed.
Indeed, to a certain extent, what can be said about Here, time, t, is a parameter that orders a sequence
material behavior is limited by computational capa- of equilibrium states.
bility. It is worth noting that as a general rule, com- A basic assumption of conventional continuum
putations on smaller size scales require smaller time mechanics is that material elements only transmit
steps. More often than not, time step, rather than forces and the traction vector, the force per unit
spatial integration, considerations are the computa- area, acting on a surface with normal ni is given by
tionally limiting factor.
The close interaction between mechanics and ma- Ti ˆ sij nj …2†
terials science issues in the mesoscale regime is
worth noting. Mesoscale mechanics is being used to where sij are the components of the stress tensor.
elucidate basic mechanisms of material behavior The balance of linear momentum, in the absence
that are dicult, if not impossible, to analyze using of body forces, takes the form
either a direct atomistic analysis or a conventional,
@ sij …x, t†
scale independent continuum analysis. At the same ˆ0 …3†
time, materials science problems are driving the @xj
development of new mesoscale continuum formu-
and the balance of angular momentum is expressed
lations that, in turn, demand the development of
new computational approaches.
At present, the mechanics of mesoscale defor- sij ˆ sji : …4†
mation processes is in a rapid state of development.
Which formulations will prove most useful remains The strain tensor eij and the rotation tensor oij
to be determined. It is clear, however, that compu- are de®ned by
tational studies will play a central role in the sorting
out process, because size dependent phenomena 1 @ ui @ uj 1 @ ui @ uj
eij ˆ ‡ , oij ˆ ÿ : …5†
come into play when there are gradients of defor- 2 @xj @xi 2 @xj @xi
mation and stress. Hence, numerical methods are
usually needed to obtain solutions. Compatibility is the requirement that the strain
The dominant numerical method in compu- and rotation ®elds are derivable from a single
tational solid mechanics is the ®nite element valued function ui (xk). Thus, given a closed curve C
method. This is also the case at the mesoscale. in the body
‡ ‡ X
@ ui
‰eij ‡ oij Š dx j ˆ dx j ˆ 0 …6† u_ pij ˆ g_ …a† s…a†
i mj
C C @xj a

because the two end points are the same physical where s…a†
i speci®es the slip direction for slip system
point and the displacement is single valued and con- a and m…a†
i the slip plane normal for slip system a.
tinuously di€erentiable. From equations (5) and (10)
Multiplying equation (3) by ``virtual'' displace-
X g_ …a†
ments ui …x j † and using Green's theorem gives the e_ pij ˆ …s…a† …a† …a† …a†
i mj ‡ sj mi †,
principle of virtual work a
… … … X g_ …a†
@ u _ pij
o ˆ …s…a† …a†
s…a† …a†
sij i dV ˆ sij eij dV ˆ Ti ui dS …7† i mj ÿ j mi †:
V @xj V S a

where V and S are the volume and surface of the On each slip system, the Schmid resolved shear
body, respectively. In using equation (7) the func- stress is given by
tions ui …x j † are constrained to meet the displace-
ment boundary conditions. It is because of the t…a† ˆ s…a† …a†
i sij mj : …12†
symmetry of the stress tensor, from equation (4),
A constitutive assumption that is often a reason-
that the rotation tensor oij does not contribute to
able approximation at ordinary temperatures, strain
the volume integral on the left-hand side of
rates and pressures, is that the shear rate g_ …a†
equation (7).
depends on the stress only through t (a ). Non-
The governing equations are completed by a set
Schmid e€ects do occur and even small contri-
of constitutive equations. The simplest example
butions from non-Schmid stress components can
being Hooke's law for which
strongly a€ect the stability and uniformity of plastic
¯ow [22].
sij ˆ Lijkl ekl …8†
As a speci®c example, power law strain rate hard-
ening for single slip (one slip system, so that the
where Lijkl is the tensor of elastic moduli. superscript a can be dropped) can be written as
Plasticity theory, as it pertains to crystalline
metals, is meant to model deformation due to two   …1=m†ÿ1
t t
mechanisms; elastic deformation due to distortion g_ ˆ a_ …13†
g g
of the crystal lattice and crystallographic slip
(shearing along preferred lattice planes in preferred where a_ is a reference strain rate and m is the strain
lattice directions) that leaves the lattice undisturbed. rate hardening exponent. Rate sensitivity introduces
Plastic deformation is history dependent so that, in the material characteristic time, 1=a_ : The hardness
general, the stress cannot be written as a direct g has initial value g0 and varies according to
function of strain. The role of the constitutive re-
lation now is, given the current state of the ma- g_ ˆ h_g …14†
terial, to relate the stress rate to the strain rate. At
each instant of time, the gradient of the velocity with, for power law strain hardening
(the time derivative of the displacement) is written,  Nÿ1
as the sum of an elastic part and a plastic part h ˆ h0 ‡1 …15†
@ u_ i
_ ij ˆ u_ eij ‡ u_ pij :
ˆ e_ ij ‡ o …9† where g0 is a reference strain, h0 is the initial hard-
ening and N is the strain hardening exponent. This
is a purely phenomenological description of harden-
Here, and subsequently, a superposed dot denotes
ing; physically motivated state variable hardening
di€erentiation with respect to time. Although
models are available, e.g. Follansbee and Kocks
@ u_ i =@ x j is compatible, i.e. satis®es equation (6),
neither the elastic nor the plastic parts in equation
Solving the rate form of equation (8) for the
(9) are individually compatible.
stress rates and using equations (9) and (11) gives
To take a particular example, crystalline solids
are considered for which plastic deformation is pre- s_ ij ˆ Lijkl …_e kl ÿ e_ pkl † ˆ Lijkl e_ kl ÿ Pij …16†
sumed to take place by simple shear on a speci®ed
set of slip planes. The combination of slip plane where
and shearing direction is called a slip system. The
plastic deformation rate due to crystallographic slip X g_ …a†
Pij ˆ Lijkl …s…a† …a† …a† …a†
k ml ‡ sl mk †: …17†
can then be written as (see Asaro [19], Bassani [20] a
and CuitinÄo and Ortiz [21] for overviews of conti-
nuum slip theory and its physical background) In the plastic range, the generic problem is as fol-

lows: given a solid in equilibrium under certain pre- generates a consistent approximation to traction
scribed boundary conditions; with a change in the boundary conditions. Furthermore, the method is
boundary loading prescribed, calculate the change very ¯exible: changing the constitutive relation only
in stress and deformation state. At each instant of means changing the prescription of Lijkl and Pij.
time, a rate boundary value problem needs to be Complex geometries are also readily accommo-
solved, which, analogous to equation (7), can be dated.
expressed in terms of a rate principle of virtual Writing the integral over the volume V in
work equation (20) as the sum of integrals over each el-
… … ement imposes certain continuity requirements on
s_ ij eij dV ˆ T_ i ui dS: …18† the shape functions N (I )(xk), namely there must not
V S be any delta function like jump in displacement
across element boundaries. For the conventional
Substituting equation (16) into equation (18)
continuum formulation here, this requires the dis-
gives the governing equations for the displacement
placement ®eld to be continuous across element
rate ®eld u_ i …x, t†: For a rate independent solid,
boundaries; a condition that is easily met by poly-
Pij ˆ 0 and, where plastic loading occurs, the tensor
nomial shape functions in two or three dimensions.
of elastic moduli Lijkl is replaced by a tensor of tan-
The accuracy of the discretization increases as the
gent moduli, Ltanijkl : size of the elements decreases. How fast the error
The dominant numerical method for solving
decreases with element size depends on the particu-
boundary value problems in solid mechanics is the
lar choice of shape function. For a polynomial of
®nite element method, which is a Ritz±Galerkin
degree k, the error in the displacements decreases as
type method. The volume integral in equation (7)
d (k + 1), where d is a characteristic mesh size; the
or equation (18) is written as the sum over a num-
error in strain and stress type quantities decreases
ber of sub-regions (the elements) and within each el-
more slowly, as d k. There are some caveats. First,
ement, the displacement or displacement rate ®eld is
the error estimates are asymptotic, as the element
expanded in terms of a set of shape functions, e.g.
size goes to zero. Di€erent elements with the same
X …I † asymptotic order of convergence can give very
u_ i …x k , t† ˆ U_ …t†N…I †
i …x k † …19† di€erent performance for a given mesh spacing.
Secondly, the error estimates pertain to regular, uni-
…I † form meshes. The design of a nonuniform mesh can
where U_ …t† is a vector of nodal displacements
and the shape functions vanish identically outside have a signi®cant impact on the accuracy obtained,
the element. particularly in nonlinear problems. In addition,
Assuming rate dependent material response, sub- near incompressibility, as typical for metal plas-
stituting equation (19) into equation (18) gives ticity, leads to convergence problems for some
… choices of shape function but not for others. There
is, of course, a vast literature on ®nite element
s_ ij eij dV
V methods; overviews are given in Zienkiewicz and
8 " Taylor [24], Hughes [25] and Strang and Fix [26].
X < X X …I † … @ N…Ik † @ N…J † A direct implementation as outlined here, using
ˆ _
U Lijkl i
the elastic moduli Lijkl to form the sti€ness matrix
: Velem @ x l @ x j …20†
in equation (20) requires extremely small time steps
# 9 for numerical stability. The problem stems from the
@ N…J †
``sti€'' nature of the di€erential equations when the
ÿ Pij i
dV U …J † :
@xj ; strain rate exponent m in equation (13) has repre-
sentative values for room temperature plasticity,
The integrations over each element are almost m ˆ 0:01±0:002: Time integration techniques that
always carried out numerically and adding the con- allow for larger time steps are presented in Peirce et
tributions from all elements gives rise to the set of al. [27] and Kalidindi et al. [28]. Typically, the
algebraic equations maximum step size is a strain step of the order of
0.001±0.01 (the precise value is problem as well as al-
X …J † gorithm dependent). Hence, the maximum time step
A…IJ † U_ ˆ B …I † …21†
that can be taken is the strain step divided by the
maximum strain rate in the region. For strain rates in
where A (IJ ) is the sti€ness matrix and the right- the range10ÿ3±103/s, this gives a maximum time step
hand side B (J ) is obtained from Pij and the bound- ranging from 10ÿ6 to 10 s. For the quasi-static defor-
ary conditions. Equation (21) can be viewed as a mations discussed here, the maximum time step is
®nite di€erence approximation to the governing size scale independent. However, it is worth noting
di€erential equations. that for fully dynamic problems, a time step limit is
Because it is a Ritz±Galerkin based method, the the mesh spacing divided by a characteristic wave
displacement ®nite element method automatically speed, which is size scale dependent.

Fig. 1. Decomposition of a problem into the superposition of interacting dislocations, the … ~ † ®elds,
and the complementary problem for the … ^ † ®elds so that the boundary conditions are satis®ed.

An important di€erence between a ®nite element lations are not feasible for the foreseeable future.
approximation to a conventional continuum theory Methods such as the quasi-continuum method of
and the theory itself is that the continuum theory Ortiz, Phillips and co-workers, e.g. Refs [32, 33],
has no characteristic length, while the ®nite element can greatly reduce the number of atomic degrees of
calculation does have a characteristic lengthÐthe freedom that need to be considered by constraining
mesh spacing. But the ®nite element calculation is the motion of atoms where deformations and defor-
no more accurate than the continuum theory on mation gradients are small. However, as the defect
which it is based. This issue comes to the fore in density increases, the number of atomistic degrees
circumstances involving ¯ow localization into a of freedom that need to be explicitly included in a
shear band. The conventional continuum problem quasi-continuum calculation increases.
is ill posed, but the discretized problem is not. The As an alternative, in discrete dislocation plas-
mesh provides a characteristic length, and the de- ticity, the dislocations are modeled as line singular-
formations localize into the narrowest region that ities in an elastic solid. Atomistic simulations, e.g.
the discretization allows. In such circumstances, the Arias and Joannopoulos [34], and experiment, e.g.
computed post-localization response is inherently Choi et al. [35], both show that the representation
mesh dependent. of dislocations as line singularities in a linear elastic
solid is quite accurate beyond 10 or so atomic dis-
tances from the core. While concepts from dislo-
3. DISCRETE DISLOCATION PLASTICITY cation theory are central in theoretical materials
Although large direct atomistic calculations can science, calculations of the dynamics of large num-
give much insight, e.g. Abraham et al. [29], bers of interacting dislocations have only been car-
Bachlechner et al. [30] and Zhou et al. [31], there ried out since the late 1980s, e.g. Refs [36±43].
are computational limits on what can be directly Much of this work has focused on stress±strain re-
calculated. For example, at present classical molecu- sponse and dislocation pattern formation under
lar dynamics calculations are being carried out with macroscopically homogeneous stress states.
about 108 atoms and require a time step of the In order to analyze the e€ects of dislocation
order of 10ÿ14 s. In order to carry out a direct clas- structures on mechanical behavior, full boundary
sical molecular dynamics analysis of room tempera- value problem solutions are needed. A framework
ture plasticity for a 10 mm cube of a structural for solving boundary value problems where plastic
metal would involve 1013 atoms and to do this for ¯ow arises from the collective motion of dislo-
1 ms would require 108 time steps{. Such calcu- cations was developed by Van der Giessen and
Needleman [43]. However, only a few full boundary
value problems have been solved to date and those
{ Computing times can be decreased by increasing the have been restricted to two dimensions.
imposed loading rate. However, the kinetics of dislocation An issue that must be faced in solving boundary
processes at very high loading rates may di€er from those value problems with discrete dislocations is that the
at the rates of interest. dislocation stress and strain ®elds are singular (the
^ ^
singularity is of order 1/r where r is the distance
s_^ ij ˆ Lijkl e_^ kl , ^e_ ij ˆ 1 @ u_ ij ‡ @ u_ j : …24†
from the dislocation core) and the displacement 2 @xj @xi
®eld is multi-valued. Such singularities are not rep-
resented accurately by conventional numerical The boundary conditions are
methods, such as the ®nite element method. The
s_^ ij nj ˆ T_ i ÿ T~_ i
method in Van der Giessen and Needleman [43] is …25†
based on representing the singular elastic dislo-
cation ®elds analytically and only discretizing non- on that part of the surface where tractions are pre-
singular ®elds. scribed and
The key point [43, 44] is that the stresses and
u_ i ˆ U_ i ÿ U~_ i
strains are written as superpositions of ®elds due to …26†
the discrete dislocations, which are singular inside
the body, and complementary (or image) ®elds that on that part of the surface where displacements are
0 0
enforce the boundary conditions and any continuity prescribed. Here, T_ i and U_ i are the prescribed
conditions across internal phase boundaries, as traction and displacement rates, respectively.
sketched in Fig. 1 for a single phase material. This When dislocation I glides an amount ds (I ) in its
leads to a linear elastic boundary value problem for slip plane, there is a contribution to the internal vir-
the smooth complementary ®elds that can be solved tual work of magnitude
by standard numerical techniques. The ®nite el- X…
ement method has been used in the analyses carried f …I † ds…I † d` …27†
I L…I †
out, but other methods such as the boundary el-
ement method can also be used. Polonsky and Keer where L(I ) is the Ith dislocation line and f (I ) is the
[45], Fivel et al. [46] and Zacharopoulos et al. [47] glide component of the Peach±Koehler force, given
have presented boundary value problem solutions by
for dislocated solids using various specialized
methods to obtain image ®elds for large numbers of X …J † ! …I †
dislocations. An advantage of a ®nite element (or f …I † ˆ bi…I † s^ ij ‡ s~ ij nj : …28†
boundary element) method is its adaptability to
general boundary value problems.
It is worth noting that dislocation glide gives a
In general, the computation of the deformation
nonsingular contribution to the internal virtual
history is carried out in an incremental manner
work, although each dislocation ®eld is singular. In
with each time step involving three main compu-
the calculations to date, the magnitude of the glide
tational stages: (i) determining the Peach±Koehler
velocity v (I ) of dislocation I has been taken to be
forces on the dislocations; (ii) determining the rate
linearly related to the Peach±Koehler force through
of change of the dislocation structure caused by the
the linear drag relation
motion of dislocations, the generation of new dislo-
cations, their mutual annihilation, and their possible f …I †
ˆ Bv…I † …29†
pinning at obstacles; and (iii) determining the stress
and strain state for the updated dislocation arrange- where B is the drag coecient.
ment. The long-range interactions between dislocations
At a given stage of loading, the velocity, strain- are accounted for through the continuum elasticity
rate and stress-rate ®elds are written as the superpo- ®elds. Short-range dislocation interactions are in-
sition of two ®elds as sketched in Fig. 1 corporated into the formulation through a set of
constitutive rules. In the two-dimensional calcu-
u_ i ˆ u~_ i ‡ u^_ i , e_ ij ˆ e_~ ij ‡ e_^ ij , s_ ij ˆ s_~ ij ‡ s_^ ij : …22† lations of room temperature plasticity (in general,
the constitutive rules and material parameters can
depend on temperature) that will be discussed, dis-
The … ~ † ®elds are the ®elds of the individual dislo-
location nucleation by Frank±Read sources is simu-
cations, in their current con®guration, and give rise
lated by point sources which generate a dislocation
to tractions T~ i and displacements U~ i on the bound-
dipole when the magnitude of the Peach±Koehler
ary of the body.
force at the source exceeds a critical value over a
The … ^ † ®elds represent the image ®elds that cor-
speci®ed time period. Annihilation of two dislo-
rect for the actual boundary conditions on S. For a
cations on the same slip plane with opposite
single phase material, the governing equations for
Burgers vector occurs by eliminating the dislo-
the … ^ † ®elds are
cations when they are within a material dependent,
critical annihilation distance. Finally, dislocations
@ s_^ ij on other slip systems blocking slip are modeled by
ˆ0 …23†
@xj ®xed points on a slip plane that can be passed by a
dislocation only when its Peach±Koehler force
with exceeds the speci®ed strength of the obstacle.

Fig. 2. Sketch of the block analyzed using discrete

dislocation plasticity subject to plane strain tension and

In the context of the full three-dimensional the-

ory, more elaborate constitutive rules are needed,
see Kubin et al. [38]. In principle, these could come Fig. 4. Stress vs strain for a 12  4 mm2 block subject to
from experiment. However, it is much more likely plane strain tension. From Cleveringa et al. [48].

Fig. 3. (a) Dislocation distribution for a 12  4 mm2 block subject to tension. (b) Deformed ®nite
element mesh for a 12  4 mm2 block subject to tension. Displacements are multiplied by 10. From
Cleveringa et al. [48].

Fig. 5. (a) Dislocation distribution for a 12  4 mm2 block subject to bending. (b) Deformed ®nite
element mesh for a 12  4 mm2 block subject to bending. Displacements are multiplied by 10. From
Cleveringa et al. [48].

that the needed data for speci®c materials will come

from atomistic calculations and such calculations
are beginning to be carried out [49±51]. The bound-
ary between interactions that are adequately mod-
eled elastically and those that actually require local
constitutive rules remains to be delineated.
Discrete dislocation predictions for the e€ect of
stress state on stress±strain response are shown in
Figs 2±5, taken from Cleveringa et al. [48]. Figure 2
shows the specimen analyzed. Plane strain con-
ditions are assumed and there are three slip planes:
two are symmetrically located at 2308 to the x1-
axis and one is parallel to the x2-axis. In each case,
the slip plane spacing is 100 Burgers vectors. The
remaining input parameters are the elastic constants
(Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio for elastic
isotropy), the Burgers vector, the drag coecient in
equation (29), and a dislocation source strength and
nucleation time. Dislocation sources are placed ran- Fig. 6. Moment vs rotation angle for a 12  4 mm2 block
domly on the slip planes, with a speci®ed density, subject to bending. From Cleveringa et al. [48].

and with a source strength that varies randomly jumps in Figs 3(b) and 5(b) is an artifact of the
about a given mean value. plotting.
Figures 3 and 4 show the result of subjecting a Of particular signi®cance with regard to the
12  4 mm2 specimen to plane strain tension, with stress±strain behavior is whether or not there are
the loading axis corresponding to the x1-axis. In geometrically necessary dislocations. Cleveringa et
tension, a peak stress is reached with the stress sub- al. [48] found a size e€ect in bending that is mainly
sequently decreasing monotonically. With no ob- associated with geometrically necessary dislocations.
stacles to dislocation glide, there is strong Their results also illustrate that micrometer size
localization and associated softening in plane strain single crystals carry bending loads quite di€erently
tension. The deformed mesh in Fig. 3(b) shows that from conventional isotropic structures. It is worth
plastic ¯ow has localized on one slip plane; dislo- emphasizing that, in the discrete dislocation plas-
cations that are nucleated exit the specimen at the ticity framework, both the dislocation patterns that
lateral free surfaces. Plastic deformation can take form and the stress±strain response emerge as out-
place without the necessity for dislocation storage. comes of the solution to a boundary value problem.
The outcome of subjecting the same specimen to This discrete dislocation plasticity framework has
bending is shown in Figs 5 and 6. The dislocations only been developed for small strains. Extending
are arranged in arrays of positive dislocations on this framework to large plastic deformations would
slip systems that are at ‡308 from the x1-axis and be an important step. Large plastic deformations
arrays of negative dislocations on slip systems that occur in manufacturing processes and as a precur-
are at ÿ308 from the x1-axis. Since dislocations are sor to fracture. Also, it would open up the possi-
generated as dipoles, this implies that the opposite bility of predicting and analyzing certain
signed dislocations on each of these slip systems inhomogeneous mesoscale dislocation structures
have exited the specimen through one of the free that are important for material behavior and that
surfaces. The kinematics of bending requires dislo- emerge at large plastic strains, see, e.g. Hughes and
cations to be stored through the thickness; dislo- Hansen [54].
cations must remain in the specimen for The main numerical issues in obtaining solutions
inhomogeneous rotation consistent with the to discrete dislocation plasticity problems are quite
imposed bending to be achieved. These are the geo- di€erent from those associated with a conventional
metrically necessary dislocations of Nye [52] and plasticity boundary value problem. The ®nite el-
Ashby [53]. Not all the dislocations are geometri- ement problem that needs to be solved is a conven-
cally necessary. Furthermore, one cannot say tional elasticity boundary value problem, so the
whether or not a speci®c dislocation is geometrically spatial discretization is quite straightforward (there
necessary. What can be determined by a straightfor- are, however, resolution issues associated with the
ward geometric argument [52] is the density of geo- extrapolation of the discrete dislocation stresses to
metrically necessary dislocations given by the ®nite element mesh). Special considerations as-
sociated with incompressibility or near incompressi-
2yp bility do not arise. Furthermore, in standard
rG ˆ …30†
Lb1 boundary value problems such as tension or bend-
ing, the ®nite element sti€ness matrix is the same
where y p is the plastic rotation and b1 is the com- for all time steps. Thus, only the right-hand side
ponent of the Burgers vector parallel to the x1-axis. varies from time step to time step and the sti€ness
The slip steps that develop on the free surfaces matrix needs to be assembled and factored only
can be seen in Fig. 5. The highly localized defor- once. This gives a considerable saving in computing
mations are a consequence of the discrete dislo- time. The major computational challenges are as-
cation distribution. Since the highly localized sociated with the many body interactions needed to
deformations are associated with the discrete dislo- compute the Peach±Koehler force and with the
cations, which are represented analytically, the fact time integration. In Cleveringa et al. [48] special
that these deformation ®elds are concentrated in a direct methods were used for this, but fast multipole
row of elements does not indicate a mesh depen- expansion methods are being developed to deal
dence of the results (such a mesh dependence would with the general many body interaction problem,
be the case for localization of deformation in a rate e.g. Wang and LeSar [55], and Rodin [56]. Time in-
independent continuum); it is simply an indication tegration algorithms are less developed. Basically
of how highly localized the displacement ®elds are the problem is that individual dislocations move
for an array of discrete dislocations. Indeed, the rapidly, but each rapid movement over a small dis-
wavelengths associated with gradients in the … ~ † tance makes a small or negligible contribution to
®elds that are solved for by the ®nite element the overall deformation. In Cleveringa et al. [57], a
method are long with respect to the mesh length. It variable time step algorithm was used, while in
is also worth noting that the discrete dislocation Cleveringa et al. [48] use of a cut-o€ velocity was
framework gives rise to displacement jumps across found to be e€ective in allowing substantially
slip planes; the apparent smeared out nature of the increased time steps while not e€ecting the results

signi®cantly. The time steps in Cleveringa et al. [48] cuit, the net Burgers vector Bi, is de®ned by
are of the order of 10ÿ9 s, which is ®ve orders of ‡
magnitude larger than a representative molecular Bi ˆ upij dx j : …31†
dynamics time step. Still, the number of time steps C
required is generally the computationally limiting
factor. The density of geometrically necessary dislocations
Representative values for dislocation densities in is related to the net Burgers vector Bi accompanying
deformed crystalline metals are in the range 1013± crystallographic slip. Consider a cut in the crystal
1015/m2. To carry out a discrete dislocation calcu- producing a surface S having outward normal ni.
lation for a 1 mm cube for a dislocation density of Then, on completing a Burgers circuit around the
1013/m2 would require dealing with of the order of boundary C of S in a right-handed screw sense
1010 dislocation segments (assuming a segment ‡ … ‡
length of 1 mm) and doing this for 10ÿ3 s would @ upil
Bi ˆ upij dx j ˆ ejkl nj dS ˆ aij nj dS …32†
need at least 106 time steps (the time scale limi- C S @xk S
tation is of particular signi®cance under cyclic load-
ing conditions where dislocation structures may where aij is Nye's dislocation density and eljk is the
emerge after many cycles). As for molecular alternating tensor{.
dynamics, computational considerations limit the A nonvanishing tensor aij can be related to the
range of length and time scales over which direct individual dislocations within a crystal as follows.
discrete dislocation plasticity calculations can be Consider a plane crossed by dislocations with
carried out. A computational challenge is to Burgers vector bIi and tIi the tangent to the dislo-
develop three-dimensional algorithms that are e- cation line. Suppose N I of these dislocations of
cient, yet accurate enough to permit long time dis- type I cross a unit area normal to tIi : The number
crete dislocation plasticity calculations to be carried crossing a unit area with normal nj is Nnj tIj : The net
out. Burgers vector is Bi ˆ Nnj tIj bIi : Hence, from
The discrete dislocation plasticity framework, in equation (32)
a sense, serves as the gateway between atomistic …
and continuum plasticity formulations. Much Bi ˆ Nnj tIj bIi ˆ aij nj dS …33†
insight will be gained from direct discrete dislo- S

cation calculations. However, due to computational

so that aij ˆ N I tIj bIi is a measure of the average dis-
limitations, largely with respect to time scale, dis-
location density for dislocations of this type. The
crete dislocation calculations will also be used to
total dislocation density is obtained by summing
inform higher level continuum plasticity formu-
the contributions of all dislocation types to give
aij ˆ N I tIj bIi : …34†

The motivation for the work on nonlocal plas- Since the statistical dislocations are as likely to
ticity discussed here stems from a range of obser- have Burgers vector bIi as ÿbIi , aij provides a
vations of the e€ect of size on plastic ¯owÐsmaller measure of the density of geometrically necessary
is harder [15±18]. In this context, having the consti- dislocations. As noted by Fleck et al. [15], aij is
tutive description of the material depend both on de®ned unambiguously only when the solid has a
the strain and the strain gradient is based on crystal structure.
notions of incompatible lattice deformations and As in Fleck et al. [15], substituting the expression
geometrically necessary dislocations. It was with the for continuum slip (10) into equation (31) gives
work of Fleck et al. [15] that the implications of
geometrically necessary dislocations for stress±strain X @ g…a† …a† …a†
response began to be addressed in the setting of a aij ˆ ejkl s m : …35†
@xk i l
continuum plasticity formulation. a

The argument connecting plastic strain gradients

The normal to the slip plane ml can be written as
and geometrically necessary dislocations is suc-
the cross product of two orthogonal unit vectors in
cinctly summarized in Fleck et al. [15] and Fleck
the slip plane. One of these vectors is the slip direc-
and Hutchinson [13] and is brie¯y repeated here.
tion si and denote the components of the other vec-
The plastic part of the deformation gradient upij is
tor by ri. Then, with ml ˆ elmn rm sn , substituting into
not compatible, i.e. does not satisfy equation (6).
equation (35) and using the identity ejkl emnl ˆ
The displacement remaining after a complete cir-
djm dkn ÿ djn dkm gives
X …a† …a† @ g…a† …a† …a† @ g
{ e123 ˆ e231 ˆ e312 ˆ 1, e213 ˆ e321 ˆ e132 ˆ ÿ1, all other aij ˆ si rk s ÿ sk r …36†
eijk ˆ 0: a
@xk j @xk j

which shows that aij only involves derivatives of at the mesoscale seems to be that length scale e€ects
g (a ) in the slip plane. dominate over directional e€ects so that the main
In Acharya and Bassani [58] the incompatibility di€erences from conventional, size independent
measure aij is incorporated into the hardening plastic response are captured by the isotropic for-
description, while in Fleck and Hutchinson [13] it is mulation.
incorporated into the ¯ow strength. This has a A crystal plasticity theory involving higher order
major e€ect on the nature of the resulting boundary stresses has been presented by Shu and Fleck [62].
value problem. In order to facilitate a comparison of the couple
As a speci®c example, consider single slip in stress formulation with the theories previously con-
plane strain. From equation (36), the only gradient sidered, discrete dislocation plasticity and the non-
that contributes to aij is @ g=@ s, where s measures local theory of Acharya and Bassani [58], couple
distance along the slip plane. In the framework of stress theory will be discussed in the context of
Acharya and Bassani [58], the hardening relation is single slip in plane strain. The rate hardening re-
  lation (13) is replaced by
g_ ˆ h g, g_ : …37†   …1=m†ÿ1
@s te te
g_ e ˆ a_ …39†
g g
For example, for power law hardening, Bassani
et al. [59] use where the e€ective slip system shear rate is
   Nÿ1  p 1=p
@g g p
g_ e ˆ g_ ‡ `s g_ s …40†
h g, ˆ h0 ÿ1
@s g0
" …38†
 2 # p and the e€ective resolved shear stress is given by
2 1 @g 
g0 @ s p 1=p
te ˆ jtj p ‡ `ÿ1
s Qs

where ` is the intrinsic length scale and p is a par- with g_ s is a slip gradient along the slip plane.
ameter. In single slip, equation (38) is used instead However, within this theory, g_ s is not the derivative
of equation (15) in equations (10)±(17). With more of g_ but is an additional kinematic variable. The
than one slip system, there are outstanding issues quantity Qs is work conjugate to the additional kin-
about how to apportion the e€ects of incompatibil- ematic variable and is related to the higher order
ity among the components of the hardening matrix. stresses that enter the theory.
A scheme for calculating the slip gradient, @ g=@ s, The higher order stresses are work conjugates to
appearing in equation (38) is needed but otherwise the strain gradients. The internal virtual work is
the theory of Acharya and Bassani [58] leads to a written as
boundary value problem like that for conventional,
size independent plasticity theory.
‰sij eij ‡ tijk Zijk Š dV
On the other hand, the structure of the boundary V
value problems encountered in the framework of

Fleck and Hutchinson [13] is quite di€erent from where ( ) denotes a variation, tijk ˆ tjik is called the
conventional plasticity theory. Developments within double stress and
this framework have mainly been carried out within
the context of an isotropic hardening plasticity the- @ 2 uk
Zijk ˆ : …42†
ory. Initially, a theory was developed that only @ x i@ x j
involved rotation gradients [60]. Subsequently ver-
The equilibrium equation becomes
sions involving strain gradients were developed [13].
Correlation of predicted size dependent deformation @ sji @ 2 tkji
behavior with experiment has suggested di€erent ÿ ˆ 0: …43†
@xj @ x k@ x j
characteristic lengths for rotation gradients and for
strain gradients [61], with a representative rotation The traction vector is now given by
gradient characteristic length being several mi-
crometers and with the strain gradient characteristic Ti ˆ nk …ski ÿ tkji,j † ‡ nk nj tkji …Dp np †
length approximately an order of magnitude smal-
ler. ÿ Dj …nk tkji † …44†
At conventional size scales, the rationale for
where Dj is the surface derivative
using an isotropic theory of plasticity is that the
theory pertains to polycrystals and the response is @… †
being averaged over many crystal orientations. Dj ˆ …djk ÿ nj nk † : …45†
However, at the mesoscale, relevant length scales
are of the order of the crystal size. The justi®cation There are six independent boundary conditions to

response as conventional plasticity. However, if it is

assumed that the normal gradient of displacement
is continuous across the interface, a boundary layer
is predicted at the interface as seen in Fig. 7. This
gives rise to a size dependence of the yield strength.
The extent to which the predicted size dependence
captures the mechanism behind the known depen-
dence of strength on grain size remains to be deter-
mined. It is also unclear at present whether such
size dependence can be predicted in a framework
like that of Acharya and Bassani [58] where higher
order boundary conditions are absent.
Many issues remain in the development of an
appropriate framework for a nonlocal theory of size
dependent mesoscale plasticity. For example, Ortiz
Fig. 7. Strain as a function of position across the bicrystal et al. [65] have developed a nonlocal theory of plas-
showing the boundary layer at the interface. From Shu ticity to model subgrain dislocation structures of
and Fleck [62]. the type observed by Hughes and Hansen [54] that
emerge under nominally uniform macroscopic de-
formations. The theory of Ortiz et al. [65] is formu-
lated quite di€erently from the nonlocal plasticity
be prescribed. Either the traction Ti or the velocity theories discussed in this section, but also gives rise
u_ i is prescribed and either njnktkji or the normal de- to increasing strength with decreasing size. As yet,
rivative of velocity along the surface is prescribed. there has been no demonstration of a uni®ed nonlo-
Since strain gradients enter the expression for the cal plasticity framework for describing both the
internal virtual work, a straightforward expansion mesoscale e€ects of subgrain dislocation structures
of the displacement ®eld as in equation (19) requires that can emerge under nominally uniform defor-
shape functions that have continuous ®rst deriva- mations and the mesoscale e€ects of geometrically
tives. This severely restricts the choice of poly- necessary dislocations that are associated with
nomial functions in two and three dimensions. The strain gradients. Ultimately, the appropriateness of
diculties associated with such ®nite element for- any proposed framework will be decided through a
mulations are known from experience with plate comparison of its predictions with experiment.
and shell theories, see Hughes [25]. As a conse- However, since there is much overlap in the size
quence, alternative formulations have been devel- scales modeled by discrete dislocation plasticity and
oped in Shu et al. [63] and Xia and Hutchinson [64] by nonlocal plasticity, detailed comparisons
where only continuity of the shape function is between predictions of these two frameworks will
required. This comes at the expense of an increase be useful in assessing various nonlocal plasticity
in the number of nodal variables. As an indication formulations. One such comparison is given in the
of this, for an incompressible solid, in three dimen- next section. In addition, such comparisons may be
sions, there are ®ve independent components of e_ pij useful in identifying appropriate higher order
and 18 independent components of Z_ pijk : Thus, there boundary conditions. It is also worth noting that,
is additional computational complexity associated regardless of the spatial discretization issues, time
with theories that involve higher order stresses. In integration issues for nonlocal plasticity theories do
Shu et al. [63] and Xia and Hutchinson [64] el- not di€er substantially from those for conventional,
ements are identi®ed that are computationally e€ec- size independent plasticity. Hence, larger time steps
tive for the two-dimensional problems considered. can be taken in a nonlocal plasticity calculation
Computational experience with higher order stress than in a discrete dislocation calculation.
plasticity theories is at a very early stage.
In order to illustrate the e€ect of higher order
boundary conditions, Fig. 7 shows a result from 5. METAL±MATRIX COMPOSITES: A
Shu and Fleck [62] where shearing of a two-dimen-
sional bicrystal with two slip systems was analyzed. Much understanding of the behavior of metal±
The boundary value problem posed is such that matrix composites has been obtained from analyses
classical, size independent plasticity predicts a de- based on conventional, size independent plasticity
formation state that is uniform in each of the crys- theory, see, e.g. Suresh et al. [66]. However, two
tals but discontinuous across the boundary between commonly observed characteristics of the behavior
crystals. The solution obtained in the nonlocal the- of these materials are not amenable to explanation
ory depends on the boundary conditions used. If it within such a framework: (i) the stress±strain beha-
is assumed that the higher order traction vanishes vior is size dependent for reinforcement sizes in the
on the interface, the nonlocal theory gives the same micrometer range; and (ii) the matrix stress±strain

plateau (actually slight softening) associated with

localization of dislocation activity. On the other
hand, in material (iii) the complete absence of veins
of unreinforced matrix leads to piling-up of dislo-
cations against the particle sides, as seen in Fig.
9(b). These are geometrically necessary to accom-
modate the particle rotation [53].
The results show how di€erent reinforcement
morphologies lead to di€erent dislocation struc-
tures, which, in turn, give rise to di€erent stress±
strain behaviors. For material (iii), but not for ma-
terial (i), Cleveringa et al. [57, 67] also found a
strong size dependence of the stress±strain response;
size dependent response is associated with geometri-
Fig. 8. Shear stress vs shear strain for two reinforcement cally necessary dislocations.
morphologies. The case that exhibits nearly linear harden- Cleveringa et al. [57] compared the discrete dislo-
ing is termed material (iii) and the other case is termed cation predictions with those of the conventional
material (i). Results from Cleveringa et al. [57].
continuum plasticity formulation for single slip out-
lined in Section 2. In continuum plasticity, the
matrix stress±strain response is an input. Matrix
behavior that needs to be assumed in calculations hardening parameters, in a relation of the form
to get good agreement with experiment is often (15), were chosen to ®t the overall composite
di€erent from the observed stress±strain behavior stress±strain response. The matrix hardening par-
of the unreinforced material. ameters that provide the ®t vary with the reinforce-
Discrete dislocation analyses of a simple model ment morphology and size. Both the discrete
composite carried out by Cleveringa et al. [57] give dislocation and continuum slip formulations predict
rise to stress±strain behavior that is strongly that the proportion of the shear stress carried by
a€ected by the size, shape, and distribution of the the reinforcement is less for material (i) than for
reinforcement phase. A composite material subject material (iii). However, the discrete dislocation
to simple shear was analyzed, with attention results consistently predict a higher proportion of
focused on periodic distributions of particles, so the stress carried by the particle than is predicted
that calculations could be carried out for a unit by conventional plasticity theory.
cell. There is a single slip system with the shearing Bassani et al. [59] have carried out a comparison
direction parallel to the slip plane. Two reinforce- of the predictions of the nonlocal plasticity theory
ment morphologies were analyzed having the same of Acharya and Bassani [58] with these discrete dis-
area fraction but di€erent geometric arrangements location results. Finite element results for the aver-
of the reinforcing phase. In one morphology, ma- age shear stress tave vs applied shear strain G using
terial (i), the particles are square and are separated the nonlocal plasticity theory of Acharya and
by unreinforced veins of matrix material while in Bassani [58] are plotted in Fig. 10. Results are
the other, material (iii), the particles are rectangular shown for materials (i) and (iii), and for various cell
and do not leave any unreinforced veins of matrix sizes, c, normalized by the material length scale `,
material. The matrix was taken to be dislocation- where c=` 4 1 corresponds to purely local behavior
free initially. As the shear strain increases, dislo- …` ˆ 0). A reasonable set of matrix material par-
cation dipoles are generated, dislocations move and ameters can be chosen in equation (38) that give
possibly get pinned at obstacles or at the matrix± rise to a response that is very similar to the beha-
particle interface. vior predicted by the discrete dislocation calcu-
Figure 8 shows composite stress±strain curves for lations for both material (i) and material (iii). For
these two morphologies, while Fig. 9 gives examples the nonlocal theory, the hardening is speci®ed for
of the dislocation distributions predicted by the cal- one size and one morphology. The parameters char-
culations. In material (i), the ®rst dislocations are acterizing the nonlocal behavior then predict a
generated in the veins between the strings of par- greater size dependent response for material (iii),
ticles. As these dislocations glide, they generate new where there are geometrically necessary dislo-
dislocations on the same or on neighboring slip cations, than for material (i), with smaller being
planes. Since the motion of these dislocations is not harder.
blocked by particles, this leads to progressive con- Comparisons such as this, for a range of size
centration of all dislocation activity into one vein at dependent plastic ¯ow phenomena will be very use-
rather small strains, as shown in Fig. 9(a). The ful in distinguishing between the predictive capa-
shear stress±shear strain response exhibits a peak or bility of various nonlocal plasticity theories. In
``yield'' stress associated with the generation of suf- addition to overall behavior, prediction of meso-
®ciently many mobile dislocations, followed by a scale stress states is very important, in particular

Fig. 9. Dislocation structures for material (i) (a) and material (iii) (b). From Cleveringa et al. [57].

with regard to failure initiation. Figure 11 shows cal plasticity calculations in Bassani et al. [59],
stress contours within the reinforcement as pre- although the elevation in the average stress in the
dicted by discrete dislocation plasticity and by con- reinforcement is found to be reasonably well rep-
ventional plasticity theory. The overall distributions resented by the nonlocal theory. The signi®cance of
are represented reasonably well by conventional, this is that it is the local stress distribution that gov-
size independent plasticity theory, but not the local erns fracture. It remains to be seen whether any
stress concentrations in the reinforcement that arise nonlocal plasticity theory can accurately predict
from the dislocations in the matrix. The local stress these stress concentrations. A related issue concerns
concentrations are also not predicted by the nonlo- the role of mesoscale stress concentrations in trans-

Fig. 10. Shear stress vs shear strain for two reinforcement morphologies using the nonlocal plasticity
formulation of Acharya and Bassani [58]: (a) for material (iii); (b) for material (i). From Bassani et al.

mitting the large stresses required for fracture by dislocation simulations in Cleveringa et al. [57]. The
atomic separation through a plastic zone [47, 68, discrepancy in computing times will be even greater
69]. for three-dimensional calculations and for large de-
The computing time for a nonlocal plasticity the- formations. Thus, even though the size scales for
ory calculation is much less than for a correspond- discrete dislocation plasticity and nonlocal conti-
ing discrete dislocation calculationÐon computers nuum plasticity theories overlap, there is still a need
of similar speed, the computing time for the nonlo- to make the transition from discrete dislocation
cal calculation in Bassani et al. [59] is a few min- plasticity to a continuum theory of plasticity. This
utes, while it is many hours for the discrete will require a statistical mechanics of dislocations

Fig. 11. Shear stress distributions inside the reinforcement. Results according to the discrete dislocation
modeling are on the left-hand side and those based on conventional size, independent plasticity theory
on the right-hand side. In each case, the stresses are normalized by the corresponding current overall
shear stress t : From Cleveringa et al. [57].

that can appropriately account for geometrically capability would open a wide range of possibilities
necessary dislocations. for truly predictive modeling of component per-
It would also be desirable, in some cases at least, formance and manufacturing processes.
to have direct connections between computational
frameworks on di€erent scales. This capability has
not been developed for circumstances where many 6. STRAIN INDUCED ROUGHENING AND
dislocations need to be passed from one framework
to another; i.e. from a region that is treated atomis- Stress and deformation are critical determinants
tically to one where the dislocations are treated as of the success (or even the feasibility) of com-
elastic line singularities and then on to an even lar- ponents whose primary function has nothing to do
ger continuum plasticity region. Such a multiscale with carrying mechanical loads. As an example, the

As discussed in Zhang and Bower [70], equili-

brium considerations can successfully predict the
shape of the islands in an array, provided that the
volume of each island and the spacing between
islands are known. It has not been possible to pre-
dict island size or spacing from equilibrium con-
siderations alone, however. Calculations show that
an array of islands can always lower its free energy
by coarsening, suggesting that the equilibrium con-
®guration consists of a single very large island. The
island arrays that form during experiments are pre-
sumably nonequilibrium con®gurations, and their
structure can only be predicted by a model that
accounts for the kinetics of the mass transport
Fig. 12. Model used in Zhang and Bower [70] to predict mechanisms responsible for their formation.
island formation during annealing of an epitaxial thin ®lm Zhang and Bower [70] have carried out three-
dimensional numerical simulations of island for-
mation in a strained layer epitaxial system as illus-
problem of manufacturing electronic components trated in Fig. 12. They considered an initially
consisting of quantum dots is considered. A quan- planar, strained ®lm on the surface of a substrate.
tum dot is a nanometer sized cluster of atoms, Both the ®lm and substrate were modeled as isotro-
usually made from a semiconducting material that pic, linear elastic solids with the layer initially in a
has unusual electrical and optical properties that state of biaxial strain.
may be exploited to develop novel electronic The objective in Zhang and Bower [70] was to
devices, e.g. light emitting diodes and single electron compute the stress and deformation induced in the
transistors. The dots are dicult to manufacture solid by the mechanical loads; to deduce the result-
using standard lithographic techniques. One ing rate of mass transport on the surface, and to
approach to produce them is to grow the dots calculate the change in shape of the ®lm. The ®lm
directly, by depositing a thin ®lm of material on a changes its shape because atoms di€use over its sur-
lattice mismatched substrate. Under appropriate face. In addition, the deformation induced by mech-
growth conditions, the ®lm spontaneously breaks anical loading will cause a displacement of the
up into islands, of nearly uniform shape, size and material points in the ®lm.
spacing. Each island then forms a quantum dot Surface di€usion is driven by a variation in
that typically contains between 103 and 105 atoms. chemical potential that causes atoms to migrate

Fig. 13. A typical sequence of surface evolution for island formation. The parameter t is normalized
time. From Zhang and Bower [70].

from regions of high chemical potential to those of island formation is greater than both the critical
low chemical potential. There are two contributions wavelength for surface instability and the wave-
to the chemical potential of an atom on the surface length of the fastest growing mode on a planar sur-
of the thin ®lm: m ˆ O…f ÿ kgs †: The ®rst is the elas- face. If surface di€usion is allowed to continue after
tic strain energy f stored in the volume of material island formation, the island arrays will coarsen,
O associated with an atom; the second is the energy with larger islands consuming their smaller neigh-
of the surface itself ÿOkgs, where k is the curvature bors. The initial spacing between islands is indepen-
of the surface and gs is the surface energy. The rate dent of the ®lm thickness and the wavelength of the
at which material is deposited or removed from an initial roughness, but the spatial distribution of
element on the surface is related to the divergence islands is sensitive to the dominant wavelength of
of the surface ¯ux so as to conserve mass. The the surface roughness.
equations governing surface di€usion can be Because there is a characteristic length, the analy-
expressed in variational form as sis predicts the size and spacing of the islands. In
… … addition, the time for island formation is also pre-
Ds exp…ÿqs =kT †cs O 2  dicted. This time is very sensitive to the surface dif-
vn vn dA ˆ mrs vn dA …46†
S S kT fusion parameters, but is typically in the range of
minutes to hours. Thus, even though the size scale
where ( ) denotes a variation, vn is the normal vel- of the islands is such that direct molecular dynamics
ocity of the surface, Ds is the surface di€usion coef- solutions are feasible, the time scales involved
®cient, qs is the corresponding activation energy, cs would require more than 1015 time steps.
is the area concentration of mobile surface atoms, k Residual strains remain in the manufactured
is the Boltzmann constant, T is temperature and r2s device which a€ect electronic performance.
denotes the surface Laplacian operator. Finite el- Analyzing the e€ect of such residual strains on per-
ement formulations for coupled di€usion and defor- formance also leads to a coupled ®eld problem, but
mation problems are discussed in Xia et al. [71]. in this case the coupling is between elastic strain and
To begin the calculation, consider the thin ®lm electronic structure. This has been analyzed using
sketched in Fig. 12. Suppose that the shape of the a ®nite element solution to the steady-state
stress free reference con®guration at time t is SchroÈdinger equation, modi®ed to account for the
known. The deformation and di€usion that occur potential induced by the strain ®eld that arises
during a subsequent in®nitesimal time interval Dt during fabrication [72, 73]. This framework provides
need to be determined. First, the displacement ®eld a promising tool for assessing the feasibility and
ui and stress ®eld sij due to mechanical loading are electronic performance of a wide range of devices.
computed. To do so, the equations of mechanical
equilibrium, equation (18), are solved followed by 7. CONCLUDING REMARKS
the surface di€usion equation (46) to determine the
velocity of the surface in the reference con®guration Mesoscale continuum formulations provide a
at time t. The change in shape of the surface during framework for analyzing basic mechanisms of ma-
the time interval Dt is then deduced, and the pro- terial behavior that are dicult, if not impossible,
cedure is repeated to compute the shape of the sur- to analyze using either a direct atomistic analysis or
face as a function of time. a conventional, size independent continuum analy-
Figure 13 shows a typical sequence of surface sis. Three speci®c frameworks have been discussed;
pro®les predicted by the simulations of Zhang and additional formulations are being developed or will
Bower [70]. Under the conditions in this ®gure, the be developed to model these and other mesoscale
initial roughness on the surface of the thin ®lm is processes including, for example, phase transform-
imperceptible. The surface begins to roughen gradu- ations and fracture. Computational studies are cen-
ally, forming a network of grooves on the surface. tral to this endeavor because obtaining a speci®c
These grooves appear to be the precursor to a prediction from the various theories often requires
three-dimensional cusp network. Once the grooves a numerical solution.
form, they begin to deepen rapidly until they reach Mesoscale continuum mechanics is in an early
the substrate, separating the ®lm into a rectangular stage of development, both in terms of the theoreti-
array of discrete islands. When they ®rst form, the cal framework and the computational methods.
islands are almost square with a ¯at top, but soon Numerical challenges have been identi®ed in the
change their shape to a nearly perfect spherical cap. coupling of many body interaction problems with
Once the system reached the con®guration shown in initial boundary value problem solution methods,
Fig. 13(d), no further change in island geometry as in discrete dislocation plasticity; the development
was observed. of numerical methods for higher order boundary
Zhang and Bower [70] carried out a parameter value problems as encountered in some nonlocal
study and found that islands will form if the initial plasticity theories, particularly in three dimensions;
roughness on the surface of the ®lm exceeds a cer- and the development of numerical methods for the
tain critical wavelength. The critical wavelength for coupling of mechanical and nonmechanical ®elds.

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