Guidelines For Engineers Carrying Out Checks
Guidelines For Engineers Carrying Out Checks
Guidelines For Engineers Carrying Out Checks
be Points to be examined
Expected Results
PPE adherence ( Safety shoes, Helmet, Full body harness safety belt)
This may help curbing accidents caused due to non Are persons working at heights usage of PPE or persons wearing standard/ proper safety falling from heights. belts? (Out of 14 fatal accidents Are safety belt anchored at that have occurred at our fixed point or lifeline? sites upto Sept. 2009. Six fatal accidents have occurred due to falling from heights) Are all wearing required PPE? of accidents that Are all workers deployed at site Most occurred at construction trained? sites are due to lack of Are workers performing tasks in knowledge. unsafe ways? Is site layout entrance points? Are safe displayed made at This may help in saving life of many workers who are exposed to the unsafe to working environment where
Training workers
chances of falling materials or objects from heights are very high, especially power plants. In the year 2009 two workers died due to fall of objects from a great height, where even PPE usage could not save their life.
Have safe escape routes been This will help in saving lives workers working at built at work places, where ever of location below ground, safe escape route is essential? confined spaces etc. Are workers aware with emergency procedures & assembly In the year 2009 two accidents have occurred at point? our sites. Are sufficient provided at site? toilet facilities This will help in minimizing criss-crossing work places.
will help us contractors appointed This numbers of safety monitoring site safety.
Recently work was stopped at one of our MPs site. Work resumed only when SOs were appointed.
Hard barricading & shoring near deep excavations and restriction of moving of heavy machinery near edge of excavation. Barricading areas where welding cutting work in on at height and possibility of falling objects or molten metals.
Are deeply excavated areas This will help in falling from heights and trapping in. barricaded properly? Is shoring done caving /collapse? to avoid This year we have faced this problem at two sites and at one site it caused fatality.
Are areas properly barricaded This will help in preventing so that nobody can enter in the accidents caused due to fall of materials or objects. area with prior permission? Are caution boards placed at Recently at one of site a metal piece fell down on a work place, indication danger? person who was passing through an area where metal cutting/welding work was
being carried out above head. the person died 9 Electrical connection. Provision of ELCBs of proper rating. Double earthing. Is person deployed to carryout This will help in preventing accidents caused due to electrical work qualified? electricity. Also reduced the Is construction power supply burden on Site Head of the taken from authorized source? areas, which are handed Are temporary distribution over to clients for operations. boards stable, provided with Two accidents have occurred protective covering, caution boards at sites due to electrical etc.? faults. Is plugs top & socket of proper A worker died due to capacity provided? electrocution at one of our site as Plug top was not Are ELCBs of proper rating provided on grinder. provided on machines, tools, etc.? Is earthing provided?
Are responsibilities of power supply system after partially testing-commissioning and already handed over to client for operations
explained to the person concerned? 10 Erection & commissioning work of machinery. Is proper capacity This will help in safe erection gears/machinery being used for of heavy machinery. lifting & shifting heavy machinery? Also reduced the burden on Is work being supervised and Site Head of the areas, which carried out by the qualified are handed over to clients supervisor as per the method for operations. statement? Are responsibilities of machinery/LPG system/any other system after partially testingcommissioning and already handed over to client for operations explained to the concerned? 11 Validity of Lifting appliances/machi nery will help in Is gears/machinery under use This preventing usage of unfit valid for use? gears or machinery at Is required fitness certificates site. obtained from competent person? Usage of invalid gears or machinery is an offence under the applicable
safety laws. The offender is liable for punishment. 12 No entry in areas identified and caution board placed Are dangerous areas like flying objects from blasting, rock falling in tunnels, electrocution in high voltage testing areas etc., where danger to life exists identified? Are caution boards barricading provided? Is Work practiced? Permit This will help in preventing accidents occurring due the said dangers.
Two fatal accidents have occurred at our site due to and rock falling in tunnels.
A newly constructed roof of a system shed got damaged due to flying stone came from nearby blasting work.
13 Site System
Is security personnel trained & This will help in keeping site safe after closing of work involved in safety activities? and restricting persons to Do they take charge of site enter in danger areas. safety when construction activities Due to carelessness on the are closed? part of security a contractor carried out unauthorized work resulting in fatal