Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Bop (Handouts)
Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Bop (Handouts)
Equilibrium and Disequilibrium in Bop (Handouts)
by residents of a country. In accounting sense balance of payments, must always balance. Debits must be equal to credits. So, there will be equilibrium in balance of payments. Symbolically, B = R - P Where : - B = Balance of Payments R = Receipts from Foreigners P = Payments made to Foreigners When B = Zero, there is said to be 2. equilibrium in balance of payments. When B is positive there is favourable balance of payments; When &. B is negative there is unfavourable or adverse balance of payments.' When there is a surplus or a deficit in balance of payments there is said : to be disequilibrium in balance of payments. Thus disequilibrium refers to imbalance in balance of payments. B. TYPES OF DISEQUILIBRIUM IN BOP The following are the main types of disequilibrium in the balance of payments:1. Structural Diseguilibrium :Structural disequilibrium is caused by structural changes in the economy affecting demand and supply relations in commodity and factor markets. Some of the structural disequilibrium are as follows :a. A shift in demand due to changes in tastes, 3. fashions, income etc. would decrease or increase the demand for imported goods thereby causing a disequilibrium in BOP. b. If foreign demand for a country's products declines due to new and cheaper substitutes abroad, then the country's exports will decline causing a deficit. c. Changes in the rate of international capital 4. movements may also cause structural disequilibrium.
d. If supply is affected due to crop failure, shortage of raw-materials, strikes, political instability etc., then there would be deficit in BOP. e. A war or natural calamities also result in structural changes which may affect not only goods but also factors disequilibrium in BOP. of production causing
f. Institutional changes that take place within and outside the country may result in BOP disequilibrium. 2. Cyclical Disequilibrium :Economic activities are subject to business cycles, which normally have four phases Boom or Prosperity, Recession, Depression and Recovery. During boom period, imports may increase considerably due to increase in demand for imported goods. During recession and depression, imports may be reduced due to fall in demand on account of reduced income. During recession exports may increase due to fall in prices. During boom period, a country may face deficit in BOP on account of increased imports. Cyclical disequilibrium in BOP may occur because a. Trade cycles follow different paths and patterns in different countries. b. Income elasticities of demand for imports in different countries are not identical. c. Price elasticities of demand for imports differ in different countries. 3. Short - Run Disequilibrium :This disequilibrium occurs for a short period of one or two years. Such BOP disequilibrium is temporary in nature. Short - run disequilibrium arises due to unexpected contingencies like failure of rains or favourable monsoons, strikes, industrial peace or unrest etc. Imports may increase exports or exports may increase imports in a year due to these reasons and causes a temporary disequilibrium exists. 4. Long - Run I Secular Disequilibrium :Long run or fundamental disequilibrium refers to a persistent deficit or a surplus in the balance of payments of a country. It is also
known as secular disequilibrium. The causes of long - term disequilibrium are a. Continuous increase in demand for imports due to increasing population. b. Constant price changes - mostly inflation which affects exports on continuous basis. c. Decline in demand for exports due to technological improvements in importing II. countries, and as such the importing countries depend less on imports. The long run disequilibrium can be corrected by making constant efforts to increase exports and to reduce imports. 5. Monetary Diseguilibrium Monetary disequilibrium takes place on account of inflation or deflation. Due to inflation, prices of products in domestic market rises, which makes exports expensive. Such a situation may affect BOP equilibrium. Inflation also results in increase in money income with people, which in turn may increase demand for imported goods. As a result imports may turn BOP position in disequilibrium. 6. Exchange Rate Fluctuations A high degree of fluctuation in exchange rate may affect the BOP position. For Eg. if Indian Rupee gets appreciated against dollar, then Indian exporters will receive lower amounts of foreign exchange, whereas, there will be more outflow of foreign exchange on account of higher imports. Such a situation will adversely affect BOP position. But, if domestic currency depreciates against foreign currency, then the BOP position may have positive impact. CAUSES OF DISEQUILIBRIUM IN BOP Any disequilibrium in the balance of payment is the result of imbalance between receipts and payments for imports and exports. Normally, the term disequilibrium is interpreted from a negative angle and therefore, it implies deficit in BOP. The disequilibrium in BOP is caused due to various factors. Some of them are I.Import - Related Causes The rise in imports has been the most important factor responsible for large BOP
deficits. The causes of rapid expansion of imports are : Population Growth Development Programme Imports Of Essential Items Reduction Of Import Duties Inflation Demonstration Effect II. Export Related Causes Even though export earnings have increased but they have not been sufficient enough to meet the rising imports. Exports may reduce without a corresponding decline in imports. Following are the causes for decrease in exports Increase In Population Inflation Appreciation Of Currency Discovery Of Substitutes Technological Development Protectionist Trade Policy III. Other Causes : Flight of Capital Globalisation Cyclical Transmission Structural Adjustments Political factors