Ashik Project
Ashik Project
Ashik Project
requirement for the award of MASTERS DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Submitted by ASHIK JAIN (MBA 1st year) (Roll No: 1225112108) Under the esteemed guidance of PROF- K.V. UMADEVI
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is my pleasure to acknowledge and express my gratitude to all those who have helped me throughout in successful completion of this project. I wish to express my gratitude to Prof. K. Siva Rama Krishna, Dean & Principal, GITAM Institute of Management, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, for giving me this valuable opportunity to experience the work culture in an organization. I wish to express my gratitude to Prof. P Sheela, Vice Principal, GITAM Institute of Management, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, for giving me this valuable opportunity to experience the work culture in an organization. I am grateful to Prof KV Umadevi, project guide, GITAM Institute of Management, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam for his continuous guidance to accomplish this project work, successfully.
DECLARATION I, ASHIK JAIN a student of Masters of Business Administration (M.B.A.), GITAM Institute of Management (GIM), GITAM University, hereby declare that the project work done from 6 th May to 15th June 2013 at VISAKHA DAIRY LTD. Visakhapatnam, is a genuine work done by me in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the degree of Masters of Business Administration. I confirm that this has not been published or submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree in part or in full. ASHIK JAIN Date:
CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project report titled JOB SATISFACTION is an original work carried out by ASHIK JAIN (Enrollment No 1225112108), under my guidance and supervision, in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Masters of Business Administration by GITAM Institute of Management, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, during the Academic year 2013-14. This report has not been submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any Degree/Diploma/Certificate.
Signature of Guide
Name and Address of the Guide: Prof. K.V. UMA DEVI Associate Professor GITAM Institute of Management Visakhapatnam
Chapter 1 Introduction to HRM Need / Significance of Study Objectives of study Scope of study Research design Limitations of the study Chapter 2 Industry Profile Organisation Profile Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework (a) Employee satisfaction concepts (b) Review of Literature Chapter 4 Analysis of Study Chapter 5 Findings Recommendations Conclusion Bibliography* Annexure
page no
7 - 28
29 - 39
40 - 63 64 - 67
Management has been defined by MARY PARKER FOLLET as the art of getting things done through people but it is felt that management is much more than what is said in the definition. Human resource management is a crucial sub system in the process of management. The objective of human resource management is to achieve healthy human relations and direct their efforts towards the goals of the organization. Healthy human resources contribute to the employee with the sense of ownership, good business results and joy in the place. Human resources play a crucial role in the development process of modern economics. ARTHUR LEWIS observed there are greater differences in the development between countries which seem to have roughly equal resources. So it is necessary to enquire into the difference in human behavior, , it is often felt that, though the exploitation of natural resources, availability of physical and financial resources and international aid play prominent role in growth of modern economics, none of these factors is more significant then efficient and committed man power. It is fact, said that all development comes from the human mind. According to David A. Decenzo & Stephen p. Robbins HR is defined as process consisting of four functions acquisition, development, motivation and maintenance of human resources. In order to achieve better productivity level in the organization, human resources should be satisfied with their job.
Job satisfaction is defined as the, pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job as achieving or facilitating the achievement of ones job values. In contrast job dissatisfaction is defined as the unpleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job as frustrating or blocking the attainment ones job values or as entailing disvalues. However, both satisfaction and dissatisfaction were seen as, a function of the perceived relationship between what on perceives it as offering or entailing.
Personal factors:
They include workers sex, education, age, marital status and their personal characteristics, family background, socio-economic background and the like.
Need of Study
Human resources are considered to be the most valuable assets for any organization. The management of human resources is very important and crucial in any organization. These human resources should be utilized in a proper manner for the achievement of organizational goals. One of the important aspects of this human resources management is their satisfaction on the job. Once they are satisfied with their job, they will be putting in their best efforts in the work place and will be achieving the organizational goals and objectives. Dairy development in India has been most spectacular in recent years.Sri Vijaya Visakha District co-operative milk producers union Ltd is one of the leading Dairies in East costal Andhra Pradesh. They were able to run the Dairy successfully with dedicated employees. Most of the studies in HRM have been carried out with a focus on human resource policies and practices such as selection and recruitment, compensation package, welfare measures etc. There are very few studies with regard to job satisfaction, even though it is an important concept of Human resource management. Hence there is a felt need to analyze the level of job satisfaction among the Visakha Dairy employees which contributed to the development of the organization.
Scope of Study
1. The study covers the level of job satisfaction in the employees of Sri Vijaya visakha district milk producers mutually aided co-operative union limited". 2. The scope of the study is restricted to work men & employees who had four years of working experience. 3. The study covers the level of job satisfaction in the following aspects job information, job value, personal view, working conditions.
1. To study the general concept of job satisfaction. 2. To portray the profile of Dairy industry with a special focus on Sri Vijaya Visakha District milk producers mutually aided co-operative union limited. 3. To asses the level of job satisfaction among employees of Visakha Dairy. 4. To offer necessary suggestions to improve the level of job satisfaction.
1. Time is the major limitation. The whole study was conducted with in a period of 30days to gather information relating to all aspects of the study. 2. The study covers employees with more than 4 years of experience. 3. Sample for the survey was selected based upon random stratified sampling which has its own defects. 4. An in depth study was not possible due to time and money constraints.
The present study is an attempt to analyze the job satisfaction of employees of Sri Vijaya Visakha District Milk Producers Mutually Aided Co-op Union Ltd. Towards the accomplishment of said objectives, information would be obtained from primary and secondary data sources. Primary data is gathered through a series of detailed discussion with the employees. A questionnaire has been surveyed to a sample of 60 respondents from various departments. The respondents were selected on the basis of simple random sampling. At least 4 years of experience employees were selected and given questionnaires. The idea beyond that is if they had 4 years of experience they will be having fair knowledge about their job. The secondary data was collected from company books, websites, various books & records from the human resource management department of the unit.
dairying is proved to be successful with "AMUL" and later this integrated approach is come to be known as "ANAND PATTERN OF DAIRY CO-OPERATIVES".
IMPORTANCE OF MILK: Milk as we all know is a mixture of a variety of nutrients. Milk is a polysaccharide constitute of our food. Milk on digestion gives glucose and lactose. As we grow into adulthood, we tend to consume less and less of milk. In todays market place, where there is a bewildering array of milk products. There is a milk product for almost every one. Once consuming cow's milk, infants under 1 year should stock to whole milk for growth and energy needs.
Experts have analyzed the causes of the regression but corrective measures which should have been initiated are still a long way off. The Andhra Pradesh dairy development co-operative federation (APDDCF) which has major stake in the dairy industry is gripping with the situation to find a durable solution. Poor utilization of infrastructure facilities and inability to take timely measures to tackle competition from private dairies had proved costly for the APDDCF whose debt equity ratio stands at 1:1:36. The APDDCF has an installed capacity of 23.87 lacks liters per day with 66 milk chilling centers, 7 factories, 2 major dairies and 10 district unions. It has 5683 milk co-operative societies with an enrollment of 6.2 lacks member producers. The state government has extended financial assistance zip to 35.48 crores of which Rs.26.1 crores came from plan fund of the total share capital of Rs. 18.18 crores. In Andhra Pradesh procurement is mostly of buffalo milk, is subject to seasonal flections. Despite the uncertainties, things went off well for the federation but liberalization policy of the central Government has boosted the entire of private enterprises in the dairy sector which has resulted in deep-cuts in the procurement of milk by APDDCF.
Low productivity of milk cattle in the state and inadequate measure to upgrade the cattle have also resulted in milk procurement. This situation had cascading effect on the manufacture of milk products and the capacity had come down from 50% in 199394 to 43% in 1995 - 96. Production of milk products fell by 29% in 1995 compared to previous year. Of the 10 district unions, the finances of Godavari dist co-operative milk producers union and that of cuddapha have become so poor that it has been decided to liquidate the two unions. However the unions of East and West Godavari districts for better viability and management. The Prodtoor milk union because of its heavy losses amounting to 13 crores, including 80 lacks which was to go as arrears to farmers, has been decided to be liquidating. In spite of a steep reduction in the procurement of milk, the federation was able to maintain its sales turnover at 6.5 lacks lpd. The federation has not been able to raise the sale price of milk in proportions to rise in procurement costs. The coat manpower per liter of milk increased from Rs. 1.33 in 1994 - 95 to Rs. 1.72 in 1995 - 96 and to Rs. 2.12 crores in 1996 - 97. The total liability of the federation to NDDB stood at Rs. 154.26 crores. The federation has availed a loan of Rs.8.03 crores from the national co-operative development corporation to take up integrated dairy development in the non-operation flood areas of Telangana region. Through the objective of federation has shifted from social responsibility to commercial viability, it has to maintain a balance between the two, despite the high operational costs and low capacity utilization. In the organized sector in A.P., 11 private units have been registered with an installed capacity of 8.67 lacks lpd. In addition about 35 private units with a capacity less than 10,000 lpd have sprung up.
bars. While final plans are yet to be formulated, sale of various milk products like lassie, ice-cream would be undertaken.
transfer. The machine would have capacity to give out 50,000 lpd and the new milk packets will be made available by next march.
Scenario of dairy industry: International scenario of dairy industry: The liquid milk market:
Average of 14 billion of milk was produced every year in UK, 73 million tons in USA and India's production is around 75 million tons. Half of the total production of milk is used for manufacturing other products. In UK the liquid milk sales has seen a decline since the previous 10 years. Since 1980 more than 90% of milk was purchased from the milkman. By 1980 this declined to 89% in 1985 to 81%, in 1990 to 68.3% and by 1995 doorstep delivery accounted for 44.5% of all milk purchased. Sales in supermarkets and small shops increased in relation to the decline in doorstep share. The information collected on international scenario was achieved from internet and it was not updated to the current year.
36% of all the household milk sold in England, Scotland and Wales is sold in glass bottles, with plastic containers claiming 50% of the market and cartons the remaining 14%. Virtually all milk sold in glass bottles is sold in doorstep delivery while disposable packaging accounts for almost all shop sales.
Through our country has 25% of the total world agriculture animals, yet the production of milk is only 6.5% of the world production. The Government started the "operation flood" program. India is the second largest populated country and consumption of milk is also high. In order to meet the requirements of the people the operation food program was developed. In every 5 years plan emphasis is even given to agriculture also which includes farming, dairying etc., In India the state in which the production milk is high in Gujarat. It is estimated that the per capita consumption of every Indian is 118 grams. But the minimum requirement for good health is 210 grams per day. It is also estimated that the consumption would be 64.40 millions tons in this year. Therefore it is necessary to develop dairy farming in India.
co-operative societies act in 1973. At the stage, the area of operation was limited to Visakhapatnam district only. The farmers took lot of interest in dairying after realizing it as the subsidiary occupation as it is giving them regular income for their live hood with the result more and more small and marginal farmers land agricultural laborers joined in this stream for increasing their economy at the village level utilizing the infrastructure available dairy development through operation flood program this cooperative dairy has also joined in the line in 1981 and become a member of the AP dairy development co-operative federation limited at apex. At this stage, the union comprising of the districts viz. name of "Sri Vijaya Visakha district co-operative milk producers union limited" during the year 1981-82. The union is changed its name into mutually aided co-operative society with concern of the act of 1995 from 08-071999 and its name changed as "Sri Vijaya Visakha district milk producers mutually aided co-operative union limited". As the production and procurement started increasing year by year with more participation of rural farmers the handling capacity of Visakha co-operative dairy increased time to time as follows.
Milk procurement:
The union is procuring milk through a network of 800 primary milk producers cooperative societies and 736 milk producers association centers in the 3 districts of Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram and Srikakulam. The average daily procurement of this union during 1997-98 is 1, 88,900 liters per day. The payment for the milk produced is made once in fortnight based on the fat and S.N.T. contents of the milk supplied. The milk transported to the dairy and its units through a network of 54 milk routes in three districts.
The following inputs are provided to milk producers..... * Animal health care * Artificial insemination * Feed and fodder activity * Premixed cattle feed is being supplied at the rate of Rs. 4.00/Kg. * Distribution of fodder mini kits on 50% subsidy etc... * Extension activities * Film shows * Pamphlets and charts distribution * Cattle insurance scheme
d) Training center:
The union has its own regional training centre near hanumanthawaka with boarding and lodging facilities and is imparting for the society personnel in the following fields.
A1 program A1 program Veterinary first aid training Paid secretaries training etc.
Fodder form:
In the training center premises of fodder farm is established both for demonstration to the trainees and seed multiplication. The following fodder grassers are grown in the farm. 1. CO-1 2. NB-2 3. PARA 4.GUNIA
During the year 1997-98 fodder slips to cover an area of 130 acres were produce and distributed to the milk producers free of cost.
New projects taken over by Visakha Dairy to improve quality of the products and satisfy the customers:
Due to the extension and welfare activities taken up by the Visakha union, Dairying has almost become a main occupation for the milk producers in the drought districts Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Visakhapatnam especially where the rains are insufficient. Thereby the milk procurement was surpassed the capacities of various levels of the Dairy. Therefore necessity arose for the expansion of the dairy capacity for handling the excess milk procured. For this the following projects are planned and are under active execution. Fat handling unit - ll with ice bank system refrigeration plant and butter deep freeze with an estimated cost of Rs.24 lacks. Milk pouch packaging unit - II with cold store and plant room with an estimated cost of 2.56 lacks. UHT/ASPFTIC Milk plant with preprocessing and packaging machines on differed payment basis with an estimated cost of Rs. 848 lacks.
Construction of milk collection building under janma bhoomi program in three districts of Visakha union:
It is aware under Janmabhoomi programmed various developmental activities are being envisaged through this programmed for the rural development. In this connection, the district Collector, Visakhapatnam has sanctioned 85 milk collection buildings under this programmed with 50% contribution. Further they are appealing the entire district Collectors to consider some more buildings in a phase manner, which is an important infrastructure, need to be provided to the rural farmers for their economic growth.
To encourage women to form into dairy co-operatives. To train women in scientific dairying to increase the milk production from the existing mulch animals, to improve the quality of milk to upgrade existing stock for better mulch animals. To train the women as self-managers to run the dairy co-operatives on their own. To develop women dairy co-operatives as nucleus for other women developmental activities, like women and child health, savings through thrift improving nutritional standards among children through locally available weaning foods, imparting literacy including legal literacy etc.
Under this program, this union has been given a target of 60 women co-operative societies to be formed in the 3 years of project period in phased manner. First year Second year Third year 15 30 15
Another important aspect in the project is they have proposed to utilize the services of voluntary organization existing in the district with special reference to develop women for: Legal literacy improvement program. Schemes for training in production of weaning foods. Dairy training for the skills of traditional birth attendants.
To take up this project an amount of Rs. 111.00 lacks has been earmarked for the project period of 3 years in establishing women dairy cooperatives in this union.
This union has established 11 bulk cooling centers at Chodavaram area an experimental basis to collect milk from the nearby villages by keeping bulk coolers with a capacity of 1000/2, 100/2, 500 depending upon need. With a capital out lay of Rs.30 lacks to cover 60 M. P. C. S in two chilling center areas in a period of two years.
To bring about a gender balance development in the selected villages through society based program.
Specific Objectives:
To improve knowledge of the rural women on better techniques in dairy management and clean milk production. To promote fodder production. To develop skills for rural women on management of institutions like dairy cooperative society as self managers and self dependence. To promote thrift activities, health camps and to promote literacy in the village. To bring awareness in cattle health, breeding programs calves management cattle insurance etc.
1. Fulfillment theory:
The proponents of this theory measure satisfaction terms of rewards a person receives or the extent to which his needs are satisfied. Further they thought that there is a direct/positive relationship between job satisfaction and the actual satisfaction of the expected needs. The main difficulty in this approach is that job satisfaction as observed by willing, is not only a function of what a person receives but also what he feels he should receive as there would be considerable difference in the actual and expectations of persons. Thus, job satisfaction cannot be regarded as merely a function of how much a person receives from his job. Another important factor/ variable that should be including predicting job satisfaction accurately is the strength of the individuals desire of his level of aspiration in a particular area. This led to the development of the discrepancy-theory of job satisfaction.
2. Discrepancy theory:
The proponents of this theory argue that satisfaction is the function of what a person actually receives from any job situation and what he thinks be should receive or what he expects to receive. When the actual satisfaction derived is less than expected satisfaction, it results in dissatisfaction. As discussed earlier, job satisfaction and dissatisfaction are functions of the perceived relationship between what one wants from ones job and what one perceives it is offering. This approach does not make it dear whether or not over satisfaction is a part of dissatisfaction and if so, how dies differ from dissatisfaction. This led to the development of equity-theory of job satisfaction.
3. Equity theory:
The proponents of this theory are of the view that a persons satisfaction is determined by his perceived equity, which in turn is determined by his perceived equity, which in turn is determined by his input-output balance compared to his comparison of others input-output balance, it-output balance is the perceived ratio of what a person receives from his job relative to what he contributes to the job. This theory is of the view that both under the over rewards lead to dissatisfaction while the under-reward causes feelings of unfair treatment, over-reward leads to feelings of guilt and discomfort.
Personal factors:
They include workers sex, education, age marital status and their personal characteristics, family background, socio-economic background and the like.
dissatisfaction. However, job satisfaction or dissatisfaction forms opinions about the job and the organization which result in employee morale.
possible is 2800 provided all four seventh alternatives are chosen. But HOPPOCK takes the average of the four items (range 100-700) for developing the satisfaction index. Although in its original form, job satisfaction index by HOPPOCK is generally not used now but its variations can be spotted in the literature.
Chronic absenteeism may verge neuroticism while a person coming barefoot to the office may be a milder form of it. Though it may be easy to identify symptoms of neuroticism it is very difficult to know what causes it. Family tensions, job tensions, social tension, emotional stress, fear, anxiety of any such sources could be a source of neuroticism.
Not much is known about how the overall goals of the organization contribute to the degree of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. A study of the relationship between satisfaction and organizational objectives ma throw light on a variety of issues that other wise may not be possible for example, such a study may help organizations to develop organizational level plans to induce greater satisfaction; help the employees to develop an identity with the organization, or just improve many studies are conducted on this issue on Indian respondents. However, there is one study that seems to deal direct with this issue. Khan Walla and Jain (1984) designed a research to study how goals of organizations affect the satisfaction level of the managers. In this study the unit of analysis was organization as a whole and not the individual responses of the respondents.
Data were collected on 47 Indian organizations. The following 12 operating goals were measured on a 5-pont scale of importance to top management. 1. Higher profitability. 2. Performance stabilization. 3. Higher sales growth rate. 4. Growth in market share. 5. Better public image. 6. Greater customer loyalty. 7. Better relationship with government. 8. More professionalized management. 9. Higher employee morale. 10 Higher operating efficiency. 11 Greater supervisory and managerial skills. 12. Increased meeting of national priorities. Managers also filled out a satisfaction questionnaire consisting of following 14 job factors. These were rated on a 4-point scale of significance to rates. 1. Sense of challenge and worth while accomplishment. 2. Opportunity for personal growth and development. 3. Opportunity for taking initiative. 4. Superiors appreciation for good work. 5. Decision-making authority. 6. Opportunity for promotion. 7. Job freedom.
8. Opportunity in influence superiors decisions. 9. Social prestige of organization. 11. Considerate and helpful boss. 12. Opportunity to serve society. 13. Job security. 14. Pay, allowances and other perquisites.
The work Job variety Autonomy Goal determination Feed back & Recognition
FACTORS External
Achievement Roll ambiguity Roll conflict Opportunity Job security Social interaction
Commitment Expectation Job involve Effort Reward ration Influence
Job variety
: Freedom to control your own work. : Freedom to set your own goals and
Role ambiguity & role conflict: knowing your work roles and
Agreement with other employees works roles.
Job security
Social interactions
Work schedules
Job involvement
the balance between the amounts Worked and ratio the rewards received.
Influence of co-workers
: how your job rates with the jobs of Friends and relatives?
: how prestigious others feel your job is? : your view of yourself in general : how old some one is?
Human resources management is one of the vital areas of management in any business. The success of an organization mainly depends on these human resources. The level of satisfaction of employees on their job ultimately determines the productivity level in any organization. Hence one of the important areas need to be focused in this regard is Job Satisfaction. Visakha Dairy employs more than 890 employees and was successfully run all through these years. An attempt has been made to assess the level of Job Satisfaction among the employees of Visakha Dairy. A questionnaire has been surveyed to a sample of 60 respondents adopting random sampling method. Their perceptions have been analyzed and interpreted in this chapter. Every employee who has been employed with a particular job in an organization has some or other perception regarding his job. An attempt was made to know as to what the employees feel about their job
No of respondents
19 33 8 0
Percentage respondents
32 55 13 0
Graph 1:
PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Series1
M onotonous
Cant say
Interpretation1: The above graph represents the statistics as to how far the employees are familiar with the job facilities provided in Visakha diary. About 55% employees among the sample surveyed feel about their job is challenging. 32% employees feel their job as interesting and 13% feel it as monotonous. Most of the employees who have responded to the survey feel that their job is challenging.
No of respondents
15 37 8
Percentage respondents
25 62 13
70 60 PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS 50 40 30 20 10 0 Always Sometimes Not required OPTIONS
Interpretation 2: From the above table we can depict that 62% employees sometimes use a wide variety of skills and talents to do their jobs in Visakha dairy and 25% employees feel that they
always use a wide variety of skills and talents to do their jobs and remaining people are of the opinion that special skills are not required for their job. The majority of employees feel that they sometimes need to use their skills and very few percentages of employees who responded that they never use their skills and talents are the lower cadre employees and the employees belonging to the clerical cadre.
Yes No
No of respondents
43 17
Percentage of respondents
72 28
PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No
From the above table we can observe that about 72% of employees are satisfied with the continuing education personal growth supported by the organization and about 28% of employees have rated no. Industrial relations count a lot in any organization. The employees gain job satisfaction only when the relationship between the management and workers is good. The employees were asked to rate the relationship between them and the management.
No of respondents
10 37 13 0
Percentage respondents
17 62 21 0
70 60 50 40 Series1 30 20 10 0
Excelle n t Good Satisfactory Poor
Interpretation4: It can be understood that the treatment of employees by the management is excellent and most of the employees are satisfied with the treatment of the management.
The relationship between the management and worker is excellent. This may be because of the reason that management emphasis on workers participations in management schemes. The policies and procedures of an organization have a drastic effect on the satisfaction level of the job. An attempt was made to know about the policies and procedures and the satisfaction among the employees regarding these policies.
No of respondents
12 39 9
Percentage respondents
20 65 15
PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Highly satisfied Satisfied OPTIONS dissatisfied Series1
Interpreatation5: It can be observed that the respondents are satisfied with the policies and procedures followed in Visakha Dairy and half of the respondents feel that the policies and procedures are highly satisfied and very few are dissatisfied. The statistical data obtain from the survey report clearly shows that majority of the employees are satisfied with the policies and procedures. The reason for this is that the company frames its policies and procedures in accordance to its employees. The employees who frame the policies themselves have rated it as excellent.
No of respondents
11 40 9
Percentage respondents
18 67 15
It can be depicted nearly 66.67% of the respondents are satisfied with the working conditions prevailing in Visakha dairy and 18 % of the respondents are highly satisfied with the working conditions and 15% of the respondents are dissatisfied. From the outcome of the survey report it can clearly observed that majority of the employees satisfied with the working conditions. Visakha diary is providing excellent working condition for employees. But the percentage of employees who have responded that the working conditions are not up to the mark indicates that Visakha dairy need to implement something more.
Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor
No of respondents
10 33 17 0
Percentage respondents
17 55 28 0
60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Excellent Good Satisfactory P oor
Interpretation7: From the above table we can observe that 55% respondents rated the method of communication followed in Visakha dairy as good and 28% of respondents are satisfied with the communication method and 17% of respondents have rated it as excellent.Each and every matter of importance is communicated to its employees regularly from time to time. The different modes through which communication is passed on to the employees are through notices, memos, letters etc. Table 8 Employees opinion about the supervision assistance and
Highly satisfied Satisfied dissatisfied
No of respondents
25 35 0
Percentage respondents
42 58 0
Interpretation8: The statistical data obtained from the sample survey depicts that 58 % of the employees have got the assistance and guidance of their superior when needed. Hence they are satisfied. 42% feel that guidance provided by the superior is excellent and they are highly satisfied with this regard. The relationship between the superior and the employees in Visakha dairy is very friendly in nature. The superior provides the employee with proper guidance and useful information when ever needed. The employees never find it going tough with the superior.
Table 9 Employee perception about the team work in the Visakha Dairy. Option
Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor
No of respondents
8 34 15 3
Percentage respondents
13 57 25 5
60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Excellent Good Satisfactory P oor
Interpretation9: The survey report states that 57% of the employees are of the view that the team work in Visakha dairy is good. Nearly 25% are satisfied with the team work performance and the rest of 13% and 5% have rated them as excellent and poor respectively. The task in the Visakha dairy is completed by collective efforts. The teams are assigned the task and each of the employees in the team is made responsible to solve that task. Some of the respondents have rated the team work as poor. The reason for this may be that their perception is not matching with the perception of others. An attempt was made to know about the satisfaction level of the employees regarding the salary being paid to them.
No of respondents
10 40 10
Percentage respondents
17 67 16
Interpretation10: From the above results we observed that 67% of the employees are satisfied with the present salary, 17% of them are highly satisfied with the present salary and 16% of the employees are dissatisfied with the salary system. Most of the employees are satisfied with the present salary being paid to them. These are the employees in the higher cadre level. The employees who are not satisfied with the salaries are the lower cadre employees. The Visakha dairy should take care that the lower cadre employees are satisfied with the wages.
performance Option
Always Sometimes Never
No of respondents
14 34 12
Percentage respondents
24 56 20
Interpretation11: Among the employees surveyed 56% of them feel that they have been rewarded sometimes for their work. 24% of them feel that they are always rewarded for the job they have accomplished. Visakha dairy rewarded its employees from time to time for their best performances they have contributed to the organization. But the procedure for selection of employees for the reward system is so tough that the employees get rewards rarely. Hence there is a little bit of dissatisfaction in this case.
Table 12 Respondents opinion about recognition of their major job accomplishments Option
Always Sometimes Never
No of respondents
11 36 13
Percentage respondents
18 60 22
Interpretation12: From the above data given in the table we observe that 60% of the respondents are given recognition sometimes for major job accomplishments. 18% of the respondents are always given recognition and the percentage of employees who rated this scheme as never is 22% which cannot be neglected.
No of respondents
19 33 8
Percentage respondents
32 55 13
Interpretation13: 32% of the employees are of the opinion that they are always provided with opportunities. 55% of them view that they are sometimes provided with opportunities and 13% feel that they are never provided with such an opportunity. Employees are not given lot of opportunities for handling more responsibilities. This could be revealed from the out come of the study. But very few of them accept the opportunities.
Table14 Facing of Health problems due to the work stress Option No of respondents Percentage respondents
72 28
Yes No
43 17
80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes OPTIONS No
Interpretation14: The above graph represents the statistical as to how far the employees are familiar with the health problems because of work stress in Visakha dairy. About 72% employees among that sample surveyed have health problems due to work stress. 28% employees are of the opinion that they have no health problems. Most of the people who are employed in Visakha Dairy have no health problems arising from the work. This may be one of the reasons for their job satisfaction.
No of respondents
39 21
Percentage respondents
65 35
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes OPTIONS No
Interpretation15: 65% of the respondents are ready to quit the organization if they get better opportunities and 35% are not willing to quit the organization. When asked whether the employees would like to leave the organization or not, most of them preferred leaving the organization if they get a better opportunity else where. This means that Visakha dairy should take a better care of its employees.
Human Resource is considered to be the most valuable asset in any organization. It is the sum-total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents and aptitudes of the employed persons who comprise executives, supervisors and the rank and file employees. It may be noted here that human resources should be utilized to the maximum possible extent, in order to achieve individual and organizational goals; it is thus the employees performance which ultimately decides and attainment of goals. However, the employee performance is to a large extent influenced by motivation and job satisfaction.
JOB SATISFACTION plays a vital role in any industry or any organization or business. Organization expects efficient performance from their employees in order to contribute to the attainment of the individual goals job satisfaction is necessary. Job satisfaction refers to a persons feeling of satisfaction on the job, which as a motivation to work. It is not the self-satisfaction, happiness or self-contentment but the satisfaction on the job. Generally the level of job satisfaction seems to have some relation with various aspects of work behavior like absenteeism, adjustment, accidents, productivity and union affiliation. Although several studies have shown varying degrees of relationship between them and job satisfaction, it is not quite clear whether these relationships are correlative or casual.
Sri Vijaya Visakha District Milk Producers Mutually Aided Co-operative Union Limited is one of the biggest milk producing industry in Andhra Pradesh.The plant is located at Visakhapatnam. The main products of Sri Vijaya Visakha District Milk Producers Mutually Aided Co-operative Union Limited are milk, bad am milk, flavored milk, doodh peda, misti dhoi, pannier, ghee, Visakha dairy north pole ice cream, badam burfy, milk shakes, and etc are the remaining products of the Sri Vijaya Visakha District Milk Producers Mutually Aided Co-operative Union Limited". An attempt has been made to asses the level of Job Satisfaction of employees of Visakha Dairy. A questionnaire has been surveyed to a sample of 60 respondents from various departments. The respondents were selected on the basis of simple random sampling. At least 4 years of experienced employees were selected and given questionnaires. The idea beyond that is if they had 4 years of experience they will be having fair knowledge about their job. The secondary data was collected from company books, websites, various books and records from the HRM department of the unit. After conducting the study, it was observed that most of the employees are satisfied with their jobs. The management is taking necessary steps to increase the level of satisfaction in Sri Vijaya Visakha district milk producers mutually aided co-operative union limited".
Majority of the respondents are satisfied with their job in the organization. 62% feel that they have essential skills and talents required for job. 55% are moderately satisfied with the communication and information flow; Most of the respondents are moderately satisfied about education and personal growth. 61% of the respondents feel excellent about treatment by the management. 65% are satisfied with the policies and procedures. Majority of the respondents are satisfied with the working conditions prevailing in the organization. 58% are satisfied with supervision assistance and guidance. 56% are moderately satisfied with the team work in Visakha Dairy. A few respondents are satisfied with their salaries on par with their experience. 60% of the respondents are satisfied with their job accomplishments and achievements.
The interpersonal relationship between the employees of the Sri Vijaya visakha district milk producers mutually aided co-operative union limited" should be improved; the improvement can be made by conducting several personality development programs and work shops.
The working experience of the employees should be taken in to account while fixing their salaries, the salaries of the employees should be increased at least 10% for every 2 years of experience.
In order to reduce the conflicts in the organization the management should take proper steps, some of them are appointment of labour welfare officer and conducting counseling to the employees to reduce the conflicts and by implementing different methods such as investigation, mediation, conciliation, voluntary arbitration etc for the conflict resolution can be done more effectively.
The working conditions in the organization should be improved the management should provide better working conditions such as ventilation, lighting, sanitation, spittoons, drinking water facilities, toilet etc .
Information should be communicated to all the employees through a proper channel, the information regarding the shifts should be placed in the notice board and should be reviewed from time to time.
The employees in the organization should be made to participate in the decision making process, the employees can be made to participate through several forms through works committee, joint management councils, shop councils and unit councils.
The allocation of work should be done more effectively and efficiently. This will help to the employees to increase their morale and their level of satisfaction on the job will be increased.
The outcome of the survey of the job satisfaction conducted in Visakha Dairy reveals that some of the respondents were not satisfied with the present job. Hence if the organization needs to grow then it should take care of its employees satisfaction level with regard to their job. The reasons behind the dissatisfaction of the employees are mainly due to the management policies and procedures which are not clearly framed and defined. The hierarchical structure needs to be modified. Another main reason for job dissatisfaction is the improper relationship between the subordinate and superior which need to be improved a lot.
Thus the management should concentrate in this regard and make necessary changes in the systems and procedures.
1. Essentials of Human Resource Management and industrial relations 2. Personal management 3. Human resource management 4. Personal Management P. SUBBARAO EDWIN B. FLIPPO T.N. CHHABRA M. ARGUN & SAIYYEDDIN.S.MIRZA 5. Research methodology for management 6. Human resource development C. KOTHARI T.V.RAO
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1. How do you feel about your job? a. Interesting [ ] b.challenging [ ] c.Monotonous [ ] d.cant say [ ] 2. Do you have to use a wide variety of skills and talents to do your job? a. Always [ ] b.Sometimes [ ] c.Not required [ ]
3. Does your organization support continuing education personal growth? a. Yes [ ] b.No [ ]
4. How do you feel about the treatment of employees by the management? a. Excellent [ ] b.Good [ ] c.Satisfactory [ ] d.Poor [ ] 5. Are you satisfied with the policies and procedures followed in your organization? a.Highlysatisfied [ ] b.Satisfied [ ] c.Dissatisfied [ ]
6. Are you satisfied with the working conditions prevailing in the organization? a.Highlysatisfied [ ] b.Satisfied [ ] c.Dissatisfied [ ]
7. How do you rate the method of communication followed in your organization? a. Excellent [ ] b.Good [ ] c.Satisfactory [ ] d.Poor [ ]
8. Are you satisfied with the assistance and guidance provided by the superior when needed? a.Highlysatisfied [ ] b.Satisfied [ ] c.Dissatisfied [ ]
9. How do you rate the team work in your organization? a. Excellent [ ] b.Good [ ] c.Satisfied [ ] d.Poor [ ]
10. Are you satisfied with your present salary? a.Highlysatisfied [ ] b.Satisfied [ ] c.Dissatisfied [ ] 11. Are you ever rewarded for your best performance? a. Always [ ] b.Sometimes [ ] c.Never [ ]
12. Are you given recognition for major job accomplishments? a. Always [ ] b.Sometimes [ ] c.Never [ ] 13. Are you provided with opportunities for added responsibilities? a. Always [ ] b.Sometimes [ ] c.Never [ ]
14. Do you have any health problems because of work stress? a. Yes [ ] b.No [ ]
15. Have you ever thought of quitting the organization? a. Yes [ ] b.No [ ]