SAP CRM Business Role

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The SAP CRM Business Role

The business role is a role describing the user interface of SAP CRM and displays the CRM functions in the form of BSP applications in the CRM Web Client. The business role is (directly or indirectly) assigned to the end-user. Let's take the case where a brand-new created User having SAP_ALL authorizations will logon to the CRM Web UI. Altough he has SAP_ALL (meaning ALL authorizations in that particular SAP system) he might not be able to actually logon succesfully in the new CRM WEBUI. He might be seeing the following screen :-)

Logon is not possible because you have not been assigned to a business role; contact your system administrator How many times I needed to explain to SAP CRM consultants that they were lacking the assignment to a business role, is incredible :-) You would expect this would be the first thing to learn when "learning more about SAP's new CRM WEB User Interface". So remember: even with SAP_ALL & SAP_NEW, but not being assigned at least 1 business role, you can forget doing anything in the NEW WEB UI. Remarks: A) A user can be assigned to multiple business roles: in such a case the user will have a selection screen where he must choose with which business role he would like to logon in the CRM Web UI (e.g sales professional versus service professional)

B) Business role assignment to a User can be done directly or indirectly. There are actually 3 ways how a business role can be assigned. The determination of the business role allowed for a user is actually determined in the Class CL_CRM_UI_PROFILE_DETERM in the method LOAD_PROFILES. 1) The user parameter: CRM_UI_PROFILE Using this user parameter in your SU01 master record, you can actually assign 1 specific business role , or use the value * (which would give access to ALL business roles). This parameter is mainly used by consultants for testing purposes, altough it is also a usable approach to assign a business role to your End-users.

2) A users assignment in the organizational model, where on either organizational unit or position level a Business Role has been maintained. As such the User indirectly inherits access to the particular Business Role. In the organizational model below, the User Nancy Wong is assigned to the position "IC Agent CP US". For this position I have maintained the infotype

When you double click on the position, to see its details in the organizational model, and next in the menu select the option (as shown below)

you will get to see more details for the selected position with regards to the infotypes.

When you select the infotype 1263 (Business role), and press the 'glasses' you will see the details:

You can see that in this case the Business Role SALESPRO has been assigned to the position.

As such, Nancy Wong, will inherit this business role assignment to her user, by her assignment to this particular position. 3) The PFCG role a user has maintained for his SU01 User Master Record, that corresponds to the PFCG role which is maintained in Business Role Customizing. You will see that in the Customizing settings of a business role, 1 PFCG role is maintained. IMG PATH: SPRO > customer relationship management > UI Framework > business roles > define business role

e.g. for the standard delivered business roles: SALESPRO > PFCG role = SAP_CRM_UIU_SLS_PROFESSIONAL


So if the user has the role SAP_CRM_UIU_SLS_PROFESSIONAL assigned in his user master record, he will be able to logon with the Bus. role Sales Professional. C) The business role determines what kind of functionalities the user can see and use, by selecting certain logical links from within a work center or direct link group for example. If you want to want to take this a step further, you might actually say that it is the Navigation Bar, assigned to your business role, which on its turn is assigned to the user, actually determines what kind of functionalities a user can use from within the WEB UI.

Business Role Sales Professional (SALESPRO)

Business Role Service Professional (SERVICEPRO)

The work Center "Sales Cycle" is visible when logged on with the Business Role "Sales Professional" but not when using the standard business role "Service professional. On the other hand, you will only see the work center "Service orders" when using the business role Service professional and not with the Sales Professional business role.

D) What a user actually can SEE and USE in the SAP CRM system (WEB UI) is dependant on the combination of the assigned busines role and the users authorizations that have been assigned.

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