Middleware Interview Questions W Answers

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1. Types of BDocs -mBDOC/sBDOC etc

A Container of business data that contains all the required information for a
business process
The smallest unit of data for supporting a single complete business transaction
A logical unit of data involved in Business flow qHas a number of segments
which in turn has a number of fields
Each segment can be associated to one or more tables
Segment field is associated with a table field via Mapping
BDoc Type (structure)
Defined for every business object
Contains all the fields that make up that business object
BDoc Instance
Any given BDoc type containing all field values
BDoc Message
Contains only modified fields including new/deleted fields
BDoc instance is replicated to mobile clients using BDoc messages
BDoc Classes
Messaging BDocs
Data exchange between CRM and R/3 or other external systems
Not mapped to database tables
Synchronization BDocs
Data exchange between CRM and mobile clients
Processed on mobile client and on CRM server
Mapped to database tables and stored in the CDB
Mobile Application BDocs
Used by CRM Mobile applications
Processed on mobile clients only
Mapped to database tables

2. How to debug an LUW

Deebugger or using SMQ1 de registering queues .
set a breakpoint in method CL_SMW_MFLOW-

3. Concept of queues smqr/smqs/smq1/smq2 etc

SMQR:Registration of Inbound Queues (BI,R3)
SMQS: Registration of Destinations (R3,CRM,BI)
SMQ1:qRFC Monitor (Outbound Queue) (R3,CRM,BI)
SMQ2: qRFC Monitor (Inbound Queue) (R3,CRM,BI)
SMOHQUEUE : Replication & Realignment
Queues (CRM)

Stop R3
1. Stop queue R/3 smqr ,smqs
2. Stop queue CRM&BW smqr ,smqs
Stop CRM
1. Stop queue CRM smqr ,smqs
2. Stop queue R/3 smqr ,smqs (for CRM)
Stop BI
1. Stop queue BW smqr ,smqs
2. Stop queue R/3 smqr ,smqs (for BW)
Start R3
1. Check q hold smq1 R/3 In case of smq1 use lock all
queue ( status of queue change to STOP)
2. Start queue R/3 smqr ,smqs
Start CRM
1. Start R&R start SMOHQUEUE
2. Start queue CRM smqr ,smqs

SMQ1:Out bound queue which is phisical storage of OUT

bound delta(RSA7:delta queue),delta data will be saved in
unstructured format
SMQ2:Inbound queue,Where you can see data which is
coming from other systems to your
R3 system
SMQS:QOUT scheduler where u can see the queue names
which are connected to your R3 system like BI snd
someother systems which are geeting data from your R3
SMQR:QIN sheduler where you can see the queues which
are connected to your R3 system and from which you are
pulling data to you R3 system like CRM for example your
R3 system is getting updates from CRM system then CRM
queue u can see in SMQR scheduler
While upgrading your source system all systems will be
cleared because Upgrade will be fast and u can avoid data
somtimes data source structure will be changed because of
upgrade ,so if u keep delta data it will be corrupted and u
will face delta load will failed and u will get dumps in RSA7
and to currect this error u have to delete delta data nd
to avoid above errors ,we have to clear delta data before
upgrade.if u do this u will not miss any delta data and
upgrade also will be fast.

Credit: Knowledge Management IT for you: SAP BASIS

Start/Stop SAP
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

4. Common middleware badis data exchange badi for

transactions and product_customer2 badi for products (exact badi
names can check from system)
ORDER_SAVE BADI is used at the time of saving order.

COM_PARTNER_BADI to check the partners.

CRM_DATAEXCHG_BADI for data exchange from CRM to

ECC and vice versa

The following methods are available:

DOC_FILL filled
BADI call after BAPI is filled (##)

BADI call after MBDOC is

filled during inbound (###)

5. Concept of site/subscription/publication
Site means the location of data.

Subscription means the authorization to access to the


Publication is the data.

We need to define all the above middleware objects in


BDoc and Replication object for the full comprehension.

Let's give it a try:

SITE: A destination (with a RFC Queue representing it)

which will receive / send data. The data it receives is
defined in a -> subscription.

BDOC: The runtime-data container for sending data

through the CRM middleware.

Replication Object: Based on a BDoc the replication object

is the extension which consists all possible filter objects
on a BDoc for distribution possibilities. There is a 1:1
relationship between replication objects and bdocs. (e.g.
BP's with filters like > KUNNR, <> KUNNR and = KUNNR
and = COUNTRY)

Publication: A stripped-down replication object for actual

use. It contains a selection of the possible filter criteria
defined for the repl. obj., and all these need to be used in
the later -> subscription (e.g. BP's = KUNNR and =

Subscription: The concrete filtering object based on a

publication and having a site assigned (e.g. BP's for R/3,

6. Request load/initial load /delta load, purpose of each and t-


Types of Data Transfer/Loads using

1. Initial load (can be from R3 to CRM or CRM to R3).
2. Delta load (only from R3 to CRM)
3. Upload (only from CRM to R3)
4. Request (uses the same framework as the initial load)
R3AR2 = Define request

R3AR4 = Start request

R3AR3 = Monitor request

R3AS - Start initial load CRM - Middleware Adapter
SMOELOAD - initial load of employees and sites CRM -

Administration Console
SMW01 - Display BDocs CRM - Flow / Services

7. Adapter objects types of adapter objects

Check the tables entries in SM30 for the tables
Sap Menu->Middleware->Data Exchange->Object
Management->Customizing objects (or) R3AC3
There are 3 types of download objects:
Application Objects (Defined in transaction R3AC1) - These objects are used
to transfer data used in normal, every day application processing, such as
material data, business partners, sales documents etc. By default, after the
initial load of an application object is performed, the delta download is activated.
Afterwards, any changes made to corresponding data in the R3 are downloaded
to the CRM. However, the delta load is relevant only for objects with flow defined
from R3 to CRM and for data exchange in this direction.
Customizing Objects (Transaction R3AC3) Customizing in an R3 SAP system
is performed using the IMG (transaction SPRO). The IMG is also used for CRM
customizing, but much of the customizing that governs how application data are
configured must be synchronized between the CRM and R3 using customizing
Adapter Objects.
Condition Objects (Tr R3AC5)

8. CSA*/R3A* queues difference

CSA* - Delta queues in ECC or other systems that are outbound to
R3A* - Queues Outbound to ECC systems

9. BDOC monitoring t code smwoa

10. Other than this, there is a cluster where FM entry is created

which is executed for BP BDocs/AET creates entry in that same

11. AET FM for filling BDOC is *BUPA *FILL*AXT*

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