Review of Lecture 5 The Quantum Harmonic Oscillator
Review of Lecture 5 The Quantum Harmonic Oscillator
Review of Lecture 5 The Quantum Harmonic Oscillator
1 V (x) = m 2 x2 2
The ladder operators: Raising operator: 1 a+ = (ip + m x) 2m h Lowering operator: 1 a = (ip + m x) 2m h Denition of commutator: [A, B] = AB BA Canonical commutation relation: [x, p] = ih The ground (lowest) solution of the time-independent Schrdinger equation for the harmonic oscillator is: 0 (x) = m 1/4 m x2 h e 2 h 1 E0 = h 2
To nd all other functions we can use n (x) = An (a+ )n 0 (x). The possible energies are: En = n +
1 h 2
Exercise 5
Find the rst excited state of the harmonic oscillator. Useful integrals:
x2n ex
2 /a2
dx =
(2n)! a n! 2 dx =
x2n+1 ex
2 /a2
n! 2n+2 a 2
We have recovered our previous result that was obtained using the algebraic method! Note: the condition above will terminate either odd or even power series; the other must be zero from the start. How do we generate the wave functions?
Apart from the overall factor (a0 or a1 ) the polynomials hn ( ) are the so-called Hermite polynomials Hn ( ). By tradition, the arbitrary multiplicative factor is chosen so that the coefcient of the highest power of is 2n . With this convention, the normalized stationary states for the harmonic oscillator are
h 2 d2 1 + m 2 x2 = E 2m dx2 2
Resulting equation: d2 = ( 2 K ) d 2
Step 2: Determine the solution for and separate out the resulting 2 function e /2 . 2 ( ) = h( )e /2 Resulting equation: dh d2h 2 + (K 1)h = 0 2 d d
& '
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Step 3: Look for solutions of this equation (Equation 3) in the form of a power series: h( ) = a0 + a1 + a2 2 + . . . = Resulting equation: Recursion formula a j+2 =
& '
a j j
(2 j + 1 K ) aj ( j + 1)( j + 2)
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Step 5: Put it all together and generate the wave functions n (x) =
m h
2 1 Hn ( )e /2 2n n!
Note that the probability of nding the particle outside of the classically allowed regions is not zero. The potential energy curve represents the classically-allowed maximum displacement of the oscillator. All the wave functions extend beyond the curve.
1 2 2 2 Classically, the energy of the oscillator is E = 1 2 Ka = 2 m a , where a is the amplitude.