Section 1: Input, Output and Storage Specifications. List of Tables in The Database

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Project IHMS: Analysis and Design Details.

Section 1: Input, Output and Storage Specifications. List of Tables in the Database.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Diseases IHMS_Users Patient_Hospital_History Patient_Lab_Info Patient_Personal_Info Symptoms

The Fields in each table are as listed below:

1 2

Table Name: Diseases Field Name Data Type Disease_ID Number Diseases_Name Text

Table Name: Patient_Hospital_History Field Name Data Type 1 Case_Ref_No Number 2 Hosp_No Number 3 Admission_Status Text 4 Date_of_Admission Date/Time 5 Name_of_Doctor Text 6 Doctors_Diagnosis Text 7 Date_of_Discharge Date/Time 8 Status_Upon_Discharge Text Table Name: Symptoms Field Name Data Type 1 Symptom_ID Number 2 Disease_ID Number 3 Symptom_Name Text 4 Description Text

Table Name: Patient_Personal_Info Field Name Data Type 1 Hosp_No Number 2 SName Text 3 FName Text 4 Date_Of_Birth Date/Time 5 Sex Text 6 Home_Add Text 7 State_of_Origin Text 8 Occupation Text 9 Name_of_NoK Text 10 Relationship_to_NoK Text 11 Add_of_NoK Text 12 Name_of_Sponsor Text 13 Add_of_Sponsor Text

1 2 3 4 5

Table Name: Patient_Lab_Info Field Name Data Type Lab_Ref_No Number Hosp_No Number Blood_Group Text RhFactor Text Allergy Text

Table Name: IHMS_Users Field Name Data Type 1 user Text 2 pass Text

Section 2: Design Details

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Project IHMS: Analysis and Design Details.

2.1 Design Methodology.

In the Software Development process, Software Design phase involves decomposing a Software System into modules and defining the relationship among these constituent modules. Usually, a combination of two or more design methodologies is employed in execution of a project. In the case of Intelligent Hospital Management System, the following design methodologies were employed: 2.1.1 Top-Down Design Approach: This involves dividing a system into subsystems or modules and each subsystem being further divided into even smaller subs. This process of division is repeated until each module is sufficiently small enough to be conveniently implemented as an independent entity that performs a clearly defined operation. The top-down design of this project is as follows:
Main Form



Register New Patient

Admit Old Patient

Discharge Old Patient

Diagnose Old Patient

Registratio n Only

Register and Admit

Fig 2.1: Top-down design of the IHMS Project. 2.1.2 Object Oriented Design: This involves the use of models to build a system. These models are implemented through abstract data types called Objects and Classes. An Object is an entity which has both properties (data) and operations (methods). An example is man, with properties such as hair color, and operations/methods such as run, talk, or sleep. A Class is a template or description of a set of objects with similar characteristics, attributes, etc. An example is mammal, as a class describing objects such as man, whale, etc.

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Project IHMS: Analysis and Design Details. Patient objects were extensively used throughout this project to facilitate the collection of data/information from the system user.

2.2 Program Functionalities.

VB 6.0 is a Graphical User Interface programming language, and makes use of forms to interact with the user. The form is a visual object, which provides a means of collecting input from the user, receiving commands from the user and displaying output to the user, if necessary. Listed below are operations that can be carried out with the use of the VB6.0 application, and the corresponding Visual Basic Form used to perform them.

Register a new patient - frmNewReg Admit a new patient - frmAdmission Admit an old (already registered) patient - frmAdmitExisting Discharge a registered and admitted patient - frmDischarge Diagnose a registered and admitted patient - frmDiagnosis Search for a registered patients file - frmWait

2.3 Pseudocodes.
Register a new patient - frmNewReg 1. Collect Patient Information by filling the form a. Generate patient record b. Generate laboratory record 2. Admit the patient into care (optional) a. Generate Hospital history record 3. Stop Admit an old (already registered) patient frmAdmitExisting 1. Open patient file a. Search using unique hospital number (using frmWait) 2. Admit Patient into care a. Generate Hospital history record 3. Stop Discharge a registered and admitted patient frmDischarge 1. Open patient file a. Search using unique hospital number (using frmWait) 2. Discharge Patient a. Edit/Update patients latest Hospital history record 3. Stop Diagnose a registered and admitted patient frmDiagnosis Page 3 of 4

Project IHMS: Analysis and Design Details. 1. Open patient file a. Search using unique hospital number (using frmWait) 2. Input illness/ailment symptoms 3. Output possible ailments 4. Write the result of this diagnosis to the DB (optional) 5. Stop Search for a registered patients file frmWait 1. Input the patients (unique) hospital number 2. Search the database using the hospital number 3. If a match is found for the hospital number then a. Display the Patient record Otherwise b. Inform user of search failure. 4. Stop

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