Rob Mcginnis CV
Rob Mcginnis CV
Rob Mcginnis CV
Robert L. McGinnis
Robert L. McGinnis Department of Chemical Engineering Environmental Engineering Program Yale University P.O. Box 208286 (express mail: 9 Hillhouse Ave.) New Haven, CT. 06520-8286 Email: Phone: (310) 270-6354
2009 2007 2002 Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, Yale University (expected) Advisor: Menachem Elimelech M.S. Environmental Engineering, Yale University B.A., Yale University
2008 2007 2006 2002 1997 ACS Graduate Student Award in Environmental Chemistry Winner, Robert M. Langer Symposium Graduate Student Presentation Competition NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Yale College Deans Fellowship for Undergraduate Research Exploratory research grant, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories
Research Interests
Sustainable Augmentation of Energy and Water Supplies using the tools of Engineered Osmosis to increase water and energy availability without requiring significant fossil fuel inputs Development and Characterization of Osmotically Driven Membrane Processes introduction of Forward Osmosis (FO) desalination and Osmotic Heat Engine (OHE) power generation technologies; development of process improvements and fundamental characterization studies; investigation of open cycle Pressure Retarded Osmosis power generation methods
Novel Membrane Design modification of existing polymeric semi-permeable membranes for application to osmotically driven membrane processes; development of novel nonpolymeric and hybrid semi-permeable membranes Nanoscale Membrane Sensing characterization of membrane transport phenomena; identification of the presence of target contaminants, solutes, or pathogens at very low concentrations in operating membrane separation systems
Teaching Experience
Spring 2008 Graduate Teaching Fellow, Yale University Chemical Engineering Process Design (CENG 412) Professor: Yehia Khalil Graduate Teaching Fellow, Yale University Creativity and New Product Development (ENAS 323) Professor: Henry Bolanos Graduate Teaching Fellow, Yale University Mechanical Design (Robot Wars MENG 185) Professor: David LaVan Graduate Teaching Fellow, Yale University Introduction to Environmental Engineering (ENVE 120) Professor: Jordan Peccia Graduate Teaching Fellow, Yale University Chemical Engineering Process Design (CENG 412) Professor: Yehia Khalil
Fall 2007
Spring 2007
Fall 2006
Spring 2006
Research Experience
2007-Present Graduate researcher, Yale University. Methods of engineered osmosis; novel membrane fabrication methods; nanoscale separation system sensing; FO desalination pilot plant. Funding: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship; WaterCAMPWS Graduate researcher, Yale University. Forward osmosis (FO) desalination pilot project. Funding: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship; EUWP program (Expeditionary Unit Water Purification): consortium composed of the Office of Naval Research, NAVSEA, US Army TARDEC, US Bureau of Reclamation, and NASA. Chief Technology Officer, Osmotic Technologies, Inc. (OTI) Research Engineer, Yale University Commercialization of FO desalination and water treatment. Funding: EUWP program (Expeditionary Unit Water Purification): consortium composed of the Office of Naval Research, NAVSEA, US Army TARDEC, US Bureau of Reclamation, and NASA; Research partnership between Yale and OTI.
Undergraduate researcher, Yale University Forward osmosis desalination and water treatment. Funding: Yale College Deans Fellowship for Undergraduate Research
1. McGinnis, R.L and Elimelech, M. "Global challenges in energy and water supply: The promise of Engineered Osmosis", Environmental Science & Technology, submitted. 2. McGinnis, R.L., McCutcheon, J.R. and Elimelech, M. "A Novel Ammonia-Carbon Dioxide Osmotic Heat Engine for Power Generation", Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 305 (2007), pages 13-19. 3. Khalil, Y., Elimelech, M., and McGinnis, R. L. "A Novel, Safe, and Environmentally Friendly Technology for Water Production through Recovery of Rejected Thermal Energy from Nuclear Power Plants", Nuclear Engineering and Design. In Press. 4. McGinnis, R. L. and Elimelech, M. "Energy Requirements of Ammonia-Carbon Dioxide Forward Osmosis Desalination", Desalination, Vol. 207, 2007, pages 370-382. 5. McCutcheon, J. R., McGinnis, R. L., and Elimelech, M. "The Ammonia-Carbon Dioxide Forward Osmosis Process", Water Conditioning and Purification, Vol. 48, #10, Oct. 2006. 6. McCutcheon, J. R., McGinnis, R. L., and Elimelech, M. "Desalination by Ammonia-Carbon Dioxide Forward Osmosis: Influence of Draw and Feed Solution Concentrations on Process Performance", Journal of Membrane Science, Vol. 278, July 2006, pages 114-123. 7. McCutcheon, J. R., McGinnis, R. L., and Elimelech, M. "A Novel Ammonia-Carbon Dioxide Forward (Direct) Osmosis Desalination Process", Desalination, Vol. 174, 2005, pgs 1-11.
1. McGinnis, R. L.; McCutcheon, J. R.; Elimelech, M. Ammonia-Carbon Dioxide Osmotic Heat
Engine for the Conversion of Low Grade Heat into Electricity. PCT. Pat. Appl., Nov 2006.
3. McGinnis, R. L. Method and System for Removing Solutes from a Solution Using Forward
Osmosis. PCT. Pat. Appl., Dec 2005.
4. McGinnis, R. L. Modification of Spiral Wound Membranes for Forward Osmosis Use. PCT.
Pat. Appl., Oct 2002.
5. McGinnis R. L. Osmotic Desalination Process. PCT. Pat. Appl. WO 02/060825 A2, Feb 2002. 6. McGinnis R. L. Osmotic Desalination Process. U.S. Patent 6,391,205, May 21, 2002.
1. McGinnis, R., Osmotic Heat Engine, oral presentation at the Robert M. Langer Symposium,
Yale University, New Haven, CT. December 2007.
5. McGinnis, R., Elimelech, M. Osmotic Heat Engine (Closed Cycle NH3/CO2 PRO), oral
presentation at the ACS Green Chemistry and Engineering conference, Washington, D.C. June, 2007.
6. McGinnis, R., McCutcheon, J., Elimelech, M. Forward Osmosis Energy Use: Comparisons
to RO, MSF, and MED, oral presentation at the North American Membrane Society conference, Orlando, Fl. May, 2007.
10. McGinnis, R., McCutcheon, J., Elimelech, M. Desalination by Forward Osmosis, oral
presentation to the Chief Scientist, BP. London, UK., January, 2006.
11. McGinnis, R., McCutcheon, J., Elimelech, M. Desalination by a Novel Ammonia - Carbon
Dioxide Forward Osmosis Process, oral presentation to the EUWP Desalination Program, Denver, CO. June, 2005.