Students Will:: See Resources Appendix 4
Students Will:: See Resources Appendix 4
Students Will:: See Resources Appendix 4
Lesson title: Investigation: Do plants need water to live? Part 1 and What happens if something living does not get what it needs? Part 2.
To challenge and extend students understanding in a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student -planned investigation. To support students to plan and conduct an investigation.
Assessment Summative Selected Learning Outcomes (AC) Science ACSSU211 ACSIS024 ACSIS025 ACSHE021 ACSIS029 English ACELY1656 ACELY1788 ACELY1661 ACELY1663 ACELY1664 Learning Experiences Resources Teaching Strategies and Group Structure (whole class, small groups or individual) Investigate whether plants need water to live. Children are to offer suggestions and input when discussing materials needed, how to measure the outcome and making independent predictions. Literacy Focuses
Look for evidence of the extent to which students have achieved the investigating outcomes.
Students will:
4 x Seedlings in pots. A jug. 1. Make predictions about the result of the Water. experiment. Digital camera. 2. Suggest materials that could be use in the investigation. Science Journals. 3. Assist in constructing the investigation including completing the investigation planner and setting up the seedlings. 4. Observe the seedlings in the time between lesson Six and lesson Seven. 5. Record their findings using digital technologies.
Modeled Writing: These steps are to be written collectively on the board. 1. As a class discuss the question Do plants need Primary Connections water to live? Investigation Planner. Children are to discuss what they See Resources Appendix 4 originally think of this question. Children are to make predictions about what they think will happen and write these in their Science Journals. Children are to suggest how we could find out if plants need water to live. 2. After deciding on the basic structure of the experiment, the children are to offer suggestions of what materials will be needed and the process that should be undertaken. 3. Children are to suggest the steps that should be taken when carrying out the experiment, with help from the teacher. Differentiation: Children can be supported by verbally dictating their predictions rather than writing them down.
Oral Language: Students will: Contribute to a class discussion of how to investigate whether plants need water to live. Make predictions about what they think will happen to the seedlings. Discuss their ideas in a whole group situation. Vocabulary: Students will: Contribute to a class Word Wall on the topic of biological sciences. Learn and practice using science terminology, specifically materials and method. Writing: Students will: Write their investigation predictions in their Science Journals.
Photographs: Digital photographs will be taken of the children participating in and constructing the experiment. Anecdotal records: As much of the investigation is hands on, anecdotal records will be used to ensure that small notes are made of the childrens participation and contributions. The children can be assessed on their practical participation as well as on their conceptual understandings.
Assessment Summative Selected Learning Outcomes (AC) Science ACSSU211 ACSIS024 ACSIS025 ACSIS026 ACSIS027 ACSIS212 ACSIS213 ACSIS029 ACSHE021 English ACELY1656 ACELY1788 ACELY1661 ACELY1663 ACELY1664 Learning Experiences Resources Teaching Strategies and Group Structure (whole class, small groups or individual) Literacy Focuses
Look for evidence of the extent to which students have achieved the investigating outcomes.
Students will:
Photographs from the week Modeled Writing: before. 1. Discuss the results of their investigation. As a class, recall the previous lesson and the steps 4 x Seedlings. taken to set up the experiment. Encourage the 2. Compare their results with their original children to recall their predictions. predictions. Digital camera. Children should be given the opportunity to observe 3. Use illustrations to display data. Science Journals. the results of their experiment and photographs should be taken. 4. Label their illustrations. Paper and pencils. Independently, children should illustrate the results of 5. Write a sentence in their Science Journals the investigation under the headings Water and No about what they have learned from the Water. The children should label their diagrams to investigation. the best of their ability. 6. Share with the class what they would like to explore further. In their Science Journals, children should write a sentence describing what they have learned from the investigation. As a class, children should verbally share what they would like to explore further. Differentiation: Children may use digital photographs of the results and dictate their understanding of the results.
Oral Language: Students will: Discuss their findings with their peers and share their ideas. Compare their predictions with the results and share with the class. Vocabulary: Students will: Contribute to a class Word Wall on the topic of biological sciences. Learn and practice using science terminology, specifically results. Writing: Students will: Draw the results of the experiment and label the picture. Write a sentence to describe what they learned from the investigation.
Science Journals: Science Journals will be collected at this point in the unit and the childrens sentences will be assessed alongside their illustrations and labelled diagram.