Standard 3-2

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Syllabus Content

Suggested teaching, learning and assessment experiences

WEEK _1_

Learning Experience Number/Name: What are Mini Beasts

Your Name: Craig Edwards

K&U and Skill Outcomes

and Content

Sequenced Teaching and learning activities

The teaching and learning experiences must provide opportunities for students to develop the
understanding and skills required.


shows interest in and
enthusiasm for science
and technology,
responding to their
curiosity, questions and
perceived needs, wants
and opportunities
A student investigates
by making predictions
and gathering data
to draw evidence
based conclusions and
develop explanations
plans and implements a
design process, selecting
a range of tools,
equipment, materials
and techniques to
produce solutions that
address the design
criteria and identified
describes some physical
conditions of the

Inform the students that we will begin a new unit called MiniBeasts. Question the
students "Who has seen something in your house or outside that we might call a
bug or spider?" "Do bugs and spiders look the same?" "Does anyone know how to
tell the difference between a spider and a fly?"
Uncover the Aquarium and jars which have insects and spiders in them. Allow
students to move around to look at each of the insects and spiders.
Students are provided with 5 minutes per table to observe each insect. Question
the students if they have seen any of the specimens before and where.
After the students have visited each table to observe all of the specimens
Using a Know, Want to know, what I Learned (KWL) chart, the students are to
recall what they already know about a Minibeast. Students are to use complete
sentences. On completion of the first column further question the students.
"Did anyone notice any differences between the spider and the other insects?"
Explain further the differences they may or may not have seen. Students to write
explanations in science books. Explain that spiders only have two body segments
and the grasshopper and Kershaw's Burying Beetle have three. This can lead you
into the fact that this is one difference that separates the true insect from the
spider or arachnid. Now you would want to go on further to describe the general
differences between the two. Spiders do not have wings or antenna and they
have eight legs. Insects on the other hand have two sets of wings, six legs and
antenna. Now you may want them to rotate tables again quickly to compare the
differences they have learned about. Also encourage the students to note that



Observation and
student discussion
on development
of ideas while
complete KWL
Anecdotal notes
about questioning
of students

Explicit teaching

Class discussion
questioning will
assess students
understanding of
various Insects.
Depth of response
to questions and
on KWL

Syllabus Content

Suggested teaching, learning and assessment experiences

WEEK _1_

Learning Experience Number/Name: What are Mini Beasts

Your Name: Craig Edwards

K&U and Skill Outcomes

and Content

Sequenced Teaching and learning activities

The teaching and learning experiences must provide opportunities for students to develop the
understanding and skills required.


environment and how

these affect the growth
survival of living things
effectively for a variety
of audiences and
purposes using
challenging topics, ideas,
issues and language
forms and features
composes, edits and
presents well-structured
and coherent texts
selects and uses the
appropriate unit to
calculate areas,
including areas of
squares, rectangles and

even though the grasshopper and Kershaw's Burying Beetle look differently, they
have the same general characteristics. Ask them if they can see these similar
characteristics in the two insects.
Students will explore parts of the playground to identify characteristics of a
successful habitat. In small groups or pairs, students measure and cut 4 pieces of
string to form search boundaries. Students section out two square metre of
ground and look for any types of Mini Beasts to document and take photos of.
Students are encouraged to complete more of their KWL chart for submission.
Encourage students to list similarities and differences between some of the
specimens. The students will need to transfer all photos taken to the network.
In their groups students will create a table in Word listing each of the insects they
found and where to present to the class.


Depth of response
on Unknown Word
Vocab sheet

Teacher Explanation
Group work;
individual work;

Aquarium and jars with insects, Ipod Touch, string, scissors, caterpillars, grasshoppers, Daddy Long Legs Spider, Cicadas, Ant,
LadyBird, Kershaw's Burying Beetle, classroom computers, Appendix One

Syllabus Content

Suggested teaching, learning and assessment experiences

WEEK _2_

Learning Experience Number/Name: Lesson Two

Your Name: Craig Edwards

K&U and Skill

Outcomes and

Sequenced Teaching and learning activities

The teaching and learning experiences must provide opportunities for students to develop
the understanding and skills required.


shows interest in and
enthusiasm for science
and technology,
responding to their
curiosity, questions and
perceived needs, wants
and opportunities
A student investigates
by making predictions
and gathering data
to draw evidence
based conclusions and
develop explanations
plans and implements a
design process, selecting
a range of tools,
equipment, materials
and techniques to
produce solutions that
address the design
criteria and identified
describes some physical
conditions of the
environment and how
these affect the growth
survival of living things

Start by questioning the students about each of their own body parts and how
many segments we have. Remind students of the early discoveries they made last
lesson and some of the questions that the students had on their KWL Charts. As
you talk about how the insects body parts are different, show the students the
insects in the jars, allow them to observe and familiarize themselves with the
insects. Students can record information on the Insect Chart(Appendix Two)
displayed on Smart Board for duplication into Science book. Copies provided for
some students if required.
Using an interactive whiteboard pose the question. Is a mini-beast really a mini
beast? Define the words mini and beast. Students research definitions, students
write their definition first then compare with dictionary. Using pre-cut out insect
shapes the students takes one cut-out and after sharing some thoughts with a
partner, writes one thing that they are interested about.
Play the game "Which Insect?" Using the jars with the insects and the Aquarium
and the Information cards about each insect, describe each one and allow the
students to guess which insect you are describing. For example," I have large eyes,
two pairs of wings that can be clear, coloured, or marked with black patterns, very
long abdomen (body), long legs: what insect am I?" The students are able to
visually see the insects and identify them easily. As the students identify each
insect discuss where they are found, and what think they need to survive.
This activity will help the students familiarize themselves with the different parts
of the insects, and how insects are different. The teacher is to provide the
students with basic knowledge about the insects. Have a class discussion on what
the students know from prior knowledge. Provide them with other details that are
interesting to them. Students will complete insect worksheets with body parts
information (Appendix Three).



Observation and
student discussion
on development
of ideas while
adding to KWL
Anecdotal notes
about questioning
of students

Group Work

Class discussion
questioning will
assess students
understanding of
various Insects.
Depth of response
to MiniBeast


Depth of response
on Unknown Word
Vocab sheet

Syllabus Content

Suggested teaching, learning and assessment experiences

WEEK _2_

Learning Experience Number/Name: Lesson Two

Your Name: Craig Edwards

K&U and Skill

Outcomes and

Sequenced Teaching and learning activities

The teaching and learning experiences must provide opportunities for students to develop
the understanding and skills required.


effectively for a variety
of audiences and
purposes using
challenging topics, ideas,
issues and language
forms and features
composes, edits and
presents well-structured
and coherent texts

Further the discussion with the students. Encourage the students to look closely
at each of the insects, documented and discuss anything they notice with each
particular insect. Compare and contrast the insects. Discuss how each insect uses
their body parts, such as, the use of the antennae.
Students to explore the websites and to explore deeper
questions. Students to add questions and answers to their KWL chart. Question
the students again Are MiniBeasts MiniBeasts? Students to write a response in
their science book with 3 supporting facts from what they have learnt thus far.
Since this is mainly a game and a class discussion the main evaluation would be
through observation of the students. After the game place the jars in the science
centre with pictures of the parts of the insects for further observation and
instruction. Each of Appendix Three four pages to be used for post assessment to
gauge ability to correctly label as well as collecting students written response to
MiniBeast question.


Individual Work


Group work
individual work



Aquarium and jars with insects, Ipod Touch, caterpillars, grasshoppers, Daddy Long Legs Spider, Cicadas, Ant, LadyBird,
Kershaw's Burying Beetle, classroom computers, Appendix One, Two & Three

Syllabus Content

Suggested teaching, learning and assessment experiences

WEEK _3_

Learning Experience Number/Name: Lesson 3

Your Name: Craig Edwards

K&U and Skill

Outcomes and

Sequenced Teaching and learning activities

The teaching and learning experiences must provide opportunities for students to develop
the understanding and skills required.



shows interest in and
enthusiasm for science
and technology,
responding to their
curiosity, questions and
perceived needs, wants
and opportunities
A student investigates
by making predictions
and gathering data
to draw evidence
based conclusions and
develop explanations
plans and implements a
design process, selecting
a range of tools,
equipment, materials
and techniques to
produce solutions that
address the design
criteria and identified
describes some physical
conditions of the
environment and how
these affect the growth
survival of living things

Question the students what they did and ate for breakfast before school. Discuss
how important it is to have breakfast. Bring the discussion around to the students
habitat and the safety it brings. Question the students what they believe insects
would need to survive.
Lead the students to a pre-arranged site outside for observation. Students are to
document in a Picture Quilt (Appendix Four) what they see (Students to exchange
Text and Author with Insects name on handout). Some students may wish to
record short video using the IPod Touchs also.
This activity will help the students learn about what insects need in order to
survive through observation. They will then in turn take this observation into the
classroom and explore on it by making the collage using the Picture Quilt
template. As they make the collage you can discuss with them, as you help them,
why bees are found around flowers, or why you find grasshoppers in open fields,
any information that will help them understand insect survival more. To assist
some students play video captured whilst exploring. Students are provided with
the assessment/homework task. Carefully going through the task to ensure
students clearly understand what is required of them.
In extending the activity a teacher can go into a further discussion and relate it
back to our everyday lives, such as our homes, food, clothing, etc. Allow the
students to grow an appreciation for insects, and learn how valuable they are in
our world. Inform students that next session will learn more about Insect senses
and how they assist them to survive.
Evaluate: The assessment will begin when the students go out and observe.
The Picture Quilts to be arranged on a pin board in the room for students to
reflect upon after the session.


Observation and
student discussion
on development
of ideas.

Individual Work

Individual Work

Anecdotal notes
about questioning
of students
Class discussion
questioning will
assess students
understanding of
various Insects.
Depth of detail in
Picture Quilt
Depth of response
on Unknown Word
Vocab sheet

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